Of the year. Is a recession coming . Were live on wall street with the latest. Breaking new developments in the Jeffrey Epstein case. The new report about his autopsy finding multiple broken bones in epsteins neck the night he died. The i. C. E. Protest turning dangerous overnight. A pickup Truck Driving into a crowd, and what were now learning about the driver. An abc news exclusive. Cameron boyces parents, libby and victor, speaking publicly for the First Time Since the disney stars sudden death. Somewhere between the last text he sent me and the morning, he was gone. Their final conversation, and how theyre keeping their beloved sons legacy alive. And the massive cliff collapse caught on camera. Rocks plunging 200 feet into the water, narrowly missing these kayakers. Now what theyre saying about this incredible close call. Glad the kayakers are okay. Good morning, america on this thankful thursday and were not just here in times square. No, no, no, no. Gma also live look at that beautiful city. Chicago. Yeah. Take a look. Theres our gma rv on the move driving past that oh so famous skyline, and so many gathered there on north avenue beach to celebrate along with us. We have a big surprise for someone very special coming up. I love the music. Look at that. Oh we cannot wait for that. Cant wait to check in with chicago, and that surprise you mentioned coming up here. First, we have that breaking news from overnight. That dramatic standoff in philadelphia finally coming to an end after more than seven hours. Six Police Officers shot before the gunman was taken into custody. Gio benitez is on the scene in philadelphia this morning with the very latest. Good morning, gio. Reporter hey, david, good morning. Yeah, just an incredible, scary situation for both residents and officers. Take a look behind me because if you look closely, you can see all the evidence markers on the ground. Thats because more than 100 bullets were fired here. Residents jumping fences just to get away from all that gunfire. Overnight, a dramatic surrender. A raging gunman turning himself in to police. Maurice hill taken into custody bringing a violent, sevenhour tense standoff to an end in philadelphia. Give me s. W. A. T. Asap. Long guns, asap. I got officers shot. Reporter his surrender comes after gunfire rained down on police for hours. Gunshots hitting six officers. Bullets ricochetted off the sidewalk and nearby homes. Officers crawling and crouching to avoid getting hit. The shootout started while officers were serving hill with a narcotics warrant. We have an officers shot, and theyre still being shot at. Reporter the situation quickly escalating when hill, armed with multiple firearms, barricaded himself inside a home holding two Police Officers hostage. The guys still in the stairwell. Reporter police rushing their wounded brothers away from the barrage of bullets. One officer hit in the leg, the other in the arm. It was like 100 shots. Reporter crowds of officers surrounding the home on all sides. Cars filling the streets. The nearby university of temple campus on lockdown. I heard so many gunshots. Reporter several hours after the standoff began, remarkably all of the officers were transported to the hospital with nonlifethreatening injuries. Its nothing short of a miracle that we dont have multiple officers killed today. Reporter after the hostages were released, the gunman who phoned his attorney, chaka johnson, finally agreeing to speak with negotiators and hours later, surrendering. And were told this morning that all of those injured officers are going to make a full recovery. Again, nonlifethreatening injuries which is just incredible, robin, when you think about how many shots were fired here. Oh, my goodness. But we are grateful they are going to recover. All right, gio. Thank you. Now to those growing recession fears after the dow closed down 800 points last night, suffering its worst day all year. Rebecca jarvis is at the New York Stock Exchange and has the latest for us. Good morning, rebecca. Reporter good morning, robin. Weve already seen some wild swings this morning in stocks. Typically stocks are what we talk about. Theres another market, the bond market that is trillions of dollars larger. Yesterday it sent a dramatic warning signal about the economy. This morning, wall street reeling after the worst day for stocks this year with fears of a possible recession looming. The dow plunging 800 points, down more than 3 wednesday. Investors rattled by the escalating trade war with china, negotiations at a standstill and fears of a global slowing economy. And now a new warning sign, whats known as an inverted yield curve. When the yield thats the Interest Rate on the tenyear treasury is lower than the twoyear. Meaning investors get paid more to own the shorter term twoyear investment than they would for taking a longer term risk. The move which happened briefly wednesday typically signals a recession is coming in the next 22 months. The last time it happened was 2007 just before the great recession. If it were to stay in this condition for three to six months, then you will see people start to be much more concerned. Reporter while the president for now has backed off threats to impose new tariffs on chinese goods, the uncertainty weighing on stocks and u. S. Farmers who traditionally sell billions of dollars in crops to china, but china has stopped buying in retaliation. A lot of farmers will have to come up with alternative sources of income. Reporter and overnight, china said it was willing to meet the u. S. Halfway on trade which sent some optimism through the markets as has a new earning report from walmart which says the health of the consume is strong. Think about your 401 k . Stocks are up about 13 . Which means if you put 1,000 in the market at the beginning of the year today you have about 1,100. Amy . Thats some relief for some people out there who are so concerned. President trump does not appear to be worried about a possible recession, tweeting that the economy is strong and trying to ease fears about that trade war with china. Terry moran is at the white house with more on all of that. Good morning, terry. Reporter good morning, amy. Those are president trumps two basic responses to this market anxiety. First, its okay, and hes blaming the fed. For months hes been hammering fed chairman Jerome Powell for raising Interest Rates. Now hes demanding that those rates come down faster and farther. He says if he hadnt been raised, everything would be hunkydory. Hes trying to dial back that trade war with china. This week the president blinked and postponed his latest round of tariffs on china. So the consumers can spend freely during the christmas season, a sign he knows the tariffs can slow down the economy. Looming above everything, the 2020 campaign. The president also knows that the worst thing that can happen to him politically is a recession. Since the civil war, only one president has won reelection if there was a recession in the last two years of his term. That was william mckinley. That was back in the 1900s. There is history looming over this. David . We always appreciate the history. Already a Major Campaign issue. Terry, thank you. In the meantime, we turn now to the breaking developments in the Jeffrey Epstein investigation this morning. In fact, a new report about his apparent suicide detailing what the autopsy found, reports of multiple broken bones in his neck. Also the officers who were supposed to be watching him, did they doctor the logs . Linsey davis back with us this morning with the very latest. Linsey . Good morning david. Were learning about his autopsy report. A second epsteinrelated lawsuit has been filed. This one just filed yesterday by a woman who goes by the initials v. E. , and she claims she was sexually assaulted by epstein at 16. Shes suing three of epsteins companies claiming they were negligent for allowing and in some cases facilitating her abuse. Reporter this morning new details about the final moments of Jeffrey Epsteins life. The Washington Post reports that epstein sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones. The paper cites two people familiar with the findings of the disgraced millionaires autopsy. This comes as new concerns are being raised about the prison where Jeffrey Epstein was found dead. The department of justice revealing that more than half of the prison staff on the night epstein died were working overtime. Sources tell abc news that two guards were assigned to monitor epstein and not only didnt do so, but may have doctored their log entries to cover up the negligent. The guards are on administrative leave pending an investigation. All of this as we hear epstein in his own words. A newly resurfaced interview with epstein recovered nearly two decades ago, years before his conviction. I realize what i am. Im very comfortable in my own skin. Reporter in the 2003 interview with david bank, published this week by bloomberg, the millionaire talked about his life on his remote caribbean island, the site of raids by the fbi and nypd earlier this week. On my own island, or my own ranch, i can think the thoughts i want to think. Reporter and what now for former epstein confidant, Ghislaine Maxwell . The socialize is named in a new lawsuit