Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702

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Welcome this Special Edition of hannity. Im Jason Chaffetz in for sean. And tonight we begin with a headline from the New York Post board. Quote, trump will win if does more speeches like the one in the bronx. Just 24 hours ago, the former president held a rally in front thousands of bronx residents from all walks of life. But instead of tearing them down with the divisive doom and gloom speech like joe biden, trump championed the people of new york and promised a Brighter Future for all. Have a look. Im here tonight to declare that we are going to turn new york city around and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly. New york was where you came to make it big. You want to make it big, you had to be in new york. But sadly this is now a city in decline. We have filthy encampments of drugged out Homeless People living in our places that spent so much time with children where they used to play. We have lunatics killing Innocent Bystanders by pushing them onto the Railroad Tracks for goer, then get so positive. Remember, were going to win. Were winners. Were going to win so big, were going to make it bigger and better than ever before. As of tonight, trump is only down by Single Digits in deep blue new york. And after a rally that in the bronx, the Mainstream Media all very worried. Have a look. Former President Donald Trump held a Campaign Rally in new york city in the democratic stronghold where he is widely unpopular. He took to a bronx park to some of his most familiar talking points. And what was the crowd like and what kind of response did he get . Well, certainly a bigger crowd. And i think democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the counties in the entire. I wasnt sure what to expect. Ive gone to a lot of these rallies across country, and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles. Donald trump, and theyre not necessarily part of the community. However, one of the things that i found was that there were a lot of people here that were actually from the bronx. Look, this is part of his outreach that he is trying to make a case in communities all across the country, and especially in these swing states, areas like detroit, atlanta, parts of the country where a little bit of change in the feeling of certain communities one way or another could ultimately decide this election john. Its unclear if the current president , joe biden, will visit the bronx. He doesnt like to get too far away from. Of course, thats where youll find him. This Memorial Weekend in delaware. Here now with reaction, Fox News Contributor joe concha and project 21 chairman horace cooper. Gentlemen, thanks so much for joining us. Joe, donald trump may be one of the best Retail Politicians weve ever seen. And i cant imagine joe even attracting a fraction of that crowd. And being able to do it off, off the cuff without having to just read every line from from a teleprompter. Well, jason, you dont have to imagine it. Thats thats the reality, right. As far as what weve seen with joe biden and with donald trump. Clearly, the enthusiasm and the momentum is behind the former president. And if the election were held today, instead of 164 days from now, not only is donald trump your next president , he wins by a landslide, not seen in decades. This is a going to say that hes going to win new york. But even if hes within, as you just reported, within Single Digits like he is now, and striking distance like he is in jersey in a dead heat in minnesota and virginia, that will force the Biden Campaign to spend time and resources in states that they thought they had locked up. And now donald trump is leading in all the major swing states north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. So you tell how joe biden wins given the current state of the country, given where we are with inflation, where we are crime, where we are with illegal immigration, where we are with foreign policy, education, energy independence, and the fact that joe biden, particularly lately, as weve seen in speeches, is aging, as well as manets left out in the summer hot day instead of like a fine wine. I dont know if. The election were held today. Donald trump wins and he wins easily. I dont know how joe biden reverses this at this point. Jason horace explained, from your vantage point, the phenomenon, donald trump, why is he doing so well with so many people . I mean, across the entire spectrum hes doing, except really well. Okay, so theres two factors here. One is that the former president is doing quite well. But theres the other factor. The existing president is doing very, very poorly. You mentioned the ability of one to be able to speak off the cuff and the other two have to contradict, at least have to use a teleprompter. Its we can stipulate our president is tired. He is aging. He is competent. But heres the real issue. The real issue is it the Actual Program . The actual Public Policy, the fatal mistake of progressives is they believe, like when the president went to morehouse, that you have