Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240626

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putting the terrorist threat in the border crisis front and center, a fox source confirming an nbc report that more than 400 migrants entered the u.s. through analysis linked smuggling group including at least 50 whose whereabouts remain unknown at this hour. security secondary alejandro mayorkas visiting the border today calling the report and accurate, saying, "we have not identified 400 people with exercise. ." switch to our cbs report that it meant a printed form -- from tajikistan may have been plotting a possible terror attack on the homeland. so it's all raising lots of questions and it all comes one day before president biden and donald trump square off at that cn and presidential debate and we are on top of all of it. welcome everyone, i'm chandler smith in for neil cavuto, and this is "your world." coming up we'll be talking to the house foreign affairs chairman michael mccaul. personal to matt payne in tucson, arizona where secretary mayorkas spoke as a short time ago and where were -- able to get in a very important question. >> a short time ago i asked secretary mayorkas about this report about 400 migrants with potential i aspires arriving here in to the united states, the secretary took issue with that ques question, he said it is inaccurate and may have been the way i phrased it saying 400 migrants with potential irises tires where we know that confirm reporting is that these migrants arrived through an isis related network. know if these migrants did a review into our country via an isis related network it really begs the question of whether these migrants have any isis tires but to be clear, earlier today, the agent confirmed to fox news that more than 150 of these migrants have been arrested, bhs would not confirm how many if any were on the terror watch list and there are 50 of those migrants still at large but bhs says they are not a threat. not a short while ago here in tucson, arizona, secretary mayorkas said that president biden's recent executive order on immigration has triggered employment in illegal immigration encounters at the border. >> we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis tires. and let me again assure you that individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a public safety and security perspective -- >> whether or not these migrants have isis tires to be clear our understanding is that they came to an isis related network but more importantly the safety and security here at the border and i did follow up and asked secretary mayorkas if he believes that the american people are buying that this border is secure in light of all these recent reports including murders at the hands of illegal migrants, and people that do have potential isis tires. he would not answer the question about whether the border is secure, he said that he's answered that before and punted that question. sandra? -- >> these actions are changing the, list for those considering crossing our border. still as i will continue to make clear, the are no substitute for congressional action. >> and there are secretary mayorkas counting resident biden's executive order saying it has resulted in substantially lower illegal migrant encounters are at the border but he is placing the onus on congress now saying that it has to do it's job for immigration reform, sandra? >> martha: >> sandra: matt payne in tucson in smacks with us now former fbi a bit -- agent and focused director nicole parker. whereabouts unknown of so many were brought here by a group linked to isis, how concerned are you, nicole? >> i'm extremely concerned because i have said many times, border security equals national security. this administration has openly chosen to keep it wide open border and that was it in a very dangerous situation and now, you know, you -- it's really about semantics and you know what, americans aren't buying it. the bottom line is people feel like they are in danger, you can expect -- unvetted and think that there aren't going to be problems. these individuals that were arrested, they were arrested on immigration charges. they were not arrested on service and tried -- to a up for deportation, they could potentially be deported and if they want to really wreak havoc they eventually crossed the border in a few days if they choose from the moment they arrive in their home country. the other problem that you have is that a lot of these individuals that came across our border are asylum-seekers. so deporting them back to their home country could potentially be problematic covid-19 but my heart goes out to all of the victims of this nasty border crisis that we are facing both on the national security side and unknown violent crimes, seeing that the, sexual assaults, and it's unacceptable and, you know, this is completely preventable and at the fall of this demonstration. >> martha: >> sandra: and i was watching the briefing by alejandro mayorkas earlier where he did take a few questions including our own mcclennon's, you know, you can help but think well, -- who is learning this through nbc reporting now confirmed by fox news, how about you offer is a little bit of information about what you do know? as this is incredibly consenting to anybody who's learning about and courting directly in former fbi counterterrorism