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democratic values taking a page in the greatest generation as we face the threat of vladimir putin today. president biden, wrapping up his five-day trip for the 80th anniversary of d-day. last stop a special tribute to fallen american soldiers in a military ceremony cemetery and memorial just outside of paris. honoring those who were made buried from world war i. that's more than 2000 u.s. service members were laid to rest and also died for freedom, fighting during the first great war as the president first lady now heading back to the u.s. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" pipe eric shawn. >> good to be with you. i am anita vogel part i felt level has the weekend offered president biden heading back to the u.s. earlier he first lady jill biden laid a wreath at the world war i cemetery former president trump skipped that visit in 2018 citing safety concerns during inclement weather but biden appeared to be using that today to draw a contrast between himself and the former president. >> america showed up to stop the germans. america showed up to make sure they did not prevail. and america shows up when we need it. just like our allies show up for us a very quick to criticize president trump for not coming on his trip. what message are hoping to send to voters by being here right now? >> any other questions? >> white house correspondent peter doocy live in paris with more on all of this. >> anita, president biden met during the france trip with that leader of ukraine about 225 million u.s. taxpayer dollars for ukraine. he got ukraine mixed up with iraq. >> i think there is a new horizon -- make a sense of some within the country wanting to let that slip. the idea that we become semi- isolationist now which some are talking about the idea we had to wait all those months to get money from iraq because we were waiting. it is not who we are. it's not who america is. >> there was a lot of pomp and circumstance are president biden but not overly political here in paris. top advisers which are reinforced, unlike donald trump, who campaigned on america first foreign policy president biden is a big fan of european alliances, just the way they are now. >> what we do hear voices calling into question the basic democratic values and democratic institutions that made our country great for 250 years. those voices have gotten lighter in recent years and for that as a source of deep concern. it is also a source of huge motivation. >> president biden could have flown for u from here and franco nearby italy for this week's g7. it's a very short flight. said he and the first lady chose to fly back home to delaware for a couple of days. a lot of back-and-forth between europe and delaware this week. >> a lot of miles there for both of them. peter doocy traveling with the present and france, a beautiful backdrop there, peter. thank you so much for it later this hour we'll have more on that deep date remembrances last week on the threats our democracies are facing today from vladimir putin, hamas and others. our special guest british ambassador to the united states karen pierce. eric: reaction continues to come in after israel's enduring rescue of four hostages kidnapped by hamas in their october 7 terrorist attack. the three men and one woman said to be in good medical condition if they are held captive for 246 days. i was a complex rescue offer a glimmer of hope for others who presumed still being held hostage by the terrorist group. trey yingst live in tel aviv with more on the outcome. >> good afternoon. finally, after nearly 250 days of war have some good news to report straight or former israeli hostages are now home for they were rescued yesterday in a daring mission that took place in a multi- front operation in central gaza. do the reports indicate special forces stormed to buildings and the new refugee camp were there they were engaged in fire fights with hamas gunmen. ultimately completed the mission. >> this was a high risk complex mission. based on precise intelligence, conducted in daylight. two separate buildings, deep inside gaza. while under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages. >> one israeli officer was killed in the fight against hamas during the rescue mission that brought the hostages home. a tel aviv hospital the israeli civilians reunited with loved ones received a visit from the countries prime minister benjamin netanyahu for it inside gaza palestinians: for the aftermath of the raid where the hamas run palestinian health ministry said more than 200 people were killed. others were civilians in the operation took place what interesting development here, as you see reported by the "new york times," they say quote a team of american hostage recovery official station in israel assisted the israeli military effort to rescue the four captives by providing intelligence and other logistical support. president biden sang this overnight about the operation. >> we won't stop working to all the hostages come home and cease-fire is reached. that is essential to happen. >> this story illustrates how complex the conflict is inside gaza. i remember, there are still 120 hostages in hamas captivity. eric: this could and if hamas gives up. trade come in tel aviv thank you. >> in just a few hours former president trump is set to hold a rally in las vegas as he wraps