to talk to the as if theyre from outer space. Theyre yes. People who are black, but they pay a mortgage or they plan to they plan to get married. They plan to travel. They plan to live. If you watched the rally of donald trump, what you saw was a man that talked to americans. It turns out that all americans dont like it. If you show up at the amtrak station or rail station and somebody pushes you off. It turns out that all americans, black ones and browns white dont like if foreigners come into the country and give them a debit card with two, three, four or 500. Theres no special message needed. And as i predicted with my book ,put your back in chains how bidens policies hurt black america. What trump has discovered and has recognized as president , policies that help everyone are popular with all americans. Its joe biden that has real problem here. Yeah, and you have to your point, horace. Joe, you got the governor of new york calling the people that attended clowns. I mean, literally called them clowns for showing up. It is if they dont understand ,the phenomenon of donald trump and they talk down and belittled these people and they have a very, very negative and dark message for the people of new york and the other blue states in the entire united states. Joe and jason, they dont understand history. Recent history where, 2016, Hillary Clinton called donald Trump Supporters a basket of deplorables. And i will say and you may that was the Turning Point in that election where you had the elitist Hillary Clinton talking down to supporters of donald trump in places like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin, all states that he won because he understood the struggles that they were going through under the obama administration. And Hillary Clinton says, oh, now theyre just deplorables, theyre racists, theyre xenophobic. So why would kathy hochul possibly go down that road and call all the people that attended that rally in the south bronx clowns . It will backfire because again. The democrats used to be the party of the working man and woman and now theyre the party of elites. And it shows i mean, its obvious at this point, jason, last word to you, horace well, this media that supposed to be helping to inform the American Public so they can make decisions about Public Policy are not equal. If a republican called a rally in a predominantly minority community, the who showed up clowns, i promise you thats front page news on the new york times. It is that this dismissive attitude exist with the progressives that lead the democrat. This is the reason why so many americans, black, white or brown, are running away as quickly as they can. Shame on them. They are. And they refuse to look at it and understand it and digest it. And its going to cost them dearly up and down the ticket. Joe concha, horace cooper, thank you so much for joining us tonight on hannity. All right. Tonight, still no word on just who trump will tap to be his running mate. And while its unlikely that former Ambassador Nikki Haley is in the running after a contentious primary, trump and haley are now both working to unite the Republican Party. Watch this. Nikki haley said today shes going to vote for you all. It looks like the Republican Party is coming together. Yeah, i think its just coming together. I think its come together for a long time. You have to understand, we did the nomination process, the past, the history. You know, if Somebody Else were running, theyd be running for another month in order to get the nominee. We did it two months ago, but we. The party is together. I appreciate what she said. The party is together. And i think were going to have a tremendously solid earth. Joining us now with reaction, Fox News Contributor tammy bruce and the tudor dixon podcast host aptly named after tudor dixon. Thank you so much for joining us on hannity tonight. Tammy, lets to you first. Pretty magnanimous of both of them to kind of throw their differences aside and say, hey, were going to vote in support donald trump. And i thought donald trump was very magnanimous. Back to to haley. To nikki haley for doing that. Yeah. This has always been an all hands on deck endeavor. It has to be. There has been a recognition president trumps doing what hes doing and theyre trying to destroy his life and he keeps doing it anyway because its not about him. He actually knows this. Hes standing up, obviously, for everyone else, for america in order to make this work. The damage that has been inflicted, jason, over the last several years and with what we whats been revealed over the last few years about the nature of the bureaucracy. Trump needs everybody on deck the talent bench for the gop is deep. And i also like haley and i appreciate ambition shes an ambitious woman. The founders knew that it was well, they cast it as ambitious men, and its really people who are who saved this nation. So but he also people in the closest realm whom he can trust, because weve also seen with the the betrayal, the lack of decorum and appreciation for him and certain other Staff Members over the years. So considering the nations at stake, its got