Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240614

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more landmark rulings. one could include whether the former president, donald trump could be immune from criminal prosecution. it might come. you never know until the clock strikes 10:00 a.m. eastern time and we're standing by. first, however, wandering on the world stage. so this was during a skydiving demonstration at the g7 in southeastern italy. the awkward moment redirected by the italian prime minister as you see adding to concerns about the president's fitness for the job. add that to what we saw at the white house earlier in the week and you can decide for yourself. good morning, everybody. it's friday. dana has the day off. our friend, gillian, is back for another friday addition for "america's newsroom." welcome back. >> gillian: good to be with you. this is "america's newsroom." the headlines. look at this today's "new york post" reads meandering chief. it has been a week marked by awkward moments for president biden. the slip-ups are overshadowing at times his trip to the g7 meeting with pope francis right now. >> bill: we'll report on the meeting with the pontiff in a moment and we're also told he is cutting that trip short by a day and go back to a fundraiser in california and raise money for the big campaign. kamala harris will take his place at a peace summit. we'll track that. in the meantime, as we wait for more news from the white house and we try to figure out where the president goes next, and what comes of the meeting with the pontiff we'll bring it to you here. team fox coverage. first lucas tomlinson is at the white house. >> good morning, bill. pope francis just met the leaders. g7 in italy. that included president biden and president biden will be meeting with the pope later one-on-one. not clear if the president will discuss his son, hunter, with the pope. alongside ukraine's president last night president biden was asked if he would pardon his son, hunter, he said he would not. during the g7 the main focus is on the war in ukraine. they announced an additional $50 billion to ukraine. there is the pope there speaking right now, bill. but it was during the press conference last night alongside zelenskyy the president received a question about gaza and the president seemed very irked about the question saying he is here about ukraine and accused reporters of violating the rules. the white house correspondents' association firing back with a statement that read in part, bill, quote, while the white house does determine the number of reporters the president will recognize, it is up to professional journalists to decide what to ask. since president biden has approved ukraine taking limited strikes across the border into russia, the mayor of ukraine's second largest city said some attacks from russia have been reduced but notable that president zelenskyy of ukraine says he needs seven additional patriot air defense missile systems. one problem. u.s. army only has 14 of those weapon systems deployed around the world now. if the u.s. to send more they have to manufacture more. they make 12 a year and in high demand across the world. >> mary kathryn joins us. you have joe biden over there in italy, a lot of people giving attention to the video we just watched. meanwhile you have donald trump meeting behind closed doors with guys that used to hate him. that's something else in one day. >> it is. a contrast that i think serves trump well. it is hard to watch that video and pretend it is nothing. i tend to be on the snarky side and ripe for making fun of but it's too sad to do that at the moment. i think the italian prime minister handled it graciously. she shouldn't have to be doing that. what you said, bill, wisely you can decide for yourself watching that video. many voters have already decided. 70 or 80 plus% say he is too old to serve another four years. that includes large majorities of his own voters from 2020. people see what is in front of their eyes. even when much of the media and the democratic machine pretends it's not there. >> gillian: let's talk about the visit yesterday, trump's visit uniting unity on the hill. which some extent it did and underscored sometimes the rift that is going on in the party bringing out into the open at times the story yesterday was about who wasn't going to the meeting and who wasn't happy on the tail end of it. what did you make of all that, anything surprise you? >> i think everyone should be prepared to go back and forth on the unity message. it is not always going to look unified. when he came out of this meeting, trump was on message about unity. he was on message about the major issues of the day. the economy, he mentioned the russian subs off of the florida coast that people care about and mentioned the border and crime. he mentioned things that matter to people that people watch biden in that video and say i don't think he is manning this ship right now and maybe we need someone different. now, they are both elderly but i think it's pretty clear from the contrast which one is more capable at the mic, maybe more capable at the helm and what trump was trying to communicate and very disciplined about it. >> bill: we'll talk to charles payne about his pitch about taxes. here is a shot at mitt romney leaving the meeting. initially he wasn't going to attend with some flight changes and he was there and mitch mcconnell there as well. go back to the fox poll here about those who believe that joe biden has the mental soundness to serve, all right? 