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Have the experience of a man. This view is mostly derived from analyzes that from outside the social phenomenon to the poetry competition he looks that he doesnt see any difference, i mean, im really right, in the sense that you see examples of these phenomena in other religions, or even in many rituals and other suitable occasions, but what makes this different it is the depth of meaning that this phenomenon has, well, if this phenomenon is not perceived and linked and its existential experience is always different, it is always based on this. They didnt have any religion like these rituals. This experience has caused analysis even if they are different, the thing that separates the arbaeen phenomenon from other events that seem similar to it is the depth of meaning, the depth of meaning that has a historical link, a historical authenticity, and a historical foundation, and it can be the civilization that is based on it. Take shape and arrange it, this should be paid attention to, and in addition to the appearance criteria and many other walks, the same walk is a different walk. With the system of vision and the tendency system that is in the school of ahl albayt and especially imam hossein is formed and on this basis there are people who go on this route and actually walk, they dont enter the festival and celebrate full of the hardships of the excruciating heat of this route from najaf to iraq and from other routes that go from najaf to karbala and other routes that end up to karbala are really breathtaking for those who have experienced them, blistered feet, bodies full of fatigue, sweat and dust, all these are the difficulties that exist on the route. And they have a celebration and actually walks that are formed in the form but with all these attributes spiritual happiness is binding, a historical person is tied, a person must be thought system, system of inclinations , it gives direction , it makes you think about where you are and what you are doing nowadays , why are you, why are you and why are you on this path. Why arent you anywhere else . After that, where should you be . Many people who get in a relationship with someone close their plans for the next year , hand over their lives there, and turn their lives over to a pure life. They organize and make it fruitful that there is opportunity in the field of each and every one of these you can talk more and more. He raised a few questions. Probably many people will ask during the Arbaeen Hosseini walk. Why are you there . Where are you going to be next . Their plans will change based on this. Before talking, good luck to the respected viewers of the conversation. Special news, watch the report, lets go back and discuss tonight, a common package of life to achieve a goal, people from all countries, all ethnicities gather together to prepare for the appearance of imam zaman, we must comply, we are here to revive the cause of ahl albayt, peace be upon him. Todays conference has become a global conference in order to show the power of the muslims, we see today that the leaders of World Politics are afraid of this conference, and you see that these people all said that imam hussain came together from somewhere in the world, and the song of people from all over iran, iraq, lebanon, syria is quieter. Egypt, the western countries, the countries of south america, all of them have gathered here for the same purpose resistance against oppression and honoring imam hussein, who alone stood against oppression and after all these years became a fetus for all slaves from europe and africa. From asia and latin america together in this direction you can see it on facebook. Kurdish islam considers imam hussain as the embodiment of resistance against oppression and lifemaker. 40 of the sunni elements, more than 50 of these vows, i might say , collected these vows from the brothers of hazrat suleiman, and who is the people whose life is mixed with hussain . Radio from najaf to karbala amood 452 meters, good luck to those who are on this path now, and some or many are not present due to reasons, but how can the movement of arbaini flow in life and our movement, our life , our plans do not go along, good and difficult in this sense, many thinkers compare the religious matter with the daily life, the real exploration of the difficult questions of the modern world, what is the relationship between the religious matter and the daily life , well, it has a different logic in the daily life, especially in the modern world. We are somehow dependent on him, the area of ​​the modern world, accumulation of profits, selfishness, individualism gaining benefits and many other characteristics have systematically penetrated into our lives, and the bitter reality is that it has also penetrated to some extent in the lives of iranians. It completely suspends hazrat seyyed alshohada because of these people who are not ready to pass the dinar under normal circumstances. When imam hussain comes to the middle of the day, there is a big charity for my body. In fact, this is the desire of people for ceremonies i think about the number related to sayyid alshahda peace be upon him and it was 500 thousand tomans that the average iranian people give alms and excuses in the way of sayyid alshahda is a high number when the average and per capita of our country have very large numbers that alhamdulillah many of our people have in they spend this route after very small pieces of paper, everyone like themselves according to their property, much more than their own property. In fact , what does this help mean . When the name of imam hossein comes, the logic of daily life is suspended, relationships become more delicate , daily life may be about issues. Small with each other lets argue, but on the arbaeen route, the arbaeen route is difficult. In the processions, there are pairs of people. I want to be honest, they endure the bad smell, even endure the hardships of this crowd, but they laugh and apologize to each other. Under normal circumstances, they might grab each others collars. Being on this path of selfsacrifice, selfsacrifice, tenderness, tolerance, all these are actually the moral characteristics that are formed in the school of imam hossein, and