More on that coming up later in the show. Theres a stereotype of germans being law abiding and orderly. However, on the Spanish Island of mallorca often jokingly referred to as germanys 17th federal state due to the high number of tourists problems are on the rise. Neonazis displaying racist tattoos and chanting xenophobic slogans are increasingly flocking to the beaches of the capital palma. While its illegal in germany to perform the nazi salute or display any fascist symbols, there are no such laws in spain and these far right tourists arent hesitating to take advantage of this loophole in the law. Reporter sun, sea, and sandy beaches. Its high season on the Spanish Island of majorca, popular with tourists from northern europe. But now the hawkers from north africa are worried. There have been a number of xenophobic attacks on the island. Ndiaye niang from senegal has been peddling his wares for years on the beach in palma. He has often been verbally abused. Ndiaye i wanted to sell a tourist something. He got angry and insulted me. And because i am an immigrant, i ran away. I dont want any trouble with the police. But i didnt like what happened. Reporter most of the tourists here just want to have a good time and enjoy their holiday on this stretch of beach popular mainly with german tourists. German beer flows freely. But now, right wing extremists have joined in. One incident occurred recently when german singer and party queen mia julia was performing. One guest used his mobile phone to film the scene. Members of the white supremacist hammerskins waved a flag used by the German Armed Forces during world war ii. Before they are said to have shouted, foreigners go home, when a darkskinned artist was singing. The audience reacted to this by chanting, nazis out. The hammerskins have long returned to germany. The state prosecutors on majorca are investigating the incident as a hate crime, but not as a racist act. Could right wing extremists actually be welcome on the island . Some of them have even settled on majorca. The owner of this bistro, holger apfel, is a former npd leader. After internal disputes, he quit the right wing party 3. 5 years ago and moved to spain. He plays down the incidents. Holger the audience on majorca reflects society as a whole. I think things are heftier at village fairs and football matches and so on than they are on majorca. Reporter the locals would prefer to be spared such right wing extremists. Natalia docolomansky lives in a tourist area. She says if the neonazis had their way, majorca would be a german protectorate. Everywhere she goes she sees stickers that she regards to be threatening. And also some very dubious characters. Natalia they raise their hand to give a nazi salute and sing. They have tattoos that we dont understand, but they look very aggressive. Reporter spanish law doesnt really protect people from right wing extremism. Tattoos with nazi symbols can be shown openly here. The police cant do anything. Journalist Lorenzo Marina has been observing the right wing scene for years. He says many things which are illegal in germany are tolerated in spain, and neonazis know that. Lorenzo the worst that can happen is that these people think they can do as they please and get away with it. That is very dangerous. It can lead to an increase in violence. Reporter palmas newlyelected mayor now wants to introduce local legislation to ban right wing extremism. Antoni the fact that hatred, xenophobia, and violence are coming together in palma makes us ashamed. We will not tolerate this. And next time the police will react in a much stronger manner. Reporter in order to protect themselves, ndiaye niang and the other hawkers have developed their own strategy. Ndiaye we know when there are any nazis around. We warn each other. If we see one, we retreat and dont show them our wares. That is all we can do. Reporter ndiaye niang is disappointed that the spanish authorities dont take a tougher stance towards neonazis. He cant understand that his work is considered illegal, but that right wing extremism is allowed. Michelle its said that two things in life are inevitable death and taxes. Except the latter has sometimes been an exception in greece. Since the debt crisis, many greeks are fighting to survive financially. Because taxes are at a record high, many individuals and businesses avoid paying them. As a result, the state loses billions of euros in taxes each year. But this is now all set to change with the rise of tax inspectors. Reporter when night falls in athens, tina papoiti and nikos tsepenekos start their patrol through the amusement district of plaka. The two inspectors are on the lookout for tax dodgers. Their suspicions are aroused in this cocktail bar. Tina there are no bills on the tables. Reporter it looks as if the owner is selling his drinks off the books. Tina good evening. We are tax fraud inspectors. Could you please give me a bill for ten cents . Reporter each bill lists how many receipts were issued that day an important clue for the inspectors. Many guests dont ask for a bill. And with vat at 24 , the temptation is great to pocket the cash. Tina no, thats not a bill, just an order. Nikos just 32 bills for the entire day . Tina lets have a closer look round. Reporter this is the second time the owner of this bar has been caught out. His fine is doubled to 500 euros. He wont speak to us while the camera is running. Outside, some guests are sympathetic. If we had lower taxes or the money was used for welfare, dodging taxes would not be good. But as things are, you cannot really blame the bar owner. We need more checks so Business Owners understand they have to give people receipts and pay taxes. Reporter next day, it is time to pay a visit to an antiques dealer in central athens. Greek tv crews are already waiting here. A new law allows the authorities to close down businesses of reoffenders and expose them to the media all part of the war on the current ten billion euros or more in undeclared income every year. Now, antiques dealer irina safela has been found guilty of several hundred euros undeclared income. Irina life for small Business Owners here in greece is sheer hell. Some days we sell nothing at all. We dont earn a single euro. But we pay high taxes, and then there are all the fines. It is a huge problem. Reporter her premises are sealed. Now her customers know she has dodged