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Washington tonight. The unserious woman. That's the focus of tonight's angle. Laura: democrats are in a box. They are trapped inside and it's a box of their own making. Slowly, but surely, kamala harris is being exposed for what she is. An empty pants suit. Even when obvious questions are asked, she won't answer them. You have changed your position on so many things. You were against fracking. Now you are for it. You have supported looser immigration policies. Now you are tightening them up. You were for medicare for all. Now you are not. So many of the people don't truly know what you believe or what you stand for. And i know you have heard that. In the last four years i have been vice president of the united states. And i have been traveling our country, and i have been listening to folks. And seeking what is possible in terms of common ground. I believe in building consensus. We are a diverse people. Geographically, regionally, in terms of where we are in our background, and what the american people do want is that we have leaders who can build consensus. Where we can figure out compromise and understand it's not a bad thing, as long as you don't compromise your values to find common sense solutions. And that has been my approach. Laura: how does that explain the flipflopping, again? after this interview americans will understand why that the campaign had to keep her so sheltered. But that strategy allowed donald trump to run the table and since the debated, he has been on the move almost without a break. He is the energizer bunny candidate, which is making the media and democrats very, very anxious. Got such big problem with men and there is under count of the vote misog nation in all of this. Black and white men, bringing problem, but also the business world. They don't think she is serious. They don't think she is a heavy wait they have tried to promote her as the true change candidate. People are exhausted and they are ready to turn the page and chart a new way forward. I believe in my soul and heart the american people are ready to turn the page. I think we all know it's time to turn the page. It's time to turn the page. [applause] well, folks, it's time to turn the page. Laura: but today on the view, kamala blew up her own narrative. Would have you done something differently than president biden during the past four years? there is not a thing that comes to mind. Laura: nothing that comes to mind. So much for being the change candidate. How does she not have a prepared answer for that question, by the way? kamala harris just wrote a devastating campaign commercial for the trump campaign. Inflation, afghanistan, the border, all a disaster under biden, and she can't think of anything she would do differently? has the woman not seen the right track, wrong track surveys that are out there? yeah. Not good. If you like the directions we are going on country, high grocery bills, take away your gas powered car. Healthcare costs, kamala is definitely your gal. She is another puppet of the failed establishment. She is biden without the experience a serious candidate doesn't avoid doing a real press conference and then sit down with a sex and dating podcaster. Can you tell the daddy gang when people tell you no when people look at you and doubt you what does that in you. I don't hear no. I urge all the daddy gang don't hear no. Governor who has been nothing but masterful in leading a state through crises and natural disasters. Here is kamala off the cuff. Nbc is reporting governor desantis is ignoring your calls on hurricane resources and help. How does that hurt the situation here? it's utterly irresponsible and it is selfish. And it is about political games manship. Instead of doing the job that you took an oath to do, which is to put the people first. To call her response dim witnessed is an insult to dim wits everywhere. She is not even smart enough to know not to pick a fight with someone who is, well, really smart and whose state is about to get hit by the worst hurricane in, what, a century? we have been on an emergency footing for two weeks straight. Around the clock, 24/7. She has never called on any of the storms we have had since she has been vice president until apparently now. Why all of a sudden is she trying to pair shoot in and inject herself when she has never shown any interest in the past? we know it's because of flicks. We know it's because of her campaign i have zero time to entertain these political games. Again, kamala's hurricane smear, it is just another fumble. A fumble by a player who never should have been put on the field in the first place. She is so bad that she makes biden seem presidential and suddenly engaged. Engaged enough to let her twist in the wind. Governor of florida has been cooperative, he says he has gotten all that he needs. I talked to him again yesterday, and i said you are doing a great job. All being done well. We thank you for it. I literally gave my personal phone number to call. Maybe joe biden is the one turning the page. Because even in his diminished state, he probably knows how unserious kamala is. A serious candidate knows how to answer predictable questions. Was democracy best served by president biden stepping down and basically handing