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100,00 landmines are still buried there, literal seeds of general mladics crimes. While there are ongoing efforts to clear them, many people have been killed, or like ermeen, have suffered life changing injuries. Reporter participating in sports has helped ermin jusufovic resume his normal life. Hes a paralympic volleyball player. 10 years ago he stepped on a landmine and lost the lower part of his right leg. Ermin jusufovic sitting volleyball has become like a way of life for me. It not only provides an outlet for all the negative energy and thoughts, its also an opportunity for me to meet my friends. And of course it helps me stay fit, so i benefit physically, mentally, and emotionally. Reporter the club, named the sons of bosnia, was set up after the war for those maimed in the fighting or in landmine accidents. Jusufovic has been selected to play for bosniaherzegovinas National Paralympic team. His twin brother armin and the entire Family Support him. They all live together and have turned their land into a small farm. They also keep bees. Pulling together has helped the family to cope. Ermin jusufovic after my accident, i struggled to accept what had happened. Reporter just two years before his accident, his brother also stepped on a landmine. He was badly injured, but doctors were able to save his arms and legs. The beautiful bosnian landscape is full of hidden dangers. Hundreds of thousands of unexploded mines are strewn across the country. The familys land wasnt cleared of mines until years after ermin lost his leg. His brother armin was the first on the scene. Armin jusufovic at first i saw only a huge cloud of black smoke. So i ran up there right away. My uncle came up from the potato field a short while later. Together we managed to drag ermin away from there. Reporter unconscious and covered in blood, ermin was taken to the hospital. It was a miracle that he survived. Landmines and other unexploded ordnance left from the war continue to kill and maim bosnian civilians, even though the country has the best mine clearance experts in europe. Sead vrana clears mines for a living. He briefs his team in the capital sarajevo for the days mission. Sead vrana weve been given the gps coordinates for an unexploded mortar shell. Reporter they head up into the mountains around sarajevo. Bosnian and serb forces spent nearly four years here fighting a brutal war of attrition. More than two decades later, the region is still very dangerous. Sead vrana we had eight accidents with six fatalities and 12 total injured in bosnia herzegovina. Reporter they make their way through landmines and unexploded mortar shells. The work is not easy. Even gps coordinates are not always precise so theres always a risk. But they know their work is vital. Sead vrana we think about handicapped people, about people who got disabled due to unexploded ordinance and mines. 15 seconds approximately. Reporter another dangerous mortar shell neutralized. But its hard work. Its taken nearly an entire day just to deal with one mortar from the war. Every day, ermin jusufovic works towards a time when he and his family can live a carefree life. Every victory on the court helps. Competing in last years Paralympic Games was particularly special. Ermin jusufovic we won second place, but the feeling was really the same as if wed got the gold medal. Reporter ermin plans to compete again in the next paralympics. But his greatest dream is to see bosniaherzegovina completely cleared of landmines. Some day, he says, it will be. The permanent scars of war. There has not been open warfare of its kind in europe since, yet some continue to wage deadly conflict on the continent. France has long had a strong commitment to western secular liberalism. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the country is often singled out by the Islamic State as a key target. Authorities are doing everything they can to prevent further attacks and to arrest those with connections to jihadists. But even in custody, they are still highly dangerous because of their influence on fellow prisoners. In southern montpellier, we met karim, one of many young men who was at risk of being radicalised in prison. Reporter today, Karim Mokhtari is free to enjoy a stroll on the beach near montpellier in southern france. But he spent a long time in prison for Armed Robbery that resulted in a death. And that wasnt all. In prison, he fell under the sway of a radical preacher who wanted to recruit him for terrorist attacks for the socalled Islamic State. Karim mokhtari i had no spiritual foundation. I didnt know who i was, where i came from, what religion i had. The preacher exploited this weakness to pull me into his orbit. Reporter mokhtaris parents abused him. He landed in a detention home and began a typical criminal career. Prison was like criminal graduate school. An Islamic State recruiter began influencing him and telling him muslim, and you must defend islam. Reporter the french state finds it difficult to counter islamist radicalization in its prisons. Last year, it was decided to isolate the radicals from the other prisoners, but the decision wasnt implemented, in part because there just isnt room in the overfilled jails. Attorneys for victims of terrorism say the authorities are not fulfilling their responsibility. Guillaume jeanson something must be done now. Otherwise, people