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Big little lies. The handmaids tale. The female driven dramas taking home top honors. More great roles for women, please. And a recordsetting night for julia louisdreyfus. While diversity the things that make us different, those are superpowers. And politics take center stage. This will be the largest audience, period. With one big surprise stealing the show. We are backstage with the big winners. Good morning, america. Good morning, america. And we do say good morning, america. It was really quite a night at the emmys last night. Ers. Julia making history with her big win. Six in a row. The big surprise, of course, sean spicer, there he was rolling out to shock in the audience. A lot of laughs as well but, boy, it also sparked a very fierce debate online and get into that. It did. First, we closely watch this double threat in the atlantic. Two big storms developing right now, hurricane jose could bring flooding and rain to the east coast. And Hurricane Maria is threatening to strike the hardhit caribbean. Category 4 storm and could take aim at the u. S. The caribbean is already feeling this effects this morning. Our chief meteorologist, ginger zee, is here, with the latest on its path. Good morning, ginger. Robin, can you believe it. Here i am talking about two hurricanes again. Yes, i think jose is the first we want to focus in on because its already happening. The images coming in from north carolina. You can see some of the rough surf thats been impacting some of the carolina coast there. That is going to move up the east coast and tomorrow especially weve got jose here, some 280 plus miles away from the coast. But you could see 12foot waves anywhere from virginia and delaware up through new jersey, even brooklyn, 12foot waves. Can you imagine the impact and the beach erosion possible there . Tropical storm watches for 40 to 60mileperhour wind gusts as this thing stays just enough offsho offshore, and then we have Hurricane Maria. This one will intensify in the next couple of days. 48 hours really well talk about its approach to the u. S. Virgin islands, eventually puerto rico but has to make its way through the Lesser Antilles as it makes those intensifications and eventually the big question does it hit florida . Everybody wants to know this, and most of the modeling taking it away from florida. But well track that just as we track puerto ricos impact where we find our rob marciano this morning, rob. Another big one headed so close, up to 15 to 20 inches of rain. It is hard to believe, isnt it, ginger . Our second one potentially hitting the same areas. And in less than two weeks. In puerto rico theyre shutting down government offices and st. Martin and st. Thomas. They are in survival mode. Food, shelter and theyre passing out blue tarps to give them something and debris flying around so begging residents to pin it down with heavy rock, whatever they can. San juan has been a hub for relief and recovery efforts. Thats going to come to a halt as we wait for maria. We did okay here in irma. A lot of power out. Fared okay. Not a direct hit, but now were looking at the potential for a category 4 direct hit and as we know from very recent experience, ginger, thats not fun for anyone. Rob, we feel so much for those islands, and just to give people perspective. So active this season. Weve seen the u. S. Virgin islands if they see it as a major hurricane theyve never had two major hurricanes hit this close to home in any season. So this is really starting to break records. Boy, it sure is. Ginger, thanks very much. There is high tension in the streets of st. Louis for the third night in a row. Protesters and police clashing after the acquittal of a white officer in the death of a black man and Kenneth Moton is on the scene. Good morning. Reporter good morning, george. This city is bracing for another day of protests. Happening right now, demonstrators have gathered here in downtown st. Louis. The plan, to disrupt the commute. New demonstrations sparked overnight after the department of justice revealed it would not pursue federal charges in that police shooting. Overnight at least 80 protesters arrested as chaos broke out in the streets of st. Louis. Businesses vandalized. Tonight we made more than 80 arrests. We confiscated at least five weapons. None of them were used. Some criminals assaulted Law Enforcement officers and threw chemicals and rocks at them. Reporter police say they confiscated these bottles filled with unknown chemicals that were used as weapons against them. Protesters say theyre filled with vinegar used to treat pepper spray victims. It started with the acquittal of Jason Stockley in the killing of Anthony Lamar smith. The officer testified smith had a gun. He told st. Louis dispatch his life was threatened. I did not murder Anthony Lamar smith. I did not plant a gun. I can tell you with absolute certainty that there was no plan to murder Anthony Smith during a highspeed vehicle pursuit. Reporter that pursuit caught on a dashcam. Stockley and his partner approached then chased the suspect who crashed into a telephone pole. Stockley heard saying, quote, were killing this expletive. The officer soon opened fire hitting smith five times. We have to come up with something better. This cannot consistently happen. Reporter during the day thousands peacefully protested. [ chanting ] star nick cannon joining the demonstrators. This peaceful demonstration continuing to grow. After three nights of destruction, we know that 120 suspects were arrested. Also more than a dozen officers injured. This weekend big concerts were canceled. Singer ed sheeran also the rock band u2 called off their performances because of security concern, robin. Very tense times, thank you. We turn to new developments in that london terror attack. This newly released Surveillance Footage may show the suspect shortly before that train bombing that injured 30 people on friday. A second man has already been arrested in connection with the attack. Our chief investigative correspondent brian ross is here with more. Good morning, brian. Good morning, robin. The investigation is taking some surprising turns of great concern this morning. As police in london are investigating whether the bomb that went off in the subway was meant to be something not seen before and perhaps much more dangerous, and explosives designed to release deadly chemical gases. Reporter this morning, the focus is on one of these row houses in the london suburb of sunburyonthames. The unlikely location of the bomb pactry, Police Believe, it is owned by this elderly couple. Penelope and ronald jones honored by the queen for serving for foster parents from young men including some from iraq and syria. An 18yearold who lived there is under arrest and Surveillance Footage made public overnight appears to show a young man leaving the home 90 minutes before the attack carrying a white bag which Police Believe may have contained the bomb that went off in the subway friday morning. Neighbors were stunned that a foster child might take advantage of the goodness of the elderly couple. He was a lovely young man. You wouldnt suspect anything from him. He was polite, courteous to the old couple. You didnt know anything about it. Reporter on supplement a second young man, 21 years old was arrested nearby. Seen in a video posted by a british tabloid. That second arrest led to another series of police raids at a home disturbingly clothe to heathrow airport. The police have made Good Progress with what is an ongoing operation. Reporter Officials Say the forensics of the bucket bomb placed on the subway raise new questions about the attack. The absence of any metal that could turn into shrapnel suggests to bomb experts that the goal instead may have been to release a deadly chemical. The threat level has dropped from critical to severe. Given the series of four attacks in the past six months the british Prime Minister told george she wants a hard look at what is being done to prevent them. You said in the wake of the other attacks, enough is enough. Things need to change. Its time for some even embarrassing conversations. What did you mean by that . Well, it is necessary for us to look as we are doing at whether our police and Security Services have the full capabilities, the powers that they need. Reporter one big break in the case is the fact that the suspected bomber was captured alive. Apparently as he tried to flee the country, this Morning Police will be pushing to learn more about the plot and the bomb, whether it was intended to be a kind of gas attack. So far, no chemical residue has been detected, robin. Isis claiming responsibility. What are Officials Saying about that claim . Thats true and want to know if isis directed these two young men refugees who came to Great Britain as foster children. Thank you, brian. The Prime Minister also said we have to find new ways on how the knit spreads these ideas, the Prime Minister said. She is one of many leaders coming for the General Assembly including President Trump as he prepares for a packed week of diplomacy. Meeting with a host of foreign leaders, and delivering his first address to the u. N. Tomorrow. North korea high on the agenda. The u. S. And south korea conducted joint military drills over the region and back in washington a new twist in the health care battle. A lastditch effort to replace obamacare before the september 30th deadline and jon karl tracking it all. President