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battle lines. joe biden's new ad to reignite his campaign as a surging michael bloomberg hits instagram. how he's targeting millennials. also this morning, the new update on this nhl player's condition after he collapses midgame suffering a cardc episode. new twist. why prosecutors are dropping some of the charges against theranos founder elizabeth holmes. spring break warning. the terrifying close call caught on camera. a 2-year-old drowning in a hotel pool surrounded by people. the 9-year-old hero who spotted him and got help just in time. the claws now coming out after this moment at the oscars. the fury over their jokes about the box office catastrophe. good morning, america. that was a cat-astrophe. that's right. we want to thank you guys for joining us on this thursday morning. it's almost the holiday weekend and it's going to be a cold one. bad weather moving in. there's a live look at the airport in atlanta, georgia where there is a ground stop right now. >> ginger will have more on that coming up. first, the latest on the coronavirus emergency. overnight a new case confirmed in the u.s. bringing the total here to 14. more than 15,000 new cases in china and worldwide, the number of cases now tops 60,000. >> the situation grows more desperate on that quarantined cruise ship in japan. more americans coming down with the virus on board. maggie rulli is there where that ship is docked. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: good morning, robin. right now as of today there are more than 200 people with the virus on board this cruise ship and in just the last few hours we learned two more people here in japan have tested positive for covid-19 including a taxi driver. overnight a surge in new cases of the potentially deadly covid-19. china reporting nearly 15,000 more patients have been diagnosed bringing the total to more than 60,000. the death toll now reaching 1,369. the new numbers coming after china started using a new way to check for the virus. the world still watching that diamond princess cruise ship docked in japan for more than a week. yesterday health officials announced 44 more cases of the new coronavirus on the ship bringing the total number infected to more than 200. the emotional strain also seems to be spreading. >> every day is just waiting to hear more bad news. that's ultimately what it feels like, that you're just waiting on the ship of doom. >> reporter: this couple has been taking their own temperatures but john has had two days of back-to-back fevers. >> we're just trying to keep his fever down. he gets it down for awhile then it goes back up. >> reporter: john was sent to a local hospital where he's staying in isolation. he has still not been tested for the virus and they don't know why. >> i would rather be back on the cruise ship. >> reporter: today perhaps a little relief for some on board. officials announcing starting friday japan will allow high-risk passengers off the boat to continue their quarantine at a facility on land. across much of asia protective gear is nearly impossible to find. in hong kong someone smashing this car's window to get to the face masks inside. amid the confusion and mounting fear there are a growing number of reports around the world of asians being shunned or targeted due to fear of the new coronavirus. >> if another person coughs people don't pay attention to it but if an asian person coughs people move away. people shun you. >> reporter: he says his friend was recently threatened on a public bus. >> they said if you sneeze on me i'll kill you. they said this to someone on the bus. >> reporter: this college student says she was also targeted. she says when she sat down at a table with five other students, she sensed something was wrong. >> they started whispering and looking at me and within like three to five minutes they quickly gathered their stuff and left. >> reporter: the cdc is now saying that the spread of this virus from person to person is now likely to happen in the u.s. or elsewhere and, guys, this is a major concern for doctors back in america. michael? >> major indeed. thank you so much, maggie. now to that dangerous storm that's sweeping the country bringing blizzard conditions, flooding and a threat of damaging winds from the plains to the east coast. alex perez starts us off in chicago where temperatures are plunging. good morning, alex. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michael. this storm has made getting around in some areas nearly impossible. those plummeting temperatures making the morning commute here a big icy mess. brutal blizzard-like conditions taking aim at parts of the midwest. in kansas -- >> it was snowing pretty heavy. roads were slushy. >> reporter: this school bus out on a field trip lost control and flipping on its side as 17 fifth graders on board, miraculously only minor injuries there. in north dakota, treacherous blinding driving conditions. snow cascading across the roads in south dakota resembling a frozen tundra. in minnesota, warning signs flashed but the conditions there making it difficult to make the signs out. this tractor-trailer pulling over to wait the winds out while this jeep got stuck in negative 43 degree temperatures and down south in alabama overnight 70-mile-per-hour damaging winds causing major damage to several structures. and the snow is tapering off but we are not in the clear just yet. some areas now bracing for some of the coldest temperatures of the season. michael? >> you said it, alex. there is a bitter cold blast and it's moving in behind that storm. ginger is tracking all of that this morning. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, michael. it is official. minneapolis just dropped to 10 below. that's their coldest of the season and that air is headed right here. we have the drizzle and warm side of the storm for now. boston which started as snow is now changing over to rain. that is going to make for a sloppy commute in boston. look at atlanta. north georgia with that severe thunderstorm warning. not just the lightning that caused that earlier ground stop but that's going to blow through with heavy rain totals. 1 to 3 inches could fall and there are the numbers. we're talking windchills in the 30 to 40 below range in parts of the northern plains. here in the northeast, we could challenge our coldest of the season and we'll drop into the teens with windchills closer to zero throughout the northeast this weekend. guys? >> bundle up. okay, ginger, thanks very much. we go to the white house now where president trump is adding fuel to the firestorm over the roger stone case, attacking the judge and congratulating attorney general barr for moving to lighten the sentencing recommendation for the president's long-time friend. democrats are calling for an investigation and cecilia vega tracking the story. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. president trump is not backing down from this one. he insists there was no political interference on his part over a justice department that is supposed to be independent. even as he faces allegations of political interference, president trump this morning is standing firm, praising the justice department for recommending a reduced prison sentence for his longtime confidante roger stone. >> we have killers, we have murderers all over the place. nothing happens, and they put a man in jail and destroy his life, family, his wife, his children. nine years in jail. it's a disgrace. >> reporter: president even tweeting his congratulations to attorney general bill barr for, quote, taking charge of a case that was totally out of control. outraged democrats now planning to grill barr at an upcoming hearing on capitol hill saying the ordeal raises grave questions about his leadership. it's part of a growing fallout after the justice department overruled its own prosecutors who recommended a seven to nine-year prison sentence for stone. justice officials recommending a lesser sentence, a move that came after president trump publicly criticized the original recommendation as horrible and very unfair. four prosecutors stepping down from the case in protest. but now president trump insisting he did not speak to barr about stone's sentencing. >> i didn't speak to him, by the way, just so you understand. they saw the horribleness of a nine-year sentence for doing nothing. >> reporter: it was based on stone's conviction of witness tampering, lying to congress and obstructing congress' russia investigation. even the president's most ardent allies in congress expressing concern. >> i don't think the president should have tweeted about an ongoing case. >> i think this is a situation where the tweet was very problematic. >> reporter: but president trump undeterred asked if he's considering a pardon for his long-time friend -- >> i don't want to say that yet. >> reporter: well, as for the judge on stone's case the president is attacking her on twitter. take a look. he said, quote, is this the judge that put paul manafort in solitary confinement, something that not even mobster al capone had to endure? her name is judge ami berman jackson and she did oversee manafort's tension as well as others involving trump associates in the russia investigation but, george, as a judge she did not have anything to do with manafort's confinement. you know this is not the first time the president hasn't gone after a judge he's not happy with. >> no, it certainly isn't. in the meantime, a remarkable broadside overnight from the president's former chief of staff john kelly, taking on the president on just about every issue. >> reporter: the topics go one after the next. on illegal immigration kelly said migrants are overwhelmingly good people and not all of them are rapists. on north korea he said president trump attempts to negotiate with kim jong-un are futile because he will never give up nuclear weapons and he adamantly defends lieutenant colonel alexander vindman who was just booted from the white house reassigned in the wake of his testimony on impeachment