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what the republican congress refuses to do, take the necessary steps to secure the border. >> it's windowdressing. it was -- >> democrat believe we can and should secure our borders while opening up more legal pathways. >> vietnam. what country are you from? mauritania. >> the numbers are struggling -- sirena compared to what they used to be from when i grew up. >> i entered the country in a legal way and i think that's how everyone should enter. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: and now did -- president biden take executive action on the border. now is -- is the executive order border speaks to us. home security alejandro mayorkas in a first on fox, that is coming up. first fox team coverage with jackie heinrich at the white count and what action the president is taking. and bill melugin in california on one impact and it happening on the ground. welcome everybody. i'm neil cavuto. we've got a busy, jim, before you. really will go first of the white house. >> the president said this was an injury to gain control of the border, a pretty stunning acknowledgement given that for the last three and a half years for much of what had his top officials including the dhs secretary testified multiple times that the border was secure and that they had operational control of it matters also a reversal from the president's previous comment that he had already done all he could with the stroke of a pen but this change that will shut down access to the u.s. asylum system after illegal crossings average 2500 a day over a weeklong period, we're already there. we are told this goes into effect midnight remaining so until illegal crossings that belong an average of 1500 a day in my those who come anyway will be deported -- unless they meet a hampton standard of credible fear against the u.s. -- you and standard of -- such as through the cbp one app. republicans call it a political stunt five months out from an election and progressives, the congressional hispanic caucus and immigration advocacy groups are also railing against and grandmother easily you in fact is suing single changeable "severely restrict people's legal right to seek asylum, putting tens of thousands of lives at risk." the president defended his decision. >> president joe biden: for those the state the steps are -- uptake and are too strict, i say to you to be patient. good american people are winston right now. doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. we must consistent with both our laws and our values, our world -- our values as americans. i think these steps to date not to walk away from who we are as americans what to make sure we preserve who we are for future generations to come. >> more than 8 million people have already crossed in to the u.s. illegally under this president come more than 5 million remain here. the fbi director testified in capitol hill today that the current risk is greater than ever before. >> when i sat here last year, i walk through how we were already in a heightened threat environment. and since then, we've seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole another level. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. not unlike the isis-k attack we saw a russian concert hall back in march. >> the president claimed -- framed his decision as a show of leadership in the face of republican obstruction led by trump who wanted to recognize the border issue in the upcoming election. >> neil: jackie heinrich, thank you very much. twenty thank you to holcomb let out -- >> neil cavuto is crystal clear with the announcement of this executive order today president biden and hoping to cut down on some of these damaging images of these massively legal crossing crossings we've been seeing at the southern board including one that happened right here were i'm standing in san diego county this morning. we'll get right to the video. this was 1:30 am pacific time here in holcomb by each -- east of sundown -- really from all around the planet crossing illegally with no resistance whatsoever. they walk on the mexican military underside of the border then came through a gap in the border wall here. the game from all the place. mostly single -- and africa at the time there was only one single border patrol agent on hand trying to corral all of these illegal immigrants. some of them were from countries that are considered as special -- special interest countries, some of them didn't know where they were going. they were asking us where they were and where is border patrol. we had a chance to talk to some of them, take a lesson. where are you guys from, what country or? >> mauritania. >> from africa? >> yes. >> why did you guys come to the united states? what country? >> nepal. >> are all of you from nepal? >> yeah. >> know english. >> what country? >> vietnam. >> what country are you from? >> mauritania. >> mauritanian's? >> yes. >> what country did you come from? >> india. >> this is america. you see the red lights? this -- that's border patrol -- >> san diego -- >> neil: take >> this remarkable estimate of these illegal immigrants were waiting for border patrol without imposing in front of the border wall here and taking selfies and photos can of using the border wall as a prop or a background for their social media celebrating the fact that they have just successfully crossed illegally in to the united states. big smiles on their faces, some flashing comes up really little to no fear of consequences and back here -- president biden's new executive order is set to kick in at midnight eastern time so that would be 9:00 pm pacific here in san diego county. the sector has been the busiest along the southern border, been getting these