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Inperson learning when its county has been off the states monitoring list of 14 consecutive days. All other schools must begin with Distance Learning. Now, as for masks, this was interesting, all staff and students third grade and above Must Wear Masks and second and below are encouraged to wear masks and face shields. Staff must maintain 6 feet of distance between each other and school days must start with symptom checks and must be hand washing stations, sanitation or disinfection protocol, all this with quarantine protocols and there will be a requirement to test staff regularly and the Governor Also Emphasized that the state contact tracers will prioritize schools. Back to Distance Learning, there must be daily live interacton with teachers and other students assignments must be equivalent to inperson classes there must be adapted lessons for english language learners and special education. The state opening 5. 3 billion to prioritize equity. I need to take a breather after all of that. Okay, now with all of that being said, lets bring back state senator steve glacier. He did with state School Superintendent tony thurman senator you may remember represents part of contra costa and alameda counties. I feel like youre on tv more than i am these days. Nice to continue this conversation, its a very important topic. Indeed, it is, and we have a lot to cover. Right away, lets get to it. You had expressed yesterday and also for a time that you had hoped that standards would be set, not guidelines specifically for each county and these School Districts are feeling like theyre in a state of limbo. Did you get the answers you were hoping for in todays news briefing. Theyre trying to make tough choices whether kids can be safe in their schools and the governor steps in as he did today to make sure schools are not islands in the sea. They are surrounded by communities. What happens in those communities can affect what happens in the schools. So the action today, if you are in a community when the is out of control and he said what all know, inclass was the best, the best way for the kids to learn and ill go further and say, the the Remote Learning is a second class education. Remote learning is a consequence of our inability right now to kill this virus. To piggy back off of what you just said, there was a press conference with mayor london breed who said we are now here in the city on the states watch list. So again its number one to quell the spread of the virus, make sure we adhere to the masking rules. Lets mention about the difference between Distance Learnings and in person learning. The governor stressed he has four children himself, hes a proponent, of course, of inperson, theres nothing that can be replaced to the same level. But a great amount of money being dedicated to this Distance Learning, providing wifi, connectivity. I dont know what thats going to entail. Can you shed some insight into this . The money was allocated by the legislature to deal with the inequities thats going to happen. Not everybody has access to the internet. Not everybody has access to a device. People come can be. 5 billion is is a lot of money. Lets acknowledge again, Remote Learning is not the best. We have to hope we can get out of this and get kids back in the classroom as soon as we can but the key to that is contain this virus. We have to do whats necessary to close it down and thats the underlying problem that the schools, whats happening to the schools is a consequence. This virus is out of control in many parts of california and different parts of the california its running out hospitals. If the community in which the school exists by county, if the infection rate is going down 14 straight days, he would allow them the potential to have inperson education. But its still fundamentally about a virus in the community and our inability to suppress it, and to get rid of it so we dont have problems in the businesses, employment, and for our kids in school. Speak about the spread again in just a moment, but i do want to ask you about your 19 schools that are in your district. I know its only been a matter of hours since we heard about these new mandates and the guidelines. What have you heard from members of your School District send their own response and oftentimes, he hear the School Districts come too late and wish they had guidance earlier to prepare for this fall. Theyve had Heated School Board meetings over the last week or so. The School Board Members have been put in an awful spot from parents who want their kids back in school, who dont fear the virus, who believe falsely kids cant get it and its not really a problem. To those who feel like if all they offer is inperson, i dont feel safe sending my kid to school, and they have waited a long time. I think the governor should have acted sooner but i appreciate he acted today and Remote Learning will be the requirement, the virus is running rampant in your community. In my district, in contra costa and Alameda County, most of the School Districts that made the decision decided Public Health said we have to have Remote Learning. There are a few that were waiting. There were a few that had big debates and decided to defer for a little more time. I think thats going to resolve the conflict that they were facing, the parents against parents, and now were going to have to make the best of it. Thats not going to be easy. It sounds like there is a need for a call for unity on this, especially given some of the pushback. Ive also seen on social media and other avenues about wearing a mask. Something as simple. I know we only have a couple more minutes left but you did want to address that importance as well and send that strong message. The governor did provide guidance if youre third grade or older, you have to wear a mask but under that, you dont, if you prefer you do, but if the kids arent able to. But listen, it