filed by jennifer araoz. They stole from me. They robbed me of my youth, my identity, my innocence and my selfworth. Reporter araoz claims epstein raped her when she was 15 years old, saying that maxwell and at least three other epstein employees helped facilitate his crimes. My resolve to get justice is only strengthened. Reporter there are also three unnamed female employees included described as the recruiter, the secretary and the maid. Gil Ghislaine Maxwell has never been charged and vigorously denies the allegations against her. David . Thank you, linsey. Lets bring in dan abrams back with us this morning, and i want to pick up where linsey just left off, this new civil lawsuit that actually names Jeffrey Epsteins confidant, Ghislaine Maxwell, and she mentioned the recruiter, the secretary and the maid. We have heard little about maxwell, and dont know where she is. Shell have to respond to this. Unlike a criminal case, where you can revoke your right, if in a civil case, if you dont want a judgment entered against you, you have to come forward and answer questions. She may say i invoke my right against selfincrimination. Fine. She still has to show up and respond if she doesnt want immediately a judgment entered against her. This is not a really easy case against her either because even the victim here conceding she didnt have interactions with maxwell. No direct contact. Correct. There was something quite major happening in the last 24 hours, a new law here in new york state which gives alleged victims more time to come forward, and a bit of a grace period if you will to come forward right now. Yeah, and it was a law enacted that had nothing to do with epstein. It was a reaction to the Catholic Church scandal. Basically for one year the statute of limitations is on hold. You were abused as a child, you can sue. It focuses more on the age of the victims than it does on the number of years it happened. For example, moving forward until someone is 55, they can sue their abuser in new york. Criminal charges can also be brought for longer periods of time. Big change there. You heard linsey in that interview with the alleged victim say that shes still going to press ahead with this prosecution. But theres a lot of frustration with the guards who were not watching epstein. What for them if they have, in fact, doctored the logs . If they falsified records, that can be federal charges. We have seen it before. Corrections officers have been charged for that very crime, falsifying records. All right, well be tracking it. Dan, thanks very much. Robin . Now to another round of wicked weather overnight. Damage and flooding in the plains and southeast. Rob is in chicago and tracking it all for us. Good morning, rob. Hey, good morning, robin. It was a bit rough here in the midwest as far as heavy winds where they had heavy rains. That was across parts of the southeast yesterday. In south carolina, summerville, look at this. Five inches of rain falling just north of charleston, and a child care facility had to be evacuated. Some of those kids frightened as you can imagine. Orlando getting about four inches of rainfall yesterday as well, and flooding the streets. They can see similar action. A rough week for much of the southeast, and 60mileperhour winds in tuscaloosa, and indiana. 70mileperhour winds in chicago. Severe Weather Threat spreads to the east. Rapid city, sue falls, lincoln. Large hail and a few tornadoes, and the potential for more heat across california. Talk more about that in a little bit. Thanks, rob, so much. We turn to the dangerous scene at the i. C. E. Protest in rhode island overnight. A driver running into demonstrators, multiple injuries. Janai norman is here with that. Janai, good morning. David, good morning. Demonstrators were protesting the treatment of migrants outside the Detention Center. Dozens were linking arms when a driver drove his truck right into them. Reporter this protest appearing to be peaceful, but quickly turning into a scary crash after a driver plowed his pickup truck into this crowd of demonstrators. In this shocking video outside the Wyatt Detention Center in rhode island, you can see the truck driven by an alleged corrections officer approach the entrance to the Detention Center parking lot. Were a bunch of Peaceful Protesters sitting on the ground blocking this parking lot when a correctional officer in this suv comes barrelling through. Reporter before attempting to drive straight through the crowd of jewish protesters, many advocating for the human rights of migrants detained by i. C. E. [ chanting shut it down ] reporter five protesters suffered nonlifethreatening injuries. Reports say immediately following the truck going into the crowd officers came out and surrounded the truck in hopes of moving the protesters. Everyone, back up. Reporter watch when the crowd of roughly 600 demonstrators doesnt disperse. The officers used pepper spray. And while officers used pepper spray, protesters say those officers did nothing to address the driver. When reached by abc news, the Detention Center offered no comment this morning. Alarming pictures overnight. Absolutely. All right, janai, thanks. Now to the water crisis in new jerseys largest city. There are increased calls this morning for the mayor of newark to step down. As the city struggles to get even bottled water to its residents. Whit johnson is in newark with the latest. Good morning, whit. Reporter robin, good morning to you. Outrage and frustration here in newark, sparked by growing fears of lead contamination. Tens of thousands of residents told not to drink water from the tap. Many lining up to pick up cases of bottled water. Many wondering if newark may be the new flint, michigan where residents are exposed to dangerous lead levels in their water. Now in newark there are growing calls for the citys mayor to step down. The crisis has been brewing for nearly three years now, coming the a led last week when the epa found elevated levels of lead in two homes that were using special filters intended to clean the water, blaming a Corrosion Control issue at one of the citys Water Treatment plants, but adding insults to injury, officials had to temporarily stop giving out bottles of water yesterday after many of them were found to be past their best buy dates. Officials will be out here at this rec center and other locations across the city handing out bottled water once again. Robin . This time water thats not past its due date. Think about the folks in flint, michigan who have been going through this for many years. And still. Still going on. Hope they get answers soon. We want to take a look at a very close call for kayakers in michigan. They were touring the pictured Rocks National lake shore. Look at that. A huge section of a 200foot cliff collapsed into lake superior. Missing them by just about 50 feet. Thankfully and remarkably no one was injured. The tour guide speaking out about those intense moments in the water. Take a listen. Two minutes prior, we were under that spot where all the rocks fell which is absolutely crazy in my mind. All of a sudden, the cliff just started to crack and section by section, these rocks of sandstone just fell into the water. Wow. You see its remarkable that that was stunningly captured. There was a nature photography boat and they set their drone when they heard the sound of the rocks falling. They captured it all. Were following a lot of other stories this morning as well, including that abc news exclusive with robin. Her interview with the parents of the disney star, Cameron Boyce. How theyre going to keep his legacy alive. They are a really, really special family. I cant wait to share that with you. Lets go to rob in chicago. Time for your sunny cities sponsored by expedia. Com. Well be right back. Right back. 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Thank you. It is hot its on. Get to the ross shoe event for even more brands at 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. Yes yep oh, yeah seriously, save on fall styles for women, men, boys and girls. At the ross shoe event. On now. And you score the you knperfect outfit . At ross ooooohhhh game on now, thats yes for less. Nothing beats getting the latest trends at 20 to 60 percent off Specialty Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Welcome today two of dangerous heat. Moderate to high heat risk. High in the east bay valleys and lake county. Temperatures will exceed 100. 70 right now in mount diablo. 