up a busy weekend on the campaign trail out west. it is his first large-scale campaign rally since he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his new york criminal trial late last month but senior correspondent alicia is live in las vegas with t a preview of lf this. >> good to talk to you nevada is the last of 838 state or western swing for the former president he arrived in the silver state last night coming off of three really big fundraisers. the trump campaign telling us walmart presents able to bring in 33 and a half million dollars. president biden narrowly won the state of nevada in 2020 but right now fox news polling shows trump with a five-point lead that is within the five-point margin of error the democratic party held a news conference union support provided and said this when asked about the fox pole. >> they do not let those polls that dictate how we act and they do not listen to those bulls because november is months away. we have a serious ground game. >> on tuesday at the republican party will hold its primary to decide who will take on incumbent democratic nevada senator jacky rosen in november among the crowded field army veteran sam brown both of whom are helping today brings an endorsement from the former president who has yet to weigh in on this race. fox news digital the contest between the two has become particularly brutal with accusations and questions over who is more loyal to trump? trump?both expected to attend ts rally because of the heat the campaign has issued comfort measures for today's attendees encouraging folks to keep the heat and a mind that will be providing water, allowing small umbrellas putting up misting and cooling stations for this after 11 people were treated for heat exhaustion at local hospital in phoenix, arizona on thursday during a trump town hall the high that they 110 degrees the national weather service has issued an excessive heat watch for las vegas to the high expected to be 103. >> 103, he did on the campaign trail as well. alicia acuna thank you so much that life report. eric: hunter biden, his defense is ready to go one or two more witnesses ot others speculationy swirling over whether or not the president's son himself will testify on his own behalf. madeleine rivera fills us in with more on that. on october 18 he allegedly filled out a federal form to buy a gun. he may want to try to convince jurors he was not using drugs during that time or he did not believe he was an addict and therefore was not lying when he checked no to a question regarding use of illegal drugs. but taking a stand opens him up the cr cross-examination and riy prospect the defense has to wait for the prosecution has rested its case after a week that featured highly personal and sometimes emotional testimony. witnesses include hunters and am formerromantic partners his ex-e testified she found a crack pipe on that side porch of their hope homein d.c. in 2015. how late biden with him he was an eight relationship after the death said it was hunter who introduced her to crack cocaine in 2018. halle was under tossed at hunters gun in a trashcan outside it wilmington supermarket. prosecutors showed surveillance video of that moment. how late describing a state of panic after fighting the gun in hunter's truck. hunters oldest out of testified saying on friday her father seem seemed great when she saw him and late 2018 she never saw her dad using drugs, they presented a series of text messages between the two revealing hunters erratic behavior at the time. at one point he told his daughter quote i am sorry i've been so unreachable it is not fair to you unquote. court resumes monday morning first lady jill biden will likely be back at the courthouse. she and the present returning to wilmington, delaware tonight. eric: all right thank you. >> eric, for more and this wast criminal defense attorney mercedes. thank you so much for joining us today. as a criminal defense attorney would you put hunter on the stand? keeping in mind heat certainly can be very compelling witness. telling his story how he was a drug user and unable to overcome that. i believe there's a couple people on the jury who have family and friends that were once drug users they could relate to hunter. what do you think? quickset is a million-dollar question most defense attorneys have to make for their clients and make recommendations. it is a very risky proposition. it is so much easier as a defense attorney to simply say the prosecution did not make their case. they have the burden of proof they show beyond a reasonable doubt hunter biden falsely checked no with the question that is posed in that particular application pai but by the way a defense attorney i would blow so many holes in the application. just like abby lowell has done. it does not ask the question that would solidify prosecution based on that question i will say it right now when you look at that question it says habit does not say have you ever, have you used drugs? have used drug in the last month, last year none of that is put forth in that question. whether or not he is an addict, it is all subjective belief. why put a client to prosecution has to demonstrate they have to establish that during cross-examination it so far easier for the defense to simply say or not putting them on the stand. prosecution did not reach their burden. >> will see what happens