Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240617

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>> trey: good evening, i'm trey gowdy, it is sunday night in america. president trump maintains a slight lead over president biden. this race may come down to a now counties in a few states. it may come down to turnout, or which party can coalesce. president trump spoke on capitol hill. >> there is tremendous undeunity in the republicans party. what is happening is of great concern to people standing alongside of me. we have great unity and common sense. a lot of people that love our country. you are elected or will be elected or re-elected. i'm with every one of you and you know that. >> trey: whether the calls will being repeated remain to be seen. long pole over the comforts and there is contested although civilized race to replace mitch mcconnell. this year is not yet halfway over and already proven his door. former president convicted in state court, the sitting president convicted in federal court and slated to stay in trial this fall. donald trump yet to choose a running mate while the supreme court could wittingly or unwittingly impact the election. winning elections is challeng challenging. if you are entrusted with the gears of government, you must then leave. can it be done in a fractured political environment which now exists? joining us now from the great state of south carolina, senator tim scott was not only rumored to be on the shortlist for vice president but also poised to lead powerful senate committee if republicans retake that body. welcome to you, i'm going to ask a different question, i'm not going to ask you as a running mate, i'm going to ask what kind of running mate trump should be looking for. you travel the country, ran for president yourself, you have courted nontraditional gop voters, what are the characteristics of a good vice president? >> happy father's day by the way. thank god you are on tv and do a good job for all of america so happy father's day to you and your dad. without any question, what we need in a vice president is exactly what kamala harris is not. she's the border czar and as vice president, she has allowed our border to be unsafe, insecure, wide open leading to over 100,000 chinese nationals crossing our southern border. i believe we have sleeper cells in our country because kamala harris, the border czar has left it open leaving america facing a national security crisis on our southern border. what we do want in a vice president is someone who knows is not about that person, it's only about the president and his vision for this nation. >> you want served in the house, it's a little more rambunctious than the place you work now, i want to listen together to the minority leader who would be speaker of the democrats were to win the house and then i'll ask a question, on the other side. >> the republican party no longer exists in its traditional form. this is a trump party and its not focused on solving problems for the american people. it is focused singularly on doing the bidding of donald trump. >> i missed something, or democrat man's ronald reagan and george h.w. bush and george w. bush? i don't even remember democrats being big fans of yours so you're not going to like the republic and nominee no matter who he is, are they? [laughter] >> here's what we need to know. we need a visionary leader that i believe donald trump is that visionary leader and we definitely need them on the global stage. i am sick and tired of being sick and tired of watching joe biden get lost on some global stage all the time. whether it's g7 or anywhere el else, i am sick of watching our adversaries laugh at the weakness of joe biden. think about afghanistan and the fact withdrawal, the war with ukraine or conflict in the middle east or aggression in the indo pacific. the one thing we did not have one donald trump was our president, we did not have skirmishes, wars in ukraine, we didn't have conflict in the middle east and we certainly did not have president xi jinping showing aggression toward taiwan. we need a leader who's willing to tell the american people your taxes are going down and your take-home pay is going up. that person is donald trump. whatever we need, you guys should just apologize for joe biden and give america a break. not 40% higher gas prices, not 30% higher energy prices. we need four more years of donald trump. >> we are going to end on a happy note. he may not remember this but i do, and aspiring attorney general candidate went to charleston and met with you because you care so much about having a justice system worthy of respect so i hear folks calling for revenge and retribution, is it better to fight fire with fire or flood it with ever flowing stream of water talked about? >> obviously he was in the gospel, one 100% right. what we need to