103 by 3 00. Same thing up in northern sonoma county. Tons of districts heading back to school. Good luck. Stay hydrated. Its going to be hard to concentrate today. Just as hot tomorrow inland. Relief around the coast and bay. Coolest sunday. All right. Mike, thank you. Coming up on gma, an exclusive. The parents of disney star camer Cameron Boyce opening up about his sudden death my dbut now, i take used tometamucil every day. Sh it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. Try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. Some bad news. To whom it may concern, due to budget shortfalls, the panthers Baseball Program ballard softball vikings basketball woodlawn soccer the tigers basketball program. Is indefinitely suspended. To whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern every kid deserves a chance to play every kid deserves a chance to play so i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light. And soft. Not sticky. Its light. Its different. Its foam. You dont want no problem, want no problem with me no problem here because that man right there, chance the rapper, taking over central park tomorrow, performing live on gma. In fact, new York Magazine is calling it the number one thing to see this week. I love it. The number one thing. Thats great. We cannot wait. That is exciting. Guess what . We have a connection to chance because we are on the road live in chances hometown of chicago. Lets look at our audience there. We can hear them right now. There they are. Wow, big crowd out there. My goodness. Awesome showing, and we have some surprises for everyone coming up in just a bit. So cant wait for that. We love chicago. Mmhmm. Go there in just a few moments. First, headlines now. A sevenhour standoff between gunman and police in philadelphia. A man barricading himself in a home, taking two officers hostage, and injuring six others. Everyone is expected to drive. Theres also growing recession fears this morning after the dow dropped 800 points, its biggest drop of the year. Well be tracking that live this morning. And the Emergency Landing in russia. At least 23 people were injured when a plane with 233 people on board hit a flock of birds, damaging its engine and forcing it to land in that cornfield. This all happened near moscow. The airline said the plane was significantly damaged. An investigation is under way. Amazing and incredible no one died. The plane is still fully intact right in the field. I know. Lucky. We have our abc news exclusive now with the parents of the beloved disney star, Cameron Boyce. Victor and libby boyce speaking for the First Time Since their son, their beloved sons death last month, talking about the last time they saw him, some of their special memories and how they will keep his legacy alive. The night he passed away, we were out to dinner with him just hours before. We were texting that night. We were texting about the lakers. We were texting back and forth up until 12 30, and somewhere between the last text he sent me in the morning, he was gone. Its not cliche to say you never know. You never know. You never know. Its not cliche to say. You know, i used to you know, when its somebody else, you know, you always feel bad. But until you really it hits you, god, you just you just cant understand it. Reporter just hours after these photos of a smiling Cameron Boyce were taken by his father, the 20yearold was found unresponsive at his los angeles home. Passing away suddenly last month in his sleep due to a seizure which was a result of epilepsy, a neurological disorder that affects nearly 3. 5 million americans. Cameron had his first seizure at 16 1 2, and until he had his second one, he wasnt considered as having epilepsy, and thats when he was 17, going on 18. He only ever had five seizures and the fifth one is the one that he died from. Was he receiving treatment . Yes. Well, he was on medication for one, but we also had this thing where they wired his head up and had this contraption on that tried to capture brain activity. Nothing ever showed. They tried to induce him to seize with strobe and different methods. Never seized. He only had seizures while he slept. He never had one when he was awake. Every time he had a seizure he would bite his tongue or bite his lip. He wouldnt have any memory of the seizure. And obviously if i ever thought that he could die from a seizure, i would have never let him out of my sight which would have been awful for him. And so we thought because he hadnt had one for 13 months before the last one. Reporter for nearly a decade, cameron was a fixture on family tv screens all across the globe. At just 12 years old, he landed his breakout role on disney channels hit show, jessie. That seems kind of crazy, doesnt it . Reporter going on to star in the wildly popular descendents franchise show casing his many talents as an actor that wasnt the right time, right . Reporter and a dancer. What kind of child was he growing up . What kind of kid was cameron . He was amazing, always extremely wise, extremely thoughtful, incredibly athletic, a dancer from the minute he was born and just the kindest, sweetest human you could possibly meet, ever. He used to say to me, share your wisdom, mom. Share your wisdom with me. Who says that . Who says that as a kid . And i would. Reporter often described as an old soul, cameron believed deeply in helping others, combining acting with activism. His family carrying on the work he began with the Cameron Boyce foundation. The Cameron Boyce foundation will do a lot of things for epilepsy, for gun violence, the water crisis. Those were the areas he was really, really focused on. What you leave should be bigger than you. You know, i can never fill my sons shoes, ever even though my foot is bigger than his. But were going to try to continue his legacy as best we can because its just too important to let it die. Usually a son says that about his father. Exactly. Everything is just backwards. Everything is just reversed, and thats why its so strange to me. Like, im not supposed to outlive my son. Im not supposed to be undoing his estate. Im getting, you know, letters to the estate of Cameron Boyce which is just every time i read it or see it or something, its just wow. It boggles my mind. In your quiet moments and you think of your son, whats the first thing that comes to mind . A month or so ago, he came to visit and i was so happy to see him. Gave him a big hug, and it was cool, this is my 20yearold son that drove up in his car from his house and hes coming to visit me. Im thinking, this is how its going to be. This is going to be cool. So thats my thats my favorite memory right now because it was the last time i saw him, like, being an adult and doing his thing. Hey, guys. Its Cameron Boyce here. The descendants premiere right now. Do you have a favorite performance from him . Not a performance, but when he lived in new york for four months and it was snowing out. He was just dancing through it and he did a pirouette that was perfect and it left a mark in the snow, and i love that. Its him. Its the sunlight in shoes that he is. But he said crazy stuff too. Go ahead. The last night we were with him at dinner, he said to me we asked him about his house. He had just bought a house. And we said, well, hows the house . This is the night that another aftershock of the earthquake happened, and we were at the restaurant and we were rocking at the restaurant on the patio. We just had an aftershock and she asked him, how was the house. He said, my house is the epicenter of everything thats cool. I dont want to make it see like he was all professor like all the time. That was cool. The epicenter of everything thats cool. Just a smile. All smiles. They are so proud of their son, and rightfully so. They established the Cameron Boyce foundation in his honor. Its launching its First Program tomorrow, friday. Its called wielding peace to help fight gun violence. So this is something cameron actually created and he had been working on this project prior to his passing, and he really looked forward to sharing it. The foundation will also bring awareness to epilepsy. And i saw your reaction when the mother said that it was 17 when libby said his first seizure, and youre not diagnosed with epilepsy until you have a second one. Right. And the fact he was taking his medication as of late, and that she felt assured, first of all, they wanted to emphasize its very rare how he died because of this. Its extremely rare, but she thought, well, since it happened in his sleep, he wont hit his head, and he might be safer. All the normal fears of having an epileptic seizure during the day when youre walking around. She said, she would have kept him right by her side, which would not have been fun for him. Oh, no. I have to say cameron is not only an inspiration, but his parents are. In watching this, they are truly, and your interview with them, they should be commended for what they are doing for their son. It was difficult for them, you know, its been just roughly a month since his passing, and he has a teenage sister who if you go on instagram and read what she wrote after the passing and i asked the parents, whats your secret sauce . Both of their children are so remarkable in thinking about others, and you can see more of the interview tonight on nightline, and you can understand the legacy hes continuing because of his grandmother, what she did in the civil rights movement. So you have a better understanding of that. But what you leave should be bigger than you. What you leave should be bigger than you. That was true. That was wisdom by him at a very early age. A lot more ahead this morning. That was amazing, robin. Thank you. Coming up on gma, the urgent investigation. Teens now hospitalized sick after vaping. Theyre now talking about lung disease in young people. What doctors are now learning. Come on back. What doctors are now learning. Come on back. sharon smoking caused my throat cancer. But, walking every day makes me feel like myself again. Well, well, almost. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Somebody burned down my she shed. Your she shed was struck by lightning. Is my she shed covered by state farm . Your she sheds covered, cheryl. Thats wonderful news. Home insurance trusted by more people than any other. State farm. At pier 1, the color is calm eucalyptus. Home insurance trusted by more people than any other. The style is yours. Style your mood with 20 percent off dining tables and seating. Come see whats new. Visit pier 1 today. Used almost everywherezema, euon almost everybody. Like the back of a bodyguard. For ages 2 and up. Eucrisa works at. And below the surface of the skin. It blocks overactive pde4 enzymes. Which is believed to reduce inflammation. And its steroidfree. Do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. Allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. The most common side effect is application site pain. Ask your doctor about eucrisa. Back now on Good Morning America with the urgent investigation into teens and vaping after close to two dozen reports of hospitalizations across this country. Were learning new details from the doctors treating these young people who have been vaping. Paula faris is following this. This is the story of our time. It really is. Good morning, david. Good morning, everyone. Doctors treating them say theyre putting the pieces together. These kids with aggressive lung injuries, they have no underlying conditions, viruses or diseases, but they have one commonality, an association with vaping. Reporter Health Officials this morning raising red flags about recent cases of teens and young adults landing in the hospital with breathing problems, some even having seve severe lung damage. Something that is assumed by the public and certainly by teens to be relatively safe, actually has been associated now with at least this type of acute, very aggressive injury to otherwise healthy lungs. Reporter minnesota is the latest of several states who report patients with severe lung damage with four cases after six were reported in illinois and up to 12 in wisconsin. We recognize that it is not a result of infection like viruses or bacteria. It looks more similar to injury from an inhalation of some kind of a caustic substance. The body is actually reacting to something thats been exposed to or deposited along the lining of the lung. Reporter earlier this month, this teens post went viral after posting pictures of his own damaged lungs. I woke up in a lot of pain. I couldnt sleep on my right side. Reporter chance amaretta was rushed to the hospital and underwent several tests. Chance says the doctors treating him said he had a lung condition made worse by vaping. It felt like i was having a heart attack, and it was just insanely scary because, like, im 18. Reporter Health Officials warning there are still a lot of unknowns. When it comes to teens and vaping, i think it is safe to say that we really do not understand the potential impact on their lungs of using these devices or the substances that they may be putting in these devices. And thats the big concern right there. They dont know the possible acute nor the longterm effects of vaping. There is just not enough history there and a reminder the cdc says it is unsafe for teens, kids and young adults because their brains are still developing and yet the cdc found that 1 in 5 High Schoolers are vaping using ecigarettes and 1 in 20 middle schoolers. Its so bad the Surgeon General called it an epidemic. They do it in the hallways. Undetected. They blow it into their backpacks and no one knows. Its something parents need to know as well. Dr. Jen will be here to talk about that more in the next hour. Looking forward to that. Coming up next though, the play of the day. The bear who just has to shake it off. Shake your groove thing off. Shake your groove thing walk it off look. One more mile look. Reply all look. Own your look with fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crows feet and forehead lines look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. 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Shake your groove thing shake it, shake it shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, baby were back now with our play of the day. Our gma rv making a pit stop in chicago today, a city known for the bears. The bears. This morning, in akron, ohio, theyre home to a bear known for her moves. A grizzly at the akron zoo caught on camera shaking off an inch, and her moves are going viral this morning. Reminds you of baloo from the jungle book. The bare necessies nicely done. Well be live in chicago when he come back. Lets shake our groove things. Well be live in chicago when he come back. Lets shake our groove things. Uh. Unfortunately weve gotten a bit of bad news. To whom it may concern, due to budget shortfalls, the panthers Baseball Program ballard softball vikings basketball we regret to inform you that due to budget shortfalls, the tigers basketball program. Is indefinitely suspended. Wait, whatre you saying . All the work that we put in . I wish it wasnt so to whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern to whom it may concern every kid deserves a chance to play ethe first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. When crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. Depend® fitflex underwear for all day fun. Features maximum absorbency, ultra soft fabric and new beautiful designs for your best comfort and protection guaranteed. Lifes better when youre in it. Be there with depend®. If your mouth is made to amaze, let Philips Sonicare give its care a raise. Get healthier gums in just 2 weeks. Give it Philips Sonicare. Next level clean, next level care. Theres always a way to make life better. Philips sonicare you want a freshsmelling home, but some air fresheners use heavy, overwhelming scents. Introducing febreze one; a new range of innovative air fresheners with no heavy perfumes that you can feel good about using in your home to deliver a light, naturalsmelling freshness. Febreze one neutralizes stale, stuffy odors and releases a subtle hint of fragrance like bamboo or lemongrass ginger. To eliminate odors with no heavy perfumes, try new febreze one. Brand power. Helping you buy better. And this is a real person named mackenzie book. Hi, im mac book. So mac, which laptop lasts longer . Surface laptop lasts longer. Hmm, interesting. And which ones faster . This ones faster. Really . Amazing. Which one has a better touchscreen . The surface has a better touchscreen. Because it actually has a touchscreen. Oh, right. Macs dont have touchscreens. You should get a surface. Trust me, im mac book. Well, there you have it. Mac book says, get a surface. Good morning once again from chicago, covering the Severe Weather in the midwest, the southeast and the heat across california. A little brush fire broke out near sacramento yesterday, and firefighters were able to get it under control, but yesterday for the most part was the hottest day of the year with a number of records breaking across the west. Yuma, arizona, 115, thats measured in the shade. Napa 100 degrees. Oakland, california on the bay. 94 degrees yesterday in sacramento. We have got successive heat warnings out for valleys, and again, heat advisories out for coastal sections. We could hit very similar numbers today. This is dangerous heat even though the humidity levels are relatively low there. Humidity levels are high across florida. Heavy rain yesterday. Likely to see five or six inches of rainfall today. This segment sponsored by Good Morning America is sponsored by microsoft surface. Good morning. Happy thursday. Mike nicco has a very hot forecast. Yeah. Day two of record heat and dirty air. Its a possibility in the areas in orange and red through at least tomorrow. I think Alameda County will be hot tomorrow. 87 is the record in San Francisco today. Were going to be pretty close. 50s start developing tonight. And that signifies a cooling trend that lasts through sunday. And your commute is starting to wind down just a little bit. We still got a lot of slow traffic out there. An earlier accident west 237 was a fatal accident. Thats been cleared. The damage is done across 237. Avoid the santa cruz mountains. Several accidents there over the course of the morning. Take 92. Gma is on the road in chicago with great deals and steals and an incredible Hometown Hero. Another update in about 30 minutes. If you havent yet, download our app for free and join its tsleep numberbiggest sale360 smart bed. N the you can adjust your comfort on both sides your sleep number setting. 