Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240612

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to isis are now in a u.s. custody, they were taken down in new york, los angeles and philadelphia. what were they doing there? what were they up to? every bit of this reporting is deeply concerning. they came across at the southern border after supposedly being "vetted". b. it was discovered they had ices ties and c, when was her discussing bombs or bombings which a new york post source linked to the -- likened to the boston bombing in 2013 at the marathon. they are reportedly from there she could stand, the group from there, another group from there, a country which borders afghanistan was linked to the vicious terror attack at a russian concert hall that killed more than 140 people dressed in march. chris ray has been quite clear, every chance he guides, he is a warning america that this could happen here at any time. >> now, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the isis attack we saw at the russian concert hall just a couple weeks ago. we have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to whole other level. all the lines -- lights were blinking red before 911, which is stated as multiple blinking red lights out there? >> as a blinking red lights everywhere turn. >> martha: carbons been from the senator for our grecian studies has been studying migration terrorism for years, former ambassador large ordinate or for present jumper on here, but first we are joined by republican senator from texas, ted cruz, he sits on the foreign relations and judiciary committees. always good to have you with us, thank you very much. >> it great to be with you. >> martha: very disturbing information. the numbers of known got a ways under president biden, 1.85 million, prior to ministration, president rob 521,000, 636 terror watchlist encounters we know about have come through under president biden. heidi you interpret what christopher ray is telling us and why? >> look, the fbi strongly to do everything they can to sound the alarm. what the biden administration is doing, with the democrats is doing is reckless, it is dangerous, sadly i believe that we are in a greater risk today a major terrorist attack than we have been anytime since september 11th. and for the last 3.5 years we had an open border, at our south and border, effectively had an invitation for terrorists to come into this country. we know that customs and border patrol has been instructed in writing to be on the lookout for hamas terrorists, hezbollah tears, palestinian is nominal jihad tears coming across the southern border and this instance, of these eight individuals affiliated with isis kate from digit could stand, the game illegally across our southern border, they were apprehended and joe biden and the democrats released them into america. now eyes adjusted as staying and arrested it appears they were plotting what may have been a bombing, we do not know the full details of the arrest yet -- tajikistan. but arrested them in new york, los angeles and philadelphia and this is happening over and over again. the art releasing illegal immigrants and potential terrorists into the country, and it is indefensible. >> martha: what can the government do, we don't hear the president talk about this, he has the opportunity he doesn't say look, being as vigilant as we can trying to round them up, i haven't heard them say that have you? >> i haven't, no democrat in the senate does either. a couple months ago we had the impeachment trial of a hundred mayor because, be single democrat in the senate voted to throughout the impeachment, before throwing out any evidence, i and every other republican senator wanted to lay out the facts about the rest, we wanted to present the evidence and every single democrat voted to be don't want to hear it, we don't want to the american people to know about the risk of terrorists coming into this country, as you know i do a podcast every week. today's podcast is a deep dive into these eight terrorists coming into the country and explaining how the democrats have consistently, their approach, and ostrich with his hand as my head in the sand. my democrat opponent running against me in texas is the exact same way, the democrats do not want about stopping people on the terror watchlist from coming illegally into this country. >> martha: there is a piece in foreign affairs, which details how many times a former cia director came before the american people, and anybody who would listen to him said some of bin laden and al qaeda was determined to attack america, we all know what happened on september 11th, many of us know someday who was killed on that day, and we all have to be very concerned about all americans as we look at these blinking red lights. senator, thank you very much. good to have you here. one of my next guests recently testified before congress about the dangers to our national security posed by the border crisis. march... >> programs established in 2004, perhaps aided by sherlock have thwarted numerous border crossings for 20 years per month ongoing border crisis has rendered those counterterrorism programs and viable now. the system is blinking ride so fingers crossed. >> martha: fingers crossed seems to be the strategy for the moment. todd is a senior national security fellow, joined by carl rove, and a fox news interview. foreign ambassador at large, coordinator for counterterrorism under president trump. gentlemen, great panel, thank you all for being here. you all have a lot of expertise around dealing with these situations in realtime, as carl did in the white house under bush and dealing -- let me start with you. one of the big questions here, is who are these potential terrorists from tajikistan. what do you know about this group? >> we don't know whole lot yet, i believe there