paying taxes. Tina this is the best thing that we can do pursue them to be correct and dont violate the law. Its something that they are afraid of, because the fines are really not so big, that i was telling you about. But when they close for 48 hours or something, its bad for their business. Reporter the ferry takes us to the saronic island of aegina. Tina papoti speaks a number of different languages. Shes the daughter of an air force pilot and lived in the u. S. And germany. There she found that most people abided by the law. A good thing, she says. Tina living abroad, i saw that the countries that have this kind of mentality, it really works for everybody more. So, i got it from my family and i saw that its really working. And i really hope that sometime in the near future, most of the greeks have this kind of mentality. Because we just need a little organization, more. I think this is what we need. Reporter we arrive on the island. After a lengthy search, the inspectors find a small restaurant. Most of the tables are occupied, but no bills in sight. We film with a hidden camera. Tina have you issued any receipts today . Stelios no, we do that later in the afternoon. Every guest gets one. People just ordered. And i issued a bill, too. Tina only when we said we are tax inspectors. Stelios no, we always give our guests a receipt. Look at the ones we issued yesterday. Tina what use are they to me . Reporter the owner protests in vain. Stelios they dont care about small family businesses. My wife, my son, my daughter all work here. We only have one employee to wash the dishes. But we can hardly make ends meet. Social welfare payments are enormous. But what can i do . I need to retire one day. Reporter the two tax inspectors know that for some of the people who receive a fine, it is a harsh blow. But when you look at the figures, it becomes clear that one in three businesses are guilty or tax evasion. And the government wants to get the message over. Tina now, maybe, they are just afraid, scared of us. When we are still out there, every time, then sometime in the near future, they will get used to it. They will wait for us. Theyll know we are here. So after that, maybe the next generation, there will be a change of mentality. Reporter actually, things are already changing. There has been a drop in tax evasion figures, but poverty and unemployment still remain widespread in a country with one of the highest tax rates in europe. Michelle an ice stadium, a bridge, and various residential buildings stand incomplete and abandoned across ukraines capital, kiev, giving it the a of an unfinished city. Construction came to a halt years ago after these projects ran out of money due to the financial crisis, and worsened by the ongoing conflict with russia. But, a group of socalled construction site pirates are finding a way to bring some life back to these concrete skeletons. Reporter this was to be a sports and Recreation Hall with an ice skating rink in the south of kiev, but construction came to a halt years ago. The investors have fled. The site may be abandoned, but its not deserted. A group of young people have made their way into the hall. They simply tell the watchman they have a permit, no problem. Their leader oleg knows how to talk to security guards. Oleg sites like this are often very large, and the security guards cant be everywhere at once. Thats good for us. Reporter there are plenty of choices for outings like this in kiev. Experts have estimated the number of abandoned Major Construction sites around ukraines capital at some 200. One is this unfinished theater academy. Olga balytska is an attorney and city councor for a centrist party. She realizes just how much of a burden the unfinished buildings are for kiev. The skeleton of the planned Academy Stands in her electoral district. Olga on some of these construction sites, work stopped in the 1990s, after the soviet union fell apart. The chernobyl disaster put an end to other plans. And on top of that came the economic crisis. Reporter the crisis hit the transportation infrastructure especially hard. A subway station had been planned for under the academy, but it, too, is just a shell. The trains dont stop here. The young men at the iceskating rink are going to do some rope jumping. Theyre here for the adventure not to steal the materials. Oleg we want to do and see whats not allowed. Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. Reporter in the early 1990s, work began on a new bridge over the dnieper. Its been rusting away for years, now. It would take over 300 Million Euros to complete money ukraine simply doesnt have. Some say its becoming kievs new landmark. Olga i see this bridge as a monument to the city governments mismanagement. The construction couldve been completed long ago. I hope theyll finish it some day. Then well have a monument to corruption. Reporter the Young Adventurers are among the few who benefit from the mismanagement. The abandoned sites are a parkour playground. This urban wasteland stirs up some strong feelings. What would oleg do if he were mayor . Oleg id like to see everything completed. But another part of me says, damn, its fantastic to go climbing here. Reporter one of the favorite spots for climbers is this unfinished hospital. The buildings shell is gradually crumbling. Local politicians are calling for roundtable discussions to find a solution. Olga the state and the city should deal with this and come up with a policy for how to handle unfinished structures. The city could hold a competition for proposed partnerships between the state and private investors. Reporter its unlikely this solution would work for the expansion of the darnytskyi Railway Station in southeastern kiev. Construction halted in 2010, when the Ukrainian State Railway could no longer afford the building costs. Many privately financed buildings have also been left unfinished. They, too, attract their share of adventurers. Oleg and his group defend their perilous hobby. Oleg even if they tore this building down, the land would most likely remain unused. Its pretty hard to sell a piece of real estate in our city, so its better if this stays the way it is, so people who know about the place can enjoy sunsets like this evening. Reporter to some, its a monument to failed city planning. To others, its a recreation spot. With a bit of imagination and daring, even kievs