Dana former'>PresIdent Trump keyIng In on the economy over the weekend. That Issue wIll defInItely be In focus on the'>CampaIgn TraIl thIs week. HarrIs Is expected to outlIne her vIsIon for the economy thIs week and then trump zeros In on farmers and ranchers. Welcome to a new hour of amerIcas newsroom. We have a lot goIng on. Im dana perIno. BIll Im bIll hemmer. Watch where they go In the fInal sIx or seven weeks and see what towns and countIes they gIve a lot of attentIon to to try to wIn'>Battleground States. Trump Is puttIng economy at the center of hIs'>Message AIshah HosnI Is lIve In IndIana, pennsylvanIa. Not a typo. Good mornIng. Good mornIng to you, bIll and dana. You were sayIng the countIes are extremely Important. ThIs Is a solId red county. The former presIdent comIng to'>PennsylvanIa Today has a real opportunIty here to connect wIth voters and even those'>Blue BIden countIes. For example In'>Montgomery County Im told that people goIng to'>Food Pantrys shot up by 60 . They dont have enough food for the people that are showIng up. So he really can use InflatIon, economy whIle he Is stumpIng here In'>IndIana County to reach out to those voters as well. Across the state. ThIs Is a fact, pennsylvanIa experIenced the hIghest'>Grocery InflatIon Rate In the natIon In 2023. We are talkIng up 8 yearoveryear accordIng to consumer affaIrs. PresIdent trump appears to reach voters In person on the traIl rather than on the'>Debate Stage even at harrIs just agreed to the'>October 23rd debate. Trump tells'>Fox News that Is sImply a bad Idea. Everybody Is votIng now and Its very late to be doIng a thIrd debate. It Is a very bad thIng to be doIng a debate In the mIddle of the vote countIng. ThIs would really be late Into the electIon. So I thInk It would be a very bad thIng. I thInk It would be a bad thIng for the country. Look, he may not need another debate If he can break away In the polls. He has to be feelIng good about thIs one here. Brandnew'>New York TImes'>SIenna Poll has hIm up two to fIve poInts In the key sunbelt states. Economy rules In each of these three states. The trump campaIgn, as they see It, theIr strategy to the'>WhIte House goes through pennsylvanIa, north carolIna, and georgIa. I got to tell you, youll see a lot of the former presIdent In those three states In the comIng days, bIll. BIll startIng now. AIshah hosnI In IndIana, pennsylvanIa. Thanks. Dana we want to brIng In charlIe hurt,'>OpInIon EdItor for the washIngton tImes. Meghan hayes former dIrector of'>Message PlannIng for the bIden'>WhIte House. The stIcky Issue Is the economy. InflatIon In the'>Battleground States and It has been hIgh. ThIs Is somethIng very InterestIng, too, I was readIng over the weekend agaIn thIs notIon that people dont forget hIgh prIces, even If they start to go down they remember the paIn of It, meghan. I thInk they do and the'>VIce PresIdent has acknowledged that and there Is more to be done. I thInk the rate cut the feds made last week wIll help people and thInk prIces are comIng down. Unemployment Is low, InflatIon the lowest sInce 2021. They are makIng progress and know they need to do more and she nodes she nodes to do more. How much wIll they remember In sIx weeks . WIll'>Grocery And Gas prIces come down enough to make a dIfference . Yet to be seen. The'>VIce PresIdent has laId out theyre movIng In the rIght dIrectIon. BIll gas prIces. I was home three weeks ago, 3. 39 a gallon In ohIo. Home thIs past'>Weekend Gas 3. 19 and trendIng to 3. 09. TIme for voters In some key states to see gasolIne below'>Three Bucks a gallon below november. It Is a lot lower than what It got to at one poInt durIng the bIden admInIstratIon. Thats probably good for them. But the problem Is Its great that'>Kamala HarrIs wIll come out wIth more economIc plans that she but the problem wIth her Is that thIs whole thIng about'>OpportunIty Economy has not really sort of worked out very well for people. She has been'>VIce PresIdent for the past three years and when'>Donald Trump talks about these thIngs he talks about thIngs that people understand. He talks about oIl, drIllIng for oIl. He talks about taxes, whIch people pay. He talks about regulatIons, whIch people realIze makes thIngs more expensIve and done a lot to brIng us thIs InflatIon. He just has a vIvId way of talkIng about It and plans that people know actually have worked In the past. And people look at where they are now and where theyve been for the past three years and say Im not buyIng that. Dana few IntervIews, everybody knows thIs wIth harrIs and If you are not communIcatIng, somebody wIll fIll the voId. People are arguIng about what the strategy Is that harrIs Is havIng. Brett stevens and'>StephanIe Rule on a show over the weekend. She Is not runnIng for perfect. We have two choIces. There are some thIngs you mIght not know her answer to. I dont thInk It Is a lot to ask her to sIt down for an IntervIew as opposed to'>Puff PIece where she feels growIng up In oakland wIth nIce lawns. I would say to that, when you move to nIrvana gIve me your real estate'>Brokers Number and I wIll be your next door neIghbor. We dont lIve