will be resealed and they commence that will soon be unsealed. to have met lost -- lots of tajikistan nationals on the migrant trails, of interviewed them many times. there are many coming from the stands, those are terrorism countries, countries of terrorism concern because there are militant groups operating did their and so when you have people from those countries crossing our southern border, usually without any identification saying my name is mickey mouse, you have a problem. that is a red light up blinking right there. we have lots of tajikistan residents crossing and we have seen lots of those nationals crossing and conducting actual terror attacks just a couple of years ago, there was a group of five that caused an over the southern border -- sorry, the european border. and plotting advanced stage plotting to attack american military bases in germany. so it's a problem in the sense that there is there -- they are strangers on the cross the border, there's reporting that these guys, these six or 80, they did run database checks on them. which means absolutely nothing because they may not be on the radar. rbc they were not on the raider. >> martha: we all remember learning about al qaeda, basically it's stemmed from a the middle east, into tech is at home, at that time it was unique to al qaeda. then we watched isis beheaded and crucified people and now we are told that isis k., the group that did these terrorists are believed to be potentially linked to is the more extreme version of isis which is a fighting gone in terms of what they want to carry out here. what are your thoughts about these people plotting other things right now? >> martha the first thing to take account of is that terrorists are trying as hard as they can to exploit our vulnerabilities in our southern border. we have really rolled out of the red carpet over the past 3.5 years for illegal migration in our country and terrorists are not dumb, they see that and see the opportunity. the numbers tell a terrifying storymac 2019, there was zero watchlist at terrorists encountered illegally trying to cross the border. in 2020 that number jumped up at three. does what it was last year? 169. that is not a good trend, and until the united states is able to get control over its border on the south, we are at grave risk of more people like this trying to get into our country to carry out isis style ataxic what we saw in moscow not too long ago. last thing i will say on this, this is not just a hypothetical risk. we know other terrorist organizations, particularly backed by the islamic republic of iran, are trying to explode our -- exploit our southern border for years per! mexican drug cartels trying to assassinate former national security advisor john bolton not too long ago, they try to similar plot during the obama administration. unless we are able to control our border, the american people are going to be at risk of this kind of threat. >> martha: absolutely, so the numbers that he pointed out in the beginning our policy. they are white house policy. here's a flashback to alejandro mayorkas in 2021. >> we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies were taken so much time to list them. >> martha: so the white house is very proud of rolling back the protections at the southern border, as evidenced by alejandro mayorkas they provide a summary who has worked closely with the u.s. president, what should the president to be doing it now in reaction to these clear warnings that of the fbi director is shouting from the mountaintops right now? >> while i think it's to talk to the fbi director and say what more do you need? we have a good insight of what the fbi did, these people crossed the border in the spring, they were running through the terror watchlist, they were not on the list, they were not tagged but they were rbc continuing to be monitored and when additional information was arrived at, maybe that came from a conversation, one of them had at the united states, maybe came from a foreign source, we don't really know and may not know when they put out the indictments for these people. but to the fbi continued to monitor and when they found additional information the immediately rbc began to look deeply into it. and now have arrested them. so this shows that of the government or, at least the fbi is not treating this as a one and done think. if you were from a suspect country, a few from a country that encourages or allows terrorism from which it has sprung, the fbi's clearly doing a better job of keeping track of you even if you're not initially on the terror rest. they will continue to monitor you and good for them. >> martha: good for them indeed. tom, the number would be great if it was zero, the number of people came through because once they are here, it becomes an honesty complicated to track these people down. what would you like to see from the white house? >> for one thank i we have to remember that this is probably a thwarted terror attack, it is not the first one. last month we had a jordanian national who came over the southern border in april, conducted at vehicle ramming attack, in a big huge box truck out of the marine corps base. last month, also we had a federal court in sacramento california convict and sentenced to 12 years eight russian national who was from an area next to chechnya, who was sending thousands and thousands of dollars to an al qaeda group in syria, and in the core documents they said that when you came over the board and the court documents he said that, this terrorists was so dangerous that had they not arrested him he would have got connecticut. what are the ministration to do is revert back to interviewing special interest aliens as they come across the border. each individual, eyeball to eyeball, coming in with no id, we have no idea where they are, and there was a program for years, 