41%. here is vice president kamala harris's favorability. she is well underwater at 40% favorable. kathleen hochul in new york has done two things people didn't expect. in one week democratic governor sided with a lot of progressives on their policies for 3 1/2 years. last week said this congestion pricing that will be attached to everybody who drives in lower manhattan is a bad idea for middle class families and workers. it is gone for now. and then she says we need to get rid of masks for protestors, especially when it comes to those who are on the streets favoring hamas over israel. watch. >> it's not a crime in our state. legitimate protest is part of freedom of speech. we also protect that. people cross the line into criminal behavior, threatening behavior, that's a different ballgame all together. >> bill: she said protesting is not a crime in our state. are the threads loosening somewhat on all this? >> yeah, i think this shows me that even new york politicians will eventually listen to voters about the clear and present dangers in their streets, right? and i'm not sure this is the perfect way, a mask ban is what she is talking about, a rule in place in new york since the 1800s but was repealed in 2020 because masks became good and virtuous and she was created a culture where masks are viewed as virtuous. it will be very hard to limit the use of that particularly in a protest situation. i think the idea of actually doing something to prevent these things that are beyond speech is what they need to be doing. this feels -- the mask mandate feels like lip service. they can't do it without the legislature being in session until january. in the meantime have your d.a.s punish people who do things that go beyond speech such as vandalism and harassing jews in the street. there are real dangers here that can be dealt with within the power of the city of new york and within the power of law enforcement without having to go to legislature. >> bill: it is interesting how the laws came about. back to the days of the kkk. think about that now. that's where we are now with the protests in new york. >> gillian: thinking about the mayor's office the governor's office excuse me, early on a friday, thinking about banning these masks on subways now because of the jump -- huge jump in crime that this city has seen. we have to leave it there. thank you for joining us. >> bill: have a great weekend. [sirens blaring] >> gillian: hezbollah launching a barrage of rockets and drones into northern israel bringing iran-backed group and the jewish state closer to an all-out war. the attack sparked fires and injured two people. so far it comes after an israeli strike killed a top hezbollah commander last weekend. 100,000 israelis forced to leave their home in northern israel due to the frequency of these attacks. >> bill: the area we're talking about. in the middle east so much action around gaza. this is the northern border with hezbollah. they have fought a number of wars, 1982, summer of 2006. what hezbollah does is they -- let me clear this off and back up one time to this graphic here. the israelis months ago, about 80,000, deserted this area northern israel. everything here in black, they've left these villages all along the border and gone further south. a lot of them are saying we want to go home again. you need to manage this situation here. this week alone in 48 hours around wednesday, you had upwards of 200 rockets that were fired into israel. nobody killed. very few injuries reported. a lot of fires created and in the area of northern israel. this is what hezbollah has done. this is the capacity they now have backed by iran to attack jerusalem. jerusalem and tel aviv and gaza. all the action so far has been up in this region. take you back to this map once again. hamas is supported by iran, hezbollah is supported by iran. the israelis don't want to fight the two-front war. hopefully with some diplomacy we get the temperature down. right now this week it is something to watch and we shall. 12 minutes past the hour. get to this right now. >> there is no perfect system. we can always do better. i will say that we've encountered well over 3,000 criminal migrants in this sector alone. >> bill: unchecked and unvetted. border officials sounding the alarm about a dangerous gang from venezuela crossing into the u.s. they are here and a rising concern. also this. >> the o.j. simpson case was my life for more than two years. i lived and breathed it. on the air for hours and hours every day. chased down countless stories. it was the only thing people talked to me about. >> gillian: it's perhaps, most talked about criminal case in history. 