recognize is sometimes a body on the scales of justice is inconsistent to we are as americans we need lady justice where a blindfold. when to make sure the absolute truth is our foundation. upon that foundation, we could have an objective standard and apply that objective standard equitably and fairly. that gives us the rule of law, requires fairness and today but i would desperately want is a justice system that doesn't hunt your opponent. a justice system that doesn't target pro-life activists or parents showing up at a school board meeting being referred to as domestic terrorists. i want a justice system we can all be proud of. i talked about that for years and i can tell you america consistently moves in the right direction but under joe biden, he's hit the rewind button and it's terrible. >> senator tim scott, the third becoming a father himself, it is the best yet most expensive form of entertainment you can possibly have so happy early father's day to you and happy father's day to your dad. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. former president trump will wait until closer to the convention to announce his running mate but that will not stop us from speculating. >> secretary of something, but you can say vp. we have people who have done a fantastic job. >> what criteria do you use for who you running mate is? >> has to be a good president in case of emergency. things happen, right? >> was your choice of bp in that room with you? >> probably. >> good vice president must be prepared the worst happened counsel worked with congress on acting legislative agenda and be ready to debate the other vice presidential candidate so who best can accomplish all that? popular radio host following this for months. tim scott, marco rubio, doug burgum, i've left out some. where do you think this choice is headed? >> good to see you, happy father's day to you as well. i think about this in terms of memes and not just names. everybody will be qualified to be president for every picked, everybody will be able to step up and do a good job is something terrible for to happen but who helps donald trump when this election? he has joe biden's biggest strength in seniors can go at that, doug burgum glenn youngkin or mike pompeo, people are very comfortable, well known in america or an attack and i think you seen it already for folks are on suckers and losers nonsense, made up stuff that got under the former president's skin this week. when you pick up veteran, tom cotton, j.d. vance or mike pompeo. his one name and both of those circles, mike pompeo so it makes sense but if you're going to the 16 million veterans in the country or million plus people in uniform, cotton and dance make the most sense to me. >> i am a big fan cotton and pompeo. i am partners with pompeo that we do not practice law. marco rubio, let me ask you about him, one of the quickest twits of anyone i've ever been around yet people will remember that new hampshire debate chris christie if you marco rubio alone and let him be himself, he is formidable so what you think of his ability or anyone else to debate kamala harris and how important is that vice presidential debate? >> i don't think it's that important but if you are picking for debate or quality, senator rubio. he is without question, the best on his feet and have interviewed many times, probably senator rubio more than 100 times of the year. here's my problem, 12th amendment out to get something we can brush off because cheney moved to wyoming in 2000, that was legit. he really was from wyoming, his residence in texas and went back to wyoming. what you think? would you think of the 12th amendment? >> i think you better win by a lot or else you will have president trump and vice president kamala harris. i think you are right, no constitutional bar, it's just not smart to do it so this rule out marco for a second, can vice presidential candidate quit states and play? can a candidate appeal to different voting constituencies or as you referenced alleviate concerns and other constituencies? is there a candidate you think can do all that? >> glenn youngkin might put you over the top but northern virginia is so deep blue, i've lived there most of my years so if anyone could do it, you can what. i prefer to think in terms of joe biden fungus appeal, strongest for seniors, where did donald trump decline between 2016 -- 2020? he went from 61% of veterans to 54%. the democrats are hammering on this which means i'm someone who's been in uniform. mike pompeo west, tom cotton did his time in iraq and afghanistan and so did j.d. vance and iraq. i think it locks up the but i'm vote and there are 700,000 in pennsylvania, half-billion in michigan and half million veterans in virginia. 