Francisco Tourinho is a Brazilian Calvinist apologist. He described his theological credentials on my Facebook page: I have the respect of the academic This is my final reply (3rd round, part 3) in a meaty debate on justification and comparative soteriology, with Brazilian Reformed Baptist apologist Francisco Tourinho.

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Rome ,Lazio ,Italy ,France ,Israel ,Maryland ,United States ,Greece ,Grand Canyon ,Arizona ,San Francisco ,California ,Piau ,Alagoas ,Brazil ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Saint James ,Suffolk ,Geneva ,Genè ,Switzerland ,Portugal ,Brazilian ,Greek ,Portuguese ,French ,Lucas Banzoli ,John Calvin ,Eric Svendsen ,Thomas Aquinas ,James Swan ,Antiochus Epiphanes ,Johnf Perrin ,Cardinal Newman ,Apostle Paul ,Scott Hahn ,Curtis Mitch ,Christ Jesus ,Francisco Tourinho ,Fernand Prat ,Jesus Christ ,Meribah Kadesh ,James White ,King David ,Johnl Stoddard ,Steve Hays ,Jason Engwer ,Facebook ,No Church ,Google ,Assemblies Of God Biblical Institute ,Dom Bosco Catholic University ,Ignatius Press ,Catechism Of The Catholic Church ,Catholic Church ,Brazilian Calvinist ,State University ,God Biblical Institute ,Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary ,Dom Bosco Catholic ,Reformed Scholasticism ,Jonathan Edwards Seminary ,Catholic Perspective ,Google Translate ,Holy Spirit ,Holy Scripture ,Against Julian ,Unbaptized Infants ,Roman Catholic ,Lord Jesus Christ ,Saint Paul ,Newman Bookshop ,Lumen Gentium ,Lord Jesus ,Biblical Defense ,Several Bible ,New Testament ,Old Testament ,Holy Bible ,Could Francisco ,What Paul ,Venerable Bede ,Roman Catholics ,Blessed Virgin ,Religious Profession ,Sermons Bearing ,Jimmy Akin ,Saint Jamesbeing ,God Who ,New Perspective ,Does Francisco ,Protestant Old Testament ,After God ,Then God ,Even Moses ,Just One ,Bible Commentary ,Ignatius Catholic Study Bible ,Summa Theologica ,Brazilian Reformed Presbyterian ,

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