trump quite literally takes the world stage this week appearing before the United Nations, an organization he once declared is not a friend of america. President trump is back in new york. Familiar territory to be sure but for him an entirely unfamiliar forum, his debut before the United Nations. A chance to address World Leaders highly skeptical of his America First agenda. The speech is a tremendous opportunity, obviously, to reach so many World Leaders at the same time. Reporter as a candidate, trump harshly criticized the u. N. As antiamerican. The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. Its not a friend to freedom. Its not a friend even to the United States of america. Reporter no issue looms larger this week than north korea. The Trump Administration seeks to rally support for pressuring kim jongun to give up his nuclear weapons. If the United States has to defend itself or defend its allies in any way, north korea will be destroyed, and we all know that and none of us want that. None of us want war. Reporter overnight the u. S. And south korea conducted joint military drills in the face of north koreas defiance. Over the weekend the president took to twitter to hang a new nickname on north koreas kim jongun. I spoke with president moon of south korea last night. Asked him how rocket man is doing. Long gas lines forming in north korea. Too bad. The president s days will be packed with meeting after meeting with World Leaders. Its been called the diplomatic equivalent of speed dating from hell. While hes toned down his criticism of the u. N. , hell still issue a challenge. The United Nations has to reform to meet the goals and objectives laid out by the great secretary general there and to be true to its charter. Reporter one of the biggest questions facing the president this week is what hell do with the Iran Nuclear Deal negotiated by president obama. The white house is strongly suggesting he may pull out of the agreement, and, george, of course, that is an agreement still strongly supported by our closest allies in europe. They are pushing back very hard on that. More unity on the issue of north korea and the president s representative yesterday i was speaking with general mcmaster escalating the rhetoric, even saying any north Korean Nuclear weapons are unacceptable. Yes, and there is a feeling that kim jongun and his father him went with confidence that the United States did not have a military option. That there was nothing the United States could or would do militarily and there is a growing sense that the president , that the Administration Must do something to erase that doubt. On the domestic front repeal and replace obama care looked like it was dead but new effort to bring it back and have to get it done before the september 30th deadline and have to pick up a few more votes. This is fascinating. The republicans are suddenly trying to get this going again, and i think whats happening here is they have seen that President Trump has been willing to work with democrats, and if the republicans cant get it done on their own, they are worried hell go and do something with democrats that they really wont like but theres a chance but its a tight margin. Jon karl, thanks very much. September 30th will be here before we know it. Now to the history making night at the emmys honoring the best in television. The awards show highlighting women and diversity, politics also taking center stage, lara was there for it all and joins us bright and early this morning from los angeles. Good morning, lara. Good morning, my robin. Yeah, it was a special night. Tvs biggest night and it did not disappoint. Two notes before i start with you, if you havent watched the handmaids tale or Big Little Lies, you some bingewatching to do. They were the big winners and was politics referenced dozens of times in a crazy opening song and dance number by Stephen Colbert and politics also the reason for the nights big surprise guest. Reporter from the opening moment, politics was the theme of the night. Turn on any channel well except the News Reporter emmy host Stephen Colbert kicking off the awards with a song and dance. Calm yourself by watching this dystopia look on the bright side handmaids reporter the nights comedian in chief not shying away from attacking the commander in chief. Hello, sir, thank you for joining us. Looking forward to the tweets. Reporter even bringing out a surprise guest. Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer stunning everybody including Anna Chlumsky and his tv alter ego, melissa mccarthy. This will be the largest audience to witness an emmys, period. Both in person and around the world. Reporter colbert joking about the president never winning an emmy for the celebrity apprentice. Because unlike the presidency, emmys go to the winner of the popular vote. I suppose i should say at long last, mr. President , here is your emmy. [ laughter ] reporter and snl bringing home three other awards including best variety show and best supporting actress for Kate Mckinnon for her impersonations of Hillary Clinton and attorney general jeff sessions, but it was a recordbreaking night for veeps julia louisdreyfus. Setting the record for most emmys won by a performer for the same role in a series. We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first. [ laughter ] do you allow yourself to think about that stuff or are you just so psyched about the role . The bottom line is that this job i have is so spectacular. Yeah. And this role is so through the roof that thats the true treasure. Having said that, im delighted. Reporter the biggest winners of the night. The handmaids tale. Reporter the handmaids tale taking home five emmys including best drama and hbos female driven murder mystery Big Little Lies taking home five of their own. This is yours. I want my little girls to have this on their shelf and to look at it and go every time my momma didnt put me to bed its because of this. I got something. She got something, all right. A lot of people saying it was almost like a mini oscars. There were so many movie stars there, and yes, there were some snubs. A lot of people shocked that the bingewatching phenomenon and red carpet darlings from Stranger Things left empty handed and west world favored to be to a winner, but seemed to be left out in the cold. And a lot of people, myself included, guys, absolutely loved ryan murphys feud, and was shocked it didnt take home any trophies, none for Jessica Lange or susan sarandon. A pretty funny reaction when she did not hear her name called, well tell you about that in segment seven. You guys, well get into it. That was a priceless moment, thank you very much. Mixed reaction to sean spicers appearance. I had a mixed reaction. Listen, anybody can make fun of themselves, its a good thing but this is a pretty serious problem. Jon karl said from the white house, every single day where sean and other representatives of the Administration Simply didnt tell the truth. He showed he was willing to humiliate himself on a very big stage, but hes joking about the fact that he blatantly misled the American People on his first day on the job. Not that funny. Okay, jon karl, thanks very much. Back to ginger with more on hurricane joses threats. More like the threats from the hurricanes. Maybe just too soon. Ill have a lot more coming up on joses threats including all of the high surf and potential for high gusty winds up to connecticut and rhode island, as well. Fir first, we have to get your select cities brought to you by walmart. Good morning. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. Becoming breezy, sunny and cooler. We will have another cold front wens and coolest lows 30s, 40s and 50s. Today mid to upper 60s along the coast, San Francisco. 70 to 74 around the bay. And 75 to 79 inland. Tonight cooler. Low to upper 50s. My seven day forecast, coming up, that terrifying incident overseas. American College Students attacked while studying abroad now sharing a message this morning. And an emotional apology from kevin hart. Well tell you what sparked it. My doctor recommended i switch laxatives. Stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. 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Good morning to you from abc 7 mornings. Think about how you may escape this situation. Someone hands you a note saying you need to give up your wallet or phone or else. This happened to a woman on saturday. She ended up faking a seizure, grabbing the attention of others around her. The commotion scared off the wouldbe robber who got off at the next stop. Lets get over to alexis with your commute. We do still have the crash in the area if you are heading towards hayward south on 880. Multi car crash. We have five vehicles involved in this one. They are working on clearing some of the vehicles right now. A quick check outside here is a live look at westbound 92. Some brake lights so typical delays as you leave the tol people love my breakfast burritos. And my french fries. Wait what if i put them together . a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. Ill call it the california breakfast burrito boom. Someone got that, right . Scrambled eggs. Guacamole. Bacon. French fries. Youll call it the california breakfast burrito. Boom. Good work everyone. Another winner. Introducing my New California breakfast burrito. Only at jack in the box. Now your forecast with mike nicco. Off to a mild and muggy start this morning. A little drizzle. Kids will have a lot of sunshine. Breezy, very comfortable afternoon. We have arrival delays nearly 90 minutes. On the roads wet near the coast. Breezy north of the bay bridge this afternoon. My accuweather forecast cool with a light chance of shower wednesday. Coming up, a terrifying incident overseas. Four american College Students attacked with acid while studying abroad. What investigators are saying about the suspect. That is next on gma. We will have another update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app. You can barely see the towers of the Golden Gate Bridge through the fog t i am a First Responder tor and iemergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. 