big estimate legal crossing everyday. every single night. we'll be out here at 9:00 pm tonight to see what happens when the first waves of migrants crossed illegally and see what can of pasta change there is -- there potentially taking place as a result of this executive order mckesson about do you. >> neil: thank you for -- maybe i can clarify something that has come up here that whatever these numbers that the administration is saying this well-dressed, it is not not address the roughly 1500 a day that the cvb regularly processes and then releases every day. so they are not part of this. >> correct. not only that but it will not address legato is, and will not address the millions that this organization has already allowed to come in. with a plan for those? if they really want to check people's asylum claims, what are they -- are they going to fast-track their cases? are they going to go find them? was going to happen their? and you know what, a bigger thing, because i've been out here on this border for years why -- okay? i grew up here, i was smart and want to tell you who controlled the southern border and who's still going to control it is the drug cartels. they're going to determine what hours of the day what groups are going to cross. they're going to know what the numbers are. they're going to know where to send people and what individuals who sent and at the end they're the ones that will control who they want to cross in to the united states and that's what's going to happen because it's happened before, you know, under other situations where they've said, hey, we are going to process so many individuals and then we're going to send them to another area to the department. you know what they're doing. the drug cartels are still in control and something like this is still going to be in the hands of the drug cartels. unfortunately. and is a situation in this administration created. they created this years ago and now they're barely addressing it and even then so, you know, this executive order club gone further. but they chose not to do th that. they just wanted to enter that way they make it to the finish line of the elections. >> neil: i was intrigued at this practice does not include everything -- to take advantage of that? >> definitely. it still puts the lives of the unaccompanied children at risk remember it's obviously something has been seen before and at the same time a lot of these unaccompanied children people need to understand, you're looking at individuals that are 16 and 17 years old many times and they don't carry ids seal -- so it has been very easy for a lot of these groups to have adults in these groups and say, hey, he's unaccompanied child went in -- realistically he is not under the age of 18. >> neil: so where does this go? what do you think happens? will this do anything to the numbers that are now routinely 2500 a day? so this -- >> i think the numbers will definitely go down some. you'll see it. but at the same time look at the best matter cartels are very good at adapting. they're going to adapt rather going to decide what areas are going across the groups, they will decide what individuals are going to come across initial going to see a lot of the god always, you're going to see more runners, you're going to see a lot more of the failure to lead by the vehicles. she will continue to see that because it doesn't stop. on it does is it provides a small band-aid that way in the public eye it looks like somebody is doing something. but what needs to be done is everyone coming across needs to be detained. you can just at a number. getting everyone, have immigration asylum officers actually look at the gates and immediately. those that don't qualify need to get sent back to the countries. you have to and catch and release altogether. you can set a number at it. >> neil: art, thank you very much. art doll -- ardell cueto. and asked how -- his take on this developing -- republicans are seeing too little, kool-aid even the aclu saying its a really reduces -- so not winning fans on either side. his thoughts coming up. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ oh my god. 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[clock ticks] ♪ ♪ switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: the hunter biden controller is now on and keep in mind the president's on if an guilty in all these charges could be behind bars for more than a couple of decades. it's unlikely but you never know. david spunt in wilmington now with the very latest. >> the prosecution open up telling during the first of all nobody is above the law it doesn't matter what your last name is especially biden in the state of delaware. and also said while being connected to drugs may not be a choice it was a choice hunter biden to check know and say that he was not addicted to drugs around the time when he purchased the gun in 2018 which is really central to the case. jurors saw the actual form from 2018 win authorities say he takes no. that's hunter arriving this morning with his wife, the special council team plans to present evidence that hunter smoked crack roughly every 20 minutes every time -- he also -- the first lady jill biden also in the courtroom, she was there to support her son. ashley biden also in attendance as well. the first witness will still understand our cross-examination just began an fbi agent named erika johnson who joined the case last fall five years after the alleged crime. he says his job -- her job -- his audiobook was played in court, a dramatic moment when jurors heard his own words discussing an action. ashley biden could be seen getting emotional and the first lady -- to the jury today that hunter was abusing alcohol and not drugs when he bought a small