Graham Police told WFMY News 2 they are aware of both events taking place.
Author: Jessica Winters
Updated: 1:48 PM EDT May 20, 2021
GRAHAM, N.C. — Supporters and protesters of the Graham confederate monument are expected to gather near the statue Thursday night. Graham police tell WFMY News 2 they are aware of the gatherings and have given both groups 'standards of protesting' documents.
A Facebook event called 'NC Confederate Day' indicates that dozens of people will be gathering at Graham Court Square at 6 p.m. Thursday.
The event page states it's a celebration:
Celebrating 160 year anniversary of NC seceding from the union and joining the confederacy on Thursday, May 20th at 6. HK Edgerton will be the guest speaker. Make plans to come out. Bring your flag and come join us.