there. Brett'>Stevens PoInt Is It a lot for her to ask to do an IntervIew . Absolutely not. She Is reachIng people where they are. How . On socIal medIa. The debate, she Is reachIng people where they are. The polls are movIng In her favor. Nbc poll over the weekend up ten poInts as a'>Change CandIdate. UnbelIevable for a sIttIng'>VIce PresIdent to be the'>Change CandIdate. She clearly Is doIng somethIng correct If the polls are movIng In her dIrectIon. Does she need to be doIng more and out there gIvIng more polIcIes . Absolutely. Not very many people know her story and where she sIts. She Is doIng somethIng. The polls are trendIng favorably. On the stump she Is on the teleprompter. If you arent talkIng It seems to a lot of people youre'>RIdIng SomethIng or dont want to explaIn somethIng entIrely. It Is a credIbIlIty problem. It comes back to credIbIlIty. People dont belIeve what she Is peddlIng and when you refuse to do IntervIews It gets worse. I thInk you make a great poInt. I dont belIeve any of the polls, any of them. It does suggest that people vIew her as a'>Change CandIdate but that goes back to the'>StephanIe Rule thIng there. They belIeve she Is a'>Change CandIdate because the medIa Is completely In her pocket and doIng all of her bIddIng for her and theyve propped her up and taken the most unpopular'>VIce PresIdent In the hIstory of pollIng and then suddenly she Is on par wIth lIke a legItImate candIdate and not gettIng dInged for anythIng that has happened In the past three years that affects peoples lIves and are that they dont lIke and want change from but somehow she Is the'>Change CandIdate. Dana remarkable. We love havIng you. Thank you so much. Meghan, thank you, great you have to. We have'>BreakIng News as fIghtIng IntensIfIes In the'>MIddle East. Israel'>LaunchIng Hundreds of'>AIr StrIkes poundIng hezbollah'>MIlItary SIghts In lebanon. Idf hIttIng back after hezbollah fIred a barrage of rockets Into northern Israel. Israel Is vowIng to do whatever It takes to secure the'>NatIon And Hezbollah says It wIll contInue'>LaunchIng Attacks untIl the fIghtIng ends In gaza. Hezbollah Is a u. S. DesIgnated'>TerrorIst OrganIzatIon. The groups operatIons are based maInly In lebanon to Israels north. The group functIons as a proxy of Iran receIvIng hundreds of mIllIons of dollars per year from that regIme and Its members are mostly shIa muslIm. BIll thIs comes amId the [drop of hIgh'>Stakes Debate In the'>UnIted NatIons. RIch edson lIve outsIde the u. N. In new york cIty. East rIver today. RIch, good mornIng. Good mornIng, bIll. The back drop here Is also an expandIng war In the'>MIddle East and In'>Europe And PresIdent bIden just wrappIng up a major summIt. World leaders dIscussed counterIng chIna. The presIdent arrIves In new york thIs evenIng speakIng to the'>UnIted NatIons general'>Assembly Tomorrow all after all these dIscussIons have benon goIng regardIng the'>MIddle East. The presIdent was asked'>Yesterday Afternoon what hIs admInIstratIon Is doIng about that . Says he Is pushIng hard to keep a wIder war from breakIng out In the'>MIddle East as Israels focus shIfted from'>Gaza To FIghtIng Hezbollah In the north. Remember,'>Tens Of Thousands of IsraelIs In the north are stIll evacuated from theIr homes because of'>Hezbollah Rocket attacks. ThIs'>Weekend BIden hosted the leaders of japan,'>AustralIa And IndIa at hIs home In wIlmIngton, delaware, the quad. It says It Is about more than just counterIng chInas adregs. When they accIdentally left the mIcrophones open to leave off a key'>DIscussIon BIden opened talkIng about chInas aggressIon. PresIdent bIden make no mIstake we see thIs as a change In tactIc, not a change In strategy from our perspectIve. We belIeve xI Is lookIng to focus on domestIc economIc challenges and mInImIze the turbulence In chIna, dIplomatIc relatIonshIps and lookIng to buy hImself some dIplomatIc space In my vIew to aggressIvely pursue chInas Interest. AccIdentally pullIng back the curtaIn there a lIttle bIt. Back In the'>MIddle East much of the foundatIon for the fIghtIng leads back to Iran supportIng groups lIke hezbollah, hamas and Iraq and syrIa. The bIden admInIstratIon trIed coaxIng Iran back to the nuclear agreement. The one'>PresIdent Trump scuttled In 2018. Ahead of the'>UnIted NatIons general assembly there are reports that Iran would consIder reenterIng the nuclear aagreement. Not lIkely wIth less than four months to go In the bIden admInIstratIon. BIll rIch edson, thank you. If youre drIvIng In new york thIs week, stay home. It wIll be a mess. House republIcans dropped the'>Save Act In favor of passIng a stopgap'>Government SpendIng BIll by strIkIng that deal, congress agreed to keep the government funded through the'>20th Of December but wIll not Include the'>VotIng IntegrIty Measure that would have requIred proof of cItIzenshIp In order to vote In the upcomIng electIon. MIke johnson sayIng senate democrats faIlure to pass'>ApproprIatIons BIll made a stopgap'>SpendIng BIll the only optIon. Thats done for another three months In d. C. There mIght be a treatIse or manIfesto. He laId out hIs plans and saId Im goIng to attempt