to be people around him who understand the American People why we are choosing him ,the job that hes got to get done, that he only he can do. But he needs the support of a team. And i think haley, that where she would land. I dont know. Ron desantis is in the same boat. Right . Youve got a lot of great, but its about the team that makes us work. Understood. Wanting the importance and the power and the value of donald trump in this unique period of time. And then we can start thinking about 28 and 32 and all those other things. Its going to take generations. Repair the damage. Yeah. Tudor i thought nikki haley, her timing was good. She make a National Pledge that she would support the republican nominee and she and she followed through on that. Absolutely. I think it was perfect timing. She needed some time to show that she really wanted to think about what happened and talk her donors and talk to her supporters. All of the people that came to those rallies, she needed to give them time also to heal from that and decide that they were also going to come and bring the party together. But i think in addition to that, she gave the time to believe that they could take her supporters. And i think that was very key to make sure that for a while believed they had a chance. And she allowed those polls to creep and creep up for donald trump. And just, i believe at the right moment, she came out and said, hes my guy. You guys pretty much always knew he was going to be my guy. When i stepped out of the race, you knew i was going to vote republican. But now im coming out as he is high in the polls and, democrats are wondering what theyre going to do to say im voting with him and im going to take my supporters with me. So the job of any Buddy Running for office is to expand the tent, right, to go out and get those independent voters and voters that would have voted on the other side of the aisle, maybe for Somebody Else. The game we have now is trying to guess who the Vice President ial pick is going to be because donald trump said hes probably going to do that at the convention. Thats less than two months away. So what is your best bet for each of you . Whats your guess . Who should donald trump pick for his Vice President . Tamiko first place . Well, you know, ive always thought the best team was trump and desantis. We saw with the governor that he wasnt quite sure about how to handle a national campaign. That tells you that there something that will. Theres a few things to learn before you become president. Being in that Vice Presidency would help him understand that whats happening to trump isnt just for trump. That is, again, about teamwork, but its also about the power of a personality. Hes young. Hes in his forties. I think that that is an excellent position for him. At the same time, youve still youve got to make sure that people understand. Thats the problem with nikki. She didnt necessarily understand what american what the American People were thinking and doing. But i think it desantis should be the choice. But theres of others and ill be thrilled with whoever he picks. All right, tudor, youre up. Whos your best bet . You know, i agree. I actually dont think that its that important. I think the people that he is looking at right now, the lists that have been leaked, if they are accurate, all of those people would make a great Vice President and would be able to step into that position if need be. They would be a fabulous pair. But donald trump doesnt need to come out with a Vice President ial pick to get people to come onto his team and to vote for him. People are coming out for donald trump. So so as much as we talk about the Vice Presidency, its really about him. And no one is going to help him or hurt him, hes going to carry that through. Well, i think those are i agree with both of you. I think theres a lot of good people out there. Governor desantis, senator tim scott, senator Marco Rubio John ratcliffe, the former congressman robert obrien, the former National Security adviser. But the best analysis i heard so far is that dr. Ben carson, because he probably doesnt want to become the next president , even though hes highly qualified, he wont be to run it while hes in office for four years as the Vice President. Thats an interesting thing. And im sure well talk a lot more about that on hand. Tammy, bruce tudor dixon, thank you so much for joining us tonight. All right. Now lets turn our attention. Well, africa, because biden once vowed to visit the continent by the end of 2022. But like so many other empty biden promises, that never happened. But this week, biden did host kenyas president at the white house. And as you might expect, did not go well. Have a look. Two years ago, our nations first black Vice President , president kamala harris. You know, you cant have a billion people, not pursue the idea and ignore it. It makes no sense. All. Can i. Two questions, if i may. On no. One would do my level best during nixon. My next question is so people can grow. Thats what its about. What do you want . Oh, i. This concludes the press conference. