Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20240714

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Direct pitch for the president of ukraine to investigate joe biden and his son. Heres one of the quotes. Theres a lot of talk about bidens son, quote, that biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that. Whatever you can do with the attorney general that would be great. The attorney general hes referring to is attorney general barr. The president used the name of attorney general barr and Rudy Giuliani who he said would be looking into the matter. He said both men would reach out to the president of ukraine and ask him to get started on this. The president of ukraine said he was going to investigate the matter. They had a fairly extensive conversation about this. The president mentioned he wanted to enlist the attorney general. What has the attorney general said about the fact the president mentioned him in the phone call. A rather extraordinary set of events took place after the Inspector General got word of the whistleblower complaint. He referred it to the Justice Department involving possible campaign violations. The Justice Department did a review involving the National Security division and the criminal division. They concluded that there was no violation, potential violation of the Campaign Finance laws. They also say that attorney general barr was not involved in knowing about this request by the president of the United States, he never talked to the president about this particular request and also that he never spoke with Rudy Giuliani about this request either. Pierre, in the course of the phone conversation, the president not only mentions joe biden, he also talks about this crowd strike issue which was related to the hacking of the dnc emails in 2016 and asked the president to look into that as well. He did, george. He seemed interested in wanting to know what role the Ukrainian Government might have played in that. He men shunsed in a derogatory way bob mueller. He talked about how incompetent bob mueller was as well. They discussed investigating the the u. S. Service officer who has been the ambassador to ukraine. He did indeed. The president had negative things to say about this ambassador. The other thing thats interesting is weve got a little more detail about the whistleblower and how all this came about. The office of Legal Counsel point out that the whistleblower supposedly heard about this conversation, this phone call between the president and the president of the ukraine from white house officials. Pierre, before i let you go, we have the president saying as you mentioned in the phone call that he would like to have the attorney general call the president so he can get to the bottom of all this. The attorney general is saying he never spoke to the president about any of this . The attorney general is saying flat out he never spoke with the president about this. He never spoke to Rudy Giuliani about this. The first time the attorney general became aware of this is when the Inspector General and the dnis auoffice contacted th Justice Department. Pierre, thank you. I want to bring in jon karl. Pretty extraordinary bits of information in this phone call. The president clearly asked for joe biden and his son to be investigated. This will be seen as more democrating than anticipated. The president is explicitly looking for help here. The president says the United States has been very good to cr ukraine. Then he says i would like you to do us a favor. The first favor is the crowd strike. He brings up a server. Theres only one serve thats been in the news. He said the server they say, ukraine has it. I dont know where thats coming from. Hes asking for an investigation. He says your economy will be Getting Better at a time we know he had been withholding aid. I think this will be more explosive than anticipated. Its interesting that the white house decided to put this out. We were being told over and over this wont be so bad once people see it. This looks damning. Its a multi tiered effort. When giuliani said he was going to go to ukraine there was an uproar. Here we have the president saying hell be involved and william barr. The president bringing up the attorney general more than once. Ill have the attorney general and Rudy Giuliani contact you. Hes explicit here. Dan abrams. The critical thing is what has the president said to this point. He said it was a discussion about trying to root out corruption in the ukraine and ensuring the money was going to the right places. Theres almost nothing about that in this transcript. This transcript is almost you can say largely about the personal agenda of the president. When you read through it, the majority of the what the president is talking about is with regard to personal agenda items, the crowd strike, hunter biden, joe biden. He repeats again and again the ambassador. Who was on president obamas side according to the transcript. Right. Talk to my attorney general. The most important point is the biden piece. You can say that the Hillary Clinton piece is inappropriate, shouldnt have done it. When youre talking about trying to get information about your potential 2020 rival, youre now crossing into potential legal issues. Youre now talking about the possibility of influencing an election. Thats different than just looking back. Lets break that down a little bit. We should remind everybody this is the day after Robert Muellerer testifies on capitol hill. Theres a different between what is illegal and impeachable. You had the criminal referral from the intelligence Inspector General sent to the Justice Department, cleared by President Trumps Justice Department. Thats almost meaningly. The reason you have a special counselor independent counsel is because you dont want the president s appointee judging the president on something this important. Thats why when people said barr came to his on conclusion about the mueller report. The whole reason Robert Muellerer came in is so the attorney general doesnt make those decisions. Here you see the department of justice making a decision on important questions. And deciding to not turn over to congress the complaint. Theres a difference between what is illegal and whats impeachable. That gets into that question. The president brings up mueller just testified. He said as you saw that whole nonsense ended by the very poor performance by a man name Robert Mueller. Its extraordinary hes bringing up Robert Mueller with the president of ukraine. That was about whether or not there was conspiracy, collusion. This is worse than i think people expected, meaning, when we were on with Chris Christie earlier this morning, the s suggestion was it wasnt a big deal. Or it might have been vague. Maybe he asked him something about joe biden. This is unambiguous. Lets bring that to mary bruce on capitol hill. Any initial reaction on capitol hill . This is likely to add fuel to the impeachment fire. Democrats are getting out of their weekly meeting, all the House Democrats have been huddling with nancy pelosi. Theyre walking out to a sea of cameras and reporters asking for their reaction. Democrats are likely going to pounce on not only we see that the president asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival, but george, theyre going to have a lot of questions about the attorney general and the fact you see the president offering up his attorney general to help investigate his 2020 rival here. Democrats here on the hill have long questioned the attorney general and the independence of this Justice Department. Democrats often refer to him as the president s personal attorney for the way he handled the mueller report. George, i would not be surprised if they have a lot of questions about the fact that the Justice Department is now in a position of trying to adjudicate a matter that the attorney general was directly involved with. Thats why theyre pursuing impeachment proceedings. I want to bring in terry moran. I want to put that letter up on the screen. He says the other thing theres a lot of talk about bidens son that biden stopped the prosecution. A lot of people want to find out about that. Whatever you can do with the attorney general could be great. Biden went around claiming he stopped the prosecution. Whatever you can do with the