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the normandy american cemetery in normandy unlike any the world had seen. it required courage and leadership and on the beaches and in the skies that would come to be known as the greatest generation. 9387 of those heroes lie beneath the white crosses and stars of david you see behind me. they brought freedom to friends after four brutal years of nazi occupation and then they peeled back hitler's grip on europe step-by-step. later this our you will hear from the first of several or -- several veterans who will speak with the suite who will -- -- remarkable man who is now 104 years old. >> and as we moved on the morning of 16th we had casualties immediately. when you talk about the day after i talked -- tell people the infantry had sometimes n15 delays in wonder. mack it -- it all depends on how fast you will. >> martha: was talking about an action on the 16th several days after d-day. will have more on that interview later. is really incredible. he is quite a man and you'll see some of that later in the show. but first of the big news of the day on the story. >> ♪ ♪ moments ago president biden in the midst of a campaign and the weeks before the first presidential debate announced executive action to stop the flow at the border when the average daily number breaks 2500. the current number of people rushing illegally is double that right now. he again said that the former president trump in the reason for the crisis. watch what he does that. >> president joe biden: came to a clear clear bipartisan deal with -- this brought -- strongest border security agreement and decades. but then republican congress, not all of them, walked away from it. why? because donald trump told them to. >> martha: after those remarks were shorted questions about the border. the president did not take them. [simultaneous talking] >> martha: had a lot of questions in a crowd and understandably so. take a look at the new fox power rankings not revealed that of all the bigger issues you see on the screen border security is the biggest one in terms of people's concerns and is the one with the current president biden is the weakest. content on this measure b. team by 18 points on the issue of the border. republicans hammering the timing of today's announcement, five months from election day. >> next to an executive order on the border but, you know, let's make it so it really doesn't do a darn thing. it has helped us get through to november. >> he is pulling right up there with fungal infections. part of the reason for that is that he gave in to the moving of his party. and he dissolved the southern border. now five months before an election, he has to appear to be willing to do something about it. >> martha: a big lineup will -- coming up, key pallets, and tape it and mark penn but first we will speak with former house speaker kevin mccarthy. speaker mccarthy, gaddafi with us, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you and thank you for being at normandy. remember being there five years ago the seventh anniversary with you and thank you for interviewing those errors -- everybody should listen to those interviews and no -- we are very few left to our -- were there on the day and it's an honor to even hear from those heroes. >> martha: indeed. is in many times the final journey for a lot of these men and we have remarkable stories. are people coming who are on hospice, or being flown in for the day because it's one of their final wishes. and the people who help them do that are extraordinary as well as we'll tell everybody about that but i wanted that -- to get your reaction to what president biden that right -- is not because basically is that people can't enter the country illegally, they can come through the legal path but they can't come illegally. so i'm trying to figure out why he didn't feel that way for the past few years. >> was interesting here is we've never had such a big problem in our southern border and the damage is already done here. if you go to new york city the number 1 issue is the southern border. you go to massachusetts. he made every community in america a border community and he only said three months ago there's nothing he can due on the border. there was no new law changed when the border was secure. only thing he changed -- we change with the president. everybody sees through what this is. this is purely a campaign tactic, he is taking right now that you can executive order, right -- but remember it's only after you allow 2500 people to come illegally so in a guide to secure the border that the only way people come our legal? you can do that under president biden's before it's really stunning earmark we looked back to -- plus if you use the app they see the border patrol at the k-1 people to use the knee -- then you can come right in as long as you use the app to make an appointment. >> but you're still not going to the process. remember this list is the damage that he has done and -- in one month of last february we caught more people on the terrorist watch list. and count -- in one month under biden that we did in the last entire administration of four years. so who's already in america give a quick action people the terrorist watch list from yemen. the number 1 above people coming across the country in the last two must have been from china. china is not in latin america. taking a plane to go someplace to walk up through and now he's going to say well the first 2500 can go but here's the app and you can get through? that is not secure -- securing the