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M. , and breaking overnight, dramatic hostage standoff in philadelphia. Give me s. W. A. T. Asap. Long guns, asap. I got officers shot. A gunman with an Assault Rifle opening fire on police. Officers wounded. Their fellow officers rushing them to safety. The moment the gunman finally surrenders. Were live from philadelphia. Also ahead, on edge. New fears of a recession right now. The worst day of the year for the stock market. The key warning sign for the economy that so many are watching again today, and what you should do this morning when it comes to your credit card, your cash, your savings. The fight for fair pay. Talks between u. S. Soccer and the federation break down as the womens team fights to get paid as much as male players. This morning, Megan Rapinoe and Christen Press making their case right here on gma. Vape nation. Several teens hospitalized with severe lung damage, allegedly linked to vaping. This morning, what parents should watch for. How to address vaping with your kids. Also this morning, Patrick Swayzes widow opening up about his life, what their marriage was like before the fame, his complicated relationship with his mother and the very personal demons he battled. Our gma rv is rolling into chicago as our summer road trip takes to the skies. Epic windy city deals steals, a chitown cookoff, and a surprise for these young pilots that youll have to see to believe. T. J. , tory, rob all there as we say good morning, america. Aint no valley low enough one of my alltime favorite songs. So good. I think of you when i hear it. Aint no Mountain High enough. I love the director in my ear. She said how often do you dance on world news. Only in your head. Probably never. Double duty here for you this week. Appreciate that. You helped me through a difficult time yesterday. If you were with us, i broke a mirror, and i really appreciate everybodys suggestions, you know, throwing the salt and all that. So i come in this morning. My mirror is here, and we just take a look at it, and look what they had. Halle berry. Yes. What i see when i look into the mirror. Got to love the gma crew. You are looking good today. Looking great. In my head. In my head. Beautiful as always. That was very sweet. Were also excited to be taking gma on the road to chicago. There is our team, the gma rv. Look at that. Pulling in right now. Greeted by a huge crowd, and the south Shore Drill Team and the 144th army band. I believe there are a couple of drill team members they may have picked up along the way. Who could that be . Who could it be inside . Stretch, stretch. Come on, guys. Open the door. Open the door. Weve got t. J. , tory, rob and t. J. s daughter and t. J. That was a big buildup. It was. I heard the drum roll. Theyre all there for us. So many friends out there greeting them in the windy city. We cannot wait to meet the Hometown Hero who is about to get a big surprise. Somebody lost the keys inside that rv i think. It happens from time to time. First, well get the latest on that breaking news overnight. The dramatic standoff in philadelphia coming to an end after more than seven hours. Six Police Officers were shot. Lets go back to gio on the scene there for us. Good morning again, gio. Reporter hey, robin. Good morning again. Just an incredibly scary situation for so many of these officers and residents in this neighborhood. Take a look because we still have crime scene investigators here. Theyre going to be here all day long. Lets take a look at this dramatic video right now because that surrender was caught on camera. Police say they were serving a narcotics warrant here at this home when maurice hill opened fire, holding some officers hostage. It all played out on live tv. Bullets ricochetting off siwalks, and officers crouched to avoid getting hit. Listen here, and you can hear the bullets. Nothing short of a miracle we dont have multiple officers killed today. Reporter you heard that police chief there calling this nothing short of a miracle and thats because he had more than 100 bullets fired here. Thank goodness all of those officers are going to make a full recovery. Robin . Thank goodness indeed. Thank you, gio. David . Relief, robin. We turn now to the latest on the growing recession fears. The dow facing its biggest drop all year yesterday. A lot of jitters again today already. Lets get right back to Rebecca Jarvis on wall street for us. Hey, rebecca. Reporter david weve seen some wild swings this morning on wall street. Typically we talk about stocks. Theres another market, the bond market that is trillions of dollars larger than the stock market. Yesterday it flashed a big red warning signal about the economy. Its called an inverted yield curve. Investors are getting paid more for taking on near term risk than long term risk. On the one hand you have a resilient u. S. Consumer. Walmart reported earnings above expectations showing consumers are hanging in there. At the same time theres the trade war, potential price increases coming, potential issues for businesses on the horizon. Those are whats weighing on sentiment here with stocks, even if you look at this year so far, the stock market is still up after all of this volatility, about 13 , meaning that Retirement Savings should also be higher. David . Rebecca, thanks to you. Shell be back in our last half hour to prepare. We hate to talk about recession, but because there are these indicators, we should be prepared. Simple steps you can take to destress about the whole thing. All right. Also coming up next, the fight for fair pay. Talks between the world cup winning women and u. S. Soccer. Stars Megan Rapinoe, and Christen Press join us with that fight. And Patrick Swayzes widow. Shes speaking out about his difficult childhood, his struggles with his mother and how he got through it. Lets show that big crowd again in chicago. Look. They came out bright and early. Looking good. We got some surprises for them, and what do we have upstairs, lara . Robin, i can top that shot. Listen to our audience right here in the studio. [ cheers and applause ] amazing crowd here. Were bringing deals steals on the road for you guys as you just saw to the home of the chicago bears. Well be right back on Good Morning America. Cake by the ocean do you want ready to Wear Clothing without all the hassle . You can, with bounce dryer sheets. We dried one shirt without bounce, and an identical shirt using bounce. The bounce shirt has fewer wrinkles, less static, and more softness and freshness. Bounce out wrinkles, bounce out static. tiffany with counseling nicotine patch and gum, i quit for good. My tip is get help to find the best way for you to quit smoking. announcer you can quit. 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Even when im spending, im earning 1. 5 cash back on everything i buy. shouting earning on headphones huh . Earning. Earning. Still earning. Always earning. I dont know where youre pointing. Not that one the big one. You cant sneak a good earning opportunity past me. In fact. Ive got a hand modeling gig that starts right now. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Oooh. My hand looks good. Chase. Make more of whats yours. [ cheers and applause ] got the eye of the tiger i am a champion and youre gonna hear me roar [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to gma, and thank you all for being here on thankful thursday with us. [ applause ] wonderful. How about some pop news, lara . I would love to, robin. Lets do it. Good morning to you guys. Today its all about the parents. It doesnt matter how famous you are. If you post something your kids think is dorky, your kids will make fun of you. Rob lowe can attest to this first hand. He posted this after a workout, and his son couldnt help but notice the backdrop and he said, the subtle art of taking a selfie in front of your emmy nomination. Its not the first time rob has been trolled by his offspring. After he posted this picture with the caption that he wrote of himself, quote, looking pretty spiffy. His son commented and i quote, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to instagram. Ouch. Ouch. Keep us real. They keep us real, but sometimes its the parents who get a little spicy. When our friend andy cohen posted a throwback of himself on mykonos, his own mom commented simply, get a grip. I love it. Andys mom is hilarious. I know. Just consider that the next time you are writing a post. Also in pop news this morning, another embarrassed offspring popping. Watch this video of a mom whos got something cooking and its not a pot roast. Yeah, yeah [ applause ] oh how good is that . Her name is amy, recreating ushers song yeah while her daughter, haley is mortified. Ready . Yes oh. Amys like, i know what im doing when i get home. That video sorry, amy, now has more than 80 million views. I guess so. I guess her mom does that everywhere. Not just at home, but also in walmart and the grocery store. She likes to dance. I think thats one of the great privileges of being a parent though is embarrassing your kid. I get so much joy from that. I love it. You know your audience. This is for the moms. Its back to school time for many families around the country and while kids might be sad Summer Vacation is over, for some parents vacation has only just begun. Look at these moms in florida. Look closely at this picture. Their kids get on the bus, and then out comes the wine, the doughnuts and the sign. Look closely at the sign. First day of school, 2019. Robin, bye, felicia. Bye, felicia. Thats what it says. Yes. I love it. The post has gone viral on facebook. The caption, happy first day of school. Well be just fine. And that, everybody, is pop news. I loved that pop news. That was really good. [ applause ] now to our gma cover story, and the new twist in team usas fight for equal pay. The u. S. Womens soccer team saying talks have broken down, and they are ready to take their case to court. I