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The animals will find new permanent homes in the bay area thanks in part to groups like the Milo Foundation. We have people that have katrina dogs and say, were here to adopt harvey animals. We know they really need a place. Some cats and dogs are in rough shape but lynn tingle says that hasnt stopped families from falling in love. Probably half of the first load of animals from harvey went to foster homes that are failed fosters because they are adopting their dog. I just spoke to a veterinarian who said that all of the cats and dogs arrived in good shape following the flights. So now they will be taken to different groups like the spca and Milo Foundation for baths and some food. And they could be available for adoption or fostering a little bit later on this week. Live in hayward, tiffany wilson, abc 7 news. Tiffany, thank you very much. Local heros dispatched to help victims of Hurricane Irma if florida arrived home at the bay area today. Abc 7 news was there as members of urban search and rescue task force 3 finished a drive from florida. The 81person team is mostly firefighters. For some their latest deployment was not easy because it immediately followed a trip to help victims of Hurricane Harvey in houston. They were missing their families. But they knew that, you know, because of their background and what their task was, search and rescue, that you know, they are the ones for the job. Theres nobody else that is going to do it. The team kept watch over the northern parts of florida, which escaped major damage from irma. Weve received an update today on floridas post storm recovery one week after the storm the entire 112mile length of the florida keys he as reopen to the people who live there. More than 675,000 people remain without power. 64 shelters were open throughout florida with a total population of more than 4,000 people and the first fema Disaster Center opened. Flood warnings will remain in effect across the state for at least a while longer. North koreas threat is a big topic at the u. N. General assembly meeting. As Gloria Riviera tells us, it is just one of the issues the president will deal with this week. President trump spending his sunday morning on twitter and his retweets are raising eyebrows. Including one fake gif showing the president hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball. The president retweeting himself, renewing his call for a tougher travel ban. In reaction to the bombing on a london train on monday. Will we see a new one . This is something we are looking at is how to protect the American People better. How to ensure that we know who these people are, who are moving. The uk prime minter is pushing a different proposal in the General Assembly in new york this week. One of the issues we need to be addressing and ill be raising this when im United Nations is the question of the use of the internet. By terrorists. For terrorist planning. But also for using it for the spread of extremism of hatred, of propaganda that can insight and inspire terrorism. North korea also likely to be a hot topic at u. N. , trumps tweeting about kim jongun callin the north korea heard rocket man after the regimes rocket test last week. If the United States has to defend itself or its allies in any way, north creeal be destroyed. We know that. None of us want that. None of us want war. The wall street admitting admitting they may stay within the climate acords. We are willing to work with partners in the Paris Climate Accord if we can construct a set of terms that we believe is set and balanced for the American People. Abc news, new york. And in developing news we now know the four american women targeted in the acid attack in france were all from a boston college. Two suffered facial injuries when a woman splashed hyper caloric acid at them. She suffered from deep psychological problems. Terrorism is not suspected. New developments in the london subway bombing. Nations terrorism threat level is now lower following another arrest. Police arrested a second man yesterday, the same day they detained an 18yearold man. Government Security Officials say this is an intercation that progress is being made into the investigation of the attack on friday that injured 30 people. They we deuced the Terror Threat level to severe. Now severe still needs that an attack is highly likely. I would urge everybody to continue to be vigilant but not alarmed. Under the critical threat level, judged act to be imminent, Islamic State claiming responsibility for the attack. Security officials saying they have no evidence to support that claim. An annual Memorial Service was held today to pay tribute to fallen san may tmay tao first responders. There was a tribute those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in their communities. This event began in 2001 as tribute to matt smith who died in the line of duty that year. Sips then its grown honor all the fallen Public Safety officials in an interfaith event. Fellow marines came together to help a bay area Service Member who had his familys belongs stolen last moth. Abc 7 news was at month offe field where aldama received a 7,000 check. He just located to town with his wife and daughter when a u haul was stolen with practically everything they owned was inside. It adds up as well, and this is just going to be able to put us back on our feet to where we were before. This is a tremendous help. The stolen property is still missing. No arrests have been made. A mother shares her moment of panic during fair ride misrap. I felt helpless that i couldnt do anything at all. Coming up, emotional aftermath following this ferris wheel accident. We will hear from one of the boys trapped in the middle of it all. Also, a sweet gesture by mrshawn lynch to mark his home debut as an oakland raider. Im meteorologist drew tooma. The week ahead bringing about clou