section chief chris o'leary here, saying i believe the u.s. is now scrambling to locate these individuals." givers are your thoughts on what you believe is probably happening right now behind the scenes, knowing these guys are already here? >> i would tell you every law enforcement officer who had any accountability in this that they are expected to protect our country, they are stressing out. law enforcement officers across cbp coming cbp coming from the department of homeland security, i there working tirelessly. they've already been worn down and the resources are spread thing and another expected to catch all of these individuals who are in our country because we don't know where they are and let me remind you of something, sandra, i was a witness to the 911 september, you know, september 11th terrorist attacks here here in new york city that it only took 19 hijackers to take down for core airplanes and kill thousands of americans. nineteen. right now we heard the number 4? it doesn't take that many individuals. we have 10 million people crossing a border and you don't know who they are and noticing hayden potentially 400, where is it 150, it only takes a very small number of people that are hell-bent on destroying our nation, they have no limits. and that the me is extremely alarming and law enforcement i would like to think i remember of law enforcement whatever agency you are in fact thank you, because we know that you're not getting the support of this current administration. you are working tirelessly and it is really an uphill battle and really got a lot of us feel like sitting ducks but you know what, remember this on november 5th because this administration, that have -- you have all prevented. >> sandra: just everything old child a woman, person who has been affected by this crisis in the former being a victim of a major crime by somebody who shouldn't have been here in the first place just final thought to you, isn't possible even if there was a perfect vetting process in place, to let these many people coming to the country? i mean, alejandro mayorkas insist that we've got a process in place for this. final thought. >> final thought is that it is impossible, to read all of these individuals make you don't know who they are, they don't -- will have documentation on who they are. the system that i use to check them, there's only rugged her on any of these individuals. and it is extremely difficult. what they're doing the better they can't do that with a can but this is not the fault of law enforcement, this is the fault of this administration. >> sandra: really great point. nicole, always good to have you on. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> sandra: leaders our household and security republican and foreign affairs chair michael mccaul will tell us what he is hearing about this new border terror threat, he will be coming up your magnet first, this lexis how will this border issue help or hurt each side on tomorrow's cn and presidential debate and how are both trump and biden preparing right now? were on it. plus a new york judge lifting a big part of that gag order on trump, how without impacting tomorrow night? 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>> sandra, week check in with a trump campaign little early today and they tell us the former president is right here in palm beach at his house adding that he's continuing on with his work schedule as normal but they were quick to point out it was a big difference between what the former resident and what the current president is doing accusing president biden of hiding for the last week. while biden prepares through the rates at camp david, trump has been out on the campaign trail, one of his advisors, jason miller, questioned ako how do you take a week off like that when you're the leader of the free world?" over the last few days trump accepted the freedom coalitions on press in dc as well as hosting a rally at temple university in philly. that's where at one point he candidly asked the crowd of supporters for advice on the upcoming debate. >> mr. trump: handle him, should i be tough and nasty? or should i be -- should i be -- she saying no. should i be tough and nasty and just so you were the worst president in history, or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? >> while trump is in palm beach, his campaign is in georgia today. they were hosting a black american business leaders roundtable at a barbershop in atlanta. for learner congressmen myron donis was there and the group discussed the taxation of this and how inflation is impacting black american families. know at some point the former president will be heading to georgia for the debate and then the next day he said that -- had to travel to virginia for a rally where he will reportedly be joined by governor glenn youngkin. sandra? >> sandra: jeff paul in response for us, thank you very much. the latest fox news polling shows independence favoring president biden over former president trump. both camps looking to independence tomorrow night so what does each need to do to impress voters? that's get their way from democratic pollster mark penn and sara bedford of the washington examiner. rate that we both. set this up for us. first your brought expectations for how this would go? >> well it does seem like president biden will be well prepared. i know this group, i used to