spoke to two of the team members earlier, but first take a look at their story. Reporter this morning, negotiations breaking down between womens soccer and the u. S. Soccer federation over the fight for equal pay only a month after winning the world cup to National Celebration and supportive chants from fans. [ chanting equal pay ] a spokesperson for the women telling us they entered this weeks meetings full of hope and are ending them sorely disappointed adding, they eagerly look forward to a jury trial. The u. S. Soccer federation fired back. We have said numerous times our goal is to find a resolution, accusing the teams lawyers of taking an aggressive and unproductive approach that showed months of presenting misrepresentation to the public. The team met with officials in new york this week continuing to fight to get paid as much as male players after a collective bargaining agreement. Joining me now, Megan Rapinoe and Christen Press, both members of the 2019 World Champion team. Thanks for being with us. Megan, i want to start with you, because it was just five weeks ago when we saw you at the new york city ticker tape parade. You stuck your neck out a little bit for the u. S. President of the u. S. Soccer and you said, i think hes with us. What has happened since then . I mean, unfortunately the talks have broke down. We did have a lot of faith and hope and we were very optimistic that we could come together and get to a better place, and it really does take everyone. We cant just come with our demands, and then theirs and not be in a position to compromise on things. But, yeah, unfortunately were here. I know you cant go into many specifics. But the big question is how did it break down so quickly . I think, you know, its quite simple from our perspective. We want to be paid equally, and that just means when we show up to a game that we get compensated the same way that a man would for showing up for the same game because on this issue, there is no social equality for women without financial equality. In a statement, u. S. Soccer says, its undaunted in our efforts to continue discussions in good faith. Would you go back to mediation or is that off the table right now . I dont think for us anything is ever off the table. If and when and ever they are willing to have a conversation about equal pay, that starts there and goes forward as christen was saying, were always open for that. Youre waiting. Its their move. Yes. Right now. Thats where you are. Some players for other teams as you know, have boycotted games. Youre in the middle of a world cup victory tour right now. Of course, the olympics are less than a year away. What is the next step here for you all . I think were very confident in our case, in whats transpired. Its actually about women evywhere being treated equally and respectfully in the workplace, and so if that means that were going to go to trial, were going to do that, and were going to do it very confidently. Will you accept anything less than what you just said . We wont accept anything less than equal pay. What has been the response you have received from your fans . I think our fans are very supportive. I think people in general are very supportive. You know, in 2019 i dont think equal necessarily is a novel idea. I think people, you know, see how successful we have been, and i think that they think we should be compensated for that. What if you lose . Do you have a plan at trial, when you go to trial . I think youre asking the wrong people, what if we lose . What is that . Thats really not how we approach things. Touche. I think thats a really good place to end. I love your spirit. Megan rapinoe, and Christen Press, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Some laughter there, but its true. They dont know what its like to lose. You really see the resolve they have. Theyve gotten support from their fans and financial sponsors from the game. Procter gamble, giving these ladies money to make up for the wage gap. I love that they said in 2019 equal pay for women shouldnt be a novel idea. We shouldnt be talking about it, with but we are going to. Continuing the fight for this. Robin . We turn back now to vaping and your kids. As we told you earlier, nearly two dozen teens have been hospitalized. Dr. Jen ashton is here. This is tough. Amy alluded to this earlier. Its tough for parents because you cant see the smoke. You cant see it like when they are smoking. Correct. Enlighten us more here. The parents need to focus on what the signs and symptoms of nicotine addiction can be. That may be the entry to observe is this happening to my child . When you talk about nicotine addiction, a lot of them are behavioral, right . Lets say your teenager is constantly getting up from the dinner table to go to the bathroom or bedroom to vape. That is because they are now dependent on nicotine. If they are avoiding flying, or long car trips, again they wont be able to vape if theyre in the back seat of your car. If theyre spending more money this costs money. If your teenager has an allowance, and theyre coming to you and saying, i need more. You should ask where is that money going . You have a 19yearold and a 21yearold. Yeah. What are you learning from them about this . I have had conversations with them, and i think the most important thing that i have learned from them is take out misconceptions or myths of what the typical teen who vapes is, and throw it right out the window. These are this is going on with athletes, straight a students, middle school kids, high school, college students. So it is no longer appropriate to say, oh, no, no, no. Not my child, not my teen, but err on the side of caution, and start from a position of assumi assuming, yes, it is your child and if its not your child, its their friend. Number one thing to do . Talk and educate. Thank you so much. Lets get back to rob in chicago. All right. Check this out. Ive got the eye of the tig tiger we have popcorn here. Thats all right. Youre making a mess. Its fine. Hey, some of chicagos finest right here. Youre working the streets of chicago. Any problems this morning with the gma rv rolling in . No. No problems. We good . Were all good. Sergeant, do you anticipate any problems with this big crowd. Anybody giving you any issues . Oh, no. Not at all. Everyones been fine. We so appreciate everything yall have done keeping chicago done. Whats the chicago forecast today . 80. 80 degrees . I love it. Its going to be beautiful, right . [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] time for deals steals. This morning, torys on the road in chicago bringing some of the best deals right there to the windy city. She and rob are also there with a very special guest. Hey, guys. Were getting this. Go ahead. Take some popcorn. Were all about the popcorn here, and we love you. North avenue beach, its great. Somebody take this tray. Thank you for that. Tory johnson here with deals steals. Were starting with popcorn, baby. And stanley the bear who is going to help us. Yes. Popcorn, snow cone machines. Iced tea maker. What i love about this, no oil needed. Three minutes, you got popcorn. All of these are amazing for just fun snack time. Who doesnt need them . Normally 30 to 50, but today, how much we slashing it . 50 off. Thats it. 15 to 25 and free shipping. Free shipping. Love it. Free shipping on that one. We got jelly beans and what is this . This is awesome. This is called love handle, and its the easiest way to carry your phone. We can snap selfies like this, and you can text with one hand all by putting this tiny little thing we have a variety of patterns. Theyre just the easiest way to carry a cell phone. Three of them are normally 30, but today three of them are slashed at 51 off. 14. 50. I dig it. You get three. Depending on your mood, youre all good. Exactly. Thank you, stanley. Were on a beach, that means no plastic and that means you should have one of these bottles. These are actually glued down so we cant touch these, but this turns into this. You have got a great cup like this. All of our chicago Park District life guards have them. They love not having plastic. Its the most stashable one on the market. We are all about reusable stuff. Normally 25. These are slashed in half, 12. 50. 50 off. Now were going to bling. Bling. This is the hottest bling of the summer. Angelas the biggest deals steals fan. She said she bought bombas socks yesterday. I had to let her model these. Theyre four different sizes of beaded bracelets. You can stack them up, put them on both wrists. Normally 30 to 36. Today they are slashed in half, 15 to 18, and free shipping. You ladies look beautiful. Thank you, stanley. Pancakes. So this is cold ice packs, cold therapy and it sticks to your skin. So if you have got a sore shoulder, knee, whatever it is, you can stick it right where it needs to go. Normally you get 5 for 25, but today, 5 of them are 12. 50. Five for 12. 50. One last thing. What we got . Because we are on the beach, aloe. This is what you need. Its the best type of skin care. It has aye aloe in it. All of these products range from 7 to 66. Today they are slashed in half. Stanley . 