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Increased to 20045 people. There were about 9225 tons. More than 1,300 houses were destroyed. Two earthquakes on 6th and 6th two days ago, the 10th richter earthquake shook parts of western afghanistan. The epicenter of this earthquake was announced in zindajan area in Herat Province of afghanistan. About 500 people were killed in the israeli airstrikes on peoples houses in gaza. Of these, 9 martyrs are children and 6 martyrs are women. More than 2,751 palestinians were injured in the airstrikes on gaza. Palestinian casualties in the west bank also reached 9. Destroyed in gaza in airstrikes. News sources announced that the air force it uses the banned White Phosphorus weapon in Populated Areas of gaza. Syrians consider the alaqsa storm operation a turning point in the history of the battle with the zionists. According to them , the resistance fighters took revenge for the bloodshed of the recent explosion at the holmes officer college. Allahu akbar. In syria, like other resistance countries, official circles and people of the operation. Tofan alaqsasai welcomed the resistance fighters in the occupied lands. What is happening in the occupied territories speaks of the unity between the resistance groups. Brave men in palestine took the lead in avenging the blood of the martyrs of the terrorist attacks in the city of homuz. Alwatan newspaper the front page of todays issue featured a photo of a palestinian citizen holding a syrian flag next to a palestinian flag. The syrian president s office also shared a photo of the flag and map of palestine and announced its support for the alaqsa storm operation. The ministry of Foreign Affairs of syria also announced in a statement that the shawkat resistance fighters of the zionist enemy have been crushed and in the shadow of the alaqsa storm operation , they have shown that resistance is the only way. The days of the public members of the terrorist incident in the city of hammes but the people showed their joy in their movement and by distributing sweets for the victory of the resistance men. Syria and palestine are part of shamat land. Therefore, the Syrian People consider palestine as part of their countrys territory, and for this reason, the liberation of golan and occupied palestine is a common goal for them. Essam helali news service , damascus. The first stage of systematic records. The car was unveiled, according to sardar radan , the countrys police chief, before buying a car, people can check the ownership information and Accident Records by referring to car trading platforms, so that they dont get caught. Do not become fraudsters. More than 10,000 food cases related to cars are formed in the food machine every year. Scams when buying. Once we bought a car, we found out that it had paint, we removed it. My knowledge is that the stupid skin of the car has been changed. Nearly 10 million tomans have been multiplied. Transactions are one of the most useful issues and transactions in the country. Forgery and various things that cause an iranian family to have a problem that may not be able to get rid of this problem for years. Fix it when the buyer is not aware of the cars records during the transaction. This is not a system that we can use to know that the car is not a fraud. It gives a document, but maybe it is fake. In order to prevent these frauds, in this years budget law , related devices were required to provide ownership information and car accident history. Should be provided to the buyer before the transaction through private sector platforms , of course, with the owners permission, it helps a lot. He will not be caught. Now the first version of this system has been unveiled with the information of the police force and central insurance. It is a valuable work that we prevent hundreds of thousands of iranian families from having such a problem. A serious problem that people have is that when they want to buy a car, they want to know that this car does not have any legal problems or , for example, that there is no problem by accident, and this is information that is not available to the people. You can access it through the platforms they use and god willing, you will find your car and this will help to make transactions more secure and with more peace of mind. The head of the article 90 Commission Said in this ceremony that the judiciary Statistics Center and the document Registration Organization should provide their information to this system by the end of december. People can trade more easily mehdi javadi khabari sed and radio games in the field of cognitive science will get the husha standard badge. A fusion game for children. Biko hosh is actually a cognitive game or a socalled puzzle game for education memory domains are very effective. Children from 5. Years and above can actually strengthen their memory with this game or bayes game, which is suitable for people aged 14 years and above , while this game is a very entertaining and fun game because of the competition and earning points. It teaches you the basic concepts of managing a business. As a player , these are part of the standard games in the field of cognitive science. Game and or the product they produce is a scientific product, an evaluated product, and a standard product that actually has the expected quality and the expected effect, and actually harms the user. In fact, it will not. While emphasizing the standardization of games, the president s Vice President for science and technology and economists announced the support of this Vice President for the development of standardized games. We even provide researches to researchers free of charge. In the stage of production and development of the market, discussions of the use of loans or longterm loans for to be able to develop the market as well as use all the legal tools of the headquarters to advertise, to promote, for licenses and to organize events that help to identify the enclosures of this area. In addition to developing childrens skills and cognitive ability, standard games guarantee safety and increase the level of creativity in children. Mehboob delangiz, a radio news reporter. The end of this news section of khodnaghadar. Oh, sit on the first page, oh, sit on the first page, isar is there, that way. Sit on the first page , stand up for justice, the burden of trust is on your shoulders. Stand up, the first line , the first line, the line of the people, this is your bastion there is hope for you on the other side of the table, you are in the eyes of shahrid. We will continue to inform you about the latest developments of alaqsa battle on the khabar network. Finally, this Important News was the pictures that the Ezzeddin Qassam battalions of the Military Branch of hamas published and you can see the pictures in those pictures. It is possible that the Resistance Forces are attacking the