there. prosecution certainly did have witnesses on the stand. that had compelling testimony about hunter's drug use around the time of the gun purchase. including from his daughter naomi she believed her father had overcome his drug addiction was responding well at the time for there were the text messages he was out of pocket. you think the prosecution did a good job there? >> it is at risk of putting family members. obviously they do not want to see their loved ones especially a father for naomi to have a father could be subjected to 25 years in prison if he is convicted of all three charges by the way that's unlikely that will happen this would be a first-time offense for him. setting that aside, she did testify she did not -- but she did believe he was on drugs all the witnesses honestly even when you talk about halley invited he was very compelling witness for the prosecution they could be easily set aside it's all about hunter biden subjective belief on the day he filled out that form. abby lowell did a fabulous job if he set in an aa meeting part of the recovery is sitting there saying i am an addict. that does not mean they're actively using drugs at the time they pose a touch of themselves or others when they go purchase a gun filling out the following filling out the form. >> you mentioned three felonies that carry a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison. of course hunter biden would be unlikely to receive the sentence even if convicted. yet the president was asked about his stance on this if his son work to be convicted let's listen to what he had to say it. >> we sit here in normandy your son hunter is on trial and i know you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but, let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome their verdict no matter what it is? >> yes progressive you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> he did not take any time to answer that he answered it straightaway. do you take him at his word? what you think will happen her? >> it is so painful can you imagine every parent this is a parent's worst nightmare there child may be convicted of these crimes resulting in eight lengthy prison term if that is imposed upon him. it's painful to think so. as a parent i am sure this is a difficult decision he is going to -- we are not going to be fortunetellers and see what it will be in the future at the very moment in time asked the question it seems to be he was very authentic in sa and sayinge will not pardon his son. >> criminal defense attorney mercedes we'll see what happens tomorrow thank you so much for your time today, appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> the u.s. and her allies commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day, do we still have what it takes to face the threats to democracy and our values? like vladimir putin and the terrorists in tehran and hamas be straightahead bridged investment to the united states, karen pierce joins us to discuss the dangers their post to our t freedom.o ealth. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. some even look at this thousands of anti- israel protesters stop supporting israel and its war with hamas. some demos or is receiving harassing a park ranger, shouting pig sounds and throwing things out it went protesters and a headband held up a bloodied joe biden mask steps away from the white house. >> never will we forget these heroes who from normandy to berlin help to free a consonant continentin our country. their sacrifice has cemented our friendship make it possible a firm values. faced with the war of aggression, or today in the middle east in gaza. we support to be united despite our differences when the main values are at stake. this is a what across the atlantic. >> when it comes to defending our values we stand together. >> french president last night in the state dinner pink should be to those who bought threats to our democracies during the date remembrances. earlier today president biden visited the american cemetery outside of paris. some of our world war one dead are buried a stark reminder of the sacrifice our nation committed to defendant liberty for us and others. we are facing the same evil threat from vladimir putin to other terrorist groups to have the same result and fortitude of the greatest generation that led them to triumph joining us out british ambassador to the united states ambassador could see as always. >> good to see you. eric: what is your take away of the past few days of the d day ceremonies? we are reminded of our shared values, shared connections was us an important reminder considering the threats we both face in the world? >> that is exactly right. i want to start by paying tribute to all of those veterans, american, british, canadian, european, australian, new zealand, who fought on those beaches and such dreadful circumstances. who overcame everything eventually reach victory in the second world war. that is a sacrifice we will never forget. what it really shows is the value of alliances when you can fight shoulder to shoulder with other countries who share your values as you say who train with you, who want to restore peace and stability and security whether that is in europe or elsewhere. that something the other side does not have. we look forward to the nato summit in mid july. how important is that to some of those alliances you speak