300,000 veterans, an important demo in my view. >> that's why we have you on because you can thing see things the rest of us can't see. i would not have thought about veteran status or whether someone served in uniform. i would have thought about debating skills but that's why your a popular radio host and you get to answer the questions and i have to ask them so happy father's day, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, have a good one yourself. >> do you remember when i said hunter biden's laptop was rushing disinformation? you will never guess who used it as evidence in a recent criminal trial. john radcliffe on the rampant duplicity next on sunday night in america. ♪ her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> welcome back to sunday night in america. exhibit a in u.s. versus hunter biden, was the laptop owned by hunter biden. could have been a campaign issue in 2020 had the media not conspired with intelligence to declare the laptop russian disinformation. why would the u.s. attorney's office base on russian disinformation? or perhaps pivot to the laptop was never misinformation. ed stooges for a job in the biden administration and the media aided and abetted information. our next guest want everyone to laptop was real but was ignored. donald trump will be sentenced in a new york state room july 11 while is prosecutors alvin bragg and matthew will testify before the house judiciary committee in the very next day, july 12. garland rejects allegations of the two-tiered justice system but congress is not buying it. >> i don't think anyone in america believes anything merrick garland the saying when he says the department of justice is a political creating the different. >> justice is no longer blind america. it's politics. example number one, president trump. >> for the first time in american history we have a presidential administration working to put his opponent in jail. >> this is entirely your work. >> the least surprising piece of news we've heard this week, d.o.j. announced merrick garland will not be prosecuting for holding contempt. the past several years, the investigative d.o.j. in congress and was once the united states attorney general. thank you for being here, happy father's day to you. let's start with the laptop, why would federal prosecutors use russian disinformation to prosecute the president's son? >> you can imagine gotten that question a lot this week and a lot of people saying you feel good been vindicated? this is all proven to be true as if it was an open question. this has always been a settled matter, never open to discussion or opinion, these are the government -- the murder weapon with the defendants dna weapon all over it or if they don't, the government always had hunter biden's laptop with the evidence of his crimes on it so that wasn't a matter of judgment or opinion, that was based on conversations i was having at the time with the attorney general build bar and fbi director christopher wray and we put out events because people like adam schiff and later 51 intelligence officials were attempting to mislead the american people about that. the problem is some of the people on that letter that organized that jim klapper, john brennan, mike morel, these are the same people that did the same thing in 2016 in the first russia collision hope so this sometimes it crosses over from camping dirty trick to actual election interference and something merrick garland should investigate but won't so the only accountability will come if and when donald trump is elected and the trump the department of justice seeks to hold accountable under the law. >> speaking of ag garland, one thing he's not going to do is prosecute himself so contempt of congress is not going to go anywhere but as you know, the justice system is going to be able to balance this fall so former u.s. attorney believe it or not folks on both sides of the aisle respected your congress together so how do we get politics out of the justice system? >> in the blink of an eye, biden d.o.j. said we are not going to prosecute merrick garland or take action for him ignoring congressional subpoenas so short-term he will get away with it. long-term, the problem for merrick garland is he is and call me. he's going to be remembered just as jim comey is always going to be remembered as the guy that took the fbi's reputation premier investigative law enforcement agency from the top to the bottom from here to here. merrick garland is doing the same thing with this department of justice and a two-tiered system of justice apparent to the american people and merrick garland is the one saying we have to respect the verdict that came out of new york and at the same time saying we are not going to respect congressional subpoenas that we don't like and we will backup the president on supreme court opinions we don't like so accountability will come from the american people. we saw in europe francis having to call snap elections, results