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Alert as devastating Wind And Rains and Tornado And Storm surge ripping through my free state of Florida Tonight and its rough as many people in the state our prayers are with them at the worst yet to come. The Hurricane Made Landfall on the Gulf Coast as we take you live on the ground. We will check in with Kamala Harris who is pretending to care about hurricanes for the first time ever. With 27 days until an Inflection Point in the country be an Election Day after two weeks of being missing in max missing in action in politics at its worst while blaming Donald Trump for being missing in action. We go live to the Fox Weather Center with the very latest. Brian, it just made landfall a little south of tampa, more so than we thought. Its not good news for Tampa Or Sarasota or Fort Myers and the southWest Coast. You see a pushing south of the Landfall Point right near sarasota. Landfall was declared at 8 30 and the circulation is coming around. So this Gulf Water has been pushed to South Of Sarasota. It then its Englewood Down To Charlotte County before. Tampa is also getting blasted. The intense wind is on the North Side of the unusual hurricane. Then there is cs to key South Of Sarasota a category three hurricane at landfall. Looking at Tampa Bay and st. Petersburg. The Blue Box there is extreme wind warning. Down just north of sarasota because of this while rotating into the lakeland area. This is where the core of the windows with tampa and st. Petersburg pushing the water out of Tampa Bay. They arent going to get the extreme surge like concerned about. But they are getting peak Wind Gusting up to now 120 miles per hour. Damage will be done quite a lot in that metropolitan area right now. Down to the south the windows coming in off the Gulf Gusting to around 72 here. Little west towards Fort Myers. We arent even getting complaint accurate ratings because we lost power there. The expectation is that the entire coast is flooding at this moment right now. Naples 4. 8 feet above normal high tide. Thats higher than Hurricane Hellion. 3. 9 feet in Downtown Fort myers and the peak is yet to come there later this evening. So there will be another Flood Event for all of Southwest Florida. Tonight 90 Mileperhour Hurricane through orlando and the metropolitan area there in the dark tonight. After that it goes offshore. There is more as to the north of the storm that i wall structure comes across this part of florida 44 flash Floods Threat on top of the wind for and Tornado Threat over this corridor here. Its starting over here right now through tonight across the state has its own top of the record tornadoes that occurred earlier today. What we are seeing as its hitting the West Coast of florida in central florida with the high wind and potential flooding there and it should be off the Eastern Seaboard of florida by around 2 00 in the afternoon . On by 2 00 in terms of the core of wind but the thing is the wind coming around on the backside is flooding the northeast coast of Florida Jacksonville around to daytona beach. You do remember they were hit so hard by Hurricane Nicole two years ago so some of the Coastline Hasnt been repaired just like Southwest Florida isnt prepared repaired from ian file that debris on the West Coast from hellions all these coastlines are getting a second punch from this hurricane after hurricanes from the past. Sean thank you my prayers go out to my fellow floridians tonight. We have mike with us now from florida. More of the same here gusty wind around 89 but as mentioned the worst right now in the Tampa Area taking that Northerner Area of iowa which came earlier checking the airport a few moments ago getting to around 8. Right now across the state of florida just over 800,000 customers easily more than A Million people without power. You see behind me was still power here in the big concern here was all the debris all over the Place Mile high there wasnt enough time to get it out of here and not a time to get it out of here. Theres a big Storm Surge of hundred mileperhour Wind Gust. Thanks leave the big Storm Wont materialize because the centers heading south. Thats a Saving Grace as i was envisioning waking up Tomorrow Morning and seeing debris everywhere but thats not going to happen which is a good thing. On the other Side Weve already had 10 inches of rain and another three or four hours of heavy Rainfall And Weve got an additional Flood Warning for this area going until 10 30 eastern with flash Flood Warnings being the case along that i have for record or. To put a new Tornado Watch for a good deal of the florida peninsula. So from the Storm Surge perspective a much better outcome than expected even a couple hours ago. Lots of Wind And Rain and power to go out there in the Sunshine State tonight. The concern is the increasing search of the south. Was naples, florida, a lot of people in Fort Myers and sarasota well check in later in the program. Now bring in Bill Hemmer who is on the ground who is in central florida In Orlando by the Eiffel Record or. Exit expect to a seven days for now we will have a different discussion about that corridor in central florida as it will be about the election and you will be at the big Board But Tonight its about hurricane. I know you know this state very well and good evening to you. Orlando is next just listening to what was described on the map there a strains the imagination that will widespread the storm is. I note Tampa Bay didnt get directly it they havent had a direct hit in Tampa Bay and 103 years this is a night of history for all the wrong ways for Weather Condition here in the great state of florida. 