of especially considering that threat from vladimir putin and his invasion on the war in ukraine? >> is exactly right. seventy-fifth anniversary. that hasn't b has brought us all together. born out of the second world w war. i will take this opportunity to say if i may pooch and says he's fighting in ukraine. the only person behaving like hitler is president putin himself. nature it will remain a strong alliance to contest that. it is also about nato supporting ukraine individual countries doing what they can to help ukraine with her security and her economy and making sure that ukrainian armed forces are trained one that ukraine can take her rightful place in the nato alliance. >> what will be the consequence do you think at the support of nato of ukraine were withdrawn and removed? >> i think that would be quite devastating for the ukrainian people. they are clearly very brave in their fight against president putin's forces. they know they have all of nato support behind them. not going to give up on ukraine they're going to carry on support in ukraine the nato alliance will carry on supporting them. because if we don't our freedoms are threatened just as they were threatened in 1948 -- 1945 it's a very important issue. eric: can you explain that and delve into that a little more there some opponents essays their fight not ours. their calls to cut u.s. funding in the sort of thing. what would you say to those opponents? what type of threat with the result be if vladimir putin succeeds? >> it just imagine if 80 years ago there had not been people willing to storm those beaches. think cap europe and the transatlantic alliance and the balance of forces in the world would be different. president putin is not checked in ukraine who will go off to other parts of europe. the baltics, mulled over, these are all places president putin has tried to metal and the peace and stability in europe that on the whole we have enjoyed since 1945. so the stakes are high. it will eventually get to america just as america and the first world war and second world war came to the rescue of europe. eric: you've traveled around the country as it you were at vanderbilt university and nashville in the fall talking about the stability of europe this hinges on that fight. are you confident we all have the resolve to face putin? >> yes, i am confident. certainly in the uk it's often said of the uk we think a lot about the second world war. of what hitler did to the continent of europe being repeated we know to stand firm and the rest of nato allies are very firm on this. it is about freedom. it is about stability, security and democracy in europe. very close ally of the united states. we have been together since 1945. as i go around the country people are very interested in the risks of what happens if we do not help ukraine check president putin. most people do realize it is up our own security that is at risk from putin it's not just ukraine's. eric: our own security at risk. dame karen pierce thank you for coming out with us today. we thank you for your government and the british people. we stand arm in arm together across the atlantic. good to see you. >> that is exactly right. thank you, eric. >> of course. >> great interview. president biden executive actions at the border last week seen by some as a desperate move to win the election. how will impact hispanic voters? that is coming up next. boost. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. ♪ innovation in health care means nothing if no one can afford it. ♪ at evernorth, we're helping to unlock barriers. ♪ using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services. eric: less than a week since president biden's on executive signed executiveaction restrictg asylum-seekers at the southern border. so far patrol agents tell us they are not seeing any slow sln slowdown and the flood of migras have been arriving entry points recently. matt then live in california with the very latest what's going on there on the ground. >> it was a very busy saturday here just outside of san diego. our cruise yesterday it's out three separate very large groups arriving here into this sector. coming from countries all over the world including egypt, turkey, china, vietnam, at one point a large group was walking along a very busy and a dangerous highway here. most, if not all the migrants we saw were well spoken. while dressed the majority told us they flew into mexico and smuggled into the night sights i spoke with them on one migrant from turkey said he came illegally to meet his son. here is that migrant. >> what you think of president biden? >> and biden, i love biden. [laughter] works when you love biden? >> because biden we love it. >> why you love him? >> biden helped us for. >> he helped to get to the united states? a short while ago today spoke with border patrol agent who said they are just flat out overwhelmed here sometimes a single individual agent is responsible for corralling large groups that appear. we are talking 50 -- 100 if not more. they have to call for backup. process these migrants one by one. border patrol agent say sometimes they do or worry what is going on behind them who these foreign strangers are and what they are capable of doing out here in the rural desert. simple received the wall behind you still had not stop them. >> critics of the present biden's executive action quick to point