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[booing] shes even running is frankly ridiculous. Thats not a president. Thats not a president. She went to the Border Today because she wanted to see shes getting killed on the border. She went to the border. This is a bad day because somebody just release the numbers that came out through ice. According to this brandnew data never seen before over 13,099 convicted murderers have crossed the border and are free to roam and kill in our country. These are convicted murderers. These are people that ive been talk about this for three years. When i heard they were opening up the border three and a half years. I said if they open the border another people on the other side their smart savvy people. Their the top of their game. Our leaders are at the top of their game at all. They never were actually. Our leaders are not. These are smart people. These are countries from all over the World. 13,000, more than 13,000 convicted murderers have been let out of jail and they are roaming our streets, our country all over. [booing] and every state is a border state. You know what that means. Every state because they fly the men. Can you imagine they fly them in these people are, i actually am starting to think theyre stupid. There just stupid. And other another numbers came out, along over 13,000 convicted murderers from jails. I told you they are releasing them for jails and these fake people the stupid people, they said they dont release him from jail. They do. You better elect him your senator will tell you. [cheering and applause] as well as over, these are specific numbers. Thats why when they rounded them out i said i dont want them rounded out. I want the exact number, as well as 25,272 Illegals Convicted of rape, Sex Offense or Sexual Assault and in jail. These are people all in jail because they dont want them in jail. They are too expensive and they dont want them their countries. Theyre smarter than us. Were like a dumping ground. In total 425,000, 431 nondetained meaning they are no longer in detention, meaning prison, noncitizens convicted criminals from all over the World. Are right now large in the united states of america with another 222,000, 141 illegals with pending criminal charges in these are serious criminal charges for murder, for drugs being sold all over the World, where many people have been killed because those are the ones who put in jail. We dont do that over here. We give them a fine. Every Drug Dealer because at least 500 people. Each Drug Dealer him or her kills 500 people. We do nothing about it. We find them. Thats over 647,507 migrant criminals are in our country. Its a Killing Machine. Its a Killing Machine and they are killing people all over country. Kamala harris remember she said, those people really dont killick out criminals. These people make our criminals look like nice people. And ive been saying this from the beginning of the harris biden disaster. Its no longer an administration because what theyve done to our country with this is inexcusable. I guess some egghead may be said with wonderful through these people and it sounds so nice. We are releasing migrants into our country but these are killers. These are people at the highest level of killing that cut your throat, and they wont even think about it the next morning. They wont even think about it. These people are all over the place and they are killing people i could go through the stores and i wont. But all over sometimes i do. They come up and grab young girls and they slice them up right in front of their parents. Nobody whos allowed to do this, and nobody whos allowed this to happen to our country is fit to be the president of the united states. I mean that too. I mean it. [cheering and applause] anybody that stupid, have been saying this now for almost five years because we built hundreds of miles of border walls. We had the best record of the border of any president , of anybody at least in recorded history. Come home and would get up. Brandon jackson gets up. They all get up and they say theres never been a president like Trump But Tom holden said it today. He said in his lifetime we had the best border that weve ever had under trump and now we have the worst border that any country has ever had. But its bad timing for commonlaw kamala. No bruno soares harris. Your username harris . Nobody knows who the hell im talking about when i say harris. Its true. You say harris, they dont know who im talking about. So i wont bother with harris. Its a nice name. I know a couple of people named harris. Except with her you say harris, they say who is that. But its bad shes incompetent. Of you seen her. She goes into an interview with Oprah And Cant answer any questions. She Cant Answer any questions. This is bad timing for kamala to shop today the border. Should include there for four years. Today she shows up and these numbers got released. Somebody doesnt like her eye think. And the fake news. So i dont know maybe shes oregon. I doubt it. But she went to the Border Today. She wants to see if she could salvage, make up some lies like she should about the Border Bill but trump stopped. Let me tell you number 1 i didnt stop it. The senator stopped it. But thats the worst built ever drawn. Its a waste of paper and she doesnt need to build. All she has to do is fly back to washington and get this president that we have. If he still president. I dont even know who the Hell Is president. Is see president . You are this is not exactly President Xi who runs his country little differently although they go after the political opponents pretty violently, i will say that. But they dont go after the murderers, the Drug Dealers. Get this guy to sign a little dot. You sign right over the little dots. And you sign your name Joe Biden, and you say on it to Border Patrol close the border and they close the border. Thats what i do. [cheering and applause] our border is open. Our border is open. Nobody