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Everybody and Martha Maccallum and this is The Story. We have a very big hour ahead. It was speak to robert f. Kennedy jr. This afternoOn And also the White House John Kirby both joining me here in studio. Buffers, Form President Trump eking to real and specific threats on his life by ironic. He did that today in Battleground North carolina just moments ago, he says he believes based on the briefing he got last night from u. S. Intelligence officials that they will try to strike again. Mr. Trump meanwhile we have the president of iran in our country this week, they have large Security Forces guarding him, yeah, that are threatening to a former president and leading candidate to become the next President Of The United States break certainly as strange set of circumstances around the world, our enemies are desperate to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House because they know i will make America Great Again and they dont want that. Martha so now a Scaving Report on the July Assassination attempt in butler, pennsylvania finding out like key security on the ground and not even know about these credible threats that have already been received from ironic at the time and the Secret Service agents operating the drone according to this new study that i just came out, call a tollfree 800 number, to troubleshoot some technical problems with the drone which led to nypd Inspector And Fox News Contributor is on the ground in butler, pennsylvania. What we learned about what was going on there, the worse it looks for the Secret Service what a confluence of events Martha Maccallum just as this iran threat, Donald Trump ramped up more worse than ever, it seems like the Secret Service was becoming more dysfunctional than ever. We make a distinction between of the agents on the ground that are willing to take a bullet and the leadership in washington above their heads who were failing not only them but always he the president. Here on the ground in butler, i can tell you that most of the people we speak do especially in Law Enforcement and officials here they feel very vindicated by this report, it echoes a lot of what they have been saying since the event. And if you like a lot of the concerns that were expressed since then recently, they feel like this report shows that in fact it was not something the locals did, it was the fact that the Secret Service has not been organized, did not do the Advance Work and a response on the ground at the time. Martha even when the acting secretary, head of Secret Service, he basically said of the locals that were thrown under the bus basically the statement, saying we realize now we have to be better at coordinating with the locals and making sure that we know they know whether supposed to handle . Yes, and this story i have to demands a little bit with the Director Row and say why are we hearing from him . He was the deputy at the time when all of this went down, and it seems like the Secret Service had to atrophied more than ever. Now it is the same person who is telling us just me for the top job as i am at this quote, unquote, Paradigm Shift Break martha led me just tell you, some of that has worked in Law Enforcement for a long time, the more jogging you here is Mike Jorgen you from a Law Enforcement executive, the more your hearing from as all pick we should not be hearing from Director Roe that he is a guy who should fix all of this, we should hear from his bosses. From dhs, mayorkas, the rest of the Executive Branch seems to be m. I. A. Martha i do not know what he has not come out and talk about this whole thing. He is the head of the agency that oversees this group. Is certainly feels like he should be making a public statement on his assessment of what went wrong. Paul, Thank You so much in butler, pennsylvania. Looks like its fully raining down there. Is bringing Caroline Levitt, Fox News Contributor. Great to have both of you. Carolyn let me start with you, when he hear from the Trump Campaign, he has been supportive of his detail, but it has to be very disheartening to hear some of these things including the fact that one of the snipers sought Law Enforcement running in the direction of the roof that did not think to alert other people to that knowledge. Certainly there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered about what took place in butler, pennsylvania and why a bullet was allowed to come millimeters away from President Trumps head appeared nearly taking his life. The Secret Service has addressed some of those concerns, not all, but we remain deeply grateful to President Trump personal protective detail, the men and women who surround him every day, not only reacted swiftly in pennsylvania but to great brave action to defend President Trump as a Golf Course at the second attempt on his life as well. Those are the men and women we are grateful for but President Trump has repeatedly says he needs more men and women and resources. He was in georgia yesterday, North Carolina today. He