from this manifestation, it suspends this daily life, it really should be brought along. Because you are not ready to travel to this Spiritual Movement lets not be in that space, and then forget everything that came as the great lessons of my life from this situational movement, and before this journey and this Spiritual Movement, i made an important daily life, whether you want it or not, it will drag us down to the ground. And it separates us from the sky, but after passing through this space , it actually passed through belonging to the earth. Basically, the philosophy of gods days is the same as the times when man reconnects with himself, and maybe even the meaning of all the duties of obligatory prayers. We have a door in a sense , the same communication that we have on a daily basis but in social life, how can he not give the correct answer, and in fact, in a way, this question is not an important question that we should ask him, and some of the people i mentioned are on this path, and their future life plans are also on this path. It closes that many of the people under the furniture in their daily life may deviate later from this path designed and prepared, but the human communities and in a sense the social groups and metaforms that are formed in this path can later be identitygiving and helpful. The same basis, many, many, many many specialized groups have been formed on the basis of arbaeen. I know that after arbaeen, he is active in the same way and tries to spread the gentleness of nature that he found during arbaeen in the school of imam hossein in his daily life. The body series, you can see clear examples in specialized medical groups, medical jihadi groups, student jihadi groups, jihadi groups that teach in underprivileged areas , groups that even work in the field of art. I was recently at Shiraz Art University and for the program had gone here now which program can be checked in its place, the program in the old area, Many University students with the effort of managing jihadi groups , forming children in deprived areas to paint, teaching children calligraphy, and building the walls of that area with the support of the municipality to paint and he should paint and change the atmosphere of the city and the atmosphere of the deprived areas, where does he rise from imam hosseins school of lataif and the pure feelings that are polished in this school, and in fact, to show others the correct and accurate bodybuilding from nature. Next year, in fact, another Research Data i will present it here, maybe it will be interesting for dear viewers, of course, it is interesting in the sense that it is interesting in the sense that the Research Shows that most of the peoples participation in ran is stable and sometimes it is faced with mass participation that is formed with the focus on religious matters. What does it mean when hey amardin, people are more involved, that is, they are still the cement of society, according to sociologists, the people of society, and this thing that forms the glue and durability of society is still not amardin, and when abedini comes to the middle, all people are far from any procrastination, they really belong to gender. Belonging age belonging ethnicity, academic affiliation enters this field and enters this meeting, therefore, from University Professors to students, it enters this pit and enters this Important Research achievement, which has been tested many times and many times in different periods and times of the world, the participation system. We should do this based on these teachings and these achievements, which he said were universities. Naturally , universities are cut off from this world and not from this society. Our student children, our professors belong to this society and basically there is no such thing as a hundred cedis. I had a very good base the division of work that has taken place in the arbaeen headquarters, the duties assigned to the ministry of home affairs have all been taken and exceeded, and i must honestly say that our academic capacity in the field of arbaeen is so great that we often feel ashamed of these huge capacities, and honestly i have to say very quickly that my analysis as a sociologist and as a person who has a hand on executive fire, our capacities are not responsive to this huge crowd, but last year, thanks to the blessings of the ministry of science, buses were sent and unfortunately they returned. With the crying eyes of sarmarzi mehrab go back to the reason, because there is so much capacity of the people on the desire of the people to attend this big ceremony and it has become too much. The University Environment says that there have been very innovative and creative works. Lets take the games as an example , because the children on the border of iraq did these things. Last year, we had a procession of students from the islamic world. And in the way of how many students we had in the islamic world for the islamic world the countries gathered together and jointly set up a file that the universities of besser university cooperated with the universities of the southern region. Which has been to the university inside the country, the ministry of border sciences has provided a good service to the pilgrims. What are the borders in the southeast of the borders of sistan , where are the pilgrims from pakistan, from afghanistan , hosting the university of our universities, what are the pilgrims from the northwest of us in the region. Azerbaijan from they hosted in urmia, hosting kermanshah in ilam, in khatri in khorramshahr, in fact , it is a set of capacities that have come to fruition, and the bagham sector will answer in nasim. In order to be present in reality, we are always lagging behind, he mentioned the capacity of cultural and civilizational capacities , he mentioned a series of actions of jihadi groups in the field of medicine and other subjects in the field of the field and the university. There is capacity, it should be with more speed and bigger steps should be taken so that he can respond to the love and passion that in these days, he wants to see a report, lets go back to talk about the plans in which direction , so that these capacities can be used more for his son , to see the virtual space. Filled and shows that anyone