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trial and the prosecution's first witness, an f.b.i. agent returns to the stand today and now as we understand under cross examination by the defense. so we're watching for that to wrap up and should that happen in the next little while, then the decision would be made by the prosecutors again if they want to redirect based on anything they may have heard in that cross examination by the defense. again, this is the prosecution's first witness, the f.b.i. agent who worked on hunter biden's case. his ex-wife, by the way, kathleen buell, could be up next. his ex-girlfriend, hallie biden, is also expected to testify. hallie biden was married to hunter's brother, beau, who died years ago. a live report from the courthouse and former federal prosecutor andrew cherkasky will be with me to break down the very latest from that courthouse. president biden repeatedly said he could not do anything about the chaos that he has caused on his watch at our southern border. now five months before november's election apparently biden can take action. well, we weren't confused. we knew he could, right? he could action to flip in 64 executive actions and orders, former president trump's plan that was working. he issued an executive order after three years of inaction and a catastrophe on our southern border and yesterday, after he did that, the backlash was fierce from both sides of the political aisle for different reasons. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." that executive order closes the border after illegal immigrant encounters hit a daily average of 2500 for seven consecutive days. we want to read between the lines a little bit. seven consecutive days, 2500. they could be 2,499 for seven days or one day it falls to 1600. it could be back and forth. it adds up to an extra million people in the country, sometimes more or less depending on the configuration i just laid out. well, again, 64 executive actions and orders that he immediately put into place when he took office in january of 2021. they were former president trump's border security policies, which were working. the blame game, though, has now gone in full effect. who would biden blame for biden's border crisis? watch. >> come here today to do what the republicans in congress refused to do, take the necessary steps to secure our border. four months ago, after weeks of intense negotiation between my staff and democrats and republicans we came to a clear, clear bipartisan deal, the strongest border security agreement in decades. but then republicans in congress, not all of them, walked away from it. why? because donald trump told them to. doing nothing is not an option. >> harris: the criticism was flying from the left and the right sides of the political aisle. also from the agents on the ground dealing with the wide open border. the aclu has promised a legal challenge to what biden just did. top progressive congresswoman calls biden's order a disappointment. republicans have this to say. >> another fig leaf to try to distract people from the failures of his own policies. >> window dressing, too little too late. >> probably not enough and not enough seriousness to address this issue. >> harris: one border patrol agent told the "new york post" it is like trying to plug the leak on the titanic with chewing gum. poll after poll shows the border among voter's top concerns like we have' never seen it before. power rankings show president trump is 18 points ahead of president biden on the issue of immigration. look to the right there in the red, republican number there for trump plus 18 on the border. but you know what? don't look away, plus 15 on the economy. and it is about a statistical tie, apparently, between healthcare and democracy for biden and foreign policy and guns and crime for trump. very interesting. in "focus" republican senator josh hawley. first let's go to bill melugin at the border in california. bill. >> good morning to you. what makes this san diego sector where we are so unique we almost never see any mexicans or central americans crossing illegally out here. always people coming from the other side of the world. case in point look at this video we shot last night. we were out here at president biden's order was taking effect sunset local time and came a group of chinese and vietnamese nationals being arrested by border patrol after crossing illegally. they were simply processed as this executive order was taken again. haven't seen any big change one way or the other out here. what we saw earlier in the afternoon. look at this video. a bunch of guys from the middle east crossing illegally in a much bigger group. several of them, those special interest aliens meaning they're coming from countries that have potential national security or terror concerns and supposed to get additional dhs vetting. we caught up with several guys from egypt, jordan and turkey. take a listen. >> jordan. jordan. why did you come to -- egypt. why did you come to america? >> for job. >> for a job. >> you know it's illegal to cross the border like this, right? >> yeah. >> you don't care? >> yes. >> where are you guys from? >> egypt. >> why are you from? >> turkey. >> all turkey? >> i love you. i love america. >> where are you from? >> egypt. >> egypt. >> you heard that jordanian man said he came her to work. he knows he did it illegally and doesn't care he broke the law. not a fear of consequences. to that point we got new data leaked to it from cbp contacts that show here in the san diego sector since october 1st the current release rate for illegal immigrants is 78%. eight out of ten people crossing illegally in this sector are released into the united states. send it back to you. >> harris: i tell you, i can't watch