30 years later a brand-new documentary is shedding light on o.j. simpson. we have him on the biggest revelations coming up ahead. >> bill: the nypd stopping a potential terror attack this week after this arrest of a suspect. what we're learning about this man after his day in court. >> we really don't know where he was going. we only know he was two blocks from the airport and also know all these expressions added together with all of these weapons, all of this ammunition, everything that was in that car. we're not taking any chances. it's more magic than ever. with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and watch how sprays can leave grime like that with up to 10 times the cleaning power, foamy melts it on contact. magic. it makes this ring a thing of the past. it makes you forgetti about baked on spaghetti. new ultra foamy magic eraser. clean with more magic than ever. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> it sure does and it is not just limited to this gang when it comes to the problem of vetting thoroughly. we saw this with the eight suspected terrorists from tajikistan and the two jordanian nationals at quantico trying to breach security. the fact is vetting is only as good as the systems we're vetting against. and many countries of origin where these migrants are coming from don't have systems in place for us to ping against or it's an adversarial country like china that just refuses to share information with us. so this is a huge problem. this is where we're seeing the system get beaten time and time again and let's remember why this is all being exposed? because of the biden inept policies down at the border which has created a rushed and chaotic process which has now exposed our achilles heel in the vetting process. >> bill: we'll be talking about this every day for the next five months. when does it change and how? >> well, look, our threat level is ten times hirer than it was pre-9/11 because of these policies. facing more threats from more places at any time in our history and we aren't but oned up in the security sense where we should be. every policy this administration has implemented has directly undercut our entire homeland security apparatus and the agencies that have taken an oath to protect the country. >> bill: they are all saying the red lights are flashing. he was on the hill ten days ago. >> the bigger problem in my view is two-fold. one, individuals who, when they come in, are either armed with fake documents or snuck in in some way, or -- this is very important -- individuals for whom there is not enough derogatory information in the intelligence community to watch list them yet. >> bill: he said two things that remind me of the hijackers of 9/11. fake documents and not enough information to watch them yet. that's not good. >> yeah, no, it's not good. even sadder part of this is normally when director wray testifies he is sitting next to the secretary of homeland security telling congress that everything is okay and that everybody is being thoroughly vetted. so we don't have a government that's working in a seamless way right now. and the department of homeland security is creating an environment where we have agencies like the f.b.i. trying to prevent a terrorist act from taking place in the country looking for a needle in the hay stack and dhs and this administration have made the hay stack the size of new york city. >> bill: we have to do better coming from the very top. thank you for your time. thanks for being here on a friday, thank you, sir. >> thank you, bill. >> we want to see success for our country and we don't have success right now. we have inflation that's killing everybody. >> gillian: as americans grapple with inflation not cooling fast enough they're staring down the barrel of a potential tax hike. look at the competing visions offered by republicans and democrats. plus this. president biden gearing up for a star-studded high-dollar fundraiser. wait until you see the guest list. we'll bring it to you next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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biden is banking on them. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. >> typically most americans could care less who is giving money where but here viewers know in many cases do we like these people? some have millions of followers making them a trusted messenger for the campaign. clooney's wife will not attend. l.a. has a large jewish population and police expect protestors outside. back to you. >> gillian: mr. george clooney was not happy about that calling the white house to complain last week. bad blood running in the undercurrents of the fundraiser. thank you for giving us the details as always. appreciate it. >> bill: the economy taking center stage in the battle for the white house. former president trump speaking with business leaders in washington thursday throwing a lot of ideas around promising to slash the corporate tax rate in a second term. treasury secretary janet yellen meeting with business executives as the