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Too. We will bring you reaction from tehran and washington. Plus, Emergency Services struggling to contain the wildfires leaving a trail of destruction across northern california. 31 people have now been killed, we will speak to someone whose home was consumed by the blaze. And an old hand back to guide bayern munich. Proving the team can get back on track. Sarah im sarah harman. Welcome to the show. Good to have you with us. U. S. President donald trump as outlined a new strategy on iran, that he says is aimed at curbing any possible Nuclear Weapons development. His remarks focused on the nuclear deal between iran and world powers which trump says , needs to be improved. The american president says he is decertifying the deal to give iran relief from sanctions in exchange for restrictions on the Nuclear Development program. Although he stopped short of withdrawing from the agreement, he reserved that as an option if the deal is not strengthened. Here is part of what he had to say. President trump im announcing today that we cannot, and will not make this certification. , we will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror, and the very real threat of Irans Nuclear breakout. Sarah responded to the speech, the president of iran said they will continue to stick to the nuclear deal, for now. But he said iran could change its mind. Earlier i spoke to the professor Seyed Mohammad marandi and asked him how likely it is that iran will stay the course . Donald trump, by making this statement, has badly weekend weakened the nuclear agreement. If things continue like this it could end up being a worthless piece of paper. Then iran will definitely leave the agreement. It really depends on what happens from here on. If congress and the senate tried to violate the agreement, and to decertify it, or impose sanctions that run against the agreement, then i think that is a fateful blow to the agreement. And also, if the European Union countries do not take a stand to defend their right and to override the american threats and to protect their businesses and business men and women, if the europeans fail to do that then i think that is also a fateful blow to the agreement. Sarah we will go to washington to bring in our correspondent carsten von nahmen in our studio. Were also joined by max hofmann in brussels. Carsten, lets start with you. Donald trump has handed this back to congress, what are the options now . Carsten what trump wants congress and the senate to do is establish trigger points which would prompt the United States to automatically impose sanctions if iran crosses certain red lines, as for instance launching an intercontinental missile. The point is, even Donald Trumps advisors agree that iran is sticking to the agreement, so donald trump is looking at the broader context and a saying iran is destabilizing the region and we cannot have this. Now the question is if congress , really wants to do this and if they do, they need 60 votes in the senate. The republicans do not have that so there must be a compromise between the democrats and republicans and if the , compromise is enough for trump to be happy with the new deal, it is questionable. Also this would be a unilateral amendment to an International Agreement and it is doubtful that others in the treaty would agree with that. Sarah max, lets get your reaction. What is the eu saying about this move from the u. S. . Max Federica Mogherini, the eu chief diplomat that came out to speak after Donald Trumps announcement in washington dc underlined that this was a , domestic affair, that we still have to wait to see what the outcome, the actual outcome would be in the United States, whether they stay in the agreement or not. But you could also tell that she was not in the best of moods, and it is understandable given that the eu had the lead in those negotiations for 12 years. And that Federica Mogherini was really the face of the agreement. And this is one important part of what she had to say. It is not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any single country, and it is not up to any single country to terminate it. It is a multilateral agreement, which was unanimously endorsed by the United Nations Security Council resolution 2231. Max she insisted on that, saying later again that the president of the United States had many powers, but to end the agreement was not one of those hours. The bottom line and the real message from Federica Mogherini was the agreement is working and , it is delivering. Sarah she says the agreement is working, but how much leverage does europe have with washington, and with tehran, max . Max the United States and europe have always worked Better Together in these circumstances, usually the europeans take over the role of the diplomats, find compromise, because that is what they do in daily life. Take a look at the European Union, many states compromising and of course having a military muscle behind that with the United States, so it worked well with the iran deal, but if the two of them are separated, of course the leverage of the European Union is much smaller, and it does not have much leverage with the u. S. Administration. We saw that with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change where they could not persuade donald trump to stick with it. Now this is a different story, they will have to make tehran understand them at least be , credible that it is worth staying in the