you a nomination? you didn't have to go through a primary process. You didn't have to fight off other contenders, that's not really the system our system was intended to work. President biden made a decision that i think history is going to show is rare among leaders, which was to put country before self. And i am proud to have earned the support of the advisors majority of delegates and to have been elected the democratic nominee. But i think this truncated process is why people think or say they don't really know how are. Look, i have been in this race for 70 days. It is my responsibility to urine the vote. And i'm going to work to do that. Laura: but increasingly, it looks like she is going to be relying on celebrity surrogates to do the heavy lifting for her. I would really like it if the discourse could become kinder, and more effective. And i think that that will be the case with kamala harris and tim walz. Hi, i'm bruce springsteen, i'm supporting kamala harris for president and tim walz for vice president. And opposing donald trump and j. D. Vance. Laura: glory days have passed you by. And you know democrats are desperately hoping that taylor swift and obama somehow carry them to victory as well. Have you heard they are going to beg george w. Bush to endorse kamala harris? well, here's the cold hard truth. Harris is simply not capable of performing the type of function that we as americans associate with being the president of the united states. She doesn't understand the issues at the level of detail necessary to make effective decisions. She doesn't have the type of political support necessary to bend official washington to her will, she doesn't have the type of judgment needed to read the moods of foreign leaders, none of that. Now, the democrats already tried having a figure head president with biden. And it ended so badly that they fired him a few months ago. And, yet now they are doing the same thing. Only she is even less serious at a time when we face countless serious challenges. And for us, that would spell serious troubling and that's the angle. Joining us now is lara trump, cochair. Got a chance to hug you as you were coming out of the audience there. Let's talk about this for the moment. Because this really was part of their branding campaign. Kamala harris, the change agent, and then in the new new york times, siena poll, she does best donald trump as being the change candidate somehow among likely women likely voters by 2 points. What's going on there? well, i don't believe that poll at all. And by the way, don't take my word for it. Take joe biden's word for it. Because he is the one who told us the other day, laura that, kamala harris has been there side by side making all the decisions, of course, that we have seen in that white house. No one believes that there will be any sort of change with kamala harris. The people of this country are begging for donald trump to go back in that white house, you were in butler the other day. You saw the crowd in butler. That was the biggest crowd i have ever seen at a trump rally. I couldn't even see the end of it when i was standing up there on stage. Everywhere i go, people are desperate and they can't afford a kamala harris presidency. Look, we're talking about this person trying to get through an interview. Let alone do the actual job of being president of the united states. Our commanderinchief, the leader of the free world, no one buys that kamala harris has the capability to do that job. And polls like that, i think, are absolutely ridiculous, i get slipped beverage napkins every time i get on an airplane say would he go can't wait to vote for trump. Trump 2024 or people just coming up to me these days, lara, everywhere i go saying how excited they are to go out and vote early for donald trump. Laura: i want to turn to we obviously are seeing an horrific hurricane bearing down on florida now. But we still have north carolina and the other states affected by hurricane helene. Washington examiner is saying, laura, 1. 2 million registered voters across the 25 disaster counties in western north carolina as of sunday. Now, that total figure about 419,000 unaffiliated with party and made up the share of the region's voters. Republicans second highest share of the voters at almost 481,000. And then 294,000 for democrats. Trump won north carolina in 2020 by a mere 75,000 votes. Is this a problem, given the fact that we have a lot of voters who are without homes and, frankly without resources today in north carolina? yeah, well, listen, obviously, priority number one is making sure that everyone is safe, any rescue that needs to happen happens, and that we're thinking about the wellbeing of people before politics, that said, i get this question quite a bit can you imagine. This is my home state north carolina, cochair of the rnc we thought extensively about this. That's why today we sent out a memorandum to governor roy cooper and the north carolina general assembly asking them, giving them 10 different points in terms of things that we enact and put in place right now to ensure voter access we don't want people to have gone through horrific tragedy like a hurricane and really lost so much already to lose their ability to vote in this election. So, some of these things include