against president trump. kelly says that the president's call to investigate biden, george, listen to this, was, quote, tantamount to an illegal order. this is really something coming from the former chief of staff. >> he also talked about things jos he says he could have stopped had he been there. cecilia, thanks very much. robin. the final tally in from new hampshire showing record turnout in that state. bernie sanders, the winner, edging out pete buttigieg, and amy klobuchar coming in a strong third with elizabeth warren and joe biden far behind. whit johnson is back and he's here with what happens next. good morning, whit. >> robin, good morning to you. with new hampshire and iowa in the rear view, the 2020 race remains unsettled. some big names searching for a life line. >> all right, joe. >> reporter: this morning former vice president joe biden looking for a fresh start. >> nobody told me the road would be easy. >> reporter: his campaign releasing this new ad following his disappointing fifth place finish and biden now banking on much better results in nevada and south carolina among black and latino democrats. [ crowd chanting ] >> reporter: bernie sanders riding a wave of momentum after his narrow win in new hampshire amid record turnout. but a majority of the state's votes going to moderate candidates, split between pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar. the still crowded field perhaps leaving the door open for billionaire michael bloomberg. >> i'm a new yorker but i'm not afraid of trump, and trump is afraid of me. [ applause ] >> reporter: the former new york city mayor spending hundreds of millions of his own dollars building support in super tuesday states and dropping sponsored memes like this branding himself as the cool candidate. tongue in cheek marketing targeting younger social media savvy voters. >> how concerned are you about facing him and that money machine? >> look, it's not that i'm worried. i'm not worried. we will win because we have millions of people who are knocking on doors, they're doing people-to-people contact. that's called grassroots democracy and grassroots democracy, in my view, will always defeat billionaires trying to win elections. >> reporter: meanwhile, senator elizabeth warren's team is pulling more than a million dollars of tv ads in nevada and south carolina and moving money and resources to later super tuesday states where they believe she could earn top finishes. her campaign manager saying if you don't fight, you can't win, guys. >> that's the truth. thank you very much. we turn to new developments involving disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes, a judge dismissing some of the charges against her but she's not off the hook. she's still facing trial for fraud. rebecca jarvis has been following this from the start and she joins us now with more. good morning, rebecca. >> good morning to you, michael. elizabeth holmes, once the youngest female self-made billionaire before her blood testing start-up theranos went bust, is set to face criminal charges at trial this august. but a federal judge has just ruled that the government needs to narrow its broad case against her. this morning a victory for elizabeth holmes seen here walking into a california district court earlier this week. a federal judge overseeing the criminal trial ruling that the government must limit some of its case against the disgraced theranos founder and former ceo and can no longer argue doctors and insured patients were defrauded by holmes and her former boyfriend and theranos coo sunny balwani. holmes now 36 years old famously dropped out of stanford at just 19 to start theranos. once a rising star in silicon valley compared to luminaries like steve jobs, she claimed her technology could run hundreds of tests from just a drop or two of blood. >> we are the only lab company that is actually really focussed on leading with transparency. >> reporter: her theranos wellness centers made it inside walgreens but it all came crashing down when it was discovered those blood tests weren't doing what she promised. holmes seen here questioned under oath by the securities and exchange commission in 2017. suddenly the woman who seemed to have all the answers now had none. >> i don't know specifically. i'm not sure. i don't know exactly. i just don't know. >> and legal experts tell me she and her team scored another big win by getting the judge to require the government to clearly identify the specific evidence against her that they will present at trial in august. if convicted, she faces up to decades in prison and both she and her co-defendant have pleaded not guilty to those charges. >> what a court fight that will be. >> it is. >> okay, rebecca, thank you. we move to some reassuring news after that frightening scene in at an nhl game where a st. louis blues player suddenly collapsed. you see it right there, after suffering a cardiac episode. he is recovering in the hospital now. now paula faris with the details. good morning, paula. >> good morning, george. this happened tuesday night. jay bouwmeester is doing well but they're running more tests to try to figure out what took this player out, a player who's known for the way he conditions and the way he trains. this morning, new details about jay bouwmeester's condition after the 36-year-old professional hockey player collapsed during a game. bouwmeester is still in the hospital undergoing tests but teammates say he's been able to facetime with them. >> we talked to jay and he's in good spirits and when you see how he's doing, it certainly makes us feel a lot better. >> reporter: bouwmeester had just finished his shift on the ice and was seated on the bench when suddenly you see him slowly crumble to the ground. his teammates act fast frantically waving for help. >> happened so fast, felt like it was an eternity for us but we just really reacted as fast as we could. it's not easy to see anybody go through it yet alone your close friend and teammate. >> reporter: players from both team, the blues and anaheim ducks, in shock gathering on the ice watching as physicians run to his aid. bouwmeester was taken out on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. his father dan who was traveling with the st. louis blues for their annual dad's trip right by his side. the defenseman beloved and respected around the league won an olympic gold medal with canada in 2014. >> jay is currently undergoing a battery of tests to determine the how and why of what happened last night but things are looking very positive. >> now, the teams did not finish the game. it has been postponed but his teammates are feeling incredibly lucky that it happened where it did and when it did. you guys, it happened during the game when medical access was at the ready. you saw how quickly his teammates flagged over some help. he's doing well and that is good news. >> want him to make a full recovery. thank you. also this morning, a record-setting sale in california. amazon founder jeff bezos reportedly dropping $165 million for this little home in beverly hills. it's the most ever for the l.a. area. the mansion formerly owned by movie mogul david geffen is set on nine acres. it has guest houses, a tennis court, nine-hole golf course and it has a rich hollywood history. it is called the warner estate. why? it's named after its first owner, jack warner of warner brothers. >> nice little home. >> not bad. i think he spent $90 million on a little land nearby too. >> why not? we are following a lot of other stories including a dangerous close call. how a 9-year-old hero helped save a child drowning in a crowded hotel pool. got there just in time. >> glad that little boy is doing okay. and this catfight. the backlash over what was supposed to be a joke at the oscar, some finding it not so funny. first back to ginger. >> yes, and we've got -- you know i told you about that polar air just diving in. it won't last long. look at the mild air by the end of the weekend, chicago will go back to 44. that's been the problem or the great thing about this whole winter is it that we have seen those very brief cold snaps but then most of it has been seriously mild. a lot of the bloom happening three to four weeks early. your local weather in 40 seconds. first the windchill forecast sponsored by verizon. . oh hey, put that one in bay 34. 34. what? 34 is the number of months it takes for a foster kid to get adopted. on average. yeah. it's almost 3 years. wow. who had the chrome 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slowdowns across the board. tracy to dublin, 57 minutes drive time. antioch to concord is 38 minutes, putting term limits on congress, about washington insiders went crazy. they said term limits are bad, that they'll break government. what a joke! congress is working fine for politicians and corporations, but it's not doing anything for real people on climate, health care or gun safety. the only way we get new ideas is electing new people, including a president willing to shake-up washington. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. when it comes to your business internet, which is more important? ♪ ♪ okay, i wish i didn't have to choose. like the more i think about it, the more i want to jump to each room. what if i said you can have it all? ♪ ♪ comcast business gives you connectivity that goes beyond. that's what we want! that's speed, reliability, and security, all from one provider. touchdown! get started with internet and voice for an amazing price. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. >> announcer: now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> we'll take a look at our neighborhood temperatures. mid- to upper 30s in the north bay, the rest of us in the 40s, until you get to oakland and san francisco, 50. fog around santa rosa. it looks like summer outside with that marine layer cloud. it does definitely feel like winter. fog and low clouds are the big issue for your commute. my accuweather seven-day forecast, warmest saturday, coolest sunday. slight chance of rain that morning, reggie. coming up on "gma," the urgent search to find a missing south carolina 6-year-old. newly-released video shows her on the school bus just before she disappeared. we'll have another "abc 7 mornings" update in 30 minutes. and always on our news app and abc7news.c (sensei) a live bookkeeper quickbooks for me.tomize (live bookkeeper) okay, you're all set up. 