103 years since Tampa Bay got hit. Sarasota going back to 1960 as they took a direct hit. The West Coast and 125 miles southeast and there were some reports of injuries from the tornado. They didnt confirm that and is areas like Punter Gorda and Fort Myers where the storm where its tough to protect the area which was built to protect the area after it got smacked ten years ago 20 years ago. If you had 80 miles west of here and if you and 50 miles to the east of here thats where get up to around 18 inches of Rain Tonight and through before the storm exits the other side. There is Power Outages is that number will skyrocket throughout the night. And the important thing is this. The West Coast of florida its not the immunity you feel when you visit there are live there her vacation there it sure feels like when you go decades without feeling a storm of the Magnitude Tonight its the West Coast a central florida feeling insignificant ways. Its a Long Dark Night in the Sunshine State. We will wake up the things we didnt want to see 13 days after Hurricane Hellion. Sean i wish there was better conditions for everybody especially on the West Coast. None the east Coach Daytona through jacksonville need to watch for the Storm Surge all is well. We now take you back on the ground in florida all night long as we do monitor Hurricane Milton. But first after four years of Skipping Hurricane Preparedness briefings and not being there and skipping ignoring every major storm in the country. The P Harris suddenly pretends to care. Almost a full two weeks after a disaster caused by Hurricane Hellion we need to be clear. Harrison bidens response to Hurricane Hellion to the devastating hurricane has been the worst in american history. We are on the verge of an election and now harris actually attended a hurricane briefing. It didnt go well for her. She stumbled and stammered over her words while trying hard to sound wellinformed when she isnt. At one point talked to a staffer on the hot microphone by covering her mouth with her hand to Take A Look. To the people of florida in particular the people of the Tampa Bay region. We urge you to take this storm seriously. For these traditional places which can flood need to watch those areas so takes quite a while through the water to calm. President Joe Biden thank you very much. Can i have a question you mentioned to Words Matter and there is a lot of media following this briefing. Sheeting Call Desantis once when there is a hurricane in the state of florida and then politicized that this week. Meanwhile Governor Desantis was on my Radio Show is 50,000 people staged the following right after this hurricane that will work its way across the state. The awkward showing by harris and with recent disasters after talking off script for a month suddenly deep participating in interviews with her friends in the State Run Medium up. We speculated since monday her internal poles must be atrocious and had some conversation. Listen to what he had to say. Its an experiment can you in a short campaign. Im telling you whats happening in private pulling is a problem now. You harris people are complaining and if you want to watch msnbc prime time. With whats actually happening were here to tell you and very robust private pulling showing shes in a lot of trouble. Sean its having pulls out Today Show here is losing both wisconsin and michigan down four points in michigan and this pull and two points in wisconsin and two points as we see in pennsylvania with the new pull from insider advantage. By the way most recent Poll Shows are massively underperforming biden in 2020 and hillary in 2016. Real clear politics shows on october ninth 2016 hillary was up five points on this date in 2020 with biden up 9. 7. In 2024 its a 2. 04 race. Of course of harris was a capable leader and not a Spineless Mediocre politician hiding her true beliefs and hiding from the media and hiding from the american people and actually really cared about people as she proclaimed she wouldve been on the Ground Glass to a 12 weeks in North Carolina and georgia South Carolina, tennessee leading Recovery Efforts as shes been missing in action picking fake fights with Ron Desantis and Donald Trump in the middle of two deadly hurricanes stumbling through a 60 Minutes Interview that turned out to be a disaster and despite heavy lifting from the Editing Department at cbs it still didnt work out well. Shes giggling as per usual showing up on a podcast called to call her daddy and talking about Raisin Bran with Howard Stern in a soup. Sipping tea at The View and cracking a cold beer with Stephen Colbert instead of helping North Carolina and georgia. One of the old songs as they just want somebody to have a beer with. Do you want to have a beer of me so i can tell people whats that like . Now i asked ahead of time to be clear. You asked for Miller Lite to be clear. Last time i had beer was actually at a Baseball Game with doug so cheers. [laughter] tastes like the beautiful city of milwaukee, wisconsin. Sean people or abandon in the southern states and shes yakking it up and drinking with Stephen Colbert. Its getting rabbits rated this hour as we speak my Home State is broadcast from Fox Studios in florida. Its the second major hurricane in this state and two weeks. Shes Drinking Beer on a set with Stephen Colbert yakking it up on the call me Daddy Podcast the ladies with The View woke Howard Stern whatever happened to him and also she is randomly trying a fake jamaican accent