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The border. Plus, unloved and unemployed. Martin schulz rejects a post after the party base signaled they could refuse to ratify his Coalition Deal. And refusing to wave goodbye to europe. Could a new campaign convince the u. K. To back a second referendum . Im sarah kelly. Welcome to the program. Thanks for joining us. In south korea, the 23rd Winter Olympics has officially begun after an extravagant opening ceremony. 35,000 people packed the stadium which kicked off the games in style. Along with an artistic performance, spectators saw the athletes procession with star athletes from north and south korea walking out. The ceremony closed with the lighting of the olympic course. Following all of the action was dws very own matt herrmann. Joining us from our sports desk pretty extravagant scenes in pyeongchang. We also saw korean culture on display here, didnt we echomatt yes diddley . Matt yes, not just traditions and cost, but the technological prowess, kpop. They had kids with a tiger. I am not sure what that is supposed to mean. Then they had the procession of the athletes starting in the medical order of the medical order. This is nigerias first trip at the olympics with a female bob said team female bobsled team. They are very proud of that. You can see this very athletic guy. He is a crosscountry skier. The korean team given a very warm welcome come of the joint north and south korean team, entering the statement with the stadium with a joint korean flag. We did see toward the end of the ceremony the real splashy has entry out of the Eurovision Song Contest lay but, only on a much playbook, only on a much, much bigger scale. We saw kids on an imaginary rivers on a raft. A lot of really impressive largescale pageantry. Sarah a massive production. Not everyone supposed to be there attended. What happened to the American Camp . Matt yes, there were disagreements in the American Camp. Speedskater chante davis, one of the most decorated athletes in the team, and the first africanamerican to win the winter olympic medal back in 20 in 2016. He expected to bear the american flag. But there was a tie between him and erin hamlin. Davis lost out on the tiebreaker, which was a coin flip, and he tweeted yesterday saying he thought that was a rather unbecoming way for a guy like him who has put a lot into the Olympic Movement over the course of 12, 16 years. He complained about it on twitter and said, you know, i am just point to skip the ceremony and concentrate on my event in a few days. It was a bit of a sour story. Sarah it perhaps makes sense if he is focusing on the games and performing. A lot of people also saying it is quite cold there, so am some athletes it not sure. Some of the action is underway though, right, matt . Matt yes, the indoor event curling. Switzerland versus the usda. Something extraordinary happened. The usa were up until the final frame. Switzerland did something that had never happened before. They got a six and are, which was when all 6 a six ender, which was when all six of the teammates were on the target zone. There are roundrobin matches, so there will be a lot more curling to come. Sarah and we have two weeks of action. Matt herrmann from the olympics. Thank you for telling us more. The games also having a political aspect. A high level government delegation from north korea attending the ceremonies, officials including kim yo jong, the sister of kim jongun. Officially the two countries are still at war, but the olympics appear to have started a thaw in relations. She met with south koreas president moon while the teams from the two countries walked side by side under a unity flag. For more, lets bring in the Senior Research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and former cia deputy chief for the cia, as i mentioned. Bruce, thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. Sarah what do you make of the scenes of unity we have seen and south korea. Are you hopeful for a thaw in relations between the north and the south . We can always be hopeful and it is certainly uplifting to see the koreans walking together. We have seen it before. The sydney olympics. Smother exercises. There have been other instances where the north korean athletes and a senior political delegation came to south korea in october joint 14, for example, and none of that reflected a change in north korean policy and john yang did not moderate its quest for a Nuclear Missile program and the like pyongyang did not moderate its quest for a Nuclear Missile program and the like. The olympics are kind of like going on vacation. A nice pause from the tension, but once they are over, you have to get back to the real job. Sarah speaking about getting back to the real job, u. S. Policy is remaining pretty strong against the north. A few days ago the u. S. Promised is toughest ever sanctions against the north. Vice president mike pence, who we know was also in south korea, calling this display of unity between the north and the south simply a charade. We have south korea taking a softer tone toward the north now. Is it putting its relationship