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(vo) get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. introducing wendy's 2 for 5. ♪ yeah . 10 piece crispy, or spicy nuggets. pick any two for 5 bucks! only at wendy's. ♪ not one, but two ♪ ♪ what a man gotta do welcome back to "gma." that's joe jonas and his wife sophie turner dancing it out to the new music video "what a man gotta do." this morning, they are in the headlines with some possible baby news. we got all the details coming up. >> can't wait for that. that's ahead. but first, the top headlines we're following right now. there is a huge spike in cases of the coronavirus now topping 60,000 worldwide and a record 254 deaths were reported in just one day. the cdc is now warning more person-to-person infections are likely in the u.s. but containment is still possible. closing arguments are set to begin in the harvey weinstein case where the disgraced movie mogul is facing five charges for sexual misconduct. okay, this is a headline. george and michael, you'll like this one. a new study shows just one round of golf a month could lower older adults' overall -- >> you're calling us old? >> i thought you said we would like this. >> yeah. >> i know you like to play golf. but, if you're older, it can lower your overall risk of death. i'm not saying anything. the study will be presented at a stroke conference late they are month. i should really read this before it is put before me. >> if you play two or three a month, does it really go -- >> only if you're younger. >> that's it. switching gears, the search for a south carolina girl who went missing after getting off her school bus monday, police released this video of the 6-year-old before she disappeared, and marcus moore is in south carolina with the latest. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: george, good morning. there is so much concern for this little girl in this community. it is the top story on every single news broadcast and social media feeds are inundated with pictures of 6-year-old faye and this morning the search for this little girl is expanding. this morning, surveillance cameras capturing what authorities believe are the last images of missing 6-year-old faye swetlik. the south carolina 6-year-old getting off of her school bus monday afternoon seen here wearing a black t-shirt with the word peace written on it, and now an all-out search is under way. multiple agencies including the fbi going door to door. >> we're worried, of course, very distraught. but we're only thinking positive thoughts. >> reporter: investigators say she was last seen playing in the front yard at 3:45 in the afternoon. >> i was in the store and the mother came in the store with her phone and asked the cashier did you see my daughter? did you see my daughter? >> reporter: overnight the department of public safety releasing these new images of two cars. one of them has been identified. v investigators still looking for information on this silver coupe. rest gators asking anyone who may know the occupants to contact them as they may have information. investigators meantime, expanding the search shutting down the neighborhood and fanning across the area searching from the air. and on the ground. more than 250 officers interviewing witnesses asking for any security or doorbell camera videos that may provide them with critical clues as to what happened. >> we have received a lot of those videos and our investigators are working around the clock to go through those videos and look for leads and information that will lead us to bringing faye home. >> reporter: in a statement to abc news faye's family says that someone had to have seen something, adding, quote, she is not the type of kid that will up and walk away. faye pays attention to her surroundings. >> i want my baby back. we got to find her. >> reporter: there are a lot of questions about why an amber alert has not been issued in the case and authorities here in south carolina say it's simply because it does not meet the criteria which includes solid evidence that faye was kidnapped. this morning authorities here don't know what happened to her and her family tells us the wait for answers is excruciating. >> i can only imagine, marcus. thank you. now to that dangerous close call, a 2-year-old was caught on camera drowning in a crowded hotel pool. thankfully a 9-year-old saw him, got him help. the 2-year-old is okay. gio benitez is here with that story for us. good morning. >> yeah, robin, good morning. this is one of those tough story toss watch, but you have to pay attention. two off-duty nurses happened to be staying at the hotel and immediately performed cpr. this morning that child is okay thankfully but the video teaches us a critical lesson. it's friday night at a crowded holiday inn pool. a 2-year-old boy is trying to join in the fun with family and friends. >> he's trying to swim. i think he's trying to get in a position to get upright and he just can't. and there's a lot of people in the pool. they're playing and i think he gets lost in the confusion. >> reporter: within moments the toddler gradually sinks to the bottom of the pool but no one notices. police say he is under for four minutes before he's spotted by a 10-year-old who runs to get her godmother. >> then we see one of our heroes that has seen some of this go over to her godmother, come back and bring her godmother and show her godmother the unresponsive child at the bottom of the pool. >> reporter: the godmother jumps into the pool and brings the child out. fortunately there was a nurse's convention at the hotel and two nurses rushed in to help. >> it gives you goose bumps when you see these nurses working on this child. multiple rounds of cpr to bring him back. >> please, can we get help! my nephew drowned! >> reporter: the boy was sent to the hospital where he was treated and released. authorities say his family wanted to share the video to remind people how dangerous water can be even with so many adults around. >> be aware. watch people. watch your children. >> reporter: last summer i did a demonstration showing how easy it is for people to become distracted at a pool. we used a professional swim instructor to simulate a drowning. >> 4 1/2 minutes, still no parent noticed anything. >> right. >> does that surprise you? >> it does not. >> it really is shocking. back in michigan police have finished their investigation but they've turned it over to prosecutors for possible charges. but, listen, the most important thing when you're at a pool without a lifeguard, assign an adult to be a water watcher. that's someone just scanning the water, and rotate that job every 15 minutes because obviously people need to pay attention here. >> oh, my gosh. >> scary. glad he's okay. thank you so much, gio. now to the catfight erupting over the movie "cats." stars james corden and rebel wilson taking the oscar stage making fun of the movie. safe to say it was a flop but not everyone is laughing including a visual effects artist who worked on the movie and t.j. holmes is here with more. good morning, t.j. >> keep in mind this movie cost $100 million to make. it made $6.5 million the opening weekend. a flat out flop. everybody is looking for somebody to blame. one group is telling these two stars of the movie do not point your paws in our direction. >> as cast members of the motion picture "cats" -- >> nobody more than us understands the importance of good visual effects. >> reporter: while many were laughing, others were irate as rebel wilson and james corden poked fun at the wildly criticized digital fur technology of the movie "cats" seemingly blaming graphic artists for the movie's poor box office performance. members of the visual effects society took the bit as an insult now saying in a statement on a night that is all about honoring the work of talented artists, it is immensely disappointing that the academy made visual effects the butt of a joke, adding, the best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly. >> that's what i say to you. >> reporter: yves mccrae is one of the visual effects artists who worked on the film and his tweet about the ademy shade went viral, saying, i haven't watched all of the oscars but i assume these two were really classy and thanked me for working 80-hour weeks right up until i was laid off and the studio closed, right? >> it was just like a team effort to get the movie done and we all wanted the best thing possible. >> and a drum roll, please. >> milk! >> reporter: "cats" was met with stinging reviews. one critic called it a sinister all-time disaster from which no one emerges unscathed. another writes, "cats," artistically it is a hairball. >> we spent a couple of months working between 60 and 80-hour weeks on it and understood that it wasn't going to be the most polished project in the world but it was something that we all like came together to work on and no one wanted it to fail. >> even though we saw corden and rebel wilson in those cats suits. for the movie, the actors wore the motion outfits and then the graphic artists filled in fur and it was work around the clock. this was a rushed production and everybody is to blame in this thing but if you're in art, you're the nameless faceless guy being blamed by the stars. that kind of stung a little bit. >> never looked at it like that. thank you, t.j. coming up, where to find the hottest sales this presidents' day weekend from laptops to clothes. come on back. clothes. come on back. in making tea, is saying no. in our real brewed iced tea, we say no to artificial flavors and sweeteners. which means, no settling. unless it is into a comfy chair. pure leaf. no is beautiful pure leaf.