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, but what are the obstacles for that . Go to the street in gaza, the situation of the tunnels is that hamas, the fighters of Islamic Jihad, are afraid that they are well in front of them in gaza, and it is really scary for the zionist. On the bank , the Resistance Forces are active there, on the side in the north of the regime, hizbullah will enter lebanon, and in three points, these may be completely stopped, and the third and bigger obstacle is that they basically do not know what is happening at the regional level, the axis of Islamic Resistance and other muslim nations are naturally against such an action the entry of the zionist ground military into gaza will not remain silent, so these three fears exist very seriously for the zionist regime, and besides, the americans themselves also have a lot of fear, so we saw that mr. Biden told the zionists that they will experience the american decision after september 1. What we have gained, take advice from him, blind anger and this situation finally led to the zionists being in a decisionmaking situation , and this situation is the point that made this attack nongeneralizable, that is, no matter what they do or dont do, they will not be able to deal with the impact of the alaqsa storm operation in the way that it did. Yes, thank you very much. Now i want to continue the conversation with mr. Esadi. Mr. Esadi, during this period , there has probably been less than a day when the issue of ground attack was not brought up by the regime authorities, and then i delayed it in various ways with his excuses. In some cases, they also paid tribute to the american authorities the news that i mentioned a few moments ago in the world today, we also had the reaction of the american authorities , they somehow denied that they had a role in it , but in any case , there were objections from the american authorities in order to prevent a ground attack. What is the ground attack on gaza . If i object , your opposition is genuine. They are buying time , for example, to send more equipment to the region. In the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you , dear viewers and respected experts of the program. Look. In short, if i want to say to you, if the United States of america comes to the conclusion today that the ground attack and the entry of the zionist regimes forces into the gaza strip will be successful, i think they will support it without the least doubt, but the events that happened recently we are witnessing it. Well, as a guest of your program, i pointed out that in a realistic view , what happened to the third regime, finally , there was an image of the military talent of the army. More than it was before despite all the media efforts that have been made public. What we see today as the opposition of the United States, maybe there are reasons for it on the surface , such as the fact that they are aware of the weakness of the sahsti regime and its forces in the ground war. On the other hand, the soldiers of the zionist regime, who do not have the courage to fight outside their own camp, the americans know this well , and the c regime also knows it well, and to maintain appearances, perhaps this falsehood and this signal they are trying to communicate and it is america that has blocked it. Another point is that the United States is trying to maintain that mediation gesture, which musk seems to be acting in the face of things , which is in complete contradiction with all the decisions and actions that i will mention later if there is a chance. If you look at the conflict in west asia, it benefits the americans more than any other actor. We have 70 to 500 official statistics of us arms sales to west asia, and if there is no war and conflict, this business will be closed. Let me tell you something which recently happened in the political sphere of west asia, including the entry of russia and china, including the good relations that have been established between iran and some countries that previously did not have good relations. And the last base for the implementation of their interventionist policies is actually in west asia, which means that if this regime is out of them, maybe they will have less of saudi arabia, in that sense , they will have less of the uae, and if this last base is lost, it is actually the pressure lever that to ensure the interests of the United States in this region, there is lost, so it is logical that washington has supported as much as possible mr. Yousefi , what is your analysis about whether the american opposition to the attack on the zionist regime is real or just a show . Greetings and good evening to you, dear guest of the program, and with my condolences on the occasion of the martyrdom of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon you, i would like to say that america is against the ground attack on gaza, it is seriously against it, because if the possibility of victory he would have given the zionist regime a ground attack, he would have definitely agreed. He knows that the probability of israels victory in a ground war is close to zero, and this makes the United States oppose the ground attack on gaza , because the position of the resistance is in a ground war, not in an airborne war , and the palestinian Islamic Resistance is therefore worried about this. That if the zionist regime