zionist regimes fighters with showerlaunched missiles. Now we will continue the conversation in the studio of the khabar network, mr. Tharvati. Well , anyway, the conditions of these three days have been a surprise for the zionist regime, except for the aerial bombardment. The cases of gaza that targeted houses and 49 martyrs, including 91 children and 611 women, who were killed, were able to achieve other casualties, but could not cause any more. What is your analysis of the events ahead in the coming hours and days . Yes, of course , because the zionists were greatly surprised and admitted they are following two movements at the domestic and foreign levels. First , at the foreign level, we were faced with the tears and crying of natanya, you saw that he was helplessly asking the americans to help and come in. This was a big weakness for both the zionists and for netanyahu personally in the scene internally, because it is not possible to deal with the socalled diversity with the palestinians. They are satisfied with these movements of the terrorists who are targeting most of the people and their efforts are to compensate for their own deaths by taking civilian casualties and to put pressure on hamas and jihadist groups who are so called a somehow they should also limit their actions and stop this war and continue this war. Currently , the palestinians may have that, if necessary, i will tell you more about those tactics in the future, what they will do or what the israelis will do. The next time he said khoshaind, an expert on west asian issues, i think we have a good relationship, mr. Khoshaind, greetings and respect, i am at your service and the viewers of the khabar channel , at your service , what is your analysis of the conditions of the third day of the alaqsa storm battle . See the operations of the palestinians even on the third day, which was intense and the power continues, many things are said about the goals and the effective factors in this operation, but the point that comes to my mind is related to the strategic and tactical goals of this operation. The sanctity of alaqsa mosque or preventing jews there is no doubt about the construction of the west bank and things like that, but the quality and quantity of the palestinian fighting that is being observed is such that it cannot be analyzed in the framework of the issues that have been mentioned , but the level of it must be trusted and at the level of this issue. We have analyzed it and analyzed it. We think that the display of selfconfidence and the real power of palestine is one of the main and main goals of the palestinian operation, in the situation where some of the arab and islamic rulers have turned their backs on palestine and entered into normalization processes with israel. This operation is actually more than a response to crimes and barbarism you should be crying about our relationship with mr. While normalizing and secularizing Foreign Relations with israel , make this regime a safe and reliable point in order to achieve its national and regional interests and have safe trade with israel. Resistance palestine is not seriously worried about the zionist regime, and we can see this in this ongoing operation, and the minds of the leaders and the resistance in this field are easy , they can attack israel at any time, anywhere and in any way they want. Challenge, but it is the main concern of the actors and some of the regional and islamic governments that israel interacts and supports this regime , so it is important to Pay Attention to the fact that the recent operations have mixed objectives and dimensions , whose regional and external dimensions are more important than internal dimensions. The next issue regarding the operation of the palestinians is the issue of the consequences. The operation of the palestinians in the occupied territories will definitely have important strategic consequences at both internal and external levels, especially in the region. At the internal level, it will strengthen political, economic, security, demographic and social crises. And will put israel in a much more difficult and vulnerable situation the developments that are going on in the occupied territories today and their images are well published in the network and the media in political circles, in fact , it is a serious information failure for israel, despite all the claims that they could not predict the occurrence of such a large operation or clues. Therefore, on the other hand, this operation has strengthened the Islamic Resistance in palestine. Yes, mr. Khoshaind , thank you. We will continue the conversation with you. We had 49 palestinian martyrs, including 91 children and 61 women also injured, but from the zionists and the occupiers, according to the latest statistics, 75 zionists are still dead. It is not clear whether these 26 corpses that the zionists found an hour ago from the occupiers have been calculated or not. Part of mefe. There are hoodies, it seems that there are about 15 zionists and occupying officers in the captivity of the Resistance Forces in gaza. This was the latest statistic. The most Important News was the release of the pictures that the resistance fighters in gaza are shooting at the zionist regime fighters with rocket launchers. Wealth with attention in general, what are your predictions for the future . In my opinion, the strategy of the palestinians in the future will be the continuation of mobile operations, although with a special combination, i think that it will be maintained in the maidanani area, and the expansion of operations in other areas of the occupied territories is on the agenda. Well, naturally, the test of this movement shows that it has worked, because in this operation , which is an example of it , palestinian fighters have carried out other limited operations before , and a comparison between Previous Years and even the Previous Year with this year and this operation. He says that palestine was yesterday how it was and how palestine is today. In the territorial area, therefore, mobile operations are possible in order to limit and contain the zionists, to hit their airports and target their territorial complex. This happened. The resistance declared in response to the crime of the zionist regime in attacking the houses of the gaza strip of this airport. Yes, at the same time, in the field field, i think that the countries around the occupied territories are also moving and there is a possibility that the movements will expand in the military dimension , and the conditions are actually in the field of military wars. In the north of occupied palestine, in the quneitra area and the syrian region, there are occupied areas, and even we have heard talks that some countries far away from the occupied territory are all about attacking the occupied territories and announcing their support for the palestinians, but