attorney general. Those sentences will be the Battle Ground for the coming impeachment. Its fair to say the democrats will move forward on the basis of this alone. Theres more to be found out as they develop the facts in committee hearings. The question will be before the country are those sentences, are the president s actions in the nagt interest or in his own personal political interest. Hell argue corruption is a huge problem in ukraine. Its part of the problem with giving money to ukraine. It ends up in the wrong hands. President obama was aware of that. He will argue that Vice President bidens son hunter who is involved in a company that was involved in corruption is of national interest. I understand thats going to be the defense. Does it pass the smell test when he mentions joe biden . Joe biden was involved with the dismissal of a prosecutors. That prosecutor dropped the initial investigation. That will be hashed out. Theres no question the impeachment will be is the president operating cynically, corruptly or is he pursuing the national interests. That will be the question. Terry raises an important point about the timeline. The prosecutor in ukraine was investigating this company in 2013 for actions that happened in 2013. Hunter biden joins the board in 2014. Theres no evidence that hunter biden was part of the initial investigation. Thats point number one. Point number two is the prosecutor was part of an International Effort biden was involved with because he wasnt going after Corruption Cases hard enough. Correct. If you read Media Coverage of back then of when the ukrainian prosecutor was pushed out, its talking about International Pressure that had been put on ukraine to get rid of him. It didnt smell right. You had the Vice President s son making tens of thousands of dollars a month. You had the Vice President. There was an appearance problem. Look at this. Why would that be of pressing concern right now what would happen in 2014 . Why would this be a pressing concern to be a central part of his call with the president of ukraine . Theres an important point here too. When the president asked him to do this investigation it comes right after president zelensky brings up the issue of military help from the United States. Then the very next sentence from the president is i would from President Trump i would like you to do us a favor though. Youre asking for something . Ive got a favor. Mary bruce were getting reaction from the house speaker. Our reporter john park inson caught up with the house speaker. She said she hasnt read the transcript yet. She stressed no one, not even the president , is above the law. He said in breach of constitution responsibilities has asked him to help him in his police call campaign. That cannot stand. He will be held accountable. Lets go back to pierre thomas. Pierre, take a step back. One of the things revealed in this letter is a multi tiered effort regarding Rudy Giuliani, the president says his attorney general william barr. I know the attorney general said he didnt know anything about this phone call, didnt know the president was invoking them. Have they made any judgment about whether it was proper for the president to be discussing this with the president of ukraine . They have not made any judgment about that. The Justice Department looked at whether it was a Campaign Finance violation. When you look at the transcript, what jumps out to me is the degree to which giuliani is playing a role. Hes not a member of the Trump Administration per se. Hes playing a role where the president is invoking his name. Get this. The president of the ukraine insists that a member of his staff has already been in contact with Rudy Giuliani and he was open to furthering this investigation with Rudy Giuliani. Jon karl, as we look at this now we still havent seen the whistleblower complaint. Hard to imagine you have 200 members of congress for impeachment. What happens next . You had the speaker of the house come out and make the argument not for an impeachment process, but for impeaching the president. Adam schiff said based on what we already know he should be impeached. I think even before this comes out the house was clearly moving in the direction toward impeaching the president. Its hard to see how this doesnt add fuel to that. Dan abrams, one of the questions will be how broadly do they define articles of impeachment. Right. In previous impeachment proceedings, nixon and clinton they went broad. There were numerous counts under each of the broad buckets. Here youve got to believe theyre likely to be more narrow. Theyre likely to want to convince the public theyre not overreachi overreaching. Theyre going to have to prove to the American People its overdue. Its going to involve constitutional principles, constitutional principles, National Security, the executive branch versus congress. Absolutely. The next step is fact and evidence. To do that they have to get the attorney general before congress. They have to get the secretary of state before congress. Rudy giuliani said mike pompeo asked him to go to ukraine. The democrats will want to bolster the evidence in this transcript with witness evidence and others. Among those people who would have been listening into this call as a matter of routine is john bolton the former National Security adviser. It a poppears well get impeachment hearings that didnt appear after the mueller investigation. The white house has released the transcript of the july 25th phone call between President Trump and president zelensky where he asked the ukrainian president to look first, though, the summerlike cities sponsored by sensodyne. And the diane sawyer is going to join us live in our next half hour. Come on back. Diane sawyer is going to join us live in our next half hour. Come on back. Our next half hour. Come on back. 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Good morning. Im liz from abc7 mornings. And firefighters are battling flames in mare island in and the firefighters believe that two power poles may have sparked the inferno and three acres have burned and the firefighters say that it is 50 contained. Now over with a check of the traffic with frances. Good morning, liz and everyone. It is a slow ride in San Francisco because of oan earlier injury crash on cesar chavez and cleared but it is a crawl from southbound 101 to central freeway and 280 is an alternate. Also another injury crash to the maze westbound 580 at 80, and you can see that the traffic is jammed through the maze in all directions headed to the bay bridge toll plaza and so a good 20minute wait there. Thank so that early retirement we planned. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. Crab . They love it. So, you mentioned that that money we set aside. Yeah. The kids and i want to build our own crab shack. 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Always, always. Its his birthday today. Hes the birthday boy. All that ahead. The top headlines, the speaker of the house has started impeachment proceedings accusing President Trump of betraying his oath and the nations security. Also right now, the midwest is cleaning up from multiple tornadoes that touched down overnight. This, as the southwest faces a new monsoon storm threat this morning. I want to you take a look at this. The coast guard pulling off a major drug bust on the high seas. That submarine was on its way to the u. S. Carrying 12,000 pounds of cocaine worth more than 165 million. Wow. Big raid right there. Were going to turn now to that new trouble for shark tank star kevin oleary. His wife has been charged in a deadly boating dent and our chief National Correspondent matt gutman with the story. