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criminal court in downtown houston, texas where the second migrant is set to am before a judge as we learn new details about the girl's murder, criminal investigation and suspects' immigration status. welcome to a now hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off. great to have you, bret. >> bret: i'm bret baier in washington. the judge yesterday setting bail for one of the suspects at $10 million. the other suspect will face the same judge today. they are accused of tying up the 12-year-old girl, killing her by strangulation and tossing her body under a bridge. >> dana: the district attorney telling us that additional evidence could trigger the death penalty. >> it is clear that a sexual assault likely happened. since neither defendant has admitted that, circumstantial evidence will have to prove it. we're waiting on lab tests now to see if the capital murder charge can be upgraded to one where they are death penalty eligible. >> dana: matt finn is live in arizona on the border with more. >> here at the southern border since president biden's executive order on asylum the number of encounters has plummeted. in the tucson sector a few months ago we were at 2500 illegal migrant encounters a day. now we sit at 400. when you take a look at that 400 number, that represents the number of migrants that law enforcement encounters. what has always been a key concern is not the migrants that are encountered, rather the gotaways who take off into the u.s. despite president biden's executive order the number of gotaways remains at 500 a day nationwide according to data obtained by fox. since the beginning of fiscal year 2024, for example, 61,700 got aways in the el paso sector followed by 54,000 in the tucson sector and 30,000 in the del rio sector. now, at the presidential debate president biden can be expected to tout that legal encounter numbers have dropped since his executive order. the number of gotaways continues to remain high and the critics say the border is still too porous. >> have a secure border. joe biden opened it up. he wants this policy and the reason we impeached secretary mayorkas. he is failing the american people at doing his basic job of keeping us safe. when he says the border is secure, we know that's a lie. he has also held press conferences saying they are vetting these people. we know there is no vetting going on. >> in arizona, mayorkas has a planned press conference together and vice president kamala harris was tasked with finding the roots of illegal immigration. she was in phoenix talking about abortion rights. >> bret: a sealed hearing coming up next hour in trump's classified documents case. his team is seeking relief to the raid of trump's home base. jeff paul following it all live in fort pierce, florida, with the latest. good morning, jeff. >> good morning, bret. day three in a series of hearings related to trump's classified documents case set to get underway in less than an hour. the first portion of today, no media will be allowed inside. once that ends at 1:00 eastern we expect trump's defense team to argue that the evidence taken by the f.b.i. during the search of mar-a-lago isn't done in a lawful way. trump's attorneys will push the judge to throw out all the evidence because they believe the search was unlawful. the basis of that stems from trump's legal team saying there was crucial information not given to the judge who signed off on that search warrant that could have been helpful to trump's defense. in previous days we've seen motions from trump's legal team to get the close thrown out because the special counsel appointment was illegal. and yesterday -- judge cannon hasn't ruled from the bench on any of the matters yet. we are expecting written orders in the coming days. fox news contributor jonathan turley says even though trump appointed judge cannon he doesn't see her leaning to one side or the other with her decisions. >> cannon has been hit with vicious attack and ruled actually for and against both sides. it's been very fair here. >> once court resumes here in less than an hour we'll monitor developments from the outside. at around 1:00 eastern we'll be allowed back inside with hopefully updates to follow. >> bret: thanks. >> dana: let's bring in a former deputy assistant attorney general. not on your resume is mind reader but what do you think could happen today? >> there are a number of interesting claims being brought by the trump team. i don't think this effort to suppress all the evidence is probably going to succeed but the bigger issue, the more interesting one, which i could see judge cannon ruling on trump's side that smith's appointment is illegal. you have to be a principle officer under the constitution. the president nominated you and senate gave advice an consent. here biden and attorney general garland are pretending smith has independence, that he is of the level of a principal officer bust he is not. he is something like an employee. that issue has never been addressed by the supreme court. judge cannon could be the first judge to hold whether the special counsels are legal. a long shot argument but because there are no precedents or past decisions by the supreme court i could see judge cannon suspending the trial until it gets to the justices. >> bret: this delay has made people very upset on the left and on jack smith's side. they are really going after judge cannon. have you ever seen anything like this as far as the media campaign, the other judges weighing in on what a judge is doing day-to-day as far as rulings in a case like this? >> i'm waiting for all the people who said the attacks on judge merchan in