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Of californians and bay area residents were hoping to hear was Governor Newsom saying we may see some of those things opening in a few weeks, things previously labeled a stage three, i think. So how do you feel about that . Well, im hopeful, but i want to be clear that we are, although coordinating with the governors office, we have to use the data here locally in San Francisco to make a determination as to whether or not we can move in any of those phases. In fact, i did a talk with the doctor at the department of Public Health really explaining the five criteria were going to be looking at to determine what phase we can go in. Right now, effective today, were in 2a. This allows us to open nonessential businesses for retail and manufacturing and warehouses with our social distancing. But 2b is a part of allowing people to go into some of those retail locations, and were not there yet. Phase three is the hair salons and churches and other places. And everything that we do has is controlled by what the latest numbers are. So were proceeding with caution, and i am so hopeful and optimistic because of the people of San Francisco, weve gotten this far. So im hopeful that people will continue to obey social distancing, to wear masks, and to continue to follow the orders that are put out, and that will give us an opportunity to expand this because hopefully well see the numbers continue to decline. So even if the state says those things are allowed to resume, the hair salons, the sports without fans, et cetera, do you think in all likelihood San Francisco would be a little bit later entering that stage, so not necessarily early june . I think its veryely that we are again, we have seen a slight decrease in the curve, which is absolutely amazing, and its hopeful. But we cannot get comfortable with that because as some of the data also shows, we can also see that number spike just as quickly. So, again, were doing a great job, and the likelihood that we will get there sooner rather than later is contingent upon all of our behavior. Mmhmm. So i dont think necessarily were going to there as of june 1st, but its looking better than its looked in some time. Okay. Possible a little later than the state. Are you in talks with the giants . Are you seen their reopening plan . How about the warriors . Were looking at all the different plans from not just the giants and the warriors, and were working with our department of Public Health to review those plans, but also hair salons, largescale events, small events, small locations. So i think the goal is to make sure that even though they may have plans that they are proposing, we are going to have requirements as people are able to open. So we want to make sure that the two of those things, you know, are working together for the benefit of protecting Public Health. We made tremendous progress in this fight against the coronavirus, and the last thing we want to do is go backwards. Sure. Before we get into stage three, though, you have stage 2b. I love the way that you category them, right . Were in 2a. So phase 2b would be, i guess, shopping in the stores, child care for everyone, not just the essential workers, and offices reopening. How long realistically, do you think, before we see those things happen . Whats your best guess . Well, today dr. Colfax and i had a discussion specifically about this, like when can we expect, for example, the child care, the summer camps, or phase 2b . And he basically made it clear that if things continue with what weve seen in terms of decreasing the curve, we can expect that somewhere around june 1st, anywhere between two and four weeks, we should expect to see transitioning into a new phase. So they look at the data, and they make a decision, and we work together. And the goal is to be as creative as we can and as flexible as we can because we want these im sure you know. I want these places open sooner rather than later. I want to get our economy going as quickly as possible, but i want to do so responsibly. And so we have our fingers crossed. I am hopeful. I am its not just because i am dying to get, you know, into the hair salons or the places that we all know and love. Its because these businesses will possibly not even return the longer were out, the longer the businesses are closed. The fact that theyre not making any money, they wont be able to pay their rent and their bills, and the other things that they need to survive. So im very concerned about, you know, how long this is taking, but im hopeful and im optimistic about the future based on the numbers. I want to bring in some viewer questions. We have many starting with, are all restaurants going to reopen as part of phase two. Granted, its their choice, but would you allow that in phase two . I think that we are looking at restaurants even now, like restaurants can do delivery and takeout, and we want to make sure that we are were looking at a couple of things to help prepare them. Of course the criteria around Wearing Masks and around socially distancing. We want to set them up to succeed, and im hopeful. But its not certain. Ultimately its up to our Public Health department as to whether or not well allow them to open so that people can then dine in, and thats going to take a whole set of criteria thats going to be required. Alexander lawrence wants to let you know he feels we need museums and libraries, mayor, not sports and bars. So any sense for when those can reopen . Well, i think we need libraries