on Stephen Colbert show take a listen. Have you no empathy, maam. The suffering of other people have you no sense of purpose if your Group Report to be a le leader. Sean i dont know if that was the tape we called for but empathy she was talking about Donald Trump and that cut. Empathy Way Hasnt she been in North Carolina. Audiences obviously confused so are we were not one of these cupcake interviews they are going to help her these are people who support her with dwindling audiences. Earlier in the day the Vice President told the ladies of The View she Cant Think of a single thing she wouldve done differently than Joe Biden. Not the Border Or Economy or high cost of energy not defund dismantle and ice. Not giving 200 Million to ukraine and making them rich. On colbert she can come up with a single thing Take A Look. Under a Harris Administration but with the major State Change is to change a pmo would stay the same. Obviously not Joe Biden. So that would be one change i suppose but also with 28 days to go im also not Donald Trump and when we think about the significance of what the next generation of leadership looks like way to be elected president its about frankly i believe in our country i love how its our Character And Nature to be an ambitious people so she wouldnt change a thing no Donald Trump i do agree the border would be secure the economy would rebound people around the world will respect us whats most pathetic about the Asskissing Media Tour is the horrific response across the southeast in the wake of the hurricane is serious really think your government is doing a great job that she agree with Joe Biden the victims in North Carolina and georgia and everywhere in between are getting what they need and everybody is happy thats what joe said last week take a li listen. What do the states in the Storm Zones need after what you saw today . President Joe Biden depends which storm are we talking about they will make were gonna make sure they get everything they need thing forward much different story on the own as Sara Carter has been reporting from the hardest hit areas North Carolina and elsewhere all week. Nobodys gone the help they deserve and perhaps that they were in the country illegally they probably would be treated better wouldnt they equally with Housing And Health care and education. Sex change Operations Amnesty and drivers licenses and free college. You arent even allowed to mention any of this in any Shape Matter or form or criticize the government for their horrific response as they get upset and say its not helpful. You a far left Media Outlets like msnbc and cnn. They want you to believe any criticism of Harris And Biden and fdma is misinformation. Its the truth because them in the bidenHarris Administration got caught flatfooted they did Nothing And Head next to nothing prepositioned knowing that for days a massive hurricane was going to hit the country. Governors like Desantis And Camp prepositioned grower resources and manpower. All ahead of time. All missing in action. Joe was on his on the beach. Harris was in hollywood with rich elite hollywood friends. Six days later the secretary of Homeland Security said fema is in shambles him financially and we dont have money for hurricane season. Then we discovered on their own website the agency distributed more than A Billion Dollars to house and feed unvented illegal immigrants. A billion over the last what will years. With reaction is charlie heard in tammy bruce. I dont think this ever been a worse response to theres natural disaster in our lifetime. It hasnt been and let me make it clear when it comes to the Harris Choice to get involved with florida she doesnt give a dang about floridians. Shes looking at Ron Desantis. Thats the enemy. If trump wins its a oneterm. Desantis as well as other great talent the future of the g. O. P. It didnt matter for North Carolina or georgia. It is desantis who is having the problem its political and this is what were seeing here the dynamic that people dont matter if they live in this bubble and for her to be laughing with Stephen Colbert 203 people at this point did from hellion. Thousands missing and she is going having these fun conversations. It shows a worry about their base. And it means they are concerned about where democrats stand. On the issue of what you would change she was asked that on The View and didnt bother to come up with an answer for Stephen Colbert the easiest thing that can be said is i wouldve handled the Exit Event at afghanistan differently. 13 dead americans and she Cant Think of anything. Nothing that she wouldve done differently of all the issues and catastrophes we faced. Of that issue which led to an invasion of ukraine and did dead troops. Hat afghanistan becoming the Caliban Area it is now doesnt know anything they would change. Things he did not like the platitudes and with that Stuff Swimming and only worried about politics. Having an impact certainly though. Hurricane milton has now hit landfall and joining us live on the ground in Tampa Bay, florida, the most part we thought there at Ground Zero south of it getting hit hard at this hour. This is the wind from the northern part there hitting with wind more than 80 miles per hour. Florida governor Ron Desantis said help is on the way and its a tough few hours many people along the West Coast with the mayor of Tampa Bay saying until windspeeds get down below 40 miles per hour. Wont be first responders going out to help. Right now we see wind picking up quite a bit with no trees snapping but instead steady rain for about eight hours with