deal in the Nuclear Disarmament deal, even if the United States is not part of it, and they could do it with the business side. As we heard earlier, there are many european businesses making money with iran now, that is good for the European Union and iran. Sarah trump is going to be looking to impose additional sanctions to stop what he described as irans financing of terror. What is that likely to look like . Carsten what the americans could do for instance, what donald trump said he would do is targeting the revolutionary guards, which is a special militia, which basically is the personal army of the religious leader in iran, so they are involved in large parts of the iranian economy. And of course, just now as iran is trying to develop a bit more, as many sanctions have been lifted, imposing new sanctions on this group would be a setback for iran. Having said that, it is highly doubtful that it will have a massive impact. And also it would clearly be , seen by the iranians as a violation of the agreement. They would probably say this is null and void. I see this more as a symbolic move by donald trump. I do not think he cant impose sanctions against iran without tearing up the whole agreement. Sarah ok. That is carsten von nam in washington and max hoffman in brussels, thank you to both of you. Here is a look at other stories making news around the world. Former french culture minister audrey as a late has been named the new head of unesco. The board of the Cultural Agency picked her over her rival from qatar. The announcement comes a day after the u. S. And israel said they are both pulling out of unesco. Washington accusing the organization of antiisrael bias and it says it is too expensive. And ceremonies have been held in thailand to mark one year since the death of the king. The nation is preparing to bid a final farewell to the monarch in a fiveday funeral later this month. The day of the kings death has been declared a National Holiday in thailand. Wildfires in the u. S. State of california have killed 31 people, making them the deadliest fires in the states history. Hundreds are still missing and the death toll is expected to rise. Dry conditions and fierce winds are hampering efforts to bring the fire is under control. Fires under control. The blaze is in wine country, north of san francisco, burning since sunday and conditions are forecast to get even worse over the weekend. Correspondent napa valley, once the heart of the Wine Industry in california, but now napa and the surrounding area has a seen an unprecedented disaster. When you come down, watch out. Correspondent these men among 8000 firefighters who have spent the last few days trying to bring the blazes under control. We just saved some houses down the street and there is no better feeling, you know . It is just they are everywhere, there are little pockets. There is, there is parts we cannot get to. Correspondent dozens of fires have been burning around napa valley since last sunday. The causes are uncertain, but fanned by the wind, they have scorched an area the size of new york city and filled the air with acrid smoke. Im wearing the mask because i have been here two or three days now. I live here, and it is starting to affect my breathing and my lungs. Correspondent there is no let up expected in the coming hours. And already the fires have turned much of napa valley from a Tourist Destination to a place where little more than scorched earth remains. Sarah i want to bring in a man that lives in california, a performance artist known for his awardwinning beard. He moved from germany to california 25 years ago. That is one impressive beard. You are in one of the affected regions. What is the situation like for you right now . The situation is a lot of unknowns, because the area i lived in was evacuated, several thousand people were evacuated out of our subdivision. Right now, the weather is calm. It is too calm, especially since they have the red flag warning which is 0 humidity and strong winds. We are on the edge because the fire could in no time move again into the populated areas. Sarah it is a difficult situation. You build your own home there as a sustainable home, it must have taken a lot of time and energy. You have lost erything n. What are you doing to handle the catastrophe . Right now, i live in a hotel room. I have many friends that are looking after me, and my wife and i right now, we do not know how it will continue. We have not seen yet or know how i place looks. We cannot go back in. It will probably be several days more before we know what we have. Sarah do you feel like you are getting enough support from the local authorities . Yeah, the first few days i think the local authorities themselves were completely overwhelmed. There were so many problems. There was no telecommunications, no internet, and the highway was cut off by the fire, so it was a scary few days. Now after three days, they are starting to be able to take care of us and it is getting better, so they are doing a good job now. Sarah going forward, you know, you are one of the lucky ones in a way. Dozens have died. But you have probably lost your home. What are your hopes for the future . My hopes for the future are that this will not flareup. It will die down and that therell be sothing for me to return to. Because i will return to where i live, regardless of the fires. Sarah ok. Aarne we wish all the best for you and your family. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Sarah staying in the u. S. For a minute, the chief of amazon studios, roy price, has been put on immediately above absence as the scandal surrounding producer Harvey Weinstein grows. Price was a suspended after allegations that he harassed a producer and ignore the Actress Rose Mcgowan when she told him she had been raped by Harvey Weinstein. Harvey weinstein is facing a number of allegations, following investigative reporting by the New York Times and the new yorker. Javier is talking about the impact of Donald Trumps iran policy, which is being felt in europe. As it can imagine, the reaction is not good. There is concern, because when it was signed the deal actually enjoyed great acceptance, in part because iran is a huge market. Lets take a look at the numbers. In 2016, the trade volume between the European Union and iran was about 14 billion euros, but a group quickly and in the first half of 2017 trade group 94 grew 94 compared to last year. Now with donald trump decertifying the agreement, the congress could impose sanctions and that is why big banks are reluctant to backing investments in ira the euoes not want it to damage business ties, so the Commission Wants the Investment Bank to get directly involved with business in iran. The individual Member States also taking action. At the beginning of the year, germany backed up companies with the safeguards totaling 430 million euros. Now the export Credit Agency has offered 100 assurances to danish companys exporting to iran. The efforts could be in danger as the worlds number one economy changes its stance. Correspondent for iran, this announcement could damage the economy. The exports quadrupled following the end of sanctions. Exports to europe more than tripling in 2016, and there is a lot of companies, especially in transportation, have benefited from the deal. The cheese made in this factory is being cut using machines made in bavaria. This is one of Many Companies benefiting from trade with iran. Exports from germany to iran rose 26 in 2016, according to the german lobby. Exports grew even more this year, 40 compared to last year q1. So plans for the u. S. To renegotiate the deal are being watched closely by the investors and the german government. We have a great interest in a continuation of the international union, if one country, an important country like the United States, comes to a different conclusion then we will work even harder with other partners to maintain this cohesion. Correspondent many in iran and elsewhere will be watching closely to see whether the new u. S. Iran strategy will affect the business interests. I know someone else who will be watching, our new york correspondent who is joining us now. Jens, good to see you. Donald trump is not pulling out of the deal yet, but he is getting one step closer to pulling out. What does this mean for Companies Planning on doing business with iran, like boeing for example . Jens if Companies Make investment decisions, what they do not want his uncertainty. But that is exactly what those remarks from the u. S. President are bringing. If you talk about boeing in general, after the sanctions against iran were lifted, it was mostly European Companies like renault that were looking to increase business with the country. It is not that many big u. S. Firms going after iran. One exception is boeing, as you mentioned. They actually have a deal going with iran to deliver 80 commercial jets for the list price of about 17 billion. The u. S. Secretary of state, rex tillerson, was saying if you have special licenses, and boeing did, then those should still be in place. Still, there was pressure building up on the stock price of boeing. We have to wait and see how it plays out. Definitely. In the meantime, Companies Began revealing Quarterly Results this week and as usual it started off with u. S. Banks. What do the numbers tell us . Jens we are getting some good news and bad news. Starting with the latter the trading Business Revenue dropping quite a bit for the u. S. Financial institutions, even if we see almost a new record every single trading day, what the banks are going for is big swings and not just records. So that was down a bit. Overall, j. P. Morgan and bank of america me in better than expected, only wells fargo was a disappointment. Overall, the stocks were mixed. Wall street still achieving a new record high. And we have a lot of reports coming next week. Thank you very much. And we stay in the u. S. , because washington is hosting the elite of global finance, with two events coming together, the annual conferences of the Monetary Fund and the world bank, plus a meeting of the g20 financial officials. The talks started this week and they will end on sunday. They will have academics and Business Executives coming together to discuss economic trends. The imf forecasts the Global Economy will be expanded by 3. 