handgun and he owned it for 11 days. he went on to tell the jury that hunter was rushed by local sales clerk at the wilmington, the works there was making to make mackey sent the partition are establish a chain of custody undergoing pouch which had allegedly white residue, possible cocaine residue. why? because he said hallie biden the widow of hunter's late brother -- and she found the gun and hunter's car, put it in a pouch, to it in a garbage can outside a local grocery store. someone was going through the garbage can, found it. it's been in evidence for the past five years. was also been in evidence as hunter's famous laptop. the laptop we've heard over and over about since october 2020 mind that laptop was actually presented in court. not officially opened, it wasn't turned on, it wasn't hooked up to any type of screen or anything but it was shown it does exist, has been in evidence and prosecutors plan to "-- will directly from that laptop over the coming days, neil. >> neil: did thank you for that. david spunt in wilmington delaware. mercedes they say that they can wrap this up last no more than two weeks, they're moving at a pretty good clip. what you think of that? >> certainly there not a lot of witnesses so this is a pretty clear and cut case for the prosecution's manage point because you're talking about a couple of questions -- an illegal drugs at the time and that answer was no. and because it's a simple, case its something that could be pretty much easily prosecuted from the prosecution vantage point. have a couple of witnesses that are going to forward and the friends, families that are going to come forward that allegedly new of his drug use. and that should be done and wrapped up pretty quickly. >> neil: like amateurs mercedes what you make of the notion that, you know, if he were found guilty of these charges he can be behind bars for 20 plus years. that seems unlikely. but it does remind you of opportunities mist with his collegial that sort of fell apart when the judge last summer said no, slowdown, right? >> well sure. there was a plea deal, it was honestly excellent an advanced part to get this kind of deal where there would be no jail time. what he might be reading of this condition which to your point, neil, highly unlikely that was spent 25 years with -- highly unlikely. but that deal was very -- win that was done by the defense in collaboration with the prosecution and it was done unfortunately the choir -- the judge just did not like the deal and it was presented and ultimately fell through. >> neil: you know, what do you make of the notion a lot of critics of this trial are saying, you know, it's a hometown crowd that is an advantage for hunter biden. his father in a rockstar in that area in delaware, period, statues and -- jill biden shows up as in -- what do you make of that? just the opposite for donald trump in new york where it might be his original hometown but it would seem that way and that was an argument that simpson was not fair to the former president. what about in this case? >> while the prosecution came out right out of the park -- during the opening and closing -- where they said this is not about the president's on. this is not about his last name. this is all about -- all about the fact that a foremost sent forth in answer to a question that was that -- and it was a lie. it was because of his actions, not because his last name is biden mso they really did hone in on the obvious. this is the president's son and why is his mother in a courtroom? because that's his mother. because -- so any notion that he's being persecuted because of his last name, because of it's affiliation with the president, a week goes out the window from the prosecutor's perspective. from the defense perspective is a lot different perimeter defenses honestly look at this is being targeted. and you hadn't come across iniquity arguments. -- will have to see what happens in the closing but the opening arguments, the defense was very clear in saying there is no intent here to the front and to lie. there was no intent with these -- will have to see where it goes. it's a simple gain at the end of the day and we'll have to see whether jury jury decides us whether or not there was intent to actually lie on those forms when the gun was purchased. >> neil: guarded. mercedes, thank you very much. mercedes common following of these developers. the trial resumes tomorrow, they think you can wrap this up into weeks, we shall see. -- merrick garland attorney general today. at issue the weaponize should of our legal forces, after this. >> you're about to nominate a convicted felon and they don't know how to cope with that. >> many americans believe there's now a double standard in our justice system. to believe that because there is. >> ♪ ♪ longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? 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[ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: the political fallout from a crackdown on the border the republican say is long overdue and even some progressives are saying it's in close what we need done. julia manchester following all of this. julia the usually see it can get both sides are you over something to be onto something but in this case i'm not so sure. >> neil, he have republicans predictably really pouncing on president biden over there saying its too little, too late. but i think biden at one point had to do something about this. he was getting political pressure on this issue, pressure from even some moderate democrats. so that's what you're seeing republican's do. they want to give the border in the headlines, they will continue this narrative that it took biden until an election year to do something or a few months