border and he knows that. is purely a false -- and i believe this will even fact that -- backfire on him. >> martha: that's what i want to ask you know about the politics of this because you see that on the nile for these fox news power rankings in terms of issues trump is part 15 on the issue of the border. so i guess if you're working on the biden campaign you will look at how many points can you pull it back, you know, if people, you know, maybe haven't followed the issue that closely, you know, they might say well he stopped that i think, right? that's getting better, that situation. >> everybody sees it -- it doesn't matter how far you are away from the southern border, he washed what biden's policy has done. so you see that in your community every day. when you go to the grocery store, and see what biden's policies have been the inflation. when you fill your car up, you see what his policies on energy have done. and this is where their tone deaf dramatically are arguing a whole another points set up listening to the american public. that's why i believe this next election, president trump level very big nights. >> martha: kevin mccarthy, former speaker of the house, wait to see what always. thank you for joining us today. >> and q. editor congregant david's -- water fox news contractors and mark penn former clinton advisor and poster. now ceo of stagg well. without -- al mawasi, which have all three of you with us. i actually want to start by going back to october of 20 2020, mark. and here candidate biden at the time is talking about opening up the borders and that is why people should want to vote for him. watch this. >> president joe biden: is our first president of the units -- that anybody seeking asylum has to do it another country. you come to the united states and you make your case that i speak as an based on the following -- why i deserve an american law. they're sitting -- sitting in squalor and other side of the river. >> martha: mark penn big change of vantage point on all of us today. you said no you can come in to the country illegally. you can only come through the legal pathways. >> martha: what changed? >> absolutely. this is a big change going to the election season. i've said for many months now that he had to do something on this issue. you can sit there and the way it is. is too big an issue. number 1 or number 2, you know, in the polls with inflation and so i think he is responding to the box population are going in to the election season and the question is is this executive order going to be an adequate response. >> you know, we heard from the president many times he said i've done all that i can do, you know, i'm out of options and unless congress comes up with something my ability here is very limited. what do you think of this executive order that he dropped just a short time ago? >> well of course the president with a note i'm trying to blame this problem on president trump and republicans again but joe biden is an arsonist who is now running to the building he purposefully burned down not with a fire hose but with a bucket of water, wanting credit for putting the fire out. he campaigned on this as you just showed us. you told people to come here demek he said he wanted free healthcare for illegal immigrants when he was on the campaign trail in 2020. you took back all of the executive orders that donald trump put in place to secure the border that were effective. not because not effective but because they were done by the previous president and he vowed to his far left of the party to remove all of those. and now the american people three years later our suffering the consequences on every single level. education, tax increases, hospitals being overwhelmed, committees being overrun with people that can't house and it was in his interstate -- was he was out what has an accurate new governor, he will go there. she's doing this not just because it is an action issue but because democrats and his party are begging him to do something to try and fix this issue and he's done something very small today but it's nothing in terms of what he needs to do to actually get this problem under control before the jason chaffetz does the presidency a political political opening here? we have a recent conviction for the former presidents donald trump -- but this does nothing to secure the border. bureau what it is? 's is a ploy to get people to sign up on their app and think of all the data that they get out of this app and what are they going to do with all of that data? so none of this applies to you if you apply on the app. so don't think there's a slowing anybody reminiscing about border -- the border wall calendar nothing about all those existing people. is about getting people on their app so they can track them and use that data. that's what this is about before you make a great point. that jumped out to me as well because i was reading through the -- human trafficking victims, understood. children who are coming alone which might be good news for the cartels. and then of course if you use the app as i mentioned you can also get right and so it's pretty interesting and have an interesting take on why they might be wanting to do that. thank you all. with the seal. will see you soon. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: right now the so-called laptop from help make its debut in hunter biden's contralto grandmother presidents and is facing up to 25 years in prison if he's convicted on these charges. first lady jill biden has been front and center today and yesterday during all of this during the jury selection and it can -- continued again today. at until until he said that during the -- notification in biden county he called it may explain the decision to take this case to trial. he's next. >> ♪ ♪ it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards ♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> martha: hunter biden's contralto happening now in delaware. is facing another trial in tax charge is taking place in california in september after his plea deal with the feds fell apart. increases a total of more than 40 years in prison potentially between the two cases. first lady jill biden sitting once again in the front row today reportedly watching the jury and both sides very closely. the president released a statement in his own behalf saying that he loves and respects his son. jonathan turley is standing by first. just -- for justice correspondent david spence was the first in the courthouse in wilmington. high connor mcdavid. >> the first lady left, she didn't come back after lunch and we assume she's going to be -- in france for a statement where you are right now a little bit later this week but hunter biden's laptop, that physical laptop was actually held up in court. it was not plugged in, exhibits are not being taken from the laptop directly but it was our first time to actually see that laptop that has been evidence for several years also an fbi agent who joined the case last year said that she, her part of hunter biden's audiobook to help prove that he was addicted to drugs around the time that he brought a gun so part of that was played. hunter biden and his wife melissa arrived this morning just before 8:30 per medical time they arrived with the two of questionings beginning at 9:00 am this morning. 's attorney abby will argue that inter was not using drugs but alcohol at the time and he was crushed by the local salesman in 2018. er also says that there is a chain of custody issue with a gun pouch found in hunter's carter had cocaine residue. why? well he says he really biden the widow of hunter's late brother bo was a leader in a shaw halliburton panic when you find the gun in hunter's car company in the project were in the garbage can outside the local grocery store so the prosecution began by saying no one is above the law and hunter biden should not be treated any differently than anyone else. and -- and expertness we're expecting anytime soon is hunter's next wife, -- kathy buehler. >> martha: thank you, david spence. in wilmington democrats go to jonathan turley constitutional law attorney, gw law professor and fox news contributor. i just want to start by putting up this timeline of the hunter biden gun case for everyone at home to look at these dates. the form is filled out on october 12th, 2018. and on that day he checked no on the conform in terms of being on and he unlocked -- any unlawful drugs or being a user of unlawful drugs. then one day later he texts an unknown person that he is waiting for his dealer and then the next day he text hallie biden "on a car smoking crack." jonathan, how difficult are these text messages for hunter biden who is claiming and his lawyer is claiming maybe it was alcohol at the time for he wasn't actually on drugs when he filled out the form? >> is obviously very difficult very few people will by these defenses. there is no defense that i can see here. i mean it's a keen -- akin to getting yourself locked in a bank vault and say i got lost on my way to the restroom. you can say that but very few people are going to buy that. and that sort of leads to the sort of question of why they didn't just plead guilty. if he pleads guilty there's a good chance he wouldn't get jail time and increases the likelihood. and instead he'll go through a very embarrassing trial. without any real defense. i mean also suggested that perhaps he was the one who'd -- wasn't going to check the box. while you're going to have the gun dealer -- dealership owner who stood there was going to describe him doing that. >> martha: so why do you think that he did it shaw didn't plead guilty if you think it would be the easier way out for him here? >> because i think this is looking like a nullification strategy. gerry nott of -- notification is when you either explicitly or implicitly encourage injury to ignore the evidence and this is the place to do it. wilmington is the biden hometown. this is the favorite son of the favorite son and i think that there is hope here that in the combination with sympathy for the addiction and perhaps sympathy for the family, you can get a hung jury or even jury notification because that is the only viable option i can see here. i mean are you -- do you really think all people are going to say that a third person check these boxes hunter biden or you had the world's smallest window of sobriety that can be reduced to a few hours. of course, no one is going to buy that. sure you're relying on something else. you're giving them at least the appearance of a defense but you're really hoping for nullification. >> martha: let me ask you quickly. is it too heavy-handed -- ended for the president to comment on this case for the first -- order first lady to be sitting on the front row on the jury? do you have any problem with that or not? >> i don't have any problem with the father weighing in here for his son. having jill biden in the court, however, is a reminder to the jury that this is a biden town and this is a biden case and i think the prosecutors maybe chafing at that. >> martha: jonathan, thank you, always good to see you. jonathan turley joining us this afternoon. straight ahead is our governor glen young can on new polling in virginia that shows a tight race developing between biden and trump in this generally blue states. imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? 