allowing folks who have been is displaced from their voting county to vote in other counties or maybe turn absentee ballot in other counties or allowing some of these counties where this have this destruction to use temporary locations or new location for voters to access and by the way i want to let everyone know out there if you want to be part of a team, to help us get access to people in western north carolina, and likely coming up in florida, who have been displaced, their ability to vote, come join us donald j. Trump. Com/hurricane is a new site we have up right now, laura. People can volunteer to help us and make sure these people indeed have an opportunity to vote. It is absolutely vital in an election like this. We cannot leave a single vote on the line. That's why we are asking everybody to come join our team. Laura: lara, does this also mean that legal challenges could be in the offing filed by the trump campaign or others to ensure us a they are deal with all the other nightmares they are dealing with because of these natural disasters they are still able to vote? there are a lot of folks that came up to me in butler, were very worried about that. And i just want to ensure that that's happening. We have not been shy with the lawsuit, i think we are at 109 right now at the rnc. Yes, if needed we will take legal action. We hope we don't have to go that path. We hope they do the right thing and make sure that every person in north carolina and other affected states have the opportunity to vote. We are here to make sure they do certainly from the rnc side. Lara, great to see you from the rnc tonight. Thanks so much. Kamala is picking fights and playing politics. Yeah. This is ahead of another monster storm. ♪ hey everybody, fall is back and the leaves are flying. And if you don't have leaffilter, guess where they're going? you guessed it right, into your gutters. And that's going to cause all kinds of problems. We're talking rotten fascia, rotten soffit, mildew, mold. . . Not to mention all kinds of problems in your attic. But the big one is that water is hitting your foundation, which could cause thousands of dollars in damage. What a mess. Call your local leaffilter trusted pros for america's number one gutter protection and get the water away from your house, and out of your life for good. 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Five feet of storm surge and winds ravaging the tampa area and the barrier islands and then as we know, hurricane milton formed out in the gulf of mexico and is churning right now as a category 5, 165 mileperhour winds, and, laura, there was no time to get all of this debrief off of the streets. So what is going to happen? 24plus hours from now, when this storm makes its way into the land and we don't know exactly where the landfall is, but it is expected to decrease as far as the category, maybe a 3, maybe a 4, but that doesn't matter. It's the impacts. The swath of the storm is massive. And all of this debris that you see right now as the dark of night is falling on us, all of this will become projectiles, missiles from the wind, 120plus mileperhour wind gusts and get this: up to 10 to 15 feet of storm surge. To say illustrate this, come with me if you can and look at this beautiful little beach house. This is about 10 feet tall. The size of a basketball hoop, okay? 15 feet, 5 feet above that. That's just the surge. If you add the waves that come across, you have really the gulf of mexico coming completely into this area. Structures will be wiped off the face of the earth. All of this debris will be pushed and all of the wind field that comes in will kick around. That is why mandatory evacuations have been in play. All day here today there is no one on this barrier island. We have been talking to emergency officials and the national guard. They have gotten mostly everybody off and that is the case on so many of these islands in the tampa area. The problem is, is that storm surge is expected to hit fort myers beach which we know two years ago was rah advantaged by ian. Up to 12 feet of surge in that area will decimate that place trying to rebuild from what happened two years ago. Livelihoods will be uprooted yet again here on the gulf coast and this will be a catastrophe like no other. Potentially an historic hurricane that is churning out there right now. And people are ready. Emergency officials and the national guard historic amounts of national guard called on by governor ron desantis. We are awaiting here in the dark of night. Tomorrow, a different story. We won't be here. We will die if we stay. Laura? laura: robert, this is just unbelievable. It's unreal and it's heart breaking. Thank you very much for that report. Joining me now, jeanette nunez, lt. Governor of florida. Madam lt. Governor the tampa mayor says if you choose to stay as the reporter just indicated you will die. Is that your message as well tonight and do you have what you need from fema and the bidenharris administration? absolutely, laura, the governor has been saying this for the last couple of days. He has been stressing the importance of evacuating. We understand this is going to be a catastrophic storm. The storm surge as was mentioned up to 15 feet potentially. Torrential rain. Flooding, the winds all of that creates tremendous risk. We are encouraging people to do that now. They cannot wait around until tomorrow when the storm starts to set in and the wind starts to pick up. It's too dangerous for them to leave at that point. Emergency personnel can't go out and rescue you. We urge people if you are still in that evacuation zone, please leave now. We understand that the shortage of gasoline is now becoming a real thing. 