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Tempting fate in the slightest. There we go. There we go. We shall see. Also coming up for you, weve got your very latest forecast after a good dose of summer yesterday for many of us. Will that becoming a repeated pattern over the next few days. 7 pattern over the next few days. 7 join me later for the full weather details. Weather details. Although jonathan , thats an although jonathan, thats an outfit. Good morning. Im outfit. Good morning. Im stephen dixon. And im isabel webster. Stephen dixon. And im isabel webster. And and im isabel webster. And youre tuned in to breakfast on news. News. Were going to be talking about a levels very, very shortly just to say if you are of that age and youre up bright and early this morning biting your fingernails , dont worry. Your fingernails, dont worry. Yeah. Good luck. Yeah, good luck. I yeah. Good luck. Yeah, good luck. I hope yeah. Good luck. Yeah, good luck. I hope you get the results you want. If you dont, the world want. If you dont, the world will not come to an end. Youll manage this all part of its all part of life. And you will be all right. But dont panic. And i know its an awful thing. I remember mine well back in 1992. I remember what year i got my a levels. Yeah a little later than that. Yeah. Not much, though. Yeah. Not by much, though. About decade. Yes. Right, about a decade. Yes. Right, right. But it was. About a decade. Yes. Right, right. But it was. I about a decade. Yes. Right, right. But it was. I remember right. But it was. I remember being really nervous that day. Being really nervous that day. Yeah, i remember. Really, really nervous. Yeah, it is a really nervous. Yeah, it is a nerve wracking day. Fun, but yeah, as its not fun, but yeah, as you say, its just one of many milestones in your life and nothing insurmountable. Nothing is insurmountable. Wishing the were wishing you all the very i think its, very best of luck. I think its, what, two hours till the envelopes get opened and everybodys ready and your everybodys ready and get your phone case you need phone ready in case you need to go through clearing. Have go through clearing. Well have all on that coming all the details on that coming up later in programme. Up later on in the programme. Certainly will. Now, its we certainly will. Now, its a day for gb news actually, a big day for gb news actually, because are set to deliver a because we are set to deliver a petition to chancellor this petition to the chancellor this afternoon nearly afternoon on behalf of nearly 280,000 of whove joined our 280,000 of you whove joined our dont kill Cash Campaign. Yes with more than 5 million adults in britain still reliant on cash, latest calling for cash, the latest calling for laws to protect its status as a legal tender and as a widely accepted means of payment until at 2050. Well, lets talk at least 2050. Well, lets talk to reform uks adviser ben habib, who joins us this morning. Good to see you, ben. Morning. Good to see you, ben. And look, i mean, it says a lot , doesnt it. 7 more than a quarter of a Million People have signed our little petition , just signed our little petition, just making it clear that they rely on cash and they want to make sure its preserved. Sure its preserved. I think its tremendous thing. Gb news is doing to promote the continued use of cash. You know, there are 5 Million People in this country who rely on cash trades , who who rely on cash trades, who dont have bank account and credit cards and so on, and theyve been marginalised and theyre continually being marginalised. And, you know, we marginalised. And, you know, we had recently obviously Nigel Farages de banking scandal, but natwest then went on to legislate for pass rules rather internal rules on the maximum amount of cash you can take out of your bank account in a given penod of your bank account in a given period , as well as the amount of period, as well as the amount of cash you can deposit into your bank account. Its a complete discrimination against those people who use cash and its almost as if they that making you think that by using cash somehow youre not really behaving properly. You know, theres a kind of i dont know whether you feel this, but theres a kind of implied sense that you might be doing something dodgy just because you wish to deal in cash. But some people have no option. As i mentioned, they dont have bank account and they have to use it. And it says if you pick up, i picked up my attempt. I know ive got it here this morning and it says words to if i put my glasses on, i promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of £10 for this £10 note. But of course, you know, if we move to a society where cash is discriminated against, where restaurants refuse to take it, shops refuse to take it, in effect, that promise on the back of a £10 note and all other legal tender becomes a meaningless promise. Meaningless promise. And ben, youre absolutely right. That implication that in some way youre trying to avoid tax or, you know, using your cash the market is cash for the black market is totally there. And i think also totally there. And i think also inherent in the kind of move away from cash is a sort of hidden we talk about digital exclusion. Theres an ageism in exclusion. Theres an ageism in it all as well. A lot of older people arent wanting to use onune people arent wanting to use online banking, arent wanting to have faceless banks all the time. They want cash. They want time. They want cash. They want face to face contact in the way that it used to be provided. And this is really important that we that we keep that that we keep that we keep that that we keep that contact with physical tenden its very important. I mean, there are two aspects of it, and thatis there are two aspects of it, and that is a really crucial one. Thats one of the two really crucial aspects and the other one is moving towards a kind of police state where i know i dont want to sound conspiratorial, particularly at dont want to sound cc a. M,atorial , particularly at dont want to sound cca. M, butial , particularly at dont want to sound cca. M, but you particularly at dont want to sound cca. M, but you know,jlarly at dont want to sound cca. M, but you know, whereit dont want to sound cc am, but you know, where where 6 am, but you know, where where private companies and therefore anyone who gets hold of their data and we get data breaches all the time have a complete visual understanding of where youve been, what youve done, who youve seen, how you spent your money. Theyll have a complete audit trail of your behaviour. Complete audit trail of your behaviour. So if anyone fears being tracked, well, you know, the way to do it is how you spend your money. It is. I mean, its one of those things that i think a lot of us hadnt even given much of a thought to. And its been highlighted in a way by nigel and the de banking scandal because, of course, when you put your cash into a bank , it all your cash into a bank, it all just becomes noughts and zeros, doesnt it. 7 and it does. But the issue that there is this element of control that we just didnt realise, most of us that existed later , that they can limit limit later, that they can limit limit what you can access. They can limit your ability to have an account. Its how money at the end of the day, we should be able to do what we want, shouldnt we. 7 yeah able to do what we want, shouldnt we . Yeah absolutely. You should be marching into a bank and withdraw your entire savings thats what you want savings if thats what you want. And you cant actually do that nowadays refuse nowadays. Most banks will refuse to give you, you know, depending on much cash youve on how much cash youve got. Refuse give more than refuse to give you more than a certain amount of cash. What is certain amount of cash. What is ironic, of course , is were ironic, of course, is were heading towards Central Bank Digital currencies and that will be the ultimate in government control if that comes in, because that wont even be cash moving through the digital system between banks and purveyors of goods. That will be purveyors of goods. That will be the government having a log of precisely what cash you , ben precisely what cash you, ben habib own and where you take it, where you spend it. It wont even go through the banking system. Itll be a direct relationship between the individual and the government that will control the ledger of who has how much cash and how its being disbursed. And then, of course, the government can do what ever it wants. So for example, it could legislate for negative Interest Rates at the moment, governments cant really cut Interest Rates below zero because if they do that, you just take your cash out of the bank, put it under your mattress or find some other place to put it to, to avoid paying the bank money in order to keep your cash in it. But if the bank of england decided , having england decided, having introduced a cbdc that it wanted to take Interest Rates into negative territory, youd have no ability to resist that move. You would be paying money literally to have money. Alternatively, theyd be able to legislate against you spending money on certain items if they thought, for example , the thought, for example, the Housing Market was getting hotter than any other part of the economy, they could say no more purchases of houses. You can see where this goes. Its the micro management of how you spend your wealth and weve seen the state increase its interference in our private lives dramatically over the last 25 years. You know, were a very highly regulated society now. And this would be the next step cash is a mechanism for freedom. So i hope that the petition youve launched, you know, does have its effect. Yeah. And it will now trigger a debate and will be delivering this petition to downing street today. What do you think theyre going to make of it . Well, downing street will do, i suspect. What downing street always does with petitions. Its always does with petitions. Its a significant petition. You need over 100,000 to have it heard in parliament. So it will be heard in parliament. But probably in an antechamber rather than in the main chamber. And theyll find a way. I suspect. I dont mean to be a debbie downer, but theyll find a way , you know, theyll find a way, you know, stepping around it. I suspect. But weve got to keep up the fight. You know, like all fight. You know, its like all these other fights we have. Unless you keep swinging the bat, not prevail. Bat, you will not prevail. No. Hood, be good to see no. Ben hood, be good to see you. Thanks very much indeed. Thank you. I dont know, you know, does it what know, because what does it what harm it do government harm does it do the government to were for is them to what were asking for is them to what were asking for is them to guarantee cash, if like , to guarantee cash, if you like, for i mean, not forever , but, for i mean, not forever, but, you know, for i dont know what our end date is 2050, 2050. There you go. Well, that doesnt do any harm, does it . Do them any harm, does it . Certainly brings and it certainly brings people with them. Yeah. What would their justify action be people with them. Yeah. What w0|nottheir justify action be people with them. Yeah. What w0|not were jstify action be people with them. Yeah. What w0|not were noty action be people with them. Yeah. What w0|not were not committing to for not were not committing to it. We would like to know. Perhaps well find when we perhaps well find out when we speak the government a little speak to the government a little bit later. Ill tell you what i have noficed ill tell you what i have noticed as someone noticed is because as someone who use a of cash, who doesnt use a lot of cash, got to honest. Ill tell you got to be honest. Ill tell you what ive noticed as a result of this campaign is now the number of take cash. This campaign is now the number of definitely take cash. This campaign is now the number of definitely no take cash. This campaign is now the number of definitely no increase. Ash. This campaign is now the number of definitely no increase. And definitely no increase. And were part of the problem. And you youre doing that. Yeah, youre seeing all all youre just seeing all in all the windows its all its the windows and its all its all about choice, isnt it . I quite feel like getting and i quite feel like getting a crisp tenner in my wallet now. Yeah they do feel good these days. The sort of plasticky side to them. Very neat and tidy. Neat and tidy. Do you remember the old £1 notes . I dont. You. No no. No i dont. Dont you. No no. Like in monopoly. Ive like those in monopoly. Ive never seen a £1 note. Did they isaac newton did they have isaac newton on. Able to tell me on. Youll be able to tell me im sure. Was like isaac im sure. Was someone like isaac newton used to be on a £1 note, but they were great. But they were huge. Yeah theyre really . Yeah theyre a massive. Ironic. Know, massive. Oh, ironic. You know, get smaller the get the note. The smaller the tender, all got, theyve tender, theyve all got, theyve all over the last all shrunk a lot over the last few years. But anyway, speaking of shrinking over the years, expecting of grade expecting a lot of grade deflation the a level results today. This is the other big story of the day. Lots of nervous students across england, wales and Northern Ireland today awaiting their results in just under two hours time. Yeah, now the results are predicted to drop to pre pandemic levels, meaning many students well may not get into their first choice. University i dont know if there is if theres a significant deflation in results, university is going to have to reduce what theyve asked for so it dont panic over that. If youre getting your results, it also comes a Record Number of comes as a Record Number of undergraduates have dropped out of their courses in the last year , with blaming year, with academics blaming grade inflation. Well , joining us for a look well, joining us for a look aheadis well, joining us for a look ahead is the chairman of the campaign for real education, chris mcgovern. Really good morning to you, look, morning to you, chris. Look, a difficult day, i think even for those to achieve those who go on to achieve everything want. Its nerve everything they want. Its nerve wracking. Particular cohort everything they want. Its nerve er level particular cohort everything they want. Its nerve er level students ular cohort everything they want. Its nerve er level students didnt hort everything they want. Its nerve er level students didnt gett of a level students didnt get to sit gcses in the traditional manner. Theyre gcses were marked by their teachers , which marked by their teachers, which we know meant that they were a little generous than little bit more generous than perhaps the exam boards perhaps by the exam boards and off call have out and said, off call have come out and said, we these results be down we need these results to be down by this year. Its by around 11 this year. Its tough this cohort, isnt it . Tough on this cohort, isnt it . Yes, whatever i say this morning, let me be clear. Im not criticising young people who can only do the exam, put in front of them. Absolutely. But what going to have, what what were going to have, what weve i mean, ive weve had in the i mean, ive been involved this debate for been involved in this debate for several decades, but over the last years, weve had last 30 or 40 years, weve had great inflation. And in the last two years, weve had hypergrowth inflation. So today were going to to just ordinary to go back to just ordinary inflation. You know, when if you go to the early days of go back to the early days of a level, less than less under a under got top grade under 10, got the top grade a now its up to 45 getting the top grade. So clearly , i think top grade. So clearly, i think probably the game is up for the exams in this country. We need to start again and to revalue the currency. Its a situation where we dont we cant distinguish within the good and the very good and the average. And so forth. So weve got to and i said that in the telegraph today, weve got a real problem here in terms of the credibility. So many i credibility. So in many ways i feel extremely sorry for young people i disagree with the people and i disagree with the governments watchdog, the governments watchdog, the governments quual governments watchdog, the governfew|ts quual governments watchdog, the governfew years quual governments watchdog, the governfew years ago quual governments watchdog, the governfew years ago to quual governments watchdog, the governfew years ago to the qual said a few years ago to the sunday i quote , all our sunday times, i quote, all our kids are brilliant. Thats the fake world in which we live, which is why were getting fake exams and fake grade. So its a topsy turvy. Alison wonderland world. Sorry for young world. Feel sorry for the young people. Messed people. Theyre being messed about. t yeah, but lets lets stay positive on all of this because im. Its going to be its disappointing for some people if they dont get the grades they were hoping for. However, the reality of this is whatever universities have asked for in terms of grades , theyre going terms of grades, theyre going to have to reassess in the wake of all of this, getting those figures out today saying all these undergraduates have dropped out of university in the last couple of years because of grading inflation, because they cant hack it. They actually cant hack it. They actually arent clever enough to be doing what theyve gone in for. So actually, this realistically actually, this is realistically beneficial for the students of the future , isnt it . The future, isnt it . Yes, we know. We really do need to get a sense of reality. I remember when i advised margaret thatcher, its a long time ago now, of course, she said chris, you know, all said to me, chris, you know, all the exams can do is test knowledge and understanding. Thats they can do. And when thats all they can do. And when we through covid, we didnt we went through covid, we didnt say to the driving test should be whatever because, be easier or whatever because, you going you know, theres covid going on, undervalue. You on, so its undervalue. You devalue currency and young devalue the currency and young people dont know whether theyre coming or going. I theyre coming or going. What i would to many young people would say to many young people is, university, it may be is, look, university, it may be great for many people. It is. Great for many people. It is. But are other but actually there are other pathways in life as well, including Vocational Training and job. So dont get and getting a job. So dont get too upset if you dont get quite the because you the results today because you can Great Success of your can make a Great Success of your life along the vocational pathway rather than to pathway rather than going to university. Many youngsters going quite going to university are quite disappointed we know, an disappointed and as we know, an increasing number dropping increasing number of dropping out cope with out because they cant cope with Academic Work because academic Academic Work because they very they might make a very good tradesman or a person working in the Building Engineering industry or whatever. So theres lots of opportunities for young people. Weve shortage of people. Weve got a shortage of employees. We know we really do need more people in the workforce. So dont get depressed by todays results. If you get a place at university, great. But lets lets we want to persuade this government to actually revalue the examination system so that actually means system so that it actually means something. Know, something. And, you know, universities offering lot universities are offering a lot of to overseas students of places to overseas students and thats really quite hard. But criticise but when we criticise universities, do because they universities, i do because they shouldnt doing this. They shouldnt be doing this. They shouldnt be doing this. They should be looking after our own youngsters the university. Youngsters and the university. We well, more money we say, well, we get more money from from those overseas, from those from those overseas, overseas times from those from those overseas, ov in singapore . So they get the harder a level and theyre at the of world in terms of the top of the world in terms of educational standards. Were about years about three years behind singapore. A complicated singapore. Its a complicated world. Rethink. Yeah, absolutely terrible to think that not only are britains being failed in terms of the quality of the education that theyre getting, the currency of the degree theyre getting and theyre being outstripped by people from overseas, but when were talking about today, grade about results today, the grade deflation, in kids deflation, the increase in kids having to go through clearing, i think 5 are expected to think 1 in 5 are expected to have to go through clearing because of this grade deflation and the competition then with these international is these International Students is huge huge huge because theres a huge funding problem within universities. Seen all universities. Weve seen all these lecturers on on these lecturers out on on strike, havent we, as a result of all the funding issues . And they need cash, hard cash from these students. Was these foreign students. I was looking in glasgow. Looking at the stats in glasgow. There four courses for there are four courses for british leavers through British School leavers through clearing 665 for International Students. That cant be right. Students. That cant be right. Well, its really hard and actually its self defeating because we want to look after our own country. First of all, we want to support our country. And what were doing is supporting the economies the supporting the economies of the other other countries by helping supporting the economies of the otherstudents. |ntries by helping supporting the economies of the otherstudents. Itries by helping supporting the economies of the otherstudents. I mean, helping supporting the economies of the otherstudents. I mean, wereing their students. I mean, were going overseas going to have some overseas students. Would love to students. I would love to see a return to grant so that youngsters have to any youngsters dont have to pay any fees at all. When i was at university, it was for free. Weve got to grant and the fees were would by were paid that would mean, by the cutting by the the way, cutting by the taxpayer. Well its taxpayer. Yeah, yeah. Well its quite easy. You cut your you cut the, the number of universities in half. Far too many youngsters are going to university. So what we do, we have about 25 of kids going to university are not 50. So straight you the so straight away you halve the budget theres the money. Budget and theres the money. No. Well are you. Well, yeah. No. Well are you. Well, no, i tend to agree. I tend to agree. I like you. I got a grant, chris, to go to university and its. But you went there on merit. Thats the thing. But the idea now is that if you dont go to university, whatever youre doing is second rate, which is nonsense. Rate, which is nonsense. Yeah, thats a it is. I mean , you can be working as a plumber and you can be earning £100,000 a year or more in london or an engineer or london and or an engineer or a bricklayer or a hairdresser a bricklayer or a hairdresser or a beautician. Of beautician. There are lots of jobs there where you can jobs out there where you can earn a lot money and the earn a lot of money and the problem most teachers dont problem is most teachers dont understand the world of work. Theyve been the theyve been through the education all education system. Thats all theyve been through. And i worked in industry before. I worked in industry before. I became teacher years. Became a teacher for 35 years. But you understand that but you need to understand that theres world besides but you need to understand that the|university world besides but you need to understand that the|university world d besides but you need to understand that the|university world universe. But you need to understand that the|university world universe is but you need to understand that tigreat ersity world universe is but you need to understand that tigreat for. Ity world universe is but you need to understand that tigreat for some rld universe is but you need to understand that tigreat for some of universe is but you need to understand that tigreat for some of our verse is a great for some of our youngsters. Were falling very, very behind other very badly behind other countries of providing countries in terms of providing Vocational Training. So i think probably from the age of about 14, youngsters should be a vocational pathway or an academic pathway. And weve got academic pathway. And weve got a snobbery this country a snobbery in this country whereby that youre whereby we think that if youre an youre somehow an engineer, youre somehow inferior someone me inferior to someone like me whos historian. Its the whos in historian. Its the reverse. I look up engineers reverse. I look up to engineers and plumbers and i just ask him, i say, want they want me to i say, i want they want me to pay, know, thats the pay, you know, thats the situation we are. So weve situation where we are. So weve really get away from this really got to get away from this mindset its only mindset that its only about going isnt going to university. It isnt just about to university. Just about going to university. Weve get a trained weve got to get a trained workforce. We need workforce. Thats why we need immigrants, by way, because immigrants, by the way, because a lot of these people coming in can jobs. We cant do. Can do jobs. We cant do. No valid chris, yeah, no valid point. Chris, good you this morning. Good to see you this morning. Thank much and thank you very much indeed. And this, the caveat he put this, chris, the caveat he put right the of that was right at the top of that was this isnt in any way being disparaging against those people getting today. Getting their results today. And you are one of those, and if you are one of those, do in touch with us. Let us do get in touch with us. Let us know feeling now. Let know how youre feeling now. Let us how on. Maybe us know how you get on. Maybe even on air and share your even come on air and share your experience. How it been for experience. How has it been for you are you one of those you and are you one of those whos going to be having to phone back and through phone back and go through clearing . To hear your clearing . We want to hear your stories maybe your stories or maybe your grandchildren Children Stories or maybe your gra|involved. | Children Stories or maybe your gra|involved. Share Children Stories or maybe your gra|involved. Share those dren are involved. Share those thoughts. News. Com. Thoughts. Gb views gb news. Com. Dont think that yeah. I dont think that clearing is to be clearing figure is going to be as high. Do you know saying, well, theyve released a few extra into extra places overnight into clearing. Extra places overnight into cle. They a couple of they reckon a couple of hundred. I was reading in the times think is an times which they think is an indicator going indicator that theres going to be kids being able to be more kids not being able to get spots. Get those spots. Just think that the i just think that the universities are going to have to if theyve said you need three theyre going have three as, theyre going to have to reduce it because if those grades are dropping. Think grades are dropping. So i think you right. I think you might be all right. I think youd right. But anyway, youd be all right. But anyway, what i know . Lets bring you what do i know . Lets bring you up date with some of the up to date with some of the other stories this morning at 619. 39 year old man has 619. And a 39 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of collecting that collecting information that could to terrorism in could be useful to terrorism in the breach could be useful to terrorism in the week, breach could be useful to terrorism in the week, data breach could be useful to terrorism in the week, data on breach could be useful to terrorism in the week, data on 10,000 reach could be useful to terrorism in the week, data on 10,000 police last week, data on 10,000 Police Officers and staff were accidentally online with accidentally posted online with accidentally posted online with a force declaring the incident critical. The Police Service of Northern Ireland said theyre working tirelessly to address the risk posed to officers and staff. Staff. Prince harry has released a new trailer for his heart of Invictus Netflix documentary as he prepares for the game to kick off next month. The games i should say, the heart of invictus will tell the stories about several athletes , their about several athletes, their backgrounds and their path to the games , and they will be held the games, and they will be held in dusseldorf in germany from september the 9th to the 16th. A member of staff at the British Museum has been fired after a number of items were found missing, stolen or found to be missing, stolen or damaged. Its also being damaged. Its also being investigated police. The investigated by the police. The museum the items include museum said the items include gold, jewellery, semi precious stones and glass data starting from the 15th century bc to the 19th century, 80. Great story, isnt it . Like a movie really outrageous because this is really important. Precious parts of artefacts. But it is exactly. Its just like a film and its captured the worlds imagination. And this worlds imagination. And this morning i think its on the front of the daily mail and lots of other papers going big on it. This morning. I think its i think its quite something you need to go around i hope this this around this. I hope this this member lives in member of staff lives in a little somewhere that they little flat somewhere that they can go in and find. Its absolutely adorned with with millions worth bits millions of pounds worth of bits of that the of glass and be that the punishment is just you lose your job. Surely there needs to be a criminal investigation. Well, surely there needs to be a crimiris. Investigation. Well, surely there needs to be a crimiris the estigation. Well, surely there needs to be a crimiris the policeion. Well, surely there needs to be a crimiris the police are well, surely there needs to be a crimiris the police are looking there is the police are looking into theyre in good, good, into it. Theyre in good, good, good. Quite right. Into it. Theyre in good, good, gooshe quite right. Into it. Theyre in good, good, gooshe wasntjite right. Into it. Theyre in good, good, gooshe wasnt listening to the report. Sorry. I was just asking for the prince harry thing to be rewritten. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Ill tell you what you do need do, though, is pay need to do, though, is Pay Attention jonathan attention to Jonathan Vautrey. Hes forecast. Hes got your forecast. That warm feeling inside from boxt boilers proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Ah, good morning to you. Im Jonathan Vautrey here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office. Most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good dose of sunshine generally if you are further towards the west and the south first thing this morning. But stubborn cloud but a little stubborn cloud across england into across northeast england into scotland across northeast england into sco head across northeast england into scohead into across northeast england into sco head into the afternoon. So we head into the afternoon. So more sunny intervals developing. And do catch the and if you do catch the sunshine, feeling sunshine, still feeling pleasantly 2420 6 degrees pleasantly warm, 2420 6 degrees celsius, inland, but celsius, possible inland, but theres bit more a breeze theres a bit more of a breeze around. So particularly for eastern coastal areas, it will feel touch compared to feel a touch cooler compared to yesterday overnight yesterday into the overnight penod yesterday into the overnight period well start to period as well. Well start to see cloud build and see the cloud build again and again north sea, from again from the north sea, from lincolnshire into eastern lincolnshire up into eastern scotland then much more scotland and then much more widespread building widespread cloud building in from south west well. So widespread cloud building in fr bit south west well. So widespread cloud building in frbit moreouth west well. So widespread cloud building in fr bit more of h west well. So widespread cloud building in frbit more of awest well. So widespread cloud building in frbit more of a mild well. So widespread cloud building in frbit more of a mild nightzll. So widespread cloud building in frbit more of a mild night to so a bit more of a mild night to come, around 13 to come, generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. The humidity are beginning to build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west, some heavy outbreaks for Northern Ireland, wales, england, perhaps some rumbles thunder as rumbles of thunder in there as well. Peter out into the well. It will peter out into the afternoon. So scotland turning to that bit with some to stay that bit dry with some sunny intervals. And theres a bit of a slice from south wales into South West England where well as well. 26 c well turn dry it as well. 26 c as max for today. But as as the max for today. But as i said, the humidity certainly building further building and theres further rain cards for the rain on the cards for the overnight as area of overnight period as this area of low pressure begins to push its way in. And could provide a pretty end to the pretty unsettled end to the working isobars squeezing working week isobars squeezing together provide some together as well to provide some gusty enjoy gusty winds in places. Enjoy your day. Bye bye. That warm your day. Bye bye. That warm feeling inside from boxt boilers proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Completely unrelated to anything that weve had on the program so far this morning. And all that stuff you have to have about safe , safe for screen about safe, safe for screen clothing. The only certain clothing. The only certain things you wear on here. Youve taken real objection to that shirt. Oh, god love him. Jonathan youre so mean. I know, but its just like, would you. Oh, no, i wouldnt. Id wear it on a night out. Id wear it on a night out. Yeah, well, you know, hes jazzing things up. Yes. Well, no. Morning. Yes. Well, no. Morning. Know who else is gonna do you know who else is gonna be things up for us . Be jazzing things up for us . Paul with all the news paul coyte with all the news from sydney yesterday. What a day lionesses. So so day with the lionesses. So so thrilled. So pleased we are thrilled. So pleased that we are going World Cup Finals at going to the World Cup Finals at the ill be here in the weekend. Ill be here in just all welcome back at 626. Still to come on todays program, were going to be chatting to the education secretary. Busy day for her students up and down the country, be receiving their a level results. Lots of focus a level results. Lots of focus on whether or not this grade denigration to going derail denigration is to going derail quite lot of students who quite a lot of students who focus this morning. Focus on that this morning. Also coming up, were going to talking to our very own to be talking to our very own nigel farage as we take the dont campaign to dont kill Cash Campaign to downing street. If you want to sign the petition, go to gbnews. Com slash cash and keep your thoughts coming in this morning. Lots of you emailing already about the dont kill Cash Campaign. Callum saying to great hear its being sent to downing street. Im proud to street today. Im very proud to have uk needs to keep have signed the uk needs to keep cash tender, trish cash as legal tender, trish says. Ive using cash says. Ive started using cash again it is so much nicer again and it is so much nicer for some you budget for some reason you budget better and you see how much better and you can see how much you have to and that is you have to spend and that is such good point. Such a good point. Thats the point you cant spend it if you havent got it in your hand. I know. Keep your thoughts coming through. Gb views news. Com. A little views at gb news. Com. A little bit of history for you this morning. Paul coyte me yes. History no, not you. The lionesses. I mean, that really is a bit of history. It really is. I had my doubts. Ive got to say, yesterday i had my dad. Well, you kept them quiet, though, didnt you . I did. Well, i had my dad mainly because, you know, australia, as we kept saying, theyre determined it was in theyre so determined it was in sydney, theyre trouble. What are. Thats what they are. Thats what they are. Was for them. Country was wild for them. Yes was. We defeated all of that. We did. And its the first time the an english team has beenin time the an english team has been in a World Cup Final , been in a World Cup Final, obviously since 1966. The first time english football side time an english football side has a World Cup Final has been in a World Cup Final away from home. We can keep away from home. So we can keep adding all these up. But do you remember when i was saying yesterday its about momentum, its about building, starting slow and building up, and i thought they were fantastic yesterday and they were cool. They were calm and against everything that was around them. As we expected , the crowd that as we expected, the crowd that was so noisy australia came out against and then and england deau against and then and england dealt with everything really , dealt with everything really, really well. Scored early. Brilliant goal. Really well. Scored early. Brilliant goal. And then. Then brilliant goal. And then. Then when it went 1 1 and then you would often think , oh, here we would often think, oh, here we go. But they didnt. And paul, what you were suggesting is that actually australia was more of a worry for this team than spain, who theyre going to be facing on sunday the finals. If they sunday in the finals. If they could then we could beat australia, then we are really in contention to win the world cup and i dont want to tempt fate, but we just we control is the better team. Yes well, its difficult to say. Its theres always these different circumstances. And the fact that it was in australia and the fact theyre playing in sydney, all this adds up. Now spain, now this is a really interesting thing. We would extract now. Well, yeah. I mean im just being really, really careful because not only are you said that in the attempt to fight, but if we look at spain, spain obviously great footballing nation, theyve got great players. Theyre great great players. Theyre great individual players. They play individual players. They play for madrid and for for real madrid and play for barcelona. But a collective barcelona. But as a collective now its different because obviously its a team game. And if arent getting on, if people arent getting on, then it can affect what goes on on the pitch. Are they not getting on. Theres hardly got a hot theres been problems or hey, youve been problems or hey, youve been practising this vida youre referring to that hot hot field. Is the manager of spain. Is the manager of spain. Is the manager of spain. Bingo. Bingo. Today we are to going play hard. Theres already been seven hot days. Okay, already im calling it. Okay, already im calling it. Well, anyway. Okay so. So the thing is, and hes an interesting character now hes caused problems within the team. Now, in september, there was the players of the Spanish National side. They submitted national side. They submitted a letter to the spanish for complaining about, hey builder, that there was a toxic culture that there was a toxic culture that was affecting them. And it was affecting their wellbeing and Mental Health. So all these letters went in and there were players that are saying, look, we dont want to play for george anymore. For players said anymore. So for players said that they wouldnt play, 11 said. So then it starts adding up so that they would actually return. But then out of those 15, they even had a name for these 15. So of these 15, george. Only chose three to come back into the national side. So theres been arguments with players that are there now and the other ones. Exactly. Its great. Now they were beaten 4 0 by japan. I mean, thats a thats a. It is. By japan. I mean, thats a thats a. It is. It really is. Thats a. It is. It really is. Its a thumping and a thrashing. Its a thumping and a thrashing. Its all of those things and they came back a151 against switzerland. But you know, im just going to lay it on the line here. We should beat spain. Were a better side than spain. Were a better side than spain. Were a better side than spain. Were a more together side. Its were a more together side. Its the World Cup Final with a european champions. We beat spain 2 1 in the euros in the quarterfinals last year. And im afraid george will leave with a very happy. Im very sorry about george is going to be crying into his potatoes. Potatoes. Bravos yeah, its exactly what he just did. Thats exactly what hell be doing. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. Sorry. Okajweve seen the transfer and weve seen the transfer formation and the way we talk about football and female football since , obviously the football since, obviously the euros. Yes. How much of a difference is the world cup going to make . I mean, as a tournament this is the one, right . This is the big one. And, you know, already got the you know, weve already got the king out. Weve got the king coming out. Weve got the prince wales out. The prince of wales coming out. The plaudits right and centre. Yesterday this it, right . Yeah, this is it, right . Yeah, this is it, right . Is the big moment. This is the big moment. This is the big moment. It is. Its huge moment. If we look at the euros, look how important been. I mean, important thats been. I mean, if we go 2015, mean that if we go back to 2015, mean that that me was the moment when that for me was the moment when people started paying attention to english side the line. To the english side of the line. This this is we start this is this is when we start calling them lionesses. And calling them the lionesses. And then paying then people start paying attention. Was the attention. Then there was the world 2019. It can only go world cup 2019. It can only go in one direction. And for those doubting thomases and theres and ive had messages from a few people oh yeah, its people going, oh yeah, oh, its not its nowhere near not as good. Its nowhere near as as football. As good as mens football. Theres, year olds theres, you know, 15 year olds could them. Its could beat them. Its a ridiculous point because if you look at the way they play and if you look at what happened yesterday, the football, i thought fantastic. It thought was was fantastic. It was brilliant. And its the womens game is only going to move on and move on. And there are people that are scared of it. Ill be honest with you people. Thats its almost like, oh, this, this womens football dont like this and it shouldnt be. Its not. Its almost like a fear that the fact that it is going to be a success and continue to do well. Ill tell you what i quite like about it although the fact we say its first World Cup Final since 1966. Merging final since 1966. Its merging of the two. Yes. Yes. Yes. And its just football is football is football. Yeah. Doesnt whos it. Doesnt matter whos playing it. Say that about tennis do we say that about tennis when theres women playing tennis and you dont because its tennis. There are just two different tournament. Its tennis. There are just two differera tournament. Its tennis. There are just two differera kind ament. Its tennis. There are just two differera kind of|ent. Its tennis. There are just two differera kind of concurrent, its a kind of concurrent, arent they, in tennis . Whereas at theyre all at the moment theyre all separate. So its just like maybe point in the maybe at some point in the future theyll at the future theyll all happen at the same and it will be, you same time and it will be, you know, hit women are playing, then are playing then the men are playing maybe. Be a be a big i mean, itll be a be a big undertaking to that. But undertaking to do that. But i just as in the way that just mean as in the way that people will look at the game and it be good for football it can only be good for football andifs it can only be good for football and its great for the country. Yeah. And its 11 00 and its great for the country. Yeah. And its11 00 sunday morning. Thats when final morning. Thats when the final is and i think is going to be. And i think everybody should paying everybody should be paying attention because theyre a very, side. To win very, very good side. And to win it its also interesting it also, its also interesting the they were after woods the way they were after woods because expect huge because youd expect huge celebrations. Was celebrations. Yeah, there was there but there were celebrations, but pretty much after a little bit of that, they were down the tunnel they knew they tunnel because they knew they had a to job do. If we look at the americans, they were overdoing and that overdoing it and that was cockiness thought cockiness because they thought that than they that they were better than they really were. British. British. Exactly. We yeah, exactly. We go in and do the job and carry on. Do. We do. We do. And we can celebrate we and we can celebrate once we win, im very confident win, which im very confident that will on saturday, just that we will on saturday, just because i know because dont kill cash i know youre man who likes to have youre a man who likes to have cash in his pocket. Do you remember that . Do you remember that . You remember the old £1 notes . Of course, of course i remember the £1 note. Yeah, of course £1 note. I course i remember £1 note. I remember half of them. I cant remember half of them. I cant remember whether there was a change there change because there was one someone i mean, remember someone else. I mean, remember half oh yeah. You know, someone else. I mean, remember hmean oh yeah. You know, someone else. I mean, remember hmean i oh yeah. You know, someone else. I mean, remember hmean i probablyeah. You know, someone else. I mean, remember hmean i probablyeainot u know, i mean i probably do not remember decimalisation. Ill be very pleased to announce one. Wasnt it so it was a little bit before my time, but you know, absolutely. Know, but absolutely. Absolutely in with im absolutely all in with cash. Yeah if i had enough, id love to have the wad in my pocket with a little clip around the mums never the outside. My mums never enough me. Enough for me. Mother once went into my mother once went into a shop was little and shop when she was little and asked how hapenny asked how much the hapenny sweets were. Did really hapenny oh, did she really hapenny a bit more expensive than they used to be though arent they . They say. Yeah. I used to like a half pig. Did you. Yeah. Half pay tiny little thing. But cant really do much but you cant really do much about size of a5p now you about the size of a5p now you have tiny Little Things. Have that tiny Little Things. Yeah. Absolutely. Have that tiny Little Things. Yanou absolutely. Have that tiny Little Things. Yanou rememberbsolutely. Have that tiny Little Things. Yanou remember the utely. Have that tiny Little Things. Yanou remember the olden days . You remember the olden days . You remember the olden days . The. Remember the director of the. Remember the clean . Not talking about and shrugged, no idea. Born shrugged, saying no idea. Born in 82 me. So yeah. Oh you missed it. So yeah. Oh you missed it. 81 gone by then. 81 gone by then. 81 gone by then. 89 h im not saying you know remembers actually no. Philip he says getting a £1 note with pocket money made you rich for the week. It bought a comic, a £0. 10 mix of sweets and change for the piggy bank. Absolutely. Absolutely. You what. I dont ill tell you what. I dont know you come from. Philip know where you come from. Philip iused know where you come from. Philip i used get £0. 20 did you 20 . I used to get £0. 20 did you 20 . We money. But youve got we had no money. But youve got 20. P yeah. What did you do with your £0. 20 then. In my piggy bank. Put it in my piggy bank. Put it in my piggy bank. Yeah. And then you, did yeah. And then did you, did did buy yourself something did you buy yourself something nice no i just saved nice at the end. No i just saved and and saved. And saved and saved. You have. Because the one did you have. Because the one way street goes into the bank never comes again. Never comes out again. Banks do. You used to banks used to do. You used to be able get a piggy banks be able to get a piggy banks from the actual i from from the actual banks. I remember Natwest Natwest used to do globe were do the globe and there were different youd different ones and then youd get those as a saver with a lock. But the thing is, then youd key and you could youd lose the key and you could never you have never open the thing. You have to against them. To smash it against them. What to with dont know what to do with piggy dont know what to do with piggy banks, dont know what they what they are. Need someone to put in them. Need someone to put in them. Need so much but only you do need so much but only donations. Welcome oh, okay. Well see you later. Okay. Ill you okay. Ill bring you something. Well, staying with the theme of or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or. Or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or. 638. Good morning to you. Lets have a look at the front of the newspapers. Should we . And theres a common theme. The and theres a common theme. The sun has the lion. Yes. As sun has the lion. Yes. As englands win over australia in the womens world cup dominates. Although the daily mail going with the gem heist at the British Museum. British museum. Thats my phone going off, the times reports on rishi sunak saying hell ease the squeeze that people are feeling. And the Financial Times is reporting on the battle over the bank of englands base rate. Go through some of lets go through some of those with deputy those then with the Deputy Editor freddie editor of the spectator, freddie grey, conservative home grey, and conservative home columnists and course , gb columnists and of course, gb news presenter emily carver. Good morning to you, emily. Can i with you . Dont i just start with you . Dont kill cash going to downing street. Fantastic. What do street today. Fantastic. What do you make of the momentum behind all of that . Well i think its pretty good. 250,000 signatures, presumably more now, more now reaching probably kicking on to 300,000. A lot of people care about this issue more than maybe i anticipated. Theres so i had anticipated. Theres so many different angles to it, arent there . Just the practicalities , ageism. And then practicalities, ageism. And then also looking at you know, also looking at the you know, the potential for government control everything we do. So control of everything we do. So yeah, good. Brilliant. Yeah, its good. Brilliant. Yeah. I yeah, its good. Brilliant. Yeah. I wonder what the debate who be talking in debate . I dont well hell turn i dont know. Well hell turn up imagine. Up one would imagine. Rees mogg yeah, oh yeah. Rees mogg yeah, maybe a bit of anderson maybe a bit of lee anderson maybe maybe. Maybe maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Care about it a lot, but i care about it a lot, but not enough to actually use cash. Well, this is, to be honest , well, this is, to be honest, this little bit what weve this is a little bit what weve been i dont to been saying. I dont want to lose it, were part of the problem. Yeah, talk a very good yeah, i can talk a very good game about the dangers of a digital surveillance society, but i just cant bothered to but i just cant be bothered to use cash. Think organise to use i think i organise to use cash. Dont you . Because you have to go to point. Half have to go to a cash point. Half of have closed down but of them have closed down but its. Well, this might be well, i said this might be a bit too revealing the bit too revealing about the spectator said the spectator office, but i said the other the spectator other day in the spectator office i said where is the nearest cashpoint office . Nearest cashpoint to our office . Nobody knew. And my younger colleague you colleague said, why are you trying drugs . Oh, because trying to buy drugs . Oh, because he thought, thats the only conceivable cash. Conceivable use of cash. But the point but the point is, wasnt because is, of course i wasnt because that would be. Of course that is. But and of course that is. But this justice. And of course that is. But thisbut ustice. And of course that is. But thisbut the e. And of course that is. But thisbut the point the point of but the point of the point of it said, i dont use cash. It all said, i dont use cash. But the point is the choice has got to be out there. The option has for people has got to be there for people who to use cash. Who want to use cash. Entirely agree. I do have i entirely agree. I do have some cash on me at the moment. So do you. Im why do you have cash . When if not to buy drugs . When if not to buy drugs . When if not to buy drugs . Okay. I dont do drugs and drugs are illegal. Its it was some cash back to give my son who won. Im going to give my son some cash. Oh, yeah. But i got cash back at a supermarket because i couldnt find the cash. Yeah, well , thats good. Well, thats good. Youre keeping cash his , youre keeping cash in his, you yeah. You know, life. Yeah. Hell be spreading it. Yeah, hell be spreading it. Yeah, hell be spreading it. I only use it for the nail salon and people who jobs salon and for people who do jobs around my home. Right . You know . Yeah fair enough. £50 cash in hand. Well well, yeah. Good. Keeps the economy going as long as you pay the taxes on it, which im as long as theyre paying. Im sure they do. Im sure they do. Lets have a look at telegraph. Freddie, were at the telegraph. Freddie, were not a net zero not going to get a net zero referendum, says the Prime Minister. Minister. Are not. Rishi sunak no, we are not. Rishi sunak has out. The idea of has ruled it out. The idea of a referendum on net zero, which is probably a relief lot of probably a relief to a lot of people because i think we dont need a referendum. But however, im not sure rishi sunak is right. Sorry, im losing my right. Sorry, im losing my voice. Im right. Sorry, im losing my voice. Im not so right. Sorry, im losing my voice. Im not so rishi sunak right. Sorry, im losing my voice. Im not so rishi sunak is right that most people are committed to getting to net zero. No i think if you the polling on this differs, if you say to people, do you think net zero is a good idea, you might get a majority saying if get a majority saying yes, if you them what the you explain to them what the governments proposed, you explain to them what the gov polling s proposed, you explain to them what the gov polling starts proposed, you explain to them what the gov polling starts to proposed, you explain to them what the gov polling starts to breakiosed, you explain to them what the gov polling starts to break down the polling starts to break down quite quickly and sooner because come under a lot of pressure from lots of tory mps. As the telegraph said, red wall mps saying that the rush, the headlong rush into net zero is going to cause some problems at the next election and thats why we saw rishi sunak talking a little bit more sensibly about nonh little bit more sensibly about north sea oil and talking a little bit more sensibly about ulez and not being so anti motor ist. But hes not to going go that far. Hes going to stick to net zero pledges. Can you imagine campaign well, can imagine the campaign well, can you imagine how horrendous it would be . Thered be pictures of like flags saying if you dont flags teams saying if you dont support. This what the world. But what is in project fear . But what is in project fear . Yeah, it would be what is apocalypse. What i think is interesting about this is this you say i think actually there was think that actually if there was a the majority of a referendum, the majority of people probably oh a referendum, the majority of peofyeah, probably oh a referendum, the majority of peofyeah, this� bably oh a referendum, the majority of peofyeah, this is bly oh a referendum, the majority of peofyeah, this is this oh a referendum, the majority of peofyeah, this is this is oh sensible. I mean, i think its sensible. Its how you implement it. So this actually gives him flexibility. He doesnt it to flexibility. He doesnt it to actually pare it back a little bit without without being too controversial against the green lobby. E n em em lobby. I dont think people it does. I dont think people understand that its actually in law. Target. So the law. This target. Yeah. So the government does, in government does, at least in theory and by law have to achieve this , which may or may achieve this, which may or may not possible. And they are not be possible. And they are obviously rolling back on some some the policies. Some of the policies. Emily, speaking of what the governments got in in statute, theyre lot about theyre talking a lot about their plans. Prime minister theyre talking a lot about thei given 5. Prime minister theyre talking a lot about theigivens. Interviewminister theyre talking a lot about thei given 5. Interview to 1ister theyre talking a lot about thei given 5. Interview to theer has given an interview to the times phrase trust has given an interview to the timecoming phrase trust has given an interview to the timecoming up, phrase trust has given an interview to the timecoming up, aphrase trust has given an interview to the timecoming up, a lot,se trust has given an interview to the timecoming up, a lot, a trust has given an interview to the timecoming up, a lot, a little me, coming up, a lot, a little bit of crowing , i suppose, after bit of crowing, i suppose, after the inflation figures yesterday. Theyre very pleased about the direction travel that. Direction of travel on that. What does say when what else does he say when a politician trust me , you politician says, trust me, you dont always dont always dont always you dont always think the best . , inflation down more so yes, inflation down more so than was predicted, which is good and perhaps does provide evidence maybe that his and jeremy hunts plan is working when it comes to inflation or whether the bank of englands Interest Rate hikes may be a feeding through. Or it could be feeding through. Or it could be that just seeing inflation that were just seeing inflation drop the world because of drop around the world because of different issues energy costs, supply chains easing after the pandemic, etcetera, etcetera. But it is a point in their box. Its something to talk about. Im not surprised hes crowing about theres a lot of about it, but theres a lot of anger within the conservative party. There are a lot of mps who think they should be focusing on Economic Growth more so like cutting taxes, so things like cutting taxes, supply side reform. But it is a supply side reform. But it is a good thing that inflation is finally coming down. Yeah i should bring in my story here because its got it slightly further down the list , but its further down the list, but its the ft is on the same subject , the ft is on the same subject, but a little bit more about core inflation, not falling, but do we care about core inflation a lot of people Liam Halligan yesterday saying , well, core yesterday saying, well, core inflation is a bit of a red herring, really should be looking ppi. Looking at ppi. Well, just so that everyones with when we talk with us at home, when we talk about inflation, about core inflation, thats with energy taken out with food and energy taken out of its sort of a bit of it. So its sort of a bit more of an indicator of how were doing generally. Generally. Then generally. But then yeah, i mean, youre right. And mean, i guess youre right. And that thing that most that food is the thing that most people pain people feel the pain of. Well, and energy well, yeah, well, and energy and daily mail we see and in the daily mail we see olive oil is 45 up on last year still. So thats quite significant isnt it really 45 up. Its always been expensive as well. Olive oil . Well, olive oil has always been prized. Daily meals. The top of the daily meals olive oil. Daily meals list is olive oil. The cheapest type of whats the cheapest type of oil sunflower. Whats the cheapest type of oil so unflower. Whats the cheapest type of oil so . 