out from an election however biden and democrats really -- very much touting this executive action is something that, you know, he is trying to spin it as democrats taking action on this and republicans not taking action -- taking action on the border when it came to that bipartisan legislation that's been introduced in congress. >> neil: i think the next will jump to the conclusion or raise that with alejandro mayorkas himself in just a few minutes but the one thing that comes up is that the border remains a mess. donald trump -- has a plan to take pretty drastic action if he comes -- becomes president, mass deportations and the complete lockdown. and american seem to be increasingly avery that and that is a title change since joe biden became president in the first place. i just wonder what you make that and whether the president rests looking behind a ball on this? >> is interesting because we knew in 2016 donald trump was talking about the border and building the wall in 2018. he made the border also a central theme of his campaign message him and talking, you know, complaining for nonblack republicans. trees trying to do this again but really trying to capitalize on the images that we see are people flowing over the southern border and images that would convey, you know, chaos and dysfunction at the border. so, you know, i think it goes to show and a lot of this has to do with the fact, neil, that in states not far from the border like new york, for example,, new york city, chicago, et cetera, you know, they are dealing with a migrant crisis now so i think you're starting to see more americans look over at the border and realize what it's like to be a border town are at least get some sort of taste of that. and that i think is what you are seeing reflected in some american starting to blame this or many americans blaming this on the train and administration. but will see. the tide could turn and, you know, maybe this executive action plays in biden's favor but like i said a lot of republicans say too little, too late. >> neil: when i talk about not only republicans but even some democrats and -- with more lawful -- left-wing groups, the aclu that say that it actually goes way too far, that this, you know, -- is such that that really -- so you got it from both sides. >> yeah, and i sort of see this theme developing for biden or a theme that has already developed where biden is very much trying to thread the needle towards appeasing republicans, moderate ramp -- democrats and progressives. you see this with the war in gaza, with israel and hamas and, of course, you also see a little bit with biden trying to appeal, you know, appealed to progressives in particular with student lone debt. he had all these major issues and it's impossible or it seems like it's impossible to make everyone happy. but with the situation on the border and think this executive action that we're seeing today shows that the administration uses as a major political liability. but i think once again like we've seen with the war in gaza, you're going to see progressives maybe flex their political muscle against the president. >> neil: julia, i didn't mention that all this money that donald trump has been raising, $400 million -- but the fact of the matter is that the former president has been ricky it in in 20 and $25 donations from a wide pool of people here and that is post the guilty verdicts that went down last week. we don't have any numbers from joe biden yet but that would be a couple of months in a row that donald trump has had a financial adva advantage. >> it would be and i think it's important obviously to look at the top line number but to see how the smacked the smaller the individual donation is, that suggest the stronger the grassroots base is for donald trump. it also depends on the number of new donors that are coming in. we've seen the trump campaign say that they received a number of new donors. that would be that the trump is essentially expanding it's universe -- post verdict and that would mean that they are obviously, you know, attracting new voters. and talk to a number of republicans last week, neil, that said that if you are unlikely or -- you're not likely to vote for biden, more likely to work for trump on this -- in this issue could bring more of those voters to trump. >> neil: thank you very much, julia manchester owen allard. meanwhile the legality of what president biden wants to do at the border oftentimes with any executive action or order or her very one look at it, a court should sit down. it happened to donald trump. it happened not to joe biden? after this. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: hunter biden has -- in wilmington and delaware county and in the first day of testimony in that gun trial. trey gowdy kind enough to join us, the sunday night in america will broach -- from a federal particular mack he knows of what he speaks. great seeing you. we are told that this trial can be fairly quick for hunter biden but the punishment could be fairly steep. on paper he could be looking at 20 plus years behind bars. unlikely but what do you think? >> not a chance in the world he serves anything near that amount of time. like, neil, analyst really bad habit, how this habit of being fair. i spent the last couple of weeks in new york say that if that defendant's last name was not trump we would not be there. i'm not sure we would be in a delaware federal court if this defendant's last name were not biden. i used to do these kinds of cases. i did lots of them. added convicted felons that i did fugitives from justice. at admin who had domestic violence restraining orders. there's a lot of people who cannot possess firearms. i never once did an unlawful user of controlled