run many of these meetings myself with the clinton's and he will have his policy, he will have his plans and he will have his attack lines down. so i think he's going to be well prepared. i think trump looks like he's going to wing it a little bit more use more of his skunk speeches and, you know, use that as his natural go to points. and recommend frankie a little more preparation if expect when this debate. >> sandra: sarah, how about you, your expectations? >> i think most voters tuning and especially independents who haven't quite made up their mind are not necessarily going to be looking at the substance of what the candidates are saying but their stylistic concerns about both of them. the threshold concerns that independents have about joe biden are cognitive. is he up to doing the job of president for four more years? and he stands there for two ours and get up sentence and frankly? and for donald trump, voters have character concerns. is he going to be a bully, is he going to yell insults and joe biden, or is he just going to speak in a calm voice and address the issues that they care about the mo most. so i do think the substance of what's going to be talked about tomorrow night is secondary to people watching for just how these two men behaved and whether these two men and up feeding into narratives about their worst qualities. >> sandra: sure. mark, there will definitely be that. people at home we'll be assessing the energy level, the competency, the mental acuity, right, the strategy gather preparedness, but they are going to want to sink their teeth in to the issues and the border is likely going to be a pop one on that stage. so, mark, in the wake of these recent, horrific crimes read out by migrants who we are here illegally, power -- how will the president defend himself on that stage to the former president, knowing that many in this country place the blame for the water crisis squarely on his administration? >> well, yes, i do think that ultimately, the swing voters or the key voters here they don't actually like either president. that means i believe that they will decide more on the issues, immigration is an issue that trump has a wide lien on. i think biden has minutes talking point clear, he's going to say the republicans failed to get him legis legislation, that he asked for and content is going to have to back that down and suggest that it was a huge -- and was counterproductive and i think that's how that exchange is going to go. i don't see how biden wins immigration mackey just has to neutralize it and make it hurt a little bit less. >> sandra: will not hurt any less tomorrow night is the grief many of us are feeling for the family who lost their little girl, jocelyn nungaray, 12 years old down there in texas. intraday sarah, there were democrats stop on the held by one of our reporters that said they never even heard of her and that hurts. how do you expect this to be debated on the stage tomorrow night, the policies of the current administration versus the past? >> i think more than even the economy perhaps this is joe biden's biggest possible durability heading in to the debate. there is no issue that donald trump is more closely associated with then border security and toughness on the border and while there maybe some nuance to the argument that republicans attempted a bipartisan piece of legislation and failed to get it over the finish line, there is really no debating the fact that joe biden's policies proceeded this unprecedented border crisis and so donald trump has -- doesn't have to do much to highlight the reality and most voters already have that baked into their perceptions of the two candidates. joe biden is performed to -- >> sandra: i have about 12 seconds left. i hope president biden doesn't talk about -- hope you got over that one. >> yeah, i agree with you. i really don't understand or where that one came from. i hope he recognizes where it is -- present biden will say inflation is coming down, is an issue caused by the pandemic, you know, supply chains and i think he's going to different -- look the more about it's immigration, cr crime, and inflation, those issues right now, president trump is winning on those issues. so biden has a lot of ground to make up on those issues. but he does have an excellent team, he is going to come with facts and figures like it or not and i don't know whether trump is going to be as ready. we will see. >> sandra: seems like we've talked to many democrats who are suggested that i can avoid the conviction talk on the stage, that can be -- back and get him in to a sticky mess. we won't know until we watch. thanks to both of you for joining us. wait to see you. thank you. tune into fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the cn and political debates simulcasts, our coverage begins tomorrow june 27th at 8:00 pm eastern time. all right. price spikes on everyday staples, hammering household budgets. what will finally bring relief? and find out whose plan has some prized economists saying good drive inflation higher? but first a new york judge lifting part of that gag order on donald trump, shannon bream and kerri urbahn on how that could impact tomorrow night. >> ♪ ♪ (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) this one will never see the light of day. all right. >> sandra: point click search amazon stock practice smoke stock market value hitting tutorial dollars for the person ever captures reaching out all-time high today. more on what's driving the search. were back in 60 seconds. got the. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: we are still waiting for the supreme court's opinion on donald trump's presidential immunity claim. one day before the cnn presidential debate. the next transfer his decision is tomorrow, just hours before that first face-off mark does the court take that into account? fox news sunday anchor and chief legal correspondent and dream, and fox news legal editor kerri urbahn during a snow. thank you for both of you joining us. shannon, does the court to get into mine. >> -- when opinions are ready, we release them. i think that they're obviously aware as people who live and breathe and red newspapers and seniors account that there's a residential living tomorrow night but the court is always said it wants to be as apolitical as possible and that is something that the team has wanted to protect the public reputation of the court, and any appearance of trying to be political in any way they're going to try to want to avoid that. if anything i think would make them hold onto the decision to friday, we could go into next week or even later but it's possible related to more on the weekdays people i guess anything could happen miss that. so what do you think about this? do you think the court knowing what challenges said their people too, they know what is going on. that play a part? >> actually completely agree with janet in that if anything i think it makes them all them more motivated to wait until the last day because this pressure they've been getting from the outside, this criticism another "taking too long, low actually this report is acting currently -- up really consistently without -- you have to next right here in this case and we only hear what, one and half ago, teemak months ago? so normally in the normal order, of course,, a case of this magnitude argued this late in the term would come down on the last day so really, anything before that would be them acting out of character and so i wonder -- to some of these folks were deciding the court just to understand how they normally operate because they are actually normally operating right now. >> sandra: okay. as far as shannon activist judge that the one where sean judge, partially listing the -- lifting the joint -- gag order in trump in the new york case, how does that allow him to speak apparently on the debate stage tomorrow night if this does indeed come up? >> well he is allowed to talk about witnesses and the jury and so you can picture maybe talking about, you know,, michael cohen or even stormy daniels or mak i mean those are things that until this point that, or had existed. no remember, of course, the former president had violated it, had been found in by legitimate numerous times and had been fine over it so it hasn't really slow him normally doesn't mean he's going to be able to talk about prosecutors or court employees or their families. so you've heard him on the stump talk about those things, you have to be very careful but he will have no the open door to talk about witnesses he feels like were untrue or really hurt his case in a way he find unjust. >> sandra: what the -- >> he can talk about witnesses and the jurors if he chooses to but, you know, i think what may most importantly don't want to be able to talk about are the individual prosecutors themselves and why is that? because we know that the former number 3 beauty official left that prime spot to go become effectively alvin bragg's right-hand man and drive this case so when donald trump talks about biden's doj in after me, that is what he is talking about. off course we don't have any evidence to suggest there was any kind of collaboration between the department of justice in the new york prosecutors however, i won wonder, you know, if you want to talk about that -- matthew carter lowe, how far can he go back and he say biden the origin and is that okay? because if you start talking about colangelo by name that can -- right at the gag order that has been imposed upon him. >> sandra: finally if i can ask you both know about this report now acknowledging the accidental posting of this idaho abortion case document that may have reviewed the outcome of one of these ca cases? >> if you want me to take that, first of all i was -- there was a document that was posted and we have -- so really until the minute to decide its official in the release that people can be changing their opinions, their concordances, their dissent, and what we've seen that document turns out to be accurate in that there's a lot of back-and-forth in tension between justice kagan, justice alito and others and dates may schmidt but again the court says its just a document, no opinion has released just yet. >> sandra: really rare that would happen, right, carry, what did not tell you? >> why cannot it was interesting because you remember the fact that they took up this case at all when they did in the timeline was highly unusual and extraordinary primitive something, they granted something called cerb before judgement which means that if the court before it actually had gone through all the appellate courts that -- rested like that in that -- utmost, highest importance in public so given what's been going on in abortion, i do hope i abortion