they will announce it on time. You did because right now we are having a meeting of the Palestinian Resistance groups in damascus, you peripheral countries, now we have mentioned palestine, we want to go to damascus to see the meeting of the resistance groups in syria , you will achieve good victories in palestine in quds and cause. Hoping for the return of the palestinians to the land they are the main ones and this is a very good thing that happened and the Palestinian People were happy. Through this heroic operation in which all the Palestinian People participate. With the help of our supporters, we emphasize today that the policies of netanyahu, this criminal, will be changed and palestine will be freed, and our nation emphasizes , and the resistance emphasizes, and the joint Operations Room and all resistance groups that palestine from the sea to the river is the land of palestine, arabs, and islam, and our struggle today is the struggle of the palestinian nation, which clings to its own homeland and motherland and clings to their own rights will liberate this region and we ask all legal and human rights organizations to be responsible and not remain silent in the face of these crimes committed by the zionist regime against the Palestinian People and against the Palestinian Resistance, and we also ask the arab countries. To be the supporter of the palestinian nation and support the Palestinian Resistance, and we request the same from algeria and other arab countries. We are going back to the studio of the khabar network to talk about the conditions that we continue to rule in the occupied territories of the gaza strip today. In the last case, a mosque was bombed in the gaza strip, and people gathered around that mosque to remove the wounded and perhaps the martyrs. I want to continue the conversation with mr. Tharvati, and then we will have mr. Arab, an expert on west asian issues, on the line. Mr. Tharvati , thank you, i will summarize the situation. If we want to have a general summary of this operation , it can be said that over time, the palestinians are in a superior tactical position in the field, in the political field, in the military field. And this is a great achievement for the palestinians, actually we see its reflection in the dramas of oppressed palestine in Different Countries of the world, on the other hand, in the occupied territories, we see the weakness of surprise, confusion, confusion of the zionists who do not know what to do and what decision to make, and this difference is a story of two superior and inferior tactical positions. He is of the opinion that if this Rail Construction goes ahead, the situation will change in favor of the palestinians both internally and at the regional and international level. Palestine will surely have a very Bright Future with this strategy and the horizon that has been drawn. He had and as the Supreme Leader said and all the oppressed people of the world expect that palestine will be freed from the invaders and aggressors soon, god willing. Americas movement in the region and the arrival of limited supporters of different agreements , which in this situation are in fact a horserider with the zionists , will not cause any major changes in the International Regional equations, and the israelis will definitely have their own problems in the long run if if they cannot solve it , they will naturally be the main israeli losers. Again, we and the people of iran, the people of the socalled region, officially and publicly declared their support for the palestinians. Nothing we have no qualms about this issue to say plainly and transparently that we support the oppressed palestine. They support the palestinians just like other muslims and muslims in the world, and even the opposite can be said, just like the United States. The United States of america and some western countries have been supporting the occupiers for years and have caused many years of crimes against the Palestinian People. Now, the conditions of the gaza strip that we see in the pictures, anyway, the people of gaza have been under siege for 17 years. Millions of people live there in a very limited area , which is the most densely populated area in the world. From the fairy of the night the zionist regime has completely cut off the electricity in the gaza strip and the humanitarian conditions there are difficult. Well, mr. Hashemgan, let me give you another small explanation. See, with this type of mobile operation , showing the palestinians the possibility of gaining access to the depth and being able to to join, in fact , to join the west bank of the gaza strip , although it took some risks, but it was possible. It seems to me that the palestinians have a moral condition in mind, they are trying to solve some kind of equations with this superior position that they have, so that the jews themselves leave this land. Do they choose or do they finally raise their hands in their own decisionmaking . The space is in the hands of the palestinians, which you say, i will also tell the viewers of khabar tv in an important Statement Released by the commander of the Military Branch of hamas, mohammad zeif, on the morning of the start of the alaqsa storm operation , it was announced that for years we have asked the zionists to end their crimes and their territories they should leave us, but this did not happen, and the International Community did not force the zionist regime to end its occupation. Now our relationship with mr. Arab has been reestablished. The impact of alaqsa storm operation in response to these efforts that we have had in the last month or two to normalize relations between some countries, mainly saudi arabia and the zionist regime, lets say yes, in the name of allah, rahman, rahim. The strategy in the palestinian arena is to remain as it is, that is, the israelis cannot destroy the military infrastructure of hamas. This is what will happen after this war and after these developments , a new area will be formed, and in this new area , israels situation in all fronts that what is the south side of gaza . Lebanon and golanan, and the regional level , will be subject to more severe erosion than it has been so far. Well, if we see the erosion of israels deterrence, the severity of israels deterrence after this war, then this is actually a damage to israels deterrence. It can and will be added to the multiple internal and synergistic political, social, legal, military, identity, and functional crises within israel, or these two will join together. Know in different political fields socialism is a legal identity. Well, this israel will seriously affect the pillars of israels National Security. When you have multiple internal crises and you have the erosion of efficiency from the outside, the pillars of your National Security will be weakened

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