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Qassam channel. We see 44 operational news out of these 14. Operational news of four rocket attacks inside the occupied territories, 5 news of direct military clashes on the ground, 4 news of bloody attacks inside gaza, and one news related to the drone attack , thats the end of it, now lets go, i have a few days ahead of me. I reject , i had prepared more for the time, now i am rejecting lets go to, for example, january 6th, which is the month of december , 2 and a half months have passed since that day after the beginning of those two and a half months. The context means that there has been no change in the number of military operations on the ground since that first day. My voice is yes , yes, we are listening. A month and a half later , on that day, they have 10 operational reports of qassam forces, both in the north and in the south, that is, in the north of gaza and in khanyouneh, on this day out of these 10 lets go a little bit further until all operations are related to direct ground operations , just as a last example. This package, which we present to you every night at the end of the program, we present the package of the world to you as a witness of muhammad, the messenger of god. Ilusion el sueno de libertador, como inspiracion florece la ronda, vamos nico. Well, it seems that we have established communication with mr. Khazab again about the state of the system. The most important of them are sarai alqudb , which is the Military Branch of islamic jihad, operating in gaza. This sarai alquds is open on the 14th as an example. I have 9 operational news on its channel. Three of the operational news are news of mortar attacks inside gaza and 6 of the operations are direct clashes. See what these surveys show us. It shows that the rocket power of the resistance to attack israeli cities has decreased, because maybe the rocket stocks for a war , for example, it has not been for 8 or 9 months, but now we have a number of them, and then they use them more carefully , but what is related to the ground means direct fire, which means antiarmor rockets and independent conflicts with light weapons. There are no attacks of parareh blood. With different calibers that internally, the Ground Forces in gaza are being attacked, not only it has not decreased, but sometimes it has increased. Some of the operations we had in the first days of the war were like, for example, a pahvazi , a quatcopter came and a yassin rocket was dropped on the gathering of Israeli Forces in the days at first it was done , but it was not done again, 3 days ago i got a sample, but it is more important than the problem. The conflicts themselves are the infrastructures of resistance. The most important resistance infrastructure to deal with israel is the tunnels. If we remove the tunnels from the equation , the picture will be completely different. According to what the israelis themselves say, a maximum of 50 . It is disturbing that about 35 of hamass military strength has been destroyed and less than 30 . Warster journal had an article that i can see right now in front of this article and i will read all this issue once again. They want to search for themselves. Let them find so far, not a single israeli person has been released from inside the tunnels, that is, the two people who were released, it seems that we have lost our connection with mr. Khadhab , we will continue todays world. And now the second case is hosted by mr. Mohammad hadi taskhiri, an expert on african issues. We will discuss the new action of the niger government to expel american soldiers. Mr. Taskhiri, we were at your service this summer, i think how many times in the world today, when the government fell in the hands of the french puppet in niger, a few months later in january, if i am not mistaken, the people of niger celebrated the end of 125 years. The French Military presence in their country, now it seems that the new rulers of niger are going to the american military, basically , what did the french and the americans want from niger . In the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, first of all , i would like to congratulate your excellency and dear viewers to all persian speakers on the arrival of nowruz. If you remember the last sentence i said in the previous interview, my concern was that niger would leave france and fall into the hands of the americans. It will not happen, but what do the americans and the french want from niger, the french, whom we talked about in previous interviews, the americans since 2002. Ad until now as an accepted excuse in International Politics and that fight with. Terrorists and supporting innocent people against terrorists , armed groups that are in west africa, coming and establishing a base about 190 km from miami , the capital of niger, creating a huge amount of money for this base, that is. That is, now some may say that 110 Million Dollars is not an amount compared to the costs of, for example, 7 billion dollars of the United States in syria and iraq and, as they say, the fight against isis, while they themselves created isis, the same thing happened in nigeria, mali and burkina faso. The same is the case with faso. The american base that we mentioned and the cost of 129 Million Dollars was paid by the americans themselves, 110 Million Dollars , 110 Million Dollars were paid by the americans. The training of the Nigerian Forces and the forces that he spent to fight terrorism as they say. Well , the reason for the presence of the french is the same as we said before , perhaps the uranium reserves that niger had, and france, due to its reliance on Nuclear Energy , was in great need of these reserves. Now the americans you said that their excuse was fighting terrorism, but what was their main reason . The main reason is that the americans are fully aware of the danger of the presence of russia and china in west africa, so they are trying to establish bases to prevent the expansion of russian influence in this region. Which itself requires an interview of one or two hours, but in any case , the recent events that we are seeing, especially the cancellation of the military and security agreements between niger and the United States, show that to some extent , the United States has not succeeded in this plan. There are many reasons for this, but the most important reason. Psychological problem in africa, this happened in libya as well. I have said in other interviews that in africa, humiliating the people of african