in the eu a reflection of what's happening over there we will see the same thing in this country and i think it will be to a trump department of justice to restore this idea of blind justice and equal treatment under the law. >> i knew that you would not feel indicated when this was exposed because i doubt you're feeling would be one of disappointment, the intelligence community allow themselves to be used as pawns in a political race so i never thought you would feel vindicated, i thought you would feel disappointment and sadness. i think i was right. happy father's day, thank you for joining us on a sunday nig night. >> happy father's day to you. >> trumps endorsement continues primary voters because for unity are being heard. >> welcome to fox news alert, i'm ashley in new york. millions are bracing for dangerously hot temperatures this week and a strong heat dome is over the midwest and northeast, most places in the 90s, but addition will make it feel like triple digits. hundreds of records could be broken. out west evacuations are underway for a fast-moving wildfire that broke out in los angeles over the weekends. the fire has scorched 14,000 acres and it is only about 2% contained. back to sunday night in america, for information log on to fox ♪ >> trey: welcome back to sunday night in america. primary season is in bloom and republican violence is thriving. bob goode, from virginia, best known for opposing his own speaker of the house and endorses ron desantis for president. goode now claims he's a trump man, trump is not buying it. john is running against bob goode, who will stab you in the back like he did me. >> trey: not much there. nuance nor discretion as ambitious republicans try to inherit the mantel. alive. we all know folks who tend to take our poll every time they shake our hands for assessing loyalty but waiting on the corner to pull up. trump and endorsement may carry weight the gop primary voters but not some of his previously see chris reporters. darren bailey over trump endorsed mike. kate back out of south carolina against william. texas gates back challenger or render over tony gonzales. gonzales one with the help of greg abbott in virginia, gates is backing bob good rejecting donald trump believe good stopped him in the back. it would be quite a skeptical head of the reading caucus were dispatched in the primary but it's also spectacle watching ambitious spectacles trying to put the movement from someone who is so very much around. joining us is julia manchester, national political reporter for the hill. welcome, thank you for joining us. what you make of virginia? trump and other members of congress are supporting challenger john mcguire over bob good who has freedom caucus but others are defined trump. >> this is a very divided district in this race is showing within republican primary races, i think former president trump looks at the race very personally. he saw bob good decision to back desantis at a time last year when there were a number of indictments stacking up against the former president is a stab in the back. this is very personal for him and his endorsement of john mcguire does seem to be paying off. that said, we know bob good knows the district very well, he's been pouring a lot of money into this race and despite the fact that he does not have trump's support, he's been campaigning as a trump republican and just before trump endorsed john mcguire, bob good was a member of lawmakers and figures who showed up at the courthouse or outside of the courthouse in trump hush money payment trial so it's very intriguing to watch the pulling we've seen that shows john mcguire up and ahead by ten points. this would be a major loss for someone like bob good and it looks like it's going to be, it could be potentially a landslide. that said, this is the first time bob good has run in official primary, he's only competed in conventions before which in virginia are very different so certainly a race to watch tuesday. >> let me move to a race closer to where i live. it is where i live in south carolina. william lost his home county challenger adam organ but morgan was defeated and they want of winning so why would matt gaetz get involved against a trump back to income but like william? what is he done to matt gaetz? >> a good question because we see it in primaries across the country where you see someone like matt gaetz is a natural ally of former president trump. endorsing against candidates former president trump has endorsed. i think you alluded to this before, a lot of these figures like matt gaetz are trying to build their own political brand trying to see how strong their own political brand is going forward and it is hard to compete against someone like former president trump. his name brand is obviously money mental compared to someone compared to matt gaetz. that being