it enough today. the conversation that you are having and hearing -- we don't know if they love this country. they say we love you america. they love our border policy under the current president. we have kids on college campuses who said they don't love america. it's interesting to hear it coming from them. thank you, bill. republican senator josh hawley is putting pressure on the biden administration now calling on the dhs secretary mayorkas to end the practice of dismissing thousands of asylum cases effectively giving those border crossers mass amnesty. it comes after a "new york post" report exposed the administration dropped the cases of 350,000 of those border crossers. that essentially allowed them to stay in the country if they didn't have a criminal record or one we could find. in "focus" now senator hawley, republican from missouri, member of the senate judiciary committee. great to see you today. first of all, break down what we're learning about this amnesty, so-called amnesty for people with asylum and another level of asylum look from the president yesterday. >> what we're learning, harris, this administration is finding every way they can to throw open the border and grant mass amnesty. what they've done now, we learn, is all these asylum cases, hundreds of thousands of them, the administration has dropped them and canceled them. people come into the country, claim asylum. almost none of them qualify for all asylum. they almost all fail when they get adjudicated. biden is saying we won't try the cases. just go ahead. we're canceling your hearing and canceling your case. just stay in the country. we know of at least 350,000 cases which this has happened. a lot. that's how we got 9 million illegals in the country. >> harris: talk to me about the vetting process. if they are in line for that, i don't know, fantasy court date that will happen after my youngest teenager graduates from college for some of them, what really do we know about these people if now we aren't holding them to any standard of asylum, just setting them free. >> we know almost nothing. this administration's policy of catch and release. what has happened is folks coming across the border now are all claiming asylum because the biden people have been so liberal, so wide open about staying anything counts at as asylum. if you come across and have half a brain and they say asylum, set them loose and cancel the cases. folks claiming asylum should have to wait in mexico or a third safe country while their claims are adjudicated. that's what trump did and got the numbers of border crossers down. biden is saying come across the border and when you are here, stay forever. >> harris: mexico has a brand-new president. the first woman to lead that country. i wonder how things will change or not on her watch and what our relationship will become with that new leadership. any quick thought on that? >> you know, looks to me it's more of the same. her policies are the same as the last very leftist president in mexico. listen, we need to apply pressure to mexico and say we need a remain in mexico policy and need to be able to turn back anybody who is crossed into the united states. wait in mexico or safe third country while claims are processed. that would close down the border. biden won't do it. >> harris: before i let you go i broke down these numbers. if we had 2,499 people, just a hint below. nobody doubts the cartels can work it like that. our poor border agents are working hard to fight back on that process but sending the numbers through they want, the cartel members are. if they can manipulate that to get it under 2500. what does that mean for what biden just did? >> it means it's a joke. the border is open. here is the deal. he could close the border now if he wanted to because he is the one who opened it. he should close it. if he was serious he would go into the rose garden now and issuing an order closing the border. he should say i close it now. now he'll say maybe think about it temporary under certain conditions in the future. it's a total joke. >> harris: i don't know what he would do with the far left. ocasio-cortez and tlaib would chase him through the backyard. politically tough for him. senator hawley, thank you so much for being in "focus" and getting us started today. >> thank you. >> harris: drugs, money and more drugs. the focus of day three in the hunter biden federal gun trial expected on the stand later today, the first son's ex-wife. plus soft on crime policies are taking a toll on major u.s. cities. >> and you have these criminals out on the streets emboldened, these sanctuary city policies, this poor immigration policy by joe biden, the sanctuary cities, it is completely unacceptable. >> harris: illegal immigrant crime getting a lot of attention in new york city this week. why the white house let a dangerous border crosser walk free. he is now accused of shooting two nypd officers. why does this continue to happen? gianno caldwell in "focus" to dig in with us next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. the code's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? representative. [cs line] please continue to hold. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. >> harris: an attack on police is fuel on the fire of having thousands of illegal immigrants roam the streets of new york. now two nypd officers have been shot. thankfully they survived. authorities have determined the suspect crossed our southern border and came from venezuela. he charged with two counts of attempted murder. and this illegal is also a suspect in at least three violent robberies. we've learned he came across the united states border illegally through texas in july and told he was seeking asylum. well, he came between the checkpoints and did the usual, turned himself in over to be let into the country. i have witnessed that firsthand when it happens. they know they're coming here illegally. he was then allowed the stay. when his case was dismissed last month without a ruling as part of a white house mass amnesty program, biden's border crisis bites again. nypd sources telling fox news is believed to be a member of the dangerous venezuelan gang tren de aragua. a u.s. marshal has a warning for everybody. >> they are extremely, extremely violent. they were involved in the attack on the police officers nypd officers in january at times square. they were also involved in assaulting and choking someone on the train in chicago into unconsciousness and robbing them. committed a murder in florida. this is not going to stop. it will only get worse. >> harris: both of those new york police department officers were greeted with cheers when they went home from the hospital on monday of this week. capitol hill yesterday lawmakers berated garland over the white house immigration policies that let dangerous people in. watch. >> the way to stop people like this from coming into the united states is to give more resources to the border patrol so that they can prevent it. >> mr. attorney general, no, no. we the people of texas, money won't solve the problem when the department of homeland of security and president of the united states refuse to enforce the law. and elizabeth would be here alive today. laken riley would be here today if we had not released a killer into the streets of united states of america through parole policies that this administration is advancing. >> harris: elizabeth and laken. gianno caldwell. we have to get this right and we're losing people. young people especially whose future should not be taken away by a generation of thugs and terrorists who mean us harm. that's not everybody coming across the border, just the ones coming illegally and already breaking our laws. >> that's right. my question to the biden administration, when is enough enough? how many people do you need to see murdered in the streets of the nation because of the people i you a load into the nation? the media to talk about these stories and put pressure on the biden administration. fox news can't carry this burden on its own. in 2021 there were six venezuelan born people arrested in chicago. in 2022 that went up 11,000 plus percent. people in chicago saying they will vote for donald trump because of what they are seeing in their communities, being destroyed, resources being usurped. when we think about law enforcement officers, people who are putting their lives on the line and families giving them the blessing to do this work. how are we treating them? jonathan dillard, a police officer who was murdered. we saw the funeral and saw donald trump go there. joe biden was too busy to go. he had to do a fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton. we need real leadership in this country. we have over 378 officers who were shot last year almost 50 murdered. unacceptable. the biggest number on record for the f.o.p. things need to change now, harris. >> harris: so true, all of it. the former new york lieutenant governor betsy mccoy has a take on manhattan district attorney alvin bragg in her latest column. minutes after securing a guilty verdict against former president trump bragg boasted i did my job. he have is not doing his job. the mainstream media are gushing with adulation. new yorkers living in constant fear should find bragg's stardom nauseating being hailed as a hero but he is a menace. he should prioritize jailing violent criminals and violent offenders. what does it tell you about the lack of care for the citizens here? >> one -- he is a menace. he is also derelict in his duties and a disgrace to the profession when he swore he would uphold the law. him and many other progressive district attorneys across the country, many cut from the same cloth. we know where it is. george soros who is funding a lot of these progressive policies and putting many of us in harm's way. many of us. i blame these district attorneys directly for the murder of my brother. i blame them. a philosophy that criminals have taken on saying look, we can do whatever we want. we won't be held accountable and certainly many places they are not being held accountable. but it is putting the rest of us at risk. >> harris: this new border action that biden took yesterday is still letting hundreds of thousands of them in in the next few months. the rest of this year and on into the next year won't look much different unless we actually have the 64 executive actions and orders that biden flipped trump policy and lumped all that into those 64. he used his pen. something he told us we couldn't do. that's a lie because he has already done it and he exposed everybody to the dangers you are talking about. god rest the souls of the people we've lost including your precious brother, christian. gianno, thank you. former president trump's new york trial is over. but the case continues. and oddly so does his gag order. nobody else in the case was gagged and he is still under gag order. the sentencing hasn't happened yet. his team argues it is time for the judge to take off the muzzle. plus hunter biden is back in court for his federal gun trial. critics say his family is having a huge effect. >> every one in delaware knows joe biden. so he is basically has this case in his own backyard. a tremendous amount of influence by the bidens to the jury. >> harris: we're looking at hunter's ex-wife taking the stand soon. the video is his current wife. andrew cherkasky in "focus" next. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i'm a bee and i've bumbled my way into your car. buzz but this hive isn't big enough for the both of us. boo oh wow, what a buzzkill. and if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, paying for this could really sting. so get allstate, save money, and be protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ imagine checking your own heart with medical precision from anywhere. introducing kardiamobile 6l, the fda-cleared ekg that provides six-times more heart data than any smartwatch. and it detects three of the most common arrhythmias in just 30 seconds, including atrial fibrillation, bradycardia and tachycardia. check your heart with the most advanced personal ekg outside the hospital. get one for dad this father's day at or amazon. lakesha: childhood cancer is-- it's a long road. it's hard. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life. and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. 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(♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> harris: okay, they took about a 15 minute break, we understand they're back in court now for hunter biden's federal gun trial. his ex-wife, kathleen buell, is expected the take the stand today. her testimony could detail the problems that hunter's addiction was causing his family. earlier an f.b.i. agent on hunter's case was testifying on the stand. they got through cross examination. we understand then the next step would be a redirect by the prosecutors and we'll see what happens next. yesterday she confirmed that hunter's infamous laptop did belong to hunter. we already know but remember the whole thing with the laptop was not real and blah blah blah. now it's evidence in the case. prosecutors also used information from that actual laptop that belonged to hunter biden as evidence. remember, that's the same laptop again that biden even said this about in 2020. >> president biden: there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he is accusing me of is a russian plan. they have said that this has all the -- five formers heads of the c.i.a., both parties saying what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. nobody believes it except his and his good friend rudy giuliani. >> harris: malarkey runs in the fa family. like father, like son. senior national correspondent rich edson is at the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. >> good morning, harris. the hunter biden lead defense attorney abbe lowell is trying to infuse some doubt into the prosecution's claim that hunter biden was using drugs when he bought that gun back in 2018. cross examination of the prosecution's first witness, this is erika jenson, f.b.i. special agent, prosecutors brought up text messages that seemed to indicate that hunter was buying drugs in the days around the time he bought that gun. the defense team asks if there are mentions in those text messages of ounce, party favor, graham, baby powder or any photos or videos of drugs. jenson responds no. the prosecution introduced hunter's banking activity withdrawing tens of thousands of dollars. defense maintains hunter had large expenses like rehab and school admission for his daughter. abbe lowell said hunter was not in possession of the lab top but at a computer store. lowell asked the f.b.i. agent if she knew what was going on when the computer was in that store. she replied she was not there to observe it. any evidence of tampering with the laptop? she said there was not. first lady jill biden spent another morning in court with her stepson and left a half hour ago. next up the prosecution is expected to call kathleen buell. hunter's ex-wife in a legal fight with him over accusations of unpaid alimony and call more of his ex-s including his sister-in-law, hallie biden, and also zoe, another ex-girlfriend of hunter biden here today. back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. thank you. the "new york post" the pair of opinion pieces now. jonathan turley with this headline. hunter's cynical defense in a gun case. you are not going to convict a biden, are you, delaware? another column with this headline. joe biden making a cynical power play aimed at keeping son, hunter, out of prison. him in the white house. andrew cherkasky is with me now, former federal prosecutor. what do you think about the take on things there in terms of those headlines? >> i think the hunter biden has been asking for this all along and hoping that the biden last name is what saves him in this trial. although the evidence is stacked against him, he has a relatively friendly audience there in delaware. you know, i think we have to look at what has happened throughout the entire time and go back to the beginning of this behavior. in the middle of rampant drug use, issues with women in his life and then he goes and buys a gun. it wasn't good enough. the laptop was stocked with all of this information. then he gets himself to delaware last year close to a plea agreement, that wasn't good enough for him. now he is going through this trial. this trial itself. there is no real defense here but little bits and pieces that lowell is using to stake against the wall and see if they can get one juror. >> harris: i will get back to hallie biden in a moment. the girlfriend of the time. his deceased brother's ex-wife. we'll get into how she found the gun and "washington post" did a piece on this. but i want to say right now the swearing in is happening of kathleen buell. how does she play a role? what can she talk about and tie it to, if you can, the evidence in the case? >> his ex wife is expected to -- kathleen that's what i meant. the names get confusing.o testi she along with her kids from time to time would find actual crack pipes and other drug, and tie him to the drug use at the time. >> harris: is there a legal difference