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This is what lara was referring to thats getting a lot of attention. Jackie hoffman. Shell tell us lara will tell us is that your first time seeing that . I take it she didnt win. No. She did not. A lot more on that coming up, but we have a tough story coming out of europe right now. That terrifying acid attack on four american College Students studying in france and the suspect is in custody and James Longman has the story. Good morning, james. Reporter good morning, george. A real shock for these four young women touring europe as part of their studies. Some of the acid actually went in the eyes of two of the students. This morning, four American Students from Boston College recovering from a terrifying acid attack outside a train station in france. Two of the girls who were studying abroad posting to facebook overnight. Michelle krug saying she and her friends were attacked by throwing acid at them, saying, she threw a weak solution of hydrochloric acid at us from a water bottle which got in one of my eyes and one of my friends eyes. We were all treated at a local hospital and are anticipating a quick recovery. Courtney siverling posting i did not receive any injuries from the attack in marseilles this morning and were all safe. The students had been touring the port city of marseilles in Southern France when the woman struck. Today the College Juniors return to paris where School Officials tell abc news they plan to complete their semesters abroad before returning to the u. S. One of the students will have to see an eye doctor tomorrow but theyre doing well, spirits are good and were fortunate. Reporter while acid attacks are rare, the acid Survivors Trust international estimates there are roughly 1,500 reports of acid attacks around the world every year. Authorities in marseilles saying the woman has a history of psychological problems and have ruled out any link to terrorism. It has been a rise in acid attacks across europe, especially here in london. Last year 450 crimes at least where acid was used as a weapon. Its used in cleaning liquids which means its relatively easy to get ahold of. George . Wow. That is a dangerous trend. Okay, james. Thanks very much. We turn now to new developments in the tragic death of an lsu freshman. Authorities are investigating whether hazing at a fraternity played a role as the young mans classmates and Community Remember him at a memorial tonight. Gio benitez has more. This is a growing mystery. The young man reportedly wanted to be a sportswriter but somehow he lost his life and now his death is at the center of an all new hazing investigation. Reporter this morning, new details in the death of 18yearold fraternity pledge, max gruver. Why did his life have to end so early . Reporter a preliminary autopsy report revealed that gr gruver, a freshman pledging the Phi Delta Theta fraternity at Louisiana State university had a highly elevated blood alcohol level and the presence of thc, a chemical found in marijuana in his system. Gruver was rushed from Phi Delta Thetas Fraternity House to a hospital wednesday night where he later died. Lsu immediately shutting down all greek activities, Campus Police now investigating if hazing played a part in his death. Well look at the evidence, what it shows, what took place that evening, what took place that morning and theyre still in the gathering phase of that and then analyzing that information. Reporter in recent years Phi Delta Theta has been at the center of numerous alcohol and hazingrelated incidents at different schools. The fraternitys National Organization suspending lsus local chapter pending its investigation. The fraternitys ceo telling abc news it holds our chapters accountable to our antihazing philosophy and that over the past decade Phi Delta Theta has removed 19 undergraduate chapters due to Risk Management violations. The root of the problem is that Phi Delta Theta like most fraternities has Risk Management policies, but all of those policies are implemented by 19yearolds and 20yearolds who are untrained and illequipped to manage these risks that have taken place for decades. Reporter one of gruvers grieving suite mates telling lsu student tv station he doesnt want his friends death to be in vain. Speak his name. Dont just let him be that one guy that passed away at a frat party. Reporter and tonight lsu will host that memorial mass and prayer vigil for gruver at a church on campus. You know, so many are just heartbroken about this. Family and friends will be looking at that investigation to see what it finds. We are thinking about them with that service tonight. Thank you. It is a sad story. Coming up here, kevin hart at the center of an extortion plot. Well show you what he is saying to his wife and kids now. A little help. I need help dude. Brad. Brad, are you watchin . Nothing comes before coffee. My glasses are fogging. Dude, are you mad at me . Thats why were introducing a whole new line of espresso drinks from mccafe. Cafequality from beans to espresso machines. Looking swole man. I felt swollen. Swole, not swollen. What . Outer layer of your enamel tooth surface. White, the thing thats really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and reharden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients teeth are going to be. Dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. It helps to strengthen and reharden the enamel. It also has stain lifting action. 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This time to apologize to his pregnant wife for, quote, making a bad error in judgment. While Comedian Kevin Hart is known for cracking jokes i know. Reporter the funny man is taking a serious turn speaking out trying to get ahead of what his reps are calling a failed extortion attempt. I feel like i have a target on my back and because of that, i should make smart decisions. And recently i didnt. Reporter the fbi is reportedly investigating a video showing hart with a woman who isnt his wife. An extorter allegedly demanding millions of dollars from hart. One of the highest paid comedians in the world. I know that im going to hurt the people closest to me who i talked to and apologized to. Being my wife and my kids. Reporter hart beat the extorter to the punch posting this video on his Instagram Account apologizing to his family and wife eniko who is 31 weeks pregnant with their first child. Im not going to lie in person to have financial gain off my mistakes and in this particular situation thats what was attempted. I said id rather fess up to my mistakes. Reporter the 38yearold who has two children to a previous marriage wed his longtime girlfriend last year but since then rumors of harts infidelity have swirled. But in a radio interview last year, he said cheating is not a game he wants to be involved in. Why risk it . What am i going to throw it all away for . Its not worth it. Reporter the Central Intelligence star. In or out . Then im out. Reporter isnt the first funny man to fight back against extortion. I have had sex with women who work for me on this show. Reporter in 2009 David Letterman revealed live on the show while married he had several affairs with some of his staffers after a former cbs producer attempted to blackmail him for 2 million. That producer pled guilty to extortion charges. Anybody thats being extorted should never pay. You have no control at all as to whether theyre going to release the information or not. Reporter as for hart, hes owning up to his mistakes. Im not perfect. Im not going to sit up here and say i am or claim to be in any way, shape or form. Reporter along with the video, hart also posted a written message to his wife and kids saying, i got to do better, and i will. Just last month his exwife accused him of cheating on her with his current wife. At that time he used social media to simply laugh off the accusation, not so much this time. George. Different tact. Okay, linsey. Thanks very much. Lets talk about this with our chief legal analyst, dan abrams. So, we just saw in the piece it worked for David Letterman. Will it work for kevin hart . I think its what he has to do in a case like this, he has to come clean, right . You cant start paying off extortion demands and open yourself up to getting another demand in six months from that. So i think that he had no choice here but to do exactly what he did, which is go public, take responsibility. Take the hit. And now help lead this investigation. Well, thats the question. Do you turn it around . Is this a real plot that can be prosecuted . Yeah. Look, most of the time, extortion is a state crime. It seems that the fbi in this case is investigating. That could be because it was across state lines or because its on the internet, et cetera. Those are reasons it could become potentially