is the one way, the danger behind this covid19 is that almost half the people who have it dont know they have it. They dont have the symptoms. That means theyre Walking Around and yet they can infect people as if they had the raging flu, per se. So its a very insidious virus and it means that masking protects them from you and you from them. Its a simple thing, we just have to do it folks. People were Wearing Masks for the most part, but people that werent being careful and for those of you over 65, who have every kind of compromised immune system, its dangerous for you to be out because the consequences are deadly, so we really have to, we dont have a full shelter in place right now. Some would suggest we do but we really shouldnt be out unless its very much an essential activity. A clear and strong message from senator steve glacier. Thank you for joining us once again, im sure well talk to you as this continues to evolve. When we come back, someone who does not agree with what Governor Newsom has done. And then we continue on our live welcome back, everybody. We are hearing lots of reaction about reopening schools but not everyone is on board. Assembly member kevin kylie. He joins us this afternoon. Serves the sixth district. Many thanks to you for joining us. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. You have been critical of Governor Newsoms stance for quite some time. You cited the california constitution here saying that education is a fundamental right of each child, but this must mean you dont consider inhome learning, distancelearning as part of that fundamental right. Quite the contrary. Ive been among the foremost advocates for parents to have the option of Distance Learning even before the pandemic, but thats exactly the point is there needs to be that option and parents need to be able to make the decision thats right for their family, and unfortunately, with todays order, the governor has eliminated that option for the vast majority of families in the state. The numbers of coronavirus spreading in our state has been eye opening to say the least. San Francisco Mayor london breed with the explosion that landed on the states watch list for the number of cases. You have said the student safety and that theres growing evidence that suggest the School Closures to flatten the academic curve. Can you elaborate what you mean . What we know for sure is that the virus poses minimal risk to kids. Its not zero risk, but its about on par with riding the school bus or playing on monkey bars, whereas on the other hand, there are substantial risks for extended periods of isolation, the American Pediatric Academy with issues of Mental Health and abuse, so forth. If thats the balance were striking, and not considering the enormous effects of learning loss, the risk seems to weigh in favor of having the inclass option. Theres also the issue of students spreading the virus, thats where i refer to the growing body of evidence that has done studies with countries that shut down schools versus those that didnt, to the extent in which young people serve as vectors for the disease and there is growing evidence that were not sexually necessarily doing a whole lot of good by shutting schools down. Thats sort of my outlook, when you have very concrete and certain harms from shutting down schools and the weight of the evidence suggests you dont have a great benefit for it, then at that point, we ought to leave it in the hands of families to decide whats right for them. I have to play devils advocate for a moment here because if you could cite some of these sources, that would be beneficial because i think in the news, we have talked about the transmission from kids to adults that has been at the forefront when talking about bringing kids back in israel. I know theres an outbreak right now but you cant speak specifically to the cases in israel, but does that not play a role . Because the evidence certainly seems to be there that there has been an outbreak in that country. Are you afraid of that happening in california theres an unusual situation there, a number of very leading institutional researchers who have come out with studies. There was one looking at norway versus sweden, the different paths they took that said this doesnt really seem will help to some extent, you have to strike some balance. The harms are so severe, its driven by special Interest Groups at politics, more than the science and the evidence. When it comes to that balanced approach, the districts that want to stay open for inperson learning, but understandably necessarily need to be forever. A certain amount of students and staff and other faculty. Does that serve as something youd agree with . Yeah, when we have accommodations, theres personal protective equipment being usesed aused and mindful of the students in the classroom and protect vulnerable student populations and teachers part of vulnerable populations. Thats all just common sense but to say that were, you know, the only remedy or the only thing thats going to advance is eliminating the inclassroom option, thats not in the best interest of students as far as safety or learning. Its extremely likely theres more harm done to kids from the things the American Academy of pediatrics cited like Mental Health issues, suicidal ideation, physical abuse, sexual abuse, all of these things that theres a greater risk of when you have extended periods of isolation. I think we can be certain that the harm of that is going to outweigh the harm of kids from covid19 because at this point, and thank god for this, we havent had a single covid19 death for a child under the age of 1 8 in california. Assemblyman kevin kylie, thank you for spending your time with us. Well have you go on Facebook Live to ask questions part of our interactive show. Kevin, many thanks. Thank you very much. We have talked a lot about schools but involves San Francisco, the states watch list, abc7 news c how about poor fred wilson . What a shame. So soon after retiring. I hear his wife needed help with the funeral expenses. Thats ridiculous he had social security. When my brother died, his wife received a check from social security, all right for 255 the funeral costs were well over 8,000. How on earth did she pay for it . Fortunately, my brother bought additional Life Insurance before he retired. Whew i bet that cost a pretty penny, huh . Not with Colonial Penn. Coverage options start at just 9. 