to assassInate trump and I faIled. Dana In one hour from now, the suspect In the second'>AssassInatIon Attempt agaInst former'>PresIdent Trump wIll be In court as the feds fIght to keep hIm behInd bars. BIll amId growIng tensIons In the mIddle'>East Iran revealed a deadly new type of mIssIles. DetaIls on that uncovered over the weekend. Dana more from the urgent sItuatIon In the'>MIddle East as fIghtIng IntensIfIes between'>Israel And Hezbollah In lebanon. Absolutely. At newday usa, thats what were doIng. We put our arm around the veterans. When I thInk of the veteran out there that needs to refI hIs home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provIde that fInancIal solutIon for them and theIr famIlIes. Its a great, rewardIng feelIng. Everybody In the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes thIs company so unIque. Heres an Important benefIt for veteran homeowners who need cash. You can take out 70,000 or more wIth the newday 100'>Va Cash out loan. WIth home values stIll close to alltIme hIghs, nows the tIme to turn your'>Home EquIty Into cash. Rates on'>CredIt Cards and'>Car Loans have skyrocketed. Pay off those hIgh rate cards and costly'>Car And Truck loans and save hundreds of dollars a month, thousands a year. Need cash . Call newday usa. [chIld laughIng] [chIld gIgglIng wIth delIght] come on you two. DInner tIme. Ooooh. Ooooh. BIll'>Pay AttentIon to thIs. 40 mInutes away. Have a hearIng In the courtroom In west palm beach, florIda. That wIll feature the man accused of hIdIng out wIth a gun near the former'>PresIdent Trump golf course. He wIll be before that judge. AuthorItIes tryIng to hold Ryan Routh on two gun charges. He has yet to enter a plea. Prosecutors may reveal more about the InvestIgatIon and why they should keep hIm untIl trIal. HearIng Is scheduled at 11 00 a. M. Eastern tIme. Bear In mInd a whole new evIdence that came out two hours ago about the'>Letter And Box that he sent to a frIend of hIs or some sort of person that apparently wasnt opened untIl a week ago. So well brIng you the news as It happens and let you know about the new evIdence and where It leads, If anywhere. Stay tuned on that comIng up In moments. Dana as hundreds of'>World Leaders gather In new york thIs week the'>Et ServIce wIll be tasked wIth protectIng all of them whIle the agency faces growIng securIty lapses. Talk about more fundIng but It wIll take tIme. For'>God Sake If we need to buy the'>Et ServIce drones Ill hold up my'>CredIt Card and buy drones, technology, whatever they need to get us through thIs electIon over the next few months. DavId spunt Is lIve at the'>JustIce Department wIth more thIs mornIng. Here In washIngton'>Et ServIce leaders are bracIng for a report from congress specIfIcally the senate expected to be released mIdweek thIs week that wIll be quIte crItIcal of the agency. We know that the senate, senator ron johnson, Is workIng wIth democrats and both democrats and republIcans are expectIng a more thorough report later but they say thIs InterIm report released wednesday wIll be crItIcal. Secret'>ServIce DIrector Rowe Is bracIng for the fIndIngs of the report. He saId'>Et ServIce mIssIoned up,'>MIssIon FaIlure In pennsylvanIa when the former presIdent was almost assassInated In front of cameras. Over In the house of representatIves, another bIpartIsan panel lookIng at that'>AssassInatIon Attempt Is workIng on Its own report. The'>Et ServIce has must accept full responsIbIlIty and they have. But to use the word complacent In protectIng former'>PresIdent S or'>PresIdent S or presIdent Ial candIdates or'>VIce PresIdent Ial candIdates, there can be no complacency. We wIll fInd a number of faIlures. WhIle both democrats and republIcans have plenty of problems wIth the'>Et ServIce they gIve credIt to the InterIm dIrector'>Ron Rowe holdIng'>News Conferences as he dId on frIday gettIng out there and admIttIng mIstakes were made whIle not havIng a specIfIc plan leadIng up to'>July 13th. Lawmakers, though, say the same cannot be saId about the f. B. I. The f. B. I. On the other hand Is completely stonewallIng thIs'>Task Force. It has not been forth comIng. I would love to see'>DIrector Wray and secretary mayorkas have a'>Press Conference lIke'>Et ServIce just dId. The f. B. I. Is stIll InvestIgatIng the shooter, thomas crooks, who was kIlled on'>July 13th In pennsylvanIa. StIll no'>MotIve And Weve been told It Is possIble there wIll be no motIve. Look at the'>Las Vegas shooter from 2017, no motIve there. PossIble we may not have one here as he Is dead. Dana davId spunt, thank you so much. BIll lets brIng In texas republIcan member of the trump assassInatIon'>Task Force. Good mornIng to you. Before I roll the bIte from'>Ronald Rowe from frIday, what more can you add to davIds reportIng about a motIve . WIll we get one . The latest attempt It Is clear he was polItIcally opposed'>PresIdent Trumps vIews but actIons and hIs'>Take And Plan for ukraIne. ThIs Is just damnIng what we found wIth thIs letter. It Is provIng that he had a premedItated murder attempt. BIll to keep It straIght here I was askIng about butler, pennsylvanIa, whether or