6 , the fastest since 2010. Earlier we asked our washington correspondent how the mood was considering the good projections. Carsten absolutely. The mood is very good, but there was also a certain feeling of wistfulness, because this is the last time the german finance minister is here to meet his colleagues, especially the group of g20. They were among equals in many ways through his authority and experience. He has really shaped the group. And the president of the group this year. I had a talk to speak i had a chance to speak with the french finance minister who said that everybody in the meeting was very friendly to him, and that they will miss him. The imf has come with a message to this meeting, saying tax the rich, interesting considering in the host country President Trump is pushing for less taxes for the rich. Carsten yes, the general outlook of both the imf and the world bank for the World Economy are good, but both mrs. Lagardere and mr. Kim said we cannot be complacent. We have to look at the fact that there are still some perils, and problems we have to address, the lack of investment for example, and the other the inequality with income. Here in america, we have a trend that goes another direction. And there is another area where the imf and world bank are ordering, where it goes against what is happening here, the fight against protectionism and again donald trump and his government are trying to be more protective of american industry. Thank you very much for the coverage. More world news with sarah harmon and kenya. Sarah the Kenyan Police have shot dead two opposition supporters as the protests intensified ahead of a president ial election rerun. Rallies have been banned in three cities after the top court annulled the president s win in august. But as concerns grow among the opposition supporters about the legitimacy of the new election, demonstrators are flouting the ban. Correspondent Kenyan Police armed with tear gas back on the streets of nairobi, after the calm clashes have returned to , the capital. Opposition protesters came here calling for electoral reform, but they were sent running for cover. In a western city a stronghold , of opposition using a mockup coffin to make their they think point. Their man should be kenyas next president. But raila odinga has pulled out of the election rerun, for him and his supporters the changes made by the Electoral Commission do not go far enough. Because they say they do not correct the problems that caused the original Election Results to be annulled. In these reforms, raila odinga is not going to participate in the elections. The people of the county, where we are also not going to participate in elections. Correspondent along with nairobi, the kenyan government has banned protests in the city. Officials citing safety concerns. Some of the things we are doing are hurting our country. And we cannot go on this way. I would like to call upon all the leaders and everybody, let us think about our country. Correspondent 4000 miles away, raila odinga is giving interviews during a visit to london. He argues his withdrawal from the election means it should be canceled. If it goes ahead, it will not be an election, it will be a selection. Kenya should wait for proper elections. Correspondent but with e Electoral Commission saying the vote will go ahead without odinga, all points to an uncertain future. Sarah time now for some news for football. A coach returning to bayern munich, but expectations are high considering that bayern won a trouble of credit trouble trophies when he was in charge of the club. Now looking at how bavarians are reacting to him back in charge. Correspondent yes, he is back. The star player and the clubs sports director along for the ride at the promotion, but maybe the time might have been better spent preparing for freiburg. We do not have much time to experiment, but i have clear ideas. Correspondent clear ideas may become caught that because of the International Break last week, those in the squad have not had many hours working as one. First on his mind, get the team out of their current days and make them great again. It is a Football Team and things have to be worked on over and over. Repetition to make things automatic. It won a happen tomorrow. But it is important that they regain confidence. Correspondent with heynecks, it should come easy because with him they have a winning history. Sarah it has been almost two weeks since the deadly mass shooting at a las vegas Music Festival and the singer performing on stage has resumed his tour. Thank you for being here tonight. You guys are going to help us get through this. Sarah u. S. Country music star jason aldean made an emotional return to the stage in the state of oklahoma. He said he banks about the 58 People Killed and hundreds injured every day, and he urged the audience not to live in fear. Sarah you are watching dw news. Thank you for joining us. We will see you at the top of the hour. Goodbye for now. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] steves the dramatic rock of cashel is one of irelands most evocative sites. This was the seat of ancient irish kings for seven centuries. St. Patrick baptized king aengus here in about 450 a. D. In around 1100, an irish king gave cashel to the church, and it grew to become the ecclesiastical capital of all ireland. 800 years ago, this Monastic Community was just a chapel and a round tower standing high on this bluff. It looked out then, as it does today, over the plain of tipperary, called the golden vale because its rich soil makes it irelands best farmland. On this historic rock, you stroll among these ruins in the footsteps of st. Patrick, and wandering through my favorite celtic cross graveyard, i feel the soul of ireland. Greetings from berlin and welcome to our highlights edition all fired up and ready to go, with the following top stories road to fame, cars that made history at the International Motor show. Over the alps, take to the air in a gas balloon championship. And, meet the stars,

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