can believe it. And ive been saying it. The people coming in, i know these leaders so streetsmart. And i would have been worse than them because actually venezuela still has some people in their jails. I would have had everybody out into the united states. They probably ran out of buses and planes. But the rest of them are coming. Dont worry about it. But all over the World not just in south America Cackle over the World they are coming from the congo and africa. A lot of people coming from the congo and africa. And these are serious, serious come in most coming out of jails mostly from jails. A lot of Gang Members that take their gangs off the street. Like in venezuela, the criminals have all been brought to united states. There Crime Rate is down in caracas. In fact, i suggest if i lose south toilets possible because they cheat. Thats in the way we are going to lose. Because a cheat. They cheat like. If we lose the next time we are going to have the same group of people in caracas, venezuela because its much safer than any place in our country if she wins. Much safer. So lets go to caracas. It was a very unsafe place. Now its because in venezuela up there crime is down 72 because of taken their criminals, their Gang Members, Drug Dealers in the brought them into the united states of america and they are also releasing almost all of the prisoners. Soon the almost will be gone. The prisons will be empty, their mental institutions and insane asylums will be empty. They are dumping them in our country and i never had proof. And those fake News Reporters back there, they never, they say trump what would he know about that, what would he know. You know why its Common Sense. We are the party of Common Sense by the way just so you know. Common sense. So these numbers just came out. Nobodys ever seen these numbers for years, nobodys ever seen them. Probably some patriot in Ice Or Somebody just did something, they just said the country is going bad. You cant have a country like that. You have think of it. Murderers, convicted murderers in prison for life. Many get the Electric Chair or the get whatever their form of death penalty. These are convicted people for life, are now in our country and i can finally look at them and see, i say i told you so to the fake news. These are hard, these are hard half vicious criminals that are free to roam in our country and now for the first time i can say it and i mean i knew it before. When you have open borders but they are dumping everybody in there. I knew it before but these numbers are actually worse and i ever thought. Faearlier so that we couldased have done something about it. I wish we had them three years ago. But we didnt. And now we have a problem and you cant have her as your president. She doesnt know what the hell shes doing. She should resign in disgrace for shes done to our country. Not run for president. [cheering and applause] she was the borders are. She was the borders are. I dont even care about him. What the hell . He put her in charge though. She was the borders are now she claims she wasnt but she was in charge of the border. Call it what you want. Four years ago Kamala Harris inherited the most secure border in u. S. History, and is borders are she then set the alltime record for illegal immigration into our country, every single year, and many of these people were stone cold criminals and murderers. She wilfully and diligently erased her own nations borders. A crime so wicked as to defy description, as former Ice Director and a great man come home and, anybody know Tom Homan . Come home and i say central casting for doing what he does better than anybody. Brandon jed, we have great great people these Border Patrol guys. I got to know them all. They want to do their job. They could sit back and let it happen. They go crazy. Theytuh its happening to our country and they are not allowed to do the job. But Tom Homan just said, just put it out. Ive worked with six President S. I know all about Police Work and i know all about policies work. I know what policies dont and dont work. President trump was a Game Changer and we saved thousands of lives by securing the southern border. Joe biden and harris took the most secure border in my lifetime. This is from Tom Homan, and unsecured it on purpose, so he unsecured the border. They did. I dont know why they want the votes, they are dumb or they want to destroy the country. That can be the only three things. They are dumb, they want to just have people destroy our country or they want the votes. They are trying to send these up to vote. Thats the alltime insult. They are working fulltime to sign these people, many of the murderers to vote. So they can cheat on the election because thats what they do. And they vote against bills. Any bill that wants to secure the boat, the democrats in Congress Fight like so they can get past. Who would want to bill the says bad things happen with the vote. You want to secure your vote whether your democrat. Interesting a lot of democrats not the politicians want to have that and they dont want to have century cities by the way. They dont want. Only the politicians wanted for certain reasons. President trump, Tom Homan said was a greatest president in my lifetime. Thank you tom. This country was never better off than when he was president. He was unprecedented in his success on the border, and it saved many lives. He was an Outofthebox Thinker and he got the job done like nobody else could do the job. So thats from Tom Homan. Thank you. I might as well read it. I might as well tell you because theyll never tell you that. They will never tell you that. They will never tell you that. By contrast Kamala Harris betrayed her oath. She let our cities fail to violent gangs. She let our american Sons And Daughters be and murdered at the hands of vicious monsters. She let american communities be conquered. They are conquering your communities. You go out to Aurora And Colorado where they are taking