who are a risk, who persuade others of their radical theories, and who are extremely violent themselves will continue to be sent to normal prison wards. There they are in contact with other inmates, and so radical islamism will continue to spread. Reporter mokhtari says separating radicals is not be enough. The young men in prison should be prepared for life when they are released. Karim mokhtari we need to find out what makes these young men willing to die for one moment of intense existence. We have to show them how they can become useful, recognized members of society. Reporter in some prisons, like here in osni near paris, prisoners judged to be terrorism risks are under surveillance around the clock. The guards are supposed to find out who is really dangerous and should be isolated. A correctional officer who wants to remain anonymous says thats easier said than done. The most dangerous ones arent those who pray the most or who practice their religion most devoutly. The most dangerous ones work in secret. They seem completely normal, even in prison. We look for little signs, what they read or watch on tv, and how they behave when exercising in the yard. Reporter the french authorities long tried to ban islam as such from the prisons. Only in recent years have they begun hiring imams to teach inmates a peaceful form of islam. Mokhtari says it was a catholic prison chaplain who turned him around. Karim mokhtari i felt that not even god could forgive me for he loves you. You have the strength within you to master this test. I always wanted my mother to love me, and then someone says there is a power that loves me more than people can love me. Reporter mokhtari didnt convert to catholicism. He wanted to find his own roots, so he learned about islam and became a muslim. Today he works with prisoners. First he tries to get them to accept that their prison sentence is justified. Then he helps them look for an apartment and a job when their sentence is over. Many regard mokhtari as a wonderful exception, but still an exception. Guillaume jeanson looking at the psychological profiles of the i. S. Recruits, you see how radical and brutal some of them are. You cant bring them back. Reporter mokhtari is convinced he cant relapse into crime. But he says radicals in prison still have far too easy a time finding recruits for terrorism. Host the battle for hearts and minds in france. We go next to spain for a story of survival in the animal kingdom. In the north of mallorca, high up in the sierra de tramuntana, lives europes largest raptor, the black vulture. While it has become a very rare sight in most of europe, thanks to conservation efforts, the birds population on the island could be stabilized. But for it to continue to thrive, the islands visitors and residents may both have to take a step back in time. Reporter as if effortlessly, they glide for hours in majestic circles with only an occasional flap of their wings. Martin solivellas regards them as the heroes of the mountains, the black vultures of the sierra de tramontana on mallorca. But their numbers have dwindled. Live in remote parts of the island. Martin solivellas when i was born up here in the mountains, there were lots of black vultures. What impressed me most back then was that birds this big could fly at all. Watching them is quite a show. Reporter mallorca is the only european island where black vultures still live. The carrion feeders live primarily from dead sheep and goats. But the number of sheep and goats up here is dwindling, too. Shepherds are increasingly leaving the sierras. Martin solivellas the problem began in the 1960s. Many people moved away because working in tourism is easier. Thats a problem. Life up here is hard, and you dont earn as much money as elsewhere. Reporter when the shepherds leave, the sheep disappear. And when the sheep disappear, so do the vultures. Evelyn tewes cares for injured vultures on mallorca. She created a foundation to protect the species. When the biologist from vienna came to the island 30 years ago, the vultures were in even worse straits. Evelyn tewes there were only about 19 birds, and just one breeding pair. Some years it bred, in others it didnt. And if no protective measures had been taken, then these birds wouldnt be here anymore. Reporter but the black vulture isnt out of the woods yet. Along with the lack of food, tourism is stressing the birds. Evelyn tewes increasing numbers of hikers are penetrating even the most remote areas. And thats a problem for these animals. Reporter a record 10 million vacationers visited mallorca last year. Many visit the mountains, and some leave the marked hiking paths. So do mallorcans, like javi, whom we met by chance. He wants to spend the night out under the stars and wasnt aware that that could bother the black vultures. Javi i didnt know these birds before. But of course, as a nature lover, im sorry that we already harm the black vultures just by being here. Its very sad. Reporter a changing Human Society confronts mallorcas vultures with fewer meals and more noisy tourists. Martin solivellas will have to give up shepherding too. He and his wife are starting to prepare for their old age. They want to spend their time with their grandchildren. Martin solivellas when i retire, i dont know what will happen to the animals. None of my children wants to follow in my footsteps, like we followed our parents. And thats