substances which includes prescribed drugs or an addict. so in this case there are no lawful users of cocaine base. this is not valium, this is not they are the plan, it's not martin howell. the allegation is cocaine base so you can rule out lawful users to engage in unlawful way. it just boils down to an addict. is he an addict which requires an expert testimony and they will call an expert -- you know, -- he really wasn't an addict. the prosecution will say he was. i just -- i struggle, neil, that this is really the best use of federal resources. we have a lot of real crime in this country. i assume they due in delaware too. just wonder if his last name were cavuto or gaudi or sm smith, if you and i would be having this conversation. >> neil: is very interesting. real quick while i have you got to guard the of what the president is doing on the border here. i know it's an executive action but courts can sort of say all right you've got -- on duvar. he often do and they did with this method -- predecessor surrenders -- does this go? >> it depends on which judge it -- i know there is allowed -- lousy answer but it really depends on whether or not you get in front of a judge that takes a limited view of executive action or one who used it being a lot more amorphous emma cannon it will be appealed. none of this will happen before the election so i think, you know, i hate to be cynical. actually, i don't hate to be cynical i am cynical. i think this is a little bit of electioneering and by the time the judge ways and you and i will be talking about someone's inaugural address. >> neil: train car always a pleasure. thank you very much, trey gowdy. in the meantime want the president wants to do at the border can appointment for it, the homeland security alejandro mayorkas is next. >> ♪ ♪ to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ lowe's knows when you need a new appliance today you want it at a great price. shop deals on samsung bespoke refrigerators and the new samsung bespoke ai laundry combo - the industry's largest capacity, fastest all-in-one washer and dryer. shop lowe's now for memorial day deals. believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. feed the line, push the button and get back to work. ego, exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. >> ♪ ♪ >> medically this executive order which would be. on roughly the 95th executive order he's issued that's nothing to change doublet you to hold people as opposed to catch and release them and it actually says the first 2500 a come across the border get in free. >> disappointed that the presidents has, you know, sort of got in to the same frame as donna trump at the very time that we need to make a destination between donald trump and joe biden. >> neil: from the right and left, criticism that this plan that president has to freeze activity at border crossings is going to do the job. with the snow is alejandro mayorkas, homeland security secretary and announcer join us. secretary, what the makeover that that? that bipartisan masking you getting there. >> neil, thanks for having me on the show. bipartisan bashing is part and parcel of immigration. but what -- where we need bipartisan unity is where we had it in the proposed legislation that senators in this administration work so hard to achieve. that bipartisan legislation would have provided the toughest statutory practice toughest new laws to further secure our the -- southern border in more than three decades. it would've allowed us to hire 1500 more u.s. customs and border protection personnel. more than 4000 asylum officers. more than 100 immigration judges. it would've funded -- >> neil: but it didn't happen. i understand your frustration but it didn't happen. but nevertheless you had set and the presidents that a number of times that the border already was secure. so obviously it's not. >> neil, we've been talking about strengthening the security of the border since day one. the challenge of irregular migration is very, very dynamic. our personnel, our border patrol agents are doing extraordinary, heroic work every day, 24/7. we need more tools. we need our broken immigration system six. we need more resources, and the american people deserve it. >> neil: but nonetheless you are doing the one thing you criticized president trump for doing when he was in office. i want to take you back to october 2020 when joe biden was saying this about the president's move at the time, president trump's move at the time to deal with those asylum cases. this is from your boss. >> president joe biden: is in the first in the history of the ministers of america anybody seeking asylum has to do in another country. that's never happened before in america. that's never happened before in america. you come to the united states and you make your case that icsi made on the following premise. why i deserve it under american law. >> neil: and now he's doing what donald trump did. >> not true, neil, and resident biden spoke accurately in the clip you just showed. president trump shut down asylum altogether. what we are doing is cutting out the smugglers and deterring irregular migration in between our ports of entry where it's so very dangerous and the crossings are illegal. we are allowing asylum claimants to come to the ports of entry, using our cbp one app in a lawful back safe and orderly way. we also have built other lawful pathways for individuals to seek asylum in this country. you haven't shut down asylum. what we've done is further strengthened the border to executive action which can be challenged and will be challenged in the courts which is why we need congress to act. there is the endearing solution. >> neil: that might be but the aclu is not pleased with this asylum