will be in many states over the next several days and weeks as his Campaign Heats up. This also comes in light of a new ongoing threats from the iranian Terrorist Regime as President Trump was briefed on yesterday. Certainly he needs more protection, i think all americans recognize that even republicans and democrats in congress say this needs to happen. Martha merry and the heat of the final weeks of this campaign, everybody is paying attention, everybodys fighting for those hundred thousand votes here and they are you know Swing States in particular. Having to this Intel Briefing about this iranian threat last evening at, to former president , what do you make of that . Iran is the most sophisticated State Sponsor of terror in the world, until 9 11 to they killed more americans than any Terrorist Network Eggs in 1983 bombing is, killing 241 americans who took the tower a 1996, Killing Hundreds of civilians. The Cade Out they were behind the bombing of arbor embassy, the captured and killed as Cia Station Chief in lebanOn And they were behind the killed over A Thousand americans with mike in iraq. No regime has killed more americans in the iranian regime. And have a direct threat against the former President Of The United States and the Secret Service in the face of that threat thats some Deranged K get a bullet off and all must kill him and cut couple millimeters away from his head. Then a few weeks later, within A Hundred yards cut couple hundred yards of another shot you would think that with that kind of a threat, if they cannot stop a deranged cage and some lunatic wedding crazy letters to the iranian regime, how are they going to stop a sophisticated, highly trained Terrorist Send by the iranian It Regime to kill Donald Trump . This is unconscionable the fact that the letter to happen once and did not increase his security detail, by the second time is an absolute disgrace. Martha carolina there is a pisan Wall Street Journal titled iran is waiting for president harris. Obviously there is a larger political motivation behind these actions, and behind Irans Determination to take out the former president and prevent him from winning this race according to these reports. Absolutely. The iranian regime was boiled under President Trumps administration, he crackdown on sanctions that harris lifted. Those Trump Era sanctions. Also before they october seventh attack, in the formatted administration transferred 6 Billion to the iranian regime that even after the october seventh attack they responded funded by iran terrorist proxies big the Bidenharris Demonstration still transfers billions of dollars to iraq Rick Iran has profited more than 80 Billion in Oil Sales since the harris and Joe Biden took office, they were stronger today than when President Trump was there and thats why they do not want him to go back. It is no secret why this is happening. It is unfortunate that a Kamala Harris has yet to condemn these threats on Donald Trumps life and not spoken out about the briefing she received yesterday. She has a responsibility as a democratic nominee for President And Leader of her party to condemn these threats but also to take action shes a sitting Vice President of the united states, she and Joe Biden can go back to the white House Today to resource of these tough sanctions on iran and take action to prevent this violence from happening, from these attempt on President Trumps life, she has yet to do so. Has a responsibility to show some leadership. Martha i have to agree that sanctions would be in order given what we have learned about this plot . Sanctions . The Donald Trump when he was president told the iranian regime, if you kill a single american we will hold not your proxies responsible, we will hit you, and then when they crossed the red line, if you retaliate, i will take them out of. And they back down. Right now, the iranians have killed a bunch of americans in the Middle East, what has Joe Biden done . Nothing eggs go there firing at our troops with immunity that is weakness,. Martha we will talk more about that this hour, Thank You very much, Caroline Levitt cut great to see both. Speaking of that Puke Israel readies ground troops to potentially enter into lebanon to Fight Hezbollah in the streets. This would be a major development in the swear. And for the first time in more than 40 years, in china has tested a ballistic Missile Missile in the pacific Ocean Right in the region were World War ii was thought against the japanese. Will talk to an easy coordinator for strategic Comment Occasions John Kirby at the White House about what the new York Post is calling for a World On Fire as Joe Biden enters his final months as commander in chief. Number 2, an allout war is possible. What i think is also the opportunity is still in play to have a settlement that can fundamentally change the whole religion. 