and all of that, and we need the bars. So i think i have been pushing on the museums and the libraries, and id like to see those places sooner rather than later. And, again, i know that the public wants to hear a date. And what we try to do as soon as we have a date, as soon as we have direction, based on the data we provided to you. We are working now because we do have criteria around museums specifically. Wed like to get those open sooner rather than later because not only are they spacious in many cases, but youre not really touching anything. So the opportunity to do that sooner rather than later is something that i am hopeful. So hopefully well get there, but im not opposed to opening the bars either. We have 30 seconds before we take a short break. Somebody wants to know why hasnt San Francisco opened Tennis Courts like other bay area counties . Whats different about San Francisco say compared to marin . Im not a doctor, but i think there was some concern, and its not to say its not going to happen, about the fact that the ball is being you know, if youre playing your household, its one thing. But if youre playing other people, the touching of the ball somehow is problematic. But we are working on looking at that as a possibility because i do think that some of our recreation space should open up, and we should start to get a little bit more flexible. And as dr. Colfax talked about earlier today, you know, the more we see the numbers decrease, the more well be able to allow people to move around in various capacities. So were looking at everything. And as much as we can get open, the sooner the better, trust me. I am right there with the people of San Francisco in wanting to see more availale to all of us. All right, mayor. All right. We are back on with San Francisco mayor london breed. We actually had a really interesting conversation over on Facebook Live during the commercial break. So in the future, catch us in both places. Go back and forth. I want to ask you this question. Its related actually two people. One person brought up dolores park, so many people there. And another person is asking are you going to enforce the masks more and can people get tickets for not wearing them . Can you address those two issues, which is really one issue, protecting people . I get the frustration that people are having but what i ask people to do is let us manage this. I mean do your part. Do your part. Socially distance. Wear your mask. We have people in the hot spots like dolores park and alamo square and other places. We have folks who are going around. Weve actually cited some people, and weve been trying to deal with this, and thats our goal just like around maskwearing. The last thing we want to do is cite people. The last thing we want to do, of course, is arrest people. Were asking everyone to just comply, and then honestly police yourself. Mmhmm. We are doing the best that we can, and we cant in many cases, we cant control every last adult whos violating the rules. We unfortunately are going to have some people who are bad actors, and it is what it is. And were going to continue to do everything we can to move forward. The fact that most people have followed the rules and complied is why were in a good place despite those people who are bad actors. All right. Well, in terms of moving the economy forward, youve talked about how important it is to get widespread testing. So i want to ask you how satisfied are you right now with the state of testing today in San Francisco . Well, i wont be satisfied until were at a point where were at least doing anywhere between 1,600 and 1,800 tests a day. And thats really part of the five phases of our ability to reopen, having testing readily available to san franciscans, to people who live and work here, is critical to our ability to reopen and to continue to fight this virus. So thats my goal for the city. But how many tests do you think youre doing a day right now if your goal is to get to 1,800 . Were doing over 1,000 right now, and we are well on our way to get to that point. Thats, again, a really important part of our reopening criteria. Are you convinced that at this point, anybody who wants a test in San Francisco can get one if they either work here or are a resident . To be clear, anybody who is a resident who is who has one symptom, you have a cough, you have a fever, you have any symptom, call 311 or g g g g sfgov. Org. We will sign you up whether you have insurance or not, whether youre documented or not. If you are an essential worker, you dont have to exhibit any symptoms. You can call 311. You can go to sfgov, and you will be tested. We have made testing very accessible, very easy. Today we opened up satellite locations in the bay view hunters point. Were opening additionals place in the tenderloin. So were spreading out so we can make testing easily accessible. You dont have to an show an i. D. Ye, i thi y address . I dont know. I ask because, you know, what if somebody doesnt have an address because lets say theyre homeless . Oh, yeah. So basically what you do is when we have tested in many cases those particular individuals, we do list them as not having a place that they are housed. So we have to just make sure that you are either an essential worker or resident of San Francisco, and were very flexible on that. Were not going to interrogate somebody. If someone needs to be tested, were doing everything we can to test them. Okay. Peggy lee has a question for you on facebook. She says, if there was any time to take people off the