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of hard to watch. This comes shortly after the white house was forced to issue nine nine correction to bidens speech on sunday. Hes using a teleprompter, nine corrections. So how will joe make it through an upcoming debate against the former president , donald trump . Here with analysis, Fox News Contributor leo drell and former white physician congressman ronny jackson. Congressman im going to start with you here. Nobody knows precisely whats going on or not going on with joe biden. Theres times where he seems like his energy level is way up. Theres other times when it think hes going to fall asleep and you wonder if he could walk off stage. So, you know, hes not getting more bright and more and attentive. Hes getting a little bit more suspect every time hes up on stage. Youre a former white house physician. I mean, its one of the most rigorous jobs in the world. Whats your assessment of whats going on . Well, youre right, jackson. Hes not getting any better. Hes going to continue to get worse. And i tell people, you can go back, you know, we got 40 years of tape to look at this man and see what hes like before. But just go back. Look at when he first started running for president and compare it to now unbelievable deterioration. I mean, its markedly worse. And youre right, some days he has good days, but those are very few. And i think that theres theres theres drugs involved of some sort. I dont know what theyre giving him. I dont know. You know what, kind of cocktail. The white house has got him on his positions, not transparent he wont come out. He wont talk to the press. He wont answer the questions about what medications the president may actually be on. But, look, you know, compare it just the last few days to when he was in the state of the union. Something going on here. And i assume thats what theyre going to do when he has a debate, theyre going to say theyre going to do whatever they did when he had the state of the union, although i dont think that worked real well, because, you know, he may have been more alert, but he was just an angry, yelling old man at that point, making little sense, even then, but just being that much louder about it. So well see what happens in the debate. Hes going to get absolutely crushed, crushed by president trump, who can stand up there for 2 hours without any prompting whatsoever and answer any question they throw at him. And biden is going to rely on you know, hes typically has to rely on teleprompters and having the questions prepared for beforehand, making sure theres coordination between the reporters and his team and him. So, you know, if that doesnt happen if its a fair debate, if they both get up there without any notes and any teleprompters and just have to go off, you know, what they have when they walk through the door, he is going to get destroyed. Leo, you have a Teleprompter Speech where they white house has to issue nine corrections. Then you have that press conference, which is very difficult to watch. I mean, its just hard to watch somebody failing like that. Well, whats your analysis of whats going on . Whats your your perspective . Well, i think you have a physician in the congressman just articulating the problem with joe biden. And i think is its time to honest. Joe biden is unfit to serve as. Hes hurting america. I could take what we have seen the last couple of days, jason. I could take the testimony, the congressman, and go to court and request a conservator for joe biden. He needs a caretaker at the expense the American People. And you got 90 of the media protect him as if theres nothing wrong with joe biden. Everyone in this country knows youre something wrong with him. Hes a laughingstock around the world. Key here is simply this. That early debate in opinion, thats an audition. Thats his Last Chance To See if can convince the democrats. But everyone knows hes not to serve as president. Those are not gaffes. Those are something wrong with him mentally. And i would take the congressman in the court and demand a conservatorship. One last point. I think theres abuse on the part of his wife, his family and the administrator because they know whats wrong with him. And yet they pretend and lie to the American People every day. Well, not only that, not only does he have the cognitive challenges that are just out there for the world to see, but his policies are failing and hes not able to communicate where he wants to take this country . I think that is the number one reason why joe biden is probably going to lose this election. Congressman ronnie jackson, leo terrell, thank you so much for joining us tonight on hannity. All right. Coming up, The Trump Trial is set to resume on tuesday with closing arguments. Well discuss what to expect with Gregg Jarrett and Matt Whitaker coming up next next. Rt dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in a for. Little as two weeks. So this is better. So this is better. Even thi treatment for specific types of moderate to severe asthma. Sudden Breathingtness Problems depicting can cause allergic reactions that caofn be severe. Tell your doctor right away if you have rash chest pain joinasitic ig, shortness o, tingling or numbness in your limbs. 