over with ak47s. Real estate. There in the real Estate Development Business just like me. Except i never got to use guns to do it. They are taking over a state. And kamala turned, cherished small towns into blighted refugees camps end. You take a look at whats happening in springfield, ohio, and the mayor is a nice man. In fact, i think hes an independent or republican and he does not to do or say. He wants to be nice. 32,000 people. You have 50,000 Residents Beautiful place. Beautiful nice town no crime, know nothing. They now have 32,000 people dumped into their town and hes trying to say were working very hard to make it comfortable for them. Those people have to be taken out and brought back to the country from where they came. Im sorry. The mayor said we are looking for interpreters. So hard to find interpreters because nobody speaks english. So we are looking. You are looking for people that will remove them and bring them back safely to their country. Its not fair. Its not sustainable by any country whats happening to us in the united states. Millions and millions of people, 21 Million plus have been dumped into the united states and many of them are murderers. Many of them are horrible criminals. What Kamala Harris has done is unforgivable. Its a crime what she did. Its got to be criminal. Theres no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation and thats what shes done. Shes ruined our nation. Shes ruined our nation. And ive always talked about this and ive talked about strongly but im just realizing as im talking right now, not even going off a teleprompter because the teleprompter is not tough enough. Im saying by the way as it is nice to have a president that doesnt need a teleprompter . But ive never had, thank you. Were group of people we have. Its a joke. Well laugh that all over the World for a leadership. But i just got this information so ive never really spoken about this because this is the first time we have these numbers with 13,000. Convicted and jailed, murderers. Tougher then any of our criminals. We have only one good thing about this back they make our criminals look like very nice people. These are hardened, these are hardened horrible criminals and we have to get them the hell out of our country because they ruined, they are running the fabric of our country. Kamala is directly responsible for the tens of thousands of crimes committed by illegal migrants, that she set free into our country. They didnt ask for a name. They didnt ask for Registration Number and many of them dont even have names or Registration Numbers. They just pour into our country. She has no idea where they are from, from parts unknown. Shes responsible for every bloody crime scene, every funeral every orphaned child, and the great Mark Levin called me a little while ago and said ask them because he couldnt believe the numbers either. He said ask them to ask kamala as has she ever attended one funeral of the thousands and thousands of people that they very killed . So i ask that question question. I give that to the fake news so they can ask that question because shes right now at the border giving a press conference. She doesnt give up has conference. She take questions. Shall make a little statement and then run away. Martha there we have a former President Donald Trump and the current g. O. P. Candidate for the presidency again is in Walker Michigan right now and hes really focusing in on this new Crime Data that was released from ice that shows 425,000 convicted criminals that have crossed into the country and are simply roaming free. 13,000 of them were convicted for murder before they crossed over our borders well get into these numbers a little bit more. 15,000 Sexual Assault. This is a stunning report that has been released. We will keep a close i on the impact of this. But clearly its a difficult backdrop as the former President Points out. As president harris is touching down in moments in arizona. Shes heading to the southern border for the first time in more than three years despite the fact that the root causes as they say were her responsibility, and what happens with three causes as they end up on our border and inside the country. So all of this was under her purview. Shes now down by three in the state of arizona. Voters there say they trust the former president on the issue of the border by 15 points. Lake travis and jose are on deck but first its international Correspondent Bill malaysian who standing by. Hi bill. We just heard former President Trump of the hammer down on this jawdropping data we got from ice and the reason its going public is because back in march Texas Congressman Tony Gonzalez asked ice for data on migrant crime. It took six months but ice just sent a letter back to the congressman and thats where the data comes from. Take a look at this graphic. This is how its broken down. According to ice theres over 425,000 illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes who are currently roaming the united states on the nondetain docket. Of that number more than 13,000 of those illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, in over 15,000 of them have been convicted of Sexual Assault. Some jawdropping numbers particular cousins and what the congressman said when he saw the numbers. My stomach turned. My heart sank. To see the numbers on paper just goes to show how real this threat is. Astronomical. We have to get out of their way and give them the tools that they need to go out and apprehend people can we are talking convicted murderers. Theres been over 1. 