15% and growing, the number of gas stations that are out of fuel tonight, now at 17%. What can be done about that or does that just have to wait until, you know, after the wrath of this latest hurricane hits florida? up until today, we had been amassing fuel, making sure we can get as much fuel as we could into our ports. Then distribute that fuel. We had florida highway patrol accompanying the fuel tankers to get into the impacted areas, so we know that this is going to be an ongoing issue as people continue to trickle out and evacuate. But we are also encouraging people to recognize you don't have to travel hundreds of miles or leave the state or potentially even leave your county. Number of shelters in every single county that are open and available. We have partnership with uber. They will transport you for free. Using the code milton relief and so there are many ways for you to get to shelter. And so gasoline should not be an impediment at this point. We want to continue to encourage people. Find a way to leave. Make sure you are heeding those orders. Laura: there was something of a dustup between your governor and kamala harris. Although your governor and joe biden seem to be having very productive conversations and biden has offered every you know, bit of help that florida wants from the federal government. But the two of them seem to be going b back and forth and essentially desantis pushed back against kamala harris' complaint saying, look, this is not about you we are in emergency footing and have been in such state for weeks now your reaction to that given the severity of what your people are facing? new role as hurricane helper. Leave the hurricane preparedness efforts to someone though knows what he is doing. Governor desantis has been working around the clock for the past two weeks. First with hurricane helene and then with the recovery and now preparing for milton. He has gotten everything he needs from the president and from the fema administrator who are the relevant players in this process. And so we don't have time for nonsense and shame on kamala harris for trying to inject herself into a process she has nothing to do with. Laura: well, lt. Governor, we are praying for you everyone in florida tonight certain whether i hope everyone is evacuated or has been evacuated by now. Thank you so much and we will put up obviously continue to put up red cross for people to be able to donate to. All right. Well, we know what's happening here on a political level. The biden and harris administration do not want a repeat of what to the people on the ground believe was a disastrous handling of that especially that first week after hurricane helene hit. But, unfortunately for americans, in harm's way, the regime didn't prioritize disaster management, instead, they chose to install another woke radical as fema doppler radar indicated. Goal number one of this strategic plan for fema is to instill equity as a foundation of emergency management. It's a really important part of my vision when i came into the agency and i'm happy to see how it's evolved through the development of our strategic plan. By creating this diverse workforce is incredibly important to better represent the communities that we're helping. Laura: dei, priorities, well, sure enough, instilling equity as she said is the first goal of the fema strategic plan for the years 2022 through 2026, right on the website. There are systemic differences in the society that access alone cannot fix. Fema must direct its resources to eliminated disparity in these outcomes. So, our question tonight, how many resources were diverted from fema's actual mission to this dei insanity? to make sure that we can deliver emergency management services in an equitable way has been a priority. I tell my staff over and over again just figure out a way to get out of our owner way, look? look at our policies and what can we do within our authorities to make sure that we understand the barriers that people are having. Laura: the barriers? how about the barriers to getting food and electricity and internet service in a hurricane? but that's her agenda. It's not helping all americans. It's making sure the real focus is on those who fit into neatly fit into her left wing narrative. We need to continue to do this. We are taking a very place based approach and focusing on all our efforts in the communities need the most help instead of provide the assistance to those who are the greatest means. I think we are seeing progress already. I think we are going to see a lot more progress in the years to come. Laura: i'm sure everyone ravaged by hurricane helene and soontobe hit by another horrific hurricane, they must i mean, fema must think, what, they have the greatest means as she said? fema is just so brazen about its betrayal of its mission that they are even hosting web as far as bragging about it. Shift