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Closing arguments in trumpsedis new york trialin are expectedak to take place next week, with Court Resuming Tuesdae Y and with the trial nearing its conclusion, americans across the countrhey are sounding off on the egregious lawfare Waged T Former president trump. Now, the questionthe on everybodysqu mind is how is the jury going to vote . Are they going to votes y to convict . Despite glaring flaws in the vodespite case, in his latest o, gregg, jarrett says that the case has reasonable doubtt written all over it. But the antics from bragtics in russian are leaving the outcome a mystery. Lnews legal analyst Gregg Jarrett joins us now, along with former acting attorney general Matt Whitaker. Gentlemen, thank you both for joinin fg us. Great. You wrote the op ed. Wrot the case going into its final stages, things seems like its been a marathon about nothing. But as you read it now, where you see this case going . Is well, it is hard to know. I hope the jurors are seeing through this sham case. H th you know,is in 44 years, jason, i have never seen such a shameful abuse of the legal system. A d. A. Who can sha the law beyod recognition, a hyper biasew d w judge who disgraced the bench with one sided errane tot punit, rulings. The legal theory is totally p up, exists nowhere in the law. Oe re alvin bragg, judge merchan, worked in tandem as Co Prosecutors to Wrongfullyo Wron convicted will never stand up on appeagfl. E. They know that they dont care. They took noe names, dead misdemeanors, disguised them as felonies. Misdall of its pure fiction. And then they wrapped it uped in a pretty little bow i of legl deceptions. And, of course, a lying and al. On Michael Cohen on top of it, the d. A. Obstructed justice, conceale tdt exculpatory evidence to the ju thisthy, manufacturedru laughable indictment, and then suborned perjuryand jury, the t. They do cong with lie. They wanted him to lie. This is guilt by smear. It is a performance trial, not a real trial. And i just hope the jurors can set aside their politics of trump and see for what it is. Matt whitaker, whats your whats your take on whats going on here . Jasr take o and the other part of it 2 is having to attorneys as jurorrneys. Do you see that as a goodad thing, bad thing . How would you read that . You know t well, jason, good to be with you. You know, i was in courtd to b on tuesday, sat right behind president trump. I watchen d the end of the triae watched the defense rest and i sat in the afternoon through the jury instructionin ts arguments. And i would have to say that i agree with what greg jusd y t ss judge merchan is clearly pulling for the prosecutiochn, who clearly wants this case to be a verdict against donald trump. But the ae people see right through this. This is an absolute show trial n. There is really no legal theorye that is supported by the evidence. And, you know, Michael Cohen is not only a convicted liar, but he admitte notd to stealing 60,000 from donald trump while. He was on the stand and he also made up storie ods, it appears, while on the stand and im guessing the jury doesnt chec k their, you know, reason in common sense at the door. And theyll bring that to this and theylse a l discount Everythingount E that Michael Cohen testified in the case Completelyveg Mich Flat on his face. Am craig, i don ft america understands what this case is even really about. I dont heara he people the str talking about worried about it. It seems to bewod about a caset about nothing. This is a Paperwork Issue noa papey that this is lawfare tried to pin donald trump as a you know, as a evil person. But theres nothing out there in the public thats driving anything t to cause concern amou the American People. I think the worry, though, is a wrongfulongful conviction, that Calculus Changetions dramatically. They dont realize that this is a cas e of reasonable doubt by far prosecutors failed miserably to prove anything, the private Business Records were accuratoything te, not fal. All the testimony shows that trump had nothing to do the the computer entries. Theres no evidence that trump willful , fully violated Election Laws. Indeed, no Election Laws w broken, which is why the fedshy decided not to prosecute. Where in the world is the fraud . Well, its nowhere. You knowworld , prosecutors clat that trump intended to conceal another crime,or but, you know,h jason, they wont even say what that crime is. And here weme are at the end of the case, is it a state law, a federal law, a tax crimef , knows they wont say any other r Toleratelerate T that. Its a violation of the defendants Sixth Amendmentan right. So, you know, this is ant orwelliaght. N show. Its a charade. But the worry is upon a conviction. You know, the calculus politically could change significantly to the detriment n of an innocent mant. Matt whitaker, last word to you. What do you. Whats going to happen thimattrs this next week . Where do you see this going . Yeah, well, well see final arguments on tuesday. The jurors will may go outt an and deliberate starting on wednesday. They are going to Finalld Y Workt Th on a wednesday. I thought it was a very leisurely schedule that they wereis was keeping up until nowo but, you know, i think it does boil to your earlier question,sn these two lawyers that are on this jury are going to have an important role, and that is to poinolt out to their fellw jurors that this case is a j complete miscarriage of justice and that theres really no legal theory that is supported by these facts to Convictonald Donaldtr trump. R Matt Whitaker and Gregg Jarrett, thanks for joining us tonightan k than on hannity. Appre do appreciate it. All right. 