1flower. Whats the cheapest type of oil so . Well, r. Whats the cheapest type of oil so . Well, just vegetable oil. So . Well, just vegetable oil. So . Well, just vegetable oil. Vegetable oil. Vegetable oil. Yeah, i would think. Yeah yeah, i would think. Yeah but i do think we need to let sunak have a little win because hes been so badly on the pledges and it looks like he might hit this pledge. Yes. But i might hit this pledge. Yes. But i mean, yes, im for all not trying to bash politicians the whole time, but i do slightly baulk when they try that inflation try to claim that inflation coming down is because nothing to do with nothing to do with him. But i still think its like patting a child on head. Patting a child on the head. Hes saying, i want it to come down. Yes, wish is come down. Yes, your wish is coming its not like coming true, but its not like your have worked in your policies have worked in this instance. Its this particular instance. Its the nations wish. Theres concerns about also, theres concerns about wages those wages because weve seen those go wages because weve seen those 9 up wages because weve seen those go up a lot. Many would go up quite a lot. Many would say thats a good thing because its keeping inflation. Its keeping up with inflation. But but then are saying, but but then people are saying, is wage price spiral . Is there a wage price spiral . But apparently that a yes. But apparently that a lot of that is linked to the one off payment. So a lot of the pubuc off payment. So a lot of the Public Sector have had so its not a sort of genuine figure. Not a sort of genuine figure. Yeah, i was shocked to see that Public Sector pay has now risen faster than private sector pay risen faster than private sector pay because it it was the pay because it was it was the other way round for a little while and 10. 9. How can you have pubuc while and 10. 9. How can you have public pay faster Public Sector pay rise faster than and than private sector pay and expect sector pay expect the private sector to pay for sector . It must for the Public Sector . It must be very tricky to add up the figures in the treasury at the moment. Talking of the treasury , talking of the treasury, emily in the guardian this morning, weve got the triple lock that its all about the pm. Very serious , but the pm very serious, but the pm standing by the pension triple lock which will be i mean a great sense of relief for a lot of people actually. Great sense of relief for a lot of people. Lots of angry and lot of people. Lots of angry and bitter young people though, who are paying for it through their taxes. But its hardly surprising that the Prime Minister is to going stick by this. Something that i this. It is something that i mean, the average conservative voter now is , you know, over 60. Voter now is, you know, over 60. Yeah so he needs to appeal to those people and i dont think labour would get rid of it ehhen labour would get rid of it either. Well, this is extremely expensive. Expensive. I mean, im just explaining how expensive i was reading something it Something Like 10 billion. It could go and it was predicted could go up and it was predicted in budget to be billion in the budget to be 2. 5 billion this year will cost pensions, will treasury extra this year will cost pensions, wi|billion treasury extra this year will cost pensions, wi|billion nextreasury extra this year will cost pensions, wi|billion next year,y extra this year will cost pensions, wi|billion next year, 2. 5 extra 10 billion next year, 2. 5 billion more than estimated just in spring budget. Billion more than estimated just in it ring budget. Billion more than estimated just in it really udget. Billion more than estimated just in it really isget. Billion more than estimated just in it really is spiralling. I so it really is spiralling. I mean, thats a huge amount of money, its inflationary. So , yes, more pressure so, yes, more pressure upwards, but emily is completely right. Once once the government commits these things, almost no government actually pulls back from actual commitments to give people money. No or on the large scale. But there would be thered be thered be uproar trying to pull out of that, wouldnt it . I mean, the benefit for the government will be if government will be that if inflation drops significantly as they want it to, then obviously that that £10 billion bill is going to its going to drop significantly as well. They could make it a double lock. Yeah. Yeah. Or a single lock because its 2. 5. So they just they would have to pay 25 if inflation goes below 2. 5. Yeah. Its not to going i never think. Yeah well. Yeah well. Yeah well. Well it will but thered be a lot of, a of elderly people lot of, a lot of elderly people and pensioners would and pensioners who would really suffer pensions went down by suffer if pensions went down by a considerable amount, but suffer if pensions went down by a considerable amount , but they a considerable amount, but they would maybe needs be a would maybe it needs to be a little bit means tested little bit more means tested whether are wealthy, whether there are some wealthy, very , though. Very expensive, though. Well, maybe it needs to be a conscience thing maybe we conscience thing and maybe we need people are need to lean on people who are wealthy there so wealthy pensioners. There are so many gold mines many who have huge gold mines that theyre sitting on. You probably to probably dont need to draw their pension, but then their state pension, but then they ive they feel like, oh, well, ive paid all my life. Paid my taxes all my life. Going to what i can. Im going to take what i can. Im going to take what i can. Well, i think this yeah, well, i think this element plus you cant. How element that plus you cant. How do give back so that you do you give it back so that you cant give back the cant you cant give back the winter allowance. Winter fuel allowance. You cant do yeah, well, thats when yeah, well, thats like when people buffett say, people like Warren Buffett say, people like Warren Buffett say, people me should paying people like me should be paying more is, more tax and the answer is, well, always give it to more tax and the answer is, wel state always give it to more tax and the answer is, welstate if always give it to more tax and the answer is, welstate if you. Ways give it to more tax and the answer is, wel state if you want. Give it to more tax and the answer is, wel state if you want. Can it to more tax and the answer is, wel state if you want. Can you . The state if you want. Can you . Yeah, you can make a donation. You can make a donation. You can make a donation the state you want. Write a check to hmrc. Stephen youre feeling stephen if youre feeling very generous. Im. Generous. No, im. Saving retirement. Im saving for my retirement. Thank much indeed. Im thank you very much indeed. Im not more than not giving him any more than a hefty. Thank you very much indeed. To leave it indeed. Weve got to leave it there, emily, well there, freddie. Emily, well catch you a little bit catch up with you a little bit later course, it is right . Of course, it is a level results just over a level results day in just over an tens thousands of an hour. Tens of thousands of students be opening those students will be opening those envelopes. Remember that envelopes. We all remember that day, dont and be day, dont we . And well be thinking about they can thinking about what they can expect from their results. To the yeah, lets talk to the education gillian education secretary, Gillian Keegan, from keegan, who joins us from westminster. Good to see you this are going this morning. And are we going to see great deflation today as people are expecting . I mean, you cant help but feel very sorry who arent sorry for students who arent going get, despite all their going to get, despite all their hard work, perhaps wont get some of grades that they some of the grades that they were for. Were hoping for. Well, first of all, i think we should say a massive congratulations to students today because they have been through lot to get to through quite a lot to get to this point. Have had quite a lot of they have had quite a lot of disruption and theyve worked so hard point. So hard to get to this point. So thatis hard to get to this point. So that is the first thing to say. And second thing to say is and the second thing to say is dont number of dont worry, the number of university places are the university places are still the same. And the fact that, you same. And the fact that, you know, obviously if we change the grading system, the grades know, obviously if we change the grading backem, the grades know, obviously if we change the grading back to the grades know, obviously if we change the grading back to normalides know, obviously if we change the grading back to normal, es know, obviously if we change the grading back to normal , there is change back to normal, there is still the same. In fact, even greater for greater opportunity for this cohort of students because we also have many, many other opportunities well, such as opportunities as well, such as many more degree apprenticeships i well, its easy to say, dont worry and to be encouraging, but these are students who got record gcse results. You know, the best ever because they were marked by their own teachers , marked by their own teachers, which know the circumstances which we know the circumstances around and understand around that. And we understand why we then look at what their a level process has been like why we then look at what their a l 2023. So all weve done is and this is really important because our exams both gcses and a levels, are highly regarded across the world and we just want to make sure they keep that value. And obviously we needed to go back from teacher assessed grades and we did that last yeah grades and we did that last year. Now were going back year. But now were going back to grading system and to the normal grading system and that make that these that will make sure that these hold they do hold their value and they do have true value. Do we need to perhaps look as part of the part of the problem with the system . And it goes back long, time , this back a long, long time, this idea getting people to idea of getting 50 of people to university and all the rest of it has proved problem somatic. Do need to have more focus do we need to have more focus now those people , whether now on those people, whether they do a levels or not . But you know, training , you know, Vocational Training, you know, Vocational Training, you know, Vocational Training, you know, vocational pathways or academic pathways and actually just be almost a little bit harsher with it in terms of just not expect everyone to go to uni i well, m well, what weve been doing is actually working up a lot of those other routes. So in 2020 i actually introduced the first t levels as the apprenticeships and skills minister. That was dunng and skills minister. That was during the pandemic, but it was very important that on very important that we got on with making have really with making sure we have really great Technical Education routes into the workplace as well. So into the workplace as well. So there new qualifications weve designed with 250 leading employers. And so the second employers. And so the second year of those exam results will also be out today. Year of those exam results will also be out today. In addition to that, weve been working on the higher technical qualifications and weve been opening new institutes opening up new institutes of technology. Therell be of technology. Therell be 21 of those total. And they again those in total. And they again are collaborations with lots and lots of businesses and of course my favourite degree apprenticeships, because i did a degree apprenticeship myself. So i theyre fantastic. Weve i think theyre fantastic. Weve been that there been making sure that there is much access weve much broader access and weve still work to do, but still got more work to do, but making sure that we have 670 now, apprenticeship now, different apprenticeship standards into lots of different jobs at lots different jobs at lots of different levels. You want to be a levels. So if you want to be a medical now, do medical doctor now, you can do it degree apprenticeship it via a degree apprenticeship if want an accountant, if you want to be an accountant, you via a degree. You can do it via a degree. Apprenticeship cybersecurity , a apprenticeship cybersecurity, a nurse, a policeman , pretty much nurse, a policeman, pretty much any career space engineer, any career you can think of, you can now access via a multiple route. So not just university. So if so not just university. So if you want to go down the other route like i did, which is good because youre kind of working and youre learning and earning at the time, but you also at the same time, but you also do have to the student do not have to pay the student debt part of debt because that is part of your apprenticeship. Debt because that is part of you alliprenticeship. Debt because that is part of you all ofanticeship. Debt because that is part of you all of these ;hip. Debt because that is part of you all of these different are all of these different routes and we will be doing routes and what we will be doing from this year, actually all the apprenticeships but apprenticeships are on ucas, but from next year youll actually be also apply directly be able to also apply directly from as well. So were from ucas as well. So were doing a lot of work in the background the background to really broaden the opfions background to really broaden the options for young people that options for young people so that they more options than they have more options than pretty much anybody whos gone before them. About the international what about the International Students . Seem have more students . You seem to have more opfions students . You seem to have more options than britons when it comes to clearing a lot of noise and discomfort about that. Is that a failure higher that a failure of Higher Education policy . Education policy . No, its actually a very misleading figure because they took a snapshot on a particular day. So to just put into context, about 15 of undergraduate students will be International Students. Thats 85 of our universities are basically filled with home students. The vast majority of International Students, about 70 of International Students actually come to do postgraduate in our universities. And what they looked at in clearing is just on one day when the International Courses have been opened up for international clearing. But the uk ones hadnt. And the reason is because the International Students get their a level equivalents first. So theyre basically going through clearing now. So you will see more basically going through clearing now. So you will see more and more of the home student clearing coming up as we now have our results coming through. So its bit of a misleading. So its a bit of a misleading picture that someone took one picture that someone took on one day. Important thing is day. But the important thing is 85 of them, our home students at undergraduate level, Gillian Keegan weve got 10s left when it gets debated in parliament. Will you support our dont kill Cash Campaign . Were taking the petition to downing street today. Well, i think cash is very important and having access to cash is very important. You know, i worked many, many years ago actually on development of digital but the way digital cash, but all the way along, we always knew it was important that option important to have that option of real many , many real cash for many, many different uses. Okay, lovely. Good to see you okay, lovely. Good to see you this morning. Thanks much indeed. Thank you. Thank you. Heres your weather. Heres your weather. Looks like things are heating up. Boxed boilers, proud up. Boxed boilers, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Ah, good morning hello there. Ah, good morning to you. Im Jonathan Vautrey here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good dose of sunshine. Generally you of sunshine. Generally if you are the west and are further towards the west and the south thing this the south first thing this morning. Little stubborn morning. But a little stubborn cloud northeast cloud across northeast england into break up into scotland that will break up as we head into the afternoon. As we head into the afternoon. So more sunny intervals developing and if you do catch the feeling the sunshine, still feeling pleasantly 26 c, pleasantly warm, 24, 26 c, possible inland , but theres a possible inland, but theres a bit more of a breeze around. So particularly for eastern coastal areas, touch areas, it will feel a touch cooler to yesterday cooler compared to yesterday into the overnight period as well. See the well. Well start to see the cloud build again. Again from the lincolnshire the north sea, from lincolnshire up eastern scotland and up into eastern scotland and then widespread cloud then much more widespread cloud building from the south West Building in from the south west as bit more of a mild as well. So a bit more of a mild night to generally around night to come, generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. Night to come, generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. The 13 to 15 c as our lows. The humidity, though, beginning to build as all this rain begins to pushin build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west. Some heavy outbreaks for Northern Ireland, wales, england, perhaps rumbles of england, perhaps some rumbles of thunder there as well. Thunder in there as well. It will out into the will peter out into the afternoon. So scotland turning to that with some to stay that bit dry with some sunny intervals and theres sunny intervals. And theres a bit of slice from south wales bit of a slice from south wales into south west where into South West England where will well. 26 c will turn dry it as well. 26 c as the max for today. Will turn dry it as well. 26 c as the max for today. But as as the max for today. But as i said, the humidity certainly building further building and theres further rain for the rain on the cards for the overnight period this area of rain on the cards for the overpressureriod this area of rain on the cards for the overpressure beginsthis area of rain on the cards for the overpressure begins tos area of rain on the cards for the overpressure begins to push of rain on the cards for the overpressure begins to push its low pressure begins to push its way in and could provide a pretty to the pretty unsettled end to the working week isobars squeezing together as well to provide some gusty winds in places. Enjoy your day. Bye bye. Law your day. Bye bye. Law looks like things are heating up. Boxed boilers proud sponsors up. Boxed boilers proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Well. Very good morning to you. Its 7 00 on thursday. The 17th of august. Today gb news is taking the dont kill Cash Campaign to downing street after we accumulated nearly 300,000 signatures is in a bid to ensure cash remains legal. Tender until 2050. Students ride across the country eagerly awaiting their a level results in an hour. Thats when the drop shop where you can get hope in your envelopes. Anyway, the grades envelopes. Anyway, the grades could actually drop as well. For the second year running. This comes after the pandemic led to a spike in top grades as actor Bradley Cooper has been accused of fuelling anti semitic stereotypes. Stereotypes. This comes as he wore a prosthetic nose in the upcoming film maestro , a biopic about the film maestro, a biopic about the composer Leonard Bernstein. Composer Leonard Bernstein. Oh, its a controversial one. Will debate all of that for you. Plus of course, well have the latest forecast with jonathan after a good dose of summer yesterday for many of us, will that becoming a repeated pattern over the next few days . Join me later for the fall weather details. Weather details. Very good morning to you. Im isabel webster. Im stephen dixon. This is im stephen dixon. This is breakfast on news. Breakfast on news. Well, our top story this morning focusing very much. You want to read a view . I was going to do some views go forjust to do some views go for just because on the on the dont kill cash thing, actually, because i love it when we get ones that dont go the go against the tides, it were. Tides, as it were. Steve hi. Steve says in my opinion, dont opinion, we really dont need cash. Im finding it cash. Personally im finding it hard to understand why your petition is acquired. So many signatures but no , its a fair signatures, but no, its a fair point. And if you dont use cash , maybe you sort of think, whats the point . But i guess because im you, steve, i because im like you, steve, i dont use it. However its about choice. And those people who do use cash and who rely on cash were finding themselves unable to use it now. And thats a problem. Is it mean youd want problem. Is it mean youd want to use cash if you so decided to and you got so many places now ive noticed where they say we dont accept cash anymore or card only and is that a problem . 7 maybe . Maybe . Well, look, we have been petitioning on this. You have responded and we will be delivering it to the chancellor. Jeremy hunt, this afternoon on behalf of over. Jeremy hunt, this afternoon on behalf of over. 270,000 of you behalf of over. 270,000 of you who joined i dont kill Cash Campaign. Well, with more than 5 million adults in britain still relying on cash. Take note of that, steve. The letter calls for laws to protect its status as legal tender and is a widely accepted means of payment until at least 2050. Well, lets speak now to dont kill cash advocate and fellow gb news presented nigel farage. Good morning to you. And isuppose farage. Good morning to you. And i suppose you are our case study in many ways this morning, nigel, because youre a really good of what happen good example of what can happen if you you didnt have cash if you if you didnt have cash and then youre debunked. Itd been position. Been very difficult position. Couldnt live could well you couldnt live could you. I mean actually you know having a bank account, its rather like having water in your house or electricity. It is, it is something that cant is something that you cant live with out 21st century. But the real problem here is if we kill cash, not only do we wipe out lots of Small Traders all over the country , leaving them at the the country, leaving them at the mercy of the card providers who charge ever higher percentages on their sales, but i mean, what, for example , if youre what, for example, if youre running a fish stall in a place without the internet, i mean, you know, youve got no option but to take cash. And what ive seen with my de Banking Campaign is very , very deliberate is a very, very deliberate effort by the banks to drive cash out of the system. You go to your bank and try and withdraw a reasonably large sum of cash. Theyll ask you what its for. They may not let you its for. They may not let you do and more seriously, you do it. And more seriously, you go do it. And more seriously, you 9 try do it. And more seriously, you go try. You go try and go and try. You go and try and pay go and try. You go and try and pay into a bank and theyre pay cash into a bank and theyre now putting limits , a monthly now putting limits, a monthly and yearly limits on what businesses can pay. And so once again , all of these changes again, all of these changes might suit people in london, but it doesnt suit the little man or woman outside of london. Longer term, my biggest fear is this from 2030, we will have in this from 2030, we will have in this country a form of Central Bank Digital currency, really sunak and the government are fully in favour of this. Theyre actively recruiting people right now. If we get to that, the state will be able to control how we spend our money and that would be a serious loss of freedom. So for lots of reasons, freedom. So for lots of reasons, keeping cash as legal tender makes sense. And i think really makes sense. And i think really for a channel like ours thats just two years old to have gathered over a quarter of a million signatures. In short order tells you its a real estate deal. Estate deal. What strikes me with all of this, nigel, is the idea. What strikes me with all of this, nigel, is the idea. And we this, nigel, is the idea. And we know because, i mean, look, we all know that what were about as a channel is about hearing all voices, all perspectives and having a bit of respect for people that we dont actually agree with. And with all of this, this is about choice. Its free. You may not like steve, whos emailed in. He may not want to use cash, but if other people do , then it just, quite people do, then it just, quite frankly, should be allowed. Well , of course frankly, should be allowed. Well, of course i think we are very good, actually , steve. Are very good, actually, steve. And allowing all sides of an argument, you know, on to our onto our screens and throughout our debates, were really good at providing that kind of balanced debate. Yes, it is about choice. And were living in a country increasingly where choices have been taken from us. If we go the whole hog, if we go cashless, if we go central bank, digital currencies, government will start to make choices for us, how we can spend our money. And today its already happening. Ive people write happening. Ive had people write to with natwest accounts to me with natwest accounts whove had their accounts closed down because theyve been transferring money through coinbase and fca legitimate company into cryptocurrencies. So already banks are beginning to tell us what we can and cant do. So this really is about choice in every way. Yeah. And you know, aside from the banking issue, theres so many strands to this, arent there, nigel . I weve had there, nigel . I mean, weve had emails morning from emails in this morning from people to people saying i prefer to use cash because a sense of cash because i get a sense of just how much ive you just how much ive spent. You can see a physical reduction as you unlike when youre you spend, unlike when youre tapping also tapping in and out. Theres also the discrimination issue a the age discrimination issue. A lot just simply arent lot of people just simply arent in Digital World that in the Digital World that everybodys expected in, everybodys expected to live in, and excludes a portion of and it excludes a portion of society. Society. Yes, i mean, we all talk about inclusion in endlessly, talk about inclusion. We are talk about inclusion. We are quite right. What about older people and what those who people and what about those who havent accounts . Over havent got Bank Accounts . Over a havent got a Million People havent got bank , havent got Bank Accounts, havent got credit they absolutely credit cards. So they absolutely rely theres no rely on cash . Yeah, theres no question about that. I mean, look , you know, i, i really look, you know, i, i really think i really think weve struck a chord. Of course, we struck a chord. Of course, we listen to people with different points of view, but the point about knowing how much money, if youre shelling over the £20 notes in a pub to buy a round of drinks, you think, crikey, yeah , yeah. You tap in on a card at the end of the month, you know, i couldnt possibly have spent that. And there are also little practical things, niceties in life like how would you tip the postman at christmas if we lived in a Cashless Society . There are in a Cashless Society . There are lots of Little Things like that where cash is still very convenient. Convenient. Yeah, look. Very good point. Well made. Just. Just a quickie, nigel. Well, if. If well made. Just. Just a quickie, nigel. Well, if. If this well made. Just. Just a quickie, nigel. Well, if. If this gets nigel. Well, if. If this gets discussed by parliament, how do they argue against it . How would they argue against it . How would the government argue against it . Because actually it just seems common sense, doesnt it, to say, yeah , well, hold on, well say, yeah, well, hold on, well hold on to it for the next 25 years . The argument against it is very clear. They will argue Money Laundering. Now, look, we know there is an International Drugs trade worth tens of billions of dollars every single month. But everything we put in place through anti Money Laundering laws , through banks, laundering laws, through banks, checking carefully on what cash we put in and take out, all it doesis we put in and take out, all it does is affect the innocent. None of it has stopped the Big International money launderers. The whole thing has been a sledgehammer to miss a nut. But thatis sledgehammer to miss a nut. But that is the argument that they would use. Would use. Great to see you. Thank you. Great to see you. Thank you. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. Just talk a lot of sense. It does. Yeah. Cant argue with that, really. Do you agree with these politics or not . Theres some things hes just absolutely its a the head. There you a nail on the head. There you go. A level results date. So its a level results date. So many on this many views on this, this morning. Says, i have three morning. He says, i have three boys, studied for boys, none of whom studied for a levels or went to university. They all very salaries they all earn very good salaries. My granddaughters just taken a gcses and shes now earned herself apprenticeship herself an apprenticeship with an an engineer. So an airline to be an engineer. So theres lots of messages of hope, saying young people hope, saying to young people this if you dont get this morning, if you dont get the that youd hoped the results that youd hoped for, expecting for, because were expecting a bit of deflation in those bit of a deflation in those grades today. Are of grades today. There are lots of opfions grades today. There are lots of options out there. And not to panic. Thats the overarching panic. Thats the overarching message today, not just from our viewers and listeners, but also the education secretary who we spoke to just a few moments ago. 0h spoke to just a few moments ago. Oh no, we havent got that clip. I thought we had the clip, too, but we havent got that clip. But never mind. In the meantime, lets talk the meantime, lets talk to the shadow education education secretary phillipson, shadow education education secrrjoins phillipson, shadow education education secrrjoins us phillipson, shadow education education secrrjoins us from dhillipson, shadow education education secrrjoins us from westminster. Who joins us from westminster. Good morning to you. Good to see good morning to you. Good to see you this morning. Hello. What do you this morning. Hello. What do you this morning. Hello. What do you make of this . Because although there is going to be some levels of disappointment, we understand that. But actually this is being more realistic in terms of those results and grades, isnt it . Terms of those results and grades, isnt it . Yeah first of all, i just want to take the moment to congratulate all the young people receiving their results today. Theyve worked incredibly hard. Its been tough couple of been a really tough couple of years for young people coming out pandemic. The out of the pandemic. All the disruption experienced disruption that they experienced. And want to congratulate. And i do want to congratulate them. Of brilliant them. Thank all of the brilliant staff working our schools and staff working in our schools and colleges them colleges whove supported them through difficult times. Colleges whove supported them throtyou difficult times. Colleges whove supported them throtyou knowdifficult times. Colleges whove supported them throtyou know , fficult times. Colleges whove supported them throtyou know , there times. Colleges whove supported them throtyou know , there areres. Colleges whove supported them throtyou know , there are lots of but, you know, there are lots of opportunities available for young people are out there. Young people that are out there. And think really and i think it is really important focus on important that we focus on making that those good making sure that those good pathways whether pathways are available, whether thats university to thats going on at university to an apprenticeship into the an apprenticeship or into the world. And i that world of work. And i know that the working across the staff working right across education will be doing everything possibly everything that they possibly can in the weeks ahead can today and in the weeks ahead to make that young people to make sure that young people have opportunities. To make sure that young people havethose opportunities. To make sure that young people havethose prospects rtunities. To make sure that young people havethose prospects arerities. And those prospects are interesting. Interesting. Hearing labour that when hearing labour say that when we all remember not so long ago , tony blair, most , tony blair, your most successful recent Prime Minister, who really minister, who is really responsive for the huge numbers that were seeing trying to get into university today, perhaps as know, a lot of people as you know, a lot of people would accept people who shouldnt be going to university, many dropping shouldnt be going to unirbecauserany dropping shouldnt be going to unirbecauserany arentopping shouldnt be going to unirbecauserany arent enjoying out because they arent enjoying the courses, arent able to keep up youve changed position on up. Youve changed position on that very much. Regret that very much. Do you regret the policies then . Education, education, trying to get half of all students into universities. All students into universities. Education was a major focus of the last Labour Government, and if i were education secretary, id make sure that under the next Labour Government its a big focus once again. I mean, does mean making sure mean, that does mean making sure that people want to go that young people who want to go to University Get that opportunity so and for all opportunity to do so and for all people about that people tend to talk about that number terms 50, its number in terms of 50, its often far less in places like sunderland where im an mp, where young people have those opportunities. Its about the range opportunities its range of opportunities and its about people having real about young people having real choices whats best for choices about whats best for them and apprenticeship, universal the world of work, further study. But sadly weve further study. But sadly weve actually a big drop off in actually seen a big drop off in the number of apprenticeship starts people. And starts for our young people. And im determined have to im determined that we have to put dont see put that right. But i dont see any conflict between making sure that youve got university there as for those young as an option for those young people who want to carry on studying at university, but alongside that other routes too, for training , for study, for the for training, for study, for the world of work. Yeah i mean, there is perhaps its developed over the past few years. The idea amongst some young people, at least , that if they people, at least, that if they dont get into university then anything else is second best, which seems like a really unfortunate position actually, because obviously we rely day in, day out on people in at all levels of work whove not been to university. To university. Absolutely. Its about a range of different opportunities and i think also for young people, many of whom will be getting results this morning, sometimes you dont always know it. At 17 to 18. 19. Exactly what you want to do with the rest of your life. Sometimes rest of your life. And sometimes people different people will try different opfions people will try different options and they will find out what them. I think it what works for them. I think it is young people is important that young people get access to get really good access to careers, to work careers, guidance and to Work Experience so they see experience so that they can see the range opportunities that the range of opportunities that are why labour are there. Thats why labour have a commitment, have got a commitment, are making that all of our making sure that all of our young people have high young people have access to high quality guidance so that quality careers guidance so that they of they do know all of the opportunities are available opportunities that are available to them and whats out there. But sadly, we have but as i say, sadly, we have seen drop in number seen the drop off in the number of apprenticeship starts that are our young are available for our young people as country, we people. And as a country, we need change that with need to change that because with the were to the shift that were going to see to come around see in the years to come around Climate Transition in particular, well need to make sure that got really sure that weve got a really skilled that were Skilled Workforce and that were providing opportunities because many of the that will come many of the jobs that will come through transition will be through that transition will be well paid highly skilled and well paid and highly skilled and i how we will i think thats how we will compete the as compete in the future as a country too. Yeah, its interesting. The education Gillian Keegan the Education Sector few minutes ago sector just a few minutes ago kind echoing that sentiment, sector just a few minutes ago ksuppose. 1oing that sentiment, sector just a few minutes ago ksuppose. 1oing theexample, nt, sector just a few minutes ago ksuppose. 1oing theexample, many i suppose. Another example, many people close to people saying youre so close to the and so many the two parties and so many issues this towards issues in this drive towards more certainly more apprenticeships. Certainly one of those, but im interested if education secretary, if you were education secretary, would you look at the way that universities are funded . Not only we seeing lecturers out only are we seeing lecturers out only are we seeing lecturers out on refusing to mark on strike refusing to mark papers, but we have a huge problem with University Fees not having enough money, which means theyre trying to recruit so many more International Students that actually theyre being put at of the queue ahead at the front of the queue ahead of very often British School leavers comes to leavers when it comes to clearing. And expecting clearing. And were expecting clearing. And were expecting clearing than ever clearing to be busier than ever today results today because of the results being degraded after the pandemic. So what would you do pandemic. So what would you do about the way that universities are funding it needs a look, doesnt it . It does. Doesnt it . It does. The system that weve got right now wont endure for the long term. The government know that, theyve kicked the that, but theyve kicked the issue into long and issue into the long grass and theyre taking those kinds theyre not taking those kinds of long term decisions. Weve ended a situation for ended up in a situation for where young people themselves, the thats coming in from the system thats coming in from september onwards will even september onwards will be even less the system less progressive than the system that right now. So low that we have right now. So low and end up and middle earners will end up paying and middle earners will end up paying over a much longer paying back over a much longer penod paying back over a much longer period time and end period of time and theyll end up often than up paying back more often than their more affluent peers at university. I dont think that university. I dont think that is right. It does need to change and labour will have work out and labour will have to work out how about changing that how we go about changing that system. If we win the next election. But International Students alongside that do play a make a really a really important make a really important contribution to our towns cities. Ive seen in towns and cities. Ive seen in sunderland impact its sunderland and the impact its had having a range of people coming city to study coming into our city to study that with greater that brings with it greater investment , greater investment, greater opportunities, facilities, regions creation thats available for the whole community to use. And of course there a balance strike. There is a balance to strike. But i think one particularly you look some our look at some of our universities, in universities, its actually in postgraduate courses where there have the bigger increases have been the bigger increases in International Students. So its not necessarily having that impact in terms of squeezing out domestic students. But we need to keep that under and we to keep that under review and we need make sure that were need to make sure that were providing those really high quality opportunities. University places, apprenticeships, further training and study for all of our young people. Its incredibly important. It was mistake, wasnt it, it was a mistake, wasnt it, when labour in tuition when labour brought in tuition fees. Fees. No, it was a means of opening up access to university and creating more places. I went to university under the first version of that system, so i made a contribution of very different kind of contribution. And alongside that, we made sure that there was proper support in place support young people place to support young people from all disadvantaged backgrounds into university to what concerns me increasingly when i speak to students visiting universities is that the cost of living pressures that everyone is experiencing right now , students are also right now, students are also facing. So when we talk about the number of young people who perhaps their perhaps dont complete their degree , i think degree at university, i think some those pressures are some of those pressures are really impact. And really having an impact. And also some of the wider challenges young people are challenges that young people are facing health, facing around Mental Health, too. As in our too. Thats been as true in our schools colleges coming out schools and colleges coming out of the pandemic. Before it, but also the impact the pandemic also the impact of the pandemic , thats feeding through , and thats feeding through into as well. Into our university as well. Okay i just want to ask you lastly, were submitting our dont kill Cash Campaign today to downing street. I dont know to downing street. I dont know if youve heard about our petition. To get petition. Weve managed to get 280,000 so signature. That 280,000 or so signature. That means its going to be debated in parliament. You put in parliament. Would you put your behind it . Want your backing behind it . We want to remains legal to make sure it remains legal tender until at least 2050. Tender until at least 2050. Well, ive been contacted by lots of constituents who are really concerned about the impact this has all having. And i think particularly for some of for often for older residents in particular, its really important that we make sure were access to were maintaining access to cash. So i think it is about getting that balance right. Of course, people, you using course, many people, you using contactless or using card payment easy and payment is really easy and straightforward forward. But i know for lots people, know for lots of people, especially tighter especially those on tighter budgets our older budgets or some of our older residents, they would like to keep that option open of being able by cash, but also able to pay by cash, but also having access to because having access to cash because increasingly , as branches have increasingly, as branches have closed high streets, its closed on our high streets, its tougher than people to tougher than ever for people to access cash. And we need to make sure protecting that sure were protecting that access with cash machines. Were glad you agree. Bridget were glad you agree. Bridget phillipson shadow education secretary, thank you very much indeed talking us this indeed for talking to us this morning. Lets talk to anne lets talk now to Anne Longfield , whos a former longfield, whos a former childrens and who childrens commissioner and who joins now. Good to see you. Joins us now. Good to see you. This morning. Are you concerned about this grade deflation that that were seeing this year . So were told. Or is it a move back to more realistic standards . Well, i mean, Everyone Wants to move back to life as normal before the pandemic , but we before the pandemic, but we cant get away from the fact that kids have had to three years now of huge disruption in their education and in this country. The decisions being made to go back to 2019, grading. But in scotland and in wales, that hasnt been the case. And my concern is that for those disadvantaged kids that have had it toughest during this period , it toughest during this period, for those that have spent the most time out of school, a lot of those in the north, the Northern Powerhouse partnership, have raising big concern have been raising big concern about this. Then it just isnt fair. It about this. Then it just isnt fair. It isnt the same. About this. Then it just isnt fair. It isnt the same. They fair. It isnt the same. They havent had those same opportunities and they havent had that same support. So we should be aware of that. Well see where it goes today. But i think thats something which was a mistake today. It needed another year. And of course the implications that weve seen of many of these results being inflated the last few years is that students have been going on to courses that they havent been able to keep weve seen been able to keep up. Weve seen a level of first a high dropout level of first year and across the year students and across the board. Will this go some way to board. Will this go some way to addressing that . I mean, i know you expressed concern about it being through, could being rushed through, but could this beneficial for this actually be beneficial for students that theyre not then going on courses they going to on courses that they arent suits for . Well of arent really suits for . Well of course, you know you know, we all want kids to be able to cope with whatever course they go on. But mean think that my preference would be that we prepare children properly for the world of further and Higher Education. We give them that catch up support in school, much of which hasnt got through to the most disadvantaged children and the ones who have had the most learning loss , but also most learning loss, but also that we have the kind of support in place as well at university. In place as well at university. It can be around Mental Health. It can be around Mental Health. I heard Bridget Phillipson just saying there it could be the cost of living crisis, it could be Mental Health, it could be a whole range of issues. But certainly children havent cant quickly click fingers and quickly click their fingers and go back to where we were. There go back to where we were. There are consequences. And the Public Accounts Committee themselves has said this is going to take a decade to play through. So we need to be aware of that. Need to be aware of that. In terms of disappointment for young people when it comes to university places, are we going to see that manifest itself today or not . Because as you said, theres a differential with scotland can accept that. However for most universities and most students, if theyve been offered a place with three as, but theres been this grade deflation. Well the universities are going to have to tweak those offers, arent they . Offers, arent they . Well, i mean, hope universal. This will be sensitive to that and be able to have some flexibility. But we do expect that the figures are that around 75,000 fewer and results will be seen today. And ucas have been seen today. And ucas have been saying that, you know, the advice is to get in early to the Clearing House to have option b ready and to really get onto that very early. We expect about 20, 20 not to get their first time place. But look , this is a time place. But look, this is a day thats always tense for young people. Well remember it ourselves. Its a day where, you ourselves. Its a day where, you know, you feel your whole future depends on it. But actually, lots of people dont get the grades they want or dont get the options that they thought they want. The in the they would want. The in the past. So its a moment of opportunity, but its really important to keep those options open and get the best advice they possibly can. , well, thats good yeah, well, thats good advice itself. Advice in itself. And longfield, thanks very much indeed its the much indeed. No, its not the end of world if you dont end of the world if you dont get you want. Feels like get what you want. It feels like the end of the world. But it isnt. Its not really. It isnt. Its not really. Isnt it opens opportunities opens up different opportunities and other doors dont panic. Yeah. Well also be debating a little bit later on in the programme whether or not its actually even necessary to get a degree. Lots people on to degree. Lots of people go on to have success without have huge success without getting you know, there getting one. And you know, there are different are lots of different paths these so know your these days, so let us know your thoughts that a little bit thoughts on that a little bit later with later in the program. But with the 721, lets take a the time at 721, lets take a look at the latest headlines. A 39 year old man has been arrested suspicion of arrested on suspicion of collecting that collecting information that could to terrorists could be useful to terrorists amid Northern Ireland data amid the Northern Ireland data breach. Week, data on breach. Last week, data on 10,000 officers and staff were posted online. The force declared it a Critical Incident i prince harry has released a new trailer for his heart of Invictus Netflix documentary. It will tell the stories about several athletes , their several athletes, their backgrounds and their path to the games. An event will be held the games. An event will be held in dusseldorf in germany from september the 9th to the 16th. Member staff at the British Museum has apparently been fired after a number of items were missing, stolen or damaged. Its missing, stolen or damaged. Its being investigated by the police as well. The museum said the items include gold jewellery, semi precious stones and glass. Semi precious stones and glass. Time now to get a check on the forecast with Jonathan Vautrey. Forecast with Jonathan Vautrey. That warm feeling inside from boxt boilers. Proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Weather on. Gb news. Hello there, there. Good morning to you. Im Jonathan Vautrey here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office. Most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good dose of sunshine generally if further towards the if you are further towards the west and south first thing west and the south first thing this but a little this morning. But a little stubborn across northeast stubborn cloud across northeast england that england into scotland and that will up head into will break up as we head into the afternoon. So more sunny intervals. And you intervals developing. And if you do sunshine, still do catch the sunshine, still feeling pleasantly warm, 2420 six degrees celsius possible in land, a bit more of land, but theres a bit more of a breeze around. So particularly for eastern areas, for eastern coastal areas, it will cooler will feel a touch cooler compared yesterday into the compared to yesterday into the overnight well. Well compared to yesterday into the overrt01t well. Well compared to yesterday into the overrto see well. Well compared to yesterday into the overrto see the well. Well compared to yesterday into the overrto see the cloudzll. Well compared to yesterday into the overrto see the cloud buildell start to see the cloud build again and from the north again and again from the north sea, up into sea, from lincolnshire up into eastern and then much eastern scotland and then much more widespread building more widespread cloud building in south west well. In from the south west as well. So of mild night to so a bit more of a mild night to come generally around 13 to come, generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. The humidity there beginning to build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west. Some heavy outbreaks for Northern Ireland, wales, england, perhaps some rumbles in there as rumbles of thunder in there as well. It will out into the well. It will peter out into the afternoon. Scotland tending afternoon. So scotland tending to bit dry with some to stay that bit dry with some sunny and theres sunny intervals and theres a bit slice south wales bit of a slice from south wales into South West England where well well. 26 c well turn dry it as well. 26 c as the max for today. But as i said, the humidity certainly building and theres further rain on the for the rain on the cards for the overnight period this area of overnight period as this area of low begins to push low pressure begins to push its way and provide way in and could provide a pretty unsettled to the pretty unsettled end to the working isobars squeezing working week isobars squeezing together well provide some together as well to provide some gusty winds in places enjoyed by by the that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Of weather on. Gb news. Stay with us. Were talking about the actor Bradley Cooper. Hes been accused of fuelling anti semitic stereotypes. Well have more on that after this or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or or. 0r or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or. Or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or or. Or. Its. Or. Its. 728. Thank you for your company this morning. Weve got lots for you. Still to come on the program , were talking about the program, were talking about a level grades. There expected to drop for a second year running. Lots of nervous students getting their results in around 30 minutes time. Yeah and were going to be talking this morning to Harry Redknapp to discuss the lionesses semi final victory against australia in the womens world cup. Theyre heading to a World Cup Final historic for them. First time for the country actually since 1966. Send us your thoughts. Gb views news. Com i now lam now weve got a hollywood story with the difference for you this morning. The actor Bradley Cooper has been criticised for wearing a prosthetic nose in his upcoming upcoming biopic maestro, in which he stars as the late jewish composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein. Now , the debut of the teaser now, the debut of the teaser prompted discussion on social media, with critics saying its fuelling some anti semitic stereotype. Stereotype. So this morning, were asking , did Bradley Cooper need a prosthetic nose to play the role . And is he fuelling anti semitic stereotype . So anti semitic stereotype . So were joined this morning by hilary freeman, whos a journalist and author. Sorry yes, thats right. Journalist and author as well as the journalist josh kaplan. There we go. Good morning to you both. I want to start with you, hilary , want to start with you, hilary, because this is clearly a highly sensitive issue. Do you think it was necessary for Bradley Cooper to a prosthetic nose . No to have a prosthetic nose . No absolutely not. You know, the whole point about acting is that you make people believe that you are the character. You dont need to turn yourself into a caricature in order to do that. And Bradley Cooper hasnt got a particularly small nose as it is. So yeah, i think its totally unnecessary andifs think its totally unnecessary and its just detracted from the film and from, you know, what might be good about it. And his acting as well. Acting as well. Josh i mean, look, thats a perfectly valid point , but after perfectly valid point, but after having seen the pictures, it doesnt seem id struggle to describe it as a caricature. Is describe it as a caricature. Is it just prosthetics being used to make him look more like the man himself . Man himself . Yeah, thats thats how i see it. I personally think that, you know , when actors take on these know, when actors take on these roles , we have a tendency to roles, we have a tendency to really overthink these things. And i think sometimes its just a of costume work, and a piece of costume work, and i think its, in this case, you know, portraying Leonard Bernsteins face, which as his children said yesterday in a statement they posted on instagram, quote, instagram, he had a quote, a nice big nose. So i think , yeah nice big nose. So i think, yeah , look, and i think its worth pointing out, isnt it, that youre both jewish . Yeah. So this which i think is its really important because this is an especially in the world were living at the moment, this has to be handled very sensitively. Youve got to very sensitively. Youve got to look at these things in a in a delicate way. But would you say hillary, you said it was a caricature. It its not what you would necessarily describe as a as a stereotypical image, though. I mean, arent they simply just trying to make this actor look more like a real person . The man himself . Person . The man himself . Well, why do they need to do that . You know, john lennon had a big nose. Aaron Taylor Johnson played him. He looked nothing like him. You know , and people like him. You know, and people who, you know, actors have played jesus for you know, years and none of them ever look anything like jesus would have looked like we you dont need to looked like we you dont need to look exactly like the person youre playing to, to play a good part. And i think, you good part. And i think, you know, you said you said about the stereotype, its not a stereotypical nose and i think thats the point. You know , thats the point. You know, there is no such thing as a stereotypical jewish nose that is , you know, that is a racist is, you know, that is a racist stereotype. You know, there are stereotype. You know, there are jews with big noses , jews with jews with big noses, jews with small noses, non jews with big noses, non jews, small noses and research has shown that that jews have no bigger noses than anybody else, even though there is this stereotype. So why but but Leonard Bernstein had a big nose and so theyve given him a big nose. Big nose. Well , but y big nose. Well, but y but yes, but Bradley Cooper already has a fairly big nose. He doesnt need to put on another nose in order to make himself look more like Leonard Bernstein. Its not its not a lookalike competition. Its acting. Acting. Its fascinating because we talk about acting and then it broadens. The debate doesnt it, josh, into whether or not actually you have to either be jewish to play a jewish role, whether you have to be gay, to play whether you have to be gay, to play a whether you have to be gay, to play a gay whether you have to be gay, to play a gay role. I mean, certainly if you were to be a white person playing a black role, would uproar, role, there would be an uproar, would there not, if you made your look black. So is it your face look black. So is it not for bradley not the same for Bradley Coopers not promoting anti semitic stereotype here . This idea that only i think this idea that only jews can play jewish roles is a little bit silly. I think, frankly, you look at of frankly, if you look at some of the performances jewish the best performances of jewish characters you characters from history, you know, got ben know, youve got sir ben kingsley, itzhak kingsley, who played itzhak stern in schindlers list. Youve got daniel craig, who was in the film munich. Youve got jason biggs from american pie. These people can play these jewish characters incredibly well. And i think when you when you hard and fast you make these hard and fast rules, you say rules, what you say is you say were separate minority, were were a separate minority, were special. Want you special. We dont want you coming and coming into our turf. And i think ultimately just leads think that ultimately just leads to worse and worse films. To worse and worse films. You think, hillary, what do you think, hillary, on that . Think that jews i dont think that jews should only do should be able to play should only do should be able to play jews, because in that case, you end up with saying, you would end up with saying, well, only non jews play well, only non jews can play non jews. Know, you limit non jews. You know, you limit people playing what they are people to playing what they are and nothing else. But i do think and nothing else. But i do think that when a character is defined by their jewishness in some way, when there are a sort of a giant of the religion of the culture that may be, then it is more important that somebodys jewish based part. And there was a jewish actor up for this part, and Jake Gyllenhaal was was going to do this part. And he ultimately didnt get it. So you know, he you know that for me, that might have been a better casting. Yeah. But hold heres a thought then. If jake, i mean i part of the issue with this that i have is, i mean, i had no idea Jake Gyllenhaal was jewish. I had no idea that Bradley Cooper wasnt jewish. Know , its you jewish. You know, its just, you know, it sort of is for me as know, so it sort of is for me as a sort of standard viewer, i just had no idea. However, if Jake Gyllenhaal had got that part. Hillary and they decided that give him prosthetics to make him look more like bernstein , would you have had an bernstein, would you have had an issue with that . Yeah i think i would. Yeah. I would. Because you dont. You dont need. I still just think you do not need to wear prosthetics to be a good actor and that when you do add prosthetics , it does make prosthetics, it does make someone in some more of a caricature. And the problem with caricature. And the problem with caricature is that it it veers very close to stereotype. Very close to stereotype. Okay, josh, final thought. Okay, josh, final thought. Yeah. I mean, ijust okay, josh, final thought. Yeah. I mean, i just think if you if start banning people you if you start banning people from why from wearing prosthetics, why not dont costumes not say they dont need costumes 7 not say they dont need costumes . Portray . They can just portray themselves acting will themselves and their acting will shine through in the clothes theyre i think theyre supposed to be. I think its argument. Its a silly argument. Okay. Its a silly argument. Josh okay. Hilary freeman, josh kaplan, hilary freeman, an debate. Thank you an interesting debate. Thank you for. We for your perspectives. We appreciate love to know for your perspectives. We appreyoua love to know for your perspectives. We appreyou guys love to know for your perspectives. We appreyou guys at love to know for your perspectives. We appreyou guys at home know for your perspectives. We appreyou guys at home think. What you guys at home think. Whether think it whether or not you think it matters and or not you matters and whether or not you were indeed offended by it. Gb views gbnews. Com. Yeah. I dont know. Know. Its interesting. Its an interesting one. Be nice in those views though, because we will not tolerate anything which is unpleasant, anti semitic. We is unpleasant, anti semitic. We will not stand for it. So dont even dont even try it. If youre thinking along those lines, stay with us. Coming up, we are talking all things lionesses. They roared to victory in those semi finals, didnt they . Yesterday in the womens cup womens football world cup against australia. Coming up, well former well be speaking to former football Harry Redknapp football manager Harry Redknapp for his predictions for sunday right. 