more than 16 inches of rain possible. Of the real concern is what is it look like in the morning there is a predicted Storm Surge on the coast anywhere from 6 615 feet. Real problem is despite this things to be had for people in florida and thousands of people are poised ready to go. 9000 National Guard soldiers thousands from around the country already to go once the wind dies down a little bit. Sean back to you as its made a Landfall South of initial expectations we do know the Storm Surge will be heavier in naples and Fort Myers and sarasota the Area South of Tampa Bay. What you are seeing is with the rain pounding the Tampa Bay area with high titer and 1 00 a. M. Coming in tomorrow are you saying we expect a Storm Surge to hit Tampa Bay as well and maybe as bad as how lean because they got hammered with the Storm Surge post hellion. I think the main damage will be from this wind. Tremendous wind occasionally and the real problem is south of Tampa Bay. Even though it looks better right now they might have dodged the worst of it with that stronger surge down toward sarasota with houses underwater in the morning. Sean just update add Governor Desantis on my Radio Show and he has Tens Of Thousands of Utility Trucks with Food And Medicine and water and supplies ready to come in right behind this hurricane on top of 50,000 which for florida is record number of people ready to pile in to the affected areas on the ground as soon as it is safe to do so. So they staged a lot of resources and people behind the hurricane to come in right after it. Weve seen a lot of storms in florida as its been a welloiled machine was interesting to see other roads get back up all being underwater at this point we seen them do it remarkably quickly getting people back out to the barrier islands. There is a sense of discouragement for 12 weeks ago which is a debris flying out from the other storm some people sad and heartbroken but we can expect that you come from florida and all around the country. Sean they are 100 miles per hour in Tampa Bay we appreciate you being with us throughout the night and then we go back to charlie hurt. It seems like the media and the harris and tim Campaign Speak in one boys was she was yakking it up in hollywood and raising money and she had been out campaigning and with other charitable organizations and neighbor helping neighbor. These affected areas in North Carolina never wouldve gotten any help at all whatsoever. Having never called them once taut during that. She wants to say she called him as set on the program he never got a call from her. That attacks Donald Trump that they should have been responsible for the hurricane response. To trumps credit he got on the phone and got Elon Musk on the phone started taking care of medications for all people in rural North Carolina and Georgia And Other Areas with no means of communicating with the outside World And Harrison biden had nothing to do with that. And she ends it by accusing Donald Trump of Playing Politics the storm when shes the one hes been playing the politics with the storm. To kind of boggles the mind but thats what you get with somebody who is never demonstrated that she can handle any serious issue. Is interesting looking at a place in florida like right now where you see Ron Desantis who loves governing in a situation where its needed in these very good at it. And defies in that situation. Harasses a fundamentally unserious person who has never demonstrated ability to do anything governing wise. She was made borders are and that was a disaster. What she has touched has been a disaster. All shes interested about its like shes running for Class President or something. Which he cares about is being the person gets through the ordeal and has all the power. She doesnt care about any actual citizens or voters. Appreciated. We go to Robert Ray in bradenton where things are heating up there with like youre having a hard time standing i can tell by the way youre looking there. I think we lost his microphone there but as you can see look at the track of the storm Take A Look at where Tampa Bay is. The prediction early in the models earlier showed might be a little north of Tampa Bay. Had it been there the Storm Surge would have been in the Tampa Bay area direct duplication of what had happened with Hurricane Hellion. Became a little south of the storm making a landfall and as a result the Storm Surge will tended to be south of Tampa Bay Meaning Sarasota and Fort Myers and even far south west on the Gulf Coast in naples in florida. We continue to monitor all of this. We do have robert back in bradenton obviously the weather is rough there. I can tell wind is pretty bad where you are, are you okay . When youre in a situation the equipment takes a beating. What i was saying before do you know youre great viewers as we were in the West Bradenton had a Tree Collapse because of the Wind Gust here but we had to get off of the Manatee River just basically one cyber Tampa Bay is as we experience the Van Flow of these incredible hurricanes. Sean his microphone is cutting in and out in the Power Outages are sporadic here they go in and out just like this microphone right now unfortunately. What is amazing though his first responders cannot be out of this. Sean were losing his microphone he keeps cutting in and out but you can see why for obvious reasons. I want to say one thing these reporters out there look at the wind. And they risk of flying debris hitting them but they go out there and bravely are out there in the elements taking on very personal risk to report news that people need to know about what to expect so they make decisions for themselves and family and deserve credit as they dont get enough of it. We will continue and to try to back to robert in a little bit as you see the wind is they are almost knocking them down. The hurricane is reached landfall just south of Tampa Bay we are also watching a Storm Surge all night long stay with the Fox News Channel and their continuing coverage as Hurricane Milton is pounding florida. As we continue. Its okay to for them to show off. Show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. 