supreme court will look at addiction, that's a topic before the high court right now. maybe that would change some of this. is there a difference between someone who is a rampant drug user, addiction in a different category and then criminal behavior as it pertains to either one of those things? >> we have to look at the law. the law has some degree of arguable ambiguity when it comes to the idea when you apply and possess a gun that you can't be a drug user or addict. that is something that's in the mind of the user themselves. there is a specific intent requirement, we talked so much about specific intent elements in our last few weeks with the trump trial. but hunter biden they will have to prove specifically knew that he was a drug user or drug addict at the time of the purchase and the possession of the gun. that's a difficult thing to do because oftentimes drug addicts and users may be in denial or altered state not thinking the same way normal folks would. the idea of being a drug addict is not a defense to any crime. supreme court has looked at that in the past although they continue to look at that and how it applies to different elements of different charges. the basic idea of being a drug addict does not absolve you of criminal conduct. >> harris: i bring that up hallie biden getting to the other ex-you were talking about. hallie biden was married to beau biden who is deceased in 2015 and she dated his brother, who is on trial right now, hunter. and at one point she waited until he was a sleep. she had taken the kids to school per the "washington post" reporting this week, and then she rummaged through his truck because he had been up to things and she found the gun. took it upon herself -- i don't know if she gets immunity for weapon tampering or case tampering. she hid it in a random garbage bin. he gets angry and they have their text messages. that has what has become part of the case now. the text messages are you should go and get rehab. she is living with somebody she doesn't trust so much that she is rummaging through his truck and that was the person who biden visited just a few days ago, hallie biden, went to her home. what do you make of all of it? >> the actual "washington post" article does a great job of laying out a lot of the timeline and a lot of the salacious and scandalous details around that time. interestingly when hallie biden first discovered the gun in the car and threw it in the trash container and the police got involved, she was looked at as a suspect for stealing the gun and ultimately turned into hunter biden insisting he wasn't going to press charges against her before all this came out that he was buying it and having the gun while using drugs. that timeline of the biden family existence is something that i think this country needs to know a lot about. the trial will expose some of it. there is so much there to include the idea when hunter biden start evidence dating hallie biden, that he had to go to his father and his father came and blessed that relationship despite the again salacious and scandalous nature of what was going on. he was looking for his dad to rescue him and that's what's continuing to go on here. looking to his dad's good reputation to save him. >> harris: that's a lot of great detail. when the current president went to visit his deceased son's ex-wife former girlfriend of his current son on trial, it was on the anniversary of beau biden's death. that was in recent days that happened. it was right before this trial started. >> yes. >> harris: thank you. you've given us so much context now. that's important. you have tied it to why the nation needs to know. appreciate that. thank you. a new report is supercharging worries about biden's age exposing some very concerning incidents that have happened behind closed doors. >> obviously is bad and it's something that i think the american people see with their own eyes. but you start to sort of what a dire situation it is inside the biden administration. >> harris: they have repeatedly downplay concerns. the polls show voters, a growing number of democratic voters aren't buying what the white house and biden are saying. the power panel and a great debate next. ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. mountain climbing tina at a cabin. or tree climbing tina at a beach resort. nice! booking.yeah. >> harris: right now we're watching the outside of the courthouse. no cameras are in the courthouse obviously and there is not a lot of digital inside the courthouse, either, as i understand it. we're getting updates now. we don't have that box on the right side of the screen like we were able to with the donald trump trial but with this one, hunter biden's trial, we are getting realtime play. right now the prosecutor is questioning the ex-wife of -- one of the ex-wives. the ex-wife of hunter biden, kathleen buell. why that's important, she is expected to talk about how addiction affected the family. you heard andrew talking about reports of finding crack pipes and all sorts of things and they were living in the house with children and so that will give us some background on the extent of the drug use. so we'll watch for that and the very latest coming out of the hunter biden trial. a shocking in-depth report from the "wall street journal" raising deeper concerns about president biden's age and fitness for office. the headline behind closed doors biden shows signs of slipping. the journal interviewed more than 45 republican and democrat lawmakers as well as biden administration officials who described many troubling incidents. during a january meeting on ukraine aid biden used a lot of notes. spoke so softly they could barely hear him and often turned to staffers when he was asked questions. one person who was in the