concerns grow about bidenomics. here is what she said. >> americans are clearly very concerned about the cost of living and addressing the high cost of living remains a top economic priority for the president. >> bill: charles payne, host of making money on fox business was listening carefully to that. how are you doing? >> every time janet yellen speaks i listen very carefully. >> bill: good for you because -- yeah. >> yellen scares me. i researched her and her husbands working way back. she is not a pure capitalist and i'm trying to be kind this morning. it is friday morning. >> bill: kindness here we go. president biden's budget proposal. raise the corporate tax rate to 28%. a lot of ideas. special tax subsidy for crypto currency. trump is saying slash the corporate tax rate to 20. exempt tips from income taxes and then make the expiring estate tax cuts from 2017 permanent. what do you like? what's -- >> i think it is all pro-growth right there. >> bill: number one or two? >> number two. hiking corporate tax rates is nuts. there has been a sort of quote, unquote, race to the bottom. not just america but all around developing countries have been trying to lower their corporate tax rates to be more competitive in a global economy. you kind of think about right now all the innovation. all the amazing growth. think about the percentage of all the world's stock markets how much is the united states and the rest of the world? 70% now. it's everything is here. if you took the top 100 innovative companies you get probably 75 in america, 20 in china, and two in europe. and the pharmaceutical that found a weight loss drugs and hermes. it's -- the argument janet yellen is making this week is well yes, she can't dispute that. no one can dispute that. you can't campaign and say we have the strongest economy in the world and let's structure the economy. you can't say i want to dismantle it. we have the strongest economy in the world. you want to go after the taxes you think somehow it will remain the strongest? it is not an accident. pro-growth taxes helped us. the thing with the tips is phenomenal and hearing folks saying it doesn't matter because, you know, that was back in the day when tips were cash, most folks who work in these tip jobs have very low base salaries. very low base salaries and it's -- i think it is a smart idea. >> gillian: it is not salary. customers are paying that. restaurants, business owners aren't paying for the tips. charles, what do you make of this? you are looking at the details of the trump tariff proposal. what do you think? >> it sounds nuts except if -- most americans don't realize we didn't always have an income tax. for a brief moment during the civil war we had a brief income tax and then that went away immediately. we never had an income tax until 1913. what bothers me if you look at 1912, government spending as a percentage of gdp was 1.8%. 1.8%. then in world war ii became 23%. 1919, 1920 went down to 7.1%. that's world war i. world war ii became 41% of gdp. 1946 drifted back to 24%. you can see the successive world wars when government got bigger it got hungier for power. eisenhower's farewell state of the union, military industrial complex that is still with us as much as folks are saying the inflation reduction act is helping manufacturing. it is a military industrial complex driven by big government spending. that doesn't go away. we've done this before and had an economy driven by 0 income taxes as we were becoming, by the way, the preeminent nation in the world. it couldn't work completely now because the barn door is open. we won't be able to reduce government to the size only tariffs can run it. maybe tariffs could play a bigger role not only in income but generating more domestic innovation. >> bill: the tariffs and taxes, especially the trump tax cuts. campaign issues. if you allow the trump tax cuts to expire here is what happened. two kids, pay $1600 more. two kids up to 2400. three kids, 220,000, 7400 a year. trump and biden will have to talk it out and voters will decide. >> folks who make under $4 hundred thousand a year will feel pain. so it is really the ideology. do you want a big government that controls everything? it's a beast to feed it economically. or do you want to see smaller government where we are allowed to innovate and keep more of what we earn? >> bill: thank you. >> gillian: thank you for analysis. also this. we're standing by the supreme court any moment could release new rulings -- at the top of the ten, we have 20 minutes to wait and watching the supreme court. could we get a decision on former president trump's immunity? we could. a new documentary shedding light on the o.j. simpson murder case from the man who covered all the twists and turns. the untold stories, shocking new revelations. he is coming up. stick with us. get up to $70,000 with a newday 100 va cash out loan. -unnecessary action hero ... the nemesis. -it appears that despite my sinister efforts, employees are still managing their own hr and payroll. why would you think mere humans deserve to do their own payroll? because their livelihoods depend on it? because they have bills to pay? hear me now, paycom! return the world of hr and payroll to its rightful place of chaos or face a tsunami of unnecessary the likes of which you have never seen! ♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪watch out for offers too good to be true.