nations causes a huge rebellion among these nations. Unfortunately, the americans made such a big mistake in recent days without with. The government of niger should coordinate sending a delegation to niger without planning a trip. Met , but the military leaders, who actually had the main power in their hands, refused to accept this delegation the reason for not accepting it was also stated by the spokesperson of these military rulers that they intended to humiliate us americans and in response to this act of humiliation , we rejected them. I sincerely thank the military rulers of this country in the last six to seven months. Thank you very much. In the past years, not only in niger, but also in mali and burkina faso, where the french had a lot of influence , there were some reports of similar uprisings, and now western officials are also very willing to fuel these reports. In these reports , the russians played a role in helping these uprisings because the west, which is now considered their rival in the ukraine war. Now, in addition to the war in eastern europe, they can also take revenge for the support that the west is giving to ukraine. What is your opinion about these analyses . The chinese, china , the chinese in africa, especially in west africa, the truth is that these forces mean the big countries in the world like china russia, england, france, america, each of them is looking for their own interests and doing activities to achieve their own goals and to undermine the other partys efforts. If you allow me to open an important issue here, which i think is very relevant to this incident , the withdrawal of the american troops , the american troops in 2002. Unfortunately, it spread widely. My reason was that the french and american forces, contrary to their declared goals, are fighting against terrorism. In terms of logistics and delivering ammunition and facilities, they help the terrorists. The reason for this is that analysts and those who know the west african region well know that when the american and French Forces leave mali and burkina faso. The occurrence of terrorist operations was greatly reduced. The characteristic of this result is that despite the presence of the americans and the french, these terrorist forces and these armed groups were supported by this. It can be said that instead of terrorism being a justification for the military presence in these countries , it is a tool and an excuse for the presence of ahsan i would like to thank them for their presence to face their opponents, which i mentioned, now, either the bosses or the chinese or any other opponents. Lets talk more about the competition between russia and france in africa, mr. Daulatabadi, hello , hello, good time, thank you for your time. What is the withdrawal of the french puppet governments in africa . Some believe that the russians were able to take revenge for frances role in the ukraine war by helping nationalist military groups in africa to deal a major blow to france and kill the french. Cut africas uranium reserves , even when the french themselves are facing crises in the Energy Sector after the ukraine war. How correct do you think this analysis is . Anyway, we actually know that france was one of the colonial powers in africa and then from the independence of the countries that happened in africa, this country has gained its influence and presence both politically in different governments and in fact in terms of military with military bases and on the other hand, for example, with economic specialism with cfa francs. These countries kept, well , it was several decades that actually these countries in any case, the region was not satisfied with this story , but because they could continue with this government, this story would not have been revealed anyway, but since the government was actually helped by the people, and now in the framework of the coups, it became clear that anyway, these Natural Resources that actually exist in this country can actually be used through the countries themselves, and other countries in the world, such as russia , can help these countries militarily, and russia will definitely benefit from this. Indeed, the void that was found and france because it is a power anyway the colonialists are still seeking in africa. Now we have in this list that france itself is now voluntarily reducing its forces from here, mr. Dolatabadi , should the recent actions and positions of the french government against russia regarding the war in ukraine be the frenchs reaction to their defeat in africa . Let us know that i clearly want to refer to macrons unprecedented speech last week about the obvious dispatch. Even if it is the american president ial election, it means that if we can consider france as the First Political force in europe , it has suffered a lot, a lot, due to the war in ukraine. Countries are really forgetting the idea of ​​the european army, with the idea of ​​mr. Trump coming back to the presidency, europe is actually playing a political role again. Will also go away, and this idea that now the european countries, either by themselves or within the framework of nato, can actually be present in the framework of the war in ukraine can be developed in the sense that mr. Macron wants to try to do so before mr. Trump actually he will be able to reach the presidency and end the war in ukraine, which if these events do not actually happen, america will get many more points from europe. In fact , europe will be the real loser in this war. Thank you, mr. Daulatabadi. Goodbye, mr. Taskhiri. Thank you for your presence. At the end of the day , i will say goodbye to the viewers of the news channel. Good night. Every year, families in gaza used to hold gatherings in honor of the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, during the nights of the holy month of ramadan. We ask god to make this month the month of victory, the month of resistance and the month of returning to our homes. His behavior is completely strange. What happened saeed in your situation . At a certain age, she has become aggressive. Farzana is also stressed about the entrance exam. I am tired. I am very stressed these days. I dont know what to do. It is better to talk to a good specialist. Call hamraz first. 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The zionist regime known as the sheldag unit was killed by a sniper bullet of the qassam battalions. In these pictures, it can be seen that qassam mujahideen

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