seeing right now is a shift in emergency management humanitarian principles where everything is designed for the greatest good for the greatest amount of people to disaster equity. But, we have to do more. This is not parody guys. This is actually what they do. This is your tax dollars at work. This is how back washed the biden harris priorities are. They value equity over everything else. The consequences have been entirely predictable. More suffering for you, the american people. And now, as hurricane milton approaches florida, fema is facing a severe staffing shortage, we understand. As fewer than 10% of the agencies disaster workers are available to respond to the hurricane. What does that even mean? but, at least those few workers will be diverse. The government neglect incompetence we have witnessed over the past few weeks is a foreshadowing of things to come if kamala gets to sit in the oval office. Fema staff with woke radicals but at the end of the day, they take orders from the president. And we'll all know that kamala will solidify equity as the core mission and every government agency. But, dei is not just a loany left wing idea mock it happens on college campuses it. Actually threatens the safety and security of our people. And things will only get worse until it's rooted out in every societal institution. And certainly in every governmental institution. And coming up, how kamala's lost the working class. ♪ with dexcom g7, managing your diabetes just got easier. So, what's your glucose number right now? good thing you don't need to fingerstick. How's all that food affect your glucose? oh, the answers on your phone. What if you're heading low at night? [phone beeps] wow, it can alert you?! and you can even track your goals. Manage your diabetes with confidence with dexcom g7. The most accurate cgm. ♪ learn more at dexcom. Com hey, everybody, fall is back and the leaves are flyin'. And if you don't have leaffilter, guess where they're going? into your gutters. Call your local leaffilter trusted pros for america's number one gutter protection, call 833 leaffilter or visit leaffilter. Com. Laura: now, if there? any doubt about kamala's struggle to attract working class voters, the 250e7ster's president put those doubts to rest. I will be honest with you i'm a democrat but they have bleeped us over for the past 40 years and for once not all of them but for once we are standing up as a union, probably the only one right now saying what the [bleep] have you done for us. And i'm getting attacked from the left. We have given since i have been in office two and a half years, we have given the democratic machine $450. 7 million. We have given republicans about 340,000 truth be told. So it's like, you know, people say that democratic party is the party of the working people. They are bought and paid for by big tech. Big tech companies. Laura: democrats though have a solution to attract working class voters pretend you are like trump of the wall street journal is reporting that democrats in michigan want kamala to make a more populist pitch and they have urged the campaign to make more overt appeals to auto workers and blue collar workers. Huh. Joijoining me now is brian founr of auto workers for trump. Well, brian, so kamala harris, who has amassed, what is it a billion dollars campaign war chest give or take a couple hundred million dollars? she is now going to be the gal with the working class appeal after what they have done to wages in the united states? real wages and real income? look, laura, i have been telling people for ever since they installed kamala as their nominee, that if you want to know what kamala harris' real policy positions are, look back at her 2019 campaign platform, when she told the truth about what her positions were. When she was running for the democrat nomination. Which she obviously didn't get. She came in last. She dropped out before getting one single vote. Then she became the running mate of the nominee, joe biden for one reason and one reason only. She was a woman of color. So, she has no qualifications, she has got a lot of money because she is backed by the big money interest, the lobbyists on the coasts. And the candidate of the working men and women of this country, especially the auto workers here in detroit is donald j. Trump and his running mate j. D. Vance. Laura: well, the new york times siena college poll shows that among voters who do not have a college education, trump leads 5342. So. Yeah. That's biden political world. When you single out nonwhite college educated voters trump leads by 30. Other surveys he is getting clobbered among the elites. The highly educated post secondary education in one of the recent surveys. So, brian, why are the elites going for kamala but the regular folks are going for trump? you know, laura, i could care less. I represent the auto workers for trump. That's my organization. I just spoke at j. D. Vance's event here in downtown detroit today. They love j. D. Vance and donald trump. Because they love their positions. Drill, baby, drill get oil prices back down to get gas and diesel prices back down which will lower the cost of consumer goods up went gas prices, up went oil prices, up went grocery prices. Those people in washington, d. C. Are not experts on auto