♪ that's phishing! ♪someone's trying to take advantage of you.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ ♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪don't just use a password alone.♪ ♪mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ >> bill: 9:45 on the east coast and outside the u.s. supreme court. 15 minutes away from a moment when we'll get some decisions handed down by the nine justices. we don't know which ones but there are some big ones, gillian. u.s. versus donald trump is the question of immunity. maybe it comes today, maybe they wait for the end of the term later in the month of june. we have a case here fisher versus u.s. which deals with the capitol riots and obstruction. another abortion issue out there. a second amendment case. two first amendment cases still to be decided by these justices. so we're waiting that and when they happen we have our team of legal experts. judge jeanine and others, if we get the most significant rulings, this will be a day in history and we'll watch it together if indeed it happens that way. all right. 15 minutes before the hour. that right there is a preview. now this. >> i remember driving up into the alley area where i believe o.j. went. we stopped and there was a black older limo in front of us. we started following the limo. it was going faster and we went faster. going faster and we went faster. we were going all around the neighborhood. >> dana: that's harvey levin how he chased down simpson's car from the murder days after his infamous acquittal. the wild chase part of a new documentary. the documentary tells untold stories and shocking revelations about the case. harvey levin will give us a preview of the more juicy stuff that you have not been able to share before. >> gillian, this literally consumed my life for 2 1/2 years when i was the investigative reporter for kcbs in l.a. i wanted to tell a lot of the stories that i never put on the air including the one you just referred to where, you know, i was at dinner with a friend a week after the acquittal when o.j. was acquitted and i was telling my friend how i thought marsha clark did not have the story right. he did not go over there to kill her. he went over there for a different reason. so i took her over to the alleyway where i believe o.j. had parked before he committed the crimes and there was a limo parked in front and i figured it was just to look. so many people went to look and gawk. the limo driver locked eyes with me through his side view and then immediately turned his engine on and left and i thought why would somebody just see me and leave? it didn't make any sense. so i just followed the limo. and at first he was going slow a minute into it we were careening through brentwood. i just had a feeling who this was. and we end up at o.j.'s house. the limo stops and we stop and there is a stand-off for five minutes where the guy in the back didn't get out. all of a sudden the front door opened somebody opens the gate and the guy in the back of the limo runs inside. i didn't get a clear look at his face. gillian, it was o.j. simpson going back to the scene of the crime. >> gillian: that's pretty explosive. let's play this second sound bite from you as well. want to hear your take on this. >> there was testimony that nichole came to my future house one night the middle of the night and told wayne hughes that o.j. had beaten her and that she was scared of him. judge ito would not allow wayne hughes to testify. >> gillian: tell us about that. >> you know what's really weird about this. wayne hughes guy, i bought that house in 1984. wayne hughes was a good friend of both o.j. and nichole's and they used to come to the house for parties, which was kind of weird that i ended up buying this house. and she would talk to wayne about getting beaten by o.j. so wayne bought another house and a friend of mine, who is an lapd cop who handled some disturbance calls between o.j. and nichole there was a side gig of installing telephone systems. wayne hired him. turned out another guy who worked for wayne full-time by wild coincidence was o.j. simpson's best friend, the guy driving the bronco in the slow speed chase. al was telling wayne hughes how much he knew about the murders because there has always been talk did wayne help him after the fact? and my friend from the lapd, i have him on the show and we talk about what he knew about those conversations. so it is just all of these weird coincidences that link together. >> gillian: if there is such a thing as coincidences. i want to ask you the f.b.i. released hundreds of pages now on the murder investigation itself. something around 500 pages. have you had a chance to look through any of that? >> yeah, look, i don't think it breaks any new ground. but, you know, i think