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Complexion of the approach that were going to be able to take. Testing was an issue, we had many questions of testing in this room for a number of times. Now that we literally have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of testing out there, theres a few things that we can do with that. One of the things is when we make policy about what were going to be doing with the rest of the country, particularly the areas that are not hot spots, we need to know what the pentraits of infection is there. We need to put a light on the dark spots we dont know. We have to act policy wise on data, and were going to be getting more data, a lot more data. The other thing is the areas of the country that are not hot spots, that are not still h a window of significant degree of being able to contain. In other words, when you test, you find somebody, you isolate them, you get them out of circulation, and you do the contact tracing. When you have a big outbreak, its tough to do anything but mitigation. We have an opportunity now that we have the availability of testing, to do that. So youre going to be hearing more about how we can inform where were going, particularly because we have the ability to test. The second thing is i just want to reiterate what dr. Berg said about new york. Its a very serious situation. They have suffered terribly through no fault of their own. But what were seeing now is that understandably, people want to get out of new york. Theyre going to florida. Theyre going to lilong island. Theyre going to different places. The idea, if you look at the statistics, its disturbing, about one per thousand of these individuals are infected. Thats about 8 to 10 times more than in other areas which means when they go to another place, for their own safety, theyve got to be careful, monitor themselves, if they get sick, bring it to the attention of a physician. Get tested. Also, the idea abo selfisolating for two weeks will be very important because we dont want that to be another seeding point to the rest of the country wherever they go. And then thirdly, just one comment about drugs the testing of drugs. You know you heard yesterday about drugs being out there that physicians on an off label way can prescribe it to give people hope of something that hasnt been definitively proven to work but that might have some hope. I dont want anybody to forget that simultaneously with our doing that, were also doing randomized Clinical Trials on a number of candidates. Youve heard about candidates but there are others in the pipeline where well be able to design the study, and over a period of time, particularly since we have so many infections will be able to determine definitively, are these safe and are they effective. Were talking about other drugs, antibodies, all in the pipeline, cueing up to be in the clinical trial. Ill stop there. How about just a quick few minutes on how were doing over at the hill, please. Thank you, sir. Were gaining great progress on the phrase three legislation. Negotiations continue. We have had continued reports. I have been up there with secretary mnuchin. Secretary mnuchin continues today with chief of staff mark meadows, checking in with the president , theyre getting closer and closer. They expect a vote as soon as possible. I just want to walk through a couple of key points. This legislation is urgently needed to bolster the economy, provide cash injections and liquidity and stabilize Financial Markets to get us through a difficult period, a difficult and challenging period in the economy. Facing us right now, but also to position us for what i think can be an economic rebound later this year. We started the year very strong. And then we got hit by the coronavirus in ways that probably nobody imagined possible. Were dealing with that as best we can, this package will be the single largest main street Assistance Program in the history of the united states. The single largest main street Assistance Program in the history of the united states. Phase two delivered the sick leave for individuals, hourly workers, families and so forth. Phase three, a significant package for small businesses. Loan guarantees will be included. Were going to take out expenses and lost revenues as the president said, eligibility requires worker retention. We will maintain the people eligible will maintain their payrolls during this crisis period and on top of that, we will have direct deposit kmchec of roughly 3,000 for a family of four, and that will bridge to enhanced plussed up Unemployment Insurance benefits that will essentially take those up to full wages. This is one, two, three, four. You know, a strong work force requires strong business, you cant have a job without a business to work for, and the hope here is that the companies that were operating very well at the beginning of the year when the economy was in good shape, we will help them and their employees get through this tough period so they will come out the other side. Lets say later this spring or summer, a and will continue the operations. Thats the key point. Now, dont forget, theres income tax defefrls for individuals and corporations without penalties. Theres student Loan Interest and principle defer rreals witht any penalty, and the treasury fund, that will be replenished. Its important because that fund opens the door for Federal Reserve, fire power to deal a broadbased way throughout the economy for distressed industries, for small businesses, for financial turbulence. You have already seen the fed take action. They intend to take more action, and in order to get this we have to replenish the treasurys emergency fund. Its very very important. Not everybody understands fund, overseen by an Oversight Board and an inspector general. It will be completely transparent. So the total package here comes to roughly 6 trillion. 