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Any time anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. Welcome back to this Special Edition of hannity. Were about to head into the Holiday Weekend and thankskt to biden comics, this years memorial day will be more expensive inte than ever as inflation continues to wreak havoc on the economy en. The price of groceries needed for your Memorial Day Barbecuede ,well, its surging. In fact, according to one Ac Cookoutypical will cost about 10 more that nd year. Meanwhile, according to new reports, more Alarintoportm Bele are sounding for bidens Reelection Hopes as silicon investors, theyre embracing trump. They know how to smell a winne r and theyre smelling trump. After years of leaning left,n theyre looking at trump. But the american suffering most underrumpe Amer Biden Comis are living paycheck to paycheck. And if biden gets his wan numby the financial squeeze is about to get even worse. Despit te families strugglings to make ends meet. Biden still wants to letmeet the trump tax cuts expire. That means its going to be b a tax increase which will significantly impact americans increa making less than 100,000 a year. So much for biden yeas promise to never raise taxes on anyone outside of the top 1 . Well, here with reaction, fox news Course Businessnt correspondent Lauren Simonetti. And founder of the committee to unleash prosperity. Steve, two of my favorites. Thanks so much for joining us on this friday night. Steve, lets start with you. E whats goingpl to happen if the trump tax cuts expire because it is a Tax Exnveryboand despite with bide said, its going to affect everybody. Yeah, theresdy no doubtabou about it. In fact, you know, larry kudlow and i and a couple of others helped putit that plan together for donald trump. He knew what he wanted to do and he f he iisted in every meeting we had on that tax plan. Very mee jay said that it be a significant tax cut for middlewe class folks. Now, we did cut business taxes to bring jobs back to th cuts eg united states, and that was a huge success. But a big part of it was increasing f it the standard deduction, by the way. Now, 90 of taxpayers dont have to itemizedw 90 deductions anymore. So we simplified the code, but familyrage mediansimplified income. Jason, you ready for this . Saved about 2,000 a yeara on their taxes if you repeal itg ,youre raising their taxes by 2,000. But i want to correctaxet have. Thing that you said, jason. You know, when you talk about bidens claim of nots taxing people make less than 400,000 because of the higher prices that you were talkingyo about, every time you go to the grocery store, every time puu go to the gaueyou gos, evee you pay your rent or your utility bill,mp y you are paying the biden inflation tax. And it is a tax t. It definitely is. Right on that. Lauren, its not just that joe biden is promising a tax increase by allowing tax cuts to expirpromisine, but the costh of energy, i mean, the cost of fuel, the going to the pump, just going to the grocer pumpsye these are stunning numbers. And when i rea d that theres more than 1. 2 trillion of americans having debt on their o credit cards. No this is not a good formula for success. The way were getting by is swiping away all of our purchases and were not able to to pay the bills anymore. You know, theres a silly number and were talkingthe about it that your memorial day barbecue, the seven basic items are going to cos t about 3t thre more this year than last year. Dod you could sa ty add justhi dollars. Who cares . That relish wents who ca up 48 e past year. I dont even like relish. Well , its that over and overve again, cumulatively for three years, constant increases everywhere you look that its absolutely. Suffocating. The average household is payingm 1,100 per month more sincone. Biden became president. So now if taxes are going upso e were pretty dead set thinking Interest Rates are not coming down because inflationates is sl two full Percentage Points higher than when biden took pe in january of 2021. This is like the new reality and a lot of people coast to coast are saying enough. These policycoastto days are suffocating us. Steve i go and talkal to americans all across the countr ameriy. T i defy anybody to tell mee what what the biden plan is Toackl Tackle Inflation and make the economy better. Bibody can Telinflatiod Makel Yt the biden plan is because i dont think he has one. But if you werede advisingdvn a president trump, should he get reelected, what shoul prd