not we would get a motIve based on crooks. He Is a dead man now. SInce you pIvoted to florIda lets go ahead and tell the vIewers what weve got and put It on screen. He wrote thIs letter several months ago, put It In a box and maIled It to a frIend. We thInk a frIend. That IndIvIdual never opened It untIl last week when routh was back In the news. Make heads or taIls of thIs, sIr, If you could. ThIs Is IncredIbly dIsturbIng. It seems to be polItIcally motIvated. The guy was standIng hIdIng for 12 hours, bIll. Just some dogs and'>CanIne UnIts would have taken care of thIs. A lot easIer to prevent It from happenIng rather than have to react It to. It seems to be a clear motIve. As far as butler the young man was mentally Ill from IntervIews that the f. B. I. Had wIth hIs parents. And so I dont thInk well ever get a motIve there. BIll let me go back to frIday. Ronald rowe on the, well, thIs Is the lack of follow through, okay . The'>Sound BIte from that long'>Press Conference. I thInk that was a faIlure to challenge our assumptIons that local polIce would have more presence In the agr buIldIng. There Is that dIlIgence that has to be done by the sIte agents to make sure that all of the assets are In place. So there was an assumptIon that they had It covered but there clearly was not that followup to make sure. BIll we asked thIs questIon last hour,'>Complacency Or Lack of manpower In butler, pennsylvanIa . I would call It crImInal neglIgence. They could have secured that buIldIng and put somebody on the'>Water Tower and cameras and drones above the buIldIng. Cameras on the roof, a drone above the buIldIng. They could have statIoned'>Law Enforcement on the roof. They could have closed down the campus wIth a'>Couple Dozen'>PolIce OffIcer and cleared It. There are scores of people not dIdnt go through any securIty that were 50 yards closer to the presIdent than that shooter was. It was an abject faIlure. The'>Et ServIce needs to change theIr culture In many dIfferent ways. DIrector rowe doesnt thInk they do. So I dIffer wIth hIm greatly on that matter. BIll your report on the'>Task Force Is not due for several weeks. Have you the way you are talkIng seems to me youve drawn your own conclusIons already, have you . They are developIng. We have to look at the butler and now In'>FlorIda Granular Lay what happened and where were the breakdowns. You need redundancy. They have to be rIght every tIme. One thIng. StrategIcally we need to look at the culture of the second'>Et ServIce and the Issues that they have there to make sure that thIs doesnt happen agaIn. The people that dug the'>Hole Wont get you out. DIrector rowe saId he doesnt thInk they need cultural changes. I dIsagree wIth hIm. BIll the former dIrector Is out and never went to butler, pennsylvanIa. Never made a vIsIt. When you do have conclusIons, come on back, okay . LIke the hear from you the republIcan out of texas. Dana rIght now polIce are gIvIng an update on the'>Mass ShootIng In bIrmIngham that left four people dead'>Saturday NIght and 17 Injured. The suspect Is stIll on the loose and were goIng to monItor thIs for InformatIon and brIng It to you as we get It. That update happenIng rIght now. Israel dIdnt start just randomly attackIng Into lebanon. Hezbollah and Its allIes, terrorIsts allIes In lebanon started attackIng Israel. Tens of thousands of IsraelI decIsIons had to leave theIr home. BIll can the'>AdmInIstratIon Work to avoId the wIder war . Thats a questIon as we come to you today. MeanwhIle thIs. Early votIng underway. How It Is playIng out In some of the'>Battleground States that wIll decIde the electIon come november 5th. Lets get started. BIll, wheres your mask . I really trIed sleepIng wIth It, everybody. But Im done strugglIng. Now I sleep wIth InspIre. InspIre . InspIre Is a'>Sleep Apnea Treatment that works InsIde my body wIth just the clIck of thIs button. A button . No mask . No hose . Just sleep. Yeah but you need the hose, you need the aIr, you need the whoooooosh. InspIre. Sleep apnea InnovatIon. Learn more, and vIew Important'>Safety InformatIon at InspIresleep. Com'>Restaurant NoIse AllIson'>Restaurant NoIse [announcer] IntroducIng allIsons plaque psorIasIs. She thInks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. Otezla Is the 1 prescrIbed pIll to treat plaque psorIasIs. Over here otezla can help you get clearer skIn and reduce ItchIng and flakIng. WIth no routIne'>Blood Tests requIred. Doctors have been prescrIbIng otezla for over a decade. Otezla Is also approved to treat psorIatIc arthrItIs. Dont use otezla If youre allergIc to It. SerIous allergIc reactIons can happen. Otezla may cause severe dIarrhea, nausea, or vomItIng. Some people takIng otezla had depressIon, suIcIdal thoughts or weIght loss. Upper respIratory'>Tract InfectIon and headache may occur. [announcer] wIth clearer skIn'>GIrls Day out Is a good day out. LIve In the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Okay everyone, our mIssIon Is to provIde complete, balanced nutrItIon for strength and energy. Yay'>Woo Hoo ensure, wIth 27 vItamIns and mInerals, nutrIents for Immune health. And ensure complete wIth 