(whistling) i had moderate-to-severes rheumatoid arthritis. i've always been the ringleader had a zest for life. flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. and what my doctor said surprised me. she said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. and enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop that joint damage. ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel fda approved for over 20 years. new colgate optic white renewal, with the most hydrogen peroxide in a whitening toothpaste, removes ten years of yellow stains from your teeth. that's like all the way back to 2010. what? sick boots! yolo, right? do the dougie! remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. the best holiday deals to score this presidents' day weekend. becky worley is at a mattress store in san francisco with what to buy now and what you could probably wait for. good morning, becky. >> good morning, robin. yeah, mattresses, one of the surprising categories of items on sale right now that can save you big. this morning, big deals rolling out as presidents' day weekend gets under way, especially for electronics. laptops discounted online at the dell home store, 25% to 40% reductions. this foldover touch screen combo for $250 off while at best buy a $20 discount on airpods which are, hint, hint, a great valentine's day gift. amazon offering 25 to 40% off their echo and alexa devices including the lowest price we've seen on their wireless noise reducing ear buds. $89, that's $40 off and $40 lower than airpods, even on sale. one electronics category not to buy right now, android phones. new models will be announced in the next few months which means price drops are coming. another place to hold off, spring clothing items. the new inventory is full price right now but -- >> as we're heading toward spring a lot of retailers are putting out their spring stock because they know people want to get ready and excited for spring so they might be discounting some of those big bulky coats and sweaters because hopefully we won't be wearing those for much longer. >> reporter: rei has a 50% off winter gear section and bundling up babies carters has 60% off with an extra 20% off your whole purchase. one more tip. think about any upcoming big ticket buys. >> any time you want to get a big ticket item, a three-day weekend sale, people -- retailers will cut prices on those flashy items. >> reporter: appliances seeing up to 40% discounts at sears, best buy and home depot, making high dollar purchases just a little more palatable this holiday weekend. now, i would be lying down on the job if i didn't talk to you about mattress sales, another big ticket item. here at mattress firm get a king for the price of a queen or a queen for the price of a twin. that's big savings. also all of those mattress in a box companies are on sale this weekend too. but i would be a person who really likes to try before i buy, robin. so i think i'm just going to take a nap. >> oh, my goodness. >> i'll get back to you later. >> that's mighty early out there on the west coast. i know you really want to go to sleep. >> i am going back to sleep right after this. for real. >> thank you. >> maybe at home. >> maybe at home. thanks a lot. >> she looks comfortable. >> she does. coming up, everybody, the huge surprise and what it has to do with lebron james. it's our "play of the day." ♪ it's a beautiful life with lebron james. our "play of the day." picking up shifts on-the-clock. and taking things into her own hands. she's hustling to open a business of her own. thanks to the best unlimited plan in wireless. get one line of unlimited. just forty bucks when you switch. all on t-mobile's nationwide 5g network. metro by t-mobile. that's all daniela needs to rule her day. if you're living with hiv, and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for hiv in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it can't be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectabe can no longer transmit hiv through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. wityour money almostes offered seems like it's frozen. but not here. with capital one, you can open a new savings account in about 5 minutes and earn five times the national average. open one from here. or here - in a capital one café. plus, there are no fees or minimums on savings or checking accounts because that's how it should be. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? dad! not cool.o, son. you know what's not uncool? old spice after hours... and jazz. dad, i prefer ultra smooth, it handles sweat without all that...jazz. you're right son. tat your door, so you can get more.. ♪ feels so good ♪ feels so good target run & done. non-drowsy claritin cool mint chewables. feel the clarity of new the only allergy product with relief of your worst symptoms, including itchy throat. plus an immediate blast of cooling sensation. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. fisn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful life we're back with our "play of the day" and lebron james, he and the lakers had a big overtime win over the denver nuggets right before the nba's big all-star weekend but here is the real play. the lebron james family foundation's first graduating class of the i promise school got the surprise of a lifetime when they took a trip to kent state. take a look. >> we're announcing today that we will guarantee your tuition will be free at kent state university. and your first year of room and board free. we are doing this because we know of the transformative power of a higher education and a college degree. >> you heard that right. four years of free tuition and then you can do your college reunion and high school reunion at the same time because you're with the same people. >> one fell swoop. >> smart. >> way to go, king james. coming up, it's galentine's day, did you know that? celebrate your friends before valentine's day. sweet "deals & steals." you're going to love it. sweet "deals & steals." you're going to love it. >> yeah. i have the power to lower nd a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain, and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if you've had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". ♪ yes i'm stuck in the middle with you, ♪ no one likes to feel stuck, boxed in, or held back. especially by something like your cloud. it's a problem. but the ibm cloud is different. it's the most open and secure public cloud for business. it can manage all your apps and data from anywhere. so it can help take on anything, from rebooking flights, on the fly to restocking shelves on demand. without getting in your way. ♪ ♪ welcome back to "gma." welcome back to "gma." that's one of the beautiful parts about having arctic air. speaking of the opposite we go to antarctica. don't know if you saw this. last week, 65 degrees, new hottest day on record. yes, it's their summer but the hottest day recorded. coming up here on "gma," jewelry is a billion dollar business for valentine's day. do you know exactly what kind of diamond you're buying? "gma investigates." and it's galentine's day. how to throw the ultimate celebration with your friends. this whole segment sponsored by ibm. your local news and weather is coming up next. mike: anyone hear the slogan, 'mike will get it done?' ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. "good morning america" is sponsored by cosequin joint health supplements. help keep your pets moving with es aquinn. ng with cosequin. >> announcer: good morning, south bay. let's get up and get going. this is "abc 7 mornings." good morning, i'm reggie aqui from "abc 7 mornings." and meteorologist mike nicco has your cooler forecast. hi, mike. >> hey, reggie, hi, everybody. look at this, marine-layer-like clouds hanging over the top of us with a little bit of fog. it will slow the sunshine, and a little bit cooler. allergies will be rough again. upper 50s in half moon bay and san francisco. 60 to 66 for the rest of us. warmer saturday, then a slight chance of wet weather sunday morning. good morning, everyone. we're taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. you can see the toll plaza, to foster city, 31 minutes for that drive time. a little bit of fog in the area as well. we're following an incident with a big rig, tires were all blown out. this is northbound 101 at san antonio road, blocking one lane right now. expect delays north towards the peninsula. thank you, jobina. coming up on "gma," the importance of friendship. it's not just about being happy. it's not just about being happy. it's also good for your health you know when you're at ross and... wow! realize you can totally eat out more? that's yes for less. get the latest spring trends for your home at 20 to 60 percent off specialty store prices. at ross. yes for less. while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. bhow you watch it does too. thtv just keeps getting better. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. exactly what you need... yes. ...for your growing family? that's yes for less. everything your pet needs at 20 to 60 percent off specialty store prices. at ross. yes for less. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. breaking overnight, a huge spike of cases in the coronavirus outbreak now topping 60,000 worldwide. a record 254 deaths reported in just one day and fears growing on that quarantined cruise ship. arctic blast. 