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After a shocking strike this morning that was aimed squarely at the heart of Tel Aviv, and amazing the effort that was obvious he blocked, thankfully blocked by the Iron Dome but they have not tried to strike Tel Aviv and of a long time, very aggressive action. Action. Also china testified an intercontinental Ballistic Missile claiming it was carrying a Dummy Warhead and it landed in the pacific ocean. Ukraines president warned of a possible nuclear incident at a Power Plant that is occupied now by russian forces. John kirby here, White House national Security Comment Occasions Advisor and Assistant To The President , welcome. It Thank You. Martha we have seen that peace and the Wall Street Journal, todays Front Page of the new York Post, the mess they have left shows the world literally on fire, Joe Biden tries to spin World Chaos Beach to u. S. , you and cut the debt tops of the first time since World War ii. Your reaction to that picture . Obviously we do not agree with that puke we find that analysis to be a Little Shrill and hyperbolic back a lot shrill and hyperbolic. There is absolutely active conflict is going on, ukraine and the Middle East, tensions in the indopacific always is still exist and how for quite some time. But with the president has done and what he laid out in his Speech Yesterday is really sort of building alliances, partnerships and coalitions to deal with these challenges and those alliances, partnerships and coalitions are stronger now than they have ever been at having a positive effect. Martha a lot of people do not see that wage on. With all respect, you look at what is going on in ukraine it, we have a situation where Black May boot and is threatening to use nuclear weapons, or every of weaponry, f16s, been requested by ukraine, they say if we have these we can but enough pressure on russia to get them to that to step down and it ukraine is talking when negotiations. This all began when the president said, a minor incursion in ukraine may be acceptable, a lot of people see this is very mishandled. Im sorry im not gonna buy the argument is that somehow Vladimir Putin will go in there. He has been wanting to take Ukraine Martha he wasnt going get a ton of Resistance Housing sought all come on martha, i think anybody can look at the historical record and say that a Vladimir Putin did not think he would Room Face international pressure when it was clear what would happen and he did, he faced significant sanctions that have helped his economy and my goodness you have 50 somewhat nations around the world helping Arm Ukraine and the fact they have been so successful on the battlefield is due to their Courage And Integrity no question about data but also the support they got from the united states. Martha so its a stalemate . I do not see what we see in ukraine as a stalemate. It depends exactly what youre looking at, in the northeast, in the donbass area, the russians have achieved some minor tactical success as well as the ukrainians continue to push them back. The last few weeks they developed as aliens inside russian territory and the kursks own glass, is straight out stalemate is not allow one party to move and martha is white House Support allowing them to use attackers can make every other barrier you put up because he thought it would as glade has eventually fall, bullet also fall . We know that reporting in favor of that and against it, where do you stand . There is no teams in policy in terms of using u. S. Longrange strike capabilities to hit russia, there is no change. Martha it would change at the level that its not for the foreseeable future . It is weird, if you dont give them of that than that changes, the war is just going to go On And on. I do not think we that that when we dont believe that is a case. We know that it Vlodymyr Zelensky is going to come and talk to the president about his victory plan, he is working towards a way to end this war. Martha he says that a Bigotry Plan includes the use of attackers, he needs that. Will present biden say yes . No Policy Change with regards to longrange strikes inside russias. Martha lets go to the Middle East for does the united states united states aboard an israeli Ground Invasion of lebanon . What we want to see is no allout war between israel and lebanon. If the goal is to get the families back to their homes, get businesses back up guy we believe that award is not the best way to do that. There should be, can be, and ought to be a time and space for a double medic solution. And we will continue to work. Martha they say they want to wipe israel off the map, do you think theyre interested in negotiating . It has laws definitely weaker now than a few days ago because of what israel has done hezbollah taking a liquid where israel is on the map, they have every right to illuminate of those terrorist threats. But we believe there is space for diplomacy, we will continue to pursue that. Martha Benjamin Netanyahu said that we are delivering blows to hezbollah with forests and by being clever. Did you think that the Pager Operation was smart and clever . The one i am not going to talk about those incidences, that is not for me to speak to. I will not