20 years, we had a program in place down there where we had fbi and ice intelligence and dia going get down there and making sure they have some kind of a baseline on these guys before they ever get released. that program is over, it is vaporized. because of the number. and one last thing, i'm sorry, go ahead. >> martha: not, go ahead. >> right, the issue is really that we are releasing them by accident now. they are so busy down there that guys owned the fbi terror watchlist, of canada like seven of these already, accident he released into the country and then these panicked manhunts -- manhunts to go and we catch them >> we have to stop before they get into our country promote a gentleman, spee think very much. tom, nathan, paul, raegan to have all of you with us. thank you very much. just to his last point and before i turned to matt fain, going to play this cnn interview with an agent, telling them that basically their hands are tied there and they won't bring in matt finn, watch. >> is it frustrating when you hear them, the narrative, why won't border patrol doing anything? >> if i don't allow them across, i will lose my job. >> martha: i might lose my job, his disguised voice intentionally saying there. correspondent matt fain adjoins is, hello matt. >> hello martha, the latest numbers are obtained by fox news show at least 1000 bikers are crossing illegally in the sector every day, we see that realtime, we showed you a group of about 65 single males from places like iran, china and india, right now behind that i can show you this group, this afternoon group is a bit different. it's almost entirely family units and they tell us are coming from attlee from columbia. here in sadiego, our group injected with a single group or more than 400 makers like migrants arriving in a single group, rather stunning to be on you as soil entered the united states with little to no deterrence. migrants tell as they are organized by human smugglers in mexico and are pushed over into the u.s. when those smugglers want. we have learned that migrants are still being released into the united states after illegally crossing even after president biden's executive order. here in san diego we're talking to migrants from all over the world, here is a 22-year-old chinese migrant i talked to. >> in my country, i don't do anything. yeah? i come here, it's good. it's so cool. no problem. yeah. i'm so free speech. >> a lot of the migrants talking to now are not aware of president biden's executive order, they say they can freely enter the united states. the custom board's detection tells me any number of these wagons will likely be released into the interior. >> martha: we need to be empowered to stop them or rebuild eight wall, more of what we see behind you. to make this a more organized process so people can be processed if they have a good sim case. thank you had great reporting, great to see. matt fain at the boramac in the meantime, here, the feds issued a big move, that could impact inflation. ryan with a look at what we can expect to happen now wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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more so than others? >> labor. is getting workers off the sideline, companies being able to find people. what we have gone from a is an inflation in goods to an inflation in services and that services inflation, the car repair, insurance. the sticky part. that's what the feds will be worried about and why they are saying, of thing we got to watch for three cuts this year, it is more like one if anything. >> martha: so over all the president, bidenomics? >> didn't rate well. >> martha: he constantly tries to put this in a good light which i can understand but it doesn't look like people are feeling it quite yet, maybe the will in a few months. >> and they are not feeling good and if you tell people inflation is going down the was a know it is not an have to clarify and say the rate of inflation is fallen but your prices are at record highs. until people stop feeling thought, they won't feel better about whatever biden is calling bidenomics. >> martha: to point to. >> unreal basis. >> martha: great to see you. u.s. warships keeping a watch on russian vessels captured 30 miles, a fortis coast, at the pentagon is telling us today when you talked to, griffin was in the news conference, joining us in a moment, next. >> has jersey are you taking the arrival of those russian patella and they have anna and exercisei taking place in the caribbean? 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[ end of interpretation ] >> it is notable that russia did not ascend it's only aircraft carrier, to cuba. it is currently out of service. also notable, that ukraine has sunk nearly half of russia's black sea fleet in the past two years, including a prized submarine per! martha? >> martha: be think very much, jennifer at the pentagon. supreme court justice samuel was taped without his knowledge by progressive filmmaker who was posing as a conservative activists was chiding him up at a private event. she's now speaking out about that today. shannon breen is next and wagons across the country are ready. and so are we. >> democracy 24, you freedom, your vote.g mo >> fox news, america isri watchingtt. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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[music playing] call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit >> martha: a new poll shows a big drop in president biden support among black voters in ohio. down to 57 percent into the pool after winning more than 90 percent of the black vote in ohio in 2020 according to our fox news loader analysis per! overall, former president trouble has a six-point lead in the state of ohio monk those who say they definitely plan to go -- president trump? he one of the state by eight points in 2028. the film maker who singly recorded the supreme court justice is denying accusations that he baited -- she baited him in the conversation where she misrepresented herself and she is explaining why she went undercover. >> we have a supreme court that is shouting in secrecy and doing its best to avoid any ethics accountability, think extreme measures are warranted. >> martha: here is part of the secret recording from the supreme court historical society's annual dinner last week where she walked up to him and started chatting with him, also chatted up the chief justice roberts. the first portion is heard, this is her posing as a conservative catholic for the purpose of this conversation. >> as a catholic and somebody who really cherishes my faith, i don't know if we can negotiate. i think it is a matter of like winning. >> i think you're probably right. one side or the other is going to win. i don't know. i mean there can be a way... a way of living together peacefully. but it's difficult. you know? there's differences on fundamental things that can't be compromised. >> think the solution really is, winning the moral argument. people in this country who believe in god are fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. >> i agree with you. >> martha: wall street journal editorial board brought this today, this is no scandal or even revelation. it is a common observation that the united states has polarized on fundamental values per! how many years have a voters been told of this? is the most important election of their lifetimes. a judge in the united states is free to acknowledge his religious beliefs out loud in a public. with that we bring it fox news anchor shannon breen, over chief correspondent recharged the supreme court a response to this recording shannon, welcome, good to have you here. where did you hear back when he reached out on all of this? >> the court is not officially commented on what has happened here, we have heard from a historical society though that hosted this dinner be! something they do every year. offers a very upset, the idea of the tenure of the dinners to give transparency to allow people to talk about the court as an institution, and have interaction with the justices and all busy people fear this is the kind of stuff that will big justices event less transparent got even less accessible to people. i've talked to several people involved with this story off the record, my sense is they may not a comment publicly because they don't want to feel like they are feeding the narrative or these stories and keep happening and keep in mind there are people on the left including the senate judiciary committee chair dig durbin has been very critical of justice alito and the court, even he seems uncomfortable with the way these recordings came about. and somebody who has followed just as alito at all including a recent graduation speech he gave, none of this will be surprising to you because this is the kind of studies as publicly. >> martha: absolutely. saying this was a hit job on the view, in an interesting response from her, watch those... >> i am extremitism pointed at what i heard. -- disappointed. but i'm also not comfortable with snippets of tape recordings without consent being taken out of context. >> i did not hear everything. so i am uncomfortable with this sort of hit job. >> martha: also the woman who recorded those talked to justices alito's wife about the flags that were flown at their home, and the wall street journal said this, the only actual news from the recordings is addressed as alito's wife cooperated that he is not responsible for whatever flags have a flown at his home. she said that was on her. you know shannon just in terms of understanding that people can have their opinions and their thoughts on things, weather nominated to the supreme court for their ability to put that aside and make decisions based on the law, right? >> they are, and if you look at some of justice alito's jurisprudence there is a time there were the left not like. but when you look at what happened in 2020, in many cases the court have -- could have taken out what happened in the wake of the election, he did not do that. if he was a lesson he is there to overturn elections and benefit don't travel only he could have been in position to offer different votes and do different things. that are not happen in the wake of 2020. i think back to years ago, you and i got many people on the channel covered the undercover recording said was down when he spoke to people working for planned parenthood and people -- the left were furious, they did not like the things that were said, said they were edited and taken out of context, that the people he spoke with not have a fair and accurate visitation, the conversation was having. i see that same kind of outrage this time around. >>pective, she's not against justices who might speak their mind on something i would imagine because if she were to do the same thing to do some the more liberal members of the court, they may say things about protecting the rights to an abortion that she may be on the same page with but nonetheless, they would be expressing their opinion about a very polarizing subject before the united states right now. so i mean, it is clear there are some things that she does not want judges talking but, other things she really made back a hundred%. >> if you're talking about the ideas of religion, just as alito and his wife have been openly catholic for decades, that is not a secret from the public stage. he talks often about attacks on religious liberties, just weeks ago at a graduation speech, not a surprise that he doesn't think that a return to faith may help this country. he does not talk about any specific case. >> martha: are we going to go to the immunity decision before we let you go? do what we could, thursday 10:0u know as soon as we can. >> martha: first one we will turn to, thank you is so per! great to see you. >> you as well. >> martha: here is an interesting revelation, 19% of president biden supporters, 19%, say marriage and children benefit our society. tyrus adjoins us on is the evolving viewpoint of america, that is next. 