law, the go ahead, grants or before judgement so you would've thought not for sure they were going to issue some kind of decision on the merits of the case. instead according to this -- is not final year, things could change but what we saw today it looks like they said actually nevermind. we jumped the gun, will send it back up we'll have the ninth circuit take a look at it and then in fact the case can come back before them again. >> sandra: all right, ladies -- >> -- >> sandra: go ahead, what issues are. >> i'll just say i have to wonder and i'll be here to know what china takes about this, you know, initially when they granted that second -- it struck me as a bit reactive, emotionally reactive with the pressure and the politics of abortion and now again when they're kind of saying that's actually nevermind can we don't want to look at this anymore, is that also a reaction to the pressure and the politics of abortion leading up to the selection. it's scary interesting. >> sandra: shannon, really quick. >> really quickly it's really where that they do this where they hear the arguments gaheer the case, that down, have their contentious argument over behind closed doors and then say we're not going to show the decision. very rare. >> sandra: appreciate both of you ladies joining us. good to see you back thank you. we will see how all of this plays out in the debate stage tomorrow, winter fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the sea and an presidential debate simulcast. our coverage here begins tomorrow june 27th at 8:00 pm eastern time. -- in terms. no guess which candidate, a group of private economists will make things worse, and later household and republican mike mccall and on that report, 50 maggots were smuggled in my and isis link and are missing. what is he hearing? 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joining us now former dolphin advisor and their intelligence ceo daniel demartino, booth -- thank you for joining us. this is a question on everyone's mind and make every time you go out everyone is talking about how everything is just so darn expensive and while we start to be told all information is cooling a little bit, well that is just the growth of the prices going up. the prices haven't started coming down so what could make this better? >> well i think if you listen closely to the ceo of walmart corporation for example, he speaks of many americans who have begun to switch to private-label blinds -- brands, they rejected some of the more expensive labels if you will, they're looking to use digital coupons. i used a digital coupon just a few days ago, got my gallon of milk for $2.97. think a lot of americans are tenement -- economic thing and pushing back against having to pay up for those brand names and you can't blame them because the owners really is on the producers of the food to begin to bring some of these prices down right no and given prices for everything else that are considered to be essential. homeowners insurance -- >> sandra: hold that thought, have to go back -- in the onus is on producers of the items to take the prices down? >> they can, they certainly can. if they want to be more competitive, they certainly can choose to do that and that is why so many of them are having side businesses producing private-label that is being sold for lower-priced points. >> sandra: okay. well i mean there's a lot that goes in to the price of an item that right, your wages, records, lack of demand, obviously utility costs. the court the energy spike, you know, he have to pay to transport the goods to the store. and so those producers that you're talking about are paying 29% more for electricity and they're paying 30% more for gas, that's over five years by the way. if he were to take that over just the last three years under that organization as well, 40-50% gas prices are up, when prices are up so if you're trying to operate your business out of the store that you rent or out of the building that you rent, i mean, miami arts -- is seeing their prices go up 60%, chicago up 50%, was it like this everywhere so sort of distance -- to suggest that prices are just manufactured and when david is bring them down, a lot goes into that. >> know. certainly -- know i'm certainly not the testing i think if there's one big of gas lighting that's being done right now is that the price to get labor has come down so much because not that anybody want to talk about it but there is an epidemic of job losses that spreading across this country because so many companies have been put out of business, that's how bad it has become. so we've seen the price of diesel and gas come down, we've seen trucking company that went out of business to thousand people were let go last thursday in a company outside of houston or mexico the toll is being taken and things will get much worse as job losses increase and i think that that is definitely a subject that needs to be raised at the floor at the debates tomorrow evening. >> sandra: well correct me if i'm wrong but i think that president biden will pout that the job market is excellent, right? >> he will certainly make you certainly can unless somebody is white enough to remind in the outbound revisions that the job market has not been nearly as robust as what's been initially reported. >> sandra: there are some members deep inside those jobs market -- job reports that are