740. Lets have a look at the newspapers for you this morning. Lets talk about the lionesses shall we . The son of splashing at lions. Lionesses shall we . The son of splashing at lions. Yes. Win splashing at lions. Yes. Win over australia in the womens world cup. Its common theme. Most of the front pages has to be said. Yes. Great picture of them on the front of the daily mail. But their main story is a gem heist at british heres at the British Museum. Heres the times reporting on rishi sunak , saying hell ease the sunak, saying hell ease the squeeze that people are feeling on the ft. Reports on the battle of the bank of englands base rate, which sounds really dry, but thats the one that really affects us. I suppose its the one that really matters. Listen, were going through the stories that really you today really matter to you today with Freddie Emily carver freddie grey and emily carver and starting with and freddie. Were starting with you this gem heist, because you with this gem heist, because these were priceless, frankly. And you know, this is a serious matter. M atter. Matter. Its a serious but its extraordinary story. But i have to say, having the mail has to say, having read the mail has putits to say, having read the mail has put its on its front page. Theres another story about it in these stories in the times when these stories where it about and where you read it about it and you feel, you less than you feel, you know, less than you feel, you know, less than you bit of a mystery you started, a bit of a mystery because total because its a its a total mystery. So these treasures going 3400 years, sort of going back 3400 years, sort of 1500 to 1900 bc. Egyptian jewellery, gemstones and so on have gone missing. It feels to me a bit like the museum sort of didnt really realise what was going on until quite late and its now sort of backtracking and insisting its doing a very big investigation on George Osborne, very often if you see a story on the front page of George Osborne on it, something funny is going on. Hes chairman of the london museum, so hes saying to saying that its not here to defend himself. Saying that its not here to defthere mself. Saying that its not here to defthere. Rself. There. There. Im saying he stole no one. No ones accusing georgie. No ones accusing georgie. How many jobs is that . How many jobs is that . How many jobs is that . Although he should probably be asked some question there. But no, the another odd line in this piece is that suspicion has centred on a member of staff who has been who has since been sacked. So theres no implication that the member of staff stole it. But if the suspicion is on him, he should have been more than sacked julie or her. He should have been in police investigation. So it feels like a very odd story and well, lets hope we get to the bottom of it. But we wont today from the newspaper. Maybe theyve all been swatted. Its movie , isnt it . Its a movie, isnt it . Its a movie. Everyone loved a heist movie. Everyone loved ones been swapping it. Yeah. Yeah. Paste jewellery. Paste jewellery. Paste jewellery. Or is there a film about that . Yeah its certainly books about the Museum Robbery . About them. The Museum Robbery . No no. I think thats a bit basic for a bit better than that. For a bit better than that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oceans one of the oceans 11. Well, i know its early, emily, but come on. Oh well, anyway, emily story. Anyway, emily story. Lets have a look. I can feel lets have a look. I can feel the anger bubbling away at this. Apparently theres a new build estate on which theyre going to house refugees. Geez, this is house refugees. Geez, this is the mail. Yes. So essentially, the village has a new build estate. Quite nice houses, quite expensive houses. And the expensive houses. And the council have bought a number of them, quite a large proportion of them to go directly to ukrainian and afghan refugees. Now, of course , this is now, of course, this is massively controversial , not massively controversial, not because the residents dont want these people to be housed, but because theyre getting access to very nice accommodation that perhaps they couldnt afford themselves. So it is a very tncky themselves. So it is a very tricky one, but it highlights how well stuffed the government is when it comes to accommodating people who are arriving Asylum Seekers, refugees, migrants. And its refugees, migrants. And its just so difficult, isnt it . They theyve run out of places to house people. They cant use barges by the looks of things, hotels are full. They havent got anywhere else really to put them. Raf bases. They dont seem to be working either. People are being moved out of those between asylum are waiting Asylum Seekers who are waiting for cases heard and for their cases to be heard and ukrainians who the government made a commitment to and theyre trying resettle because their trying to resettle because their country war, that is country still at war, that is true, but it all links into the housing crisis that were all facing and people a bit facing and people feeling a bit hard and the hard done by and like the government prioritising government is prioritising asylum over Asylum Seekers, refugees over working people in this country. But there are so many people that i know are housing that i know who are housing still ukrainians within their own and theres been this own homes and theres been this huge problem with the Government Support for families support for those families having up and trying to having dried up and trying to find a way forward for these people who have nothing have been brought by the good been brought over by the good kindness of hearts. They kindness of our hearts. And they do some state support. Do need some state support. If remember the but i if you remember the story a few weeks ago about how lists for waiting lists for social housing that sometimes refugees and Asylum Seekers were being bumped up the list and i think the government said that that shouldnt be the case or someone said that shouldnt be the it was the the case. I think it was the government to make it a government actually to make it a policy that people who are british housed policy that people who are briti when housed policy that people who are briti when it housed policy that people who are briti when it comes housed policy that people who are briti when it comes to housed policy that people who are briti when it comes to social sed first when it comes to social housing. This is quite housing. But this is quite extraordinary that new to extraordinary that a new bill to state weve seen this state and weve seen this elsewhere country elsewhere in the country is being for that when its being used for that when its just built. Surely isnt just been built. Surely isnt there should be there something should be available to supermarket available to the supermarket builds to be allocated builds that has to be allocated for social housing . Im pretty sure theres a clause in all new building that requires. Where is this . This requires it. Where is this . This village . Im curious because everyone suddenly lincolnshire near everyone suddenly lincolnshire nealincolnshire. Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire. In lang toft. Lincolnshire. In. In lang toft. Lang toft. Oh, right. Lang toft. Oh, right. Lang toft. Oh, right. Yeah. Well, look, i. I can understand the frustration in freddie. Donald trump. This is freddie. Donald trump. This is in the mail as well. Hes going to be processed for these the latest charges against him. Number four and before but its going to be processed at a jail where theres a stabbing every day. Every day. Stabbing every day. Yeah, thats the thats the exciting twist on this story. I think thats blaming that on the thats the blaming that on the democrats as well. Well, i think theres this whenever theres a lot of this whenever whenever indicted, whenever trumps indicted, theres you know, theres a lot of, you know, a lot talk about how hes going lot of talk about how hes going to like any to be treated. Just like any other criminal. Oh, yeah, right. Oh, yeah, right. And i mean, course he and i mean, of course he wont because hell have wont be because hell have secret every president secret service. Every president does hes probably not going does. So hes probably not going to stabbed. Does. So hes probably not going to stthated. Does. So hes probably not going to stthat would be a rough but that would be a rough job, wouldnt if he if he job, wouldnt it, if he if he did end up in prison . Well, did end up in prison . Well, thats the thats a rough job for those thats a thats a detail you wouldnt want to be put on. How can you actually imprison a president , former president , because huge because you have these huge security details. You do security details. What do you do with them . But so hes just with them . But no. So hes just going to have a process. Hes hes got to appear there. I think before august 25th. And it will it will be another. And it will it will be another. And he will be indicted and itll be another case that hangs over , as we talked about over, as we talked about yesterday , it will hang over his yesterday, it will hang over his the president ial campaign and turn the whole president. I think we thought 2020 was a very weird president ial Election Campaign because there was a pandemic going on. Joe biden did seem to just not be appearing. Seem to just not be appearing. And then trump is always crazy. Everything with trump is always a bit crazy. Think 2024 is a bit crazy. I think 2024 is going to be very surreal. Well, what i mean, the twist in apparently the in all of this, apparently the date by georgia date thats been set by georgia for march. The for his trial is march. The fourth. Super tuesday is fourth. And super tuesday is march 5th. So, i mean, the march the 5th. So, i mean, the collision there is just head on. But he use that to his but he can use that to his advantage, he, hes in advantage, cant he, if hes in advantage, cant he, if hes in a in a courtroom and its a dock in a courtroom and its super tuesday, its part of his Election Campaign, he can use it. Although i think as the election gets closer, people want to hear about issues. Want to hear about issues. People want to hear about the economy , americas position in economy, americas position in the world, immigration, things that trumps actually quite effective at talking but effective at talking about. But they may they might get tired of it if as as the election day it if as as as the election day gets closer, all trump is talking about is how, you know, his various cases to do with trump. Are people going to get fed up or does the sympathy for trump just carry on . I mean, thats thats going to be the key question that decides what happens year. Happens next year. Can talk emily, can we talk about turkeys christmas or turkeys voting for christmas or rather snp in their tax rather the snp in their tax revenues from north sea oil and gas . Yes. So the snp has hailed yes. So the snp has hailed their record north sea tax revenues, of course, despite the threat to block new oil and gas. This is in the telegraph and its pointing out the difficulties the snp have between their what i would call virtue signalling because they dont want oil and Gas Exploration to go ahead or at least new licences, they said. Rishi sunak is wrong to grant 100 new oil and oil and gas licences scotland, but they licences in scotland, but they are very much benefiting from the huge tax revenues that have come a result of current come as a result of current exploration. And if they got independence, want , independence, which they want, theyd be absolutely reliant on, it absolutely, theyd be absolutely reliant on, it already absolutely, theyd be absolutely reliant on, it already are. Absolutely, theyd be absolutely reliant on, it already are. And utely, theyd be absolutely reliant on, it already are. And its. Y, theyd be absolutely reliant on, it already are. And its quite they already are. And its quite interesting because parties interesting because the parties well secretary , well being economy secretary, which sounds a bit bizarre, i didnt know they had a well being economy secretary, he said this demonstrates our vibrant energy and how the uk Energy Sector and how the uk continues to benefit from scotlands natural wealth. How does with humza yousaf does that fit with humza yousaf in the snps , you know, negative in the snps, you know, negative attitude towards oil and gas. So can you square that one . No so theyre quite enjoying the tax now , the tax revenue now , but now, the tax revenue now, but they dont want to continue it treating freddie well, i think i mean, scotlands going to be very interesting in the next election because it could it could if theres a way of beating labour for the tories , beating labour for the tories, then it has to mean letting the snp win a bit more in scotland and not letting labour do so. Rishi sunaks north north sea pledges actually that might cause a small swing towards the tories in scotland because it means a lot more jobs and things in scotland. How will that affect things actually affect things would actually make worse for the make the situation worse for the tories scotland . I think tories in scotland . I think a lot of politics, westminster politics in scotland now is thinking about that. Whats thinking about that. Whats going on . Oh, thats very odd , doug. So oh, thats very odd, doug. So is in effect the tories need the snp to do well. Yes, but not too well because they are the Unionist Party after all. So its a difficult, difficult line to walk. Difficult line to walk. Im not sure the snp are going to win back. I dont know the seats they currently have anyway. Talking difficult lines to walk freddie what have the killers band been up to on stage because theyve been booed or more accurately , brandon more accurately, Brandon Flowers, the lead singer, has been boo. This is a terrible story. I think a really shocking story that the killers were performing in georgia , were on stage in in georgia, were on stage in georgia, and georgia is near russia and has a lot of russian tourists and russian residents. Tourists and russian residents. And a russian fan got up on stage and they let him play the drums and it became clear that he was russian. And i think the crowd, some of the crowd booed. And Brandon Flowers said, is he not brother . We not all not my brother . Are we not all brothers . Know, theres brothers . You know, theres a nice star, open minded nice rock star, open minded sentiment. And he said, am i not sentiment. And he said, am i not your brother because im from america . The things america . The things stop at borders and things like that. It sounded like Brandon Flowers being nice being perfectly reasonable. Nice but not good enough. The band but not good enough. The band has had to issue an apology. Has had to issue an apology. Having on stage, which having a russian on stage, which does speak a sort of pretty does speak to a sort of pretty disgusting russian russophobia thats going on. Its very odd , though, if its very odd, though, if that and if i would agree with what mr flowers was saying , if what mr flowers was saying, if you like. However if they believe what theyre saying, why apologise for it . I just want an apology. If i thought it was right, i wouldnt apologise. I think his, his his his team issued an apology statement. Theres no statement from flowers saying i was wrong. I mean, look , there are i mean, look, there are obviously Many Russians who oppose what putins doing in ukraine. But unfortunately , they ukraine. But unfortunately, they havent had much say in it. And i think its probably one of those, you know, things that you just dont feel much sympathy towards russians at the moment because of whats been going on. And when weve seen and not least when weve seen how to of so how weve had to get rid of so many the uk because of many from the uk because of money thats illegally been sloshing around in russians pocket. But its a lot like the sports stars who, even if theyre not competing under the russian flag, are now being booed their wont booed or their opponent wont shake their hands if they happen to be ukrainian from another to be ukrainian or from another part europe. And part of eastern europe. And its vile,. Vile, really. I never liked that. I always thought that athletes should be able to continue on as normal. Able to continue on as normal. Its not their fault, is it . As long as theyre not standing there, you know, supporting , there, you know, supporting, obviously. What is doing . Obviously. What what is doing . Then there was one case, wasnt there , wearing the wasnt there, wearing the t shirt, the symbol on it and all the rest of it. There was also there was the fencer and she was her opponent refused to shake hands with her. And the opponent was was fined by the fencing authority. Fined by the fencing authority. And then it was a big fuss about that. And then everybody said, oh, actually she is a big russias bald, because heres the photo of her with the russian soldier. It turned russian soldier. Then it turned out the soldier was her brother who going war. Yeah who was going off to war. Yeah so, mean, youre allowed to who was going off to war. Yeah so, yourn, youre allowed to who was going off to war. Yeah so, your brother; allowed to who was going off to war. Yeah so, your brother well wed to who was going off to war. Yeah so, your brother well when who was going off to war. Yeah so, your brother well when hes wish your brother well when hes going fight. Well going off to fight. Well zelenskyys all of this zelenskyys point in all of this is know, huge number is that, you know, a huge number of their olympians are their star athletes have been killed by the russians. And why then should the russian athletes be able to go and compete completely scot free . And thats much of the free . And thats why much of the International Community has largely excluding largely supported, excluding them. I think until wimbledon this , which has been im this year, which has been im not has any impact, though. Thats the thing it might make us feel like were doing something. But is it actually making a difference . Well, its interesting , wasnt it, all interesting, wasnt it, when all this started, johnson as this started, Boris Johnson as Prime Minister made a point of issuing statements in russian , issuing statements in russian, didnt he sort of saying, were not were not against you were against your leadership. Yes. And schwarzenegger, do you remember that he did a video thing because hes such a popular figure in. Hard its hard know its hard its hard to know how there is for how much support there is for putin because, putin in russia because, of course, think they do course, i dont think they do the like do. The polling like we do. Well, they have access well, they dont have access to journalism and balanced to free journalism and balanced reporting, which we know is so crucially important. Crucially important. Look, thank you both very much indeed. Emily carver, freddie grey, we shall catch up with you a little bit later on. Weve got lots more coming up. Weve got lots more coming up. We can read loads more on dont kill cash ash, loads more on the a level results well. But in a level results as well. But in the meantime lets see what the the meantime, lets see what the weathers going to for weathers going to do for you today , the today with jonathan, the temperatures rising , boxt solar temperatures rising, boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there. There good morning to you. Im Jonathan Vautrey here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good of sunshine. Generally good dose of sunshine. Generally if further towards the if you are further towards the west and the south thing west and the south first thing this morning. A little this morning. But a little stubborn across northeast stubborn cloud across northeast england into scotland that will break head into the break up as we head into the afternoon. So more sunny intervals developing. And if you do sunshine , still do catch the sunshine, still feeling warm, 2420 feeling pleasantly warm, 2420 6 possible 6 degrees celsius, possible inland, but theres a bit more of breeze around. So of a breeze around. So particularly coastal particularly for eastern coastal areas, will feel a touch areas, it will feel a touch cooler compared to yesterday day areas, it will feel a touch coolthe ompared to yesterday day areas, it will feel a touch coolthe overnighto yesterday day areas, it will feel a touch coolthe overnight period rday day areas, it will feel a touch coolthe overnight period asy day into the overnight period as well start to see the well. Well start to see the cloud build again again from cloud build again in again from the from lincolnshire the north sea, from lincolnshire up and up into eastern scotland and then widespread cloud then much more widespread cloud building in from south West Building in from the south west as bit more of a mild as well. So a bit more of a mild night to come, generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. Night to come, generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. The 13 to 15 c as our lows. The humidity, though, beginning to build as all this rain begins to pushin build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west. Some heavy outbreaks for Northern Ireland, wales, england, some rumbles of england, perhaps some rumbles of thunder in there as well. It will into the will peter out into the afternoon. So scotland tending to that bit with some to stay that bit dry with some sunny intervals and theres a bit of slice south wales bit of a slice from south wales into southwest england where it will dry it as well, 26 c into southwest england where it wilthe dry it as well, 26 c into southwest england where it wilthe maxy it as well, 26 c into southwest england where it wilthe max for as well, 26 c into southwest england where it wilthe max for today. L, 26 c into southwest england where it wilthe max for today. But c into southwest england where it wilthe max for today. But as i as the max for today. But as i said, the humidity certainly building and theres further rain for rain on the cards for the overnight this area of rain on the cards for the overpressure this area of rain on the cards for the overpressure beginsthis area of rain on the cards for the overpressure begins tos area of rain on the cards for the overpressure begins tos areaits low pressure begins to push its way and could provide way in and could provide a pretty end to the pretty unsettled end to the working week isobars squeezing together as well to provide some gusty winds in places enjoyed by by the temperatures rising, boxt solar, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news opens at seven a few on. Gb news opens at seven a few minutes to go until those all important a level results all will be revealed on the dot of 8 00. If youre one of those or wishing you the very best of luck, do stay with us. Well have the latest on that as well as our dont kill Cash Campaign. Were petition were delivering that petition to street. To downing street. Yes , we are five no, 500, oh, yes, we are five no, 500, 280,000 votes. Very nearly on that. 280,000 votes. Very nearly on that. And if you want to sign that. And if you want to sign it, its not too late. Gb news. Com cash, as you say. Well see what the chancellor has to say a thousand signatures on that in our bid to ensure that cash stays legal tender until at least 2050. Thousands of nervous students across the country are currently opening their a level results as grades are expected to drop for a second year running. This comes after the pandemic led to a spike in top marks. The lionesses roar to victory in the semi final of the womens world cup. Harry redknapp is going to be giving us his take on the prospects for the final in a few minutes. And its going to be a glorious day. Heres Jonathan Vautrey with a teaser. Vautrey with a teaser. After a good dose of summer yesterday for many of us, will that becoming a repeated pattern over the next few days . Join me later for the full weather details. Morning to you. Im stephen dixon. And im isabel webster. And this is breakfast on gb news. We were talking about the delicate issue of Bradley Cooper has been accused of anti semitism over his new role playing Leonard Bernstein because he wore a prosthetic nose. Because he wore a prosthetic nose. Is it anti semitic or not . Nose. Is it anti semitic or not . And we talked about that with two jewish guests a little bit earlier on. Your thoughts coming through. Paul says, i dont think this is an issue, in my opinion. Hes just trying to opinion. Hes just trying to look more like the subject. I sort of agree with that. Sort of agree with that. Robert says, why should only people of certain groups play the part . In my opinion, the role go to the best actor role should go to the best actor. And thats what karen is saying well. Ultimately, its saying as well. Ultimately, its acting art form. Acting and it is an art form. Says the most important cath says the most important thing is Bradley Cooper has worked the family , leonard worked with the family, Leonard Bernsteins on every bernsteins family, on every aspect of the film. If theyre happy with this, then happy with all of this, then there shouldnt be an and there shouldnt be an issue. And indeed , they have released indeed, they have released a statement saying theyre really upset has caused upset that this has caused around theyre delighted around and theyre delighted with the way its all gone. And theyve praised Bradley Coopers as someone whos paid real attention to who their father was , is to try to get it exactly was, is to try to get it exactly right. So they say its not an issue , but some people have been issue, but some people have been quite upset by that. Keep your thoughts coming through. Well, to our top story now, and gb news is set to deliver a petition to the chancellor, jeremy hunt, this afternoon on behalf of over 270,000 of you whove joined our dont kill Cash Campaign. Well with more than 5 million adults in britain still relying on cash, the petition calls for laws to protect its status as legal tenden and theres a widely accepted means of payment until at least 2050. Well, lets speak to our gb news economics and Business Editor Liam Halligan, who joins us live from the Albert Embankment. Not far for you to embankment. Not far for you to go then to get across the river to downing street. And wow, youre not your words this morning. Liams on the left there. Liams on the left there. Liams on the left there. Yeah, thanks for that, stephen. Morning, isabel. Morning to you, stephen. Ill get you for that later. Look, im not going to mount the inflatable pig and swim across the thames using it as some kind of dirigible. The spaceship power station is just up the road, but this isnt from the pink floyd album cover. If you pink floyd album cover. If you know. You know, look , this is an know. You know, look, this is an interesting day. Little more interesting day. Little more than a month ago , gb news than a month ago, gb news launched dont kill cash launched our dont kill Cash Campaign. Why did we do that . Campaign. Why did we do that . Because we know that over a million households in this country dont have a