30 states bracing for a deep freeze, heavy snow and rain slamming the midwest to northeast. ginger is here tracking the latest. "gma investigates." ahead of valentine's day, what do you know about your diamond? how to tell if you have a natural jewel or whether it's lab created or simulated. baby on the way. after their fairy tale wedding last year sophie turner and joe jonas might have big news. what the famous couple is saying this morning. ♪ did you know it's galentine's day. the science behind friendships, how they can help your health from stress to sleep and even help you live longer. ♪ and the galentine's party is just getting started. >> what's galentine's day? oh, it's only the best day of the year. >> how to throw the perfect celebration for all your gal pals as we say good morning, america. ♪ bring me a higher love and good morning, america. hope you're well this thursday morning. >> you're going to get me in trouble. it's not just any thursday, it's galentine's day, the unofficial holiday to celebrate your friends. we're going to throw a party right here in times square. we have some last-minute hosting tips for you and tory johnson has "deals & steals" and she's testing one out in our galentine's photo booth. everyone had a lot of fun upstairs. >> george and i aren't allowed. "outlander" fans, you guys, buckle up. ginger is taking us behind the scenes of the real-life locations of the hit show just ahead. boy, they were here this week and the fans are crazy. >> that is coming up. starting with the coronavirus emergency. the number of cases now passing 60,000 worldwide. 15,000 spiked in china overnight and things getting worse on that cruise ship in japan. i want to go back to maggie rulli who is that. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: good morning, george. yeah, dozens of more people aboard this cruise ship tested positive today for that virus bringing the total number to more than 200. as one passenger told us, she said for her this is the ship of doom. overnight a surge in new cases of the potentially deadly covid-19. china reporting nearly 15,000 more patients have been diagnosed, bringing the total to more than 60,000. the death toll now reaching 1,369. the world still watching that "diamond princess" cruise ship and health officials reported 44 new cases on the ship bringing the total number infected to more than 200. >> every day is just waiting to hear more bad news. >> reporter: officials announcing starting friday japan will allow high-risk patients to continue their quarantine at a facility on land. amid the confusion and mounting fear there are a growing number of reports around the world of asians being shunned or targeted due to fear of the new coronavirus. >> if another person coughs people don't pay attention but if an asian person coughs people move away. people shun you. >> reporter: he says his friend was recently threatened on a public bus. >> they said if you sneeze on me i'll kill you. they said this to someone on the bus. >> reporter: well, the cdc is saying that the spread of this virus from person to person is now likely to happen at some point in the u.s. or elsewhere. guys, this is a major concern for doctors in america. >> absolutely. okay, maggie, thank you. now to the dangerous storm that's sweeping the country bringing blizzard conditions and a bitter cold blast. let's go back to ginger tracking the latest outside times square. good morning again, ginger. >> reporter: it is mild. we had the drizzle but, boy, is it going to get very cold this weekend. could rival the coldest of the season. already doing that this morning. fargo, north dakota, showing you that ground blizzard 60-mile-per-hour winds and minneapolis drowned to 10 below. the coldest they've been the entire winter. so that air is coming here. you can see on the radar the severe thunderstorms that have made their way into western south carolina, atlanta early this morning had a ground stop. heavy rains moving through with lightning there. look at the number, 30 to 40 below in some of the northern plains down to even kansas and missouri, and there they are. new york city will feel like 12 saturday morning. if we drop below 15 that's our coldest of the season. 9 below in syracuse, so it's coming, guys. >> as you said earlier, bundle up. >> you know the one thing that can warm you up? >> what's that? >> friendship. >> ah. >> coming up, the science behind friendships and how they can affect your health from stress to sleep and even your immune system. and "gma investigates" diamonds. how to know what you're really buying and whether the jewel is neural natural, lab created or simulated. plus, james marsden is here with his co-star, sonic, ooh, the hedgehog. and all morning long we're celebrating galentine's day. our audience is upstairs kicking things off. come on, george, come on, michael. let's head upstairs. >> let's go. >> let's go. >> yes. >> let's go. >> let's go. >> yes. ♪ we only come out at night ♪ ♪ we only come out at night ♪ i walk alone ♪ i'll pretend to know the way ♪ ♪ we only come out at night ♪ ♪ we only come out at night ♪ saturpain happens. aleve it. aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. michael, your a singer. bubly is a sparkling water. sure is. bubly sparkling water. pack a smile. thenot actors, people, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin. and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. that little vent that it's no won't stay open.. except it is. that's why the vent is one more thing we check before a car can be a certified carmax car. the way it should be. carmax. tat your door, so you can get more.. ♪ feels so good ♪ feels so good target run & done. putting term limits on congress, about washington insiders went crazy. they said term limits are bad, that they'll break government. what a joke! congress is working fine for politicians and corporations, but it's not doing anything for real people on climate, health care or gun safety. the only way we get new ideas is electing new people, including a president willing to shake-up washington. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. >> all: we're from charlotte, north carolina. >> we're celebrating galentine's day with a pajama book club. happy galentine's day. [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome back, everybody. you guys are so excited you're making george smile on this thursday morning. "gma" is celebrating galentine's day all morning long. that's right. [ applause ] great to see that group from north carolina. tomorrow on "gma" we'll show you how to make money by selling your clothes at major department stores. we'll show you. tune in tomorrow for that but stay here for "pop news" with sara haines. good morning. happy thursday. this morning, not only is winter coming, a new baby may be coming too. according to reports joe jonas and sophie turner are expecting their first child together. now, perhaps a new jonas brother will join the mix or maybe a new lady of winterfell. sources saying the couple is keeping everything hush-hush but friends and families are excited for them. the singer and "game of thrones" star who have been dating since 2016 tied the knot in a surprise las vegas ceremony in may of last year and had a second wedding, of course, in france over the summer. we reached out to their team to get the scoop and they are neither confirming nor denying the news so if you're listening, "gma" is happy to throw you an epic baby shower whenever that time may come. [ cheers and applause ] so there's a baby allegedly but now some more wonderful movie news. brand-new photos from the highly anticipated "wonder woman 1984." gal godot glowing in gold on the cover of "entertainment weekly" in her golden warrior armor getting ready to crack her golden lasso once again alongside chris pine who plays steve trevor. he is pretty much the only person on the planet that can still rock a fanny pack. the star revealing that wonder woman's secret power is that, quote, she loves people and that's the key. she has the powers of a goddess, the heart of a human. the film which picks up the story 40 years after the first installment soars into athleters june 5th, 2020. before that you can catch the whole cast right here on "gma." [ cheers and applause ] i must ask you quickly, if you could have a superpower what would you want it to be? >> read your mind. >> you don't want to go there. >> trust me, i try it every afternoon. you don't want that. i think i want to be invisible. >> that would be cool. >> yeah. >> what about you are, robin? >> i don't know. >> i think flying would be cool. >> yeah. you do it in your dreams. you wake up and you're like -- >> i'll go with that. i'll take flying for 100. >> robin and i are flying. finally billie eilish is in the news. the singer is often fire lately and, of course, she swept the grammy, performed at the oscars and now she is teasing her latest project, the new james bond theme song. just last month we revealed that the singer would be the voice behind the theme for the franchise's 25th film. but now we're getting a little taste of the new song and when i say little, i mean little. listen to this. ♪ >> good start. >> i like it. a little creepy. felt a little more for a romance for me. >> that's your romance track? >> you guys, i've been married for five years. it's darker than it used to be. >> oh. >> i'm just kidding. >> max, max! [ applause ] >> five years in? >> five years in, three babies, come on, robin. >> exactly. >> billie hosting that on her social media for the song called "no time to die" just like the movie. it may not be much but her fans are shaken or maybe stirred. if you want to hear the rest of the song it's dropping today at 4:00. billie is the youngest person ever to record a theme song for a bond film at 18 years old. [ applause ] >> good for her. >> i was going to say, every day, right? >> we're going to move on before she gets in more trouble. we're going to go to our "gma" cover story. and valentine's day is a big day for jewelry. consumers spent nearly 4 billion on it last valentine's day. yes, with a "b." before you buy this year pay attention to this "gma" investigation. we're looking at the rising popularity of lab created and diamond alternatives. kyra phillips is here and you found that shoppers may not always be getting what they thought they purchased. >> that is true. you might want to pay attention, michael, you know, considering your love life and diamonds and marriage -- >> you're going to get in trouble. >> a diamond is a girl's best friend. take a look at these two rings we have. one of them is a natural diamond and one is a simulated diamond and it's nearly impossible to tell the difference