new york city were an attack on the rule of law to suddenly arise to judge cannon's defense. i don't see any of those people. i think judge cannon is currently suffering an unprecedented level of attacks. there are in some ways worse than what merchan went under in new york city. she has had her background questioned, made claims she can't rule fairly on this because president trump appointed her to office. saying she is inexperienced. you have leaks from other judges on the court saying she should step aside. i have not seen things like that happen with a federal judge before. >> dana: bill mcgurn says taking down judge cannon, if she preferred to jack -- we would probably have a very different conversation if that were the case, john. also the supreme court has some pretty big cases remaining that they will decide in the next week or maybe a little bit more if it goes past. let's put them on the board for everybody to see. presidential immunity, january 6th obstruction charges, biden administration social media censorship. the fishermen fighting federal power and abortion, emergency, these are big, controversial topics. how will things go over the next few days? >> the most important one for what we were just talking about are the two cases involving president trump. one about whether he has immunity from criminal prosecution by this very justice department. if that came out in trump's favor that might wipe out the case before judge cannon. the other case about the perk test whether the justice department went too far in prosecuting them with a law not designed for that. a lot of cases is question the judgment of this justice department. i agree with them. this justice department reached a plea deal to let assange out with time served when his leaks of classified information might have led to the deaths of american servicemen and pouring resources going after a former president for storing documents in his basement. when you compare it to assange you have to wonder whether this justice department is exercising good judgment in the cases they're bringing. >> bret: interesting, thanks. >> dana: we have another legal saga. the one of fani willis, still unfolding. the embattled district attorney is trying to get a lawsuit against her dismissed on whether or not she held back requested documents on her relationship with former special counsel eric wade. >> some are overtime and pay for nathan wade. he was the chief prosecutor. that affair began only after wade was hired is what they've said. no conclusive results from the hearing but under a number of different attacks. lawyers for former president trump filed a brief with the george court of appeals wanting fani willis disqualified for misconduct for her relationship with wade. they claim it started only after ward and since wade was forced to resign he has made a number of media appearances trying to make the case his romantic relationship with fani willis began only after he was hired. >> i believe that the public has, through the testimony and other interviews, the public has a clear snapshot that this is just a distraction, it is not a relevant issue in this case and i think we should focus on more of the facts and the indictment in the case. >> the big election interference case is entirely on pause until the georgia court of appeals will decide whether or not fani willis can continue or whether she will be disqualified. that decision not looking to come until well after the presidential election. dana, back to you. >> dana: always on top of that story for us, thank you. >> bret: a year's long legal saga coming to an end as julian assange cuts a plea deal with the d.o.j. details on all of that next. >> dana: a new report revealing the pentagon lost track of tax funds to wuhan. >> bret: a michigan family in mourning following the death of a sheriff's deputy. officers under siege and the heartbreaking story. >> it is easy to forget the answer, outside of work they're people like the rest of us. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah wanna know a secret? 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>> i think foreign policy will dominate the debate because just take the middle east. under president trump the first president in modern history where the middle east was better off at the end of his term. isis defeated. iran broke, abraham accords breaking out and look at it today. on ukraine the president has been clear. he is focused on how does the war end and how do we drive both sides. former president, president trump and soon to be the next president is focused on how does the war end? how do we get both russia and ukraine to the table? is it in america's national security interest to have every russia out of ukraine including cry mia. how long will it take and how much will it cost in lives and treasure. an energy policy, president trump knows if we flood global markets with cleaner, cheaper american oil and gas, you drive down inflation, the price of oil and gas at the pump, and you dry up putin's bank accounts and his war machine and iran, too, for that matter. what happened to the vaunted mother of all sanctions that biden talked about in the run-up and then i think you will also hear that the war would have never happened under president trump and i think that's absolutely right. you look at biden's mistakes on in order stream two. the minor incursions comments and he practically invited and gave putin the green light for the invasion. >> bret: it will be fascinating to watch. thank you for your time. >> she was a very special little girl that deserves her justice and now it is my job to make sure it continues to happen. >> dana: heartbroken mother of 12-year-old jocelyn is demanding justice as the two migrants accused of killing the girl appear in court. could they face the death penalty? plus closing arguments are just now getting underway in karen read's murder trial and the jury could get the case before the day is over. about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! 