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what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? >> ♪ ♪ >> martha: in dramatic showdown today on capitol hill. attorney general merrick garland facing off with house republicans who see there's a double standard in the u.s. justice system. garland responded to accusations that the justice department was behind former president trump's trial here in new york city where former neogene -- doj official matthew calendula -- and came up to new york and during the prosecution team. watch. >> you have no problem with dispatching matthew cale calendula. >> i did not dispatch mr calandra anywhere. >> you know how he ended up there? >> i assume he spoke -- applied for a job there and got the job. >> -- >> had nothing to do with it. >> martha: another big issue, his refusal to hand over the audio recording of that infamous interview with president biden and special council robert her. the ag says that releasing the transcript was an. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram reporting live from capitol hill. >> good afternoon. garland told the committee that is policy not to release the audiotapes, he says there is really not that much there would be added by releasing the tapes. he said it's full of filler world -- filler words and -- but republican sailors from the -- precisely why they want to listen to the tapes. >> we don't know whether there -- he said there were blank times where there was silence. within -- we don't know whether those were one minutes long condiments shaw week -- because those were edited out. we do not know whether this supports a substantial or substantiates mr robert her's findings. >> the gop has accused garland of being unfair to former president trump and taking it easy and president biden. democrats believe republican slump weaponize the audiotapes against the president ahead of the fall campaign but republicans warned garland he had better comply with the committee's demands. >> what happened to peter navarro and steve bannon win they decided to defy a subpoena of the congress? >> we received four referrals criminal referrals that two were prosecuted, two were n not. >> what will happen to you -- >> mayor continue my answer? >> i know what happened, you know what happened too. mr navarro is in prison. >> democrats noted the judiciary committee chairman jim jordan never complied with a subpoena from the committee, investigating right at the capitol. garland was -- but he told the committee he will not be intimidated and he worried about attacks on the department of justice. >> what are you to say about contempt today? do you feel is abuse of the process when it comes to -- >> an attack on the rule of law per down people's confidence in the basic fundamental element of our democracy that i'll be -- or treated -- all people be treated equally. >> know there has been no floor vote on contempt of congress for garland. the reason? is about the math. they lack the votes so far. martha? >> martha: chart, thank you very much. virginia governor glenn young can get his state be heading to a pasta between president biden and former president trump. he joins me next. >> ♪ ♪ matthew calendula my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia or just leukemia in general. and here we are. saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. she was referred to saint jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody, because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. and we have received no bills since being at saint jude. we have paid for nothing. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life saving research and treatment these kids need. join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates, you know, once a month, they are changing people's lives and that's a big deal. (♪) >> ♪ ♪ >> martha: five months out from election day, this headline in the hell today, "content poses a real threat to turn it in virginia." keep in mind that president biden won the commonwealth more than ten points in the last time around in 2020 but recent polling shows them in a virtual time with former president trump. political analyst -- says, "if virginia is even competitive in the fall, it's a very bad sign for biden says virginia is more democratic than many of the true swing states." virginia governor glenn youngkin in the first republican oblate -- elected to the office since 2009 and he joins us now. governor, with the happy with us today. thank you for joining me. >> martha, great to be with you and just remind us all again in 2020, joe biden won virginia by ten points and didn't even -- and even having this conversation today i thankfully reflects the change in the about not only the strength that donald trump would bring to the presidency but the weakness the joe biden has demonstrated. we had economic weakness copy of national security witness, we have kiosk at the border, we have energy weakness in americans and virginians are ready for change and that is why i do think that all of a sudden states that in 2016 were not in play i think can be simply this year. listen, it's still early da days, but this strength from president trump not only in virginia but around the country is clear, and i think virginians and ready for change. >> martha: i want