go there. I was they as a said before, the united states was not involved in any way. What we have been involved in is trying to prevent to this conflict from broadening, to become a regional War Martha so the White House is advising israel right now, do not do a Ground Invasion against hezbollah . You have said to them before, is that what they are hearing this time . Is there a sovereign natiOn And they can make their own decisions about how they defend themselves. What were saying to israel is we want to make sure you can protect yourself and your citizens, we want those families to go back home where they belong and we dont believe in allout war is the best path forward to doing that. That is the message were sending to do it the israelis and those of the conversations. Martha it seems that Joe Biden White House of the language has been much more forceful against israel, restrained, restraints, it restrained break then it has been about calling out ironic and calling out hezbollah. These are the words that President Biden used yesterday at the united nations, he said it puts us in a stronger position to deal with the ongoing threat posed by ironic, we must deny oxygen to a territories terrorist proxies calling for more. And ensure that it iran it will never obtain a nuclear weapon. Obviously that is an important message, right . Its not that in iran. [chuckling] you dont back down, you will have to deal with us . I think the iranians know exactly what they would be Facing Peer and we have made it clear to them in a private channels as well as of course publicly that we have the force capabilities available to us guide to the president has those options if he needs to use them. There is no indication that iran right now is interested in an allout war in the region either. Look, we have significant Deterrence And Defense capabilities in the region, we have added to those capabilities in just the last few days as you know, and i think the message has been very clear to iran. Martha one last question on china because obviously these are the three very hot spots that we are dealing with. And ron, it is clear that Iran And China and russia have tried to weaken the united States Strength in the World And Influence in the world. Do you believe that we are in a safer place now, a more stable world, than we were when this president was an Auger Rated . At the gift to go way back. Ironic, Russia And China on their own, even in concept was one another at times have been bristling at american leadership on the World Stage and it goes well beyond the Joe Biden administration. Way before that. They like the rulesbased order, that the united states helps put Implodes Mike In Place by after World War ii, in Chinas Case you want to suppress that. And now increasingly trying to rely on one another. I think it is important to remember, these are three countries that dont have a long history of working together, not a lot of Trust And Confidence between them, and they dont have any other friends. While the united states has an expanded nato alliance, 32 Nations A. Martha summer on the fence for which side they are on. Can you see that the world is not a safer place . The russia china aggression, Middle East war . One as a president said yesterday the world is at an Inflection Point and i have been many in the past and in the future, we are out one right now. The president s main point is that american leadership matters when youre at and Inflection Point, that people can trust us and we know that we will be there for them, like Ukraine And Israel knows we will be there for them. And megan at leadership matters particular at this point in time. Martha John Kirby, Thank You pick always good to see you, in town known for the united nations. Breaking right now, the Trump Campaign confirming the former president will return to butler, pennsylvania. He said he would for a rally at the exact site of that first attempt on his life, and it will happen on saturday october fifth, were just getting word of this guy could be his first visit since that attack on July 13th break he will honor the memory of the Rally Go or who was fatally shot on that day. Still ahead, an exclusive with former independent president ial Candidate Robert f. Kennedy jr. Now on the Trump Transition Team and on a very aggressive new mission. Young adult cancers are up 79 , one in four american woman is on antidepressant medication. 40 of teens have a Mental Health diagnosis. 15 of high schoolers are on adderall. Half A Million american children are on ssris. No other country has anythingy like this. Daythats what were doing. We put our arm around the veterans. When i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. Its a great, rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. Veterans, need cash . Get up to 70,000 or more with a newday 100 Va Cash out loan from newday. Thank you admiral. 