out it is a little late in the game to try to reverse hispanic and latino support polls show have been slipping. let's bring it forward at republican congressman mario diaz cochair and founder of the congressional hispanic converse. he serves on the house appropriations committee is the author hr to border bill which passed the house last month congressman, welcome to you. thank you for coming today. it is interesting. we often look to see what's going on out there. i want you to take a listen to bill mark president biden's executive order on immigration. let's listen to what he said recently. exit biden loses this election is going to be because of two things. he is old and immigration. just on a political level. i do not think they could've hanfound it worse. it looks like he did nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing that looks like this is his last minute before the election hail mary pass. it's not going to succeed. >> last-minute hail mary pass i know you heard deeply about the border and latinos we think of this executive action? >> the joke is on the american people. is not a laughing matter it's really, really dangerous. it is tragic. the reason of the crisis on the southern border which i think is a threat to national security and a threat to everything else we care about. part national security into our safety is a multiple executive orders that biden has done to literally open up the border. and give control of the southern border to the narco cartels. use of the interview with a person from turkey who did not speak much english but open realized biden open up the board is grateful for that because eahe's here illegally. but here's the problem also the other people who are grateful for the policies of biden are the cartels that control the southern border. this executive order is nothing but trying to do something last-minute for political reasons. the people are wise the people know what is happening because they see it with their own eyes. they feel it and the consequences continue to get worse. >> you are right it is no laughing matter it was a dangerous business going on down at the border. want to put up this new york headline it says latinos on the border at once reliable democrats waiver over migrant surges. the article details the experience of a number of latino americans living in border towns who were quite distressed over the surge of people pouring over the border and drugs. she does not recognize her town anymore and came home one day hiding under her bed. she's got four children she was terrified from the pew research center which gauges support showing president trump for president trump is at 41% picking up 15.3 was four years ago. what you make of this? >> election cannot come quick enough. we cannot collect from back into the white house asked enough for the sake of our country. for the sake of our economy per hood sake of our security and the future of our children. you mentioned latinos are leaving a biden going towards the trunk they note trumps record he did a great job as a president the economy wasn't good. there's no such thing as inflation where there's no such thing as horrible interest rates. the border it was as secure as it had been in years and years and years. all of this is bad policies by biden you cannot hide the truth. i know you have these other media outlets saying how great the economy is and how great the things are. people are supposed to believe some of the media the corporate media and not their own eyes but he see the reality. trump was a great president biden has been catastrophic for the united states the entire world we cannot have the election suit and not everyone has to turn out because we could no longer afford and cannot continue to have this disaster in the white house. we need trump back as president of the united states. anita: wanted make a quick correction. it hits said 15 points it's only five points my mistake but we measure the author hr to the border security bill. just tell us, where does that stand and how would that help the country in your opinion? it does have a mixed reaction even from republicans. >> yes i keep hearing the democrats saying it's the republicans fault. except we pass hr to i am proud to be the main sponsor work with my colleagues to strengthen to require transparency to eliminate catch and release and actually secure the border. that past a year ago. the democrats are sitting on and the senate you hear people say democrats say if the republicans fault we needed need some sortl to strengthen the border. the board is white open because of president biden's executive orders. that bill passed the house a year ago all this that has just pick it up, pass it out send it to the president's best and we'd secure the border. her absolute going to have a secure border is by getting rid of biden and replacing with president trump to secure the border the first time he will do it again and he will get this economy going to get the strength of the economy the lowr interest rates and inflation is what can save the country and at this stage it is the only thing that can save the country as a republican house, a republican senate and truck back in the white house for everything else is cheap lipservice. >> will see what happens but certainly something needs be done at the border we appreciate your efforts florida congressman mario diaz thank