launches a ground attack and in this attack suffers a more serious defeat than the first stage of alaqsaab storm, this issue is despite the full presence of the americans, including the president , the foreign minister, the minister of defense, the british Prime Minister, the french president in israel and the dispatch of nabhai war, delivery of weapons and advanced war munitions to israel , israel wants to suffer such a defeat again, well, in fact, this will be the defeat of the United States and the western supporters of the zionist regime, according to the United States, to prevent it. From a more serious defeat, as the first defeat of the zionist regime, according to my interpretation, the backbone of the zionist regime was defeated in this operation alaqsa storm, and the sound of this backbone breaking has reached the west and the United States very well, which hastened in the security conditions of the highranking officials of this country. The president s low presence in israel shows that these are actually voices realizing that israels backbone is broken and being present to prevent this regime from collapsing, therefore, i consider the opposition of the americans to be reasonable and serious, because they consider the probability of the zionist regimes victory in a ground war to be close to zero, and it is natural that with such if they oppose something , mr. Youssefi, how much do the americans get involved and how much is their involvement in the regimes military, political and security decisions . Look, i want to tell you how much the entry of the United States of america into the Current Situation and this unequal and subversive war of the zionist regime is not the americans. Against gaza and your nation, the theme of palestine is a major part of this problem, not a solution. If the americans were part of the solution, they could at least put pressure on the zionist regime to either accept a ceasefire or at least stop bombing residential areas. But we see that the americans oppose and veto the proposed ceasefire resolutions, so this shows that the United States itself is a major part of this problem, not the solution, and it cannot be said that the United States has entered or not, although we see that the messages given to resistance groups to iranians and other countries supporter of the palestinian nation, we dont want to participate in this war, we dont want to enter, you shouldnt enter either, and they even threaten, but we see that the americans themselves are actually entering and most of the problem is america itself in the region, mr. Aziz. Thank you, mr. Asadi, for your opinion. What, how much do you know about the extent of the involvement of the americans in the decisions of the zionist regime . Well, look at the fact that the relationship between the United States and the zionist regime has a historical legacy. In their own literature , it is considered a special relationship since 1948. Leadership that actually recognized this regime was against the president of the United States at that time and this is a historical issue, but in recent events we have seen full support for the trip of the president of the United States. Announced that he has a full commitment to support the zionist regime, take the quick statements of Many American officials, including the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, and many other american officials who have declared their support, and the military movements that have been witnessed in the last two weeks. We were the transfers and transfers of fighters that actually joined the region, so that in fact, even if there is no direct entry into in fact, set the stage in such a way that there will be additional pressure on the Resistance Forces. We have routine Financial Aid in the us budget in exchange for supporting the army of the zionist regime. Separately, on friday, the Biden Administration passed a package. He talked about 15 billion dollars that is directed to ukraine under the zionist regime , we know that most of this amount is supposed to go to the zionist regime, including a package of 14 billion dollars, which will provide support in the form of missile, air and defense equipment. This regime allows our dear guest to mention one a point regarding the diplomatic efforts , the Security Council vetoes the resolution to establish peace in the United States and other things that show that the United States does not have any political, diplomatic, economic, military, etc. Efforts and support. I dont mind, but if i have a chance, i would like to point out one point in a different way. It might be a place for reflection. I will distance myself from this question a bit , and that is the effort of the zionist regime and, to some extent, the United States, to bring the maximum number of actors into the arena. They are fighting and fighting, that is, in fact, the regime sehunistism is in a state of subjugation from the hamas forces, which may not mean a coherent and systematic military system, and it has failed, and it is trying to present this image in order to maintain its appearance and maintain its lost identity. This war is a war behind which many government and nongovernment actors are behind hamas, maybe there has been some support, but the image that the israelis are trying to convey is that we were oppressed in this war. In fact, the reliability of this claim is