9 million known got a ways in our southern border under the biden administration so far. None of those got a ways are included in any of this ice data. Martha i can just imagine if they have the impulse to run and not have to deal with the border officials. I would imagine a number of them have been in trouble with the law. Stunning report. Lets bring in clay travis. We wait for Kamala Harris to land in arizona. Lets bring in out can founder and jose former Dnc Deputy Press Secretary And Cohost of americana media. Great to have both of you with us. These are awful numbers. Im sure you dont want to know some of these 13,000 who have committed murder or 15,000 who have committed Sexual Assault are in your neighbourhood are anywhere near your family. Its a real problem. It so sad to see and i can tell you me as a Venezuelan American when i see Donald Trump insult venezuelan immigrants insult haitian immigrants who say they are doing a bunch of Things Majority of immigrants are good serving people, the fbi says releases reports year after year , less than 10 of documented Spirit Talk about able. Nobody is talking. Whats the solution . Mass deportation . They want to the poor people that look like me simply because you are latino. Kamala harris and Joe Biden the first day Joe Biden got sworn into office he put forward an Immigration Bill and republicans block that. Would have been with the border Build A couple of months ago. Spent Donald Trump killed the bill. Thats reality. Social reality the president can close the border, that Executive Orders important in june made a huge difference connectors and Executive Order right now. This is why the president has authority on some things. Go ahead. I can tell youre champing at the bit to get them. Martha i feel like im taking crazy pills. Did jose just say its Donald Trumps fault Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have led and 13,000 known murderers with all due respect this is the dumbest argument ever made in the history of Fox News at least while ive been a guest. The reality is trump is right. Youve got nothing. Please let Clay Talk now. Theres nothing funny here. Ahead. We know many of these countries barely convict anyone of murder or. What are the chances if you are a Drug Dealing Criminal in mexico that you get convicted. Gentlemen we have to continue this conversation. I apologize we have Breaking News. The quintessential Terror Organization in the World today. It has tentacles that span in all continents. It has murdered more americans and more frenchmen than any group except bin laden. Its murdered the citizens of many countries represented in this room. And it has attacked israel viciously over the last 20 years. Martha Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of israel earlier this morning at the united nations. Lets go directly to chief Foreign Correspondent Trey Yingst live in haifa. Weve been following the explosions that have happened at the headquarters of hezbollah. Tell us whats going on right now. Earlier tonight there were explosions that rocked the lebanese Capital Beirut. Fox news had learned the target of those strikes in Southern Beirut was the leader of hezbollah. Its unclear still at this moment if he was killed in the strikes but is really media says a consensus among top defence officials is that he was indeed killed. We are going to wait to report on that until we have further confirmation. I want to just show you and the amount of Rocket Alerts that are coming in on my phone because just a few moments ago esa rockets coming across the northern border. We can hear off in the distance some explosions right now as has brought the starting their response to the strikes in beirut earlier today. I can tell you just amidst these reports and conversations about the possibility that Hassan Nasrallah was killed, there are things shifting very quickly in the Middle East. United kingdom calling on british nationals to leave lebanon immediately. Reports indicate that a number of lebanese troops have been dispatched to the u. S. Embassy just north of beirut to ensure No One tries to stormed the embassy. Is really media is reporting Rescue Crews are still digging through the rubble. The strikes took place in a very residential area of beirut. So even if top leadership from has blows killed there will be a high number of civilian fatalities as well. We simply dont have the numbers or confirmation at this point but again we can report at this hour, Fox News has learned the target of those strikes in beirut earlier tonight was hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah Axemen whose from the organization since 1992. And even on my phone now theres still more Rocket Alerts sounding in the northern part of israel as hezbollah starts the response to the strikes earlier tonight. Thank you very much. Obviously these are fastmoving developments and concerns that embassies, the u. K. Embassy, Usmca Beirut as we wait for the retaliation after this enormous attack on the headquarters. We saw huge these explosions were in Beirut Today and we seen people going through the rubble there and we will wait to see if Theres Confirmation that Hassan Nasrallah the head of hezbollah had been killed in that attack. We do not now. Were waiting for confirmation on that. Thank you very much. Let us know if we need to get right back to you. In the meantime we want to discuss this jacket also Breaking News from Department Of Justice that includes this. Because all these things have connections. Three iranian nationals accused of hacking former President Trumps president ial campaign in an effort to so chaos, to undermine the election heres Fbi Director christopher wray. The fbi would like to send a message to the government of iran. You and your hackers cannot hide behind your keyboards. If you try to meddle in our elections we are going to hold you accountable. If you try to attack our infrastructure or commit violence against our citizens we are going to disrupt you. Martha that from the director of the fbi. Attorney general garland also confirming the department is still tracking active assassination threats. Reno former President Trump was briefed on the threats just the other night. Against u. S. Figures including him back in there of course is those iconic photos from the July 13th attack that almost took the life of former President Trump. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton joins me now. Hes a member of the Senate Intelligence Sharing and term services and economic committees. Good to have you with us. Thank you very much for joining us. I want to get your reaction to all of this. But first the statement by the director of the fbi, while i was watching i was thinking what we didnt hear from President Biden at the u. N. With regard to iran or the threats. Your thoughts . You are right. These things are tied together and goes back to iran. Iran is the patron of hezbollah and has been for decades. We learned that israel targeted Hassan Nasrallah hezbollahs leader. Lets hope they succeeded in killing him. Matches a threat to israel. He has the blood of many americans as does has blood going back to the beirut Marine Barracks bombing. But that all gets back to iran. A country currently trying to assassinate a former president. And current president ial nominee Donald Trump hacking into his campaign. I guess Joe Bidens response is issue some indictments. Thats what the Clinton Administration didnt the 1990s to Al Qaeda that emboldened them. Israel shows how you should handle which is try to eliminate them for that matter when Saddam Hussein reportedly was trying to assassinate George Bush 41 launched Missile Strikes against iraq in 1991, 1993. It is clear iran things it can walk over Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, while its also scared to death of Donald Trump becoming president. Martha this may be one of the reasons why. This is a comment that President Trump made on iranian threats when he was speaking at Mintel North Carolina yesterday. Watch this. If i were the president i would inform the threatening country, in this case iran that if you do anything to harm this person we are going to blow your largest cities and the country itself to smithereens. We are going to blow it to smithereens. You cant do that. And there would be no more threats. Martha it is clear iran lessons taught theyre not hearing from President Biden and what theyre hearing from President Trump. What we havent heard much on this from the Vice President either and there and taking actions in this open window before this election. Because things could change in just a few weeks. Its absolutely clear. Theyre scared of Donald Trump tried to kill him if not defeat him. They think they Kamaka Lower Kamala Harris which i have been able to along with Joe Biden for the last four years. Martha what about this, i want to ask you one last question. Pakistani national now in custody who is they believe attempting to go President Trump and other u. S. Officials and they took him into custody on july 12th, the day before the shooting at butler, pennsylvania. How active do you think the strap is . De filak the government is responding in a strong enough way 12 these different Data Points . No. The Secret Service agents around Donald Trump and the best they can with what theyve been given but the administration starting with Joe Biden has not taken them seriously enough. Remember these iranian threats or this threat came before the first assassination attempt. They did not augment security enough to stop or to make sure he could just go onto a rally in wisconsin which he had to cancel this weekend. Joe biden needs to take responsibility and provide the secret Service Detail for Donald Trump, everything they need to protect him these final six weeks of the campaign. Martha Senator Tom Cotton great to have you with us. Relaxing you. Thank you very much for joining us. Speaker of the House Matt Johnson on the threats festering around the globe and trumps file to end ukraines fight against put in next on medicare . Living with diabetes . Progress is having your coffee like you like it. The Freestyle Libre 3 plus sensor is covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. This is progress. Ask your doctor today. Smile you found it. The feeling of finding Psoriasis Cant Filter out the real you. So go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a oncedaily pill for moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. Its like the feeling of finding youre so ready for your closeup. Or finding you dont have to hide your skin just your background. Oncedaily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. 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I want to show you a photo that was sent to me from an official in the israeli military. This is from the city where we all to get video here for you. But it is of a house thats on fire. A rocket directly impacting the city. That is close to the sea of the galilee on the eastern side of israel. And an indication some of these rockets being fired by hezbollah are slipping past Israels Missile Defence system the Iron Dome and slamming into civilian areas. Just before we spoke with you earlier in the hour we could see the Rocket Fire coming in and being intercepted by Israels Missile Defence system the Iron Dome. The strikes earlier today who change the equation the Middle East, in their already noticeable signs of escalation. Really the top thing we should speak about is the return of israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who this morning addressed the u. N. General assembly. It is extremely rare for an israeli leader to fly on shabbat. Saturday evening to friday evening. The Prime Minister was supposed to come home tomorrow night. He moved up his return to israel amidst this news about the strike in the lebanese Capital Beirut. It comes as the british embassy in lebanon is urging all u. K. Citizens to leave immediately. Again all signs of escalation in the region. We cannot confirm Hassan Nasrallah the leader of hezbollah was killed in the strikes earlier today. We can only confirm what we reported earlier, that he was the target of the strikes in beirut. Well continue to follow this developing story, and even as we are talking now im getting a few updates in and i want