with the United States in jeopardy . I dont think so. Right now we are at a pretty good place between the u. S. And south korea, perhaps more than we expected win a progressive president came in. But he was driven to the center on his policies with north korea, reversing his position with the bad missiledefense system, thad missiledefense system. When i was in seoul, all the officials said the right things about maintaining military exercises and the likes. There may be differences in the next two weeks, but once they are roper, we will see of president moon pushes but once they are over, we will see if president moon pushes for scaling down exercises, but at least we are starting from a good point. Sarah if we are starting from a good point, what would you advise the americans, what would you advise the South Koreans to do once the olympic dust settles . Well, they should maintain the previouslyscheduled military exercises. Those are done to hone the deterrent defense capabilities of the alliance, the u. S. South korean alliance. Those should not be sacrificed for some gesture from the north simply to attend the olympic games. While both sides should reach out to north korea, and we have to realize that pyongyang is in open defiance of the International Community with not only the test of missiles and nuclear weapons, but be sure existence of those programs are themselves a violation of the review cannot abandon the International Resolve to pressure and punish north korea for it repeated for its repeated violations. But we still reach out on engagement. But pyongyang has been rejecting pleas from the u. S. For dialogue. Sarah we were looking at pictures there perhaps our team can throw them back up we are looking at pictures of u. S. President u. S. Vice president mike pence. Kim jonguns sister was a couple rows behind him. Perhaps they can bring that back for us. I want to ask you because we have seen generally speaking, a harsher tone from the Trump Administration toward north korea. Do you see it as a change in policy, or is this just two digit patients with a fresh coat of paint . Right, theres a lot of continuity in u. S. Policies over at ministrations, and thats not a bad thing. You dont want u. S. Policy varying 180 degrees every four or eight years. The Trump Administration like the Obama Administration is talking tough on sanctions, that is still punching pulling its punches on a lot of things it could be doing to enforce u. S. Law. They have sanctioned additional north korean entities and a handful of chinese entities, but are really holding back on sanctions for chinese banks, as well as other chinese businesses that are in violation of if not u. N. Resolutions, u. S. Law for misusing the u. S. Financial system. Sarah we want to thank you very much, Senior Research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former cia deputy chief for korea. We appreciate it. Thank you. Sarah dw news you are watching. Lets get a quick check of other stories making news around the world. You are watching dw news. Uris President Donald Trump has signed a bill into law that will fund the government through march 23 and increase these spend it the spending limit over the next two years. At least 900 palestinians have been injured in clashes with is really security forces. Israeli soldiers fired tear gas on palestinians, hurling stones into bethlehem. There has been a spike in violence since u. S. President donald trump recognize jerusalem as israels capital in december. In germany, the leader of the social democrats has been forced into a humiliating climb down. Martin schulz has stepped down and renounced a role in the Coalition Government he helped forge. That is after Party Members made it clear they could reject the spds agreement to enter government if he insisted on becoming foreign minister. He led the party to a record low vote share in september from elections before reluctantly brokering a Coalition Deal with undlin merkels conservatives. Angela merkels conservatives. Reporter in just three days, Martin Schulz has hit a political high point and low point. After exhaustive wrangling, on wednesday, his announcement we have a coalition agreement. In a marathon section of talks lasting more than 24 hours, the to do parties fought them a argued, yelled at each other, and finally agreed. We had a Strong Influence on this agreement, and we are grateful that in the end we achieved compromises that were hard for the conservative side to accept. Reporter he negotiated well for the spd and rested key portfolios from conservatives. Wrested key portfolios from conservatives. All of this in spite of the fact that he said he did not want to be a minister and merkels government and was against another coalition. Afterward, many in the spd said he is broken his word twice. Many Party Members were angry. And that anger did not abate. Despite his decision on wednesday to resign as party leader, making way for another to take over. On friday, he announced he would no longer seek the post of foreign minister, saying it could jeopardize the upcoming vote on joining the grand coalition. I hereby the clear my