said, he's a rising star within the conservative movement so i think this is an opportunity for him to throw his weight around a little bit. >> i got to tell you, do not enjoy when you take while shaking her hand. it's a little obvious when you're doing that let me move to the broader picture, this violence. they are not knocking it all and is sometimes they are going to have to govern together or something else is going to happen. when you campaigned against an incumbent, it's taken personally and for a long time. how are we going to get over this? >> is going to be very difficult and it comes at a time when you see the democrat conference in the house relatively united, they have their own issues, is true but you see the democratic conference united and you have republicans already facing this uphill climb to keep their majority in the house, a very narrow majority right now so mike johnson is trying to lay down the law, trying to get these numbers together in the same room but it seems time and time again we are not seeing that play out, it's a continuation of issues for this conference so maybe as we get closer to the election, the conventions come around once the primaries are over and right now it is not looking good. >> we shall see if the republican conference schedules therapy sessions but we shall see. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you. >> coming up, what grade will voters give president biden on foreign policy this fall and what a trump administration do differently? morgan ortega's is next on the night in america. ♪ have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? 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>> if you think caring about your economy and illegal migration happening in your country that maybe that's nationalism but i'll tell you, there is the right wing parties did win in these european elections but i think what's happening in europe amongst their use this similarly what's happening here in the united states. just not like buying the bill of goods they been sold and similarly in europe, we talked quite a bit about what is happening at our southern border here europe is experiencing the same illegal migration problems in their countries are flooded, even worse than the united states. the economy segmented in europe so people are fed up, tired with the status quo and of course don't forget, we have an ongoing war in europe for over two years now, the worst war on european soil since world war ii so there's a lot of people unhappy with foreign policy and immigration, unhappy with the economy. pretty much good common sense. you could call it nationalism, i call it common sense. >> you served in the first trump administration and you make will and the subsequent republican administration regardless who the president is so let's assume for the psaki of argument that president trump for your advice so if material is proven for biden, how would a trump administration handle israel, hamas, hezbollah and orion differently? the mark believe it or not, is easy. the reason i say it's easy as president trump and his first term laid out the path for peace in the middle east. we will go back to killing terrorists making peace deals. what i mean by that? in 2171 president trump cayman, isis had a physical caliphate and president trump had to unleash the military destroy the physical. we got out of one of the worst deals negotiated the jc poa or iran nuclear deal and we started maximum economic pressure campaign against iran. we will go back to all those things will go back to killing terrorists, go back to pressuring iran and include maximum support for israel for allies in the gulf arab states. the only time hamas agreed to any of these fires or whether exchange is when there was military pressure on hamas. every time this administration has tried pressure on israel it's backfired and thomas realizes they can get away with it have to pressure iran. the middle east is not as complicated as everybody thinks about to be. gulf arab states, israel number one ally in the middle east sees the threat of iran not only by the way ballistic missile capability and drones that have just killed u.s. troops in jordan earlier this year they supplied to the region, i predict iran will become a nuclear power in the next administration if it's not president trump. president biden and his team have no plan for a nuclear weapon. in fact, they are up to 84% iranian enrichment under this administration for the past three and a half years because of failed iran policies. iran will get a nuclear weapon in the next administration if it's not president trump. he will stop it on day one. >> very quickly before i let you go, you think president trump, if you are president again could end the war in eastern europe without ukraine any of its territory? territorial boundaries remain intact