to review a quote from a former dnc official because i just want to get your reaction to it given the history in virginia with your and then some, you know, about more development term and house races -- state races that you may -- maybe one like. "one of the underreported stories in politics is that in the last 20 years the virginia democratic party has brought the country's most always on battle ready political machine. or less of what the polls say they're ready to deliver the state to biden and democrats of another ticket this year." is there an undercurrent sort of like a ready democrat machine that makes it very difficult to match the poles that we are seeing? >> i have to say that that ready democrat machine did not sure up in 2021 that's why i'm governor. and i believe that virginians believe strongly in commonsense conservative policies that's exactly what we have lead with demonstrated results from. i mean, we have seen virginia move from bottom third in job growth near the top. we have more virginians working than ever, archimedes are safer than than have in a long long long time. rear form education and we've demonstrated once again that there is room for commo commonsense. and i believe this is what the poles are reflecting, that america is ready for strength in commonsense and i believe virginians will, in fact, again present themselves not as a result of some political machine but reflecting their views that they are ready for change. again it's a long way until november but here we sit in june and the poles are tight. >> martha: i want to talk to you about where we are or why i am right now in normandy, i want to ask you quickly because your name always shows up on these shortlists of potential vise presidential candidates with former president trump. is it a job you would be interested in? >> well i love my job. i have to say that being governor of virginia is the most fabless job i could possibly imagine and i really do believe that i was called here to do this job and ended fully endorsed president trump and i told him that i would work enthusiastically got him elected. and so that's what i plan on doing. but i am really committed to virginia and i look forward to continue to lead. is in the transfer leadership in the commonwealth and across the country. again, that's why i do believe that states like virginia that joe biden won by a lot of back in 2020 or backend -- are back in play. >> we enjoyed visiting you and interviewing the gove governor's mansion, i can see why you like it. is a wonderful spot. let me ask you a little bit about the history of virginia win it comes to normandy and the day because it's an incredible story about the bedford boys mx had some light on -- for those who don't know who the bedford boys work, expand the sacrifice of judgement -- these virginians. >> well, of course, it is quite an honor to even be talking about the sacrifices that so many american heroes made on the day just now almost 80 years ago. and i'm just so emotionally touched by where you are right now. i was there just a year ago on thursday b. in bedford bedford virginia is not only the home to the national d-day memorial, but it's the home to the bedford boys. and no jurisdiction in america suffered a larger percentage of fatalities than bedford on the day. and these were amazing men who felt that they could in fact eradicate evil from europe. they put their hands up and went and fought and it is an amazing story of american courage and it's an amazing story of heroism. and that's why i always spend the day in bedford. last year i happened to be in normandy but otherwise i'm in bedford to honor these amazing men who stand for everything that is good about america. >> martha: you are so right and looked up the list, the hobart brothers, bedford hobart is buried here and i will go find his tomb but his brother's body was not found and his mother left her brother here so that her s son's could be here together and just one of the amazing stories that we have here. governor, thank you so much, to see you soon. governor glenn youngkin from virginia, thank you. >> if i could add that his brother will be buried there. >> martha: i read that. is a remarkable story from a governor can't think of so much for sharing it with us and give our best of the people in bedford. >> more than 100 world were two -- in these heroes are normalcy between 97 and 104 years old. you hear from steve mellen cough who hit the beach or in normandy off the week of the day, next. y. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> the only in with -- the infantry only got 12 weeks training because -- but because the new we were going to this battle, we got 17 weeks training. but then after the 17th week, we came over to england and i trained five additional months in st. ives before we went and. so this whole group of men, we knew after a little bit that we were going over here. >> martha: once you made up the beach and i'm sure you lost a lot of people that you knew probably on the ship, right. >> yes. >> martha: what was that like for you? >> all say this, on first day the 29th division in the first division had caused --, casualties, 5720. outside that to begin. 