you very much for joining us today. >> my pleasure. see for this week is kicking off men's health week if you are a manic at the second most common cancer not even know it were coming up we will fill you in on what you need to know here on fox news live. with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit i don't know how long it's been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. it is the second most common cancer that affects men behind skin cancer many men may not even know they have it. men's health kicks off tomorrow with a focus on prostate cancer. what should a man and people who love them know about prostate cancer? chair of the department of urology at mount sinai in new york the at the icahn school of medicine. welcome for joining us what would you tell a man right now watching about prostate cancer? >> thank you for having me here talking about important topic, prostate cancer. it is eight silent killer does not produce any symptoms until problematic. they just need to go out and talk to their doctors could they have prostate cancer? it's usually done as easy as a psa it's an antigen for them to do it. that will find the cancer early and there are things that can be done to take care of that problem. eric: sera p is there a psa numt is normal people should have and what alarms you when psa is going up? >> it is very individualized at normal number anything about 2.5 is to be -- are normal for one person may be different than normal for other person. it's important to establish a baseline it's important to talk about psa right now because the next 20 years they are expecting the incidents will double the mortality will go up by 85%. the only way to combat that is to detect early the important thing to know not every person needs to be treated, needs to be biopsied. but finding the prostate cancer early and concluding watching early. >> there are some symptoms that do occur a frequent urge to urinate, back pain, put up on the screen. from your your nation at night. blood in urine and semen once you get to that point though, what do you want to see and then how do you treat prostate cancer? >> it really do not want to have any symptoms of prostate cancer because some of the symptoms can overlap again and again in the night. having difficulty in passing urine. it's happening because it bph there's an easy solution. if it's happening with cancer that means we waited too long. would rather find my psa and imaging rather about them by symptoms. having these symptoms to go to a urologist nine of 10 times will be benign. for which have many small treatments. save rps eight screening recommends a baseline at 55 years old. so folks if you are a man and 55 years old as a baseline screening. men over 55 they say should get it. black men over 45 years old because the rate is 70% higher for african americans. that is a concern, dr. ash tewari it. how do you speak to that? >> not only high incidence of them double the mortality. we need to start earlier and that is the reason we have started what we call a strong million men we are a mobile unit but goes to different areas to fighting cancer early will be expanding we are going to reach out and find the cancer early because finding the cancer early not only has an impact on mortality on the quality of life if youyou via the cancer early n only save the life and in terms of they do not have sexual dysfunction or urinary leakage. this mobile unit is here in new york. sue her a look at that mobile unit now but what strikes me finally his many, you know how men are they do not once but the doctor for they think they are okay you want to put everything off and are reluctant to get a test of a psa test is very simple you get a blood test what would you say to any viewer it now watching who could beat reluctant, what is your advice to men? >> they can save lives it's important to get it done. in eight mobile unit of this kind you have to wait one day or two days you can get it back in 20 or 25 minutes. that is the beauty of this but you do not come to us, we will come to you but you have to accept us. that is the key message. psa is about finding the cancer early. not everyone needs a biopsy not everyone with early cancer needs it. missing an aggressive cancer and not fighting it out this year end fighting out next year it makes me sad but. >> it is so easy to do, get checked if you can with a blood test. the mount sinai medical center thank you for coming on with us and sharing your message for men's health week. >> this is the right time to talk about. >> thank you for what you do we will be right back. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts—act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. 