bank account. They dont have debit cards. We know that 5 million brits rely on cash each day to fulfil their basic needs. We know that increasing numbers of shops dont want to take cash. They dont want the cash handung they dont want the cash handling cards. We know that lots of the tech giants like to monitor everything we do via our debit cards , and then they can debit cards, and then they can sell that information to other people who want to market stuff to us, forcing us to buy stuff that we need to borrow to pay for. This is a campaign that lots of the establishment dont want us to be highlighting, and thats one reason why we are highlighting it, because we know there real need to keep the there is a real need to keep the minds of politicians and regulators focussed on the need to keep cash as legal tender. Its been really heartening for me and the other gb news people involved, particularly our digital team in this campaign , digital team in this campaign, to see the number of people signing our petition gb news viewers and listeners. Its now approaching rapidly 280,000 people in little more than a month. Lets get it up to 300,000 over the next few hours. So when we look when we go to downing street, when we hand in that petition, we can say to the chancellor, we can say to his advisers there is a groundswell of opinion out here. Its not an inside the m25 thing in particular. Its out there in the regions, banks are being closed, left, right and centre. Many high streets are being hollowed out. People people, particularly lower income, vulnerable people, particularly the elderly. They dont have smartphones, they have smartphones, they dont have debit. In many cases they debit cards. In many cases they dont even have accounts. Dont even have Bank Accounts. They cash. They want to keep cash. Is that it . In some respects, its so uncontroversial, isnt it . It just seems like common sense that you have 5 Million People using cash every day as their main source of dosh. Why earth should we get rid of it . Earth should we get rid of it . Because, stephen, there are lots of vested interests and powerful groups who want to get rid of it. There are the big tech companies, as i said, who want us to pay for everything with debit cards and online, even though we know that 10 of british households are not online, theres a huge Digital Divide in this country. We know that a lot of businesses dont want to have idle and absorb the cash handling costs. We know that lots of banks, of course, are closing their branch networks. Hundreds of banks being closed down every year for the last ten years. So a lot of people, a lot of powerful Interest Groups want cash to recede. They want to push us towards a Cashless Society of course, its inevitable that more and more of our lives are going to be online. But as we move away from an analogue and towards a digital britain, weve got to make sure that we take the country with us and we dont abandon people , particularly the abandon people, particularly the elderly, particularly lower income and vulnerable households who rely on cash in order to live, work and be members of society. This is gb news. We are society. This is gb news. We are the peoples channel. We are standing up for those people. Standing up for those people. Claim thank you so much for judging by the emails. Stephen. I think there will be lots more signatures this morning. Lets try and get it up to 300,000. If we can. Yeah, ill tell you what, liam, have you still got apart from the one you stood next to . Have you still got a piggy bank . I still do have a piggy bank, stephen. Thats right, i do. And thats why weve chosen this wonderful pig image. Dont kill cash because we are trying to encourage the idea of saving. Encourage the idea of people being penny wise and pound rich. And by the way , heres and by the way, heres a challenge for you. We need to name this pig. Challenge for you. We need to name this pig. What are we going name this pig. What are we going to call it . Are we going to call it penny . Are we going to call it penny . Are we going to call it winky . Are we going to call it winky . Are we going to call it pinky . We want gb news viewers and listeners to email us, not only signing up to our gb petition, but also gb news cash petition, but also suggest names for this pig. This suggest names for this pig. This pig suggest names for this pig. This pig needs to be named by midday. Okay, that is your challenge. Okay, that is your challenge. We have lovely stuff. Thank you. Yes. Lets get those thoughts coming through. And why do you think penny might win . I think a great thats a think thats a great thats a lovely one. Ive still got my piggy lovely one. Ive still got my piggy bank from childhood. From childhood . Yeah. For you. One growing up. I had a camel one growing up. It wasnt piggy. And my kids it wasnt a piggy. And my kids have an elephant that made have an elephant that we made them papier mache and them out of papier mache and painted them pink. And theyre both yeah. Make both pink elephants. Yeah. Make it right . It that what you will, right . Its results day, and in its a level results day, and in the last eight minutes or so, students right across england, wales and Northern Ireland have been ripping those been ripping open those envelopes how envelopes to see just how theyve done. The education yeah, the education secretary, Gillian Keegan, has told us this morning that the grading system has returned to pre pandemic levels in order to keep up with international standards. But it wont Impact University places. University places. First of all, the grading system will not impact the university places. So its very, very normal that the predicted grades that people get. I think only 1 that the predicted grades that people get. I think only1 in people get. I think only 1 in 5 actually get their predicted grades or above. So this is a very normal part of the system. So the Actual University places and the access to university is still exactly the same as it was. So if they were going to if theyd have got to be and gone to university in 2019, theyll get a, b and go to university in 2023. So all weve done is and this is really important because our exams, both gcses and a levels , are highly regarded a levels, are highly regarded across the world and we just want to make sure they keep that value. And obviously we needed to go back from teacher assessed grades that last grades and we did that last yean grades and we did that last year, now were going back year, but now were going back to grading system and to the normal grading system and that make sure that these that will make sure that these hold their and they do hold their value and they do have value. Have true value. Okay. Well, listen, that was okay. Well, listen, that was the views of the education secretary. But do universities agree with her . Take in all of this . Lets speak to our reporter. Will hollis. Hes at the university of derby for us this morning. Good to this morning. Good morning to you, will. Good morning. Its a story that starts with tension and then relief of course, the whole exam process is done now. But in schools and colleges across the country, a level students are opening their results right now. And then it goes back to that tension part, isnt it . Because after theyve opened the results, they know if theyre getting into their first choice, maybe they didnt get what they want or maybe they did better than they expected. So theyll be calling universities just like the University Derby, like the university of derby, where we are today. This is a sort of purpose built clearing room. People from across the room. People from across the university taking on the challenge of taking those phone calls whats atmosphere calls. Whats the atmosphere like today, professor keith mcclay . Well, good and many well, good morning. And many thanks me will thanks for having me on, will well, the atmosphere, as you can see, its our clearing room see, its our clearing hot room under of under the real hubbub of activity. Doing two things activity. Were doing two things here. Taking calls from here. We are taking calls from those students been those students who have been successful results, and successful in their results, and now wanting to phone up now they are wanting to phone up just to ask some questions. But also secondly, we are taking inquiries from those students who either have not quite met their expectations of their grades or indeed have grades or indeed they have outperformed expectations outperformed their expectations and therefore they are wanting just pause , reflect and see just to pause, reflect and see if is alternative if there is an alternative University Degree program or tentative university that they can join in september. Students have just opened their results within the last 7 or 8 minutes. Does that mean that people will be on the phone right now to some of those students from across country students from across the country answering about answering those calls about whether come to the whether they can come to the University Derby . University of derby . Absolutely. Oh, absolutely. So thats whats here. They whats happening here. And they are on the phone to those students. So they are providing academic and pastoral advice and navigating through the navigating them through the clearing they clearing system so that they are informed options and clearing system so that they are info decide options and clearing system so that they are info decide to options and clearing system so that they are info decide to undertake; and clearing system so that they are info decide to undertake arnd clearing system so that they are info decide to undertake a degree can decide to undertake a Degree Program here at the university of derby. The thing this year is the thing about this year is because weve had covid, weve had this up laid uplift of grades. So people have been given better marks because of all problems that weve had all the problems that weve had for the last few years. Thats changing keegan , changing now. Gillian keegan, the education secretary, has said on gb news this morning that it said on gb news this morning thatitis said on gb news this morning that it is right those that it is right for those grades to back down to grades to come back down to pre pandemic from pre pandemic levels from a University Point of view, is that the right thing . Is that what agree with . What you would agree with . I mean, think what we have to mean, i think what we have to recognise that this recognise here is that this cohort applicants coming to cohort of applicants coming to university in september are amongst challenged in amongst the most challenged in the cohort. Have exams for the they have sat exams for the first during their a levels first time during their a levels. They entering into. They are entering into a scenario whereby there cost scenario whereby there is a cost of living crisis. So with the of living crisis. So with the reversal of the examination results, what is important is to ensure that we are providing that that appropriate academic and pastoral support here at the university of derby and also to recognise that the markers of quality of the university that they are phoning so for example, here at the university of derby, we are top 20 for National Student experience. In the recent National Student survey, we are also the top 20 for assessment and feedback and 33 of our individual programmes , of our individual programmes, over 90 of the students rated the learning and teaching positively on those programmes. So that is important for those applicants phoning the clearing hotline to understand the quality markers of the institution that they are phoning. Its early in the morning right now. The clearing hotline has just opened and its open for the whole of the day. Briefly, whats your advice to a level that are a level students that are getting the results . Maybe they havent what they wanted and havent got what they wanted and theyre a little theyre feeling a little bit nervous this is the nervous about if this is the step they can take as they step that they can take as they go next few years of go through the next few years of their life. Whats important is for well, whats important is for them breath, to pause them to take a breath, to pause and just to consider their situation, the situation, get on to the University Websites here at the University Derby, is university of derby, there is a wealth of information about our programs within wealth of information about our program� that within wealth of information about our program� that they within wealth of information about our program� that they couldi wealth of information about our program� that they could come clearing that they could come and join, the id by and join, then have the id by your side and phone the hotline and at that point you will your phone call will be answered by an expert advisor that will take you calmly through the process of the programmes of study here on offer at the university of derby and will be able to demonstrate that quality of the Programme Provision and also the pastoral support that will be available for those students. In addition , they will be able to addition, they will be able to talk them through the accommodation. Guarantee accommodation. We guarantee accommodation. We guarantee accommodation for our accommodation place for all our students to an students through to an application in the 9th september and that might be important for and that might be important for a who is travelling a student who is travelling a distance and wants to Access University accommodation. Distance and wants to access univgetty accommodation. Distance and wants to access univ get that commodation. Distance and wants to access univ get that here 1odation. Distance and wants to access univget that here atiation. Distance and wants to access univ get that here at the n. Can get that here at the university of derby. Question, its a big question, particularly in those big cities across country, whether across the country, whether they can accommodation. It is can get accommodation. It is early days, i know weve got early days, but i know weve got a day ahead. Professor keith a big day ahead. Professor keith mclay, provost for learning and teaching at the University Teaching here at the university of thank so much for of derby. Thank you so much for speaking us this morning. Speaking to us this morning. Lots nervous at home. Lots of nervous people at home. Im of people im sure a lot of people watching well. Morning, watching as well. This morning, thinking, whats that . Thinking, clearing whats that . Well, were going explain it well, were going to explain it to throughout the day to you all throughout the day here on gb news. Lovely stuff, will. Thank you very i mean, very much indeed. I mean, university thing university is the right thing for people. Everyone , for some people. Not everyone, though. Talk to kassim though. Lets talk to kassim chaudhry, an chaudhry, whos an apprenticeship and enterprise ambassador from the pathway group. Really good to see you this morning. I mean, look, the bottom line here is university is not the be all and end for all young people. Is it . All young people. Is it . I dont think it is at all. And i think the conversation around apprenticeships and what they offer in comparison to going to university are parallel. I mean , time and time parallel. I mean, time and time again were having these conversations on results day about what can students do when they dont get the grades they want. University, you know , but want. University, you know, but actually apprenticeships need to be discussed at the same time as applying for university. When you look at the array of apprenticeship opportunities available to young people now. Available to young people now. So its phenomenal. You can so its phenomenal. You can become a doctor. You know, the have launched the doctor apprenticeship, you can become a solicitor, you can become an accountant , you can become accountant, you can become a technical engineer. Theres so technical engineer. Theres so many opportunities through the apprenticeship route , um, that , apprenticeship route, um, that, you know, when you, when you compare it to going to university actually for a lot of people doing an apprenticeship is a lot more , um, appealing is a lot more, um, appealing than going to university. Than going to university. Yeah. And kassim, lets not forget the huge advantage of apprenticeships is that you can earn while you learn in stark contrast to university, where you go , you pay exorbitant fees you go, you pay exorbitant fees and quite often your lecturers might be out on strike or refusing to mark your work. Its much better value for many people anyway, to be getting apprenticeships these days, isnt it . Isnt it . Definitely. Of course , that definitely. Of course, that the value of being paid while youre learning, while youre working and think what people forget as well is that when youre doing an apprenticeship, youve actually got a proper job. Youre not sitting there making and coffees. Youre making teas and coffees. Youre youre employed an youre employed by an organisation do a job that organisation to do a job that comes first. The education element is secondary to your apprenticeship. So i think the focus on apprenticeships, people really do forget the experience element of it. And im just putting aside the fact that one, your qualification that you do is paid for , you two, youre is paid for, you two, youre getting the experience and think three youre getting paid to do it as well. And you know, theres always the debate about, you know , the minimum apprentice you know, the minimum apprentice wage and whether its high enough. Wage and whether its high enough. But actually, when you enough. But actually, when you compare that to going to university and the experience, the qualifications youre getting after an apprenticeship, you are still , getting after an apprenticeship, you are still, miles, getting after an apprenticeship, you are still , miles, better you are still, miles, better than someone whos graduated from university. From university. Um, well, yeah. I mean , there um, well, yeah. I mean, there is a lot to be said for it on the downside though, theres a the downside though, theres a the chances are if you if youre 16 up to about 20, youre likely to be living at home. Youre likely doing something in your own area. So that might be own area. So that might be a downside for some people. Of course, the other thing is it is looked down upon to an extent , looked down upon to an extent, isnt it . We still have the mindset , the saying, well, you mindset, the saying, well, you first choice should be university and your second choice should be an apprentice ship. Ship. And like i said, as a started this, um, this call with you guys this, um, this call with you guys , the reason that is , is guys, the reason that is, is because were always having this conversation on results day. Why we have in the conversation about apprenticeships on a level results day, why were not having the conversation about apprenticeships start of apprenticeships at the start of sixth form and, you know, at year 11, when were speaking to students, when were asking them, what would you like to do, what are your next steps . All students have pushed to apply through and, you know, through ucas and, you know, thats just the system that has existed. And, you know, we take it back to 1997 when the Labour Government said education, education, education. And, you know, there was a whole raft of people being pushed to go to university. If you dont do university. If you dont do a degree, if you dont become a graduate, youll hit the Glass Ceiling and you wont be able to have a successful career. You need to go to university. And that stuck. That you know, that was a policy that came out in 1997. That policy still there and embedded in our education system. People think that university is the be all and end all of getting into a career and thatis all of getting into a career and that is just not right. Yeah, its funny, we were speaking to the shadow education secretary this morning. Of course, labour and it was a labour initiative. The Education Initiative a labour initiative. The educ really initiative a labour initiative. The educ really ultimately nitiative a labour initiative. The educ really ultimately led tive a labour initiative. The educ really ultimately led toe that really ultimately led to the situation were today. The situation were in today. And although wouldnt say and although she wouldnt say she that policy, she she regretted that policy, she was very much pushing the idea of apprenticeships. And it of apprenticeships. And it certainly seems both parties have woken up to the fact have now woken up to the fact that cannot continue that we simply cannot continue to sending this proportion of to be sending this proportion of Students University , not students to university, not least, i think the institute for fiscal that of fiscal studies said that of every years graduates that come out, around 70,000 would earn less than if they hadnt have got a degree. Youre often better off going down the path youre selling us this youre selling to us this morning. Morning. Certainly, like i said, you know, we got a degree degrees offering young people these days. Um i did a law degree. I did an lpc. I probably spent over. Did an lpc. I probably spent over. 40, £50,000 and i dont over. 40, £50,000 and i dont work in that sector. Um, partly because when i was looking for a training contract, um, as a young legal graduate, i couldnt find the opportunities, those opportunities were not available. And even , um, now , available. And even, um, now, you know, the amount of people leaving university with a law degree and the amount of paralegal opportunities or training contracts, theres a massive disproportion in there. And actually thats not just in the legal sector. Its in the accounting, its in every sector. Now people are doing degrees, but the opportunities are not available. Available. Yeah , there we go. Well, yeah, there we go. Well, yeah, its fair point ourselves, cassian. Really good to see you this morning. Thank you very much indeed. Really appreciate it. I have to say, if i was. Talking have to say, if i was. Talking to a youngster or not now, if i if i had kids , id be a bit if i had kids, id be a bit tempted to try to push them down. The apprenticeship or the apprenticeship degree idea. Apprenticeship degree idea. You dont want to start life saddled with debt, i dont think. Well, no, but it also depends what you want to do. If you if you want to do something which you are going to require that extra academic learning to get into it, then great. Theres a great place for universities and for those sorts of degrees. But if youre doing something which actually is a bit more vocational, do something practical. It cant be both. It can be academic and vocational. Were hearing, you know, you can become a doctor now through these apprenticeship schemes you schemes under the nhs. So, you know, theres all sorts of different avenues out there. 8 21. Lots of people up and down the country will be assessing their futures and well, its absolutely fascinating day a level results day, but certainly seems as though the balance is shifting now away, perhaps from the traditional model of a levels and university. Well, looking at breaking news in regards to university, the total number of students accepted on uk degree courses has fallen , apparently 2. 6 has fallen, apparently 2. 6 compared to last year. Get these figures in so quick, i dont know. For hundred and 14,940 have taken places so far and thats according to the initial ucas figures. So down, down a ucas figures. So down, down a little bit. Perhaps not little bit. Perhaps not surprising, but thats not necessarily necessarily bad news. Yeah exactly. As we were discussing this morning, in other headlines this morning, in other headlines this morning , a 39 year old morning, in other headlines this morning, a 39 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of collecting information that could be useful to terrorists amid the Northern Ireland data breach week, as we know, breach last week, as we know, data on 10,000 Police Officers and staff accidentally and staff were accidentally posted online the force posted online with the force declaring the incident critical. Prince harry has released a new trailer for his heart of invictus documentary on netflix. Its to tell the stories of several athletes , their several athletes, their background, their path to the games. The event itself will be games. The event itself will be held in dusseldorf from. Held in dusseldorf from. September the 9th, and a member of staff at the British Museum has been fired after a number of items were found to be missing, stolen or damaged. The matter is also being investigated by the metropolitan police in a statement, the museum said the items included gold, jewellery and semi precious stones and glass. Semi precious stones and glass. I think if i was going to nick something from the British Museum, i wouldnt go for glass no matter how old it is. Just dont think its valuable enough. Id go for the gold and the diamonds and really precious jewels and stolen. Yeah. Thing with this is the thing with this is priceless. How can you have priceless. How can you have a market value for something that is a one of a kind and would clearly be spotted wherever you try sell it . Try and sell it . Well, if its. If its a glass and they cant sell, im going to just chuck it in the recycle. But the right thing to do, the right thing to do you see net zero or love it just make you wonder. Okay, lets see what the weathers do for you weathers going to do for you today. Jonathan. Today. Heres jonathan. Warm feeling today. Heresjonathan. Warm feeling inside from that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Ah, good morning to you. Im Jonathan Vautrey here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good dose of sunshine generally if you are further towards the west and the south. First thing this morning. But stubborn cloud but a little stubborn cloud across england into across northeast england into scotland break up as across northeast england into sco head break up as across northeast england into scohead into break up as across northeast england into scohead into the break up as across northeast england into sco head into the afternoon. As across northeast england into sco head into the afternoon. So we head into the afternoon. So more intervals developing. More sunny intervals developing. And catch the and if you do catch the sunshine, feeling sunshine, still feeling pleasantly warm, 2420 6 degrees celsius possible inland, but theres bit more breeze theres a bit more of a breeze around. So particularly for eastern it will eastern coastal areas, it will feel touch cooler compared to feel a touch cooler compared to yesterday the overnight yesterday into the overnight penod yesterday into the overnight period start to period as well. Well start to see cloud build and see the cloud build again and again north sea, from again from the north sea, from lincolnshire into eastern lincolnshire up into eastern scotland then more scotland and then much more widespread in widespread cloud building in from well. So from the south west as well. So a more of mild night to a bit more of a mild night to come. Generally around 13 to 15 c as our low. Come. Generally around 13 to 15 c as our low. The humidity, 15 c as our low. The humidity, though, beginning to build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west. Some heavy outbreaks for Northern Ireland, wales, england, perhaps some rumbles thunder there as rumbles of thunder in there as well. Peter out into the well. It will peter out into the afternoon. Scotland tending afternoon. So scotland tending to stay dry with some to stay that bit dry with some sunny intervals and theres a bit of a from south wales bit of a slice from south wales into southwest england where it will turn dry it as well, 26 c as the max for today. But as i said, humidity certainly said, the humidity certainly building theres further building and theres further rain cards the rain on the cards for the overnight of overnight period as this area of low begins to push its low pressure begins to push its way in and could provide a pretty unsettled end to the working week isobars squeezing together to provide some together as well to provide some gusty winds places enjoyed by gusty winds in places enjoyed by. By that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news side of insanity. You know muttering to yourself im talking to myself. I just said, tim, what are you doing . So dont worry just talking to myself. And see, they go weeks. Whats go one week, two weeks. Whats up . Counting im looking at my diary and trying to plan things, work out the long away. The long stuff away. I youre getting your i know youre getting your teeth today youve teeth fixed today because youve had problems all week with that. So if it was related to that. Im sure youll get that, get that sorted. That lisp sorted. Honestly, are bleeding. I know youll be feeling great around midday. Hey. Hey. Hey. Yes, i will. Right enough about us. Lets talk about the lionesses. Stay with us. After the break, were going to the little break, were going to be about their be talking about their incredible semi final yesterday and means for sunday and what it means for sunday with the football manager , harry with the football manager, Harry Redknapp its 829. I dont know where the mornings gone. Its absolutely flown long, but it really whizzing through when youre having fun. Isabel absolutely having fun. Isabel absolutely the and dont go anywhere. The case and dont go anywhere. Weve got an absolutely jam packed talking packed programme. Were talking about kill about our gb news dont kill Cash Campaign and we are sending it street today. It to downing street today. Were trying to hit 300,000 signatures by the time we handed in to the treasury today, were trying to keep cash legal tender until 20 50,000 minus comes is very high speed from tonight. Very high speed from tonight. Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh. Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh. Freed from desire. Its that ,90 dance track which is the most popular track for gold music years world cup music at this years world cup for women. Womens world cup. Thats its called. Thats what its called. World cup. Woke up the world cup. Just woke up anyway, it was written and sung by shes by galerie sato, and shes joining us on the program this morning. 