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[ ♪♪ ] >> martha: in society better off if people make marriage and having children priority? almost 60 percent of this brand-new polling, president from supporters say yes, that they think marriage and children is a good thing for society. a brand-new research pole, and they have great polling of cultural trends? less than 20 percent of president biden supporters felt that way. and voters overall registered in between, 40 percent think are good for the health of society per! terraces here, and fox news contributor! so your data, i'm a parent as well, what is it got reaction when you see those numbers. >> i think you should have a license to be parents. [ laughter ] there's nothing worse than bad parenting and we're see that in -- there's a reason they're voting 19 percent. when you have eaten marriage and a family, your children blossom. when you don't, things are hard to connect single families are -- single parent families a hearty pack you would prefer those people that wanted job being a good mom and dad, those want raising the children. people don't have a moral comp as i don't think they should have to. and they take care of them in many ways in the system, toward her parents are better, if you have grandparents, family values, those things are important and we see them today. >> martha: i find it interesting the conversation around it, where such a self-centred society, the conversations around this is a match or can afford it, i'm not sure -- sort of basing the decision in ways to think people ever did really in history. this is a quote from naomi caught -- lame campbell, just had heard a lot of young girls it's too expensive to have children and they may not want it. no sorana cirstea, you will change your mind, you will want to be a mom. and as an economic leads tough but my mom had nothing and she made work, it's worth it. it's so amazing. i see some of the artwork here as well. >> i think it is important you would want to have to be a parent. to your point, when it's about you, if you hold days based on instagram and taking pictures of your food, children will be annoying because need all the attention -- >> martha: you think we have to reverse engineer? >> martha: understand the value having children and sometimes your life and what is your priority is less important than bringing children into the world? >> i think we got to point where selective is better, and you see things you don't want. you can afford the stuff you want to buy on credit by you want it. >> martha: but people are not willing to make sacrifices. >> we are very selfish and chubby society who only cares about, of all your pictures or selfies, of all the stuff is about you, the right things like, hey, guys, monday today is -- you should not have children. >> martha: exactly. the fertility rate is dropping dramatically. in fact of this study shows by 2050, over three quarters of the countries in the world will not have enough fertility rates to sustain the population size over time. so we are going to get to point and japan is completely out of control, people was seized to exist, they will not have enough kids. >> a certain group will. social media is taking away from that. again and goes back to what i'm always saying, this selective -- select a families is probably better and if you want to do more work to be parent, should be something that should come from inside you, from your parents. those who don't want to have them on good with it. the biden side of found out last week would woman was to give them time. >> martha: and was naomi campbell on this, if you make that sacrifice you will understand with a value of giving up something. >> it's the greatest job in the world. >> martha: exactly, in order to raise a family. thank you tires, great to see you. >> always a pleasure to three usa basketball reveals what is behind its decision to leave caitlin clark off that you as olympic roster. ♪ ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. >> now putting caitlin clark on the u.s. women's basketball team is one of the biggest failures of basic business that i can remember seeing in the modern world of sports? caitlin clark is a comment streaking across the night sky, she is an opportunity for everybody to look up and pay attention to what is going on. >> martha: usa basketball defending would've made -- many are calling an olympic -sized now, phenom ki caitlin clark, the selection committee chairs single! when basing your decision on criteria there were other players that charge a lot more boxes and that clark has been a rating superstar p. the committee said it is not in their purview to decide how many people would watch or root for the united states. caitlin clark taking it all in stride, saying it gives her something toward -- to work towards. thank you for joining us today, that is 'the story' for this wednesday june 12, is always the story goes on and we have more on the podcast, my conversation with world war ii veteran who is part of the 42nd infantry division that it liberated the concentration camp. is now available on foxnews, you also see my conversation with him at the anniversary of normandy, incredible man, hopefully you will tune in, we will see you tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, in math problem for you, 3.3 percent is at the rate of inflation in may a year ago, fought for percent, that is where the federal reserve says it has to be. we are still a ways off --

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