95 a month. Less than 35 cents a day. I have it myself. We both do. Both of you . Thats right. Neither of us had to answer any Health Questions or take a physical exam. 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It was not just Governor Newsom making headlines today because San Francisco announced it is now on the states watch list. If they are on for three consecutive days, additional businesses must close and that includes indoor balls, and that would start on monday. Governor newsom, joining me to break it down is abc7 news contributor phil matier, boy, we talked about this on the commercial break. Lots to get to. Recommend that, urge this, urge that, set up guidelines this is a mandate. Also, lets realize that in the bay area in particular it was looking more and more like schools were not going to open physically, and the students come in. District after district was saying the way it was set up between the money and the various herculean effort to prepare the schools, they werent ready for it anyway. But it is very difficult for parents because what we saw today is the first step in what continues to be a very confusing path forward and that is even if the school opens, it could close again. What is the certainty were looking at in the weeks and months to come, not only for the childrens learning but the parents having to take care of them and juggle their work as well . Phil, i can only imagine, its going to take a tremendous amount of manpower in order to monitor all of these mandates, for example, when you can once again reopen the number of cases and all of these mandates. What about the testing for teachers and staff . What about temperature taking coming in, what about the mask issue and the cleaning . Nightly cleaning, daily cleaning, all of those things were being attempted to be addressed by School Districts already and a lot of them were coming up short financially because they dont have the money and the state will be getting it to them. So theres a question about the money. How do you pay for all this. So it was going to be a herky jerky start, some coming in and out. Its still out there and possibly, this is going to buy everybody some time to get these schools together for when they do open the door because im not sure they were ready to in the next couple of weeks. Very own Amy Hollyfield was live in arindo who said educators were not prepared and hoping for the concrete firm guidelines and Something Else brought up was the need for safety to stop the spread. Also, something that was echoed by mayor london breed. I know youre here to also speak about that as well. What were your reactions when you listened to her press briefing today . Very strong message from her. Well, it was sort of like, here we go again. It was deja vu all over again. Weve got to mask, do this, weve got to avoid a congregation. Weve got to basically behave rough and tumble and san and sad francisco, and Alameda County playing it safe all along. I wasnt all that surprised with what the mayor said, goes back to, the business person and shutdown time again and the uncertainty. And this is going to play a tumbling situation. Wh what steps would you like to see taken . It may sound wonky but everybody wear a mask, wash, and minimize mixing. Start with something basic like that and keep it going for an extended period of time. I still walk down the streets and people have their masks on, but theyre down on their chin. I still walk into stores, and people are close and you see them congregating, its still going on. You want people to take it seriously, otherwise were just going to have this fall back fall back. I would like to get some clarity from the state and locals in terms of testing. Do we test, how do we test and for how long are the tests, all of those things are in there but thats going over peoples heads. Theyre just waking up, turning on abc7 in the morning, see whats open and closed, whats going on that day like the weather. Many peoples heads are spinning. Youre not the only one. Phil, as always, a pleasure to have you on. Thank you for being here. All right. A reminder, you can read phils column in the thank you for joining us on this interative show, getting answers. Earlier today, we heard opposing views to Governor Newsoms mandates and we certainly heard a lot from you on our live streams, unfshortunately, we cat get to all of them but the main headlines of what was covered in Governor Newsoms reopening of schools plan. You can see them on your screen. This includes that safe inperson school based on local data, changing on where you are. Mask requirements, requiring a mask for everyone in third grade or above. Physical distancing guidelines, also regular testing and dedicated Contact Tracing and rigorous Distance Learning. We do want to remind you, we are here tonight, the coronavirus surging across the u. S. New numbers coming in. Almost 500,000 new cases since this time last week. The unpublished white house document suggesting 18 states in the virus red zone should roll back their reopenings. Hospitals pushed to the breaking point. Reinforcements on the way in florida. 100 nurses arriving to help in miami. Plus, the moment, this husband losing his wife of 32 years. His son video. The mask debate rauj youre raging in parts of the country. 32 states plus puerto rico with mandatory mask orders. Californias governor with his new decision, saying t

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