decision not to join the huddle government and sincerely hope this will bring the personnel debates within the spd to an end. Reporter the spds is toying said that the focus should be on the grassroots vote, not personnel issues. I can only warn you now that Martin Schulz has announced his resignation not to rush forward and placed the next candidate on a pedestal. Reporter now Martin Schulz finds himself without the leadership of the spd, without authority, and without a mysterious ministerial post, and with the spd in chaos. Sarah for the latest twist in his political drama, lets bring in our Political Correspondent at the parliamentarys studios. Thomas, all of this hard work on the Coalition Government. Now this. How surprising was this development, would you say . It is certainly surprising, in particular, for those in germany who thought after months of uncertainty, germanys political troubles were about to come to an end with the finding of the coalition only a few days ago. But this is another chapter of germanys political drama, and certainly a Big Development in germany, a Big Development also for the spd. If you ask why this happened, the reason is the debate on personnel, the debate on who would do what in another grand coalition overshadowed the debate on content. This is something that Martin Schulz in his statement try to mention, as well as other politicians from the spd. It is time to talk about content, and that is why he decided to take a step aside. For him, and incredibly difficult decision after an incredibly difficult year. Think about this. Only in march last year he was hailed as the beacon of hope for the spd with 100 of the delegate votes. He was chosen as the spds leader. But then the Party Started to suffer. Three failures in regional elections, than the federal elections, where they had a very bad result, and now, obviously this as well. For Martin Schulz, a very difficult moment and for the spd, another sign of deep divisions within the party. Sarah but what does it mean for the country . The spd has this vote on the Coalition Government next month. Will his departure have an impact their . Reporter that boat is incredibly important because it is the final hurdle before the grand that vote is incredibly important because it is the final hurdle before the grand coalition can take effect. If the entire membership of the social democrats who will have to decide on the grand coalition, will have to give the green light to it, and many in the party, particularly the youth branch of the party, are staunchly against another version of the grand coalition. And this will be one we find out the results at the beginning of march, when we all find out whether this deal, in fact, can be turned into a reality, and i dont think anyone in germany can predict what result we will see at the beginning of march. Sarah just another surprise on the road to get a german government. Just a reminder to viewers those elections were back in september. Thank you. Now, we are here in the studio with daniel winter, and we have to talk about the market. We were talking about it before the show, werent we . Choppy or with the whippy. The s p 500 trying to cling to gains, indexes following falling 10 from highs in january. Bond yields also touched fouryear highs. The double way me to stocks and bonds caused by expectations of rising inflation. Analysts say that wild swings will continue into next week. The anxiety on wall street tour across Global Markets and in asia and europe. For some, such dramatic drop said not been seen since the Great Recession. Reporter it has been a bruising week for Global Markets. Wall street anxiety proved too much for asian investors. Nikkei ended in negative territory. Stocks across hong kong fell on friday, the end to a terrible week of trading. It is the biggest weekly loss for the hung saying since 2008 when the Great Recession was in full swing. Germanys dax is also down significantly for the week. Key european markets have seen a gains of recent months erased. They hope that wasnt of Economic Indicators can shine through the turmoil. Airbus caught up in a corruption probe. They will pay a fine. German prosecutors had suspected bribes were involved in a 2003 deal to sell euro fighter jets to austria, but said they could find no conclusive evidence. However, they allowed multimillion euro payments toward what they called unclear purposes. Authorities are still investigating. Uber and also bet have reached a deal to end their legal dispute. The complaint up with allegations the Ride Hailing Company stole technology from alphabets company weibo. They claimed that one of its former engineers took more than 14,000 confidential files before he went to lead ubers self driving car units in 2016. And germany has its foot on the gas pedal. A pipeline that runs along the bottom of the baltic sea from russia to eastern germany a sister project running alongside will double capacity of the route, which currently stands at 55 billion cubic meters. Critics say it will increase at europes Energy Independency europes Energy Dependency on russia. Dws Nicholas Connolly reports. Reporter