8:00: Work out Coffee
8:30: Daven. Drive all kids who missed buses to school
9:00: Coffee
10:00: Work Rock baby to sleep again
10:30: Work Put up a soup, throw in a load
11:00: WORK (Set phone to DND, threaten baby) Eat breakfast, read news, transfer load
11:30: Coffee
12:30: Work Suri — dentist
1:00: Work Suri — dentist
1:30: Work Suri — dentist
2:00: Work Stop off in bakery to buy Suri a treat, drop off at school, coffee
2:30: Work Email grocery order, sister phone conference to plan sheva brachos, throw in a load
3:00: Bread cutlets, peel and cube potatoes Feed baby, change diaper
3:30: Work Deal with Mendy tantrum, bread cutlets, peel and cube potatoes