2 trillion direct assistance, roughly 4 trillion in Federal Reserve lending power. Again, it will be the largest main street financial package in the history of the united states, liquidity and cash for families, small business, individuals, unemployed to keep this thing going. Were headed for a rough period but its only going to be weeks, we think, weeks and months, its not going to be years, thats for sure, and hopefully pave the way for continued economic recovery after this crisis departs. Thank you, sir. Thank you, larry. I have been hearing that voice for so many years, like 30 years or more, maybe. And its a great voice and its a great man. So larry kudlow, thank you very much. Thanks. I want to say that that package and we went over parts of it, but pretty big parts. It really sets us up to i think even supersede where we were a month ago. I think we can get up there quickly, and i think it allows us to supersede. It allows us to help these Great Companies that need help like boeing, which is, you know, had a problem, and then on top of that problem, it had the virus come in. But well be helping boeing. Well be helping the airlines. Well be helping the cruise lines. Well be doing a lot of things, and the money will all come back to us, and it will come back to us in a very strong form and before we take some questions, i would like to ask our great Vice President to say a few words, if you would, please. Thank you, mr. President , the White House Coronavirus task force met again today, and on behalf of the president of the united states, everyone on our team and our state leaders, let me just say thank you, america. People across this country, businesses large and small are responding to the threat of thee spread. And it is making a material difference. Our experts standing beside us told us that if every american, regardless of whether youre in an area thats impacted by outbreak of the coronavirus or not, if every american would embrace these guidelines that we could significantly reduce the number of americans that would contract the coronavirus and protect the most vulnerable, and as the president reflected earlier, tens of millions of americans are doing just that, and were grateful. The focus of our task force is to slow the spread to promote mitigation strategies. Beyond that, though, the president has us focus on testing and on supplies. And making sure that those that are enduring the symptoms of the coronavirus and those that are administering to them, our Extraordinary Health care workers have the support that they need. In the category of supplies, you just heard dr. Burks indicate that we have made great progr s progress. We have done more tests in the last eight days than were done in the previous eight weeks and its because of the Public Private partnership that the president forged with commercial labs, and i would encourage people around the country to remind your family members and friends if you dont have symptoms, dont get a test. We want to make sure people who are having symptoms, who have a concern, have the ability to be tested and to have those tests processed. Were continuing to urge all county hospitals, all labs around the country to report to the cdc, all the results of the test as it will give these experts around us the ability to continue to advise the president on best practices. As i mentioned we all continue to follow the outbreak around the country and the test results but as several have mentioned were particularly focused on new york. The reality is the new York Metro Area was 60 of the new cases in the country and specifically as a layperson, i can tell you that the infection rates are roughly one in one thousand in the new york city metme metropolitan area. Where they are. 1 per thousand in places Like Washington state. It is the reason why today the White House Coronavirus task force is calling on any american first and foremost, if youre in the new york city metropolitan area or elsewhere to take the guidelines that we issued and avoid nonessential travel, but for anyone in the new york metropolitan area who has travelled, our task force is encouraging you to monitor your temperature, be sensitive to symptoms and we are asking anyone who has traveled out of the new york city metropolitan area to anywhere else in the country to selfisolate for 14 days. We have to deal with the new york city metropolitan area as a high risk area. And for that reason, were taking these steps and asking for the cooperation of the american people. Because of the spread in new york city, we will continue to surge resources. The president s described this. Fema is coordinating with new york state for the arrival of the uss comfort in just a matter of a few short weeks. Over the next 24 hours, more than 4,000 additional ventilators will be delivered to new york state as well. New york state is prioritized three alternative medical facilities and at the president s direction, the army corps of engineer is working on plans to build those facilities out. You have heard the president speak about the javits center, the addition of a thousand beds and well continue, i want the people of new york city and the Greater New York city area to know that were with you, were going to continue to provide resources to support your state and local officials as they confront the spread of the coronavirus in that great city. On the subject of supplies, we had Team Meetings today at fema, which is working on identifying the critical personal protective equipment and ventilators. At this point fema informs us today that they are distributing 7. 