this plant, run by ukraines state Energy Company, was built almost four years ago and is coming to the end of its working life. Ukraine needs to upgrade the infrastructure. A project financed by Deutsche Bank and underwritten by german export guarantees will see the multimillion dollar compressors replaced. But the question is will they ever be needed . The pipeline goes directly across the baltic sea, set to be joined by another connection. Construction is due to get underway later this year. The new pipeline alone will be able to transport some 55 billion cubic meters of gas. The projects critics in ukraine argued that it would mean more than empty pipelines and lost transiting income. They say it will increase yours dependence on Russian Energy and allow the kremlin to put political pressure on its former satellite states by halting supplies without endangering delivery to its big western customers. That is something that backers have consistently rejected, saying the deal is purely driven by economic considerations and provides additional capacity rather than a replacement to existing pipelines. The head of ukraines state Energy Company is adamant his country has more to lose than transit income if it is built. We believe this will clear the way for a fullfledged russian aggression against ukraine. We are fighting to stop Russian Troops at the eastern border. But if there is no risk of interaction, we believe russia will have full incentive to go forward. Reporter ukraines hopes are rusting resting firmly on brussels and washington to translate their hopes to action. And some brits do not want to say goodbye to europe. Sarah we know the brexit vote was quite polarizing. Check this out. Brexit opponents in the u. K. Have launched a campaign aiming to persuade a second referendum on eu membership is needed. Campaigners argue there should be a final vote on the deal with brussels. This time voters would know what a future outside of the eu would actually look like, but few people believe that brexit can be stopped at this stage. Heres the latest episode in our series road to brexit. Reporter steven pray is determined. Determined to stop brexit. Every day, he sets up shop opposite parliament. He is taking time off work until he achieved his goal. That there is the lords. Every window there is one of the lords offices. I am not going to let them forget. We are here and we are fighting. Reporter new study suggest some who voted for brexit regret the decision. That is extra motivation for stephen and others like him. Should there be another vote for the people, they are going to have an end goal. They will see a target for what they are voting for. Reporter there has been a slight shift in Public Opinion and marginally more people would vote to stay within the eu however the shift has not been dramatic enough to persuade the mps here in the house of parliament to actively campaign for a second referendum. It would be up to members of parliament to pass legislation for another referendum. She is a liberal mp. They are campaigning to overturn brexit. The leadership of both big Political Parties are committed to what appears to be more and more a hard right fit, and the people need to understand, is that what they want . Are they actually happy that our economy might go down the tube . Terry reporter Many Campaign online rather than in front of parliament. They are often run by young people. And their petitions to parliament, too. But outside of one of londons big universities, feelings among the mostly antibrexit students are mixed as to whether they would like a say. We have made a decision. We might as well stick with Something Like that instead of changing her mind halfway through. I think a Second Chance is what we need. I think it would be beneficial. I was on the remains side. I think we already had one debate. A second debate will just lead to people asking for a third referendum and then it is never going to end. Reporter even in Central London where the overwhelming majority voted to stay within the eu, people are not too enthusiastic about another referendum. And in more itleaning areas outside the capital, there is even less traction. So it seems unlikely stephen well remain a lonely voice. But that does not deter him in the slightest. Sarah and with that, you are up to date now on dw news. Im sarah kelly and berlin. Do not forget. You can follow us on social media. Thanks for watching. I will see you again soon. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] meggin hi, everyone, and welcome to our highlights show. Im your host, meggin leigh, bringing you the best picks of the week. Heres a look at whats coming up. On its head celebrating Georg Baselitzs inverted style as the artist turns 80. On his way Maxime Simoens sets out to revive the legendary house of azzaro. And on her own sarah illenbergers creative 3d illustrations. We start off the show with a portrait of a man considered to be one of the most important contemporary painters of our time georg baselitz. His work is deeply rooted in european history and american painting

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