to just read you exactly what they say because this is interesting coming from the Tel Aviv municipality. Tel aviv is israels second largest city. It has a population of around 300,000 people. According to the Mens Ability they have decided to open public Bomb Shelters in the city. Just last night sirens sounded across Tel Aviv when the who sees the other iran backed group in yemen launched a ballistic missile toward central israel. It was intercepted by israels advanced Missile Defence System the arrow three, the largest system they have. The fire behind me tonight has been intercepted by the Iron Dome, a lower Tier System in the israeli defence arsenal. But again the latest information that we have according to sources familiar, theyre preparing for the possibility of escalation, after Fox News learned earlier tonight the strikes in the lebanese Capital Beirut targeted the leader of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah. I want to get your quick reaction to couple of things that are pressing as well while you are speaking. The first one iraq has suspended all Iraqi Airways flights to and from Beirut Due to the quote deteriorating Security Situation in lebanon. This is interesting as well from iran, one of the top officials in iran says assassinations will not solve israels problem. That is not a confirmation. Theres been a number of assassinations of highranking hezbollah officials in recent weeks but its a comment of note i would say, and senior israeli official saying some people are irreplaceable and we believe this is one of those cases. Just a quick reaction to those before we go. Absolutely. The targeting of Hassan Nasrallah is so significant because this is a man who was responsible for the thousands of rockets that were raining down on israeli cities, starting on october eighth. Is also someone whos been in charge of the group since 1992. Almost the entire leadership of his forces, the elite has Blood Fighting Units have been taken out by israeli Air Strikes over the past several weeks. And i want to just quickly redo this Reporting Judy to The New York Times right now that irans Supreme Leader the ayatollah is calling an Emergency Meeting In Tehran at his house. Is compound there were officials meet and this is following the strike in beirut, indication that we could see increased tension with iran because remember hezbollah is the largest iranian proxy in the Middle East. They have directly funded and supported not only the Rocket Fire coming into israel but also preparation of tunnels to launch crossborder attacks into Northern Israel or the past two decades and as these development continue to come in the thing to keep an eye on is the response from the iranian regime. They have not yet responded to the killing of Hamas Leader In Tehran and theres a number of things that are considered open Agenda Items for the regime on the table. Martha thank you very much. Very volatile situation. Well come back to you throughout the evening. Thank you. On the ground in israel right now. Former President Trump vowing to put Putins Invasion in ukraine to bed essentially a few wins in november. He met with Volodymyr Zelenskyy the president of Ukraine Today at trump tower. That was their first meeting since 2019, saying this to fox after the meeting. I learned a lot but i think i have been change from the same point we both want to see this end and we both want to see fair deal made and its got to be fair and i think that will have an authority time. Of the goods going to happen. The president wants her to end and he wanted to ends cookie as possible. It should stop and the president wants her to stop, and im sure President Putin wanted to stop and thats a good combination. Joining exclusively House Speaker mike johnson. Good to have you here. Were going to get back to ukraine but let me reaction to this Breaking News happening right now in the Middle East. This is a big day for new senders are common denominator and so much of whats happening today, what youre talking but on the airways and that is iran. It is through their proxies that they are engaging in all sorts of evil. They are in israel of course, and even here in the u. S. Thats the headlines across the board. There must be dealt with appropriately. We need strength back in the White House. Thats the other common denominator. The Reason Ukraine is in Trouble And Israel is in trouble in taiwan and all of our allies are nervous around the World is because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have projected weakness on the World stage. Donald J Trump will solve that problem. All these problems and it cant happen soon enough. The window that exists here and the iranian infiltration into the trump emails they are clearly trying to have an influence on this campaign and now ucl of this action that is happening in the Middle East and this meeting thats about to happen at the ayatollahs home, Waiting For Nasrallah confirmation, this is a very hot situation. Do think President Biden can wrap his arms around this and make sense of it, international security interest. This is far above the head of Joe Biden. Unfortunately very tragically and dangerously for us. Is not capable of handling this level of crisis, and certainly Kamala Harris is not either. Imagine if Kamala Harris was the commander in chief in a dangerous moment like this. We are on the verge of World-war'>World War iii. This is the most dangerous time since World-war'>World War ii and you have to have steady hands of the wheel. Youve got her strength. You have to have a leader in the fear. House that our adversaries thats not whats happening now. The reason we are in the situation is because of the way Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have handled this. Weve got to get on top of it. Im grateful that the Fbi And Director of national intelligence are making a move on the rainy and said were engaging in foreign interference in our election and but theyve also