920 still bopping from that. Its a great feel good song. Its a great feel good song. There you can there is really you can understand its so popular. Understand why its so popular. Fabulous , right . Yeah, fabulous, right . Yeah, fabulous, right . With us. Send us your stay with us. Send us your thoughts, gb views gbnews. Com. Thoughts, gb views gbnews. Com. Ive got a special job for you this morning. If you you ive got a special job for you this morning. If you you may be watchers on youtube on occasion. Its a great way to do it actually. But you may not have click that subscribe button which will let you know when theres new stuff out and all theres new stuff out and all the stuff that we release. And the stuff that we release. And ill tell you why. Its interesting today why we are. On interesting today why we are. On 999,000 subscribers. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. So we want to get it in the next hour before we come off air to 1 million. And if you think weve only been going as a channel for two years, it was a little bit of a rocky start. Yeah, we weve got ourselves all sorted now. If we can get in that space of time to 1 million subscribers on youtube , that will really be on youtube, that will really be something. And it sends the message through to all those people who laughed at us and said, well there are you , youre said, well there are you, youre not representing real britons. Not representing real britons. Everyones everyones voice is already heard in the mainstream media. Weve proved them wrong. Media. Weve proved them wrong. Yes. Have your voice heard through us and get it to 1,000,003 jobs. Then we want 1 million subscribers. We want that piggy bank named and we want that petition signed. Its a busy morning for us all. Yeah, and i know youve done all of this already. Paul coyte you are indeed all subscribed. Oh, indeed all subscribed. Oh, totally subscribed. Well, shouldnt they . I dont want to. Cause trouble, but shouldnt there be, like, a prize something the prize or something for the millionth person . Looking at millionth person . Im looking at your your mug there with the lipstick that lipstick stain. I think that would prize for would be the perfect prize for the one millionth subscriber. I dont know if you can work out on the thing exactly who the one millionth subscriber is, but if a of doing, if there is a way of doing, there must be. If there is a way of it, i guarantee you we of doing it, i guarantee you we will get in touch with you and see if you want to get a prize. But i dont know how you do that or if its quite possible. Or even if its quite possible. But if it is, well sort of try and get in touch with you. Have i put a spanner in the works . Have to have an eye works . You have to have an eye because to talk because youre trying to talk your way through this. And the bossis your way through this. And the boss is watching, but i know hell me that. Hell back me on that. Yes. There you thats thats the there you go. Thats thats the its mug. Its the with its the mug. Its the mug with the mug. With the lipstick stain. Is that yours or is it isabel . Weve just hit a million. Weve just hit a million. Million . Million . No, just a million. No, just hit a million. 1 million. We need that song on the two. Well the mug. Well get the mug. Well get the mug. 2 million. The 2 million. The 2 million. There you go. There you go. Million subscribers 1 million subscribers on youtube. 1 million subscribers on youtube. Well you youtube. Well done. You actually, being part of the actually, for being part of the gb news family and for supporting what we do here in trying to hear all voices, all perspectives. Perspectives. And if you are tuning in on youtube or wherever you are, we are now talking about the lionesses. We are another celebration celebrating yesterday, but we havent done it yet. Lets show you know, i dont want to keep a lid on this. Weve got what are you talking about . Weve got weve got to enjoy. And this is what i loved about what they did yesterday after the win is that, yes, there were celebrations, but it wasnt like on the usa scale little the scale of going a little over the top. Have your moment. Top. But you have your moment. And did that straight down and they did that straight down the got another the tunnel. Weve got another job do and huge game job to do and then a huge game World Cup Final. Then the first time i know were all talk about 1966 because every world cup and every we always mentioned every turn, we always mentioned 1966, first time 1966, but its the first time that had an english that weve had an English Football Team in world cup Football Team in a World Cup Final and its going final since then. And its going to be on sunday, 11 00. Its weird, isnt it weird to think that all the talk of 1966 that we could from here on in be talking about 2023 for the next 50 years . Well, do you think that might be the case, though . It is weird because who would have ever thought 66 that youd be thought back in 66 that youd be oh , going, you know, were still oh, going, you know, were still waiting this long, know, and waiting this long, you know, and there old baddiel and there was the old baddiel and skinner song. There were 30 years of hurt, is then years of hurt, which is then moved and moved on moved moved on and moved on and moved on. Lets just enjoy on. But lets lets just enjoy it i truly, truly it because i truly, truly believe that we will win the game. So do i. Actually, i really think we will. And ill tell you what. Lets talk about the controversy. Should we . Yeah with hockey , should we . Yeah with hockey, because the spanish side , its because the spanish side, its all about motivation , spirit, all about motivation, spirit, the team spirit. You got it. Have the spanish. It is this is horror. Hey hilda. George, who is the spanish manager at and doesnt sound like the greatest person that youd want to be your manager because there were problems back in september. Now this is just shows that this will help us hopefully that the spanish players did not get on with them. And there were complaints. There were letters that they sent to the Spanish Football Association complaining about way he treated them. About the way he treated them. Now it was a toxic culture affecting Mental Health and well being for players said that they will not play. There was 11 that then then also walked out and then said, okay, we will return should things change. But anyway, there was 15in all and im throwing all these numbers around. But lets face it, it was a lot of trouble. George then was very upset about it and only brought how many how are we doing on 4 4, four on the hall. Hey, watch. And then said only hey, watch. And then said only three players can come back. So theres been problems within the squad as well between the old players and the new ones and that can only help us now. They do have alexia putellas, who is the best footballer in the world apart as far as the womens game is concerned, i dont think its much actually. Two time ballon dor winner, but also shes coming back from injury. Shes looking very good. Theyre very good individual, really spanish. But think as what weve just but i think as what weve just learned about george and his methods as a collective, thats where the differences between us and them and how is how is our collective in comparison , do you collective in comparison, do you think . I think its excellent. Collective in comparison, do you think . I think its excellent. I really, really think its excellent. Even when we just saw the celebrations for the euros, look how tight they are and how close they are together. And close they are together. And when it comes to a successful Football Team, theres so many different elements that have got to work. A great manager , sarina to work. A great manager, Sarina Wiegman, has come in and has been a huge success and shes been a huge success and shes been great with the players. She looked shes got a great sister. Um, and also the players get onto everythings got to Work Together and ive got my fingers crossed because the last thing i want to do is put the mockers on this coming into the World Cup Final. But it is working. And also the other thing i keep mentioning momentum. Its worked in the right direction as well. So started quietly. Its so it started off quietly. Its built, built, its built. Built, its built, its built. They fantastic yesterday built, its built, its built. Thejeven fantastic yesterday built, its built, its built. Thejeven betterstic yesterday built, its built, its built. Thejeven better hopefullyday built, its built, its built. Thejeven better hopefully atr built, its built, its built. Thejeven better hopefully at the and even better hopefully at the weekend stuff, paul. Weekend. Lovely stuff, paul. Redknapps thank you. Harry redknapps running bit late, but will you running a bit late, but will you hang about . Course. Yeah. Running a bit late, but will you harwell, ut . Course. Yeah. Running a bit late, but will you harwell, ut . Love se. Yeah. Running a bit late, but will you harwell,ut . Love harry. 1h. Well, yeah. Love harry. Well, yeah. Love harry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, doesnt love Harry Redknapp . Well, i love him such. Such a lot. Even more than most. Well, almost a sponge saying Harry Redknapp. Harry. Harry redknapp. We love harry. Hes hothead. Hes no hes no hothead. Hes no wonder no hoy. Wonder harry. No hoy. A seven. Wonder harry. No hoy. Eight. A seven. Eight. Okay. Em em counting in bingo. Paul. Well see you in a few moments. Thank you. We he jumps on the can we get. He jumps on the screen and we hit a million youtube. There you go. Theres almost instantly. Youtube. There you go. Theres aln there stantly. Youtube. There you go. Theres alnthere stan go. Youtube. There you go. Theres aln there stan go. There youtube. There you go. Theres alnthere stan go. There you there you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. For doing. Do you thank you for doing. Do you stay youre watching gb stay with us. Youre watching gb news. Talking about the news. Well be talking about the 841. Time for the papers, then with the Deputy Editor of the spectator, freddie grey, and conservative home columnist and of course, one of our very own gb news, emily carver. Good to see you both. This morning. Freddie, lets kick straight off with the mail. Should we the bank of ireland had some cash chaos . Well, yes. Well, yes. So youll save, save Cash Campaign . Yes, i think the bank of ireland taken a little bit too far because theyre just giving out cash. Theyve been giving out cash. Theyve been giving out free cash. Well, good. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Yeah. There was some problem with their app and their websites people websites that meant that people could transfer somehow transfer £1,000 their account and £1,000 into their account and then a cashpoint and take then go to a cashpoint and take it out. So these huge queues it out. And so these huge queues were forming at various places. Dubun were forming at various places. Dublin limerick and navan and well take out without actually coming out of their account. It wouldnt actually is. But in fact now that theyve corrected the error, all those accounts will be debited for 1000 for the thousand pounds taken out. Thats thats not oh well thats thats not fair. Not should their fair. Its not should be their mistake. They have to cover the cost. Exactly. Yeah exactly. Yeah well isnt it actually what strikes i saw like doco strikes me is i saw like a doco on Something Like this. This was actually a scam that someone pulled states. Pulled off in the states. I think. And because there was a glitch in the system and they did it for years and got about a quarter of 1 million out by doing that transfer , doing it, doing that transfer, doing it, then checking out. And it didnt register. Did it before register. If you did it before midnight something. Midnight or something. I always so. Well, i always thought so. Monopoly banking monopoly monopoly banking error in you keep in your favour. Yeah. You keep the so they shouldnt be debited. So it sounds like they hadnt fixed this glitch in ireland. Fixed this glitch in ireland. No. No. And someone seen netflix and someone seen this netflix doco advantage of it. Doco and taken advantage of it. Seen that theres ,1,000 eight. Yeah, it being ireland and all emily, we want to talk now about this energy drink which has raised the question about age limits and things. Age limits and things. It had a really negative i mean significant negative impact on a child. Yeah. On a child. Yeah. So apparently freddie actually knows all about this because its been so popular with young children. This drink because its the trendy drink of choice of youtube stars or they brought it out. They launched it. Paul and i never heard it. Logan paul and i never heard of of them anyway. Its of either of them anyway. Its like massive fad for like the massive fad for children. Anyway, this boy, his dad is saying that he nearly died as a result of drinking this drink and the problem with the drink is that it has absolutely huge amounts of caffeine, four times the amount thats in a can of coke. Well, why was he drinking anyway . Anyway . Shouldnt have been well, he shouldnt have been drinking but apparently its drinking it, but apparently its everywhere on all social media. The want it. Why . The Kids Really Want it. Why . They it. They can buy it. Yeah. So big question. Yeah. So big question. Eight year old. But that so eight year old. But that is true. You could say this is totally the parents fault and it does the can that its does say on the can that its not for children. Id love to say its the parents, my children are parents, but my children are massively into prime and all age group obsessed with it. Group are obsessed with it. Really. So theyre 12, ten and eight. They shouldnt be drinking it. N it. I didnt know that it well, i didnt know that it had loads of caffeine in it. I didnt read the assumed didnt read the label, assumed it was the sort of energy drink. Well, that is, i mean. That that. Sorry, well that is that. Sorry, sorry said that wrong. Well that is that. Sorry, sor|i said that wrong. Well that is that. Sorry, sor|i assumed at wrong. Well that is that. Sorry, sor|i assumed it wrong. Well that is that. Sorry, sor|i assumed it wasrg. Well that is that. Sorry, sor|i assumed it was just a soft i assumed it was just a soft dnnk i assumed it was just a soft drink that was meant look drink that was meant to look like an. Drink that was meant to look likeim concerned about your im concerned about your parenting. It. Parenting. I love it. Its not good. Im not. Its not very good. Im not. Im not reading the labels clearly, but no, its huge. I mean, its under power of these youtube influencers. Is outrageous because a months outrageous because a few months ago, bottles was such a ago, bottles of prime was such a hot commodity my son was hot commodity that my son was trading empty ones in school for a five watt. So he would get hold of a prime drink it, which is obviously very bad for his health. And i will now tell him not to do that. And then get and then he would sell it to a classmate for a £5. Freddie is there a part of you that was really proud of him for being on . I like the entrepreneurial spirit. Somebodys got to replenish family finances. Replenish the family finances. They actually well, they do actually have two versions drink. Okay two versions of the drink. Okay so canned drink is one so the canned drink is the one that contains all the caffeine. There go. Bottled drink, there we go. The bottled drink, which, only which, of course, is the only one your children would one that your children would have one that does have drank, is the one that does it is the one that doesnt have any caffeine in it. So, you know, can check if your know, you can check if your children grandchildren are children or grandchildren are drinking drink. Can drinking this drink. You can check yes, check which one it is. But yes, this chap, this young boy was was sent to hospital having a fit to control his breathing. So this might just be a one off case. It this might just be a one off case. It probably doesnt do this kids, but the kind this to all kids, but the kind of fun bottle is disgusting. Of fun the bottle is disgusting. The it tastes disgusting to see. Oh, bit mum shamed in the sense that if this is the cool thing that all the kids running around, heard of it. Around, ive never heard of it. My certainly never my kids have certainly never heard totally out heard of it. Were totally out of with whats cool. Of touch with whats cool. I think it might have just hit the Tipping Point where its becoming right . Becoming uncool, though, right . Because. Because i was at a match day and this kid match that day and this kid whos their turned up whos in their team turned up with the prime and was with the prime and he was obviously showing it and obviously showing it off. And theyre done. Youve theyre like, well done. Youve got of prime was over. Got a bottle of prime was over. Not cool anymore. Not cool anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Freddy, lets have look at freddy, lets have a look at the should we . Because the times. Should we . Because this the cup this sunday. Yes, the World Cup Final, our first since nine 1866. And its going to be a busy day down the boozer of the night. Emily, im very excited about the final. Emily but pubs are braced for their busiest sunday of the yeah 1 yeah 1 million views, but theyre not going to be able to drink because of the time. Why . 11 00 . Why . 11 00 . Well, its more than an hour i so people look after people like to preload before you drink before midday on a sunday. I some pubs i think some wetherspoons you can drink probably from about 8 am. But i think most pubs maybe dont have a licence before midday. I think thats the issue here. Well, i think there may be a, i think the government may be forced to bring in some a quick bit of thing to ease the bit of thing to, to ease the licences that day. Why not . But we were having a bit of a bit of a chat in the in the green room about whether some of the well, i dont know all people that excited about the football. Are they genuinely football. Are they genuinely that excited perhaps those people have been sleepwalking through this world cup and finally realised this this is finally realised this is this is a deal and you know i was a big deal and you know i was reading this morning everyone would have been off work if it were are were the men churches are putting forward their services so could go home so that people could go home and enjoy the right right to look. Well, churches do that. Well, churches do that. Well, churches do that. Well, you think like i mean, no, its the right thing to do, freddie. Its the right thing to do. Look, freddie, salvation by it. Emily isnt excited about it. You know who is excited about this you know . Well, this world cup . You know . Well, i harry. Harry redknapp. I am harry. Harry redknapp. Harry jones is now great to see, harry. Look this is quite something, isnt it . Van fantastic. I mean, the whole country sort of, you know, bought into it and enjoyed it. And to get to a final again, its going to be amazing. Its going to be a great game. Spain are a good team, so its got the makings of a fantastic final on sunday. I think that , you know, sunday. I think that, you know, a large proportion of the country are going to be watching this game. So yeah, well all be glued to our tv sets and looking up in england when the world cup are going to be fantastic. Fantastic. Harry and when you look at the momentum that the lionesses have built up, theyve been professional, theyve cracked on, theyve done the job that they were asked to do. Oh were you wanting say were you wanting to say something, harry . I thought you were indicating. Oh, dont were indicating. Oh, dont worry. Yeah, theyve done exactly what we wanted of them, andifs exactly what we wanted of them, and its been sort of almost textbook so far. And on paper, textbook so far. And on paper, we should beat spain, shouldnt. We yeah, i think its a very even game. Spain have got a lot of problems in their camp. They they quite a few players who refuse to come and play. I think they dont like the coach. There seems to be a big problem with the coach of the National Team and the players. So that is where the problem is for them. But still very, very but theyre still very, very good. Very even game. Good. So its a very even game. I think the bookmakers make spain slight favourites. In fact , its that close. So but i think england can do it. I really do. I think the squad were very much together and i dont see any reason why we cant we cant win the world cup i morning, harry. Its paul here. Ive got a kind of a crazy question for you, but. Oh, good morning , guys. Good. Its good morning, guys. Good. Its good to see you talking about managers, though. The difference between weve got Sarina Wiegman who everybody seems to love and has this huge success and were talking about george a little bit earlier and being the spanish manager and the problems that had. Whats the most that hes had. Whats the most important thing for you about being a successful manager . Its being a successful manager . Its not just football, is it . Its so much to do with how you deal with people. With people. Well, you need obviously, you need you need good players first and foremost. Um hang on. Its just some friends of mine to come in. Clive, if you could please be quiet. Hes. He. Dont stop talking. My mate. Um, so, yeah , we need. We need. Yeah, we need. We need. Obviously, you need good players, also the manager players, but also the manager has best out of the has to get the best out of the players. And thats what, thats what our manager does with this team. Been absolutely fantastic. You know, lots of plaudits coming in from the likes of the king, the prince of wales. Even talk if perhaps we were to win on sunday, should we have a bank holiday . I mean, we talk about 30 years of her all these years of hurt since the World Cup Final, the world cup, when final, since the world cup, when what do you think this will mean to can do it . To us if we can do it . Yes. Lets have a bank holiday. Why not give everybody another off like you need another day off like you need another day off like you need another one, harry. Anyway, lets lets lets have a mums bank holiday. How would you go. How would you go. How would you go. Im up for that. Absolutely. But as far as the womens game because i know you lived in the states for a while, didnt you, a few years back and playing over there. Womens football. It was bigger then, wasnt was bigger there then, wasnt it, than anywhere else . Have we overtaken , do you think, overtaken, do you think, america, as far as popularity of the womens game now . The womens game now . Well , i the womens game now . Well, i dont the womens game now . Well , i dont know. The womens game now . Well, i dont know. Im not sure. The crowds every sunday or whenever the girls play , how big whenever the girls play, how big a crowds, their drawings do. I mean, this will be filled the stadiums for the england games for sure. But the actual games for sure. But the actual games you know, i still think they need to play the games at the stadiums. I need to play the games at the stadiums. I think need to play the games at the stadiums. I think that, you stadiums. I think that, you know, tottenham need to play their at the new tottenham their games at the new tottenham stadium, ham , arsenal, stadium, west ham, arsenal, chelsea, whoever. I think they chelsea, whoever. I think they should be playing the games on the day when the first team are not the mens team are not playing and then play the ladies game on. You know , whether its game on. You know, whether its a or because the a saturday or sunday because the pitches nowadays they dont cut up not going to up anyway. Youre not going to do damage. The pitchers can do any damage. The pitchers can take two games in in two days, play take two games in in two days, play to let the ladies get them into the stadiums. I think that will be a big push forward for the that needs to happen. The game that needs to happen. What sort of a if they do win , the fact that he even got to a final how big of a kick is this to the to the mens team because its a bit of healthy competition, isnt it . Competition, isnt it . Absolutely. Yeah i mean we were long overdue to win something with the mens team. I something with the mens team. I think we should have won by now with this group of players. Weve got you know, weve got an amazing mens players, Young Players come through and i think we really should have even won the world cup or the euros by now. So if the girls can do it, it would give the guys a real kick up the backside and say, come on, its about time you won something now. So hopefully we can go into next tournament and we can we can do the double. Lets get this 1 1 lets open lets get this 1 1 first. Said this is a big one first. He said this is a big one on lets get this one on sunday. Lets get this one done. Look, theyre going to and look, theyre going to be lots of little girls all around the world watching this tournament. A tournament. I know youve got a granddaughter we granddaughter. Do you think we are seeing a change in the outlook of young women , outlook of young women, particularly in this country, wanting kick ball about wanting to kick a ball about i mean, molly into football . Mean, is molly into football . Um, no. Um, no. Um, no. Well, she likes the football. Yeah. No she doesnt play mollys. So shes 23 now, so mollys. So shes 23 now, so shes not, shes not, shes not football or. No, but the young ones are. I mean theyre coming up with it more now. The young young kids at school are playing. So its great. Its a great exercise, great, you know, get out and play. They proved that they can play. Theyve got the everything about the the skill. Everything about the game is good. I mean, the skill fact. Theres been amazing to watch. So theres no reason that more and more young girls playing and getting great fun out of playing football. Out of playing football. I got to ask you, one more. I got to ask you, harry, you like when harry, what do you like when youre watching because youre watching it . Because a lot of that go crazy and lot of us that go crazy and were shouting , but lot of us that go crazy and were shouting, but i mean, being you are, being a professional as you are, do watch it like a as a do you watch it like as a as a man, as a professional, or can you watch it as a fan . And do you watch it as a fan . And do you nuts when the goals going you go nuts when the goals going youve got 20s . You go nuts when the goals going you harryyt 20s . You go nuts when the goals going you harry i 20s . You go nuts when the goals going you harry i 20s excited when we harry i get excited when we score, but yeah, score, obviously, but yeah, whatever watch whatever game ill watch wherever its, know, the wherever its, you know, the mens or the ladies game. I mens game or the ladies game. I tend to i like to watch it in a room on my own. Room on my own. Lovely stuff. Harry, kate, thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much indeed. Well done. Well done. Lovely stuff. Heres jonathan i looks like things are heating up. Boxed boilers, proud up. Boxed boilers, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there, there. Good morning to you. Im jonathan vietri here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good dose of sunshine generally if you are further towards the west south first thing west and the south first thing this morning. But a little stubborn cloud across northeast england that will stubborn cloud across northeast engla|up that will stubborn cloud across northeast engla|up we that will stubborn cloud across northeast engla|up we head that will stubborn cloud across northeast engla|up we head into it will stubborn cloud across northeast engla|up we head into the ll break up as we head into the afternoon. So more sunny intervals developing. If you intervals developing. And if you do sunshine, still do catch the sunshine, still feeling warm, 24 to feeling pleasantly warm, 24 to 26 degree celsius possible inland. Theres bit more inland. But theres a bit more of around. So of a breeze around. So particularly for eastern coastal areas, it will feel a touch cooler compared yesterday cooler compared to yesterday into overnight as into the overnight period as well. To see the well. Well start to see the cloud again from the cloud building in again from the nonh cloud building in again from the North Lincolnshire up cloud building in again from the norteastern lincolnshire up cloud building in again from the norteastern scotland lnshire up cloud building in again from the norteastern scotland andire up cloud building in again from the norteastern scotland and then into eastern scotland and then much widespread much more widespread cloud building the south West Building in from the south west as well. So a bit more of a mild night generally around night to come. Generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. Night to come. Generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. The 13 to 15 c as our lows. The humidity, though, beginning to build as all this rain begins to pushin build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west. Some heavy outbreaks for northern wales, england Northern Ireland, wales, england , some rumbles of , perhaps some rumbles of thunder as well. It thunder in there as well. It will peter out into the afternoon. So scotland turning to bit drier with some to stay that bit drier with some sunny and theres sunny intervals and theres a bit slice from south wales bit of a slice from south wales into england where bit of a slice from south wales into turn england where bit of a slice from south wales into turn dry england where bit of a slice from south wales into turn dry it england where bit of a slice from south wales into turn dry it engwell. Where bit of a slice from south wales into turn dry it engwell. 