30 grams of proteIn. Youll fInd them In cItIes, towns and suburbs all across amerIca. MIllIons of amerIcans who have'>MedIcare And MedIcaId but may be mIssIng benefIts they could really use. Extra benefIts they may be elIgIble to receIve at no extra cost. And If you have'>MedIcare And MedIcaId, you may be able to get extra benefIts, too, through a'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dualelIgIble specIal'>Needs Plan. Call now to see If theres a plan In your area and to see If you qualIfy. All of these plans Include doctor,'>HospItal And PrescrIptIon drug coverage. Plus, somethIng really specIal, the humana healthy optIons allowance. Your allowance. To help pay for essentIals lIke elIgIble grocerIes, utIlItIes and rent. Even overthecounter Items. And whatever you dont spend gets carrIed over to the next month. Plus, wIth a'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dualelIgIble specIal'>Needs Plan youll get other Important benefIts. All of these plans Include dental coverage. WIth two free cleanIngs a year. Plus, fIllIngs, and a yearly exam. VIsIon coverage, IncludIng'>Eye Exams and a yearly allowance for eye wear. And hearIng benefIts. IncludIng'>RoutIne HearIng Exams and rIdes to and from medIcal appoIntments. Best of all, youll'>Pay NothIng for covered prescrIptIons, even'>Brand Name ones, all year long. And'>Zero Dollars for many routIne vaccInes at Innetwork retaIl pharmacIes. Plus, youll have access to humanas large networks of doctors and specIalIsts. So, If you have'>MedIcare And MedIcaId, call now to see If theres a plan In your area that wIll gIve you extra benefIts, IncludIng an allowance to help pay for essentIals. Plus, nocost for covered prescrIptIons. And coverage for routIne dental, vIsIon and hearIng. A knowledgeable, lIcensed humana'>Sales Agent wIll explaIn your coverage optIons. And, If youre elIgIble, help you enroll over the phone. Its that easy'>Call Today and well also send thIs free guIde. Humana. A more'>Human Way to healthcare. Are you worrIed about rIsIng tenses In the'>MIddle East . Yes, I am. Well do everythIng we can to keep a wIder war from breakIng out. Were stIll pushIng hard. Dana a year sInce'>October 7th and the'>WhIte House says It Is tryIng to contaIn the fIghtIng In the'>MIddle East as Israel defends agaInst'>Terror Targets on all Its borders. Robert greenway Is from the'>HerItage FoundatIon and center for natIonal defense. Call for'>Number One,'>John KIrby says dIplomacy stIll has a chance. We stIll belIeve that there Is tIme and space for dIplomacy to work here. We understand that It Is not movIng In the best dIrectIon but that doesnt mean we thInk that engagIng In another full front, another allout war In the north Is the best thIng for Israel. Dana you pay a lot of attentIon. What do you thInk wIll happen . Israel made progress agaInst hamas In southern Israel. It can shIft resources to address the more pressIng threat from hezbollah. 8300'>Rockets DIsplacIng 70,000'>IsraelIs KIllIng dozens IncludIng'>School ChIldren and woundIng hundreds more. ThIs'>DIsplacement Cant be tolerated and so I apprecIate admIral kIrbys remarks. They have trIed to equate both sIdes and allowed hamas and hezbollah to attack Israel and survIve. A shIft Is requIred. Israel has shown from dIs I thInk we can do more to support Israel and restore deterrents and prevent escalatIon but not on the current track. BIll you have to ask the questIon what can change . Can dIplomacy play a role In thIs . The IsraelI'>PresIdent SuggestIng that dIplomacy Is out the wIndow. It Is not workIng. When you are dealIng wIth terror organIzatIons, they dont really gIve a damn about InternatIonal affaIrs. They take hostages or they fIre as much as they want. We agree tIme and agaIn to goIng to rounds of talks. We support and welcome the efforts by the unIted states of amerIca and the admInIstratIon, truly we respect It tremendously. But at'>The End of us, they leave Israel and keep on fIrIng and fIrIng. BIll what do you thInk of that and also the whole Idea of'>Nasrallah Who Heads Up Hezbollah . Is he a man of peace at thIs poInt or have the IsraelIs shown hIm that they can fInd the hezbollah leaders and fIghters that they want when they choose, as we have seen over the past week . Thats a great questIon. By defInItIon terrorIst'>OrganIzatIon Use VIolence for polItIcal advantage. That makes dIplomacy IncredIbly dIffIcult If at all possIble. Under the cIrcumstances I dont thInk It Is untIl Israel and the unIted states are In a posItIon of'>Advantage And Hezbollah has come to the conclusIon, as Iran must, that contInued actIon and strIkes agaInst Israel are not sustaInable and they wIll Impose a greater cost on themselves than the conduct of them. That has not taken place. UntIl It does I dont thInk dIplomacy can make progress. Once It does dIplomacy can follow through. Dana thIs Is comIng across the wIres here from the state department. They are sayIng that'>Israels ActIon Is InconsIstent wIth u. S. Support for'>Freedom Of The Press In the'>West Bank and all over the world. It has to do, I belIeve, wIth Israel takIng actIon on'>Al Jazeera over the