with the naked eye and experts say that can be very confusing for buyers. money can't buy love but it can buy a ring and for molly carlson, that was a big deal. her boyfriend scott popped the question during a vacation in 2018. but he waited to buy the ring so they could pick the perfect one together and they did at a jewelry store at their local mall. it was perfect, they say, until -- >> i took to it another jewelry store and said what can you tell me about my ring and they told me, well, i can tell you it's not a natural diamond. >> reporter: turns out molly's dream diamond was actually a diamond created in a lab. >> the salesperson was describing the ring to you, what did he say? >> basically this is the style, this is the cut, this is the clarity. but never once about this is lab. >> reporter: the issue, the federal trade commission says, is disclosure. jewelers must clearly tell customers that it's man-made before they buy any diamond that's not natural. so now after concluding not every bling business is following its marketing and sales guidelines, the ftc recently sending warning letters to eight online jewelers that sell lab created and simulated diamonds. >> three things we're seeing. the term cultured to describe a diamond. use of the word alternative to describe a diamond and simply using a brand name next to the word diamond and not having additional language close by to make clear to the consumer that what they're buying is not in fact a mined stone. >> reporter: one of the sites the ftc sent a warning to is diamond nexus. here on its site there are descriptions like nexus diamond alternative and the company says that language is clear and customers understand they are not getting a mined diamond. the site also has a page that explains how the stones are made. but the ftc says that's not enough. >> other terms we've seen are diamond alternative which is especially ambiguous. it could refer to anything. >> reporter: diamond nexus says the ftc guidelines are outdated. the nexus diamond alternative. and stand behind their language. the company telling abc news, what we offer for customers is an incredible value for those who care about beauty and budget over chemistry or creation method. so how can you be sure of what you're getting? gemologist antoinette matland says if it's a diamond you're after ask directly if it was created in a lab and get that information in writing. >> whether it's a laboratory diamond or a mined diamond, all of that same information should be on the report. >> reporter: it's something molly says she wishes she had done. >> never crossed my mind that that should be a question i would ask. >> reporter: there's a lot of reasons people may prefer lab created diamonds or diamond alternatives. scott and molly wanted a natural diamond and say that's what they thought they were buying. and this was the first time she was going to have a real diamond in the whole family. so it was a big deal so they were pretty disappointed. >> you want to make sure what you put your money towards is what you want. but we have diamonds here and so how do you tell the difference or should i pick which one i think is real? >> which one do you think is a natural diamond? which one do you think is a simulated diamond? >> i think that's a natural diamond. >> oh, wow, you're wrong. >> i am? >> yes, you are. interesting. >> wow. >> okay. well, so this is the simulated diamond we purchased and this is the genuine diamond that we purchased actually just down the street, greenwich street jewelers, and that's really -- i'm fascinated to see that you -- >> because that one was so sparkly i said it has to be that one that's real. there are small ways -- small differences in these -- >> that's right. it's about inclusion. we're becoming diamond experts. travel with your loop. and you look for imperfections. you know, natural diamonds have blemishes. they have birth marks in them and lab created and simulated diamonds, many of them don't have that so it's as simple as taking a look and looking for a little blemish. >> this is the real one? >> you take that one. >> i may need this for later according to you, kyra so let me put that in my pocket. [ applause ] all right. >> there's a lot of women smiling in the crowd right now. >> i don't know who may be the unlucky one but it may be one of you. all right, robin, over to you. what you got? >> kyra, great to have you in the studio with us, kyra. >> thank you. we've been talking about valentine's day and also talking about since it's february 13th, it is galentine's day, a day to celebrate your friends. [ cheers and applause ] why not? there is a new book looking at the power of friendship and how it can affect your health and wellness. >> yeah. >> this is true. >> if you think about it t. makes sense, scientists found friendship is a very important part of staying healthy with evidence showing it can affect our immune system, our mental health and even, yes, robin, our hearts. take a look. >> what's galentine's day? oh, it's only the best day of the year. >> reporter: as declared on "parks and recreation". >> every february 13 my lady friends and i leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home and we just come and kick it breakfast style. >> reporter: kidding aside, friendships are powerful and deserve to be celebrated and now the benefits of friendship are believed to be a key to good health. >> strong quality friendships are really good for your biology. >> reporter: science journalist and author lydia denworth says friendships can help lower stress, boost the immune system, improve sleep and mental health. >> quality matters most and the average number of people that people claim in their inner circle is four. quantity is not unimportant but quality matters most. >> reporter: as for the key to a good friendship, denworth says make it a priority. >> this is giving you permission to hang out with your friends and i'm not just saying this is something you have to do, just saying this is something you get to do. >> reporter: our "gma" viewers telling us why they choose to invest in and celebrate their own friendships. >> friends are great because they're the family you get to choose. >> i travel constantly for work but my girlfriends are the ones that make sure i keep chasing my big dreams and stay grounded. >> i'm so grateful you have my back. >> i think we build each other up. >> i think that's what friendship is all about. building the other person up. >> i love you guys, happy galentine's day, mwah. >> you and i are both big believers in the power of friendship. friendship right here. >> that's it. >> and "friendship" by lydia denworth's new book is out now. ginger? i'm just over here mixing some drinks because my gals are around for galentine's day. michael was like, were you a bartender? actually i was for ten years. real quick look at a "gma" moment. it costs $350 but -- >> ask auntie to get it for you because it's free shipping. it's $379.99. >> but free shipping. >> so perfect for "deals & steals" which is coming up. free shipping. thanks for sending your moment. take yours and put it on my take yours and put it on my facebook or instagram page. oh hey, put that one in bay 34. 34. what? 34 is the number of months it takes for a foster kid to get adopted. on average. yeah. it's almost 3 years. wow. who had the chrome spinners? that's me. you're all set. just talking about foster care, can help foster care. 3 years. ♪ time now ♪ time now for "deals & steals" and our favorite galentine, tory johnson, will bring the love with some big savings. we love bombas. >> there's a lot to love here. do you know they have donated more than 30 million pairs of socks because for every pair you buy, they donate one to someone in need in this country. we have a huge assortment. you and i were saying they constantly sort of up their game with new patterns, colors, features for the entire family. today is the day. $12 to $90 regularly >> polaroid, i took theliberty of taking one of my favorite pictures. what's awesome about this camera is you can take photos on this camera, print them from this camera, but you get to look at them first to make sure you like it before you waste the film and printing, or you can take photos from your own camera role and print like i did. that's a picture i took from your instagram and added fun borders to it. there's so much you can do with this camera and the app is amazing. it's normally $200 but girls are helping us out. we're slashing that price. it's $99. >> reusable bags. >> did you know in two weeks new york state is starting the ban on plastic bags. a tiny pouch like this but you open it up and you've got a tote bag in there. they're making a "gma" deals debut, huge assortment, four sizes and styles. they are normally $10. today they are slashed at half, so gals, what do they start at? $5. that's a good one. >> this is for our galentine lara. this is one of her favorite, ultra moisturizing cream, cult favorite product but everything interest this company is good for sensitive skin. just amazing products and we've got a really good deal. normally $14 to $60 but today, you guys, we're slashing them in half. they start at $7. this is for our galentine ginger because she's all about eliminating plastic so this is from gem water. this is their crystal straw so crystals are just kind of magical and fun. it's a food grade stainless steel straw. they're beautiful. clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, three different stainless steel metals. love it. normally $40. today slashed this half so 20 bucks. [ applause ] these are amazing. and then finally i'm very excited to bring you this one. this is called cinemood. this is a tiny portable wireless projector that makes kind of family entertaining to a whole new level because it allows you to kind of set the standard for interactive play. you can download your own movies from streaming services to put them on there. it comes with books, videos, sort of this is the do everything. it's going to be mom and dad's best friend. >> what is the deal? >> the