trump do in order to drive down the cost of goods and to get inflation under control . Unyou got to do two things, jason. Number one, youve got to really start doing somethinge about the massive increase in Government Spending and debit and all of that 5 trillion that biden spent, which wasmostr one of the most reckless things weve ever seen in this country. Every single pennyec w of that r paid for by just printing money that was obvious that was going to cause inflationoney. The second thing you have to do, grow the economy. They would call a supplyow the s we ought to increase the supply of goods and services, increasse happly. Guess what happens . The prices go down. And thats especially truet happ g in gas. Why arent we, jason, producing. More oil and gas at home . Yeah, yeah, yeah. E to m it doesnt make any sense to me because we were energy independent. We made a chance, made a choice not to. And now joe bide choicn, in ordr to bring down the price of gas, is tapping into the Strategic Petroleum reserve. Hes doing that for political purposes. Its notpetroleuhe there to do s supposed to do, which supp us in case of an emergency. So, loren, if you were advising the president , if the you were the team with steve moore, what Woulpresidend You Te new upcoming president , what should he do . Newoming pryoure youre not gm to outdo steve moore, but what would you do terms of tackling i this Inflation Problem that weni have . This is this is quite a promotion, jason. I would say what trumps did Last Night In The South Bronx Maga Nomic Thes replaces biden, nomics low taxes, low interest i. Drill, baby, drill. You send that message to texastd to big oil and they say, sure,l thatre more than happyan. Thats why there are these reports that president , former e president , is having a dinner with the big oil companies. H bi and he says, give mes 1,000,000,000 and ill and you basically favorable energy policies, which would essentially be a tax cutne on Everyrg Single Americany an because energy and oil is used in every product, not to mention our cars. And many democratic lawmakers are upset with that. They and they want a probe. They wrote a lettet tor to exxonmobil, chevron, which executives met with trump. And what was whi said, because i drill, baby, drill is such a foreign concept to the am that this could actually bring down the cost of everythinouldgn consumers and for businesses. And one other thing, because in silicon valle. Y, you used to if you were a republican, i mean, you had to go intoe witness protection. And thats changing. We are hearing from very loude former democrats, independents, saying, you know what, i might not like him. I might not even be a republican, but i Amm Eepublict only voting for president trump, im going to help him fundraist one. Y fo we are going to raise money for donald trump because his policies bec are much better than what weve had over the past four years. Idese guys are technology, big ideas, progrowth, optimistic people, and they, too feel suffocated. Yeah. D of is about policy at the end of the day. Lauren simonetti and stevemoore, moore. Like i said to my favorites. Appreciate you joining us this friday night 2 eciate y. All right. Straight ahead, well break down the lates t far left lunacytest f coming out of california after the break. Aromingas this Special Edition of hannity continues. Welcome to stormy heights, where the windows are always pella palace. Fiberglass is, the strongest material for windows and patio doors. The fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistant Pella Windows tested for extremes designed for your home. This bathroom so musty, everybody damp and a body damp. Davids new fast acting drop in tab attracts and traps excess moisture, eliminating musty odors, body depth. 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Gary shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. And tonight, far left lunacy continues in california. The deepfornia. Blue state justd to legalize common posting Human Remains. Yes, you heard that right. Compins. O Human Remains for thoe who want environmentallyformer a burials. Former assemblywoman Cristina Garciablywoman authored the bil said she wants her, quote, soiql be used specifically for a plum tree, end quote. Also in california, a bill al the state legislature, a road require all new cars sold in the stat sole by 2032 to beep at drivers when they ten Miles Per Hour over the speed limit. Boy,e spmit. That will be fun. The bill narrowly passed Itsn First Vote in the state senate on tuesday and if it becomes law, it has the potential has to impac tt all car sales in the united states. Here now with reaction, here F Caldwellbutor along with just listen c to Yourselalf Podcast Host kyra davis. Kyra,o yo im going to you fi because you live in california. Whats wrong with your state. Are you nuts . All the problems that are going on in california with homelessnes n califos, all that. And theyre working on beef and cars and composting Human Remains. Really . Yeah, really. Tha thats thats where weret at here. I mean, im in big trouble i fssin that car beeping la passes me because