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>> right. there they are in texas, which as we know, is a state that has the death penalty and will use it, okay? so the problem here is going to come down to evidence. because you have two accused, in some instances like this, if the evidence is not everything you want it to be, you are left with a little bit of choice, do we try to use one as a witness against the other? in many states that has to be corroborated further so they just don't blame each other. but that's one of the things you look at. but to advance the story larger, one of two things is going to happen here. either you will end up with a capital case that will go on forever in which case we're responsible for their care and feeding or you don't get a capital case and assuming they are guilty and convicted, still just accused, we are then responsible for their care and feeding. in the old days, the old days in the deep, dark past of maybe five or six years ago, folks like -- that you capture who will be in jail for a long time the bureau of prisons in any state or federal can say why should we have to pay for this character? we'll send them back to their own country at some point so we aren't responsible for him. that option is off the table. you wouldn't use it in a murder case anyway. in the situation we're facing with all these migrants, we don't have that option anymore. they will come right back. realistically they are here for good and from where i sit, dana, this is now bio warfare. these guys are smart weapons, bioweapons deployed against america and killing americans and we don't seem to be really catching anybody's attention in washington to stop it. >> dana: the district attorney talked about that. call for number two here is where she said the larger problem for the prosecutors is that they are under a tremendous amount of pressure. watch here? >> border prosecutors, sheriffs and local law enforcement are under tremendous pressure because of the additional crimes being committed by folks streaming across the border. here in houston, we are a first stop and hub for these folks. when we see folks with ankle monitors committing crimes it raises the question, why were they released in the first place? >> dana: she was responding to a question i had about secretary mayorkas is actually there visiting the border today and they don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation what these prosecutors and law enforcement are under. >> exactly. it will come up in the debate and we'll get a lot of happy talk about statistics and this is what we'll hear. the vast majority of these people are coming here for a better life, etc. that's a baseline. we know that. but if you are importing 20 million people, 1% is 200,000. think about that. we will have then imported 200,000 criminals that we did not have previously. we can't afford that. these days in our blue cities and elsewhere, where crime rates the way they are and quality of life and budgetary issues being what they are. they are dug in. mayorkas seems to be indifferent into this stuff and i have to go back to something you and i have talked about in the past. these are murder cases, sure. they will be really looked at by the police but the cops have to build out the cases. you are dumping communications and going phones and computers and doing debriefs. we need the larger picture. this is no accident. these nations are sending us some of their worst. it has happened in the past back in the 80s under jimmy carter and happening again. we don't learn. donald trump should be talking about that now. nations overseas doing it. not our own people here. other nations doing this to us will be held account. bio warfare. they should be made to pay. >> dana: great to have you, thank you so much. bret. >> bret: president biden getting ready for the cnn presidential debate simulcast on fox thursday night. every en his former boss is apparently nervous he could lose to former president trump in november. and did you catch this? >> we are going to show [bleep] apec the power of the [bleep] south bronx. >> bret: aoc defending bowman during his r rated rally over the weekend. but is this what voters really want to hear? ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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the same question asked of former president donald trump. president biden has not been at the white house at all over the weekend. he is not expected to be here this week. he has been at camp david since last thursday. the presidential retreat in the maryland mountains. this thursday, one week later, he will leave from camp david and fly to atlanta, georgia, the site of the cnn debate. here is karine jean-pierre just a few hours ago. >> when there is an opportunity for this president to speak to millions of americans, he shows up and he meets the moment. obviously the president will look forward to thursday doing just that. laying out what he normally does, what he has done the last 3 1/2 years. >> they suggested both men should be drug tested. no indication that would take place before or after the debate. rules are strict. no audience, microphones will be cut off if a candidate goes over time. the former president over the weekend on standing on stage with president biden, his opponent this thursday. watch. >> how