a federal crime but all 50 states have extortion laws. Its important to remember. You dont have to threaten someone physically to potentially be guilty of extortion. You can threaten to humiliate someone. You can threaten to put something out there publicly to disclose that you are not being faithful to your wife in exchange for money. So it has to be a demand for something of value and threatening to do something horrible. But then the push, he has to weigh getting some sort of legal justice there and keeping it in the news forever. Well, thats right. My guess is right now that he cares a lot less about legal justice, would like this to go away. But the legal justice has to go hand in hand with this. The minute he decides, im going to go public with this, his position has to be, and im going to be helping. Take it all the way. In the context of this investigation. It will be interesting to me, though, to continue to follow whether this just becomes a federal investigation or whether it becomes state because as i said before, most of the time extortion is something thats investigated as a state crime. Okay, dan abrams, thanks very much. Lets go to robin. Thank you. Coming up well go back to lara in l. A. Because well have much more on the emmys. The real story behind this reaction making headlines around the world. Come on back. Bin. Thank you. Coming up well go back to lara in l. A. Because well have much more on the emmys. The real story behind this reaction making headlines around the world. Come on back. With some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. That trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe it has 50 fewer calories. Youdreamt about it, it, maybe you should just go ahead and do it. Were legalzoom, and weve helped over a Million People just like you start their own businesses. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Its looking up, not down. Ng fits being in motion. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. Petsmart for the love of pets. And now Come Celebrate our grand opening in your neighbourhood. We are back with a special emmys edition of our big board hollywo hollywoods top stars taking center stage last night. One actress getting a lot of reaction for her reaction. That is Jackie Hoffman one of the stars of feud. There it is, lara. Tell us about it. It was really funny, very shocking, everyone is calling it the reaction of the night. Caught on camera, george and robin. Here, take a look again in full. Here you go. The emmy goes to laura dern, Big Little Lies. So the woman that you see screaming damn it is Jackie Hoffman, guys. She was nominated for her role as mamasita in the limited series feud so she doesnt hear her name and is seen shaking her head in disgust and yelling damn it over and over when derns name was called as the winner. A few minutes later, she then sends out a tweet taking it one step further and writes on twitter, laura dern had famous parents. Forgive me for being from real people. Elitism, emmys and tweets out a couple more outrageous tweets. They are clearly jokes, and then she writes, quote, i hear the media is taking my reaction seriously. Are you kidding me . So wait a second. People thought she was serious . Shes an actress. Of course there are some people who thought that she was being serious. I thought i knew she was being funny. She is a comedian. You guys knew it too, right . It was a great bit, come on. Look, were talking about her. She didnt even win. No, but i mean this happened from time to time. Faith hill was backstage and i think taylor swift or something won, and there was a similar reaction, and people thought that she was for real. Come on. It was so obvious that she was having fun. It was so funny. I love when you can see all six of them and her just then the tweets. After that. You know what, guys, she wanted us to know that colbert thought it was hilarious. He went up to her and said that was spot on. Such a funny moment. And thats sort of how the night was. It was a really it was a tongue in cheek kind of night. A lot of edge. There was gold there. Lara, well get back to you in just a little bit because you are backstage, of course, with all the big winners and cast of Big Little Lies too. We do also have an Important Health alert. The new way to test for your risk of Breast Cancer at home and save money. Dr. Ashton has that. While other Insurance Companies just see a house. We see the home youve worked really hard for. And when youod sugar is a replace one meal. Choices. Or snack a day with glucerna. Made with carbsteady. To help minimize blood sugar spikes. You can really feel it. Now with 30 less carbs and sugars. Glucerna. You are loved are you taking the tissue test . Yep, and my teeth are yellow. Time for whitestrips. Crest whitestrips whiten. 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Nice smile thanks i crushed the tissue test. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. 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[ more more more by dagny ] more, more, more how do you like it how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it how do you like your love uh, oh, oh how do like it tell me how you like it how do you like it more, more, more welcome back to gma. On a monday morning, an update from the National Hurricane center on Hurricane Maria. Now a category 2. 110 Miles Per Hour, the winds, the max sustained and of course well see that intensify even more so Lesser Antilles through puerto rico has to watch for that and jose, i told you i would explain. As it goes north in latitude, it expands its wind field, so already more than 200 miles outside the center youre seeing Tropical Stormforce winds, thats why we put out here, ocean city, 43mileperhour winds, a gust at 11 30 a. M. Tuesday. Atlantic city could see a gust up to 50 and watch as it moves north, boston, providence, nantucket, almost 50 Miles Per Hour at montauk and the snow, i have to mention it. More than 2 feet of snow fell in part of [drumming] one time, in new orleans, well, before it was even founded, a french teenager, bienville, scared away a british warship with just a story. And Great Stories kept coming. Like when the military came and built the boats to win the war. [warplane] some are tales told around crowded tables. [streetcar rumble] and others are performances fit for the stage. Stella cause for three hundred years, Great Stories have started the same way. One time, in new orleans. [crowd applause] Good Morning America is brought to you by subaru. Love, its what makes a subaru a subaru. Well talk well talk wellw temperatures that are on the mild side this morning. You see a lot of 60s. A little drizzle near the coast. Temperatures well below average and breezy. Mid to upper 60s along the coast. 70 to 74 around the bay. 75 to 79 inland. Another cold front and cooler wednesday. Slight chance of showers. We have a lot of crashes, almost 40 right now. This is on the eastbound side of 80. We have on looker delay. And then that is a slow drive down to the bay bridge. We have one crash reported within the toll plaza. Definitely backed up through the maze. I think you can hear me now. Back stage at the emmys gma goes oneonone with the winners. And then live with kelly and brian. Dont miss it. Another update in about 30 minutes and always on our free abc 7 news app. Gma is n including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Thats 40 off evthroughout history,s. The one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. Just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh . Hey . I paused it. Bam, family time. So how is everyone . Find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. The double threat, two storms churning in the atlantic. Hurricane maria bearing down on those caribbean islands devastated by irma. The carolinas also in the crosshairs as jose zeros in on the east coast. Storm watches now from delaware to massachusetts. Millions on alert for heavy rain, strong winds and flooding. New this morning, the newest and cheapest athome test to determine your risk of Breast Cancer. Who should use it . How it works . Dr. Ashton will break it down for us. Behind the scenes of dancings newest season before tonights blockbuster premiere. The couples facing off, nick versus vanessa and their partners maks versus peta and our special correspondent, dancing champ, drew lachey, is right there. Julia, reese, nicole, laura, alec, one dazzling night backstage at the emmys. All the big winners oneonone with lara right after walking away with emmy. Was it so fun . Oh, yeah, it feels like the ultimate superpower. And from sizzling in red to bold and bright with plunging necklines. All the showshopping red carpet looks and the woman who made emmy history with the most wins for one role. Julia herself saying good morning, america. Good morning, julia. Good morning, america. Welcome back this monday morning. Hope you had a great weekend. Julia makes you smile every time you see her. And what a night for lara. She was right there backstage with all the winners. Oh, what a night, lara. Oh, what a night, robin. So many winners to talk to. What really struck me was the women of Big Little Lies. Reese, nicole, laura dern, all so excited about their win and what it means for women in the business talking about being in the business for so long and how that turned into something amazing for them. Were going to get into that coming up. Lets hope its just the beginning. Thank you, lara. First