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[music playing] subject 6 when your kid is hurting and theres nothing you can do about it, thats the worst feeling in the world. [music playing] subject 4 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. [music playing] subject 7 those that donate to st jude, i hope that you will continue to give. They have done so much for me and my family. [music playing] subject 4 join with your Debit Or Credit card now and well send you this st. Jude tshirt that you can proudly wear. Subject 8 [speaking spanish] Subject 9 are you ready to go have some fun . Subject 10 Yeah Subject 9 Yay Subject 11 when we came here, we didnt know what tomorrow would hold. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow, theres hope for our Little Girl to survive. [music playing] subject 4 lets Cure Childhood Cancer together. Please donate now. [music playing] martha we continue to move around the country and see the campaign inaction, we are 41 days away at this point. We are getting very close, right now Vice President Kamala Harris is in pennsylvania, shes planning to speak about the economy and we expect some finer points on her economic plan of which she rolled out in Disgust Price Gouging the first time around, we will see what she talks about at this time. We know she has an interest in raising corporate tax rates, shes in Pittsburgh Today in Allegheny County where president Joe Biden beat former President Trump by 20 points. He wanted the entire stayed by just a little more than a Point Break is it your Mower Pennsylvania was an extraordinarily close race as it usually is in recent president ial elections rick without, Fox News Contributor and political analyst, as we hear from wait to hear from the current Vice President. Why go to Allegheny County when it was such a handily wOn And co. Last time around, does it signal she is worried about this county at this point . I do not think she is worried about it, i think she wants to go there because as manufacturing they. There is a longer history of american Steel Production and all that. And she wants to make it clear i think for her campaign that she is a friend of capitalism and manufacturing, that shes taking a pragmatic view that she has a plan to encourage to spur Manufacturing Growth in the united states, bring good back, and she was say it is not just about helping out at corporate headquarters, which i think she will present from what i have read kind of a Kitchen Table prospective. It says here is what im going to do to help people dealing with Child Care issues, heres what i will do to help people who want to pay Back Debt she will be practical. Martha we will see what she has to say, want to get a quick thought from mark before we head into listen to Vice President Kamala Harris. The good news for Kamala Harris is that the number of americans was a the economy is terrible has gone down ten points in the last year, the Bad News for Kamala Harris as it went from 80 now at 70 . [chuckling] 70 of americans think that the economy under bidenharris has been a disaster, 40 say the formica policies made that her familys lifes words, 49 said Donald Trumps policy made their life better. That is what shes going into and hope she doesnt talk about being coming from the middle clause, and actually answer the questions these voters are asking her, what will you do on Day One and do to bring down prices . Because if she keeps talking on generalities it will not help voters. Martha standby, we will go watch some of this now. Reminder robert f. Kennedy jr. On the other side of this talking about making America Healthy again. Lets listen to some of what the candidate Vice President has decided. The rest of the developed world. The record, low levels. We have created almost 740,000 manufacturing jobs, including the 650 at the Battery Manufacturing Plant over in terrell creek. [cheering and applause] and we have supported another 15,000 jobs added markham. So [applause] these are local guide great examples of the work that we have achieved thus far. Last week for the first time of course, in 5. 5 years the federal reserve cut Interest Rates which will make it just a little bit easier for families to buy a home or a car or just pay down their Credit Card bill. But lets be clear, for all of these positive steps, The Cost Of Living In America is still too high. You know it and i know its. And that was true long before the pandemic hit. Many americans who aspired to own a home or unable to save enough for a town Down Payment on a house. And starting to think that may be homeownership is just outside of their reach. Folks who lived in Factory Towns and in rural communities who have lost jobs, are wondering of those jobs will ever come back. Many americans are worried about how they will afford the Prescription Medications they depend on. All of this is happening at a time when many of the biggest corporations continued to make record profits, while wages have not kept up a spook i understand the pressures of making ends meet. I grew up in a middleclass family. And while we were more fortunate than many, is still remember my mother sitting at that yellow table late at night, Cup