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Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. Hurricane milton has landfall. We go to bradenton, florida, where the wind is very strong. Robert this might beer lasted of the night you might need to get to safety after this thanks for staying with us. Yeah, sean, thank you for staying with us on the technical issues we changed out microphones. Wanted to give you news here. 1. 2 million customers out of power in the state of florida as at these winds are raging in the sound is furious here. Sean with a heavy, heavy Wind And Rain its obviously hard for robert to be able to fully communicate with the sound in and out. You can see the conditions out. Robert if you can hear me i hope you can get to safety now. Looks pretty dangerous out there. We will report throughout the evening maybe when things settle down where you are in bradenton, we appreciate you being with us. Heading back to the election 27 days away. Whats clear is Donald Trump is outperforming by far his poles from 2020 and 2016. At this point the Rcmp Average had trumped down by nine points to Hillary Clinton. Then trump was down seven to Joe Biden now its practically tied even in Battleground States with a new pull and recent polls out today and also two points ahead of harris do more surprising the news is better. Magical 51 for points of harris in the state of michigan. Trump lead points and a half there with analysis insider advantage. Lets start with you. Between the is poles coming out. Quinnipiac is hardly known to be conservative thats a fair analysis. Both of you in 2016 were among the top pollsters in the country are you an atlas and rasmussen. There arent many pollsters a 70 of them were wrong. Nbc and cbs had biden up by ten a couple days prior to Election Day. You guys were there and 2016 and 2020. What does this mean can we make comparisons where Hillary Clinton was. There is momentum of trump there wasnt that momentum in 2020 you end it was quite momentum in 2016. My second time as a refugee from florida to broadcast. Going for quick observations. First of all trump is winning and state says we see African American vote really collapse. Not collapse a massively but in a manner never seen among democratic nominees before particularly black men. Hes gaining among independents and third the Prediction Models are still trying to say harasses going to win but they didnt catch the Change Momentum that we saw a couple weeks ago and it now they are playing catch up. One last point in florida where we are tonight as well as North Carolina there were concerns about turnout and making sure republicans can get the vote. Its critical a good article from the daily mail talking about how florida could be a problem after the hurricane. Rhonda santos is doing a good job as governor. Sean i talked to the governor about it and you could be out of the state because you are displaced as long as you have voter i. D. You will be able to vote in the state we are both into night of florida. We go to robert now. I see the poles in georgia closer than i would like but Donald Trump has a steady lead in the most every poll in georgia averaging a point and a half. So what about the 25 number. Thats a percentage of americans and poles that say the country is on the right track. 75 of americans have us on the wrong track. Historically are those numbers which can witness an election i dont think so. The problem you have is the statistics you see. Everything outside the top numbers what trump is doing with hispanics and the black voters. How hes doing today. Korean vote in georgia for example. He is above where he should be in all these indicators are so clearly. Its hard to conceive how you create polling that shows a different narrative. That is something people are going to ask a lot of questions after 2024 even more so than the last what why years and there needs to be accountability on this. There are so many thumbs on the scale and poles designed to move the electorate and not reflective. Right now heres probably feels a hurricane is around her and isnt sure what to do and its hard to stand up. Sean i do have to wonder. Theyve been missing in action in North Carolina and georgia and South Carolina and tennessee and florida. I have to believe the american people are aghast at the lack of federal response here. I would tell you this about polling, people in North Carolina arent buying the Idea Theyve got all these resources everywhere. Thats going to be a problem for the Harris Campaign in North Carolina but at the same time theres a Question Question of how you find that these people and get them to the polls because a democratic governor there not necessarily the same plan Rhonda Santos as there is no plan for these people in western North Carolina will be able to vote its a tough thing in North Carolina on those sites. Sean and robert you said who do you think theyre Gonna Vote for that means a lot to you so what is it showing you . What it showed us in 2016 