top story in our rundown that double hurricane threat. Jose churning off the east coast and in the caribbean Hurricane Maria threatening another direct hit after irma. Our senior meteorologist rob marciano is in san juan, puerto rico. Good morning, rob. Reporter good morning, george. Hard to believe its been less than two weeks, and we are preparing for potentially a category 4 strike here on the island of puerto rico. The next 36 hours will be frantic as far as completing those preparations. For our friends in st. Martin and st. Thomas, those islands hard hit by irma are in survival video there, so they are scrambling to get into shelters with what little they have, and pin down some of the debris that could easily become flying projectiles, so category 4 storm here on wednesday. Meanwhile, you know, we dont know what its going to do the u. S. But hurricane jose is churning up the eastern seaboard and watches from delaware to massachusetts, detect impacts from a highly populated area tomorrow and wednesday. At the same time a major hurricane in puerto rico on wednesday likely. Rob, thanks very much. Rain has already begun here. It has. Also this morning, st. Louis is bracing for a fourth day of protest after dozens of arrests overnight. Demonstrators angry over the acquittal of a white Police Officer in the death of a black man. Abcs Kenneth Moton is there with those latest details. Good morning, kenneth. Reporter good morning, robin. Happening right now, protesters are marching through the streets of st. Louis. They are rallying on the steps of the city building. During the day, the protests have been peaceful. But overnight a different story. At least 80 people arrested. Last night after chaos broke out on the streets of st. Louis, several businesses were vandalized. Windows broken out. It was an incredible show of force by police in riot gear. They say those agitators threw bottles of unknown chemicals but protesters say it was vinegar to treat pepper spray victims. All over the acquittal of former officer Jason Stockley and the 2011 killing of a black man Anthony Lamar smith. New demonstrations sparked after the department of justice announced and revealed that a year ago, they would not pursue federal charges in this police shooting, robin. Kenneth, thank you. As you know, World Leaders gathering in new york for the u. N. General assembly and theres been a major show of force this morning near north korea. The u. S. Sent b1 bombers and stealth fighters for a fullscale drill with south korea meant to send a powerful message to the north days after it launched another missile. North korea is high on the agenda as President Trump makes his first speech to the United Nations tomorrow. Coming up, the most affordable brca test yet. How you can check your risk right at home. Dr. Ashton will tell us. Drew lachey taking us behind the scenes of dancing with the stars with his brother nick, exclusive sneak peek ahead of tonights premiere. Lara is taking us backstage at the emmys with reese, nicole and the nights other big winners. Come on back. R than ever. Just walk right in and pay zero dollars with most insurance. Plus, when you get a flu shot at walgreens, you help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need through the un foundation. Its that easy to get your flu shot and make a difference. So swing by your local walgreens today. Walgreens. At the corner of happy healthy. 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Joining you on the desk with the this wonderful audience. We are going to start with lara. Shes backstage with the emmys. Yes, george, so much to tell. Hollywoods elite out in force last night to celebrate what many are calling televisions new golden age and the actual emmy show was given a resounding two thumbs up by every single star we talked to for everything from Stephen Colberts hosting to that spicer surprise to the abundance of incredible roles for women. Reporter ladies rulining th stage at this years emmys. Female dominated shows, Big Little Lies and the handmaids tale both scoring five golden statues apiece. And backstage it was all about girl power. Looking at you guys walking out on that stage together, i was like, yes. It was so fun. Was it so fun . Yeah. It feels like the ultimate superpower. How did it feel to be the boss . Feels good. The accumulated knowledge of us being in the business so long turned into something amazing and deep female friendship and getting to ask three amazing women to join us. Can you ask more . Can you guys do another seeing season and just add more friends . Add more friends . Maybe. Maybe. I mean, we can if we can get it to the level that were satisfied with. I guess youve read it. You know whats coming. Uhhuh. Is it ridiculous . Uhhuh. Yay. How can it get more ridiculous . I dont know, but we figured it out. I hope. I hope. I dont want to count my chickens, but i hope so. Go home and count these. You have many. Reporter we cant forget about the man of the hour. Hes not even a regular cast member on snl but alec baldwin earned his third emmy for his portrayal of President Trump joining us backstage with his first lady wife hilaria. Can you keep going with donald trump on snl . I think with lorne, yeah and with the spare time i have, im free. To fill in for michael on Good Morning America. Strahan is not tired. He is not tired. Ive done yoga with him before. Michael strahan is good at yoga . Do you not know this . Reporter Donald Glover making history. Im so happy, wow. Reporter taking home two emmys, including one as the first africanamerican to win directing for a comedy series. I like the accessories. Its not bad. Reporter and another first, masters of none star lena becoming the first africanamerican to win for writing. I remember watching halle berry win that oscar. Reporter sterling k. Brown also on cloud nine taking home back to back emmys. Last year winning best supporting actor for playing Christopher Darden and this year for his outstanding role in this is us. I want to thank my cast, you are the best white tv family that a brother has ever had. When youre in it, its like youre going through a haze. You know what im saying i dont actually know what youre saying. You know twice. Its a wonderful experience. Its a 10. It is a 10. Great night. Kept hearing it over and over again, and it seems like tv is the place to be right now, and that last night was like a mini oscars with all of the movie actors in the audience who jumped over to the tv side to make great tv shows theyre so proud of to give them more time than movies to explore a character. Guys, that is what i heard over and over again by the top actors in the business. And then, of course, theres the fashion. We havent forgotten about the fashion. Were getting to that next. Youll be back with that in a moment. We have somebody filling in for you. Adrienne will do a little pop news for us now. [ applause ] go, adrienne. Go girl. Well talk more about the emmys a little bit. Time for that horror flick it. How many peek like scary movies . Not me either. Halloween right around the corner, but it put up scary huge numbers for the second straight weekend becoming the highest earning september release of all time. The stephen king inspired film raking in over 218 million in the u. S. So far but at the other end of the sale Jennifer Lawrence suffered through her first opening ever. Her film mother earning a meager 7. 5 million. That also could be scary. Thats true. That could be kind of bad. Next up queen bey paying a royal visit to one of the hottest shows on broadway dear evan hansen surprising the ben platt backstage by posting, it happens. I think everybody would say that. Right . The singer even hanging out with the entire cast backstage making their night, stepping out for date night with husband jayz, and getting a break from baby duty with the twins proving theyre still crazy in love, got me looking so crazy in love. Go, adrienne. Go, adrienne. [ applause ] oh. Oh, you did. But we got to sing for pop news. Singing for my supper. And finally, it was a big night for Big Little Lies as lara mentioned. The emmys, wow, the limited series taking home five trophies, now, the question remains will they be coming back for a Second Season . The cast and crew has been teasing the possibility for some time but their author Liane Moriarty speaking out saying, im thinking about it. Its a beautiful possibility. Thats all ill say. Its going to happen. Its going to happen. More cheating, more murder, more celebration. More wars. While she kept the door open Reese Witherspoon had a cheeky reminder for all the hopeful fans out there saying, you already know were liars and you shouldnt trust anything we say. We love you, reese. Ever since sweet home alabama, i just love me some reese. Theyre going to keep us guessing. Wait to see if its legitlegit. My favorite line, got a baby, in a bar. In a bar. Yeah. I love reese. Thats it. Whats not to love . And we love ginger, so bring it on home. I feel better because i havent seen dear evan hansen either so at least beyonce took a long time to see it. I have still got time obviously. Lets do Something Else and got to catch up because the National Hurricane center just put out an update on Hurricane Maria. Now a category 2 storm and you can see it churning there towards those Lesser Antilles and eventually puerto rico and well watch for that in the next 48 hours. This will intensify. Could it end up being a category 4 and then turning away into the ocean. The interaction with jose will be interesting and will have a lot of impact. When is the last time you saw a Tropical Storm watch up and down the east coast . Good morning. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. Becoming breezy, sunny and cooler. We will have another cold front wens and coolest lows 30s, 40s and 50s. Today mid to upper 60s along the coast, San Francisco. 70 to 74 around the bay. And 75 to 79 inland. Tonight cooler. Low to upper 50s. My seven day forecast, that is autumn right there. We [ cheers and applause ] now to our gma consumer lab, this morning were taking a look at the new and cheapest athome test to determine your risk of developing Breast Cancer. It tests for the brca1 and 2 gene mutations and launches today from the company, colored. Adrienne, you were able to take a closer look. As you know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That old adage. Something one woman and her family found holds very true in this case with a very affordable case that proved lifesaving. Reporter devon gant has her whole life ahead of her. The last thing she expected is to test positive for the brca2 gene which gives her a dramatically increased risk of getting Breast Cancer. Kind of a black cloud, i guess. Its this thing thats kind of looming in the future. Reporter but there is a silver lining. Genetic tests can cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars, so devon took an early version of a new test coming out today called color right in her own home. At 149 its now the least expensive genetic test for the brca1 and 2 genes on the market. One out of eight women will develop Breast Cancer in their lifetime so its very important that for women who are high risk, we wanted them to have access to the test. Reporter heres how it works. Provide us a saliva sample and it carries your dna, and send it off to the lab. Once analyzed you receive your online results in three to four weeks along with a complimentary consultation. Is there any point where you felt like, this is just not fair, you being 30 . Yeah, definitely. I mean its a higher risk. Its not a guarantee. Its not a death sentence. Reporter devon was prompted to take it when her aunt laurens color test came back positive, and doctors september her in for a lifechanging mri. They found a couple of spots. Said they didnt really think it was anything. And it came back it was cancer. Reporter with the gene testing and early detection, lauren is now cancerfree. Thank god. It would have been totally different outcome come probably next february when i went for ay mogfy. Reporter lauren is grateful she and devon were tested. Now she knows and knows what she needs to do and shell city healthy. Reporter devon has a mammogram and ultrasound every couple months and all their immediate family had the test done. While there is no Family History in their case of cancer, many of them did test positive for that brca gene. Adrienne, thanks so much for bringing that to our attention and were going to bring in our senior medical contributor, jen ashton right now. I now you do a lot of genetic testing in your office. Tell us the importance of this. Well, listen, genetic testing is important for people because it shows us a possible window into the future. It doesnt mean a guarantee because we know that genes are just one part of what determines someones future health risk. Behavior, environment are also important. But now people need to know were just talking about the brca1 and 2 mutation. It is now possible to test for over 30 gene mutations that are associated with various types of hereditary cancer, eight or more are associated with Breast Cancer so while all the attention goes on brca, it is important for people to know they can have a gene mutation in other genes and it is readily available now to test for this. This is a mainstream option which i think is good news for some people. Because its not for everyone. Thats correct. So who should get the test . Who should not get the test . Absolutely not recommended for every Single Person. Thats clear. Why is that . Because there are certain criteria. With any Screening Test its not every Single Person gets screened for every single thing. So i want you to take a look at this list. When you talk about the brca mutation theres certain criteria we like people too meet. Someone who has a Family History of someone having a positive brca mutation. Anyone with Ovarian Cancer at any age. Breast cancer before the age of 50. Triple negative Breast Cancer before the age of 60. Male Breast Cancer in the family at any age. People of ashkenazi, jewish ancestry and people with two or more cases of Breast Cancer on one occurring before the age of 50 on the same side of the family, so you can see its not, oh, if youve had a case of cancer you should have this test done. Tell us how it works. Ill do the demonstration, very simple. This one is based on saliva. You can get it done in a Doctors Office with blood tests as well. Do a little spit which im not going to demonstrate. Take the funnel off and put the top on and put it in this bag and then you put it into the box and mail it. It already has a label and get your results in three to four weeks. Very simple. I want to mention one other thing, robin. We hear a lot about cost here. It is actually a myth that this test costs thousands of dollars if you meet criteria and have insurance it will be covered if you meet those criteria. If you dont you can still get the test covered. This is mainstream. Thats good to know. What do you do if you get a positive result . Counseling. We have to remember men get this mutation also so this is a prolonged discussion. Thanks. You bet. George . Were going to move onto dancing with the stars that premieres tonight, and our special correspondent former dancing champ drew lachey is giving us an exclusive behind the scenes sneak peek as his brother, nick, prepares to take on the ballroom. Take a look. Reporter the 25th season of dancing with the stars has arrived. And its a family affair. My brother nick couldnt resist giving me a hard time. This is the best you could come up with, right . I know. Times are tough. Reporter rehearsal is like one big family reunion. Nicks wife vanessa is competing against him. She is dancing with maks, who is married to peta, nicks dance partner. My husband is with another woman bumping and grinding. Ill have to be okay with it. Reporter separating home and ballroom can be a challenge. I was joking with my girlfriend yesterday. He showed you his first step already. I know. You didnt keep the mystery. I showed nothing to peta. I have been saying to her either were on the same page in sharing information with an enemy, or well be on the same page with, like, oh, yeah, this is what we do. Reporter you see set pieces going in, light, people rehearsing, everything is rehearsed. Down to the judges scores. Yes. Lets give fake scores. Reporter this place is a well oiled machine. From shark tank to the dance floor. Show them how you look at me when we dance. He looks at me like that. Look away, people. Its not safe for morning television. I get lost in your arms sun t sunset reporter Debbie Gibson had to get used to hearing her own voice in a big way. I was, like, really . Im dancing to my own song . But its kind of a full circle moment. It came out 30 years ago. Reporter speaking of memory lane, the woman who taught me to dance, the very talented cheryl burke. Drew and cheryl. Reporter we won back in season two. Youre used to having some outspoken coaches and teammates. Absolutely. Are you saying that im outspoken . Im saying youre too spoken. Reporter peta says my brother already has a nickname. Pops because hes the oldest in the competition. Pops. Whats it come to im the oldest guy in the show . It comes to you being old. Oh, drew. He joins us from l. A. You danced twice. Season 2 and 15. You know what they are going through right now, a lot of butterflies. A lot of pretty fierce rehearsals. Yeah. Yeah, i guarantee you right now theyre starting to freak out. The show is today. Theyre just thinking please dont let me go home first. Let me remember the steps. So theres a lot going on in their heads right now. Between nick and vanessa who is more nervous . I say probably nick because theres the sibling rivalry in there too. He has an expectation to live up to. Between nick and vanessa can you go ahead and make the tough decision and tell us who is going to do better . Oh. That is going to make for awkward holidays. So i dont know if im comfortable with that. They are both going to do well. Okay. Pull back. [ applause ] yeah, were only 60 days from thanksgiving. I think thats very smart. Pull back. How about the whole cast . Who do you like . Well, victoria and val. The story there is pretty much intense and amazing, but all in all, this is one of my favorite casts to watch. I just watched them in rehearsal. Its going to be a tough season for the judges. What is it about this cast that stands out to you . I think its just the variety. Obviously, you know, victoria and val. I mentioned her before. Her story of coming from the paralympics to learning to walk again and now she is on dancing with the stars, to nick and vanessa and that story line as well. Debbie gibson. You know, you got a lot of people out there with some pretty significant fan bases and you cant take for granted the strength of their partners fan bases as well. Thats true. Good point, nick. When we come back, lara is in l. A. Dancing with the stars premieres tonight at 8 00. 