i have a lead foot. But this really is where we were laughing about it. Laughibut both of these bills, l with some other bills that are coming up this week, jason, that are really disturbing in our assembly. Its really just a symptom of at larger issue, which is the most hated Personperson In is the taxpayer. And the government gives us all these rules to live by. Wo we follow the rules and then the result of the rules ans is lowered revenue for the government or its just more chaos. And sor what does the governmen . Do . Do they roll back those rules . No, of course. They just make the rules more rules to protect the old rules. And then they need new to sur make sure those rules work. And it just caused in chaos. Californiaose rules, and yet ise living embodiment of direct democracy. This is what direct democracy looks like. And its absolutcrace. I dont know what to say except. This is how we live here. And the Human Composting thing, i think is very disturbing i as well, because what it does is it it sort of subverts gods order and it makes humans just another piece of trash to becoms composted, which i think falls in line with our current state administrations belief about the average taxpayerons all right, johnny, youre smart enough not to liveu in california. So give us your take on the craziness that is californias thess t. Well, california continues to be the Landifornia Of Wackyn and social experiments. And i got to tell you, jason, i dide god live in California Un until two months into the Covid Shutdowntimonths made 2020, i d to go with freedom ring. And that was g miami, florida, which is where i am right now. But, you know, the peoplenow. Of California Understood and still understand going that things arent going well there. Under gavin newsomsl leadership since 2021, up into 2023, we saw about 800,000 people escape the state of california. And this year, just thisary s yeart. , january first, we saw that the states highest tax rate go up to 14. 1 forrehkop people making over 1,000,000. I now, mind you, if you compare it to new york, youre goinge th to get taxed. 10 is the highest Tax Rate Ifis you make 25 million and more,e. The state cant help themselves. Theyre running people out left and right. Lastnow thats why they havean a Budget Deficit just last year to hit about a 68 billion deficit. Thisey a year, theyre talkingdi about a 27 billion deficit. And next year theyre projectingci a 28 billionhelp t deficit. They cannot help themselvehemsee but theyre ruining a beautiful state. And its unfortunate. Deviningn newsom, what hes doig and his democratic colleagues, hey, look, i was born in california, but fortunately wa bs able to move out of there. John, im fortunate. Youre exactly right. And look, the problem is they wh worship at the altar of big government. They think the Governmenipat Tht Control Everything from birth to grave, even before birth. O they want to control everything you do all the time. Yon s why there are neverg enough laws on the books. Instead of giving people freedoms in and liberty. Its a last word. Real quickly, i want to give you ive only got seconds left. Nds left what in the world. Is california going to do to get out of this mess . Django unchained, weve got u 181,000 Homeless People there. You need to change leadership 100 . E totally agree with gianna. We have to vote. We have the voters th here to win some republican victories, but we neee tod to motivate the. And thats the biggest challenge. Resul thats right. You get if you want different results, youre going to have to elect different people, wake up, smell the roses and make it happen. Thano elerent pek you both for g us tonight on hannity. More of this Special Edition of hannitytyf th right after the break. Did you know taking zs all At Night Relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day. Get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. Be wise. All take on at night. He was only 47. Aneurysm. Did he have Life Insurance . Do you know . You got to get on it . Check out selectquote. Trust me. The peace of mind its worth it. Life insurance is too important to put off day. Thats why selectquote makes getting coverage you need easy for less than a dollar a day. Now get up to a 2 million policy with no medical exam and same day coverage. 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Welcome back to this Special Edition of hannity. Before we go, a quick programming note. Orthe third episode of outlaws s and lawmen with sean hannity is available exclusively on foxi nation. This episode follows legendary man, hunter, bass reeves. Have a look. Ry m hunteryou that you had nothing o with this killing, that your ydid it . Yes, sir. You had a cartridge in the magazine . I couldnt throw it up to the barrel. So then i reached for my knifeie. Either my knife or my hande an struck the triggerk the tr. The gun went off. Its an honor to sit in this t chair. Haves all the time we have. I hope we take time, proper time to honor the Men And Women Who Gavee T The Ultimate Sacria for this country. May god bless them. Gutfeld is up next

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