streets with hotels vacant and those businesses also needing help, this is it. Social workers would also be protected serving people who are able to selfisolate in that situation. I that time isnt now, when is it . Well, its not true that social workers are able to be protected. The fact is we still have some of our shelters that are open. We still have shelter workers with their own problems with babysitting or elderly parents at home, and theyre not necessarily able to come into work. So its more complicated than what its being presented as. The fact that San Franciscos been able to help get over 1,000 people out of our shelters and in some cases people off the streets into hotel rooms, into trailers, and other ways to provide support to homeless and many of the vulnerable homeless has been more than what most other cities have been able to accomplish, not to mention in the age of social distancing, its not as simple because we have to make sure that not only the staff its not just social workers. Its clinicians, its health professionals, its the hotel workers, the people who serve the meals, the people who clean the laundry. Theres a number of people who are responsible for helping support these individuals in these hotel rooms and helping them to follow the social distancing guidelines in addition to providing ppe for residents and people who are part of the workforce. So if it were that simple, we would have done it a long time ago. But i will say the people who are working on this have done an incredible job with, in many cases, limited resources, shifting of staff, challenging environments. It has really been a big challenge in the city. All right. Mayor london breed of San Francisco, thank you so much for sharing news of new testing sites in different neighborhoods in San Francisco and how youre going to look at the numbers to continue to assess when we can open things up. I really appreciate it. Good to keep the conversation going. Thank you so much. All right. Take care. All right. Thanks. Next were going to hear from dr. Patel. Hes answering your questions, also this one. Can sheltering in place lower your immune system . Lots of new developments on the medical front. Plus and welcome back. Theres been a lot of big news regarding reopening, moving into phase two in the bay area and statewide. Lets take a look at some headlines statewide from Governor Newsom just today. He said theyve seen significant progress in the five indicators, meaning drops in topics like icu, hospitalizations, testing, and ppe. He said 53 of 58 counties could see dinein restaurants reopening soon along with instore retail. He said hair salons, churches, and sports without fans could happen in june, and well give more details in the next week or so. A lot of you are wondering about the sports angle. Of course mayor breed told us her best guess is two to four weeks to open things up like dinein restaurants. That would be face 2b. Sports, phase three, is therefore not likely the first week of june like it might be in california. So San Francisco may have to wait a little bit longer. But abc7 news sports anchor and director larry beil joins me live to talk about what we could expect. Larry, fleinice to see you a li earlier than ush usual. Nice talking with you. I had conversations with people from the warriors and the giants. Everybody is excited. I think this is the first bit of good news weve had in the sports world since rudy gobert tested positive for the utah jazz and then the nba shut down and pretty much everything shut down. Now the door is ajar on june 1st although you heard mayor breed say not so fast. Were not going to be ready in San Francisco. So i think this is going to take a little bit of time, but at least now we have some hope and some officials telling us this is the course that we are plotting. So, larry, i asked her if shes seen a plan from the warriors or giants or if her office is working with them to formulate the plan, and she didnt directly answer that. But i know you talked to the teams, and what have they pesented . Have they offered up a look at what it could look like . Well, major league baseball, theyre in the process of going through this negotiation with the players union. The owners, they gave them 67page proposal that includes constant testing. I mean its a whole new world for baseball as we know it. Just a few of the items temperature checks, testing, no highfives, no seeds in the dugout, no spitting. If you get on base, you cant talk to the first baseman. Few players in the dugout. No fans. Players in the seats spaced at least six feet apart. How about this . Now showers after games. The idea is you play the game, hop on your bus, whatever transportation youre using, which cant be uber or lyft because thats not allowed either. Go back to the hotel, shower in your room, which probably will not have been made up because they dont want housekeeping coming in every other day or every day. So no meals unless you are socially distancing in the hotel, and you cant leave the hotel without permission. So i mean it sounds almost like prison, but if youre making a few Million Dollars a year, its a decent prison to be in. So thats baseballs proposal. I think each league is going to be far more extensive in their criteria than any of the cities are going to be because the cities are not going to be this restrictive. Right. Hey, i know the warriors season is over, but i ready something from steph curry talking about how it could actually be good for the fans in the sense that, you