tried to put a hit on President Trump. Theyve tried assassination plots. No ones talking about that. Kamala Harris Hasnt said a word about it. We have to take the threat seriously and act decisively. Let me ask you about this week and about zelenskyys a visit to washington. Youve met with him twice in the past. You did not meet with him this time and then you sent him a letter saying that a stop at the u. S. Ambassador ukrainian ambassador to the u. S. Made in pennsylvania looked 20 much like a Campaign Event to you, and that you want her to be removed. You said he must remove her. So i guess my question is or what. Listen i dont have more time for meetings. Weve done enough of that. And my letter was very clear to President Zelenskyy, this was a major misstep. At a time when he needs the support of everyone in america from all parties he should not be showing up at a Campaign Event for Kamala Harris which is effectively what that was. They flew him around on a taxpayerfunded jet to go to an event in Pennsylvania One of the key Swing States in the election to appear with a panel of democrats from the dominey for the senate, the incumbent to House Races and the governor who showed up who almost was Vice President ial pick on the harris ticket. Its unacceptable. He can do that. Im glad he met with President Trump today but hes got a lot more to do and i think removing the ambassador is an important step. This is a big mistake. Martha im assuming you have not had any decision on that from them. We havent heard any decision from them. What im asking is does a signal and a shift in your support for their ukraine cause. To still stand by because youve supported all of the funding thats going to ukraine and 8 Billion more just want this week. Do you support that 8 Billion more for Military Aid to ukraine the Funding Congress voted on months ago was important to prevent russia from taking the Capital City and setting up of the border of poland which would have been required us to fulfill our nato obligations and send our soldiers there to help defend nato ally. We can do that. As i said very clearly i would rather send bullets to ukraine then boys, american soldiers. But this is now a different phase. And what President Trump said today is exactly right. None of this would have happened if he had been in the White House. I think President Zelenskyy agrees and understands it. This cooperation is very important to make sure evil does not prevail. Do you support the billion that went this week, is that a no . Thats new money. That was Money Congress allocated. When we get into the first order of next year we will decide all that. President trump be in the White House and the able to direct how thats handled. Martha Speaker Johnson we appreciate you weighing in. Thank you for coming in. Good to have you here. Thank you. Martha more Breaking News from trade. Will go right back to israel. What is happening now . Right now we are getting more information about the Rocket Strike that Hit Civilian home near the sea of the galilee. First responders are on the scene right now checking to see if anyone was injured or killed in that strike. We are getting more updates about the Rocket Fire that continues into Northern Israel. Clearly has block is responding to the strikes that took place earlier Today South of the lebanese capital of beirut. They have not yet made any further statements about who was there is an organization. Our reporting earlier is that the leader of hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah was the target for the israelis but we have no further information if he was at the compound or killed during the strikes. It also comes as the u. K. Is calling on british nationals to leave lebanon immediately and local media is reporting lebanese troops were deployed close to the u. S. Embassy near beirut to ensure that there is no Demonstration Or Protest in the aftermath of the strikes. The iranians have made a few statements tonight. They are saying this is a Game Changer on the ground and its going to shift the equation across the Middle East. As we reported earlier is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is returning early from the united states, making a rare flight on shabbat. Given the Security Developments in the region, sources telling Fox News tonight that senior israeli defence officials remain , at Israels Version of the pentagon preparing for a possible response from iran or proxies. Consequential times. Thank you so much. Reporting from israel. Well go back to trace a little bit later. So new York City mayor Eric Adams give a big thumbs up today after pleading not guilty in federal court to five Felony Charges including bribery. Prosecutors accuse adams of Swapping Favours with the Turkish Government for illegal Campaign Donations and over 100,000 in bribes, the way they calculated it. So adams and his attorney have denied these charges. This Case Isnt even real case. This is the Airline Upgrade Corruption case. Rosetta has covered mayor adams extensively is the anchor of good day new york including for the Fox Nation special the sanctuary traps so she really has spent a fair amount of time with the mayor and has gotten to know him. Whats your reaction to these charges . Its interesting to look at the headlines in new york papers. People seem to be very split on if this sounds accurate and. It seems some people are focusing on the upgrades to the airlines and hotels from the Turkish Government. But really what is i think the most serious charges is basically the allegations that he funnelled illegal donations to his campaign. That i think could be a real big problem. As you heard from his attorney he calls it, you know, much ado about nothing, just an upgrade corruption case. But as we are here weve got Breaking News. The mayors chief Advisor Ingrid Lewis martin has been with him from the days that he was brooklyn borough president. She was in japan. As she got off the plane at