8 00. Its 8 27. Police looking for the suspect who they say ran over two of their officers. This happened in a parking lot in front of a safeway. Police say the officers were trying to stop a shop lifting suspect. The man u. Jumped into his car and drove off. Both were taken to the hospital and they are expected to recover. Lets see how traffic is doing. Not great in the pleasanton area. We have a sig alert. This is a crash involving a motorcycle and major injuries. We have at least two lanes blocked and they are saying intermittent lane closures for that situation. Westbound 80 near hill top drive a new crash is reported. Some delays. If you like the idea of fall now your accuweather forecast. Still kind of muggy. Check out temperatures mainly in the 60s. Small craft advisory north of the bay bridge today. Drizzle and sunshine at the beaches. No heat in my accuweather seven day forecast. Another update in about 30 minutes. I will see you then. We do welcome you back to gma and we have a great audience here in our studio for this monday morning and happy to have Celebrity Stylist joe zee and glamour editor with us, cindy leive. Well get their takes on the hottest looking of the night. Lets go back to lara for a red carpet recap and let me just say, you looked smashing in your red gown last night. Well, robin, thank you. Thats the big word, red. Oh, there you go and i didnt even know it but i was a trendsetter apparently. It was a red hot emmys. Red was everywhere from the carpet itself, of course, to no less than a dozen winners and presenters. Definitely the most pervasive trend i saw at the show this year. That wasnt all, metallic, florals dazzled and the lengths that women wore were all over the place. It was a fashion lovers from the red carpet to the stage. Nothing little about the fashion statements from the ladies of Big Little Lies. The bold and bright proving right for some stars especially in the color red. The stunning issa rae, sarah hyland, Nicole Kidman all wearing red well. And other big trends of the night, short, and even shorter favored by reese and millie. Plunging necklines and last but not least, fierce gowns adorned by feathers. Wow. Wow. Lara, you got to see it all up close and personal so give us your two favorites. Can you narrow it down to two . Hard to do. Ill go with julia louisdreyfus. She was wearing Carolina Herrera and its not because you offered me 100 to say this. This is because this is because when i interviewed her she turned around and she had that embroidery of those yellow rose buds it actually trailed all the way around the back so intricate and made her booty look incredible. That dress was absolutely spectacular up close and i loved oprah. Sophisticated lady. She was wearing elizabeth kennedy, that suit, the glasses, she rocked. Yeah, put it all together. You rocked as well, lara. Thank you. Well bring in cindy and joe. Cindy. I loved Shailene Woodleys look. We just saw it. We were talking about plunging neck lines. It was plunging. Velvet green ralph lauren dress. It was easy. You are know, shes a young girl, an environmentalist and famously said on the red carpet she doesnt watch tv and this is like an easiness to it, wasnt one of those things you have to corset yourself into and i thought that was appropriate for her and loved issa rae talking about the red trend in a vera wang dress. This is a bridal gown that vera made for her in red and there are a lot of fans of her show insecure like myself miffed she wasnt nominated for anything and i loved that she just brought it. I know. She was like im going to win this red carpet. And she did. She did. And more . Those are my two favorites and loved all the metallics. I loved all the metallics. I agree they did look fantastic. I love zoe kravitz. She looked gorgeous in that dior. So much about feathers was a big trend and had this big rainbow feather bottom on this couture gown and i loved it. It was so easy and with the short hair, it felt so effortless. Millennial pink. And i always love jessica biel. Theres something so statuesque and glamorous about her. She really just looks like she just threw that on and left the house. She looks incredible. Such an ease about her and wearing ralph russo. The makeup was soft, tones were soft. Another plunging neckline. It was definitely a good night for double faced tape. You really like plunging necklines. What were the other trends . Definitely which i was calling disco ball couture, ive never met a disco ball i didnt love and saw a ton of it. It wasnt just about silver sequins. It was about mirrors and embellishments from Priyanka Chopra to Anna Chlumsky and Sarah Paulson but we have to talk about tracee ellis ross. She is such a fashion risk taker. Totally. On the red carpet she does her thing and kind of always wins for me. The telestrator is coming out. I love my telestrator. You have the silver belt and then, of course, you have all the glitter and, again, the feathers. The feathers. The feathers i mean the feather bottom so beautiful and there was a hint of diana ross here. Yeah, shes her mothers daughter there. No, i loved it. Too bad it didnt translate. Can you show everybody you did the telestrator. Can you guys see . I feel like this is a classroom and im educating you. Thats right. Now, cindy, cindy, we did hear that lara said red. Red, i loved this. Lara, you started it. Well give you credit but nicole did you proud in this calvin klein dress and jane fonda sliding into the red category there with a sort of reddishpink dress backless and Gina Rodriguez and i think this was a year and is a year in general for powerful women and saw a lot of females at the emmys. Were not cupcakes here. No, no, no. So what else did you think was the big buzz . Everybody was talking about Reese Witherspoon because she typically wears americas sweetheart dresses and was wearing this power almost suit. Blazer dress, dark green by stella mccartney. Im a producer. Yeah, thats what i love. She was like im not just the talent here. She was like i made this project Big Little Lies happen here and she was dretsi she was dressing like the producer. I love that. So what lets say was unexpected to you. I think reese was for sure unexpected always doing the American Girl next door and old hollywood but the idea you can wear a tuxedo to the emmys and really look sharp and i think what lara was saying about oprah. I love oprah and evan rachel wood. If you look at them side by side, evan 30 and oprah is 63 and both look dynamite. The fact that oprah was wearing that and i was watching her and watching it all unfold and her telling me about her fittings with oprah was such a triumphant moment for both designer and oprah. A good lesson if youre wondering what to wear, wear the white tux. Yes. A lot of confidence. Yes, so much confidence and i love that people took risks. Tracee ellis ross but saw that almost with everybody and thats wonderful. Should take this act on the road. Coming soon to a theater near you. You dont have to tell us twice. Thank you both very much. Coming up, the cast of fuller house all here live. Wow. Wow. Oh, you brought butch. Yeah butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. I think youll be surprised by this next story. Its i think youll be surprised by this next story. Its called a brosectomy. Nick watt explains what that means. Take it away, nick. Reporter good morning, george. Well, listen, around half a million american men every year get the snip, a vasectomy. Mildly or massively traumatic so welcome to the brosectomy. You do it with a buddy or a bunch of buddies. Is this a solution . We tagged along. These two chose robe, slippers, super posh pizza. Sports on tv and a suite at the aka in beverly hills. Its a great diversion. Reporter and theyre ready. Snipping, broing out. These office mates both have kids and dont want more. Id rather do this with you than my wife to be honest. Seriously, look at each other like a little tear like a dog that was fixed. Reporter camaraderie is the idea. Its nearly time. Is it . Lets go. Who is going in first . We dont do it at the same time. Its not like a communal vasectomy. You got the key . I got the key. Doctor, paul tourett will operate on their bits and pieces. Its fast, its quick. Its played to jazz. Its eight minutes and i move like the wind. Reporter it was the dashing doctors idea. It came to me while surfing. Always go with somebody else. When youre in unsafe, uncomfortable situation its nice to have a bro around. Astronauts dont go to space alone, right . Reporter the doctor says men who get snipped with a buddy recover quickly. I track them every day and track painkiller use and they do better. Reporter the first was 2013, College Buddies on a reunion. They were more busy catching up than thinking mr. Their procedure. Reporter its helping men get it done. My wifes been nagging me to do this for a long time. Now the truth comes out. Ive been sitting with my legs crossed for this entire interview. Partly i feel like i will be less of a man if im firing blanks. Is that common . Thats the best contraceptive ever developed. You need to get over it. They did together. He lived. I was thinking of him the whole time because, oh, hes going to have to go through this. I wasnt thinking about him. Reporter brosectomy, the aftermath, they chose a massage. You feel less masculine . No, hes doing great. Reporter a vasectomy does not make your voice higher just to be clear. It means one thing