worth looking at ancillary co. sometime says when it comes out, this is the worst good jobs report that -- will talk about that with him tomorrow. meanwhile one -- while inflation remains sticky, that the biden it -- a group of nobel prize-winning economists are warning content could reignite inflation with his economic plans. do you agree or disagree with that? >> i really just think we need to take a look at the executive actions that were taken in late 2020. in august of 2020, content, fema to extend an appointment benefits to pay people -- that paid $400 a week do not work for next month he extended through the senate -- centre for disease control assignment -- rental erection moratorium, he extended the delay in not having to make your student loan payment. those are three things that kept americans out of the workforce, paying people do not work that certainly ignited inflation, of course, in 2020 december he wanted a 2000th stimulus check at that point the senate was -- derrick lewis -- >> sandra: i'm going to point out that you're talking about epidemic, -- hopefully are not going to be enacted in another pandemic but i've got to leave it there. >> but the great state of texas we open our schools in august of 2020, a lot of american schools -- >> sandra: wanted to but couldn't. thank you very much, sent daniel, thank you for joining us. coming up texas republican mike mccall on renewed terror control -- concerns in the southern border but first to the china threat that seems to be getting closer and closer to home, right, julian turner? >> i mean, this government is building a three and half billion dollar mega port in peru right now, 4500 miles from san francisco. got all the details you want to know about. >> ♪ ♪ turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ first, we did the impossible. then, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now... ♪ they're backk! the footlong cookie is back at subway! (♪) (♪) sandals rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-sandals. >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: we are seeing new signs the china threat is creeping into america's backyard as the communist nation building massive, new $3.5 billion mega- port in peru set to open later this year. julian turner is at the state department with details on that for us. hi. >> hi, sandra. the communist regime are now is building a massive new $3.5 billion mega- port in peru that slated to launch later in the year. it is going to give beijing unlimited access to south america for the first time in terms of trade, the economy. to collect at this, china's main goal there is establish a direct trade route from peru to shanghai but the state department warns countries doing business with china should keep their eye is "wide open." lesson. >> if they enter into agreements with canada to ensure that those agreements have transparency, that they are in the best interest of the government and most importantly in the people of the countries. >> the port will be 60 feet deep and give china a foothold in america's own backyard about 4500 miles from san francisco. >> in november, xi jinping will be in peru to cut the ribbon on a major seaport that will -- that is built and designed to compete with our west coast seaport counter trip planning to build a major railroad. >> the biden and ministers and officials have warned about china also using this mega- port to plant its military operations -- operatives there found something that organ at at 100 or so other foreign po ports. >> in 2014 xi jinping launch the belt and road initiative also known as bir. his vision was to connect the prc because the people reflect -- republic of china to the rest of the world through infrastructure remember that bir fits squarely within the ccp's military ambitions as well as -- >> -- >> especially deepwater port. >> had some confusion there with that sound bite, sandra, but anyway, once the sport is completed it will allow the communist regime to deal directly with south america and bypass other large ports here in the u.s. but also in mexico, sandra? >> julian, thank you very much. we're bawling some breaking news at this hour. fears of a coup attempt in bolivia part of the bolivian president warning of irregular military deployment underway in the capital, reports are indicating troops have poured in to the streets there and armed vehicles have rammed into doors of the government palace. this is all happening right now we're just getting the details and on social media, site -- x the president is calling for democracy to be respected. will have more on this, will continue to monitor the situation. meanwhile as foreign affairs chairman mike mccall got very worried about this china threat. he's here on that. plus what is he doing after any report indicates dozens of migrants smuggled in by an isis lincoln group could be anywhere in the u.s. right now. the tester -- the texas republican is next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. life with afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. and if you're troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. ♪ over 400,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. watchman is a safe, minimally—invasive, one—time implant that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worry, for life. ♪ watchman. it's one time, for a lifetime. ♪ hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for gerald? well, okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? oh, i try not to think about home insurance. too complicated. actually, allstate can handle the switching for you. —just call 'em. —it's that easy to save? yup. and you get allstate. huh, well that's a step up. goodbye, gerald. oh... check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why mint is deflating the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great product is better than one of those things. right? does big wireless really believe that these things actually work? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) this one will never see the light of day. all right. ♪ ♪ >> back to the border and the terror threat possibly emanating from there come a source to foxconn's our main nbc report that over 400 migrants entered the u.s. via an isis-tied group. the homeland security alejandra mallorca's says we do not have 400 individuals with ties to isis. what is our next guest hearing about that? house foreign affairs committee chair and texas republican congressman michael mccaul. we do want to mention we have a call out to the secretary, he is welcome to join us anytime. so congressmen, to you now on this, how are we supposed to think isis would want anybody other than people who would inflict pain and damage on this country? shouldn't we know exactly who these people are as soon as possible? >> oh, absolutely, they should be vetted. the fact is there isis-k individuals who smuggled 400 individuals into the country, we don't know anything about the 400. you know, when i was chair man of the house home unsecured he committee, we were always worried about the southern border, sandra, but we never saw this happen. they had the intent but we never saw isis-k or al qaeda actually cross into the united states. now we have evidence that has happened now and not only that but the 800 isis-k individuals, perhaps separate from this group, that we know had a conspiracy going on inside the united states. this is a dire warning and a symptom and a sign of open border, a very dangerous and reckless policy. >> sandra: the statement to meet at lee from dhs is like we have no reason to believe these people pose, you know, a serioue off the possibility even one or two of these people could be bad guys come and inflict serious hn the country? >> they are in denial there is a problem at all at the border. they are in denial about the fentanyl crisis. they are in denial about these murders in rapes taking place as a criminal enterprise inside the united states be a good the eight ice bisno mike isis-k that enter the united states are now in custody, were caught at the border and released. there goes your vetting process, sandra. what kind of vetting is that you and i sustained a visual in your -- secretary mayorkas' policy, and he does the same thing with aggravated felons. he told his agents not to take that into account when releasing or detaining an individual. by federal law, we mandate detention in those cases. >> sandra: wow. i would expect, as you probably do, this will be a big issue on the cnn presidential debate stage tomorrow night, congressman. >> 100%, and it should be. i think border is going to be the issue in this election because it impacts everybody. it's in every state, and everyone has known some one who has died to fentanyl, someone who has been afflicted with a violent crime of an illegal immigrant. they also, i think the most dangerous thing, though, is what is happening right now, and that is the fact that from touch extajikstan,thousands of isis-ks came out of these prisons, went to thai jicha stan come up through our border, into the united states. if that is not the compelling narrative, i don't know what is. >> sandra: so there is that ongoing thread and the possibility of something happening here on american soil. i know you are big, too, on the china threat ongoing. what can you tell us about that? >> great power of competition but also a competition with technology and with military. i have witnessed it firsthand when i was in taiwan with the newly elected president. they conducted military exercises off the coast of taiwan, a blockade, if you will, military paycom commander, the admiral who said they studied this war game to see if they could defeat it. they are getting very aggressive. they sanctioned me personally, sandra. i was in india with prime minister modi, part of countering china per the quad, japan, australia coming on states, india, finally a trip ts been persecuted by communist cha since the 1959 when they came io bed, killed the tibetan monks, and then fled to northern india, to talk to him. by the way, china, communist china, they want to name the next dalai lama. why? because they want to control tibet completely and eradicate their culture and religion. it was issued the day after we left our meeting with the dalai lama, guess who is in type at? chairman xi visited type at right after we were there. >> sandra: congressman, always great to have you on. good to be with all of you, reminder to tune into the president of the bait simulcast tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. eastern time. thanks for joining us. thanks for joining us. neil is back tomorrow at >> greg: greg gutfeld on the judge jeanine

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