room said you couldn't be there and not feel uncomfortable. i'll just say that. that was a quote. in a meeting on immigration biden dodged questions from house speaker mike johnson instead said i've forgotten more about immigration than you will ever know, end quote. the white house targeted the reporting calling it a blatant hit piece from republicans. but it is not just behind closed doors. we know as a public, as voters, reporters, everybody, we've seen numerous moments like this one just yesterday. and the rnc research site calls it painful to watch. [shouted questions] >> harris: wow. questions about biden's age exploded after special counsel robert hur's february report called him an elderly man with a poor memory. hur interviewed the president for hours for his investigation into biden's handling of classified documents. the justice department released a transcript of that interview. however, republicans are demanding release of the actual audio. they have questions about what was edited and why. >> we have gone beyond precedent to provide the committee with the transcripts of the special counsel's interview with the president. >> your attorney also said that you did alter the transcript and they said it was filler words, repeat words, and, and, i, i. you know what? we don't know whether the blank -- you said there were blank times where there was silence. we don't know whether they were one or two minutes long or if he sputtered for and, and, and, and, and because those were edited out. we do not know whether this supports or substantiates mr. hur's findings. >> harris: all of that is important for the context of how fit mentally acuity, how well is this president to lead the nation? new fox news power rankings show former president donald trump leads president biden on the age issue by 21 points. and we showed you what just happened yesterday. that can't possibly be an assistance to biden. matt gorman, executive vice president of targeted victory, brad howard, president of the corcoran street group. great to see you both. you know, brad, i will start with you because the position of defending the president now, when we see day in and day out pretty much nine fact checks by the white house recently on remarks he was making. it is difficult to deny that we're watching something that is not good with biden. >> let's be clear, we had four years of donald trump and we saw just baseless things he said that weren't based in reality that were awful and even dangerous to the american people. >> harris: wait a minute. you want to do what aboutism with an 81-year-old president that members of your own party have doubts about that they are speaking out. i don't think this is the time for that. you are not a doctor nor am i. let's not compare them in terms of what this man said and what this man said. let's take a look at the man on the screen who has the power to change all of our lives right now. brad, again i come to you not in being your position to defend him but where do democrats need to go next? >> number 1 that "wall street journal" article was a sham. not a single criticism on the record by a democrat. all republicans. a partisan hit piece and emotion bar eva'sed about it. they would go to high school together the same age distance. the american people will make this decision for themselves. you look at the press conference. i didn't hear a question for ten seconds. reporters were screaming. i don't know how anybody could decipher that. they will see the policies on the line from abortion, climate change, gun safety, on down the line. >> harris: he is not actually beating trump on crime. but -- that's important. look, i have to get your words out there. that's what we do and it is a debate. i will sit back and matt, you respond. >> look, we all have ears and eyes. we all saw joe biden in 2012. we all can see just being honest he has lost a couple of steps. democrats understand what a liability this is. i think it is one of the biggest ones even above the economy. they made democrats in congress go on the record to the reporters and have almost like they saw big foot. they swear he is sharp they just can't get it on video and why they try to muddy the waters by bringing trump examples. democrats love to point to his "time" magazine interview this week. this week. in that very same interview he confuses president xi with president putin. south america with africa. you mentioned the hur report. if is so sharp on classified great. charge him with the classified documents. that was the out for not charge knowledge him. a massive liability and democrats know it. that's why they try everything to obfuscate. >> harris: i hear both of you going back and forth. brad, i want to say this. not true what you said about the "wall street journal" and i started this segment with this. they talked to 45 lawmakers on each side of the issue along with members of the biden administration. so i know it hit and hurt but it wasn't designed as a non-factual hit piece as you put it. that would not be the case. all right, gentlemen, thank you. i will bring you back on a different day. we have breaking news. update out of hunter biden's federal gun trial. the prosecutor is questioning hunter's ex-wife and testified she found a crack pipe in hunter's car in 2015. hunter admitted to her he had been smoking crack. kathleen buell said she was suspicious long before that that hunter biden had been discharged from the navy for cocaine use. all of this testimony so important because hunter's drug use and the timing of it goes to whether he lied on a federal handgun purchase application and acquired a weapon he should not have had. thank you for watching. breaking news, too. "outnumbered" next.

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