50 off. Keep your skin safe. We partnered with all these companies. Go to our website for these great deals. Tory, stanley, thanks very much. What do you think, guys . You love it. More gma coming up. Good morning. Its all 27. Im reggie aqui. In San Francisco today the governor is going to meet with teachers and Public Safety professionals who struggle to live near work. Housing affordability is a priority. In june the governor made a 1 . 75 billion investment in new housing and created incentives for approved construction. How is our traffic this morning . Stay away from highway 17 in the santa cruz mountains. Its bad. We have an accident southbound. This is 237. Heres the 17 map southbound near the cats. 17 you can see the purple, the roadway is blocked there. Northbound continues to be bad because of earlier problems. Avoid this. Take 92. A lot of you are wondering is it going to be a hot lets look at the heat advisories. This does not include the bay shoreline even though im forecasting temperatures from 90 to nearly 100 on the east bay and preseneninsula shore. This is until 8 00 tonight. For lake county until tomorrow. Your car can get up to 130, 140 degrees. You can almost bbq in your car got to have high, high hopes for a living [ cheers and applause ] back here on gma, and we have been road tripping all across the country all summer long, and this morning, our gma rv has rolled into chicago. So t. J. And the crew are on the beach at Lake Michigan, and hes there with some people who are building on the legacy of something that is very near, and very dear to my heart. The tuskegee airmen. Many of you know that my father love you, daddy. He was a tuskegee airman, and we flew a plane like his here on gma. They are a Pioneering Group of africanamerican military pilots that flew during world war ii, and i cannot wait for t. J. To tell you more about this Phenomenal Group that you have there on the beach. Good morning, t. J. Reporter robin, good good morning, and daddy would be proud of this group we have right here because robin, what you are looking at here, as of this morning, our brandnew pilots. They have all gotten their pilots licenses over the past two weeks. All of them, all right . Its all because of a program called tuskegee next, building on that legacy, yes, with your dad, right . That legacy continues with these kids, and it takes time and money and resources to become a pilot. This Program Provides it, and this guy right here is one of their instructors, Kevin Lindsay who is helping them literally fly, robin, right . There is two things he doesnt know. He doesnt know just how much he means to them, and he also doesnt know that Good Morning America is here to honor you. Take a look. Take a look. Wheres your home airport . Reporter for a group of students in chicago, the sky is not the limit. Thanks to tuskegee next, underprivileged kids from all over the country have the opportunity to fly. This is the chance for me to be a pilot, to do something with my life that my dad couldnt do. Reporter honoring the legacy of the tuskegee airmen, putting new pilots into flight. Were changing the lives of youth by education and training so they can transform their communities. Does anyone know anything about air space right now . Reporter kids from all over the country travel to a summerlong program at the aviation academy. Theyre not just learning to fly, but how to lift each other up. All of this is free of charge to the students. Aviation changed my life path, and if it was not for tuskegee next, i would not have had the opportunity. Reporter one of the graduates of the program is Kevin Lindsay jr. , and he has gone above and beyond to make a massive impact. He has decided to come back to our program and be an influence, to be a teacher, to be a tutorer for our people. Reporter kevin was a pilot for an air Ambulance Service after graduating tuskegee next. He left that position to become a flight instructor, and hes helping new cadets achieve the same success he has. He literally took me under his wing and through that, it made everything it made everything better. Reporter and these young pilots want kevin to know just how much he has helped all of them. He has picked me up. He has pushed me further than i thought i would have been able to get to here. He cares about all of us, and hes willing to give back. There is not one time you can give up. I gave up on myself, but for you to not give up on me and keep pushing me to my limit, thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] oh, wow. Just let me hear your reaction, actually. You did look surprised. You didnt know this was actually about you. Its touching, very touching. I got nothing to say. This is pretty awesome. There are a lot of things you could have done, but you chose to come back to help the program that helped you. Yes, sir. It felt like it was it was a duty of mine to come back and help the kids out because thats what they did for me. You are the executive director of tuskegee next. What kind of path are you all putting these kids on now to be able to put these kids on . Maybe an opportunity they never would have gotten in life. Absolutely, and for what it means i believe what it means for them, the opportunity to live their dreams. It means empowerment. These young people can control and command airplanes. Yes. They know because they can do that, there is nothing they cant tackle. Hes 17 and he can fly. Hes 17, and he can fly. Thats been blowing my mind all morning, that theyre between 17 and 20 years old. Yes. We have a couple of surprises. One of them is coming down right now. That is actually that is actually Sergeant Derrick coleman of the armys golden knights. Hes coming over, and i want to bring over uniteds own captain jackson here. He has something for all of you which is a donation to tuskegee next of 10,000. [ cheers and applause ] and also, you all are going to go with him for a little while. Hes taking you over for an allaccess pass to the united facilities over at ohare. Youre going to get to do a walk around with a 777, and talk to pilots. All of this is happening. So you all are having a pretty good day i should say. Yes. But congratulations. Thank you for the donation here, and again, the last the last surprise we have for you is actually coming over now, and again, that is Sergeant Derrick coleman. He is with the golden knights, the parachute team from the u. S. Army. What hes doing all right. What hes doing, guys, hes handing you all tickets. Hes handing you all plane tickets because i have to fly back to new york today, and yall are flying back to new york today too. Okay. Now i have to go back to new york. Now listen. I have to go back to new york because i have to go to work tomorrow. We do this thing, concert in the park at gma, and tomorrow our concert is chance the rapper, and all of yall are going. Do you want to see chance . This is not a joke. You are all having the day of your lives and you will be at the concert with us at the park tomorrow. Congratulations for what you do, what you have done, what you are contributing back. Congratulations to you all. Now robin, they can fly. I dont trust them to fly me just yet. So im taking a different plane out, but well see you tomorrow. Come on, t. J. You got to have faith in these young people. He aint flying me nowhere yet. I believe. I believe you can fly. Thank you, t. J. Thank you, everybody. Actually, the reason im wearing red is for the tuskegee airmen. They were referred to as the red tails. I knew we were doing this piece. We wore blue and white to complete the picture. There we go. Well be right back. Well be right back. Its on. Get to the ross shoe event for even more brands at 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. Yes yep oh, yeah seriously, save on fall styles for women, men, boys and girls. At the ross shoe event. On now. You. And mom also gets aoss shoppibacktoschool bag . Thats yes for less. Ross has the brands you want for back to school. And it feels even better when you find them for less. At ross. Yes for less. Were back now with those new reflations from Patrick Swayzes widow. Its been ten years since the stars death, and now shes opening up about his regullegac some painful childhood secrets. Its all part of a new documentary, and janai norman is back with more. Good morning, janai. Reporter its hard to believe it has been a decade, but that new documentary is giving us an intimate look into Patrick Swayzes life, and the struggles he battled throughout, including an abusive relationship with his mother. At just 57 years old, the beloved star lost his 22month battle with pancreatic cancer. He spoke to Barbara Walters shortly before his death in 2009. I want to leave this earth just knowing i have tried to give Something Back and tried to do something worthwhile. Reporter now in a new documentary, i am patrick swayze, the love of his life and wife of 34 years, Lisa Niemi Swayze reveals what their life was like before fame. We had to go to our families, and can someone loan us money to get by . Nobody had extra cash. Reporter his battle with alcoholism i have these demons that run around in my insides. Im filling everything in the world and im thinking im going to get rid of them. I dont know if it ever will. Hi struggled with the ebb and flow of his career, and he would selfmedicate to get through it. Reporter and the childhood abuse endured at the hands of