action, say that that but -- that will severely restrict people's legal right to seek asylum, 20 tens of thousands of lives at risk. this action takes the same approach and the trump administration's atlanta man. ruby challenging this order in court." you in this -- your defense of it if i heard you correctly, u.s.a. that there are ways around that through the cvb where a lot of people are or sort of process and then released. are not really going to be that strict on this as something so the aclu really has nothing to worry about. >> neil, i disagree. with the aclu -- aclu's assertion and i should say that when when people access the cbp one app and come to the port of entry they have been screened and vetted before maggie arrived at the port of entry. further advancing our security at the southern border. >> neil: so the way this works is that you get over 2500 which right now is this went into effect like right now instead of just midnight tonight, you're already dealing with that remind them what happens when you get below that? then how long does that kick in. because some people thank it will be an on-again off-again approach to dealing with this mess at the border? and france will still get and working like clockwork. >> neil, it will in fact be immediately in effect and then if we experience seven consecutive calendar days where the average number of encounters each day is below 1500, then 14 days after those that smacked that seventh day, we will reopen. and if, in fact, the number of encounters thereafter is 2500 or more on average for seven consecutive days, we have the authority to, again, implement this bar which we would do. >> neil: one thing i didn't understand secretary there are a number of -- exceptions for this including, you know, and accompany children. isn't that a green light for drug cartels to take advantage of that and, you know, the whole purpose of this sort of blows up in your face? >> absolutely not. >> neil: who's going to watch those unaccompanied children if they are allowed in and you don't ship them back, don't do anything like that wear do they go? >> neil, we deal with unaccompanied children in a humanitarian way. adhering to our values. read her irregular migration we build lawful pathways. >> neil: disk encourages cartels to take advantage of those kids that are not, sir? >> neil, were taking to the drug cartels with unprecedented strengths to our transnational criminal investigative units. >> neil: this is actually a green light for. [simultaneous talking] 's and that the fear that this is actually green i can say we can use this kids as parts to get what we want? >> neil, let's be clear, the cartels and smuggling organizations are unscrupulous. we exploit individuals of all different types of vulnerabilities. we are taking it to the cartels. we accepted unaccompanied children from this asylum more -- bar because of the compelling humanitarian picture the present. >> neil: let me get -- >> we're going to adhere to our values. we are going to adhere to our values while we take enforcement measures which is what we have done. >> neil: that may be the case, one of their predecessors and others have been saying this is too little, kool-aid. i certainly understand what you're talking about this measure -- that fell apart, and william blame president trump for that that he sorta pushed republicans not to support that, they didn't, it is what it is. but essentially we are back to doing something that looks like an election year ploy, the election is only five months ago -- away and lo and behold you guys do this now. it just seems weird. >> neil, first of all those voices of criticism i would posit did they support the senate's bipartisan package? i would hope so. number 1. number 2, let's remember, let's keep in mind the chronology. up until may of last year, title 42 was in effect. after, -- title 42 ended in may, we drove the numbers down and we began pressing congress to take legislative action. the president in august requested a supplemental funding package. again requested it in october and we began working on bipartisan senate legislation that and in fact -- that did in fact make it to be presented to congress. we're expecting congress act. they did not act one spirit with recently failed to act twice and we took this executive action. it is not too little and it is not too late. we had hoped congress would act. they failed to do so and the president exercised his executive authority, as he has done now. to be when i had a variety of border city mayors there, but not the mayor of eagle pass, who has been a frequent critic of your administration, and you personally. why? >> neil, i have met with the mayor. why certain mayors showed up but others didn't come i believe to them -- >> neil: not a matter of showing up, he wasn't invited. >> i was very pleased to be joined by mayors, by members of congress, by two governors. >> neil: he is in harm's way. eagles pass is the epicenter, just seems weird. >> no, it is not, neil. it is not. it was, at one point in time. it is no longer the epicenter of the number of encounters we have experienced. a powerful example of how evolving dynamic the situation is at the southern border. >> neil: we will see how it goes, secretary. thank you very much for taking the time. we would love to have you back. alejandro mayorkas, the home and secured a secretary. that will do it here for today. tomorrow we have robert f. krobert f juniorjoini. pick apart what is happening at the border in washington how this sorts out in the political landscape because of thing tells me it will appear here "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody, i'm jesse watters on the

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