Of Tea in hand, with a pile of bills in front of her, just trying to make sure that she paid them off by The End of the month. Like so many americans just trying to make it all work. Every day, millions of americans are sitting around their own Kitchen Tables and facing their own financial pressures. Because over the past several decades, our economy has grown better and better for those at the very top, and increasingly difficult for those trying to attain build and hold on to a middleclass life. In many ways, this is what this election is all about. The american people face a choice between two fundamentally very different paths for our economy. I intend to chart any way forward and grow americas Middle Class. Donald trump intends to take america backwards to the failed policies of the past. He has no intention to grow our Middle Class. He is only interested in making life better for himself and people like it himself. The wealthiest of americans. You can see it spelled out in his economic agenda, an agenda that gives trillions of dollars in Tax Cuts to billionaires in the biggest corporations while raising taxes on the Middle Class by almost 4000 a year. Slashing Overtime Pay per throwing tens of millions of americans off of Health Care. And cutting Social Security and medicare. In a somewhat, his agenda would weaken the economy and hurt working people in the Middle Class. You see for Donald Trump, our Economy Work at best if it works for those who own the Big Sky quit skyscrapers, not those black she build them, now those who wired them, not those who mop the floors [cheering and applause] while i have a very different division have a very different vision for our economy. I believe we need to grow our Middle Class and make sure our Economy Works for everyone. For people. [applause] like the people in the neighborhood where i grew up and the hardworking that i meet every day across our nation. So i call my vision the opportunity economy. And its about making sure [applause] everybody can find a job and more, and more because frankly having a job i believe in our Ambition And Aspiration should be based on, and we should aspire to have the Ambition And Plan to do more. I want americans and families to be able to not just to get by, but to be able to get ahead. [cheering and applause] to thrive be able to thrive i dont want you to have to worry about making your monthly rent if your car breaks down. I want you to be able to save up for your childs education. To take a nice vacation from time to time i want you to be able to buy Christmas Parent presence for your Loved Ones without feeling anxious when youre looking at your bank statements. I want you to be able to build, not just for yourself but also for you children and grandchildren, intergenerational wealth. [applause] and heres the thing here is the beauty of it all. We know how to build an economy like that, we do know how to unlock stronger, shared economic growth for the american people. History has shown it, time and again, know we invest in things that strengthen the middl middleclass, any factoring, housing, Health Care, education, small businesses and our communities, we grow our economy and catalyze the entire country to succeed. I have pledged to building a strong Middle Class would be a defining goal of my presidency. And the reason [applause] but let me tell you the reason is not about politics and its not about ideology. From my perspective, its just common sense. Its just common since [applause] its actually what works when the middleclass is strong, america is stronger, and we can build a stronger middleclass. The american economy, we know this year, the american economy is the most powerful force for Innovation And Wealth creation in human history. We just need to move past the failed policies martha we will keep an eye on the speech from a Vice President Kamala Harris baruch she did begin by saying that she grew up in a middleclass family and just going to describe some of her ideas to strengthen the u. S. Economy, we will let you know if there is news coming out of that address in at pittsburgh, pennsylvania. In a moment, robert f. Kennedy jr. Joins us on his crusade to Rescue America from a historic deep decline in health. It has impacted as so many people in our country, and he traces it to a lot of things, chemicals in our food, Radiation And Cell phones, drugs that make us sick or than better. Were asking ourselves, how in the world did this happen . Big part of it is our diets. Millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from noom. Like evan, who lost 50 pounds. I never really was a salad guy. Thats just not who i am. Even through the pickiness, noom taught me that building better habits, builds a healthier lifestyle. Get started today and lose 15 pounds in 15 weeks. Of politicians from both parties often say, we have the best Health Care system in the world. That is alive. Our conjugates sicker, more depressed, fatter, more inferred all. Almost 50 of teens in the united states are overweight or obese. Martha