jfk, the feds and State Investigators were there. They confiscated her phones. At the same time they were raiding her home and they took i guess documents from their. The feds subpoenaed more documents. But its not over. If you think this is all tidy, yesterday the u. S. Attorney said he still looking for more information and apparently he still going for more information because he went after Ingrid Lewis Martin as we speak just moments ago. This is far from over and you have to wonder how these people are working with the investigators and whether are not some of them are turning against him and how all of this has shaken out. You spoke with williams this morning, and he would be the next person in line if the mayor decided to step aside. Im not sure i want to get your take on if you think that would have been. The mayor will not step aside. Look at senator menendez. He accepted gold bars. He stayed there until he was convicted. I am thinking that mayor adams will stay in office until trial. And at this point they dont even know what evidence is against them. Theyll find out that on wednesday when they are back in court. Quick Sound Bite from williams here. This is the man who take over. The charges are pretty egregious and a little more expensive than i even thought they would. And even with that he has a right to defend himself. Separate from what i believe the mayor should be doing right now which is saying i have a plan and this is how i believe i can continue under the weight of all this. I think thats happening. Deflecting and trying to waive it away is not that plan. Martha you dont any indication adams isnt dog in . He didnt have the swagger today. He seemed very serious and look like someone who didnt have a week of sleep last night. Martha thank you so much. Thank you for coming by. Right now we have another huge story. Tropical Depression Helene bringing catastrophic flooding to parts of the southeast after making landfall in florida as category five hurricane. This thing is a monster. Hundreds of people have had to be rescued including an atlanta woman stuck in her car just feet away from Fox Weather Meteorologist Bob Bendel and this morning. I was hanging on every second of this today when he was reporting for fox and friends. Watch. Reporter you can see we have this lady drove into the area thats flooded out and she screaming. I just called 911. Fire department is coming in. Shes screaming. We got you. 911 are coming. You are good. You are good. Men, is a situation. Will get back to an a little bit. I am going to see if i can help this lady out a bit more. Ill be back. Martha and then he waited chest deep through the water and got this one out of her car and took her to safety. Watch. I threw the microphone down. I took my wallet out of my pants and i waited in there and she had this much of her window open. So i could get the door open. You have to roll your window down. I had to pry it open. She is still stuck in her Seat Belt. Get your Seat Belt off. Shes got her phone and bags in the air. Sheahan that to me. Im holding them in the water like this. Get her on my back and dragged her through the water. Shes fine now. She was in shock. Her husband picked her up. Fire department came. Yeah, shes great. Martha shes great because of bob. Bobs heroic actions reminded us of senior correspondent Steve Harrigan who did the same thing. Pulled somebody to safety after Hurricane Ian hit in florida in 2022. Reporting live from crystal river, florida, where officials say floodwaters from helene reached as high as 10 feet. You are a hero as well. Sometimes when you are covering these stories you have to jump and as you have in the past. Thats really good work by bob. Modest as well about the whole thing. Across four states other people have not been as fortunate. We have 35 dead from the storm and its been going up each hour as far as the electricity goes we have more than 800,000 people still without power. When you talk to people decide to ride this out, many are simply stunned about what they see in front of them. I wasnt even expecting to be nothing like this. I thought maybe Wind Damage or anything. Trees falling. I never expected this. This is beyond. As we walk into the home our whole entire home is completely ruined. The couches, the beds, the clothing. We pretty much got pretty much mostly new stuff in here because we just moved here three months ago, and everything is just completely done. Recovery efforts have been moving fast. Of our a restored power to more than 1 Million different homes. Airports and main highways open. Its want to take another day for this mostly small business owners dealing with 3 feet of floodwater. Back to you. Martha Steve Harrigan and crystal river, florida. Thank you very much. They have a lot to deal with in the wake of helene. Theres lots of ways that you can help the victims of Hurricane Helene by supporting the Red Cross. Fox corporation has made their own donation to this relief effort. You can also chip and at redcross. Org fox forward. Or scan the Qr Code we see on your screen right now and you can make your donation directly that way. These people really need everyones help. They need olive us to chip in. They are really in a very, very tough situation in the Red Cross does a great job of making sure the money gets work needs to go. Thats why foxs been so supportive through so many of these tragic situations to the Red Cross and we hope youll do the same. So that is that for this friday. Theres so much going on. You will be glued to your tv all night long. I am because youre watching the situation in lebanon and seeing if we might end up seeing evacuations. Please stay tuned. Will go back to tray a little bit later. The story goes on. Ill see you back here on monday at 3 00. Stay tuned because your World starts right about now. Have a great weekend, everybody. I will see you monday. You are looking live right now at

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