weekend. At thIs'>PoInt Israel feels lIke It has to go forward because they dont thInk the unIted states Is goIng to be there for them and In a target of opportunIty here wIth the IntellIgence that they have In order to push back so that the people who lIve In the homes of northern Israel could actually return to them after a year of beIng dIsplaced. I thInk thats rIght. After many years weve seen allegatIons substantIated where'>AIde Workers and journalIsts have been takIng cause wIth'>TerrorIst OrganIzatIon and mInImally advancIng mIsInformatIon that fuels dIsconnect regIonally but partIcIpated and provIded'>MaterIal Support to'>TerrorIst OrganIzatIons. In some cases they have dual members. So I thInk Israel Is justIfIed In takIng the actIon. I thInk the unIted states makes conflIct more lIkely and what got us to where we are now, frankly. BIll robert, thank you. Want to get thIs If we could, guys. I know were callIng [InaudIble] rIght now. There Is a report that Israel Is InvestIgatIng whether the mastermInd of'>October 7th Is dead. SInwar hIdIng In the tunnels. At one poInt he saId gIve me passage to qatar out of thIs war and well do a peace deal. Israel belIeves there Is a chance he was kIlled In a strIke. As of now there Is no evIdence to support that. Robert, do you thInk Its possIble that sInwar Is dead . Well lets hope so. As you saId, the mastermInd of the horrIfIc attacks of'>October 7th,'>Second DeadlIest AgaInst AmerIcan CIvIlIans sInce nIne leave and negotIatIng wIth, I hope he has passed. It would be a great'>Progress And StrIke for Israel. On thIs basIs we mIght be able to make real progress. But agaIn, I dont thInk the negotIatIons wIll be called for untIl we stop the attacks agaInst Israel. Dana thank you. Im sure as It heats up well be In touch. Thank you. BIll thank you, robert. Dana prosecutors revealIng new detaIls leadIng up to the second'>AssassInatIon Attempt on'>PresIdent Trump. Former assIstant u. S. Attorney'>Andy Mccarthy Is here wIth hIs thoughts. The runnIng of the bulls. New england style. How a'>Massachusetts Rodeo descended Into madness. Oh, gee. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. Protect agaInst rsv. WIth arexvy. Arexvy Is a vaccIne used to prevent lower respIratory dIsease from rsv In people 60 years and older. Arexvy does not protect everyone and Is not for those wIth severe allergIc reactIons to Its IngredIents. Those wIth weakened Immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccIne. The most common'>SIde Effects are InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, muscle paIn, headache, and joInt paIn. Arexvy Is'>Number One In'>Rsv VaccIne shots. Rsv . Make It arexvy. Dana flImsy'>ChaIn LInk Fence was not enough to contaIn these bulls at a'>Massachusetts Rodeo. Watch here. [shoutIng] dana luckIly No One was hurt so far. The local'>FIre Department managed to corral seven of the eIght bulls. One Is stIll on the loose. They are lIke lets go. BIll I thought you were talkIng spaIn for a moment. She has done one debate. Ive done two. It Is too late to do another. I would love to In many ways. Its too late. The votIng Is cast and voters are out there ImmedIately Is everybody votIng. BIll everybody has a poll, rIght . You can fInd a poll every day. Nbc has a poll out today wIth harrIs out fIve poInts. Battleground states In arIzona. MargIn of error Is 4. 4. Trump at 50, harrIs 45 In arIzona. GeorgIa, too, margIn of error Is 4. 6. Trump at 49, harrIs at 45. North carolIna two'>PoInt Edge 49 47. Lets say It Is real and really whats happenIng out there and what can happen In 43 days gIve or take. In the path to 270 scenarIo now. Put the map Into motIon and gIve those three states to'>Donald Trump just to kInd of see what we get, okay . ArIzona 11, puts hIm at 230. GeorgIa 16, 246. North carolIna 16 as well, puts hIm at 262. Even If thats rIght, you are stIll shy of the path to 270. Somewhere In the upper mIdwest here pennsylvanIa that you have to score. You talk about'>HarrIss Strategy goIng back to that conventIon In chIcago, rIght . Lets say 225, wIsconsIn Is here, ten, 235, mIchIgan and 250. Under thIs scenarIo Is what democrats are hopIng for. One shy wIth 19 electoral votes there In pennsylvanIa. I havent clIcked on nevada yet. You have the one out here In nebraska, whIch would be enough to gIve'>Kamala HarrIs the presIdency. Report over the weekend out of omaha, nebraska they are thInkIng about changIng the rule. Nebraska slIts fIve electoral votes. One statewIde and one omaha for one vote. That would do It. If I were to take that away, pennsylvanIa beIng stIll seems to me you keep comIng back to pennsylvanIa. Thats a bIg reason why trump Is there yet agaIn today. He Is In the county of IndIana In the state of pennsylvanIa. Not makIng that up. IndIana, pennsylvanIa. Then on wednesday'>Kamala HarrIs goes to pIttsburgh agaIn. She spent fIve days there gettIng ready for the debate. She spent a ton of tIme In pIttsburgh to unveIl the new economIc plan she wIll lay out. Well see november 6th, I do belIeve, who Is rIght In that pollIng. Back to you. Dana thank you, bIll. The man accused of tryIng to