i do not know anybody who listens to the kukan thank of summary in their life who has been going through these things. That is Rallying Cry from robert f. Kennedy jr. Warning the future of our country is at risk, the former president ial candidate joining forces with Donald Trump to make America Healthy again and says he will be deeply involved of trump wanes in Health Policy come november. Car of K Jr. Joins me now, that member of the Trump Transition Team, great to happy with this. Obviously this is an issue that is getting a lot more traction, identify for people is straightforward way, that could be impacting their halls that theyre not realizing. Most of the Health Impacts are coming from food. 70 of our diet now is ultra processed food, its highly subsidize,s corn, so in wheat which means processed wheat, processed flour, processed sugar. And oils. And on our food in this country, we have A Thousand ingredients of that are illegal in europe and other developing countries. One of the things that happened in a Meeting Yesterday was the would show for example a box of Froot Loops from canada, or europe, and it has completely different group of ingredients. That Collar And Vegetable oil which is safe, hours are colored with at chemical oils which are very dangerous, causing cancer. They are causing be directly linked to adhd in kids, and Food Companies, its cheaper for them when they get brighter colors and Froot Loops but its literally poisoning our kids. My uncle when he was president , we had about 6 of americans had a Chronic Disease. Today its about 60 of. And we spent a zero annually on Chronic Disease, today we spend 4. 3 trillion. We have this sick population in the world, the sickest in the world. More depressed, more mental illness, more obs spook we have gone from when my uncle had when i was a kid, 3. 4 of americans had Chronic Disease for todays 50 of, its affecting everything and bankrupting our country, at 77 of american children are joining the military Kids Today and have 50 of the Sperm Count get 50 of testosterone, the average puberty in this country for girls is 1013, it is six years younger than it was seven years ago. Martha it one of things he pointed out, when his cigarettes got Warning Labels slapped on them, of the Tobacco Companies were the largest companies in america and had to set only out what to do so there is according to this work, the User Laboratory Scientist to figure out how to make snack food. The bought a bunch of Snack Companies and figure out how to make that step addictive . In the 90s, Tobacco Companies began using all this cash, of the Saw Tobacco was going to go down because people they are being deceived, et cetera. They used all the excess cash they had to buy all the Food Companies, two companies, r. J. Reynolds, which are Tobacco Companies, are now the biggest Food Companies in the world. It took thousands of that scientists who were employed and making Tobacco Executive and advertising to kids, and they instead shifted that to food and they developed ingredients, chemicals, of unknown nature, to actually make food addictive and less feeling it so youre never satisfied. All of a sudden people became obese. Youll get pictures from woodstock or from any time in History Martha they were skinny for another reason may be but they were skinny. In any context, you do not see obesity in the 1900s of you were obs you got sent to the circus. It was so unusual back it was a phenomenon. Today its who we are, and people got lazier. They have not become more gluttonous guided they are being mass poisoned. Martha that is a question about whether President Trump is as serious about this as you are, if you get into his administration guided as atlanta says rfK Jr. Once my screening of chemicals but trump did the opposite of. Is that true . You know President Trump and i had a long series of discussions about this, and you told me, one thing he said, when i got the in the in 2016 and was very unprepared to govern. Suddenly all these big corporations and lobbyists, is at a point this guy, appointed that guide and it would do it. He said many of those people turned out to be bad it, bad people. You know how he talks, so he said i will do something different this time. But he did not just tell me that in private. He said i will make this a centerpiece of every speech he has, and somebody says dont trust Donald Trump because he breaks his word in order to get a contracted, while thats my contract. Is going out of the and keeping his word on every single thing he talks b3 would you leave a dad did not happen . And theres A Million reasons i dont want to be in washington. If i have an excuse to leave the, if i will be effective i would leave immediately. Have a very good life now. Martha lets talk a little bit about that, want to give you an opportunity to address a Man Blind spook you seem to be surrounded by a scandal is an old stories and keep coming up about animals and all of those, the latest one is an inappropriate relationship with it new York Magazine political