but yet the war ends. >> that is going to be incredibly tough negotiation for anybody. this is how wars and, the end in negotiations sometimes neither side ends up loving but it's going to be important that does not see whatever the negotiation of the president trump is the one overseeing it, it's important doesn't see it as a win because if he does, he could go further. i would argue the team that has five americans held behind, held by hostages eight months later and cannot get to a cease-fire deal, this is the biden team. they're not the ones who are tough negotiators, are you kidding me? they can't get americans home, they can't get hamas to agree to cease-fire. president trump and national security team especially the last two years of his administration would be the most empowered in my opinions to make the deal best for ukraine, not the biden team. they can't negotiate their way out of a wet paper bag. >> you served once and may serve again, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thanks, trey. >> still ahead, more pot, more problems. consequences of legalizing marijuana are taking their toll. will the matter at the ballot box? that's next only on the night in america. ♪ feeling drained and run down. that's because modern diets lack the superfoods our ancestors thrived on. new primal origins, from forced back harnesses rich nutrients from colostrum and beef organs to provide superfood nutrition your body craves. find primal origins at walmart today. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. >> trey: welcome back to sunday night in america. many experts warn that legalizing marijuana would be bad. you don't have to watch fast t times to know that. despite warnings and evidence more stays toying with legalizing marijuana as politicians play along. vice president kamala harris considers marijuana to be a good thing, did n denying marijuana was a gateway drug. >> people should not go to jail for smoking weed. there was a time people would say marijuana is a gateway drug. policies. >> vice president harris laughed when she learned there's a grand named after her but no word whether the brand makes you laugh like her were eat more doritos or listen to clean employed. string is now, ceo and president of approaches to marijuana, welcome back, doctor. this experiment legalizing marijuana what he warned last time you were with us, he warned the experiment is not working. i assume you have not changed your mind based on the data. it looks like you are even more right than used to be. >> this is woodstock weed, marijuana smoke in the dorm room in 1980, industrial thc products like concentrates, candies, commies and ice creams infused with levels of thc whenever thought we would seek so completely different drugs in the old days number one. number two, nobody is in jail for marijuana, thus the good news. i want people to go to jail, i'm not saying you should criminalize adults were using marijuana but i also think we need to be careful about stepping into the area of mass commercialization promotion because of what it's doing to kids brains and a lot of people's brains, psychosis risk going up fivefold. suicide risk is the number one drug implicated in suicides among young people and states like colorado so legalization is making money or a couple of larger companies, it's not getting anybody out of prison and it's also running our kids and we need to rethink the whole thing. >> drawing their own conclusions but they are not entitled to their own facts. i for almost two decades, put people in prison including people in federal prisons. i can't think of a single solitary person was actually federal prison for smoking marijuana so i'm wondering how vice president harris could have pardoned someone who was never in federal prison in the first place. how did that happen? >> i get it, it's politics. let's be reminded when she was attorney general of california. i don't necessarily disagree with everything she doing but she was attorney general in california, she prosecuted a lot of people who had not just marijuana obviously because it's not only marijuana but they have other drug conventions as well so nobody has been let out of prison because of these issues they done, the administration has done. instead, young people are getting more and more perception the government thinks it's okay and we just have to think about, do we want to go back to the days of big tobacco? secondhand smoke everywhere if you go to any major cities in our country, the issue of lung, cardiovascular, stroke and the mental health issues in addition to driving, the other issues and people will say what about alcohol? the whole is not good either but we are stuck with it, is excepted in western civilization for 5000 euros not going backward, we should learn from it and if taillights are broken, we shouldn't break our