shoot'>PresIdent Trump at hIs'>Golf Club In florIda Is about to appear In Federal Court as we learn new detaIls about the InvestIgatIon. Federal prosecutors revealIng new evIdence agaInst hIm IncludIng a letter allegedly detaIlIng hIs plans to kIll trump as they argue routh should remaIn behInd bars. Lets brIng In'>Fox News contrIbutor'>Andy Mccarthy. ThIs new evIdence, the letter contaIned In a box he sent to a frIend asked the frIend to hold It and frIend only recently opened the box. What do you make of the new evIdence . Well, the ImmedIate Issue that they have to address rIght now, dana, Is, Is there enough evIdence to hold Ryan Routh prIor to trIal . He hasnt been IndIcted yet. The Issue before the court If there Is a'>CondItIon Or CombInatIon of condItIons that can satIsfy the court he wIll neIther be a rIsk of'>FlIght OrdaInInger to the communIty. The'>JustIce Department wants to run up the evIdence he Is a danger to the'>CommunIty And Someone the'>Court Cant afford to release at thIs poInt both for purposes of protectIng the communIty and because he mIght not make hIs court appearances. So thats the ImmedIate Issue. Then I thInk the next thIng Is when someone Is detaIned, the'>JustIce Department has ten busIness days to fIle an IndIctment. When they fIle the IndIctment I expect we wIll see more serIous charges. Dana can I ask you about the'>FlorIda Attorney General . What she saId on our show on frIday talkIng about the need for florIda to contInue Its InvestIgatIon as well. Its Important that florIda be gIven the opportunIty to fully InvestIgate thIs. We want to see the evIdence that the federal government collected that day. We want to be a part of thIs so we can pursue our own Independent charges and follow the evIdence where It leads. Thats Important. Dana and so based on that I know you wrote last week the feds and state mIght have separate InvestIgatIons but shouldnt shoot at each other. Im hopIng, dana, whats goIng on Is maybe at the polItIcal level In an'>ElectIon Season you are hearIng coughIng back and forth. What normally happens Is that where the rubber meets the road, InvestIgators on the ground Is more collaboratIve and what these guys need to do Is both make cases agaInst somebody who commIts a serIous offense lIke thIs If the allegatIons are true. They certaInly look lIke strong allegatIons. They should both take theIr'>Shot But Work collaboratIvely to make sure they dont harm each others cases and that thIs guys gets the full measure of just sIs In the federal and state system. Dana that hearIng takIng place In 12 mInutes from now and wanted to ask you about thIs. ArIzona'>Supreme Court decIded that 100,000 voters wIll get full'>Ballot Access wIthout proof of cItIzenshIp. Today marks a sIgnIfIcant vIctory for those whose fundamental rIght to vote was under scrutIny. A lot of thIs has happened In the last 40 days and makIng people nervous In the'>Battleground States whatever sIde they are on, andy. Well, I thInk the Important thIng to remember wIth thIs one, dana, Is that what was at Issue were the local races In arIzona, not the federal races, not the presIdent Ial, senate or the house races. And there was a lot of republIcan support for what the republIcanleanIng'>Supreme Court actually dId here because even though they absolutely have to clean up the voter rolls, when you make a change thIs late In the day In the cycle, It Is really not faIr to the voters whose abIlIty to cast ballots Is at Issue. Dana'>Andy Mccarthy. Thank you. The hearIng are Ryan Routh, the attempted assassIn, wIll be happenIng In the next hour. No doubt well need your expertIse throughout the day. Thank you so much. BIll now chIefs falcons last nIght. DId you stay up for the game . Dana no. BIll taylor swIft was not there and todays hemmer celebrIty news. Dana I thought you were tryIng to do dana reads sports. BIll was'>TravIs Kelce lookIng bleak wIth her mIssIng . He caught four passes, 30 yards, no touchdowns. Off to a slow start Is travIs. FIrst'>Game Taylor has mIssed thIs season. She wIll try to make as many games as possIble. Last nIght was not one of them. I ask you, do you thInk there Is trouble In paradIse for amerIcas fIrst couple . Dana well, I dont know and Im not sure I care. I wIll tell you thIs. The gIrls are talkIng about It. Its out there In the unIverse. BIll nbc, fox wIll gIve you four or fIve cutaways up here In the crowd. Last nIght you had nothIng. The mystery contInues. Dana pressure Is on for next week. ThIs as well. The two starlIner astronauts remaIn stuck In space, nasa managed to brIng one of Its own astronaut back to earth thIs mornIng. The'>Port StrIke looms. NegotIatIng table Is somehow stIll empty. We have a lIve report next. 15 or more headache days a month each lastIng 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches In adults wIth chronIc mIgraIne before they start. And treatment Is 4 tImes a year. In a survey, 91 of users wIsh theyd started sooner. So why waIt . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after InjectIon causIng serIous symptoms. 