how it is with most shepherds and their herds. Modern life on mallorca reporter modern life on mallorca determines the fate of the black vultures. Already today, many have to be fed. Martin solivellas says thats the only way the species will survive here. He hopes his heroes of the mountains will not go extinct. Host an idea from a teenage refugee far from home has changed life in denmark. Selina juul arrived in copenhagen from moscow when she was just 13. After years of barely having enough to eat, she was overwhelmed by the abundance of food available in the average danish supermarket. But she was disheartened when she saw how much of it went to waste. So she decided to do something about it. Reporter selina juul goes to supermarkets to campaign, not to shop. Shes the face of a Danish Initiative trying to stop food waste. Selina juul you shouldnt eat russia. She says that when she came to denmark as a teenager, the affluent society she found here opened her eyes to wastage. Selina juul i got very upset. National media, and today we have become the biggest Danish Organization against food waste. Where 63,000 people just on facebook. So it is huge. Reporter juul is clearly not the only one protesting against waste and overabundance. But supermarkets continue to throw away food thats no longer in its prime. At best, it sometimes gets used for other things. Ditte poulsen this is our biocontainer. This is where we throw out food that we unfortunately dont get to sell in time, and all of it is going to be biogas. So it will be used as heating for households actually. It cant offer fresh fish or meat. Instead, there are lots of frozen goods here but also vegetables. Customers love the low prices. A Second Branch has already opened. And some wares are produced especially for the store. An organic baker nearby makes more than he can sell and passes the excess on to wefood. Jens moller hes doing that on purpose, and thats well because we, in wefood, we act as a safety net because we pay him a symbolic figure, and we cover the costs of his production. So he is actually able to systematically produce more than he needs to, and then all the stuff that he doesnt sell, if he produces an excessive amount, then he is ensuring that he never runs out of bread. And at the same time, if he has too much, then we can just collect it for him and cover all his expenses. We go to his stores and pick it up for free. So without wefood, he might produce less. Yeah. He would probably. Reporter Food Production puts a strain on the environment and emits large amounts of co2. A real turnaround would be to reduce the amount of food produced, not just redistribute it as selina juul also recognizes. Selina juul the wefood store, its a great, great, great initiatives, but it does not address the root cause. And the root cause is that theres still a lot of food being produced and overproduced. So basically the ideal scenario is that the wefood stores close d because theres not enough surplus produced for the wefood store. Reporter still there has been a change in mindset in denmark if a modest one. Wastage rates in the country have fallen by 25 in the last decade. A personal victory for juul. She traces her committment to her youth at the end of the soviet union. Selina juul communism collapsed. There were Food Shortages in the stores. The stores were basically empty. So we wasted no food because basically there was no food to waste to be wasted. ,and we have huge respect for food. So when i came to denmark 24 years ago, i saw the supermarkets, and i was shocked. I was shocked to see so much food. Reporter juul hopes to get the big supermarket chains to start offering rebates on single products, rather than volume discounts. But above all, she says customers have to get involved in fighting waste. Host one persons actions can make such a difference. And finally we have another tale of good intentions. Now, what is the most unique gift youve ever received for your birthday . A group of norwegians plan a big surprise for their neighbors in finland. To celebrate finlands 100year anniversary of independence from russia, the norwegians want to give their neighbors the summit of a mountain. While this would only require the border to be shifted by a few meters, it would also call for a change in norways constitution. Reporter its late summer, and theres not a tree, not a bush nor a blade of grass here at 1300 meters altitude. Mountain guide Georg Sichelschmidt knows every rock on the halti, a fell on the norwegianfinnish border. Theres been a move afoot to move the border. Georg sichelschmidt were standing here on the finnish halti. Here to the right, you see the border marker. Its the highest point in finland. Now if you look towards the other side, it gets higher, and thats norway. So finlands highest peak has a norwegian summit. Reporter how annoying that a Mountain Peak in otherwise very flat finland has its summit outside the country across a border drawn in 1740. The oddity was first noticed by bjorn Geirr Harsson, a longstanding staff member of the norwegian mapping authority. Hed been investigating some peculiar features of the Boundary Line on the halti and decided this would be an ideal time to correct them. Bjorn Geirr Harsson we tried to let the norwegian government give it as a gift from the norwegian people to finland in accordance in relation to their 100year celebration as a free