it cements the fact that o.j. simpson did it and, you know, there are all sorts of reasons i think why this jury acquitted him, not the least of which is the judge moved -- the d.a. moved it to downtown where there was a really tense relationship between the lapd and the black community. but there is nothing really knew in those documents, i think, other than the fact it cements that o.j. simpson killed ron and nichole. when i mentioned he didn't go over there to kill her, he went over there, gillian, to slash her tires on her car. and that's why he went. he didn't have time, if he had thought it through in a half hour, to do all of what he did had he thought that through. he had slit her tires a month before and he always used to go into the courtyard to stalk her and look through her window. i think that's when ron goldman walked in he had seen ron with nichole before and he went nuts. >> gillian: wow, we could go on for the rest of the show talking about it. it is fascinating what you are uncovering. hope to get you back on soon. everybody at home watch the documentary on tubi. thank you for taking time for us. >> it is free on tubi. >> bill: tubi is part of the fox families. stories from the past. we're minutes away from the u.s. supreme court releasing its next round of decisions and we could get some blockbuster decisions. stand by. we're waiting on all of that moments away. turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - it was the best thing i've ever done, and- - really? 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>> happening live behind me right now yet another group of migrants who illegally and freely crossed into california into the united states. we see this morning after morning. the non-government organizations are handing out food and water to the migrants right now and late yesterday california governor newsom tweeted a video where he talked about doubling the national guard at the legal points of entry where he says he has seized a record amount of fentanyl. out here at these illegal pathways we don't see any california national guard out here tackling this problem. so his video really begs the question of whether he plans on sending any national guard out here where all these illegal migrants are arriving. we also shot video of a group of mostly chinese migrants who crossed into pretty rural neighborhood out here outside of san diego. border patrol processed them in front of a home. border patrol agent told us it is demoralizing to keep chasing around illegal groups of migrants. a portion of newsom's video. >> national guard men's and women's fentanyl in the state of california. bottom line at the end of the day they need more resources. everybody needs more resources. the republican party is standing in the way. >> the border patrol union in san diego quickly responded to newsom's video writing in part we need help in stemming the flow of illegal migrants entering california, not rewarding illegal migrants with taxpayer funded program. governor, if you are serious about closing the california/mexico border you would allow california national guard to help us. border patrol tells us day after day they feel overwhelmed. we did see the national guard working in texas. so we have inquired with governor newsom whether it's part of his strategy to send the california national guard here to stem the flow of illegal migrants on this pathway that is very well-known to the governor and very well-known to authorities out here. >> bill: matt finn watching again with the sun up in southern california. what a scene. thank you, matt. at the moment other end of the country now waiting to hear from the u.s. supreme court where one or more new opinions are expected any moment now, including possible rulings on gun rights, social media censorship. state restrictions on abortion and presidential immunity, which may or may not affect several cases right now against the former president, donald trump. welcome back, ev

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Ii , That S World War I Ii , 23 , 1919 , 1920 , 7 1 , 1 8 , Military Industrial Complex , World Wars , Farewell State Of The Union , Hungier , Eisenhower , 24 , 1946 , Inflation Reduction Act , Manufacturing , Doesn T Go Away , Nation , It Couldn T , Barn , The Way , 0 , Tariffs , Income , Domestic Innovation , Role , Tax Cuts , Kids , Campaign Issues , 1600 , 600 , Spain , 220000 , 4 Hundred Thousand , Three , 2400 , 7400 , Ideology , Beast , Rulings , Top , Analysis , Documentary , Immunity , Decision , Turns , Simpson Murder , Twists , Stick , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , 0000 , 70000 , Payroll , Humans , Hr , Employees , Action Hero , Nemesis , Efforts , Bills , Likes , Livelihoods , Tsunami , Chaos , Paycom , Advantage , Phishing , Call , Password , Code , Text , Phone , Mfa , Decisions , Justices , East Coast , Nine , 15 , 45 , Obstruction , Here Fisher Versus , Capitol Riots , Versus , Ones , Abortion Issue , Second Amendment Case , Jeanine , Experts , Others , Team , Preview , 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