was indication that a lot of people were hesitant to say they were voting for trump thats even greater this time we seen it in bigger numbers especially in Rust Belt states like pennsylvania and michigan. It tells you p believe dont want to say they are for trump i think there is a significant hidden vote. I mean i think he will win Ohio And Surprise people. Sean Stay Safe in the hurricane. Hurricane milton is made landfall in florida as a category three storm with Storm Surge being the biggest Concern Rain falls to second biggest concern. Updates after the break. Dad hey boss. You okay . Son i said im fine. Dad you can talk to me. Son its been really, really hard for me. Sean 15 minutes ago Hurricane Milton making Landfall Hurricane three storm battering the West Coast of florida. Fox weather confirms multiple deaths are related to the storm with A Million floridians without power. We go to Steve Bender and Tampa Bay just a little Bit North of where the Storm Hit initially as it hit landfall at the top of the last hour. Steve . Sean were taking in the northern wall under a Flash Flood emergency and Tampa Bay as well as st. Petersburg. 10 inches of rain falling over the last three hours with wind at 102 miles per hour. Thankfully we do still have power over 1. 2 million floridians dont have power. A long ways to go over all. Official landfall there an Hour South of this year with the full fury of milton having debris ripping through the Downtown Area earlier own but the rain is ongoing. Beyond justice and Tampa Bay looking at areas on the eye for corridor with Lakeland Daytona all in that concern for more Flash Flooding because the intensity from the rain is going to go through the remainder of tonight into early Tomorrow Steve we appreciate your boarding joining us is Rick Scott. So Senator Scott know in your time as governor you are used to dealing with hurricanes as is Governor Desantis. Its unfortunately part of florida life but the Staging Aspect of this. Governor desantis believe this might of the potential to be the one storm they feared if it was a direct hit on Tampa Bay. Thankfully it went south of that. On the heels of hellion its devastating for the West Coast of florida the deal with. Its devastating for sure. Its a very low lying. We will see a deadly Storm Surge i hope everybody got out of Harms Way. Hellion it and killed 25 floridians and now we have unbelievable amounts of rain going through orlando what you see is flooding and down freeze and a lot of people without power and electrical lines are down. Still heres the deal theres no choice you need to hunker down no place to go. Just keep yourself alive because nobodys going to be coming to save you now its too dangerous. As soon as they can all of her first responders will see what they can do to save your life if you are in Harms Way but after that you need to be careful. Trees might fall. You Cant Trust a down power line. You need to know how to use a Power Saw and the generator. You need water, sewer and electricity. This is going to take locals doing their job, you doing your job the federal government doing its job. Sean mike let me go to you. Especially on the heels of Hurricane Hellion i know the governors 50,000 people and Utility Trucks and supplies all staged ready to come in after the hurricane there is a lot of devastation to occur here. You are right was at the emergency Operations Center in st. Johns county earlier Today Youve got 5000 National Guardsmen and women deployed. Another was 17,000 employees and Tens Of Thousands of trucks including in daytona we would do a preposition to go but really what i saw today is a leadership yet the Sheriffs Health Department and Hospital Reps and utilities and telephone representatives working together in the Operation Center you have winning every County Building on years of leadership like you saw from Rick Scott when he was governor and the investments he made in Hardening Power Lines and the grid putting those underground rather than above this is years of Leadership Florida will get hit hard but we will bounce back. Sean all right congressman my prayers are with my fellow floridians as we broadcast from florida. Thankfully a safer zone but we pray for those impacted. E stay with us. The right Investment And Benefit choices. So you can reach todays financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. Voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. Every guy look better. From tall to short. From big to slim. From our iconic Button Downs for all shapes and sizes to a whole lot more. Try us today. Untuckit. We just make guys look better. Oh, and we make great styles for her too. Find the perfect fit at untuckit. Com and more than 80 stores worldwide. Imagine checking your own heart with medical precision from anywhere. Introducing kardiamobile 6l, the fdacleared ekg that provides sixtimes more heart data than any smartwatch. And it detects three of the most common arrhythmias in just 30 seconds, including atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, and tachycardia. Check your heart with the most advanced personal ekg outside the hospital. Get one for just 99 during prime Big Deal days. Dont wait, this Offer Wont last. Sean Fox News Alert as Hurricane Milton has had a Landfall Pounding the great state in florida where we are Tonight Wind 100 miles per hour in many places. Our thoughts are with everybody in the storm path. Stay with the Fox News for live continuing coverage on hurricane footage. Bill takes it from orlando next

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