manufacturing on energy policy, but they are sticking their nose into the business. We are a cap 258ist economy. Let the auto industry decide what type of vehicles they want to build. Let the energy industry go. Let them drill. Open up federal land. It's not rocket science and j. D. Vance laid that out to the audience he had today in downtown detroit. And they loved him. We're going to win the auto workers vote just like teamsters voted for donald trump. And we're going to win it big enough to carry the entire state of michigan. Laura: well, they are panicking over michigan. They are completely freaking out, brian, thank you very much coming up, another edition of kamala can't answer. My eye doctor explained the root was inflammation. ♪ was oh, these factory floormats?. . . They're just as good as weathertech. . . Just as good as weathertech. . . They're just as good as weathertech. . . Just as good. . . Just as good as weathertech. . . Just as good. . . Are these factory floormats just as good as weathertech? yeah. . . No. No. Nothing comes even close to laser measured weathertech floorliners. They offer the ultimate protection. Front, back, and even up the sides. For a full line of premium american made products, order at wt. Com from the first day of kindergarten through the day they graduate high school, in california, 38% of students attend a public school that fails to meet minimum health standards. Prop 2 will fund urgent repairs at local schools. Protect kids from toxic mold and asbestos. Ensure clean water. And to fix what's actually broken, all public funds go to local schools. Without raising taxes. Yes on 2. All kids deserve a safe place to learn. [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. Then i started taking lipo flavonoid. With 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. And now i'm finally free. Take back control with lipo flavonoid. Laura: now talk about election interference, the doj just around an afghan national who has admitted here on a special immigrant visa in september of 2021 for plotting an election day terrorist attack in the name of isis. So, he allegedly confirmed the attack was planned for election day targeting large gatherings of people during which he and a juvenile were expected to die as martyrs. Yeah. And so he entered into the united states september 9th, 2021 just as the u. S. Was pulling out of afghanistan and these type of visas are granted to translators and interpreters that supposedly helped the u. S. Armed forces during our engagement in afghanistan. But despite all this, kamala still won't admit that biden and she royally screwed up at the border. Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did? it's a longstanding problem, and solutions are at hand, and from day one literally, we have been offering solutions. What i was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place? i think the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem. Not promoting a problem. Okay? joining me now tom homan, former acting ice director under president trump. Now, tom, i want to get back to that in a moment when she was talking at the view. I want to hit this issue of the afghan special immigrant visas that were being handed out like candy after the botched withdrawal from afghanistan, which kamala supported. You were on this show talking about how we would be bringing in people that we could not vet that oh, he helped us or she helped us. Maybe some of them did. I'm sure they did. But we don't have any way of vetting most of the people coming into this country. Now one of them was going to blow up, i guess, polling stations or i mean, thank god they were stopped. But what else is ticking time bombs out there? yeah, you and i did discuss it. And secretary mayorkas guaranteed us they were off properly vetted before they were flown to the united states. Even dods inspector general said they were not properly vetted. Luckily we got this one. What should scare the american people because of what this administration has done, the harris administration how many more just like him are plotting an attack right now, luckily this guy was caught on some chatter, but we both know intelligence community isn't perfect. They will miss more than they get. So god help us, there is more than just this one in the country because of this administration. Yeah. Large gatherings of people were being targeted and they planned to die as martyrs. These are people that we invited to come into our country after they screwed up with the withdrawal. But now we are hearing about how we have to bring gazans in to the united states and we have all these, you know, foreign nationals who have crossed in on the terror watch list, tom. I mean, this is really about american lives we're talking about here. Let's not forget they arrested 8 people just two months ago from new york, philadelphia, and l. A. That were planning a russiantype terrorist attack into the united states. You know, me and christopher wray don't agree on much, but we both agree and he has testified numerous times in congress the biggest vulnerability to our homeland security right now is the southern border and this administration hasn't done anything to slow the flow or to secure the border. This is going to get worse. This is just the tip of the