know, if theyre not in the arena, you can actually hear the conversation maybe going on from the players on the courts. I dont know if that means trash talking or encouragement talking or whatever, but that could give a whole different feel to the game. Absolutely. I mean the warriors have regular season games left on their schedule. Its not over, but it is over because theyre the worst team in the league, and head coach steve kerr said just a couple weeks ago it didnt feel like they were ever going to come back this year given their place in the standings and that the nba might go straight into the playoffs. Now im hearing an amended version from the nba that they might play a few games beforehand but maybe not the 15 to 17 games that teams have left. In any case, what youre talking about, because the arenas are typically packed, lets say for a warriors finals game, youve got 18,000, 19,000 people. You cant hear anything from what the players are saying. But given the fact that all of these leagues are going to be playing at least initially without fans, if you have the players micd up, you have a great opportunity to hear all of the trash talk, to hear whats going on on the court, the stuff were all isolated from and love. If you watched any of the last dance, just giving video, these little clips, wed all as sports fans love to hear whats going on. That may be one thing that the tv networks try to push for and maybe the teams try to push for as well to just get everybody back in. I mean i dont think it will take that much. The second theres a live sporting event on, i mean ive got friends that were watching nascar that havent watched one auto race in their lives, but they wanted to see a live event so theyre watching. Were getting a hard rap, so you know what that means. Well take a short br ill see you in a half hour at 4 00, larry. We are back on air, and were able to bring you even more content now that we have this new platform at 3 00 every day. That means we get more from our special correspondent, dr. Patel. Hes part of our Coronavirus Team of experts and talking directly to segme w calling doctors note. The other day i was outside, and i heard someone yelling on their phone, sheltering in place weakens your immune system. Well, im dr. Alok patel, and lets explore this yelling persons claim about our immune system on todays doctors note. We build up our immune system over many years, and part of this is exposures to the bugs and microbes living in our world. Some people believe that sheltering in place, being isolated at home, would prevent these exposures and therefore weaken our immune system. First and foremost, there is no Scientific Evidence to suggest that staying at home weakens your immune system because youre not getting enough exposures. We build up our immunity over many years, over decades, and this isnt going to take a big, dramatic hit from only a few months at home. Also even while youre sheltering in place, youre still getting exposures to pathogens from groceries, from mail, from going outside. You arent exactly living in a germfree bubble. But there is something to be said about isolation and the effects on our immune system, and its not about the reduced germ exposures. That doesnt make a difference. Its about the changes in our daily habits or our mental health. Stress, depression, bad sleep, changes in our Health Habits can all have negative effects on our immune systems. Now, youll see people on the internet talking about and trying to sell immune boosters. But save your money. There are several things you can do right now to optimize your immunity, and none of these are really a surprise. Sleeping well, managing stress, eating a healthy, wellbalanced diet, avoiding alcohol or cigarettes, gettingexersed you can support your immunity. So please skip the conspiracy theories and ignore all the internet salespeople. Take care of yourself. Look out for others around you. Pay attention to the basic tenets of staying healthy, everything that you know youre supposed to be doing. And your immune system will thank you. All right. Thats going to do it for you. Thank you so much for joining us today on this interactive show getting answers. We fot a lot of answers today. San Francisco Mayor london breed said her best guess is restaurants can allow dinein here within two to four weeks. But data is going to dictate everything. That means sports without fans, salons, and churches in San Francisco are more than a month away is her estimate. So a little later than the state. Larry beil says theres still a shot the warriors will play this season. So well see. Well be here every day at 3 00. You can join us on air tonight, President Trump late today telling reporters hes been taking hydroxychloroquine for the last week and a half. Saying he asked a white house doctor if he could and that the doctor approved. The president saying, what do you have to lose . And then saying it was preventative. Saying he had not been exposed to coronavirus. This all comes amid the fda warning about the drug. The risk of heart rhythm problems. The fda saying the drug should not be taken for coronavirus outside a hospital or clinical trial. Our chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl on what hes learned about the president , and what he says hes now taking. The other headline tonight involves potentially promising news in the race for a vaccine here in the u. S. Tonight, what the company now says the early trials are showing

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