35 reaction borgen indiana fever start ricky caitlin clark is being left off the u.s. olympic team roster due to fear of a backlash over it l limited playg time christina coleman is alive with more on this story. >> yes and caitlin clark reportedly did not make usa at women's basketball team for the summer olympics and parents are getting a blowback considering her record-breaking career clark was named rookie of the month for the month of may leading the 2024 rookies in scoring, three-point field goals made. field goals and assisted all-time leading scorer ncaa division basketball history drawing millions of new fans to the sport here's a bar so sports founder david. >> you can argue right now caitlin clark is most talked about, discuss, most popular single basketball player in the world. and you leave her off the olympic team? it's not a showcase for her, as for the sport and the other wnba players who were on the scene. how dumb? how brain-dead? how idiotic do the people running this thing have to be? >> the 12 players who did it make team usa the list indicates veteran players were preferred at nine have competed in the olympics already. including breanna stewart to time wnba mvp diana. on usa basketball training campe could not make issues leading out to the final four. fans are disappointed they were not good to see clark on team usa this summer. but, some sports analysts note the will likely have more opportunities to make the olympic roster in the future, back to you. >> alright christina coleman, thank you so much for that story. >> that is pretty amazing being left off. we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel print will have more news and next with mike emanuel from washington we went to thank you of course for trusting us foren your news here osun the fox new channel. in, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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Threats , Reaction , Hamas , Israel , Democracies , Special Guest , Dame Karen Pierce , Others , British , Hostages , Men , Rescue , Captive , Terrorist Attack , Woman , Condition , Three , October 7 , 246 , 7 , Four , One , Hope , Tel Aviv , Terrorist Group , Hostage , Outcome , Glimmer , Trey Yingst , Mission , News , Operation , Place , War , Central Gaza , Risk , Special Forces , Buildings , Fire Fights , Refugee Camp , Reports , Gunmen , Intelligence , Deep Inside Gaza , Under Fire , Two , Fight , Forces , Home , Rescue Mission , Fire , Officer , People , Countries , Hospital , Civilians , Benjamin Netanyahu , Aftermath , Palestinians , Raid , Loved Ones , Hamas Run Palestinian Health Ministry , 200 , Development , Station , New York Times , Quote A Team Of American Hostage Recovery Official , Israeli Military , Support , Cease Fire , Captives , Story , Conflict , Trade , Captivity , 120 , Rally , Campaign Trail , Counts , Campaign Rally , Las Vegas , 34 , Data , Falsifying Business Records , Correspondent , Lf , Preview , New York Criminal Trial , Estate , Last , Trump Campaign , Fundraisers , Silver State , Swing , Walmart , 838 , Lead , Polling , Fox News , Margin , Terror , News Conference Union Support , 33 , 2020 , Polls , Ground Game , Bulls , Fox Pole , Republican Party , Sam Brown , Jacky Rosen , Primary , Incumbent , Field Army , Contest , Race , Endorsement , Mind , Folks , Heat , Campaign , Accusations , Attendees , Comfort Measures , Stations , Weather Service , Umbrellas , Heat Exhaustion , Water , Town Hall , Phoenix , Arizona , 110 , 11 , Life , Defense , Hunter Biden , Thigh , Heat Watch , Alicia Acuna , 103 , Witnesses , Son , Behalf , Speculationy , Form , Gun , Madeleine Rivera , October 18 , 18 , Drugs , The Stand , Addict , Use , Cr Cross Examination , Jurors , Riy , Prosecution , Hunters , Case , Testimony , Crack Pipe , Ex E , Relationship , Side Porch , Death , Crack Cocaine , Hunters Gun , Halle , Hope Homein D C , Trashcan , 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Nature , Economy , Consequence , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Freedoms , Thing , Opponents , Funding , Issue , Sort , Calls , 1945 , 1948 , Type , Cap , Balance , Stability , Parts , Places , Whole , Metal , Mulled Over , Baltics , The First World War And Second , Stakes , Putin , Resolve , Vanderbilt University , Hinges , Continent , Rest , Risks , Interview , Government , Arm In Together Across The Atlantic , Border , Election , Executive Actions , Move , Boost , Uncertainty , Fees , Surcharges , Biggest , It Simple , Advantage , Shipping , Ground Advantage , Usps , Gutters , Wonder , Ladders , Gutter Muck , Gutter Solution , Filter , Debris , Leaves , Technology , Leaffilter , Guaranteed , 833 , 833 Leaffilter , Nothing , Innovation , Health Care , Visit Leaffilter Com , Call , Leaf Filter , At Ease , 833 Leaf Filter , Experience , Businesses , Evernorth , Management , Pharmacy , Barriers , 35 , Plan Sponsors , Medication Adherence , Best , Evernorth Health Services , Agents , Executive 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Wasn T Good , Sake , Hood , Trunk , Inflation , Interest Rates , Media , Truth , Media Outlets , Reality , Catastrophic , Election Suit , Points , President Of The United States , Correction , Disaster , It Hits , 15 , Border Security Bill , Help , Mistake , Opinion , Work , Sponsor , Fault , Colleagues , Transparency , Senate , Sortl , Catch And Release , Time , Strength , Stage , Efforts , Mario Diaz , Florida , Focus On Prostate Cancer , Men S Health , Manic , Visit Freestylelibre Us Medicare , Glucose , Medicare , System , Insulin , Diabetes , No Fingersticks , 3 , Eggs , Difference , Visionworks , Mess , Killing , Odor , Insects , Zevo , Friendly , Skin Cancer , Prostate Cancer , Oman , Icahn School Of Medicine , Urology , Chair , Department , Mount Sinai , Symptoms , Topic , Silent Killer , Psa , Doctors , Care , Antigen , Numt , Sera P , Anything , 02 5 , Mortality , Incidents , 20 , 85 , Concluding , Biopsied , Urine , Blood , Screen , Back Pain , Semen , Difficulty , Solution 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