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Emphasize unity and unity. This is the week of unity and i congratulate you on behalf of all kongis. There is a bond between the sunni and shia brothers that takes place every year in this city of band. That we should express our happiness and joy towards the teachings of islam to the people of muhammad. Shia sunnis are one, they cannot be separated, they are prophets. If today we witness the presence of shiites and tsan people together, it is based on the fact that we are muslims and we are in the same danger and we are under the supervision of the Supreme Leader of the islamic revolution. They express their love to the holy prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace. Our god is kind, our prophet is kind, and we all should be kind and set our own example as muhammad mustafa. May god bless him and grant him peace. In this meeting, one of the winners of the mustafa award and several other invited foreign scientists met with iranian researchers they exchanged experiences and new scientific findings. See the report. Science and Technology Exchange in the field of medicine and health. Isfahan university of medical sciences hosted the fifth mostafa award. On the sidelines of a special meeting, the winner of the 5th mustafa award mentioned scientific cooperation as a favorable path for a positive impact. We have joint plans regarding ms disease with iranian scientists, which is taking a certain path , and i am very happy that we are in isfahan. According to health experts, science and Technology Exchange meetings are effective in advancing scientific goals. Certainly the presence of prominent researchers and scientists in the islamic world, who are present in our country and establish a close relationship with domestic researchers, makes us take advantage of opportunities to easily Exchange Information closely due to the complexity of the method. Other traditional methods are unable to cure cancer. Based on this principle, new methods and multi specialty approaches and networking should be used so that we can not only try to cure cancer, but also base it on whether the treatment has been effective. Not and so on. Scientific networking is one of the main goals of the program is the transfer of science and technology. Mustafas meeting is very important and can have a Significant Impact in many islamic countries. Todays scientific work in the world has no value if it is not a team work and it will have the same result. And this networking in general will lead to the advancement of knowledge and technology in the islamic world. The meetings of the 5th mustafa Award Ceremony will be held in other universities and Scientific Centers of isfahan. Mohammad ali sohilpour, reporter of isfahan radio and television. A conference honoring exemplary processionists of the country was held in the presence of the officials of the atbat Reconstruction Service and a group of processionists in adineh complex, tehran. Became. The president of our country. In a message to the arbaeen processions, hosseini emphasized that the strategic approach and policy to the arbaeen ceremony, which is the high flag of hazrat seyyed alshahed, should always be global and civilized, so that this Great Movement will remain high and vibrant forever. In the space where arbaini processions were held now. Mr. Seyyed alshahhoddai who came from all the provinces of the country on the day of processions. From the youngest processionist who served the pilgrims , from the age of 24 years, 6 years old, when i was carrying the nurzeh procession, andy meshk, to the traditional processionist, who we were able to provide services to the pilgrims and serve the pilgrims of imam hossein. To be servants who are willing to serve pilgrims during the arbaeen ceremony. The procession of the mother of Hazrat Khadija kobra, lawyer. And moazdati took care of all legal work, especially accidents. The public nature of Arbaeen Hosseini ceremony is the common feature of the processions. Many of the dear ones who visit musharraf come there in their own cars. With the planning of martyred commander haj qassem soleimani, this procession it has been launched, the person responsible for serving the processions has arrived also, solving their administrative problems in the provinces and the center was left to atbat headquarters, a completely peoples organization. These mochbedarians are concerned about serving the visitors of Arbaeen Hosseini. Now, somehow, this problem should be solved once and for all, the servants of Arbaeen Hosseini pilgrims have also made suggestions to our gardener friends , to donate tree saplings for the road from najaf to karbala , and to use the water for the processions. He had a furat. With the talks with the iraqi government. In the plan of this water and drinking pipeline between karbala and najaf, and god willing, the euphrates water will come into this pipe so that this water itself becomes blessed water. In this conference, representatives of processions from all over the country were honored. Ya Hossein Amiri News Reporter. 