26 ce will turn dry it as well. 26 c as the max for today. Will turn dry it as well. 26 c as the max for today. But as as the max for today. But as i said, the humidity certainly building and theres further rain cards for the rain on the cards for the overnight as this area of overnight period as this area of low pressure to push its low pressure begins to push its way could provide way in and could provide a pretty unsettled end to the working week isobars squeezing together provide some together as well to provide some gusty enjoyed by gusty winds in places enjoyed by by looks like things are heating up. Up. Boxed boilers proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news still of weather on. Gb news still glowing in the Harry Redknapp warm yeah hes such an enthusiast as me for the game so many ideas coming in as well to name our piggy bank will be revealing some well. Good morning to you. Its well. Good morning to you. Its 9 00 on thursday. The 17th of august. Today gb news is taking the dont kill Cash Campaign to downing street, which has accumulated nearly 300,000 signatures. Its in a bid to ensure cash remains legal tender until 20 50,000 years of nervous students across the country opening their a level results this morning. But grades are expected to drop for the second year running. This comes, of course , running. This comes, of course, after the way that it was all handled in the pandemic meant there was a real spike in top marks over the last few years from desire, money comes a spirit of high speed from desire , freed from desire. The ,90 dance track is the most popular track for goal music at this years womens world cup. And well be joined by the artist behind the song, carla rosato. Rosato. And of course, weve got your latest forecast with jonathan after a good dose of summer yesterday. For many of us, will that become a repeated pattern over the next few days . Join me later for the full weather details. For the full weather details. Very good morning to you. Im isabel webster. And im stephen dixon. And this is breakfast on gb news. And of course, in our own big news this morning, weve hit a million youtube subscribers on our gb news channel. And ive got to say , tony smith says it got to say, tony smith says it was her. Hes got a clip of 1 million. Hes got a clip of 1 million. I dont know if we i dont know if we can from what youve sent me, she sent a bit of a winky emoji. So maybe, maybe shes not sure. But if we can find out who it was, well try and sort something out for you. If its possible. And ill note, if its possible. And ill note, no promises on that. But we will. We will try. In the meantime, a very big thank you to everyone whos subscribed , to everyone whos subscribed, you know, and approve saying that we are a growing gb news family, including this flyer. I know youre struggling with that. Right. And also weve been asking this morning not only to make sure you subscribe on youtube, but also to sign our petition we are handing petition because we are handing in our dont kill Cash Campaign to the chancellor, hunt, to the chancellor, jeremy hunt, this afternoon. Now, more than this afternoon. Now, more than 270,000 of you have so far signed that petition. We want to try and get it, dont we, to around 300,000 before this afternoon can. Afternoon if we can. If we do, let me just have a quick look. There you go. Quick look. There you go. Nothing like a bit of live telly. Were on 280,220. So see if you can top that up. And the reason its important is there are more than 5 million of us in britain who still rely really rely on cash. And were calling for laws to protect its status as legal tender and as a widely accepted means of payment until at least 2050. Well, lets speak to gb news economics and Business Editor Liam Halligan, who joins us live from Albert Embankment alongside his nameless piggy bank there. When i have to say, the ideas have been coming in thick and fast, tracey says. Id like to name them piggy scratch and, says percy , see what ive done says percy, see what ive done there . As in percy pig, but also play there . As in percy pig, but also play on the word purse. And the play on the word purse. And the best one i think has come from elaine so far. My suggested name for liams piggy is miss moneypenny. What do you think . Moneypenny. What do you think . Liam yeah , yeah , yeah. Liam yeah, yeah, yeah. I think theyre all good. Weve got some other ones coming in here. Julie says penny sixpence or tuppence , as wendy sixpence or tuppence, as wendy says. Prue as in prudence. Irene says. Prue as in prudence. Irene says trotter. And heres one says trotter. And heres one i really like. Grant suggests really like. Grant suggests sterling as in pound sterling speu sterling as in pound sterling spelt star. Of course , but it spelt star. Of course, but it reminded me of the old racing dnveh reminded me of the old racing driver, stirling moss. And how about sterling dosh . Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Look. Yeah, yeah, im look. Yeah, yeah, im claiming that. Im claiming that on live telly. Look, this is a really interesting day for gb news. Not only if we just topped a million youtube subscribers a huge achievement for a News Organisation thats barely two years old. In the last hour, as you say, isabel, weve added 5000 signatures from gb news viewers and listeners to our campaign petition. Dont kill cash. Gb news. Com , forward slash cash. Gb news. Com, forward slash cash and you can click a button there in order to support our petition. Why are we doing this . Why have we got this inflatable blow up piggy bank here . Because there are 5 Million People in there are 5 Million People in the uk who rely on cash every day. Theyre are 10 of uk households who dont have regular access to the internet. Regular access to the internet. Lots of us dont have smartphones. Over a million of smartphones. Over a million of us dont have Bank Accounts. Many, many people here in the uk who cant access Digital Payment mechanisms, who dont shop online, who want to use cash. Online, who want to use cash. And yet we know, dont we . We know from our investigative reporting, we know from living our lives and from many emails from gb news viewers and listeners that a lot of businesses, they dont want to take cash anymore. They dont want the cash handling costs. We know that a lot of the banks are closing down branches across our high streets , which makes high streets, which makes it harder access cash. And we harder to access cash. And we know that a lot of the tech giants who want us to shop onune giants who want us to shop online want to monitor everything that we do. They want to track behaviour. They can to track our behaviour. They can then sell that information to companies who can market other stuff for us to buy that. Often we dont need. Thats why weve launched this campaign. Dont kill cash we will, as you say, stephen, ill be handing in our petition two number 11 downing street live on air gb news this lunchtime. Weve already got over 100,000 signatures. Of course, that means we are entitled to petition on that building behind me. Yep the houses of parliament to hold a debate on the floor of the house about this issue. Lets get to about this issue. Lets get to 300,000 by this lunchtime. So when we talk to number 11, we can say we have put on 25,000 signatures. This morning alone from gb news viewers and listeners, this is a big issue for a lot of people, a lot of lower income households, a lot of vulnerable households, and a lot of the elderly dont have smartphones. They want to use cash. I smartphones. They want to use cash. I tell you what i find interesting in this, liam, is the different perspectives, because youre quite right for a lot of ordinary people as were just going about our daily business, we think, well, we want to spend cash in the shops , we want to have that choice, that access. That access. But if you delve deeper into this, it raises real questions about what happens if we have a digital only economy in the sense that, well, we know there are we know there are charges for using credit cards that retailers pay if theres only credit cards. Well, i mean, credit cards. Well, i mean, potentially they could up those charges to whatever they want. Theyve got an absolutely captive audience there. There are a whole load of implications here. There certainly are, stephen. I did a piece on gb news, had a film on gb news last week about exactly this issue, and thats why the federation of Small Businesses, a hugely influential lobby group , influential lobby group, speaking up for Small Businesses , independent retailers across the uk. Theyve now backed our campaign for precisely that reason because a lot of the self employed, a lot of smaller companies, they do rely on these Payment Companies in order to process card payments. These Payment Companies, theyre only meant to take one, 1. 5. Many of them are taking four, 5, and thats with cash still in existence. If the competition of cash isnt there and its a receding, competitive force in the payments business, then these card companies, theres very few of them. They could easily up rates. Thats not me saying that. Thats the federation of Small Businesses worrying about the monopoly power of the card Payment Companies. If we move away from cash to say nothing of all the surveillance issues, if you cant use cash and so say nothing. Also, of the cultural issues, how about, you know , a issues, how about, you know, a tennerin issues, how about, you know, a tenner in your Christmas Card when your uncle slips a kid, a fiver at a Birthday Party . These are all this is part of the joy of life, putting a couple of quid in a buskers guitar case. None of this is possible if we dont have cash. So for all dont have cash. So for all these reasons, stephen gb news is backing this campaign. We want cash to remain legal tendeh want cash to remain legal tender. There are powerful vested interests who want to remove cash completely to force us into becoming faster than we should be. A Cashless Society, its inevitable. All that onset its inevitable. All that onset of Digital Payment methodologies. But there are still millions and millions of households in this country who dont want to use car payments, who cant use card payments, who rely on cash , who need cash, who rely on cash, who need cash, who want to kill cash. So lets not he wants to keep cash. So lets not kill cash. Lets get that petition signed. So when we talk to the treasury this lunchtime , to the treasury this lunchtime, we can say gb news viewers and listeners across the uk, britain , Fastest Growing Media Organisation , they want you, organisation, they want you, chancellor , to back this chancellor, to back this campaign. Liam thank you very much indeed. Whilst youve been talking, 1400 more people have signed up, so its having an impact. 1400 more people have signed up, so its having an impact. Thanks so its having an impact. Thanks very much, liam. Well see you later. And sterling dosh, sterling dosh is the front runner. Has to be said. Has to be said. And, you know, so many people have said to me, stephen, i dont know about you. Theyre a bit guilty as i am of probably not using cash as much as we should. And its forced people to really think about how they would cash wasnt an would feel if cash wasnt an opfion would feel if cash wasnt an option. Suppose its kind option. And i suppose its kind of an imperative on of of put an imperative on all of us make sure that we, you us to make sure that we, you know, sign the know, not only sign the petition, but using cash petition, but start using cash and with our feet on this. And vote with our feet on this. Yeah, yeah. The we use yeah, yeah. The more we use it, more i think it, the more itll. I think thats very good point. Very thats a very good point. Very good point. Anyway, still to come for you, this morning, good point. Anyway, still to come for you, this morning , from come for you, this morning, from desire, money comes the spirit. I speak from desire. I speak from desire. I speak from desire. Oh well thats track. Oh well thats track. Well, yeah. One of the greatest tracks of all time freed from desired is the ,90 dance track. Thats the most popular version to play during all of the gold celebrations in the womens world cup. We were speaking to the artist behind it after this its a level results day. Do you remember your a level results day . Terrifying. 1992. Terrifying. 1992. You remember the year . Im you remember the year . Im not even sure. I remember 1990, 92. I remember 1990, 92. I remember 1990, 92. I met up with my friend lee williams and went off together and then got our results. And i and then got our results. And i think afterwards we went back , think afterwards we went back, big night out. Well, we went back to her house. I think a mum had got some vodka out. Yeah. Well its, you know, its a sort of rite of passage. You have nerves the night have the nerves the night before, you the results and before, you have the results and then the celebrations, then you have the celebrations, all commiserations. All the commiserations. Took me to pub for my mom took me to the pub for wmma my mom took me to the pub for summat eat afterwards, which summat to eat afterwards, which was treat have to go was a real treat to have to go out she got drunk. Oh she out and she got drunk. Oh she was well, id gone on was so really. Well, id gone on to i the only course id accepted was a brand new course in broadcast journalism. There were only 28 places on it and i turned Everything Else down. So i want to do that in one basket. She was just my mother was so relieved. Relieved. Oh, bless her. But she lined your stomach ready for the vodka. So that was smart parenting from from your mum. Parenting from from your mum. Well, lots of you getting in touch. Thank you well. And touch. Thank you as well. And stephen, a a first year stephen, im a a first year a level. I agree that a level student. I agree that our students arent properly shown other pathway outside shown the other pathway outside of university. I also hope to study journalism and know there are many internships and apprenticeships and thats something weve really something weve been really flagging charlie flagging this morning. Charlie andifs flagging this morning. Charlie and its something that perhaps that the universities need to start about competing start thinking about competing with lets see what claire with. Lets see what claire merchant of of this. Merchant makes of all of this. She the ceo of ucas. A busy she is the ceo of ucas. A busy morning you, claire. Youve morning for you, claire. Youve been some number crunching been doing some number crunching this morning. Lots of speculation about the numbers of students will be missing out students who will be missing out today on their first choice, university as a result of grade deflation. What are you seeing deflation. What are you seeing from the numbers so far . From the numbers so far . Actually, a really positive picture. So 79 of students picture. So 79 of students today are actually going to their first choice university, which is to be really celebrated. Its up around 5 in 2019, slightly down on last yeah 2019, slightly down on last year. But thats what we expected is return to normal grading. So a day to celebrate, as you say, for them. Our job at as you say, for them. Ourjob at ucas is to support those that change their mind or indeed didnt quite get the grades they wanted. But but as you said, lots and lots of different opfions lots and lots of different options Still Available to them. Well, including what . Yeah, well, including what . I mean, terms of the actual mean, in terms of the actual clearing system and getting onto their second choice, have their second choice, what have you, looking very you, is that looking very positive for those people who want to to uni . Want to go to uni . It is looking positive in terms of weve got currently 29,000 courses available and weve also got 8000 apprenticeships. So all of that available via ucas. My only word available via ucas. My only word of caution is just, you know, when they can have that clearing choice later today, just to be really aware that some of those really aware that some of those really competitive courses, you know, your psychology know, your law, your psychology at competitive institutions are just likely to go quickly. So be prepared. Can you shed some light on on the balance of the number of british students going through clearing today versus those International Students that will be going through clearing . Be going through clearing . Because i believe with current trends, carry on by trends, if they carry on by 2030, british universities will be more funded by foreign students than our own school leavers. An increased leavers. There is an increased number, isnt there, of these lucrative International Students using clearing today. So the focus today is very much on undergraduates. And so those going at age 18, 19 into the university. And what 19 into the university. And what were seeing today is actually a reduction in terms of the International Students going that might change over the coming weeks and months, because obviously got time obviously weve got a long time between when between now and the autumn when terms starts. At the moment terms starts. But at the moment it a reduction in terms of it is a reduction in terms of International Students. Of course, a lot of whats plays out over the next five, six, seven will depend on, you seven years will depend on, you know and how we know, geopolitics and how we compare to other other countries that students want to study at be at the australia, canada and what is happening in terms of the apprenticeships that ucas is deaung the apprenticeships that ucas is dealing with. And i dont know how new that is. It certainly wasnt the case back in my day, but but how does that work . And how how do you handle that . Handle that . It wasnt the case back in my day either. So really exciting for young people. You know, the fact that weve got degree in higher apprenticeships by some really top notch employers, you know, thats one of the know, whether thats one of the big consulting accountancy big consulting and accountancy firms something in firms or its something in manufacturing dyson or a manufacturing like a dyson or a jaguar land rover, really, really exciting. And actually , really exciting. And actually, you know, we are encouraging teachers, advisers to open that up to students as an option. As i said, 8000 at different levels. Course different levels. But of course different points the year will have points during the year will have many, many more than that as well apprenticeships well because apprenticeships recruit throughout the year. Well you go. You okay. Well let you go. You know, a really busy know, weve got a really busy day. Ceo ucas. And i have to day. Ceo of ucas. And i have to say, still filling in say, i still remember filling in my form back at school and my ucas form back at school and the were involved in the nerves that were involved in all of that. So speaking to the boss ucas, i still feel very deferential. So you should so should. So you should so you should. So you should so you should. Head to jack carson. Is lets head to jack carson. Is it form in wales for his it a sixth form in wales for his morning jack . Morning jack . Yeah. Good morning. Im at the blind. I gwent learning zone here in wales and with student millie tackle millie explain to us a little bit this morning because of course students are going to be opening the results. But actually you found theres a problem actually logging in because people are because so many people are trying to get the results this morning. Actually trying to get the results this morn able actually trying to get the results this morn able get actually trying to get the results this morn able get them. Ually trying to get the results this morn able get them. Yeah it been able to get them. Yeah it seems as if the website has crashed a little bit. Just been a blank screen its just been a blank screen all morning. I only out that ive i only found out that ive actually into university actually got into university through from ucas, so through an email from ucas, so its a bit annoying when youre just to find out what just trying to find out what grades you but yeah, but grades you have, but yeah, but how feel knowing that how do you feel knowing that even have your even though you might have your specific youve still specific results, youve still got university . Im got into your university . Im absolutely over the moon. Its been a few absolutely over the moon. Its been this a few absolutely over the moon. Its been this morning a few absolutely over the moon. Its been this morning when a few absolutely over the moon. Its been this morning when ia few absolutely over the moon. Its been this morning when i first tears this morning when i first found out its a dream come true. And how would how actually doing the exams like . Because of course your cohort course we know that your cohort of has been impacted of students has been impacted from from your from the pandemic from your gcse. So sitting these formal exams, you know, what that exams, you know, what was that experience very experience like . It was very scary our first proper scary being our first proper exams, very, difficult. Exams, very, very difficult. Had immense amounts but weve had immense amounts of of our of support from all of our tutors and teachers, so its not been but still very , been too bad, but still very, very been too bad, but still very, verokay, millie, thanks so much okay, millie, thanks so much for on gb news this forjoining us on gb news this morning. Picture here morning. Thats a picture here in students trying to in wales. The students trying to get the results, but finding a few this morning. Get the results, but finding a fewyeah, this morning. Get the results, but finding a fewyeah, interesting orning. Get the results, but finding a fewyeah, interesting. Rning. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, interesting. Thanks very much okay, jack, thanks very much indeed. Okay, jack, thanks very much indeed. Lets change indeed. Lets change tack. Should read from desire . Should we read from desire . Well, maybe lots of a level students will be doing the goal celebration. Maybe they should look at the world cup as well today. Why . Why . Why . Why . Why on earth . The womens world cup gold celebrations, all these a song from the 1990s. Why not . It was huge at the time. I danced around a few clubs to that. Let me tell you why. Ive got particular pleasure in introducing risotto. Singer introducing gala risotto. Singer and songwriter of that incredible double platinum track. Its to great see you this morning. Why on earth do you think its taken off at the world cup . Um, well, i dont world cup . Um, well, i dont know the exact reason why its being used in the world cup, but you know, i. I can tell you that. Lets say im not surprised that the people brought it back. There is a justice behind this story that i probably i am the only one who can see as the art is and writer. The song actually the meaning of the song. Writer. The song actually the meaning of the song. Um, its a very complex it sounds like a very complex it sounds like a very simple song, but its not a simplistic song at all. There is. There was a lot of thinking, a lot of intention behind it, a lot of meaning at the time. I moved to new york city and i noficed moved to new york city and i noticed the incredible despair between people, among people and inequality that i didnt notice as much growing up in europe and in new york. They were so evident. And i started reading a lot about buddhism and taoism and it was for sure a fight. The power song, a social criticism came to this wheel that keeps us wanting more, getting more, buying more, always thinking that the future will bring some sort of happiness that doesnt really arrive from the material per se. And so the song is a per se. And so the song is a song about fighting the power , song about fighting the power, but it also has an Energy Behind it that i remember , you know, it that i remember, you know, that that it is. I remember having at the time. But its actually a little bit the essence of who i am. That is essence of who i am. That is this resilience and this desire to, um , align with your beliefs to, um, align with your beliefs and align with your passion before where youre looking for anything , before youre trying anything, before youre trying to go in the world and grab something. The power that we have as people is to align with with our meaning here in this world. Well, it was pushing boundanes well, it was pushing boundaries then. Gala is at a just as the women in the world cup are indeed pushing boundanes cup are indeed pushing boundaries with womens football. And perhaps thats one of the reasons why its been so popular and such a positive track as well. And we certainly hope it bodes well for our lionesses as they head the final against they head to the final against spain. Youre spain. From where youre speaking this on speaking to us this morning, on sunday morning. Thank you very much talking us. Much indeed for talking to us. This cracking track. This is a cracking track. It. And ill tell you i love it. And ill tell you what i do like hearing is the cicadas behind you. Oh, yeah. Thats lovely, oh, yeah. Thats a lovely, lovely, gorgeous. Lovely, hot, gorgeous. Thank very much indeed. Thank you very much indeed. Great to see you. Thank you. Great to see you. Thank you. Takes me back. Takes me back. Takes me back. Takes me back. Lovely stuff, right . That is it lovely stuff, right . That is it from us on breakfast. But up next up next, we have tom and ellie with britains newsroom with their finger on the pulse of all thats happening up and down the country. Country. Yes, thats right. Coming up at 930, its britains newsroom with me and tom of course, were going to be talking about that fantastic game yesterday. The fantastic game yesterday. The lionesses, they won. It was that nerve wracking game, though, wasnt it, tom . It was indeed. Well, especially for that one. One moment. But its not just nerve wracking , nail biting. Looking wracking, nail biting. Looking forward to sunday. Its also a nail biting day for many up and down this country whove received their a level results this morning. Received their a level results this morning. Results down this this morning. Results down this yearin this morning. Results down this year in england, although similar in scotland, wales and to Northern Ireland those inflated pandemic years. Its going to be a really interesting time to see how people can manage with this uneven landscape of results. Absolutely. Also to going be talking dont kill cash, dont miss it. 930 the temperatures rising , boxt miss it. 930 the temperatures rising, boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there there. Good morning to you. Im Jonathan Vautrey here with your latest gb news Weather Forecast provided by the met office. Most of us can look forward to a relatively fine and dry day and there is a good dose of sunshine generally if further towards the if you are further towards the west south thing west and the south first thing this a little this morning. But a little stubborn across northeast stubborn cloud across northeast england scotland that england into scotland that will break into the break up as we head into the afternoon. More sunny afternoon. So more sunny intervals and if you afternoon. So more sunny intycatch and if you afternoon. So more sunny intycatch the and if you afternoon. So more sunny intycatch the sunshine, nd if you afternoon. So more sunny intycatch the sunshine, still you do catch the sunshine, still feeling pleasantly warm, 2420 6 degrees celsius possible inland, but theres a bit more of breeze around. So of a breeze around. So particularly for eastern coastal areas, will touch areas, it will feel a touch cooler compared to yesterday into period as into the overnight period as well. Start to the well. Well start to see the cloud again from cloud build again. Again from the from lincolnshire the north sea, from lincolnshire up scotland up into eastern scotland and then widespread cloud then much more widespread cloud building the south West Building in from the south west as well. So a bit more of a mild night come. Generally around night to come. Generally around 13 to 15 c as our lows. The humidity, though, beginning to build as all this rain begins to pushin build as all this rain begins to push in from the south west. Some heavy outbreaks for Northern Ireland, wales, england, some rumbles of england, perhaps some rumbles of thunder as well. It thunder in there as well. It will peter out into the afternoon. So scotland tending to bit with some to stay that bit dry with some sunny and theres sunny intervals and theres a bit a slice south wales bit of a slice from south wales into england where into southwest england where will it as well. 26 c will turn dry it as well. 26 c as the max for today. But as i said, the humidity certainly building theres further said, the humidity certainly builyon; theres further said, the humidity certainly builyon the theres further said, the humidity certainly builyon the cardses further said, the humidity certainly builyon the cards forfurther said, the humidity certainly builyon the cards for the her rain on the cards for the overnight period as this area of low pressure begins to push its way could provide pretty way in and could provide pretty unsettled the working unsettled end to the working week squeezing together week isobars squeezing together as gusty as well to provide some gusty winds places. As well to provide some gusty winds places. Enjoy your day. Winds in places. Enjoy your day. Bye. By winds in places. Enjoy your day. Bye. By the temperatures rising , boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Well. A very good morning to you. Its 9 30 am. On thursday. The 17th of august. And this is britains newsroom here on gb news. With me, tom harwood and ellie costello. So coming up today , gb news, dont kill cash today, gb news, dont kill Cash Campaign is heading to downing street this afternoon almost 300,000 of you have signed the petition to ensure that cash remains legal tender until 2050. And theres still time to sign it. And its a huge morning for tens of thousands of students as its a level results day grades are expected to drop for a second year running after the pandemic led to inflation. In those top grades, well have the very latest reaction. Very latest reaction. And the lionesses have done it. They have booked a place in the World Cup Final after beating hosts australia , spain beating hosts australia, spain are up next in the

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