6 million n 95 respirator masks, more than 14 million surgical masks and fema has already shipped 73 pallets of personal protective equipment to new york. 36 pallets of personal protective equipment to the state of washington. Well be meeting again tonight. As you know, the president stood fema as the National Response center up and they are in the lead for the approach to the coronavirus which is locally executed state managed and federally supports and well continue to surge those resources and make sure that theyre available. One last word, if i may, the president reflected on the response of businesses around the country have brought to this moment. It truly is eraordina now, the president did the defense production act last week but as the president has reflected many reflected many times, we will use the defense production act if we need to mandate production of critical supplies. But so far no one has said no. And in fact we see industries stepping up. The president mentioned ford and gm expanding medical supplies. And mcdonalds a offering curbside delivery to truckers who are unable to use the drivethru to pick up a big mac. And i spoke today and the president spoke with tim cook of apple and at this moment in time, apple went to their store houses and is donating 9 million n 95 masks to Health Care Facilities all across the country and to the national stockpile. There is a level gerosit i know iso the president and it is truly inspiring to all of us who are working on the White House Coronavirus 256k forctraffic fo. The president hopes that in weeks not months youve been watching a live News Conference by President Trump and Vice President mike pence giving the nation an update on the coronavirus response. And he is saying that for anyone that has left the new york city area, asking people to self isolate, giving you a sense for how serious things are in new york, that is sort of epicenter right now for this pandemic at least in this country. We want to welcome you to our 3 00 show whichever day we come to you at this time focusing on the coronavirus. We are streaming online and on air as well. And hospitals in the state have a dire need for ventilators. Across the country, but here in california too. And those ventilators help coronavirus patients breathe when they are unable to breathe effectively on their own. Italy has a shortage. And doctors have had to make life and death choices of who gets one, who gets to live. That is why Governor Newsom issued a dire call for companies to step up and one Silicon Valley company heeded the call in a big one. We reached out to kr who runs bloom energy in the state of california. A manufacturer in the state, wellknown to californians, particularly in the green energy space. Kr said what do you need, were ready to go and wech go and wech we te test it, you produce these power fuel cells, you have all kinds of technical capacity. We have all of these old ventilators that we have been storing for year, they have to be repurposed. The manufacturer said the following to repurpose about 200 of them is going to take a month. We challenge you to do more and do better. And so kr sent me a photo today, not making this up, of 24 specific ventilate tors that he got done just in a few hours and he says come down, certify these, and if they are certified and were confident you will sign off, give us the rest, were ready to go to task. Wow. The company Governor Newsom applauded is bloom energy. Bloom is a leader in alternative energy and normally makes fuel cell Power Generators. joining us for his first local tv interview about his companys efforts is bloom ceo, kr. How are you . Nice to talk to you. And first name basis,. Ow utely. Kr ea and this is very important, we want every hospital the now if they have ventilators in their business that are not working, send to us, we want to fix it quickly. Your factory is open for business. And full disclosure, youve been a friend for a long time. Do you remember over dinner when you told me about your idea of Power Generators in a box . Yes. And now your box is reality. In fact they power leading Silicon Valley companies and now you are stepping up to help our state in a crisis. I could not be prouder of you, k kr. Thank you. And how did it happen though . Back up, how did the partnership between you and Governor Newsom happen . So what happened was we just got a call from the governor and he said look, there are hundreds of ventilate it toors out there are in need for refurbishment and we need to get this out quick because like you clearly said, we didnt want doctors to make that tough call of who to have the ventilators given to and who not. That would be a tragedy. So how do we get the ventilato out . Build a factory and create a supply chain. But that takes a lot of time. So being able to take these thousands of ventilators that are not fixed, fix them as quickly as possible and get it out will be the best thing to do. So when he said that, we didnt even have to blink. This night i think you remember we were trying to produce oxygen on mars. Yes. Nasa asked you do that. Yes, because nasa asked us to do that. And that was in my past life before the company. And here we are with the opportunity to get that oxygen to people who really need to breathe. And we just said we will go figure out how. And that is how it all got started. Just putting your hand up and saying i want to help. So tell me about the scope of your first batch. You did how much ventilators in how long . So we just proactively sent one of our employees to sacramento in a pickup truck, this was on friday. And said pick up 20 ventilators, bring them back. And we will test. By saturday evening, we had them all he refurbished. And we knew that this is something that we can do. So we said if this is the case and if in one warehouse there is 400 plus ventilator, how many will there be in the country. So we have a factory here in sunnyvale, but we also have a factory in delaware. We said that we will repurpose both those lines to be e able t do hundreds. Because we will need them. And between the two coasts, we can do hundreds of ventilators a week and ramp it up more if necessary. And was it challenging converting the plant and people, the expertise there your normal operations to refurbishing ventilators . Look, we pride ourselves in building complex equipment that nobody else can do. This is American Ingenuity and creativity and skillsets. And having local manufacturing is so important. Today during crisis we are seeing that we have a problem with having local supply chains and what were trying to do is we have local manufacturing during