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning, george. Its been about a month since that latenight fatal crash which left two people dead and three injured and finally having reviewed video of that crash from multiple Angles Police in canada say they have completed the investigation. Kevin oleary has denied he was driving that night and now his wife linda is facing charges that could net her 18 months in prison if convicted. This morning, the wife of kevin oleary known for his role as a shark on the hit abc show shark tank the chances that this is a business are practically zero. Reporter has been charged with careless operation of a vessel in a fatal boat crash on a lake in ontario, canada. Police say olearys wife watt was at the helm. When the boat slammed into another boat on lake joseph back in august. Gary poltash died at the scene and Susanne Brito died of her injuries days later and three others were also injured. The driver of the other boat is also being charged with failing to exhibit navigation lights. The businessman and reality tv star has a home on the lake and often posts pictures from there on social media. Just last summer he posted this picture of what he called his new bat boat. Linda olearys lawyer said in a statement, she has always been a cautious and experienced boater who came into collision with an unlit craft on a dark and moonless night. The other boat was sitting in a dark space on the lake, no cottage lights nearby, no moon. Kevin oleary said in a statement that i have no other comment other than to say our prayers are with loved ones and family and those lost in this. Thank you so much. Now the latest on the College Admissions scandal. A second parent getting prison time, sentenced to four months behind bars. Linsey davis is here with more, and linsey, this sentence could be a troubling sign for Lori Loughlin if shes convicted. Thats right. She and her husband have entered not guilty pleas but a lot of eyes were on the sentencing of devin sloane, the california businessman who pled guilty to paying a quarter of a Million Dollar bribe to get his son accepted to the university of Southern California as a water polo player even though he was not. He purchased water gear on amazon, then hired a Graphic Designer to photo shop them into water polo images and allegedly doctored it a second time to submerge his sons torso even deeper. They sentenced sloane to one year in prison claiming in court, hes using his wealth to attempt to buy his way out of jail and in the end that was not to be. On top of the four months sloane was also given two years of supervised released, a 95,000 fine and 500 hours of community service. Excuse me. I got you. You got this. Pull through. Pull through. Trying to swallow. I know. Thank you for bringing that to us. We appreciate it. Coming up, demi moore, the party, the drugs and the moment her daughter thought she was losing her mom. How she finally got help. Diane sawyer is going to join us live in the studio again with more of her exclusive. Come on back. For farmers here, this is our lifes work. But when a recall happens, perfectly good food goes to waste. Now, weve got away around that. Looks good. Were on target. Blockchain on the ibm cloud helps pinpoint a problem anywhere from farm to shelf. Its used by some of the biggest retailers everywhere. A nice wedge. So more food ends up on your table, is that daddys lettuce . Yeah. And less food goes to waste. Where does your almondmilk almond breeze starts hereaste. With our almond trees in our blue diamond orchard in california. My parents job is to look after them. And its my job to test the product. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. Blue diamond almond breeze. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. Exactly. 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I think we all feel the same way. Its still surprising when you discover that someone you think you know from the movies and the red carpet turns out to have a very different life and weve learned this week how she had to teach herself to be brave through so much fear and the mistakes that she made along the way but today were going to head back to her house in the hills because she says at the age of 56 she may finally have discovered what strength really is. Today, a lot of life in the house up in the hills demi moore calls her tree house. All right. Just go in barefoot. Are you kidding . I have seven dogs. Reporter not just the dog, most rescues but wander in the kitchen and the big fridge is always stocked with juice and soda for friends and family dropping by. Shes been filming in london, a new tv series based on the legendary book brave new world, and says shes loving this new decade on screen. You know, i used to question why me and maybe im not the most talented or the most intelligent or the most beautiful, but it doesnt matter. I certainly have done enough in my life to know that were created. I sorry. Is this you . I just heard that beeping on you. Reporter were interrupted at one point by a torrent of loving messages from her three daughters with bruce willis, rumer, scout, tallulah. This is the lineage of females, the houses of moore and willis. That is what our thread is called. Nearly every day there they are celebrating each other on instagram. Now seven years away from that terrifying time. Is an ambulance on the way . Reporter it would be a turning point. Her marriage over. She says she had lost herself and lost her 20 years of sobriety. At a Birthday Party there were party drugs, synthetic pot, nitrous oxide. She used them. She had a seizure. Is she breathing normally . No, not so normal but more sort of shaking. Everyone else was witnessing my body flailing. My daughter terrified that she was going to see me die right in front of her and within me i was in a place that was thinking, wow, how did i get in here . Isnt this interesting . And then my very next thought was, oh, i wonder if i can get out and all of a sudden i was back in my body and i think it was a moment that i was somehow being given a choice. You think it was that close . I think certainly emotionally it was. I think something had to give. When you come up to those places, you either go in or you go out. Reporter its the title of her new book which she says has a purpose. Sharing of myself in a way that if it can elevate or open someone else to loving themselves a little bit better. Reporter and a promise she says of what can happen if you just reach out for help. She got treatment and began seeing her real strength in a different way. I did have someone say to me, a mentor i worked with that, did i think i was ready for someone my own size . Not my own age but my own size. So i thought that was kind of an interesting perspective. What does that mean . I think own size would mean someone whos experienced life, whos gone through things in a way that are parallel. Are you ready for someone your own size . Were getting there. Were getting there. Reporter and the healthier she became, the more her family moved close again. Her exhusband and friend bruce willis. And the children who were so worried about her strange behavior and her health, they stopped speaking to her, began to come back as she proved she was turning her life around. The oldest, rumer, reached out first the way she had once done on screen years ago. You looked really pretty. No, i didnt. Yeah, you did. You looked great. Thank you, baby. Whats your prayer for them and to them . Oh, my hope is that in understanding me, that they would better understand themselves and love themselves. Reporter and there was one more bridge, a healing resolution demi moore built to the past before it was too late, the one that led back to her unstable alcoholic mother who was finally diagnosed as bipolar. Her mother became ill with cancer. Demi went to help care for her and try to redeem the time they had left. I had to stop and recognize that i had pushed my mother away. I decided who she was and when you decide who someone is, you take away the opportunity for them to be anything else but if i cant have compassion in my heart for her, how can i expect my children to hold that for me . You were with her when she died. Yes. Reporter she writes, ive had extraordinary luck in this life both bad and good, but we all suffer and we all triumph and we all get to choose how we hold both. I dont feel a victim to my life. If i had it easier would i have had the courage, the strength to pursue the career i have . Would i have had the guts to go and step into something i had not a clue of . So survival, success, surrender, and celebration which does not begin with an s. Whoo. Im sorry, wow. And again, she says she is just writing it in case its someone elses story too. How she opened up to you. How she was just again, i think i think we wander in sometimes and as she said you decide who someone is. When she said that. Somebody said to me once a time to make up your mind about someone is never. Oh. And learn it. Learn it. Let them prove something to you and, you know me and my poetry. Yes, indeed. T. U ve to beeve that. Y r ght . I think she i shsays. Glad you asked her i was wondering too. I saw your face going what do you mean by that . You always ask the questions that we want to ask. Thank you. And the answers that you receive. Ive heard from so many people they never wanted to read a book more than after seeing this. It is out, inside out is available now. Thank you, diane. You can come back any time. Just for any reason, just get up in the morning and feel like my hair looks good today, ill come in. And how about i take a copy of that book for myself. Coming up, when archie met the archbishop. Its our play of the day. You know you missed this, diane. Archbishop. Its play of the day. You know you missed this, diane. Belvita breakfast biscuits to get you through your nine, ten and your elevena. M. Team mixer. Made with a delicious blend of grains. Get 4 hours of Lasting Energy to outlast your morning. Made with a delicious blend of grains. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Making wrinkles look so last week. Rapid wrinkle repair® pair with new retinol oil for 2x the wrinkle fighting power. Neutrogena® from new love. To life long friends. Moments together call for americas family favorite. Lipton®. Live alive. Lipton®. 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His parents sharing a sweet photo of the archbishop kissing baby archie on the forehead. You see there and this marks baby archies First Official appearance on the tenday tour. Such a cute little baby. Such a wonderful blend of both. He looks like his daddy. He looks like his dad. Those first months, so wonder if he still has the baby smell. I dont know. They wont let me get close enough to see but pretty sure. Were going to have more about the south africa tour in our next hour. Well be right back. Next hour. Well be right back. But this one can its blasting off straight to mars no. Looks like im blasting off to the shipping and receiving department. Twinsville, ohio. Not today. 44087. Not today. Youre going to mars. 3. 2. 1. Blast off yummy yes yay my body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. I have it within me to lower my a1c. Ask your doctor about trulicity. Gasp is not just hurting you. If you cant make up your mind to quit for yourself, do it for those who love you. announcer you can quit. Call 1800quitnow for help getting free medication. Coming up, the vaping crisis and news just in about the ceo of juul and the new science of dogs and how they really do love you. Your local news and weather is next. Thiwith the worlds firstdo, invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . Hop in. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Whered the trailer go . Or, get a total value of ninety seven sixty on this silverado all star without optional tech package or enhanced invisible view. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Good morning, south bay. Im liz and here with a look for the weather is meteorologist mike nicco. The cooling is gog hit the coast tomorrow and spread inland 60s and 70s for this weekend. All right. Lots of slowing around the bay area, and you can see it here with the traffic maps and especially heavy if you are headed to the bay bridge toll plaza and we had a couple of earlier problems and the 580 stretch is backed up to oakland and even backed up to westbound 24, and also, youll find lots of red traffic under 20 Miles Per Hour northbound 880 at hayward and there was a crash that cleared at wynton. Traffic at a crawl here westbound across the san mateo bridge. Liz . We will have another update in 30 minutes and always on the abc7news. Com, and you can join us weekdays at uhoh, looks like someones still nervous about buying a new house. Is it that obvious . Yes it is. You know, maybe youd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. I didnt know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. Yep, theyve been doing it for years. What are you doing . Big steve . Thanks, man. There he is. 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Speaker of the house nancy pelosi officially launches an inquiry accusing the president of betraying his oath and our National Security. The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law. The president calls it a witchhunt but now in danger of becoming only the fourth president ever to face impeachment after encouraging ukraine to open investigations into his political rival joe biden. Also this morning, twister touchdown. Multiple tornadoes tearing across the midwest overnight. Buildings completely destroyed. And now the southwest bracing for monsoon conditions and possible flash flooding, damaging winds and dust storms. Vape nation. A Public Health emergency declared in one state with a ban now on all vaping sales as this mother testifies before congress about what she calls her daughters neardeath experience saying its a losing battle for parents. What parents should be looking for this morning. Baby archies big day. The duke and duchess calling it arch meets archie. Hes at tea with Archbishop Desmond tutu and getting a kiss on the forehead as mom and dad show off their beautiful baby boy to the world. Oh mickey youre so fine youre so fine you blow my mind and hay, gma viewers. Its national onehit wonder day. The songs we know and love by heart. This is so fine it blows my mind. Whats your favorite as we say good morning, america. And you know what is so fine, having amy with us in this hour. Michael had to go off on assignment though he didnt mind, youll see. Pretty good assignment. Its a really good assignment for him. Looking forward to having you here. Its an exciting wednesday. She came in here thinking it was tuesday. Then she told me it was wednesday, and it was like the best moment of my entire day. I was like, are you serious . Is it really wednesday . You were in l. A. So you got all turned around. Its wednesday, yall. All right. There is new research out today saying that there is scientific proof that dogs are capable of love in a unique way that separates them from all over animals. We have the experiments behind it, and we have some pictures that might be proof enough. Lets look at george with daisy and then robin and ambers little man lucas. Hes smiling there. Yes. And then my brody who just loves everyone. Hes stoic there but hes very spirited. Yesterday the case for cats. Today the case for dogs. Sflmplts first a lot of news to get to. The breaking news out of the white house. They just released the transcript of the july 25th phone call between the President Trump and ukrainian president. Our chief Justice Pierre thomas has more on that. Pierre . Reporter george, good morning. We just read the transcript involving the conversation between the president and the president of ukraine. One thing is clear President Trump absolutely did directly ask the leader of ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden and his son. President trump invokes the name of Rudy Giuliani as a person who would be pursuing the matter, his personal attorney. He tells the ukrainian president attorney general barr would also be pursuing the biden issue. The president of ukraine indicates that hes willing to investigate. The other headline here is that the Inspector General from the Intelligence Community referred the case to the department of justice and the fbi for the president of the United States to be investigated for possible Campaign Finance violations. The Justice Department ultimately decided there was no Campaign Finance violation and closed the matter. The Justice Department em fa sizes that President Trump and barr never spoke on the ukrainian issue nor did barr speak to Rudy Giuliani and barr never contacted the ukrainian president on this matter. George. Thank you, pierre. Lets go the capitol hill now for the latest from mary bruce. Reporter george, this is only adding fuel to the impeachment fire. Telling us this transcript than than thought. The fact of the president of United States in breach of constitutional responsibility asked a foreign. Democrats are pouncing on this to investigate his political rival joe biden. Theyre going to want to speak with william barr. George. Okay, mary, thanks very