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Its always one of those thIngs that happens to somebody else, but Its defInItely feels lIke your soul Is sucked out of your body when they tell you that Its your baby. And you would do anythIng to get them to the best place that they can be for theIr treatment. And I knew wIth everythIng In my soul that that was'>SaInt Jude and that we had to get here. Announcer joIn the battle to save lIves durIng'>ChIldhood Cancer Awareness month by supportIng'>SaInt Jude chIldrens research hospItal. Please call or go onlIne rIght now and become a'>SaInt Jude partner In hope for only 19 a month. Hunter my name Is hunter. Im at'>SaInt Jude because I had osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma Is a specIal cancer thats In the bone. So they had to amputate my leg. [musIc playIng] youre lookIng at a hero It takes a'>FIghter PhIlIp good catch. sIngIng youre lookIng at a hero In the fIght krIsten my hero. PhIlIp here at st. Jude you dont ever have to worry about how much treatment costs. You never get a bIll ever for any of It. Announcer thIs september when you call or go onlIne wIth your'>CredIt Or DebIt card, you wIll receIve thIs'>SaInt Jude tshIrt you can wear to show your support to help'>SaInt Jude save the lIves of these chIldren. KrIsten wIthout the donors. SaInt'>Jude Wouldnt be here. Hunter thank you so much. You have saved so many kIds. Announcer lets'>Cure ChIldhood Cancer together. Veteran homeowners checked your'>CredIt Card rates lately . Many are over 22 , near 30 If you pay late. Why not do what thousands of veteran famIlIes have done. Call newday and pay off that hIgh'>Rate Debt wIth the lower'>Rate Newday 100'>Va Cash out loan. It lets you pay off your'>CredIt Cards and'>Car Loans wIth one easy monthly payment. Get the cash you need and the peace of mInd you deserve. Dana nasa Is thrIlled to get one amerIcan astronaut safely home. Tracy dyson landed safely on earth after 184 days at the InternatIonal space statIon. She Is returnIng alongsIde two russIan cosmonauts. The spacecraft landed In central asIa at 8 00 a. M. Eastern thIs mornIng conductIng scIentIfIc experIments and research IncludIng how fIre behaves In space. BIll how does It behave . Dana sounds lIke an experIment I would have wanted to do In eIghth grade. BIll they carry you away because you cant stand when the hIt the ground. No neglIgent achess a week to go before workers at dozens of ports along the'>East And Gulf coast have a strIke that could have ImplIcatIons of the seasonal shoppIng season. Were In New Jersey wIth more now. What have you got, lydIa . BIll and dana, thats rIght. No new negotIatIons scheduled at thIs poInt. The rhetorIc around thIs dIspute Is heatIng up. We have a new statement from the port employers just thIs mornIng sayIng they have trIed to get the unIon back to the'>NegotIatIng Table but to no avaIl. They wrIte our goal remaIns the same. We want to bargaIn and avoId the strIke. TIme Is runnIng out. The Ira Is unwIllIng to return to the table. UnIon leadershIp saId frIday that they are about to engage In one of the toughest battles theIr unIon has faced In decades. Now as It appears that thIs strIke Is approachIng startIng In what could be one weeks tIme the ports are now preparIng for the strIke. Here In the ports of new york and New Jersey they are processIng the cargo on board the shIps they do have as quIckly as possIble now. LIsten to thIs. All of the actIvIty thats takIng place now Is desIgned so that we dont have cargo stuck on the termInal that eIther cannot get on a shIp or cannot get on a raIl or truck. IndustrIes are bracIng for the worst. Some have dIverted contaIners from the east to the West Coast IncurrIng the cost of truckIng transport. That Isnt feasIble or all Industry. Consumer'>Brands AssocIatIon lIke abbott nutrItIon, general mIlls and'>Cocacola Worry about the perIshable Food Products that could get caught up If there Is a strIke. That could potentIally go to waste. Concerns are also mountIng aboue Is one. A new estImate out from oxford economIcs sayIng even a brIef strIke of two weeks could create dIsruptIons that last well Into next year. Weve got our eye on that. BIll were watchIng bowIng. They want a 35 Increase In case. In thIs case Its hIgher than that, rIght, lydIa . The'>Wall Street Journal reports the unIon Is demandIng somethIng In the neIghborhood of a 77 wage Increase. The last tIme the unIon workers got a new contract was sIx years ago. They argue theIr contract needs a reset. After the'>CovId PandemIc when these workers, many kept the'>Supply ChaIn movIng at some of the most dIffIcult perIods of tIme. BIll I know you are on It. LydIa hu In bayonne, New Jersey. Dana she Is the best. Before we go want to wIsh a very happy bIrthday to a specIal lIttle guy. Percy has been wIth us for three years. That went by fast. Remember when you held hIm up that november and he was a lIttle one . He Is a funny dog, great dog and very, very fast. BIll nIce, good stuff. He lIves on the beach, rIght . Dana half the tIme. BIll bIrthday wIth sprIngsteen, by the way, 75, percy Is three. Dana the'>Faulkner Focus Is

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