a time of crisis, we need to step up and do what we need to do. But you are still making your fuel cells too . Yes, because that is so important to keep hospitals running. And that is so important to keep the different businesses going. But we are doing this with two things. Number one, doing our normal business, were doing this, but first and foremost, we are making sure the safety of employees and everybody around us. So and, and, and, there is no or. And until this, i didnt realize there is a huge stockpile of old ventilators sitting in basements at companies and hospitals. I think a lot of people werent aware of this. I think a lot of them are purchased during the sars epidemic that really did not turn out to be as big as they thought. So these were put away in basements and other places and not really, you know, put to use. And if most things like there are stored for a long period of time, you can take it out, change the batteries, the pipes, the plumbing and make sure that it is all in working condition before you put it out. And that is what were trying to do. And also dont you need to put in anything specifically for covid19 in terms of the filters in these vent late toreilators . No, these are simple. They supply oxygen to your lungs and take Carbon Monoxide from your bloodstream. And that is what these devices do. And because the air being brought this is ambient air that is clean, you really dont have to do anything other than make them do their normal function. And i know that there are other Tech Companies that have stepped up. Elon musk and tesla got 1,000 ventilators in from china as well. What do you wt say to other companies, other let me know if you want any help. And people are too busy, they cant find out what is doing what. It is you that knows what you can do. So each company should take it upon themselves to say what is the need out there, im going to find out, im going to proactively figure out how to take those skillsets and parlay it into helping people and were all in this together, we all need to help out. This is time for leadership, this is time for us to, you know, unite together as one goal and do what we need to do. Kr, i know Governor Newsom has thanked you. Not the same coming from me, but we want you to know that we are all grateful for what you are doing to support our Health Care Workers and our nation. Thank you for taking the time. And one thing that i want to menkts, we have created an 800 number at bloom energy. Com, id love for you to put that up on your site at some point so any hospital, any doctor, any patient seeing this, if they know of ventilators that need he refurbished, use it as a resource and reach out to us. We have our sales and Marketing Team taking this information and we will send people out to pick them up, refurbish it and get it back to the hospital as quickly as possible. All right, deal. Well put that out there. Well put that out there. Kr, thank you alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. Say hello to your fairy godmother alice. And longlasting gain scent beads. Part of the irresistible scent collection from gain thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor ar m wh hrhe thmetasticreast. And taking ibrance. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, ou which mas infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Be in your moment. Ask your doctor about ibrance. Were now able to bring you even more contents now that we have this new platform at 3 00 every day. That means that we get more from our special correspondent dr. Patel as well. And he is part of our Coronavirus Team of experts and every day he will talk directly to you in a segment were calling whys note. And today he is talking about social distancing after Governor Newsoms direct message to young people to take this seriously. Im dr. Patel and this is todays covid19 doctors note. Now, regardless of what you she distancing, here is why staying away from people right now can save lives. Nearly 100 million americans from michigan to illinois to new york to california are under stay at home orders and are asked not to leave their houses except for essential businesses. Here is why this is crucial. The virus spreads from person to person quickly and almost exponential fashion. We break that chain, we curb the spread of disease. The scary but real fact, you could be contagious even if have no symptoms. Thmajorif thru spread by people who dont even know they are infected. So to anyone who is young and healthy and thinks im good, i can go out and party, no, please party by staying home and watching netflix or escaping with your friends. We can still check in on one another and unify. By social distancing, you are not only protecting yourself, you are protecting your community. Those at most risk. And you will keep our Health Care System from hitting a max critical capacity. That is an empowering responsibility we can all get behind. So do your part and shelter in place. Try distance socializing. All right. Thank you so much for joining us on this new experimental interactive show. Well be here every day at 3 00, on air, on live stream, facebook, youtube, abc7news. Coh. This has been a special report from abc news. Tonight, what the president is now saying about his own guidelines from the white house to keep social distance. Now saying he wants to restart the economy by easter. President trumps words going against what many of his own own Health Experts have said, that the worst has yet to hit. That social distancing is imperative to give hospitals a chance to keep up with demand with intensive care beds and ventilators. The president saying we lose thousands of people to the flu but we dont shut the country off. The president talking moments ago. Meantime, his own team pressed. Do they support this new messaging . How they answer. Across the country, the numbers of cases of coronavirus rising dramatically. In new york city alone, the number of cases doubling every three days

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