should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty or should i be -- should i be -- should i be tough and nasty and just say are you the worst president in history? or should i be nice and calm and let him speak. >> president biden will have a rally in north carolina on friday and president trump will do the same in virginia >> bret: let's bring in michael from the ruthless podcast. there is talk that president biden is preparing for two former president trumps, one who is aggressive and one less aggressive. the person playing him is bauer. take a listen. he was talking, bob bauer. >> the principle objectives are first of all, to approximate as closely as you possibly can how it is that that individual, the opponent, is going to debate. what arguments are going to be made and how are they going to be made? this is not a "saturday night live" depression. you don't want to detract from prepping the candidate. >> bret: there is a lot of prep at camp david and a lot of people prepping. >> i think it is clear that joe biden wants to get out of this debate. he wants to talk about january 6th, the 2020 election. suck trump into that issue that hurts him with suburban voters and talk about a national abortion ban and donald trump just has to not take the bait on this. he can't do what he did in 2020 where he shouted over joe biden and made joe biden a sympathetic figure. i think he has to sit back, be a happy warrior, let joe biden talk and bury himself. >> dana: what do you think about the expectations, game, michael trying to say one side or the other how the candidate will do? what should they say? >> joe biden is certainly capable of delivering a speech in front of a teleprompter. he has had all week to prepare for this debate. i anticipate he will have some zingers and have some pre-canned one-liners. ultimately what his weakness is ex team important anous. how will the moderators handle joe biden? i hope donald trump presses for that sort of engagement with joe biden. i think that is where joe biden will ultimately fall apart in a debate. >> bret: former secretary of state and democratic nominee hillary clinton is weighing in. a new piece. i have debated trump and biden. here is what i'm watching. expectations for him, trump, are so long if he doesn't literally light himself on fire on thursday evening some will say he was down right presidential. mr. trump may rant and rave in part to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions. he interrupts and bullies and stalking me on the stage because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance. wondering how the hillary clinton advice is going to be absorbed in biden world. >> i wouldn't take it as a reminder this is a candidate who couldn't show up in wisconsin without poll numbers going down and lost to donald trump and did very poorly in those debates. i think joe biden's ultimate problem in this debate it is not like 2020 where a biden presidency is a hypothetical. there is a four-year record of failure in technicolor. donald trump's main job in this debate is pick that agenda and that record apart. >> dana: the polls have tightened in recent days. we are talking 50/50, maybe trump up a little bit, perhaps his with the most to lose. ten being the highest on a scale. how important is this debate at this point in the election? >> i think for joe biden it is a ten, the most important. he has to silence the critics in his party who don't think he is up for the job. they are calling him ruth bader biden, right? he wants this debate. he sought this debate and wanted it early to silence the critics before the convention. >> dana: good reminder that he called for the debate. you can tune into fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the cnn presidential debate simulcast. our coverage begins thursday, june 27th at 8:00 p.m. eastern and we'll be there for it. closing arguments are underway in karen read's massachusetts murder trial. the defense says the commonwealth spent valuable time and resources trying to vilify karen read. more from inside the courtroom of the high-stakes murder case gripping the nation right after the break. >> it didn't jump up there by itself. kicking off the covers... or blasting the air conditioning. because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology that pulls heat away from your body. so, the mattress feels up to 10° cooler all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on tempur-breeze mattresses, and sleep cool and comfortable, all summer long. learn more at ♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ >> harris: it's going to be here in two days. the cnn presidential debate and new reports on the line of attack president biden and former president trump will take on each other when they square off. we'll tell you the back story. primary day for far left congressman jamal bowman. he pulled the false fire alarm. part of the squad, blah, blah, blah, had the profanity-laced rally. he was 17 points behind his opponent. how is he doing on election day? illegal immigrant crime top of mind yet again. second suspect in the murder trial of a 12-year-old girl in court this hour. senator marsha blackburn and gianno called well and andrew cherkasky top of the hour. >> dana: we are awaiting the start of a hearing in harris county criminal court. the second murder suspect in the case against them. he is now in the courtroom. not in the courtroom. he is in the building. you are looking at a shot through a window into the courtroom. we'll have that for you as soon as he enters. jocelyn's family, the victim's family is in court. her mother, grandmother and aunt amongst others there to seek justice for