nation. Reporter his main supporter is svein Oddvar Leiros, mayor of the municipality at the foot of the halti. He picked up on the idea and wrote an official request to the Prime Minister in oslo. She sent an equally official response that the constitution wouldnt allow norway to cede any of its territory. With kind regards, erna solberg. Svein Oddvar Leiros if the Prime Minister says no, then, as mayor of the kafjord municipality, i have to respect that. But maybe theyll reconsider. Its a matter of an area half the size of a soccer field. The border marker would just have to be moved a few meters. Reporter its claimed that a compromise might be possible. A swap wouldnt violate the constitution. Finland would get the summit and give a piece of wasteland to norway in exchange. After all, norway has no real use for the halti. Georg sichelschmidt the norwegians have plenty of other peaks to climb, and the finns didnt even get the top of this pile of rocks were standing on here. I think thats too bad, the poor finns. Reporter and what do the finns say about the issue . Do they really want the additional eight meters of summit . From that side of the border, its quite a long way to the nearest habitation. There may well be more reindeer than people in the area. Then finally, 59 kilometers from the halti, a finnish village. I think it is a very good reason to give to finland, because we are Good Neighbor to norway. I like it. Many people come to finland because that. More tourists. Yes. Theres more tourists. I love the idea, but even nowadays, it doesnt matter, when you are on top of the halti that which side you are. There is no border line, actually, when you are up on top of the halti. Reporter mountain guide Georg Sichelschmidt thinks the move just might turn the barren fell into a tourist magnet. Georg sichelschmidt of course, it would make this peak more popular, especially in finland. More finns would come here just to climb their highest mountain. Reporter making a present of a mountain could mean a small boost to nordic tourism, but it could also send a message to the world. That was the original intention. Bjorn Geirr Harsson norway also give the peace prize, the Nobel Peace Prize every year, and we could go ahead, like a good example on how you can treat your neighbor, by giving finland this little piece of land. Reporter finland will be celebrating the centenary of its independence in december. Who knows . By then, with luck, the countrys highest peak could be a little higher. Host it seems not everyone is ready to break out the celebratory champagne just yet. Thats it for today. If you would like to find out more about any of todays stories, send me a tweet or visit our Facebook Page at dw stories. Until next time, goodbye. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] steves were in rothenburg, germanys ultimate walled city. In the middle ages, when frankfurt and munich were just wide spots on the road, rothenburg was one of germanys largest cities, with a whopping population of 6,000. Today, even with its crowds and overpriced souvenirs, i love this place. During rothenburgs heyday that was about 1200 to 1400 it was the intersection of two great trading routes prague to paris and hamburg to venice. But today, the great trade is tourism. Rothenburg is a huge hit with shoppers. True, this is a great place to buy cuckoo clocks, steins, and dirndls, but see the town first. Most of the buildings were built by 1400. Like many medieval towns, the finest and biggest houses were built along herrengasse, named for the herren, or the wealthy class. The commoners built higgledypiggledy farther from the center, near the walls. Hanging shop signs advertise what they sold knives, armor, bread, whatever. Rothenburgs wall, with its beefy fortifications and intimidating gates, is about a mile around and provides great views and a good orientation. Rodertor is the only tower you can actually climb. Its worth the hike for the commanding city view and the fascinating display on the bombing of rothenburg in the last weeks of world war ii, when much of the city was destroyed. But rothenburgs most devastating days were 400 years ago, during the thirty years war. In the 1600s, the catholic and protestant armies were fighting all across europe. The Catholic Army took the protestant town of rothenburg, and as was customary, they planned to execute the town leaders and pillage and plunder the place. But the catholic general had an idea. He said, hey, if someone in this town can drink a threeliter tankard filled with wine in one gulp, ill spare the city. According to legend, rothenburgs retired mayor nusch said, i can do that. Mayor nusch drank the whole thing, the town was saved, and the mayor slept for three days. And today, tourists gather on the town square several times daily for a lessthanthrilling reenactment of that legendary chug. Nice story, but in actuality, the town was occupied and ransacked several times during that 30 years of war, and when peace finally came, rothenburg was never again a major player. It slumbered peacefully until rediscovered in the 19th century by those same romantics who put the rhine on the grand tour map. They came here to paint and write about the bestpreserved medieval town in germany. Shops are filled with etchings and prints inspired by this 19th century romantic take on the town

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