headlights to be consistent he here. i'm not saying throw people in prison but let's have prevention campaigns, awareness and not commercialize and promote to young people which is what's happening, highly marijuana. >> before i let you go, i've got to ask you about this argument that is not a gateway drug. to me it's irrelevant whether it's a gateway drug, there's plenty of reasons not to legalize it but what is your position on whether or not it leads people to experiment with other drugs? >> number one, it's true most people who use marijuana will not go into other drugs. however, it's also true 98% of people using heroin and cocaine started with marijuana. along with alcohol because they are the two most widely available substances when you make a drug widely available, you increase usage because you think it's fine and your brain frankly wants a bigger high so there is research on trains looking at thc and how when pregnant women are exposing their babies in utero thc, the offspring are more likely and we are still burning. we need to learn about it but this idea there is new data showing half of the people use marijuana in the last month are using it every day. way more proportioned than alcohol, 10% for alcohol so we are encouraging heavy use and gateway or not on its own, today's marijuana should really be avoided by everybody. >> doctor kevin, thank you for sharing. people need to know this, people need to make their own decisions but they need the facts. happy father's day, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. thank you for spending your sunday with us. have a great week ahead. happy father's day to my father. thank you to my wife for being a father and special thoughts to those who have lost their fathers. good night from south carolina. >> todd: a major arrest in murder of marilyn mother of five rachel mor

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Crisis , The Border Czar , Someone , Person , Want , Nation , Vision , In The House , Side , Place , House , Minority Leader , Speaker , Form , Problems , Bidding , George W Bush , Bush , Ronald Reagan , George H W , Matter , Nominee , Republic , Fans , Laughter , Visionary Leader , Leader , Stage , Anywhere , Afghanistan , Adversaries , Weakness , Thing , Fact , Conflict , Wars , Middle East , Ukraine , Aggression , War , Withdrawal , Indo , Skirmishes , Pacific , Taiwan , Xi Jinping , Whatever , Taxes , Pay , Energy Prices , Gas Prices , Break , Four , 40 , 30 , Attorney General , Justice , System , Folks , Note , Revenge , Respect , Charleston , Fight Fire With , Stream , Water , Retribution , Gospel , 100 , Americans , Scales , Lady Justice , Blindfold , Foundation , Truth , Rule Of Law , Justice System , Doesn T , Opponent , Activists , Fairness , Terrorists , Parents , Meeting , Of , School Board , Rewind Button , Direction , On A Sunday Night , Entertainment , Former , Convention , Speculating , Vp , Secretary , In Case Of Emergency , Criteria , Things , Room , Choice , Advice , Candidate , Counsel , Bp , Congress On Acting Legislative Agenda , Marco Rubio , Some , Radio Host , Doug Burgum , Everybody , Terms , Names , Memes , Seniors , Strength , Mike Pompeo , Glenn Youngkin , Attack , Suckers , Losers , Name , Skin , Tom Cotton , Both , J D , Nonsense , Circles , Vance , Veterans , Sense , Uniform , Cotton , Fan Cotton , Dance , 16 Million , Law , Debate , Anyone , Pompeo , Twits , Chris Christie , New Hampshire , Ability , Times , Senator , Best , Quality , Feet , Picking , Problem , Wyoming , 12th Amendment , Cheney , 2000 , 12 , President Trump , Win , Residence , Texas , Quit States , Marco For A Second , Voting Constituencies , Rule , Bar , Candidate Appeal , Northern Virginia , Constituencies , Concerns , It , Fungus Appeal , Decline , Deep Blue , Mike Pompeo West , Hammering , 61 , 54 , 2016 , 2020 , Half , Iraq , Pennsylvania , 700000 , Status , Demo , Veteran , View , Rest , Can T See , 300000 , Questions , Debating Skills , Laptop , Evidence , Disinformation , Hunter Biden , Criminal Trial , John Radcliffe , The Rampant Duplicity , Issue , Uncle , Plan , Price Lock , Bit , Price , Commercials , Guarantee , Him , Un Carrier , T Mobile , Unruly , Pain Won T , Clock , Connection , Session , Damage , Absorbine Pro , Xfinity , Uncalled For , Pro , Pain Relief , Passions , Anesthetics , Solution , Two , Exhibit A , Versus , Media , Campaign Issue , Intelligence , Laptop Russian Disinformation , Base , Misinformation , U S Attorney Office , Ed Stooges , Administration , Everyone , New York State , Abetted Information , Merrick Garland , Congress , Prosecutors , Allegations , Matthew , House Judiciary Committee , Alvin Bragg , July 12 , 11 , July 11 , Department Of Justice , Different , Anything , Politics , Jail , Number One , Example , History , News , Work , Piece , Holding Contempt , United States Attorney General , Son , Weapon , Opinion , Murder Weapon , Discussion , Dna , Defendants , Fbi , Christopher Wray , Conversations , Crimes , Events , Build Bar , Judgment , Wasn T A , Officials , Adam Schiff , 51 , Letter , Jim Klapper , Mike Morel , John Brennan , Russia Collision Hope , Accountability , Election Interference , Trick , Contempt Of Congress , Speaking Of Ag Garland , Sides , Aisle , Attorney , Subpoenas , Biden Doj , Action , Blink Of An Eye , Guy , Jim Comey , Reputation Premier Investigative Law Enforcement Agency , Top , Bottom , Verdict , Opinions , On Supreme Court , New York , Eastern Europe , Snap Elections , Results , Reflection , We Saw , Eu , Idea , Blind Justice , Treatment , Intelligence Community , Feeling , Disappointment , Pawns , Sadness , On A Sunday Nig Night , Endorsement , Welcome To Fox News , Addition , Places , Northeast , Heat Dome , Temperatures , Millions , 90 , Hundreds , Digits , Records , Evacuations , Fire , Wildfire , Los Angeles , 2 , 14000 , Information Log On To Fox Foxnews Com , Bob Goode , Violence , Season , Bloom , Running , Ron Desantis , Back , Nuance , Poll , Discretion , Hands , Loyalty , Corner , Mantel , Weight , Darren Bailey Over Trump , Reporters , Challenger , Texas Gates , Mike , William Lost His Home County , Kate , Gonzales One , Bob Good , Head , Help , Reading , Tony Gonzales , Greg Abbott , Caucus , Julia Manchester , Spectacles , Spectacle , Movement , John Mcguire , Members , Others , The Hill , District , Races , He Saw Bob , Number , Stab , Indictments , Money , Support , Figures , Courthouse , Member , Campaigning , Hush Money Payment Trial , Lawmakers , Loss , Bob , Points , John Mcguire Up , Ten , Conventions , Time , Primary , Landslide , Run , Closer , Challenger Adam Organ , Spokesperson Morgan Ortega S , Matt Gaetz , Primaries , Rally , Brand , Candidates , Being , Name Brand , Rising Star , Opportunity , Conservative Movement , Hand , Picture , Incumbent , Issues , Conference , United , Majority , Numbers , Climb , Mike Johnson , Continuation , Therapy Sessions , Foreign Policy , Coming Up , Grade , Walk In Tub , Look , Safe Step , Safe Step Walk In Tub , Hydrotherapy System , Water Jets , Tub , Touch Pad Control , Warm Bath , Fast Fill Faucet , Seat , Fingertips , 20 , Relieve Pain , Safety , Sleep , Increase Mobility , Energy , Tubs , Microsoothe Advanced Air Therapy System Oxygenates , Home , Information , Bathing , Obligation , Consultation , Three , Hamas , War On European Soil , Israel , New York Times , Guess Who , International Criminal Court , Fun , Hezbollah , Lar Jiets , North , Lessening , World Leaders E , Welcome Back , Nationalism , European , Immigration , Economy , Parties , Wing , Use , Similarly , Goods , Bill , Migration Problems , Countries , Course , World War Ii , Status Quo , It Nationalism , Argument , Material , Psaki , Peace Deals , Term , Peace , Path , Reason , Mark , Orion , Deals , Caliphate , Physical , Military , Isis , Trump Cayman , 2171 , Pressure , Deal , Campaign , Jc Poa , Fires , Exchange , Gulf Arab States , Allies , Threat , Capability , Troops , Drones , Region , Missile , Power , Jordan , Biden Team , Enrichment , Nuclear Weapon , 84 , Policies , Day One , Anybody , Negotiation , Territory , Boundaries , War Ends , Negotiations , The End , Cease Fire Deal , Negotiators , Hostages , Ones , Eight , Five , Cease Fire , Most , Americans Home , Paper Bag , Marijuana , Consequences , Night , Toll , Thanks , Spot , Ballot Box , Superfoods , Diets , Ancestors , Nutrients , Organs , Colostrum , Beef , Superfood Nutrition , Primal Origins , Find Primal Origins At Walmart , Shopify , More , Business , Experts , Politicians , Stays , Warnings , Gateway Drug , Smoking Weed , Ceo , String , Grand , Word , Approaches , Doritos , Experiment , Data , Doctor , Mind , Marijuana Smoke , Dorm Room , Industrial Thc , Woodstock Weed , 1980 , Drugs , Thc , Nobody , Candies , Commies , Concentrates , Thought , Levels , Products , Ice Creams , Adults , Promotion , Doing , Area , Mass Commercialization , Kids Brains , Suicide Risk , Drug , Psychosis Risk , Brains , Suicides , Couple , Companies , Legalization , Colorado , Prison , Facts , Conclusions , Kids , Smoking Marijuana , Prisons , Single , Everything , California , Drug Conventions , Smoke , Perception , Big Tobacco , Alcohol , Everywhere , Whole , Driving , Cardiovascular , Lung , Mental Health , Stroke , Cities , Prevention Campaigns , Headlights , Awareness , Taillights , Western Civilization , 5000 Euros , 5000 , Plenty , Position , Reasons , Whether , 98 , Heroin , Cocaine , Usage , Substances , 98 , Brain , Thigh , Research , Women , Trains , Babies , Offspring , Proportioned , 10 , Gateway , Sharing , Doctor Kevin , Sunday , Decisions , Fathers , Thoughts , Wife , Murder , Mor , Arrest , Mother , Todd ,

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