construction ruins have something to offer. Michelle a model postcommunist country, transformed by its membership to the european union. That is how hungary was once described. But in recent years, critics of the government complain that Prime Minister viktor orban is transforming the country from a democracy to an autocracy, one that is plagued by corruption. Nowhere is this more palpable, many allege, than in orbans hometown felcsut, where inexplicable windfalls have lead to mass protests. Reporter felcsut, the home town of hungarian Prime Minister viktor orban. The local residents have never seen anything like it their main street filled with demonstrators. Its a disgrace whats happening here in hungary. Reporter many hungarians have begun see the town of just 1800 inhabitants as a kind of breeding ground for shady politics in particular for viktor orban and his old school chum, lorinc meszaros. Both came from modest backgrounds. Meszaros worked as a gas fitter. Orban went into politics. Today, meszaros is also a politician hes mayor of felcsut. He also happens to be one of hungarys wealthiest businessmen. On the way to the felcsut city council, reporters ask the multimillionaire how he managed to grow his fortune so much faster than even facebook ceo mark zuckerberg. Meszaros replies that hes just smarter than zuckerberg. Andras varadi found out how meszaros uses his smarts. At one time, andras and his family made a good living as sheep farmers. They grazed several hundred sheep on state pasture land which they leased. Andras suddenly, the lease was terminated without notice. We had to sell off our sheep immediately. Sheep farming was our livelihood. Now its all lost. Reporter the new leaseholder is meszaros. He uses his power to get more and more Agricultural Land in hungary under his control. His connections with orban have certainly done no harm. Small farmers like varadi had to get out of the way. In budapest, too, orbans friend has been active. Hes said to have gained enough influence over the largest opposition daily to have it closed down. The reporters were out of a job from one day to the next. One of them, gabor horvath, is now with another opposition publication. He says the worst part of it is that all the revelations about meszaros and orban have had no effect. Nobody is investigating the state prosecution is controlled by the government. Meszaros has a completely free hand. Gabor its obvious hardly anyone else is getting public Construction Contracts in hungary anymore. And meszaros is everywhere. He bought up the hotels around lake balaton. And tenders with eu funding are formulated so hes the only one who could possibly get them. Reporter nepotism seems to be flourishing in orbans hungary. The parliamentary opposition is weak, but persistent. Akos i ask you, mr. Orban, is meszaros, the mayor of felcsut, a relative of yours . I repeat, are you related to mr. Meszaros . Viktor and if i understand you correctly, my answer is no. Reporter in felcsut, the mayor deals with pointed questions in a similar manner. Lorinc ive never counted my private fortune. I dont know how much it is. Id have to sit down and add it all up and see how much this and that is worth. Its not so easy. Gabor anything goes in hungary. All that matters is whether or not you have a good connection with orban. Reporter Andras Varadi isnt going to take it sitng down. Hes against the everincreasing nepotism under orban. Now, many more outraged people have arrived in felcsut. Andras varadi has never seen this kind of solidarity before. Michelle more than 30 years ago, the beach in the irish village dooagh vanished after heavy storms and with it, so did tourists, hotels, and restaurants. But after a freak tide this spring, villagers now hope they can turn back the sands of time. Reporter the Atlantic Ocean can be very rough around the island of achill in western ireland. The locals say the sea plays an Important Role in their everyday lives. They are proud of the cliffs some of the steepest in europe and the beaches. And they are especially proud of this beach in the village of dooagh some call it a miracle. For 33 years, the beach had disappeared. Then, a few months ago, it returned. Before, there were only rocks and pebbles. In 1984, heavy storms had washed away the sand. The local residents were shocked. John with all the rocks that you see there, it wasnt attractive. And people didnt come down onto it, you know. So, that was the difference. We were very disappointed that we werent in competition with all these other blue flag beaches in achill, which there are five. Reporter at the islands tourist office, sean molloy und Emmet Callaghan refer to this as a historical event. The beach disappeared several times in the past 200 years. But it always returned. Photos from 1890 just rocks, but no sand. So how long will the sand stay this time . Nobody knows. Sean and emmet record as many images as possible. Since the sand came back, the number of tourists has increased. Sean during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, four hotels sprouted up, and lots of b bs and restaurants and pubs, because people used to come down and enjoy this beach. But of course in 1984 when the beach went, slowly but surely it was the start of a decline of the village and a lot of those businesses just shut down. So, its great to have it back now. Reporter Roisin Lavelle has run a small guest house opposite the beach for decades. She proudly tells new arrivals about the beach that has come back. Shes glad, because when the economic crisis hit some ten years ago, she faced a bleak future. Now she plans to expand her property. The new rooms will all have sea views. Roisin last year was quite busy. This year is busier. And then for Something Like this then, its nearly like saying, yeah, go ahead. This could be something that you could go on and on with. Reporter in times of trouble, the islanders on achill become a close community. They meet in the local pub. But they say a lot of the young people are moving away. Still, John Mcnamara and many of the others on the island hope the newly returned sandy beach will give achill a bright new future. Michelle for their sake, i hope the sand sticks around. Thats it for today. Thank you for watching. See you next time. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. 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