2 00 am next part thank you for your support. You are a viewer of the economy desk. Today in the parliament, we had some very Important News from yesterday evening, that is, from the review meeting of the 7th plan yesterday evening to this morning , very important events that have happened in the field of the structure of the budget structure. One of them was that a single fabric Management System for the Financial System of the government should be formed in the seventh plan , the government was required to do this work, this was approved, obviously, a transparency should be created for the government to move the process of its financial activities from the old traditional areas to the broader areas. Your presence is newer and newer. Another thing that has happened is very important. This is the payment to the final beneficiary, which we talked about a lot here, in the form of credit payments to the device. I want to give you a very simple example. Think that a bridge is going to be built, a building. It should be built. Well, you have been in a row before there was a cost in the deposition machine, this cost was paid, what is going to happen in this process, what changes are going to happen, this whole process will do the work as long as the main contractor, for example, is a contractor, all this is credit, which means there is no money in the machine. There is no deposit, no money is allocated, everything is clear and planned, it is done where it is really working, and in fact, the main payment must be made , the final payment will be made there, and we will go from the credit. This was one of the other very important clauses. From the clauses mentioned it was simple. You have also seen in the news about the Property Society system of the executive bodies, which we remember. Some of the bodies did not take it very seriously last year. How general is the budget . We can see what tsassoi is talking about together. We can have a general idea of ​​what the reform of the budget structure will affect. One is the quality of the budget, the other is equityoriented in the budget, and the first is the goal we have , economic stability, economic growth, and reduction. Inflation you can help me a lot. What was our budget like in the old days . It was traditional. It was a central row. Now we are talking about a performancebased budget, which is based on credit payments. That means we are making it transparent. We are making it online. We are taking money and replacing credit we will replace the program, if something is done, we will allocate the budget, it can help us to have the best supervision, both the parliament and the government will know what is happening in the provincial system, and it will give more focus and authority to the province, and finally if all this work can be done easily, for example you have seen an example of this in the account area of ​​the treasury, when all the money was collected in one place, when all the devices brought money to them, it became clear how much money the government has , how much money it has. The governments income and expenditure should be transparent, its plan should be clear, its money should not be wasted. With the same introduction that i have given to you, lets go to see the report prepared by my colleagues in the Macroeconomics Group of radio and television. Lets come back and start our conversation. Oil needs a basic thought of the government and the nation should do this. I said two or three years ago that i wish one day to shut down our oil wells. The leader of the revolution, who for years insisted on the separation of oil from the countrys budget , issued an order to reform the budget structure in 2017. He said that within the next four months, we will have a structural reform in the country, which may lead to the reform of the budget. The 12th government promised to reform the budget structure. I , as the person who served you in the organization with the plan and budget for structural reform, expected that this would be done. To be but the performance of the government was different from its promise. The performance of the government in 2018 indicates the reform of the budget structure in 2018. With the coming of the 13th government, discipline to the governments revenues and expenses was considered as one of the main axes of the reform of the budget structure. There is a government, so we followed up on the control of current expenses in 1401 and we will definitely follow up in 42. Sectoral and sustainable discipline led to a chapter as a reform of the budget structure in the bill of the 7th janai now baharestan plan. During the review of the 7th plan, the parliamentarians reached the third chapter of it. The third chapter of reforming the budget structure. In this chapter, there are things like adjusting the budget for two years , oil and gas revenue, the financial relationship between the government and the National Oil Company. The reform of the financial relationship between the oil government is one of the demands in the general policies of the emphasized method of completing the sound system in order to record the information of the nonpromised property of Government Agencies and also the production of Surplus Property were among the issues that were examined in the parliament. The end of rigiri was approved. Narges mezhazi, a News Reporter for radio and television. You are with the economy desk. My colleagues report together we saw. Mr. Yusuffi , a member of the speaker of the islamic council, is present here in the studio of the economy desk. Another guest from the organization of the program will be added by phone, god willing. Greetings to all the guests. I would like to start with mr. Yusuffi and discuss Todays Parliament approvals. If you can briefly update the budget structure for the viewers, thank you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. I also wish you a good time and congratulations on the coming holidays. Of emphasis and concern to the Supreme Leader and those who have opinions in the economic field in the country, one of their concerns was to reform the budget structure because of these disagreements and budget deficits that cause inflation and executive problems in the country, which we talked about in previous programs. That is, in article 13, the difference between the program and the previous programs was in this. The first point was that the parliament started from itself, it banned nonbudgetary provisions, i. E. Income and expenses