much. Now to the latest on that severe weather. Tornadoes tearing across the midwest overnight and ginger, i know youve been tracking it all. Good morning to you, robin. Everybody else. You see chippewa county, wisconsin. You know there were tornadoes there. Theyre going to do the surveys today. There are at least five reported from wisconsin back through iowa and into kansas. Today the threat goes into for flash flooding the southwest. Weve got this upper level, kind of midlevel low that will be pumping up moisture, helping it lift and create convection. You can see one to three inches fall very quickly. When it happens like that in the desert you get flash flooding. Thats what happened with the topography of puerto rico when karen passed by. Those are images from Tropical Storm karen and the flash flooding but now its north and so karen is really the only one that would have any concern about impact to land, because jerry wont and certainly not the others on the map there. Watch and the models right now, it sits over the weekend and just hangs out in the open ocean. We love when they stall over the open ocean. Some of the models trying to dissolve it after that. We will be watching it, of course, amy. We know you will, ginger. Thank you. Breaking just a few moments ago, the cofounders of juul announcing ceo kevin burns has decided to step down. K. C. Crosthwaite will join the company as ceo effective immediately. The company also making policy and marketing changes revealing it had suspend Digital Advertising and broadcast print and coming up, more on the growing concerns about the vaping crisis across the country. That is huge. Its very, very big news. Were going to get into the hidden devices that some teens have been using to get away with vaping. And after oprahs health scare, who needs a pneumonia shot and when should you get it . Dr. Jen ashton is here with more. And lara, whats going on upstairs . Robin, we have a wonderful audience. So happy to have them all with us today. We also have will smith, hes joining us live from a very special location. Good morning america will be right back. Ready. Or nothing. Ptable and its definitely not close enough or nothing. Mercedesbenz suvs were engineered with only one mission in mind. To be the best. In the category, in the industry. In the world. Lease the gla 250 suv for just 329 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. 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Where the nations Biggest Party store can staff up quickly as soon as its time for fun. This is the world of adp. Hr, talent, time, benefits and payroll. Designed for people. Thenot actors, people, whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin. And, had significantly less itch. Thats a difference you can feel. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. So help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters costa rica paraiso. Meet sergio. And his daughter, maria. Sergios coffee tastes spectacular. Because costa rica is spectacular. So we support farmers who use natural compost. To help keep the soil healthy. And the coffee delicious. For future generations. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. [ applause ] and welcome back to gma. Welcome to our great audience here this morning. Great wednesday audience. Wednesday. Wednesday. Which means tomorrow is thursday, which means its deals steals, twoday deals steals event. Something for everyone for at least 50 off. [ cheers and applause ] lets go over to lara. Good morning to you, george, and to you all. We begin with movie news. Jurassic world is coming back and there will be some familiar faces. Back at the park there you see laura dern confirming shes going to reprise her role posting this photo with director colin writing, love joining my buddy to announce the return of the original cast of Jurassic Park back into the jurassic world. This will be the first time jeff goldblum, sam neill and laura dern have been back together since the original inju Jurassic Park. Chris pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will be back. The new installment of this very popular franchise out in june 2021. Good news there. [ applause ] meryl streep is in the news this morning. She has a new project. The oscar winner will narrate a new audio book of the classic charlottes web. Imagine meryl streep reading your kids a bedtime story. What could be better . Shell be joined by an ensemble cast of more than 20 veteran audio book narrators to bring the 1954 classic to life. Comedian Billy Eichner wants in tweeting in all caps, let me play wilbur. [ laughter ] this will be the first recording of charlottes web since the author narrated it himself nearly 50 years ago. Looking forward to that. A Public Service announcement. If you were at the Lenny Kravitz concert in l. A. This past weekend, hes asking for help. You need to help him find his favorite sunglasses, everyone. Im not kidding. The grammy winner taking to twitter writing, im missing this pair of sunglasses. Do we see them . Is that them . Hopefully it is. Theyre incredibly sentimental to me. Theyre vintage well, you had me at vintage and they belonged to a family member. Hoping to get them back. No questions asked. Lenny even created an email address for people to get in touch with him directly if they have information. According to his instagram the glasses were sitting on stage and he let some audience members up at the end of the show. The glasses were taken from the riser. I know. He likes to let his fans up. He clearly loves these shades. He also sported the same ones there they are on the vma red carpet this past year. His fans quick to offer support but so far no leads in the great glasses caper. If you know what happened to Lenny Kravitzs sunglasses, please send him a message at kravit i understand that. Something special. Finally, everybody, today is national onehit wonder day. [ applause ] we are honoring all those songs we know by heart but we have no idea who sings them. Like this one. Take on me take on me see, you know the words. But do you know who sang it . Name that artist. Aha. Aha. George, the onehit wonder kid has done it again. [ applause ] all right. Dont read the prompter. Name this song. Ng it. The entire song is in german and yet we know the tune. We all sing along with artist nina. This was her one big hit back in 1983. Remember the video. The balloon, turns out the 80s was the most prolific decade for onehit wonders. Remember this one. Oh micky what a pity you dont understand i know you love it. Toni basil, everybody, she was the artist for that and come on eileen the classic. Come on eileen at this moment you mean everything Dexys Midnight Runners, where have you gone . We love you so. That song is still so popular even today. Ive never heard of that band ever. Dexys midnight runners. [ laughter ] but you all know come on, eileen. Oh, i swear. Well have to pay for it if we sing. I know what its going to be. Americas own vanilla ice. Ice ice baby ice ice baby his one hit, ice ice baby was a wonder, 21 weeks on the billboard hot 100 peaking at number one in november of 1990. Happy onehit wonder day, everybody. [ applause ] the videos are special. You should be Dexys Midnight Runners for halloween. Dont give the producers any ideas. Wouldnt that be fun . Dont. Sorry, sorry. We digress. Thats pop news, everybody. Thank you, lara. Were going to move on now to our gma cover story. We just learned that the ceo of juul has stepped down, as concerns grow about the vaping crisis. The governor of massachusetts has announced a temporary ban and now have seen the hidden devices some teens are using and isvieally fast. Details. Ilge people keep getting sick allegedly from vaping and Health Officials havent linked any specific substance or product to these illnesses. No single product has been associated with the cases but the numbers are still growing. Reporter this morning, the governor of massachusetts officially declaring a Public Health emergency. Calling for a fourmonth temporary ban on all vaping sales including thc, flavored and nonflavored products. We as a commonwealth need to pause sales in order for our medical experts to collect more information about what is driving these lifethreatening vapingrelated illnesses. Reporter according to Public Health officials, there