his strict mother, patsy swayze. She could be abusive both mentally and physically. Reporter lisa says her perfectionism often turned into physical abuse. If somebody pushes you that hard like his mom did, it could make some people cave,. The abuse stopped when patrick turned 18. His father threatening patsy with divorce if she touched him again. She never hit him after that, lisa said. Were only on this planet for so long. Reporter patsy and patrick remaining close throughout his life saying she was a complicated woman and intense and amazing life force. Patrick absolutely loved and respected her. And patricks mother died four years after him in 2013. That new documentary premieres august 18th, honoring what would have been swayzes 67th birthday. Ladies . All right, thank you, janai. Thank you, janai. We switch gears now to your money, and what to do right now as those fears grow of a coming recession. Rebecca jarvis joins us from the New York Stock Exchange. What does this potential mean for consumers out there . Reporter so amy, on the one hand it means there could be nerveracking days ahead, and you look at that 401 k, and think about it in the longer term. Over time, historically that goes up. The market goes up over time. There could also be higher prices ahead, and we have talked about this because of tariffs and things like laptops, cell phones, those types of things, could see prices rise. There is one area where consumers actually benefit in some ways from this. It is because Interest Rates are going lower. That means the cost of borrowing gets cheaper. It is always a good time to be paying off those debts, amy. Let me ask you this. What should people be doing right now, rebecca . Reporter they should be doing exactly, robin, what they should always be doing. Contributing to a 401k, socking away extra cash on the side so you have a cushion of six months to a year. If thats possible. Now i get it. Its not always easy to do that, and its not always easy to look at headlines like the ones today and say, stay the course, but historically speaking, staying the course is what works for people over the longterm. Recessions, they are not a matter of if, but when. They will happen, and so socking away that cash for days ahead is always the right move, robin. Such good advice. Think of the long game, right . Big picture. Rebecca, thank you. Well head back to chicago now and check in with rob. Whats happening, guys . We are on Lake Michigan right now. You see our drone shot. Im with tracy butler, the longtime meteorologist here at wls. Hey, rob. We both know there is an advisory for small crafts, which means you shouldnt be out in a small craft. We have life jackets and a lot of people dont know that Lake Michigan gets like an ocean, doesnt it . It really can. We have elevated levels as it is right now, and, in fact, our local National Weather Service Office has an alert in effect today. Dangerous swimming conditions as you can see. Luckily the water is warm, about 70 degrees. Very pleasant on any other day. Looks like its going to be a good day. Wa lara, were taking on water. Were bringing this. Somehow, rob makes that look really i was, like, i want to be in that boat. Sara and keke here. Whats coming up . Two more viewer entrepreneurs face off, and we see one getting closer to the 25,000 grand prize. And a coyote ugly sequel in the works . Were going to find out. Dont miss all the fun at lunchtime. Strahan and sara, guys. Next on gma, its our chitown throwdown. Two top chefs putting their spin on ballpark food. I love a dog. I love a dog. music throughout [ applause ] welcome back to gma. Oh, love that crowd here. Love the crowd there in chicago. Its time now to head back to the windy city where things are starting to heat up. Rob, im glad you made it back to shore, and t. J. , were digging what you are wearing. Just saying. Full disclosure. Right . Its so difficult, robin. I look like this, and t. J. Looks like that. No matter what happens. Im hungry. Im here with beverly ken and art smith. Were here for a chitown showdown. This is all what you might see at the ballpark. Beverly, what do you have cooking . I have the chicago fire dog. Its inspired with my korean heritage with kimchi and hot cheese sauce. Got jalapeno poppers on the side. You can put that on the hot dog or brat. Exactly. I love it. We have tasters here, and t. J. Is participating. What do you have cooking . We have my Fried Chicken. We call it sassy legs. We do our typical Fried Chicken with this wonderful honey and hot sauce with fried mac and cheese balls. Whats better than fried mac and cheese balls . This close to wisconsin. Lets do some cooking. Thats hot. Be real careful. I mean, we called it a sassy chicken leg. Its a sassy chicken youre supposed to sit there and eat it and enjoy it. Am i going to need water for this . After this . Do you think i would make something that hot . No, no, no. Just checking. Ill throw you in Lake Michigan. Lord jesus mother joseph, right . What do you think about that . More hot sauce. Oh, man. I heard you cooked for oprah. Yes, miss winfrey. We just finished the Michelle Obama tour, and i should be cooking at the same time. We cooked for everybody who loves Fried Chicken. Fried chicken takes no sides. We put a little thyme, a little pepper. Then a little Garlic Powder and a little onion powder and mix it all up. Our chicken, we brine it, and this is raised locally. Amish raised, by these wonderful farmers. Its all fresh. You know where your chicken comes from. Poof, thats it. We fry it, and once its fried, take it out like that. Oh, yeah. Okay . Then we do we just dip it in that delicious can you say lord jesus mother joseph . I cant wait to eat this. Kind of like a buffalo chicken wing in a away. Its a way of having something delicious. At the ballpark. Exactly. All right. So we have got the Fried Chicken, the mozzarella. Beverly, how we doing . Do i smell garlic . Ginger garlic, sesame oil, we have onions and well caramelize this. Both of these have a little bit of heat. We like our spice here, you know . We got some of this. Some soy. Oh, yeah. You have got to let that caramelize. Let it caramelize, and get it good to go. Put it on the dog like you would here. You have got you dont need mustard or anything. You have got spice and little acid from the kimchi. You have got some funk. Its just next level of the chicago dog. Im saying this is the next level chicago dog. What do you think . How does it taste . It tastes great. Should we do a little bit of a vote here . So raise your hand for beverly. Or for art. What do you say . Right hand for art, left hand for beverly. Vote for me. We got one, two i think t. J. s the deciding vote. My hands are tied up actually. My hands are tied. Youre trying to work like smart money. Looks like its going to art. Hey to be fair, the cubs lost last night, and the white sox dominated. So everythings all good. Thats whats happening. You can get all the dishes or recipes on our website. Come on out to chicago and hit the ballpark. Guys, back to you in new york. All right. Wheres our food . Im hungry now. All right. Well be right back. Announcer tomorrow, this is your big chance to ignite your summer with chance on gma. Its chance the rapper taking over central park, live. Do it. Tomorrow only on Good Morning America. Presented by kings hawaiian. Good morning america is sponsored by chase freedom unlimited. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Thank you, chicago. Thank you for watching. Have a great thuday. Thankful thursday. Happy friday eve, yall. [ cheers and applause ] lause ] heresshow me making it. Like. Oh i got one. The best of amy poehler. Amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something that youre not in. Show me parks and rec. From netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you find your favorites with the Emmy Awardwinning x1 voice remote. Show me the best of amy poehler, again. This time around. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Experience the entertainment you love on x1. Access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. Click, call or visit a store today. Its 8 59. Im reggie aqui. Mike, it is going to be a hot one out there. Dangerous heat. Dirty air day 2. The orange areas supposedly going to end at 8 00 this evening. I think theres parts of the inland east bay that could be in this tomorrow. The National Weather service didnt put the bay shore in it. Look at the temperatures for the bay. Mid to upper 90s. My 7day forecast below average sunday and then nearing 100 wednesday. Its hot in the santa cruz mountains. Traffic, both directions jammed. Earlier accidents northbound cleared. The damage is done. Southbound now an accident at backed up to los goutos. Now 90 minute to get through the santa cruz mountains. Well see you at 11 00 a. M. For midday live. Hope you have a pool to jump in. If you do, invite announcer its live with kelly and ryan. Today, Actress Gabrielle Union and the author of riding the elephant craig ferguson, plus actor johnny galecki, all next on live. And now here are kelly ripa andyan seacrest. [cheers and applause] ryan hey hey, guys. [cheers and applause] ryan well. Please, please. [cheers and applause]

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