iceberg. And we have flown in tens of thousands of people from three countries. Cuba, n nicaragua and venezuela. And we bring them in on a parole status, tom. That's also happening too. Haiti has obviously tens of thousands come in from haiti as well. We invited them in. What is your level of confidence in any real vetting that has been done on these people. I mean sure they are nice people. We don't really know who these people are. Close to zero because the vetting look, most terrorists in this world, they are not in any data base. Unless they are encountered on a battlefield soldier or part of ongoing terrorist investigation. We don't know who they are. These countries don't share this data with us. They don't share criminal data. Do you think china, russia and our enemies are going to share any international security data with us they don't. You read it in the beginning said this is the longstanding problem. No, it's not. It was fixed. It was fixed by the trump administration, and you are the first administration in the history of this nation who came into office and unsecured the border on purpose, and this is what we are standing with now. Laura: this is traitor behavior. Tom, thank you as always. Thank you. Laura: do voters think that kamala is a serious candidate? coming up. ♪ you're leaving me? for a turbotax expert. Sing it adam! ♪ turbotax'll beat your price ♪ ♪ this is a taaaax breakup! ♪ this fall, switch to a turbotax live expert and we'll beat the price you paid your pro last tax season. 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Lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. Find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. Jesse: donald trump is an unserious man and the consequences of him being president again are brutally serious. Laura: was she sleeping when she was talking to howard stern? this is insane. The unserious woman who cannot answer questions, even obvious ones, is wondering whether donald trump or saying he's not serious? trump who fought through years of law fair, continuing law fair, impeachment's, assassination attempts, who's not afraid to talk to a hostile press, who stands at press conferences and ours out of time from rally to, you know, conference two interviews. I mean from a woman who was just given the nomination by the elites and then thinks that going on a shock jock show count is doing a real interview? why are you eating for breakfast raisin bread raisin bran and bread? for someone who's healthy and you have a good figure, why raisin bran? a lot of sugar. I don't eat raisin bran every morning but if you asked me what was my favorite cereal i would put it right up there with okay, this is going to be obnoxious, and special k. It's really great. Plus my mother used to make special k cookies in honor of me. Laura: joining us now, senior fellow at the hoover institute. Victor, disastrous 60 minutes interview, all these other ones are friendly chats with fans. So what do we make of this at a serious time, facing serious challenges as a nation and this is her answer to connect with voters? it's called running out the clock. She only has 28 days left so she's going to be nonsensical. She's got a problem. She's in a if you do, tempt if you don't because if he breaks with joe biden and says actually i am a changed candidate and i really oppose this unpopular administration, then she looks like an ingrate or maybe even complicit in the coup de grace rid of him and he has no filter so who knows what he will say. He might in retaliation say she was in on every decision. So on the other hand, if she sticks with him, then she is responsible for this dismal record of only 41% approval rating and then people are going to say are you going to keep doing this and doing this and doing this? that's the heart of her problem, she can't really do either one because she's an insincere construct, not a real person with real ideas so she kind of refused her passed positions on every issue, she doesn't know what to do with her symbiosis with biden, she falls back on these banalities that she's middleclass and the subtext is unjust going to run out the clock and hope i can get the sympathetic insignificant interviewer and maybe i can run out. You can see her starting to hemorrhage now that people finally have had enough. It's very similar to the 1980 reagan carter were in the last week carter's lee just started to evaporate. They were sick of him. Laura: only about 30 seconds left but do you sense what i'm sensing, that there seems to be a slow but sure trend toward trump, a momentum shift? really quickly. I think i would call it the jake is up. The election is between those who lecture us and those who are sick and tired of being lectured at. I think it will blow up on her. Laura: they are in a box of their own making. Held her back and did not let her do interviews and now they have to let her do interviews and each is worse than the last. Victor, we will have you back longer next time, thank you so much. Thank you for watching as always, remember, it is america now and forever. Maria's fall break is over so i'm sad but jesse watters on the whole gang take it from here. Stay tuned. Jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime.

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