of any age and any nationality and position takes a million steps to attend these calls. Their wallet has published this picture to attract the attention of virtual people Mehran Najafi has attracted the turkish car tires of the passengers, getting another car for the iraqi driver, who shared a photo and depicted the efforts of the iraqi host to cool the tired feet of the pilgrims. This user also published a picture of a Different Service to the pilgrims, children who they have built a shade so that the arbaeen pilgrims can eat their food in the heat of these days in iraq. Work for someone else wrote about a family job to welcome the arbaeen guests. Memorable from the host children too they have shared and left eight hussaini cancellations, what are the courses that welcome pilgrims in 50 degree heat for the love of imam hussain , mirm users have mentioned those who did something to make people feel comfortable and make pilgrimages in safety saeedi Sada News Agency and sima sultan, the most beautiful images that we have seen, that i am a corner of this path and this movement , show me that step by step in this path of the heart and this movement is the movement of the people. One more time , more on the example i gave universities are really like this. Many of the makkahs are given by the professors at their own expense. The students are actually collecting from their benefactors. Because i said that in comparison with passor , we help nothing and insignificant in front of the government of this flow of love and respect. Sovereignty cannot be based the answer to this onslaught is a multitude of needs and it is being completed by the people. And the peoples groups pioneered and in this field, as far as i know, they made very, very big contributions, and i believe that food is given by the people in a traditional way, and history has been like this , based on the time when even the governments did not support and witnessed we held the arbaeen event and it was not as intense as this, but it was there some of them actually mean that these rituals and this region are some kind of innovation and pet and woman related to the recent period of the field. It is really difficult to have historical roots and peoples roots and it is still expanding based on these capacities and nature too. It is our duty to mediate, in the sense that you are sorry, to lay the foundations, in the sense that this movement is carried out in a better and more appropriate way. Look at the great capacities of civilization that this move to this great event has, the capacity of civilization in this short period of time, i would like to share with you, the viewers, all the cultural capacities. Civilizations have a hard core , which is usually formed based on it, and they rely heavily on the system of inclinations or tendencies and the vision system of the system between the lion and the tendency. These systems have depth and breadth and in fact more intensity, the possibility of civilization formation is greater, therefore, civilizations that form the document of these capacities are naturally more stable and durable, and it seems that the school of seyyed alshohada, especially arbaeen, has this capacity at different levels. It has both tendency systems it directs, it organizes and in a way it gives in depth, what we call shur hosseinis spirit , the cooperative comes there, it also organizes and gives military direction , it prepares the necessary intellectual foundations for building a civilization, the foundations that are based on altruism. Firm and freedom and freedom are Firm Foundations that are based on antityranny, Firm Foundations that are based on the fact of humanism in the sense of monotheism, a Firm Foundation that fights against arrogance, fights against humiliation, and in fact, antityranny, the supporter of tyranny, these are all the features of this system that in one the texture of the star is actually an emotional and emotional shape of the house it has gained consistency and it cannot be the basis of the closet. The teachings of the school of imam hossein are more than what i want to say in these 34 minutes. I told you, the bitter reality is that daily life and social systems based on the capitalist and profitseeking logic of order and the school of imam hossein suspends friendship and multiplies , it multiplies philanthropy, multiplies respect for all ethnic groups. It doesnt matter what gender you are, and it even reproduces by chance in a way, the friendship between others is the friendship of selfsacrifice. In fact, in the school of imam hossein, all this is gathered in the plain , and this has cultural and social consequences. Literature in this modern space, which is multiplied with the elements that i have presented to you, and a new breath for humanity that is living in a cold world, and that a new horizon is coming, and it is not without reason , i made my last presentation because my time is over. It is not that the mahdavi school is known because of imam hossein that it has all the necessary elements for life in the new world and provides everything necessary to live in a world that is cold, a world that is actually based on social relations , a world that is actually based on selfinterest , the school of imam hossein explains all this and shows another world. I said that it may be said that this is for a short time. Yes, we should extend it. We should organize it in our daily life. In the name of roshana in imam sadiq university, which has been active for several years it is a lie that the center of innovation in the field of many innovative ideas in the field of arbaeen is collected by this collection and in fact it is supported and handed over to do things in this field. The type of elites to process innovative ideas in the blind seminary , we need more of these types of innovative ideas that you can extend this. Good and you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. Today, i am hossein sadat shabiri. I will accompany you in this program for an hour. The unifying role of imam hossein, the common chapter that brought together the muslim ummah from every language and religion in the arbaeen walk. The report of mohammad kazemi, the reporter of the

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