con artists. theyll try anything to get your Medicare Card number. So they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. What can you do . Guard your card . Guard your card . Just like your credit card. Nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. To protect your identity, new Medicare Cards without Social Security numbers will be mailed next year. Visit medicare. Gov fraud stay sharp people hi leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. A personalized Financial Strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. Hi guys aw yeah see how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Cell phone video captured a worker falling from a ferris wheel while trying to right a gondola. Today we are hearing from the childrens mothers. They car flips back into place but the two boys inside are left swinging until a second worker reaches them. Their mothers watched from below. I felt helpless and it was the scare nest moment. Thats your babies up there. You cant do anything to protect them. I thought that something bad was going to happen. Like one of us is going to was going to pass and no more rides at the fair be unless it is a buckle cart thats the only thing i might do. The man who fell was not seriously hurt. The ride since passed inspection and was working again yesterday. Kaiser nurses are set to rally tomorrow in concern of patient care. There are 14 centers here in the bay area including San Francisco, santa clara, santa rosa and walnut creek. Nurses are in talks for a new collective bargaining agreement. California Nurses Association is calling on kaiser to support a series of rn proposals involving several issues including staffing and training. A new leader is about to take over a troubled District Attorneys Office in the east bay. Contracosta countys new d. A. Will be sworn in tomorrow afternoon. Retired superior court judge dina beckton will be the first woman and first africanamerican to hold the position. She takes over a troubled office thats been plagued by controversy including a Campaign Cash scandal that led to her predecessors resignation. They hit the jackpot but did not get their cash. Payout problem at the casino. And touchdown raider nation. And raider nation may seem intimidating at times. But it is familyfriendly place. We will take you to the home game tradition that has fans celebrating before the game. Well, a winner of a forecast this weekend and the new week ahead will feature even cooler air moving in for the final days of i need my blood sugar to stay in control. Weekends are my time. I need an insulin that fits my schedule. Tresiba® ready announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headac. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insinins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, toueue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your Health Care Provider if youre tresiba® ready. Covered by most insurance and medicare plans. Tresiba® ready some winners at greaton resort and casino went home emptyhanded this weekend. A Network Outage caused confusion friday night. Slaut a slot and video poker machines couldnt pay out. Gamblers waited up to four hours for their winnings. Others just gave up and left. Those who didnt get their money should contact the casino for their winnings. Vivasj crossed from to japantown. People could walk, play and ride bikes along some of the busiest streets like adam rock avenue and santa clara street. Everyone loved the price of todays event, it is absolutely free. Oakland native Marshawn Lynch add sweet offer for fans as he made his home debut as a raider. Teaming up with skis els to give away candy. Five vending machines were scattered across oakland at spots picked by he picked each place and revealed them by tweet. His sweet tooth led him to becoming a spokesman for the candy. Sadly, the free skittles machines were scheduled to be removed by 1 00 this afternoon. If you didnt get your beast mode on before, sorry. Families and fans made themselves at home. Pregame venue is once again entertaining fans ahead of kick off. It is an atmosphere that one would typically find at raider tail gates. At raiderville, you can find signed fashions and luminaries and the raiderettes. Nothing better than to bring your kids out here. Im here with my daughter ashley. Just a wonderful venue. Come out and have fun. She did her little Face Painting thing over there. The season marks the ninth year of raiderville at oakland coliseum. Accuweather today enjoying tons of sunshine on this sunday afternoon. But changes are coming the next 24 hours. More in the way of cloud cover and cooler air will begin to filter in for the new week ahead. Live doppler 7 along with satellite, showing you a quiet picture. Take you outside the live look from our emeryville camera showing you. Sparkling on bay waters. Mainly clear sky from this vantage point. Temperature wise we sit below average tore this time year by some 5 to 10 degrees. 64 is the current number in San Francisco. Sunny in san jose at 76. 68 in oakland. Warmer inland. 82 current number in concord and fairfield about 81 degrees. Live doppler 7, showing you the past 12 hours, including tons of sunshine over northern california. But look off to the north and you do notice this ribbon of cloud cover here. Thats a cold front that will sink to the south the next 24 hours. Bring back cloud cover. But also bring in some cooler air for your monday. Overnight tonight, here is the call. Clear skies early on. Clouds filter in after midnight tonight and thats going to keep temperatures a little bit more mild than we experienced last night. 