in industrial budgets, which means that the parliament started the reform from itself first. Now, i will explain it very briefly, it is possible that we will be attacked in our budget lets make it a permanent law with four lines, for example, a law with several tens of articles. For this reason, the parliament declared this prohibited for industrial budgets for the following years. Some kind of allocation of credits after the budget notification, because our old method was like this, that is, the organization issued the Budget Allocation plan, this went to the treasury, and the Relevant Department and ministry , referring to the treasury, transferred this or that allocated amount to its own account. He would deposit, for example, an amount to a ministry we allocated for him to start a construction project or to buy a car, for example, well, it could have been 2 months , but it would stay in his account for more. Now the problems that occurred should be discussed in their own place. We have converted this to electronic credit, which means that all this process from approval to allocation and finally the notification of the credit to the ministry and the executive body is done in the form of electronic credit, and finally to the final stage, for example, a contractor to build a bridge, after the status report is taken into account. Sleep, we will pay him the cash, until that moment, no money will be transferred here one of its merits is that it increases transparency, the online monitoring of how spending is done, and god forbid, if there is a deviation from the budget, it will be identified and prevented. This twoyear debate was completely abandoned. Yes, well, because according to the public forum, it was finally removed. The governments proposal was that it was in some way. Now, with different literature , when the budget of one year is presented, the budget of the next year should also be presented. This case was not accepted by the honorable representatives, now my explanation is detailed because it is based on both the internal regulations of the parliament and the upper laws of the industrial budget mean that this Parliament May not exist next year. There is another Parliament Like this one. It is possible that a government will come, it may be intergovernmental, the government will come later, well, after these two years, the item was not accepted by the representatives, then in the discussion of budgeting, one of the rightful herds of the experts and those who will later consider the plans as the final performance in considering the end of five years , there will be detailed discussions about the 6th plan, but the common feature is that we had less than 30 implementations of the 6th plan, that is, for example, we we had a 5year plan, and now, for example, my graduation has been 6 years, but 30 of you are very optimistic now, saying 30 years is one of the reasons. Now, lets make a cut or socalled structural budget for it, which means that one fifth of this program should be implemented every year. In my case, in article 13 , we quickly said that if it is for a ministry or a department , for example, our agriculture department, we should allocate a budget , we must provide reasons and type the implementation of this program and the effect on the implementation of the program are onefifth in addition, the presentation of the body means that the allocation of the budget has become program oriented, instead of letting us come after five years and say that, for example, this budget has not been implemented in line with the plan, so it means the governments , the government, for example, if it wants to pay the next years budget, it has to pay one fifth of the plan. He must have seen that we clearly said here that indicators should be specified, there should be a justification plan to achieve that goal, because i want to go through this in a hurry , the whole point of this program was that the program should not just be written so that it can be cited later. It also has a performance guarantee, well, we are actually one of the reasons which we can use later, the capacity of the supervisory body, including the court of accounts, which can base the performance of the budget on the basis of the plan in addition to not deviating the budget , and in subtracting the budget, in addition to following the articles and notes of the budget one of the tools that can help is article 14, 15 and even 16, a part of which goes back to the financial relationship between the ministry of oil, the National Oil Company and the government, because after all, the countrys resources are mainly provided by oil resources, now oil, gas and these statements were returned to the commission. 14. Returned to the commission for discussion there was a detailed discussion about the relationship between the National Development fund and the government and the organization of the program, which i will summarize now. If i want to tell my dear viewers to be informed, it is that a discussion was raised that we have had for years, a certain number, for example, something in the last 7 years between 15 up to 20 billion dollars has been the cost of the government in different years, that is, now the expenses , whether for the provision of basic goods and other issues, up to the budgets for the acquisition of our assets , there were two debates, there was a suggestion of the government that we should consider this, and oil is all the income. It should be deposited into the account of the National Development fund and 12 of this will be allocated no, this was one part. Another part suggested that, for example, we should consider 20 billion dollars as a number and bring this to the government in the form of a twelfth. This point has been raised that during the review of the 7th