have been nine deaths in the u. S. Linked to vapingrelated illnesses and 530 cases of lung injury associated with ecigarette or vaping products across 38 states with no particular product or device linked to all cases. The Vapor Technology association telling us there is a definite need for effective regulation saying, we stand ready to work with governor baker on thoughtful and effective regulation. On tuesday, ruby johnson testified before congress about what she called her daughter pipers neardeath experience last month. Her pulmonologist said he feared had we waited another 24 hours to seek medical attention shed most likely have been unresponsive on a ventilator. Reporter johnson says when the 18yearolds symptoms started she revealed to her mother and doctors that she had been vaping both nicotine ecigarettes and thc since her sophomore year of high school. Ill never forget watching her cry that she literally couldnt breathe without excruciating pain. Reporter although she improved she still has shortness of breath. Now johnsons urging parents to work with their childrens schools to create an open dialogue about vaping. Devices that look like flash drives and apple watches, it would seem were fighting a losing battle. Reporter many teens now turning to vaping hoodies and even devices that resemble smartwatches to keep their vaping habit discreet. Meanwhile, one doctor is taking on the vaping crisis by reaching teens the best way she knows how through social media. Do not use anything inside of these devices. Reporter dr. Rosemarie leslie is a secondyear resident at the university of Minnesota Medical School who started using the popular app tiktok about six months ago giving her more than 200,000 followers medical advice and urging them to stop vaping. This is such a social media dominated world. We need to use that to our advantage. And officials in california issued a vaping warning on tuesdaciti t iase ceand pro uc ilud ising thstate ying ne t considered safe, robin. Will, thank you very much. We have another gma health alert about pneumonia now. Oprah revealing she faced a very serious bout highlighting the importance of getting the vaccine. Dr. Ashton is here with how to know if you should get the shot. And we were so happy, so happy that shes on the mend. Many people think its just a cold. What are the symptoms, though . Robin, you took the words right out of my mouth. This is not a bad cold. Mini med school here. So pneumonia is a severe infection that can occur in the lungs and it can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungus, and then the air sacs in the lungs fill up with fluid. That can be lifethreatening. It can spread to the bloodstream. 50,000 people a year approximately die due to pneumonia. Symptoms in adults are major and Everyone Needs to know this. Typically fever which is a high fever, a cough, chills, severe fatigue. You need to get a chest xray. You need to have someone listen to your lungs and you need to seek medical attention. We heard oprah talking about the vaccine. Who should get one . So this is a great opportunity for people to understand about this vaccine. It is approved and recommended by the cdc for all babies under the age of 2 and all adults over the age of 65. It goes by the names prevnar or pneumavax. People with certain high risk conditions, liver disease, hiv, they should absolutely get this vaccine. It can dramatically reduce the chances of someone getting this pneumococcal pneumonia. What are other ways . Listen, its very important. People need to understand if you smoke or vape, stop. That increases your risks of pneumonia. Obviously staying active. Getting a flu shot important. Youre going to hear more about that. Influenza can lead to pneumonia and basic hand hygiene, wash your hands. Cover your cough, very, very important. What juul is doing, the cofounder stepping down, the changes they are making that is really good. Its very important. We now unfortunately need to start looking at vaping no differently than smoking. All right, thanks so much. l tiza where, you know, its hard to get your shoes sometimes. Like, who wants to get them . Just send your dog. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Good girl. And go get the other shoe. She gets a treat. But thats emily. She not only gets one shoe she gets them both. I love the cat. Note the cat lily being like no way would i ever do this. No way. You bring things to me. We love lilly. Please go to my Facebook Page and drop your gma moment there so we can share it with everyone else. Le harry and meghans baby archie is in south africa. This morning. Part of a tenday trek across four countries. Maggie rulli is there in cape town with all thats happening. Archie had a big meeting this morning. Reporter what a day here on the royal tour. Baby archie made his big reveal in what turned out to be a historic moment here in the country. Now, were in a bakery right now that actually played a small part in making that moment happen. As the tour continues to be all about meeting and involving the people here in south africa. Baby archie all smiles in his First Official appearance on a royal tour. Dressed in pinstripe baby blue overalls matching moms dress and dads tie as he clutches onto mom. So weve seen baby archie for the first time officially on this trip now. It is the moment that people have been waiting for. They have described this trip as their first trip as a family. So, of course, people wanted to see that moment when we see them all together as a family. And everyone always wants to see how archie is doing, how hes growing, what he looks like. So theres a lot of excitement around this family. Reporter people inside tell us the royal family of three was joking around and comfortable meeting Archbishop Desmond tutu, an iconic leader in south africa. It was quite amazing. As the baby came in being carried by his mum both Archbishop Tutu and his daughter sort of squealing and laughing and joking and making all these sounds and both harry and meghan were smiling. Reporter local sugar cookies were sent out made right here in cape town at charlies bakery. Weve seen baby archie. This is the moment that everyone has been waiting for, the three of them together. After that big family appearance harry is now heading to botswana to continue his work as meghan steps out on her own in her first solo appearance of the trip meeting with a group of female entrepreneurs in cape town as she continues to make her mark as a champion of womens rights. Now the bakers here at charlies bakery said this was the most vip cookie they have ever had to make. Guys, we have an exclusive. This is the practice cookie that they made for prince harry himself. Its supposed to be a buttery, buttery shortbread cookie and obviously ill taste test it for you guys. I can confirm it tastes worthy of royalty. Thank you, maggie. Coming up, will smith will join us live. Happy birthday, will. [ applause ] good morning, north bay. Will lets get up and get going. This is abc7 mornings. Good morning. Im kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. There is a change for the San Franciscobased juul labs. Kevin burns announced he is stepping down immediately. The ecigarette said it is suspending all advertising as the federal government is trying to learn more about people getting sick from vaping. All right. We have a couple of injury accidents out there northbound 880 at davis and hayward and traffic is slow. Another injury accident at westbound 80 as you are going to the richmond parkway. It is not blocking lanes now, but once the emergency crews arrive, it is going to slow things down further. A slow ride getting across the bay bridge because of a stall and traffic bac now, your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. All right. Updated on what is going on. The high fire dangers in the north bay mountains right through through 11 00 this morning. We have the threat of heat creating illness from 11 00 this morning to 7 00 this evening. Outside of the east bay hills and the mountains and along the coast. The temperatures are 90s in San Francisco and the rest of the bay 100s inland and 80 at the coast. 