package starts at $600. $299 and free shipping. >> we partnered with all of these companies. get them on our website and audience, we have giveaways from gem-water, bombas and first aid beauty. gem-water, bombas and first aid beauty. >> announcer: good morning north bay. let's get up and get going. this is "abc 7 mornings." good morning, i'm kumasi aaron from "abc 7 mornings." today the man accused of murdering nia wilson and stabbing her sister at macarthur park station is set to be back on the stand for cross-examination. he testified he thought she and her sister were aliens. his lawyer says he was diluti delusional when he attacked the women in 2018. we're still following a stall, a big rig on the peninsula in palo alto. we are going to experience a backup on northbound 101 on san anto antoneio road. we have a stall in the eastbound direction, be aware of that as well at the richmond san rafael bridge. meteorologist >> announcer: now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> good morning, good news, fog is starting to lift in most neighborhoods, up to one mile viefblt a visibility in santa rosa. the main thing for the commute are the low clouds and the fog. warmer saturday, slight chance of rain sunday morning, our coolest day, kumasi. we'll have another abc 7 news update in 30 minutes. you can >> all: hi, we're nurses. >> we're celebrating our ladies at work today and we wish you a happy valentine's day. [ applause ] ♪ welcome back to "gma." a group of nurses. they're celebrating galentine's day and we, of course, have our party going on here in times square. we got lori bergamotto. she'll show us how to throw your own party. we got a party going on with this gentleman. >> look who is joining us for galentine's day. the one and only james marsden, everybody. [ applause ] of course, you know him from "west world" and my favorite movie "the notebook" and "x-men" and now he's hitting the big screen with "sonic the hedgehog." let's take a look. >> get in the truck. >> really? you're going to help me. >> i guess this is a little bit my fault that all this has happened to you. >> not a little bit. entirely. it is entirely your fault. >> okay, it's entirely my fault. are you coming? >> yes. >> road trip, whoo-hoo! >> what am i doing? [ applause ] >> please welcome james marsden, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> how are you guys? good to see you. >> we're so excited to have you on "gma" and we want to do a little throwback thursday. an appearance you had on "good morning, oklahoma." right? here you are right here. and you're singing. >> yes, we were -- ♪ skies are not cloudy all day >> oh, boy. >> it was about lulling people back to sleep apparently. ah, yes, i was a student news anchor on that show for a full year. yeah, i was -- we would deliver two minutes of educational news at the end of the hour and one time i was able to get my -- if you can call it my band on the show to perform a four-part harmony thing, yeah. >> we didn't know you were in the news business. ever think about getting back into it? >> it was something i studied for a few semesters at oklahoma state university. i was studying journalism and broadcasting with the idea of maybe being a news anchor, yeah. >> who knew? >> if the acting thing didn't work out i felt like that was something i could go and pursue but -- >> the acting thing did work out very well for you. [ applause ] >> okay, the original sonic video game came out in 1991. >> that's right. >> we hear back in the day you were quite a gamer. >> i was. i mean i kind of grew up in that -- the era of the video game and started with atari and intelli vision and nintendo 64 and sega genesis came along and it was a colossal waste of time but it was wonderful. >> did it continue on into your adult years? >> it did, too far into my adult life. i was playing -- i remember playing goldeneye on nintendo 64 with kevin feige who now owns the marvel universe. on the first x man movie we'd sneak away for hours and hours and play that game and, but, yeah, i played every game imaginable and sonic was one of them. i had to quit. you liked it? he's a popular guy. but, yeah, i got to the point where i played too much. you would play and five hours would go by so i had to stop. i had to give it up. now just bringing it back to the big jean. >> tell us about working with jim carrey. >> what a snooze, yeah. no energy. no -- i mean, he is one of my heroes to be honest. i grew up -- in high school i was doing impressions of his impressions and -- i don't know if i have them anymore but i did fire marshal bill from -- [ applause ] from "in living color." have you ever done it? i was too scared to do it for him. when are you going to bring it up and how. jim, i do a pretty good fire marshal bill. let me tell you something. [ cheers and applause ] for those who tuned in, is james okay? something just happened. but, yeah, i just -- that was my thing. i was a mimic and he was one of the greatest comedia of our time and so now in this film he's just having a party and he's -- it's so nice to see him enjoying himself again doing his thing. he's great at that. [ applause ] it's a lot of fun. >> you have a 7-year-old, right? >> i do. >> into gaming? >> not into gaming so much yet. he started tiptoeing into it but massive fan of sonic. there he is in my lap. >> ah. >> my two other kids, as well. you know, their whole lives they've always been sort of in a great way wonderfully underwhelmed with what i do. you know, because they're like, you're dad. so what, you're an actor. and now they're starting to get like, oh, that's pretty cool. >> hanging out with sonic. >> yeah, and my son, my youngest is the sonic superfan so -- [ applause ] >> nice. >> there's the real sonic. >> and then speaking of superfan, i'm a superfan of "the notebook." i just want -- it's been over 15 years. do people yet realize your character was actually a really good guy. he was not such a bad guy. >> i thought he was a good guy. >> i did too. >> but i think it's a testament to the movie that the chemistry between ryan and rachel, it was, you know -- >> off the charts. >> so when the movie became such a phenomenon people would come up to me on the street and be like, why were you trying to get in their way? they were supposed to be together? so it was like, i didn't do it. i was just -- it was a job. i don't know. but nobody knew that it was going to be such a massive hit. you know, you never know when you're filming. you hope that it's going to happen but that one i don't think anyone saw coming so pretty special thing to be a part of. [ cheers and applause ] >> well, you know what, special thing for me to watch. touches my heartstrings. >> you'd be surprised how many men come up to me and go, hey, you were in my favorite movie of all time, i think they'll say "x-men" something i'm expecting. "notebook." >> men have hearts too. make sure you guys check out james marsden in "sonic the hedgehog," sprint into theaters tonight and thanks to our friends at regal everyone in our studio audience is going home with tickets to see the movie. that's right. [ cheers and applause ] coming up, zach woods is here live. we'll be right back. zach woods is grand now we have to deal withed us climate change is an emergency. that's why i wrote the nation's most progressive climate law. and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. how you watch it does too. tv just keeps getting better. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. [ applause ] we are back with our "gma" "outlander" week together with our sponsor starz we are looking at the tv show that started with a series of books and has grown into a drama that's been translated into nine different languages. it is an inspiration to fans to flock to scotland and experience the land where the show is filmed. ♪ it's the phenomenon called "outlander." a genre defying novel series turned binge worthy television show. >> we were up all weekend watching. >> read every single book. >> reporter: dedicated fans flocking to comic-con in new york to catch a glimpse of the cast. after four seasons and 30 million books sold, it has created a level of fandom that the author never could have imagined. >> you wrote the first as practice. >> i did. my thoughts when i began writing is nobody will ever see it and that's why it has so many weird things in it. i never expected anyone to read it. where i am right now in the finishing stages of the ninth book, very, very exciting because this is the stage where i know everything that's happening. >> reporter: okay, here's the story. 1946 clare randall goes to scotland with her husband and comes upon a circle of stones that transports her back to 1743 and taken in with a group of scottish highlanders who for her safety force her to marry young jamie phaser. she falls in love with him. >> david. >> it's a wild story, right? well, wild enough to get more than 5 million people watching every week and wild enough to give scotland a huge bump in tourism, especially in a place like this. this is falkland and doubles as the town of inverness where the story begins and where we meet our hero claire. >> people are seeing scotland in the cds, the scenery and landscapes which embodies the whole spirit of it. >> reporter: teaming up with our sponsor starz i took a whirlwind featured in the show like hopetoun house. it is used in all four seasons for different places. like the estate in season three and inside this red room may look familiar. it's where the duke of sandringham meets with claire. >> to turn against one's friend is no easy thing. >> reporter: the iconic castle lioch actually called dune castle. >> there it is. >> reporter: this is jamie's family home, lollybrook. i was so excited to come here but in real life this is called m midhope castle. if you wanted to go inside you can't. the place is so old it's in ruins. but what about those famous stones. so while there are circles of stones throughout scotland the actual "outlander" stones we've come to love aren't stones but they are hand crafted by the "outlander" team and we met "outlander" fans everywhere. >> i've been looking for jamie all over scotland. >> when you're ready to go home. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> i would go back in a heartbeat. so much fun. if you can't get enough "outlander" tune in to "gma" tomorrow. we are going to go behind the scenes with the whole cast from the set and, of course, season five of "outlander" premieres sunday on starz. michael, i love it, i saw someone behind you go, what, the stones aren't real? >> we didn't know, ginger. the deception. thank you very much. we do know our next guest from shows like "silicon valley" and "the office" and now starring in "downhill" with julia louis-dreyfus and will ferrell, great to have zach woods with us. it comes out valentine's day and the trailer calls it a different kind of disaster movie. >> yeah. >> have you ever had a valentine's day disaster? >> so many. when i was in seventh grade i was madly in love with this girl who i went to school with and rather than just ask her out, i made a recording of the -- there was a piano song "moonlight sonata." i recorded myself professing my love and i brought it in and thankfully at the last moment lost my courage and just threw it into a locker. so somewhere there's a tape of seventh grade me just like speaking. >> i think she would appreciate it. the ladies in here did, that was sweet. >> all right. [ applause ] >> but look at you now, man. you get to work with two of the funniest people in the industry, julia luieouis-dreyfus and will ferrell. and you were on "veep" with julia. >> yeah. >> this is not the first time you worked with her. what was it like being back on set with her? >> she's astonishing because on "veep" and this movie, she's a producer and an actor and she's so hard core. she's so good at both of those jobs. hard to zoom in and be in character and then zoom out and be the boss, i think and she does that so elegantly and her performance in this is so beautiful. it's really a deep performance. it's not just funny. it's also very humane. it was so exciting to see that. >> we'll show everybody. we'll show you a clip right now. in the clip you and your girlfriend are traveling throughout europe and you run into these two. >> yeah. >> and let's just say that chaos ensues. let's check it out, "downhill." >> no agenda. we have to see her tonight. right? we didn't know what tonight would be then you texted and here we are. >> yeah, we don't even have return tickets. like who knows what is next? >> well, you kind of know what's next, don't you, because you have work on monday, correct? >> oh. >> yeah, we'll get tickets. >> i have to show a commercial space in cambridge at 8:30. [ cheers and applause ] >> kind of brought you down to earth on that one. so from your vacation experience what is the worst vacation you've been on? >> when i was a kid, our -- my parents took us to maine to stay in a yurt. i don't know if you know what a yurt is but it's a fancy name for a dirty tent. we were there for a week and there were so many -- canvas with mysterious stains on it and there were so many spiders. they weren't just plentiful. they were excited. they were very active spiders so it was like spider woodstock. they were constantly roaming around. it was so, so bad. so that was the worst vacation. >> this has been a public service announcement for yurts. >> steer clear of yurts. >> thank you so much. congrats on the movie and, everybody, check it out, "downhill" in theaters tomorrow, valentine's day. take your date and check it out. let's go outside to ginger. >> i don't know about you but we are in the mood for love with valentine's day just a day away. our sponsor, russell stover, has given everybody here a little candy cupid. a little chocolate. famous for their heart shaped boxes filled with their delicious hand crafted chocks which you can all get into. we made them wait. we have their make happy mobile. it is right here outside our "gma" studios. you can give a make happy moment to someone that you love if you see that around today. and then we have couples and friends celebrating valentine's day by tasting all the great chocolate. i know my favorite. i say caramel. but my husband says caramel. either way, you know what i'm talking about. what about y'all? >> good old milk chocolate. >> milk chocolate. very simple man. >> chocolate covered toffee. >> now we're talking. you don't have to pick a favorite because in honor of valentine's day everyone is going home with these great heart boxes filled with delicious chocolates. love is so in the air because everyone in our studio audience is also goin the cdc is warning the coronavirus is likely to spread in the u.s. this as the 14th american has been diagnosed with the disease. more on the outbreak coming up. the new hampshire primary attracted more voters than ever, don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. we're throwing a galentine's celebration. economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. we are back with our galentine's day party and mocktails and have chef jamka pessoa and "good housekeeping" style director lori bergamotto. they're showing how to throw a great party. i know you celebrated with friends over the year. >> galentine's day, me and my girls do it up big. we love it. i love doing pizza. it's a theme. i love a good theme. i'm a ham for a good theme. this time i've done dishes named after famous women. so i did a margarita pizza named after queen margarita and i have it in a cast iron skillet. you know those good crunchy brown edge, you can get it with a skillet while binge-watching your favorite movies. all i do is oil a skillet, put your premade pizza dough in there and let it brown on one side and do the flip. see, that's what we're going for. sauce and all that kind of fun stuff and put this under the broiler in the oven and let it melt all the cheese and fun stuff and then you have a pizza. >> have you all tasted it? >> you ladies can go. get in there. it's so good for your friends. you can share it. they're loving it. >> it is good. >> then we'll make this while i go over here. >> dessert. >> we have to keep it sweet with galentine's day. this is named after anna pavlova. she's a ballet dancer. it's a meringue. it's very light. you feel good about yourself after you eat this. so we've done egg whites which we whipped with lemon, sugar and put it in a piping bag and draw a circle on your parchment paper and flip it over and go around in a circle like that. >> thanks for teaching us that. >> so then you'll bake it for an hour or so and let it in the oven 30 more minutes and put a divot right in the center before you put it in the oven. that will be a base. once it bakes we will fill it with whipped cream and fresh fruits. all of that kind of fun stuff and you can even put a little alcohol in your whipped cream. >> all right. >> you know i keep the party going. >> so good. >> thank you. >> how about some decor. >> you're smart, right? you want decor, a centerpiece you can celebrate with today and repurpose for tomorrow. right? so we started with forsythia and you'll see these everywhere in season. we did this whole centerpiece for $20. isn't it cute? the branches, don't need water and put out paper heart, put them on and put a wish or something on there. >> good job. >> okay. i know this is not a cheese board. >> this is not a cheese board. >> we don't hate those either but this is a candy board and you want something that will give you endless options and endlessly delicious. we already have some takers in the audience. >> i can see that. >> you want all the candy. >> get up here. a few directions. have fun and have on brand candy. >> get in there, ladies. happy valentine's day. >> how about an event to do with all your friends? >> floral arranging has become popular. a lot of celebrities are doing it. and we're going to make it easy for you. while you're eating that candy, we'll make it easy. you make this little scotch tape hack here. you make it with scotch tape. this is what the pros do and start with greenery, what this will do -- get in there, robin. start arranging. it keeps everything in place. sometimes you put it in and it falls to the side. this keeps it neatly arranged. time saving. money saving. happy valentine's day. >> you can get more on our website. ok, so maybe we're new to home improvement, but we're determined. we got an insider tip on the ultimate flooring destination. whoa. floor and decor is amazing. look at us. we're shopping alongside real-life designers and contractors. i love this tile. and this one. and, these prices! look at this... durable and water-resistant. we should do the kitchen next! oh, yeah, we found where the pros go. now, we're unstoppable. explore floor and decor in person or online at mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house.esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. how you watch it does too. tv just keeps getting better. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. >> announcer: good morning bay area. let's get up and get going. >> good morning, i'm kumasi aaron. here is mike nicco. >> good morning, kumasi, hi, everybody. we'll open up the weather window on our roof camera. cloudy out there, turning hazy in the afternoon. you'll feel cooler, still breathe in plenty of tree pollen. still a slight chance of some we'll be right back sunday morning. one of our cooler days this week. jobina? good morning, everyone. a crash in los altos right now, single car flipped on its roof, blocking the lane. this is northbound 280 before magdalena avenue. a live look at the san mateo bridge, foggy and slow westbound. now time for "live with kelly and ryan." we'll be back for 11:00 for >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from "sonic the hedgehog," james marsden. and the star of the new series, "katy keene," lucy hale. plus, katie brown shows us crafts for kids as we continue our "love week." all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> ryan: hello!

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