plan, you added or subtracted provisions that would cost the government , see, these were the discussions that had opinions before starting to review the government plan, some of them are correct. Finally, there were some representatives in the Unification Commission among these were the proposals of the ministers themselves, that is, some of the ministers who could not include the proposals in the Program Organization there for any reason into the provisions of the program. From this point of view, through the representative of this, finally , some of the bargaining that happens to you, close the door of zar ahmed, open the other door. The chapter of faiz is not closed, after all, there are different ways, for this reason, one of the points was that some of the rulings were considered to be a financial burden, but with the understanding between the honorable chairman of the parliament and the honorable chairman of the president and the members of the commission and organization, some of the rulings were planned. It was again referred to the commission that these are the branches it has a financial burden, or it is based on a decree that creates an obligation from this point of view, but it is not able to be implemented in practice, this can be corrected and come back. Well, if you agree, before we enter into saad and the rest of our discussion, mr. Qiyasadi, Vice President of coordination and integration affairs. The Organization Budget of the Budget Program has also been added to our group, mr. Ghiyasdin. Hello, please tell me that these changes we have now in the witness program. We are in the 7th program, one of them, obviously , now we have discussed it, the onecloth system of financial management, how much is this going to help the government to make it transparent, so that it can calculate its income and expenses with a Better Program and according to the words of mr. Yusuffi, it should have the best performance, like the program of the previous governments, that it should not be 3020 , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. The bill and the report of the Unification Commission, we have addressed the discussion of reforming the budget structure, the part that could be included in the laws of development programs, and now the part that could be followed up within the framework of the prescribed laws , we have reflected the issue of the budget structure in one of the bills from now on. Mr. Youssefi has several basic axes correctly pointing out the main axes, one of the main issues is the discussion of the onecloth system of the governments financial management, which now has many different dimensions , the issue that has been followed up a lot in recent years, from this onecloth system, the discussion of the final Payment System and the Payment System. There is a twodimensional credit that is currently accessible to the government in the short term, and its executive infrastructure is in progress. In the past years , the system of payment of the final ornament has been accepted to the extent acceptable in the organization of the Budget Program and the kalor treasury. And it has been implemented and how much is this credit payment the infrastructure is ready, so that everything will be on credit until the final zenif , then right after this credit payment , the final zinef payment cycle is completed. There is a menu to identify the final ornament, which means we must First Complete the final wheel , identify the final ornament, then lets get to the credit payments , the introduction is the identification of the final ornament, which is also in the treasury of the country, the main work is in the treasury. The country and the organization of the budget plan have a joint committee and working group. This working group meets every week and every month, and it checks the implementation challenges to solve the implementation problems. How much is the work now . For example, the percentage can be more accurate. Now, i dont know exactly how many percentages i want to say, because it is necessary to calculate the Operational Plan and the breakdown of work, etc. I want to tell you, but you the cost credits section has progressed to an acceptable level. We hope that in the next two or three years, in the cost credits section and a major part of the acquisition credits, a Capital Investment will be made, which means that it will reach an acceptable result. Its not too much, you see, its dimensions are very complicated, and now we are moving forward step by step in various issues , for example, this year , we came to discuss my goal and the payment of subsidies. The creation and organization of food and medicine, which is now subsidized what is in this section is for the ultimate benefit, clearly, which part is left that you did not do, how can you not identify it, that is, you need a new system, what exactly is your infrastructure working , the information infrastructure wants to pay the final zineft of a series of infrastructures and that the Payment Systems in the devices the executive and the treasury of kalor must coordinate with each other. The coordination between the departments is one of the most difficult tasks that must be done now, mr. Qiyasedin. I will ask mr. Yusuffi a couple of questions and i will come back to you mr. Yusuffi. Simple too today, it seems that the inclusion has increased. First of all, give a report that some devices seem to be the same as in the past years. Not taking sada too seriously, can you tell me which devices i have, i would like to make a point regarding the note of the previous article, 13 zinefai , see what i said. This 3year parliament means that there was nothing like this before, you were the first law passed by this parliament

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