and one thing only. Heres to firing blanks. Firing blanks. Why not. Cheers. Ill drink to that. Thank you. Now, the doctor says this should be used by dentists and other doctors where men feel weird and alone and the cost for this brosectomy, the doctor wouldnt even say, a lot is the most i could get out of him. George. Well, lets see if he sold it. Bob, dave, brosectomy . Yeah, dave and i are going to do it together. Get a Little Orange juice. You want to come with us . Lets go to ginger. Its too early. Wow. Orange juice, that will fix everything. Good morning to kaston. Hes from florida. Have you seen snow before . No. In montana they had almost two feet. That dog, token, just taking it all in. Isnt he cute . Snow is cute when it looks like that. I bet youd love to see that. Well get it someday. Good morning. Im meteorologist mike nicco. After a muggy start and mild temperatures we end up in the 60s at the coast. Cooler breezes by 4 00. My seven day forecast that weather brought to you by Las Vegas Convention and we have a lot more coming up on gma. You dont want to go anywhere. More bob and dave and everybody else. Fuller house cast here live, stay with us. Did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Buying your favorite bag of food at petsmart will help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals to shelters and food banks. That means millions of hungry pets across the country like this little guy get to eat. Buy any bag any size we give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. And now Come Celebrate our grand opening in your neighbourhood. I got to tell you, a great way to kick off the week. We are back now with the cast of fuller house. [ cheers and applause ] hard to believe but they are celebrating their 30th anniversary of a fan favorite original full house and now were gearing up for season three of the new series. Its great to have candace, great to have jodie. Great to have andrea, great to have bob and dave. All of you here with us. Come on. 30th . 30th anniversary. They were these two were 9. How old were you . 35. We werent even born. Yes. 30 years. What is it like . Where does the time go . Its really interesting. Going back there its really great. Shes taken over the reigns as the clean neat freak. Happily. And shes taken over the reins of i dont know. Sort of uncle jesse fun musician, a little bit wild aunt character. And shes kind of turned into dave which is well. Not as stinky as dave. Thats good to hear. Lets give everybody a sense. Heres a little sneak peek of season three. Would you just admit defeat, team steve . She has found her Perfect Match in dreamy dr. Matt. He is pretty dreamy. In fact, i had a dream about him last night. Whoo we were folding laundry if you know what i mean. Tell me more. What . Theres nothing more to tell. We were literally folding laundry. Wholesome fun. And candace congratulations teen choice award. Thank you very much. [ applause ] that was fun. I never thought in my 40s id be winning the teen choice. I didnt win one as a kid. Its grade and gives me cred with my own teenagers. It has to make you feel good. It feels incredible. Such a testament to our fans who have been with us for 30 years and loved the original show and watching fuller house now to know there is a whole new generation loving the new show and the old show. Its just it makes us so happy. Were so grateful. We got we won the kids choice, teen choice and peoples choice award which was a huge i mean that was amazing for us and just such an honor. [ applause ] i am excited. I won the tasters choice award which is instant coffee. As you get older you want it to be quick. Youve heard them all, dave. Ive known bob since i was 18 years old. Thats what we told the judge. I was 22. We met in the comedy clubs. Thats true. And then john stamos cant be here. Hes on tour with the beach boys. He sends his love. Well hear from him in a moment. We have a message from him. I heard. Were going to finally meet your family. No, were going to finally see the gibbler house. Theres no family in it anywhere. Im the gibbler and maybe Jimmy Gibbler shows up. Ive been wondering what this place looks like for 30 years. Its even weirder than i could even imagine. Really . Yeah. There are a lot of easter eggs when you watch that episode. We put a lot of old things in that house that we dont point out. If you look carefully, theres lots of fun little easter eggs for the old fans to appreciate. Wonderful. We all imagined what that house must look like and now we are going to get to see it in season three. You guys were in japan and i hear that karaoke, yeah, this is going to you, jodie. Bust out a tune. I wont shes awesome. Come on. She can sing. Okay. Yeah, i mean we had fun. I went to karaoke three times when i went there. Candace and i scott went one night and then another time and i took i won pablo and john another night and went out with our p. A. S from japan and jet franklin. She went with a lot of dudes. Thanks, bob. Im parental. No, but it was really fun. If you do karaoke, you have to do it in japan a lot. Cut it out. I see where you went there. That catchphrase, i love all the catchphrases from everyone but you kind of you borrowed it. Im not going to say you stole it from a friend. I did steal it from my friend mark who has been my best buddy since i was 9 and he directs the Big Bang Theory tv series and [ applause ] yep. He directed a couple of fuller houses. He directed a koup from this show as well. I stole it from mark. We were a comedy team for about a week. Thats how good we were. He used to do this character where he would unbutton his shirt and go up to a lady in the front row and i know what youre looking at now cut it out and i told him im totally going to steal that and he says to this day you still owe me. And actually became the catchphrase for the brosectomy company. See how i did that . I see what you did there. That was good. I like that. Nice one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We just went full circle. Oh. Come on. A drop the mike moment. But the other you got it, dude was the other catchphrase and a lot of people are wondering are we going to see michele . Someone has spilled the beans . I think youll see beans. Thats about it. You guys are good. Theyre not even looking in my eyes right now. Theyre looking down. Well youre a very beautiful woman. Thank you, bob. I got out of that one. You did, but i had to ask. John stamos, you said it. Hes with the beach boys right now but he has this message for everybody. Ah. Were in San Francisco and nobody around to see us. Nobody is here. No streets. Realize what kind of iconic moment this is. Hi. Hi. But now we make a right. She didnt know us here. She didnt care. She totally was like, who is that . We were shooting a promo and bob was supposed to stop and just kept going. Oh, my gosh. We just drove all around. Nobody even recognized us. That is not true. That is not true. I remember bob was driving he was like should i stop . I was like no. Lets go. Keep going. All right. We just kept driving around. I should not be driving a car with these people. No. You know what is so wonderful. Its so genuine. You can tell you have such love and respect for one another. Its an act. Its all an act. No, we really do love each other. Thats right. How do you all do it . They bail you out when you forget your lines. They might bail me out for real one time. The new season of fuller house premieres on netflix. Well be right back. [ applause ] youre gold, man. You are go keeping up. It takes hard work, tight budgets and a little support. And pg e is ready to do our part. Our care program can save you 20 or more on your monthly bill. It just takes a few minutes to apply and youll see the savings on your next bill. When having a little extra can mean a lot. Turn to care. Go to pge. Com care and enroll today. Good morning america is brought to you by Colgate Total. Be totally ready for life. One more time, the cast of fuller house, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we say goodbye to lara in l. A. Tune in to espn. Michael will be on monday night countdown. Wea whole new place thatswe lookin to get scared with bats. And ghouls. And cars in disguise. Ive cast quite a spell now. You wont believe your eyes laughter the spell is cast. Now halloween time is more spooktacular than ever because its in disneyland and disney california Adventure Parks good morning bay area. This is abc 7 mornings. It is 8 59. Mike nicco has a look at the forecast. Still mainly in the 60s, even to 72. Napa a little behind everybody. The drizzle is starting to dry up. Mid upper 60s coast. Richmond 70 to 74. 75 to 79 inland and only getting cooler wednesday with a slight chance of a light shower. No change in our sig alert. 680 we have the big problem crash with very serious injuries. That is a sig alert. You have a long delay coming out of the area. Quick check outside. There is the bay bridge tol plaza. Time now for live with kelly. Well be announcer its live with kelly and ryan today from the series gotham ben mckenzie. And the creator of greys anatomy, shonda rhimes. Ryan goes back to atlanta as we kick off the lives do it week. And if you are looking for a new low, we have all the details that can make that happen. All next on live [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and Ryan Seacrest [cheers and applause] kelly hi, hi, hi, how are you . Ryan good morning good

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