10 degrees cooler everywhere with cleaner air and good morning, america. From rancho cuke amon california. Good morning, america. Good morning, america. Happy 20, gma. Have an inspiring day. Oh, my gosh. [ cheers and applause ] we welcome you back. We love so many of those and the gentleman helping us celebrate that 20th anniversary in times square, young man, you inspire us so thank you for sending that in. We love saying good morning to you. So nice to hear you say it back. Keep sending in those videos. Tweet us your video gma with the mygma. Are you ready for this . You ready for this . All right. You have seen our next guest play every role from the fresh prince to a man in black to muhammad ali, now his own clone in the new movie, action movie, gemini man, joining us from budapest, please welcome the one, the only will smith, everybody. Hey. [ applause ] good morning, good morning. Good morning. I hope you feel the love all the way here in nyc. We wish we could be with you there in budapest. We know part of the film was shot there. You brought your family there. We wish we could be there with you, will. I know. Yeah, its really beautiful here. Like the weather is fantastic. Were here, we got the budacastle in the background. Jazzy jeff and i are performing tonight. But i sent you something. I sent you something. Oh, you something . Bring it out. Check it out. Yeah. Some strudel . Just so you can feel it, some budapestian strudel. Its all the way from here. You should eat it fast. Always the guest. Hey, you know, i know you spent time there in budapest and we remember the in my feelings challenge on that bridge there. That was fantastic. It was 4 00 in the morning and, you know, it was our last day here and, you know, as an american when you go somewhere, you want to leave an american mark so i was like, let me legally climb up on this bridge and do something really powerfully american. Yeah. Thats it. You accomplished that, will, for sure. We cant wait to talk to you about your new movie, gemini man in just a moment. First you opened up about something very personal. You and your wife talked about talking to your son, jaden, about his health. Tell us why that was important for to you share. Yes, yes. You know what, what happened and really i had a personal experience with that with my Blood Pressure and ive been on Blood Pressure medicine for about eight years so jada and i just really started opening up and talking im 51 today [ applause ] so its like turning turning 51, i think my birthday, i think that half century really got me started thinking about health and being a lot more conscious and, you know, jaden was struggling. He was vegan for awhile and hes trying to be conscious about his eating but we were noticing it wasnt it wasnt doing good for his body. So we had a little bit of an intervention but hes doing very well. Good. Happy to hear that. Happy to hear that. [ applause ] happy birthday, will. You said youre 51. In the movie you play two parts. Your retired government assassin but your clone, 23yearold clone who knows your every single move. Did you study your old movies . Yeah, you know, it was funny because i had to go back, looking at fresh prince and the model they were using to create the digital character was bad boy, the first bad boys so they were using the imagery, the hair, the look of the body and its such a mind twister when i saw that 23yearold version of myself because i want meme to understand it isnt a deaging process. They didnt take my face and deage it. They created a totally digital character. Its the first ever created 100 digital human that youve seen in a movie. Something that is spectacular. Lets show everybody then. Lets take a look. Oh. [ applause ] whoo Close Encounter with a motorcycle. What was your first reaction when you saw this for the first time . When you saw yourself like this for the first time . When i first saw the two characters together, the first thing that crossed my mind was i just made a movie so i think i made half as much money as i was supposed to make, you know. Because theres two of me in there. [ laughter ] no, but i looked at it and as an artist it was like the world just totally opened up what you can do creatively now. Its like there is a 23yearold digital version of me that i can now make movies with a character at any age that i want. Its photo realistic. If the audience gets in there and they totally buy this as a human being, as a character, it is un its unlimited what you can do now and how you can create and what you can make in terms of, you know, being a creator in this industry. Well, you are always the artist, always pushing the envelope like that, will. And since you were so it is you birthday so we have a Little Something for you there in budapest. We have a birthday cake. Its actually thank you, thank you. Thank you. [ applause ] mmmm. This is this is absolute perfect. I havent had breakfast yet and im kicking it off right here. There you go. [ applause ] wonderful. Always a pleasure to see you, will. Continued blessings. Thank you for everything. Thank you so much. Happy birthday. [ applause ] happy birthday to ya. And gemini man will hit theaters on friday, october 11th. Coming up what the cast of modern family is revealing thiwith the worlds firstdo, invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . Hop in. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Whered the trailer go . Or, get a total value of ninety seven sixty on this silverado all star without optional tech package or enhanced invisible view. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. We work out with todd, the same trainer at lift. Were trying to lift our torsos. I have long legs. You have a long torso. I feel like the one over here, i dont have either of those. [ laughterf for one of our favorite tv families, modern family is saying goodbye. Yes, they are but not until what a greexpe. Season with thel we caught up with them in l. A. Not too long ago when they were just beginning to film the season. So difficult to believe their final farewell begins tonight and not all of them are ready for it. Its been the show thats pushed the envelope changing the way we think about family. Im going to take a shower. Do you care to join me . You know, honey, there is a gun in the foot locker in the garage. If i ever say no to that i want to you use it on me. Reporter its made reallie family situations so much funnier. Pretend im not your dad but a couple of friends kicking it in a juice bar. Whats a juice bar. Reporter premiering its 11t. Raise your hand if you are emotionally ready for this series to be over . Not yet. Reporter the shows critical and ratings success not lost on the cast. When people actually like something you do, its a positive and when people like it and its actually getting good ratings thats better. If it has social ramifications that is more exciting and our show kept surprising us. I dont think anyone was expecting the impact had it. Reporter turning heads and households around a mul multicultural family. Winning awards for its depekz of a gay couple starting a family. Dont be mad. I just got up to change her. Reporter the significance of how they were able to portray a gay couple and a stable loving home with a daughter, what is the significance of that . It means a lot to both of us. I think that, you know, growing up as someone who is looking for role models on television not necessarily finding them i love that we can be that to kids now and i think its been a talking point for a lot of families. I always from the beginning wanted to play cameron as a human bng first defines him. I think its really brought Families Together in an age where kids and teenagers can be so separated from their families because of things like social media and phones and computers. We all have 10yearold kids that come up to us and say are you that guy on modern family . Are you that girl on modern family . Thats the lasting impact. In ten years there will be another 10yearold and well keep making hopefully generations laugh. Mitchell, why dont you ride shotgun . He doesnt do that well on splash mountain in the front seat. Reporter how do you end that mark . Whats an idea ending. Maybe i get divorced and have a younger wife. How dare you. Sofia, you cant let him get away we get divorced and i get all his money. Younger man. No, the money. The money. Theres a great chemistry between this group of people and i think weve experienced something thats