jocelyn, bret. >> bret: meantime the mayor of oakland, california fighting for her political life after her home was raided by the f.b.i. while facing a recall vote in november. meanwhile the city remains plagued by violent crime. shoplifting and sprawling homeless camps. claudia cohen on the west coast with this. >> facing calls to step down and embroiled in a widespread f.b.i. investigation, oakland's mayor blamed her troubles on everyone from bay area billionaires to conservative media including fox news. visibly angry. at one point wiping away tears, the mayor said she is innocent of any crime and doesn't know why f.b.i. agents searched her home early thursday morning and questioned the timing of the raid coming the day after her critics qualified a recall measure for the november ballot. in her 12-minute speech the 38-year-old first term mayor threw in class warfare seeing billionaires hell bent on running her out of office wouldn't be attacking her if she had come from a wealthy family. >> they know their extreme views are at odds with our open values but we have built the rules to protect and preserve their power and maintain dominance over the rest of us. we are a threat to that order. >> while she was speaking inside city hall, recall organizers rallied outside blaming the politically progressive mayor for a $3 hundred million budget deficit, businesses leaving, chronic homelessness and crime. the night before the f.b.i. raid, 15 people were injured in oakland's worse mass shooting ever and no arrests have been made. the f.b.i. has not revealed any details about their case or what evidence they may have found after searching her home as well as other properties in oakland. the mayor refused to answer questions and within hours needed a new lawyer, tony brass, a former federal prosecutor rah she just hired on friday said he had no idea the mayor was addressing the media and would be slamming federal officials and that the two were not aligned on how best to navigate these head winds. bret. >> bret: thank you. >> dana: closing arguments have begun in karen read's murder trial accused in the murder of her boyfriend, a boston police officer. she is accusing the prosecution to cover up details of the case. joining us has he has before, a boston-faced attorney and former prosecutor. you said yesterday the prosecution had a bad day. why so? >> well, it's the first time in my 25 years of practice where i've ever seen a case where the defendant's experts were hired and paid for by the f.b.i. you just never see that ever. they provided essentially very credible evidence that there is no way that o'keefe's injuries were caused by a motor vehicle strike. that was a devastating day for the prosecutors all around. on top of that -- >> dana: science doesn't lie. >> science doesn't lie. on top of that you had a doctor who had done over 12,000 autopsies who said he has never seen a case like this where there is no bruising on the body beneath the neck and it is impossible for mr. o'keefe to have been struck by a vehicle in all his time of doing that type of work. we have three experts put up after 29 days of testimony that essentially got the prosecution's case. at the end of the day here, the prosecutors, after all that time, basically have no eyewitnesses. ended up with no credible physical evidence in the case. given all the controversy with their witnesses. there is some circumstantial evidence. karen read was the last one to see him alive and some excited utterances here like she apparently said to first responders, i hit him three times. other than that i don't know what this prosecutors will close on because given the other evidence of the experts and just all the holes in this case, that the defense has been able to poke in it, i don't know how they prevail, frankly. >> dana: as in many trials the defendant didn't take a stand. was that a good idea? >> absolutely. i look at these cases as almost having a scorecard. each side keeping a score how they are doing. there was really no risk/reward for them to put her up there. they poked plenty of holes in the case and didn't need her, frankly. i think they reached that conclusion quickly yesterday. >> dana: if the jury gets this case today as they finish up opening arguments, how long do you think it will take the jury to decide? >> unless you have a hold-out juror that was convinced by some of the prosecutors' evidence, i mean, i see this case coming back in under four hours with either most likely a not guilty. i think a win for the prosecutor here would be a hung jury at best. >> dana: george price, we appreciate your expertise and be in touch with you as this case finishes. thank you. >> thank you. >> dana: before we go, bret, i saw this and had to show it to everyone. check it out. a radio photographer named michael mcgill and captured this image in wyoming that perfectly recreates the wyoming state logo. the photographer says he has been chasing this shot for a long time and finally snapped it at a rodeo last month. congratulations to him. it is fabulous. >> bret: that's really cool. good to have you back, dana . i see you thursday in new york for our coverage of the debate and then i will anchor on friday. >> dana: do you know what people don't get to see but give them a little flavor? during the debate the commentary amongst the group is so good. i am there for all of it. >> bret: maybe we should record it. it will be fun. >> dana: we'll see you on special report and join you on "the five" today as we kick around the news of the day. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: fox news alert. president biden is sequestered

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