60 overnight in San Francisco. About 62 in san jose. 63 in concord. And 58 that number in santa rosa. Feature weather hour by hour. 8 00 in the morning, not out of the question as that front moves through have coastal drizzle first thing on your monday morning. Perhaps a spot shower around ukiah and points north and a lot of cloud cover for the first half of our monday. It is monday afternoon and monday evening. We will start through the front swing out, more in the way of sunshine by 5 00 monday. But still Early Morning cloud cover going to keep temperatures cooler tomorrow than we are today. So high of 66 in San Francisco tomorrow. 77, high in san jose. About 69 in richmond. Along the coast a breeze kicking up. 75 the high in santa rosa. And antioch up to about 80 degrees. Update on a pair of hurricanes we are watching. This is hurricane jose, right now winds 90 miles per hour. Moving north at 9 miles per hour. Coming close to parts of the seat of coast. For that reason a Tropical Storm warning issues. From delaware to massachusetts, gusty winds along the coast, tuesday into wednesday. Coastal flooding and likely strong rip currents along the coastal locations. Also tracking a strengthening hurricane maria. Wind at 80 miles per hour. As it approaches the letters antilles next 24 hours, likely strengthening to category 2 storm and becoming major hurricane category 3 storm as it moves through puerto rico and parts of the Dominican Republic wednesday night into thursday night. This is the same area that was hurt by Hurricane Irma. Too early to note if any impacts for the lower 48 but something we are watching. Accuweather forecast at home. Cloudy and breezy on your monday. Staying below average tuesday. Chance of sprinkle on the north bay wednesday. In time for autumn arriving on friday and sunshine dominates much of next weekend. All right. Thank you very much. Sure. At least the 49ers defense showed up. All right. 49ers with a solid showing in seattle where they havent won in six years results on deck. Marshawn lynch enjoying first game of the black hol hi leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. A personalized Financial Strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. Hi guys aw yeah see how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch. Living the dream today playing in the balack hole for the firs time as raider. Crabtree stole the show with the jets with three td catches. Can you tell mar shawn is loving his return to oakland . Love this guy. First quarter, derek carr. Twoyard toss to michael crabtree. He is just getting started. Second quarter, connect again. 26 yards. Carr, 23 of 28. Three tds, raiders up 140. Beast mode, first td as raider. Twoyard run. 2110 oakland at the half. Third quarter, this time to paterson. Watch the cut. Hes got speed. Youre not going to catch him. 43 yards. 2813. This offense is beast mode. In the fourth quarter, reshard gets the carry, thunder and lightning. Hes gone. 52 yards. Oakland with 180 rushing yards. Unreal. Carr will connect with krab one more time. Six catches. 80 yards. Three touch downs. Raiders start 20 for the first time in 15 years. 4520 final. Coach impressed with mar shawns dance moves. It was exceptional. I was actually very inspired. I was going to join him. Lu but i thought it was best for me to stand back and continue to coach. Stats are cool but im into winning. I dont care if we win for 500 yards. Just to be part of this team and city, part of something special. And im completely good with that. Niners have not beaten the seahawks in seattle in six years. Neither team has a win touchdown in the 2017 season. Hawks favored by 17 points. Something today give. Not the start the niners were expecting. 1527, 99 yards in this pick to bobby wagner. He fumbled. But hawks recover. Kick a field goal making it 60. Carlos provide something offense. More yards on the ground than the team did in the air. 15 carries, 124 yards. This run sets up field goal and tied at 6 at the half. Neither team ahad a touchdown al season. Until the end of the game. Russell wilson to richardson on the scramble. Seahawks win 129. Dbacks, San Francisco honoring ryan vogelsong. Vogey will retire as a giant. Bruce bochy came in and relieved him for the final time. This was a last from the past. Sandoval hitting his third home run of the season. Finishing with three rbis. Giants win that game 72. As and phillies, oakland trail 20 in the fourth. Going back to back off henderson alvarez. 21st for olson. Top six, as once again, trailing but not for long. Joey, grew up just outside of philly. Just fifth game of the season with first career grand slam. As win 63. Fedex cup playoffs. 730, final event of the 730, final event of the seas con artists. theyll try anything to get your Medicare Card number. So they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. What can you do . Guard your card . Guard your card . Just like your credit card. Nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. To protect your identity, new Medicare Cards without Social Security numbers will be mailed next year. Visit medicare. Gov fraud stay sharp people on abc 7 news at 6 00, hear from the woman who took a defensive tactic after receiving a terrifying note on b. A. R. T. Thousands of californians pitched in to clean up our state this weekend. Look at the tonnage of trash they collected from beaches and parks. Thats it for abc 7 news at 5 00. Thanks for watching us. We will see you right back here at 6 00. Tonight, breaking news. The new hurricane threat. Three storms on the march west, but all eyes on that one in the middle, hurricane maria. Devastated islands back in the crosshairs. Our rob marciano with the new advisory just in. Plus, return to ruins. Our reporter with the caravan into the keys. The hardesthit area, open for the first time. What residents are coming back to. And the dire warning from officials. Message to the world. As the president prepares for his first address to the u. N. , hes back on twitter. Calling kim jongun rocket man. And retweeting a video showing him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball

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