followed by all of them, but this is an attempt in in fact, the political regime in the conduct of mr. Asadi. My final question to you is your opinion about these revelations made by a former pentagon official who said that it is like a series of american and Israeli Special forces entered gaza until now to find the prisoners they are holding. They themselves were torn to pieces and could not return safely. You heard this revelation. See the fact that this is an official in the United States that the people who distance themselves from you because they express the facts more clearly , after all, those military and Political Considerations may not exist. Okay, this news is independent, maybe from zionist, finally, there is a new chapter in the troubles that have been created for them, but it seems that what was said is not far from the truth and not contrary to the truth. Dear karnas , i mentioned that maybe the zionist regimes power of air strikes is very significant, after all, it is a special thing. It is not possible for you to drop a bomb in the middle of a hospital full of women and children. It doesnt require much special art in terms of military, but the fact is that the soldiers of the zionist regime do not have the necessary parameters in the tanban war and in the ground war, and the mujahideen are actually those people who are affiliated with the resistance front. Well, in this area, it is necessary to confront egypt, and if such an event happens, it is not far from the truth. Thank you, mr. Youssefi. I can say that because i didnt get this news from more reliable sources, i cant give a specific opinion, but considering that he is a retired general of the us army , he was one of the officials in charge of the pentagon, and he is physically close to the military authorities of the United States and the zionist regime. He said and this confession of his is remarkable and thoughtprovoking in my opinion. Well, we know that in times like this when the americans call for a blow. Show a special thumb and carry out daring operations for the release of israeli prisoners of war. Well, if they succeed , they will win all the propaganda horns and i will blow it a lot, but if they fail, they will face censorship. It could be true because he is an informed person in terms of having information and access and he uncovered this issue, while the american and israeli authorities did not mention this issue at all, and if we see that the resistance did not mention this issue, then the resistance is probably with them. He has fought, but he doesnt know how many from behind the scenes were killed or wounded. In my opinion, his opinion is that of an informed person and it can be accepted that he is giving information to that informed person. But the american and israeli authorities have taken action to censor it, and this is their idea. In my opinion , they are playing hollywood movies to go to the region and easily find the place where the prisoners are kept, then carry out an operation on them. Release them and give a thumbs up to the resistance to compensate for the broken backbone of the zionist regime, which in my opinion is a false idea. Thank you very much, mr. Gholam hossein. Yousefi, mr. Tawheed asadi, i am saying goodbye to you , mr. Zahedi. They are in the studio. I will continue the conversation with them. The nightmare of israel and the terrors of hell hides the soldiers in the interior of the earth. They make up the world and play an Important Role in global interactions. We are still with you in todays world, mr. Do you have a point about what the experts said . Yes in the zionist army , there is an order called the order that this order is issued on special occasions , and the historical general, yes, what is the name and nature of this order . If the zionist regime takes someone from that force, and this is what it means, and it is even specified in it, even at the cost of eliminating its own forces , that is, if other forces see that someone from among them is being captured by hamas, the Islamic Jihad and the palestinian Islamic Resistance in general, that force must be removed. Destroy it until you are enslaved and ruined after that now this regime has taken 200 captives. Well, mr. Jonathan cook is one of the most reliable experts on the issues of the zionist regime in the world. He wrote a note in yazd yesterday, and for some reasons and documents, he put forward that recipe today. Reactivated, and not only about the military, but about even the zionist settlers, this order is true now, and the lives of those 200 people, if this order is issued, will be a secondary matter, that is, for the zionists, attacking and restoring their own authority is now the First Priority yes, but the americans doing such a thing, yes, well, it is possible that we had evidence of the presence of the American Delta forces, that they are there, and that the actual photo was taken , yes, the photo was published. And as other respected experts of the program have said that the us is seriously afraid of the regimes entry into gaza and the scandals that will result from such an entry, it is possible that the americans have made such an attempt, which has failed so far, but that recipe is very serious today. Yes, at all, sir. Sir, it is not important for israelis, mr. Sahdi, i have two or three more questions, i hope we can talk more about these after the