5720 casualties on the first day. >> martha: told me win and where you were wounded? >> yeah. i was wounded on june 17th. it was an attempt -- this was the second attempt to take -- that was our target. i was a rifleman and the -- i was assistance. my buddy and i -- we were two together, we were a team and we -- as we were getting ready to the box was at the end of that first day, a small german squad came over and we were under fire but the gun over the hedge row and he was shot and killed. >> martha: what was his name? >> 's name was alton jonas, he was from new hampshire. we were to -- we were rematch drafted at the same time at port evans. that's where we started. and we were shipped to texas where we got training and that's -- there was a training that was advanced we could fire every single gun -- we dance together, we drank beer together in england. we do the whole thing but he was my buddy and we lost him. so the next day i became the -- and the life of a machine gunner or a rifleman is not very long encumbers -- combat the current -- because what you do, you fire the biggest thing that's against you and that is the machine-gun. that day i was hit, i was right in the neck here by a machine-gun. radio know how it's possible but the machine-gun only hit me wants but as he went along with his machine gun like this, he hit me and he moved the gun over and he fired and alongside me was my personal attendant and he was there and he got the bulk -- because i don't know if it was my instincts or the shot knock me down i went to the ground and he didn't. he just stood there. after they moved off, a walk my way back to medical -- win i got there, they redressed it, they put me audibly with a bunch of other wounded veterans to be flown back to england. -- have you ever seen the movie -- >> martha: let me ask you about this place. to lead us about the greatest generation foundation that you have participated with nine times to come here to normandy. >> what this building was at one time about it was the headquarters of the command german emissary of the occupation. >> martha: there are not see murals on the inside of the walls in this building there was a german headquarters that were restored basically to bring them back so people can understand what this place was. but now this is a place where veterans of world war ii and korea and vietnam travel in groups together to come here every year to normandy. what does it mean to you be part of that? you're the senior statesman i think of the group, right. >> yeah. i guess -- even mona -- simply because of the attrition, okay. there's not many of us left especially combat men. so what it means to me -- i establish emission for myself because when i come here i talk to people like you, but i also talk to kids, people all up and down the scale. i especially love to talk to kids. and i know that if i talk to them and tell them my story, what they can absorb and -- if it's a story that -- win they take a picture of me they can tell -- they're going to remember steve and i tell them make sure they know that because they're going to be here to tell the story, you know, when were all gone. >> martha: when you think about america today in the country that you fought for and many of your brothers died to preserve freedom, what do you think about the united states today? >> well, i see some things that i really don't like. i see a are semblance of what's happening in 1939, 38. i was there. it's the feeling that we have -- the people are so absorbed in themselves, they're not the way we were. we volunteer -- i didn't volunteer that we were drafted -- but we knew we had a mission we did. are people -- where a hell of a lot tougher than you guys because we didn't -- like a gas light in a house, i remember all the things that we went through. i like to tell people, we had a depression -- don't be sorry for us. but i guarantee you when i was a kid, i had a lot more fun than your young kids have because you know what it was? we were independent in the s. plan our games, play our games, get messed up. it didn't matter. but now that we -- so so. we played football. wouldn't have padding. we had a generation but -- that because you had to walk to school, the put their old shoes on new company said go to school that's it. we were independent and i think that that was the generation that we were able to do things because they were so -- we're mostly factory workers. and elsie one other thing. i'm 104, i'm in pretty good health, i'll say, i'm okay. but you know something? because we were poor, we ate basic foods. we had arrived read, we had very little meat because it's too expensive. a lot of vegetables. a lot of the dieticians see you not supposed to that. we didn't have white bread because it was more extensive than right bread. -- win i say were tough it's just that we were forced to be tougher. we had to walk, brand, to walk to work. and i just hope -- i hope that we -- will be able to do something like our generation when it becomes necessary. and i see things on the news that sort of remind me of that period. >> martha: steve melancon, thank you very much. is really an honor to talk to you, sir. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: indeed it was. and the greatest generation foundation by committee stated by committee davis, amazing organization, you learn more about them to continue our coverage this week. led from normandy, right after this. >> ♪ ♪ at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours. >> ♪ ♪ >> martha: we will be back alive from normandy again tomorrow with more special coverage as the world marks 80 years since the day. that is "the story" for this tuesday, june the 4th, 2024. thanks for being with that, we look forward for the coverage all throughout this week. "your world" starts right now. i see you tomorrow. >> ♪ ♪ >> president joe biden: community --

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