been profound in our lives and something we carry through the rest of our lives. Maybe like in 30 years they can do again a modern family like now, you know how its like in fashion to bring back i dont know if eddie is going to be here. [ laughter ] i dont think i want to be. Oh, my gosh. Oh. She got you back. Dont mess with me. Sofia i should have known. You can drop your mic and walk off set now. [ applause ] so none of the cast knows how the season ends and they joke theyre not to be trusted but the writers and purchases feel they owe it to the fans to send the characters off on the path they deserve to be. 13 people, the largest interview ive ever conducted but said which character because each of these characters were developed so beautifully and each are so unique. They said theyll miss phils character the most. The iconic dad. Yes. Theyve spent a lot of time with us over the years here in the studio. Ive gone on set with them too as you have. What a Wonderful Group of individuals and having an ensemble like that you can tell they truly enjoy each other and family in every aspect. The interview started late because they were all catching up but giving each other hugs. I cant wait to the final season. I mean i can wait but cant wait. The final season of modern family starts tonight, 9 00, 8 00 central on abc. Ginger. [ applause ] okay. So now we actually have something, an exclusive sneak peek of something we all love, Jimmy Kimmels live, one of my favorite segments, mean tweets. Lets take a look. Maisie williams looking lies very young grandma. It must suck to be a cute little kid only to grow up looking like a creep. Yes, fred savage, im talking about you. I bet zendayas feet smell like funyuns. Lets check, shall we . Nope, smells like success to me. So good. You can see all of that tonight reh, Finn Wittrock who is in judy playing her fifth husband mickey deans. We have a couple of gifts for you. Oh, no . Its your first morning show. I havent even done anything yet. All right. Now you have to be good because you got a tshirt. Thank you. Youre welcome. Umbrella. Lets get out of here now. [ laughter ] so tell me, we had renee on and how in character she was. What was it like working with her. It was a dream. I think shes an amazing lesson in how to be a kind and generous and awesome person while giving a great performance, you know. I rarely saw her not as judy in the time i was there. Right. So she didnt break character. We didnt like she didnt make us call her judy or she wouldnt respond but like i actually have realized lately hanging out with her for all the press that how different she really was. Like because she was so in it and i was so much always seeing her in the judy getup and as the character that i didnt realize till now, oh, right, shes a very different person and came out in the rap party with the blond hair, like, right, thats your hair. Totally forgot. Lets get a little look. A little taste of it. This has been a good time, huh . Well, were not done yet, are we . I hope not. You ever want to get together, just click your heels. Thats how it works, right . [ applause ] and in this, obviously it is the 1960s and so you are so 1960s. I was reading your wife was a fan of that look. Oh, well, she was kind of like, honey, want to bring that wig home. I mean, it looks good. Mickey deans was was a flamboyant dresser and enjoyed all of the colors of the 60s, that was kind of a fun thing to jump in and in the movie mickey gives judy kind of a sense of like youthful exuberance so that was kind of what we were going for. I think its working. I think its working. Okay, so also i was reading that even during production, some of the actors forgot that it was an actual movie and got so into it. Yeah, well, we had in these amazing performance thing scene she does we had about 40 or 50 extras who were sort of just paid to be there and sit and like act like theyre at a dinner theater concert and inevitably after she sang they would get up and applaud. Wow. Without being prompted and till the sound guy was like stop these people from applauding because its messing up my work. But it really was, yeah, it was amazing. Finn, we cant wait to see it. Finn in judy hits theaters this friday. Coming up too weve got the science of puppy love. Its real apparently. Dont forget. Do so that early retirement we planned. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. Crab . They love it. So, you mentioned that that money we set aside. Yeah. The kids and i want to build our own crab shack. Ahhh, youre finally building that outdoor kitchen. Yup with room for the whole gang. See how investing with a j. P. Morgan advisor can help you. Visit your local chase branch. We are back now with mans best friend. We love our dogs and a new book back. Its called dog is love why and how your dog loves you. Lara already knows this is true but you have all the details so you can convince everyone else. I do, indeed. This book is sure to delight all dog lovers out there. Finding the relationship between dogs and their owners, theyre similar to the bones between human babies and their moms. Its true. They are our furry fourlegged best friends. We love them like family. Now a new book dog is love why and how your dog loves you says there is scientific proof our dogs do feel that emotion. The hormone, the brain activity and even the genetics of dogs shows us that loving people is etched into the very fiber of dogs being. Reporter drawing on new research from his behavioral studies, dr. Clive wynne says dogs have a unique capacity for love that separates them from all other animals. To prove it a couple of experiments. This one is called the escape experiment. Will a dog act when their owner is in trouble . Rescue. Help me. Reporter hearing his owner in distress ozzy heads straight for the box circling and sniffing around rescuing her within 11 seconds. Well done, thats great. Hey. Pleased to find your mum. Well done. Reporter next the next testt how much time does your dog want to spend next to you. You can talk to him gently if he comes up close to you but if he doesnt choose to come up coast to you, dont invite him in. Just leave him be. Its up to him to do whatever he wants to do. Ozzy returns to her three times in between exploring the room before ultimately laying down right next to her. What stands out for me this capacity to connect. Thats what i think is really special about dogs. [ applause ] any dog owner knows this is true. Dog is love is out right now and good mo fixfinity internet and mobile, each for 30 a month. That equals awesome wifi from americas best Internet Provider and the best lte on the go. Its the ultimate coverage solution. Its all in the numbers. With xfinity mobile, youll save up to 800 a year on your wireless bill. You can even get 250 back. Dont miss out on xfinity internet and mobile, each for 30 a month. Plus, save up to 800 a year on your wireless bill with xfinity mobile. Xfinity makes saving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call, or visit a store today. Sometimes i wish you knew what we were talking about in the commercial break but have a great day, everybody. Have a good day. Good morning, bay area. Lets get up and get going. This is abc7 mornings. Im kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. It is short of 9 00 and mike has the forecast. Thank you, kumasi. A look weatherwise, we have healthy air out there and moderate to go and sensitive for 2 3 of us later today and this is why we are under the spare the air moniker. Look at these temperatures. From San Francisco throughout the bay, and 100s inland, and about face starting tomorrow and this weekend. All right. If you are trying to take b. A. R. T. , a heads up that there is a 10 minute delay due to a medical emergency, so if you are trying to spare the air, you will find delays for the cable car line and climate protesters are blocking the california street between kearney and s samsome and lots of delays there including a cable car that is blocked. Now it is time for live with kelly and two days from the series, ryan its live with kelly and ryan. And from stumptown, cobie smulders. From liza on demand, liza koshy. Apostate tour. And now, here are kelly ryan and ryan seacrest. [cheers and applause] b2 hello

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