bombing of gaza, we witnessed a series of diplomatic efforts, from the Security Council meetings to the emergency summit of islamic countries in jeddah , as well as the recent meeting held in cairo. Yes, yes, well, we saw in the United Nations that russia and brazil actually tried to do something other than a ceasefire and to stop these attacks, the result of which is the massive killing of innocent people in gaza, but the americans vetoed it and according to the russian representative in the United Nations to the westerners, you decide you caught yourselves and unfortunately they did not let even such a thing be concluded and the value of the fire be reduced. I would also like to say that the proposal of the brazilians was not even a ceasefire, but only a humanitarian stop, meaning a partial and momentary one , and not a permanent cease fire. To complete this, mr. Etvan very intelligently said that what mr. Guterres said, this second defeat for zionists means that the work has reached a point in terms of scandal. He didnt do anything, but at least he came and said that thing in gatherings around the world islam took place, serious confusion between countries and lack of motivation, unfortunately, the jealousies and rivalries that exist have prevented them from reaching the necessary point. Well, jealousy, i say, see mr. Abulghaid, unfortunately, he came again in cairo , he called hamas a terrorist force, and the blue it was against the enemys mill that he wrote very well. He wrote that the zionists are now attacking brutally and insanely. According to mr. Seymouresh, they want to make a second hiroshima out of gaza, and these meetings cannot stop them. He wrote that the swords are from the words of rasat, and if strength against if they are not zionist, they are in the form of satiety. Yes, so we have these different alignments in countries, sometimes in the islamic world as well. These differences that some countries have are not willing to express themselves. Alaqsa and the aerial bombardment that the zionist regime wanted to take revenge for that operation, do you think that the people of gaza will ultimately have the conditions for the palestinian issue in the future and for the two main resistance groups, hamas and Islamic Jihad . Hi the resistance in palestine will increase because the situation is not at all such that people say, for example, in gaza, that our resistance has failed because of these problems, not if we Pay Attention to the conditions that existed in the past months. The response was against the increase in violence that the zionist regime had in the past months, which i dont have the time to address separately, but in the eyes of the people of gaza and even the people of the west bank today, the Popular Resistance is the same , it is exactly the same, and we are witnessing the birth of new groups against the resistance. We are together, or they are even more active today, we saw a group called katiba tabos in the tabos region of the north bank, which took measures against the zionist attack, therefore , there is an Islamic Jihad, there is an Islamic Jihad , therefore, the resistance will be more widespread from a military and organizational point of view. That is, just as in the rest of the world, this allafaza storm revived the discussion of palestine, you say that it is true within the occupied territories and palestine itself, 100. It means that palestine will move more towards resistance, and in terms of identity , it will move more towards islamic identity, secularism and compromise. According to the recent events in occupied palestine and it will have less smell and it will be weakened. In the islamic world , there will be more strains of resistance. Countries that do not even have enough motivation to support Islamic Resistance, but they have no answer to the Public Opinion of their own people today, so we are witnessing that almost no no country came in this operation and took the zionist side, although we had strong positions, although there are news that one of the governments of the persian gulf unfortunately continued , but the level of mobilization of Public Opinion has been unprecedented in the islamic world and even at the global level , and if the opportunity i have to continue for seconds the leaders said that the palestinian issue is the key to the opening of the gates of hell to the muslim ummah, perhaps this is one of the indications, nothing has ever created such islamic unity like the palestinian issue. I will say goodbye, good night. Oh, the front row meeting, many people talked about the people, but they were not with the people. Oh, the front row meeting , stand up for justice. Every moment there is a threat in the field of the most energetic programs, strategies and previous horizons of the region. Ask us , answer from the first page, and evaluate and judge with you. First every night at 19. 3 minutes, khabar network. In the name of god. Hello. Netanyahu is likely to be Prime Minister only until the end of the war. In a report, the zionist newspaper haart reported on the agreement of netanyahus Party Members to leave him and wrote even his Party Members agreed on his departure after the war. The increase in criticism about netanyahus performance in the last two years, including the judicial changes bill and the subsequent protests

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