reporter who covered your campaign,s got a lot of attention for what you say to your supporters who question your behavior and want to know is going on . If you want to talk about health or how to change the war in ukraine, or how to end Inflation Or Surveillance and censorship regime, inhabited talk three by d have any regrets . Like i said, ive made comments on her to. B3 we wanted to give you an opportunity to answer. Great to have he has always. Joining as this Afternoon Robert f. Kennedy jr. , Thank You. For the first time, our 2024 Power Rankings predict that republicans are likely to take control of the United States Senate winning at least a 51 seats with Flatware Races consider tossup spook The House has a somewhat republican majority now and they are 22 tossup races, Vice President haut Kamala Harris getting a small bump from her for his debates, trump holding steady and what is in a unprecedented electionyear. Market manual reporting live from d. C. , hello. Power rankings suggest Vice President Calm A Max Big Improvement as of the independent voters, 15 points in 2020, former President Trump update with independence and a Fox News Survey in august. And now they are favoring harris by 12. The president ial race still looks super tied with harris picking up one point after her debate with the former President Trump, trump losing a point after that debate. To the senate, critical to get his or her agenda through, the Power Rankings predict the breakdown is likely to be republican majority, it is unclear how big. In terms of battleground races, five seeds are now seen as a leaning democrat, arizona, maryland it, Michigan Pennsylvania and wisconsin, two Tossups Nevada and ohio, and leaning republican montana which are to be a pickup currently Senator Jon testers seat. On The House i got good night, majority of 227211 with 218 needed to be majority party. Good night for republicans, 30 g. O. P. Seeds now do hundred and five democrats. The 20 tuesdays that will determine whether its a good night for one party or the other are basically multiple races in arizona, california, michigan, Ohio And Pennsylvania who could be a very nervous night as we wait to find out of there will be a republican speaker or a democrat, marsa . Martha lots of reasons for people to stay tuned all night long. Lets Take A Look at some of The House races we will be watching, get familiar with some of these races across the country that will be a focus that evening. Here is a crime a current breakdown, lets Take A Look back republicans have a three Seat Majority and lets look at North Carolina for a moment here, Where Pro former President Trump was campaigning, speech about the economy and the iranian threat he says exist against him. Maryland ballads are on their way now to voters in North Carolina male in a and congressman Don Davis is facing a challenge from republican Army Veteran, this is one of the tossup races, our politics teams as the g. O. P. Has a good chance to flip two North Carolina seats potentially on their side after redistricting to pick the 13th District is wanting to keep an eye this is in the raleigh area. Democratic businessman Frank Pierce is taking on republican Prosecutor Brad . Big and 14th near charlotte, Army Veteran and nurse, a democrat running against republican there, a republican state representative,s name is tim moore. Keep a close eye on some of these races. You will continue to give you a sense of what these races look like, how redistricting has impacted these areas. That is a three Seat Majority for republicans, democrats would love to get a majority in The House because i would make their path more clear and get through some of the legislation they want. You will keep a close eye on all of this as we move forward, interesting Talks Today with John Kirby from the White House as a united nations continues to hear from leaders around the world today. Today be heard from Vlodymyr Zelensky as gas to the united states for more continued support, he got a 400 Million in this recent visit in terms of Military Support going to ukraine. We talked about that and also interesting to chat with f Kennedy Jr. Be think all for being here today. That is his story for wednesday september 25th, The Story goes on, we have podcast episodes, very interesting to pick Sopranos Actress Founder of the Clothing Brand ultra free found, she was herewith as yesterday, she spoke to me about her unique political Journey Post sopranos in hollywood. I never anticipated being out talking about this stuff. I care so much about it because of my children. When lot watched happening in the last four years and when it was going on, really deep underground with all of this stuff, like i said, once you see it you cannot unseat yet. Martha it very interesting talk, talked about her work on the sopranos which is one of my favorite series. That is available on Fox News podcast. Com, we will see you back here tomorrow at 3 00. Stay tuned because your world starts right now

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