Beloved performers of all time she is now working on her 50th solo studio album. Sandra Country Music superstar dolly parton is joining America Reports today. She will talk about her iconics career or give us a preview of the oneofakind immersive student storytelling experience, opening at dollywood today, just in time for the Memorial Day Weekend. We will hear about that and much more from the music legend herself. She is joining us live coming up. John when you look at how long her career is, the very first time i interviewed her it was in toronto, canada, in 1992. Here in 2024 still going strong. Sandra an amazing businesswoman and so thoughtful and optimistic. People love to hear what she has to say, cant wait for it, john. John she is one of those people you just inherently like. Its really interesting. Some of that secret sauce. We begin with the hunter biden that back in court for what could be the final hearing before the start of His Gun Trial In Delaware and with that i am john roberts in washington. Sandra i am pumped for this friday show, john, its great To Be With You im sandra smith in new york this is America Reports. A lot of Breaking News we are falling for you at this hour. The first Sans Gun Trial which is expected on june 3rd, hunter biden charged with lying about his drug use when he bought that weapon on 2019 he has pleaded not guilty to the charges but prosecutors for the Special Counsels office plan to use his own discarded laptop to prove otherwise. John we have Fox Team Coverage come Andy Mccarthy joins us in moments with more on Hunter Bidens infamous laptop now about to be used in court. Sandra We Begin With David Outside the courthouse, david what we expect today in court . Today is an opportunity for the Special Counsel to hash things out before the trial begins with jury selection. A little bit over a week on junt laptop, remember that was a laptop that 51 former intelligence officials essentially said was Russian Disinformation shortly before the 2020 election. Now both sides agree the laptop is a legitimate piece of this puzzle. They will mention some of that laptop in court. We have some shots of Hunter Biden Walking in Federal Court behind me, we know he has been still awake and listening to some of these arguments. Today is a deal about motions and what can be brought in, what evidence can be brought in . What cannot be brought before the jury . We mention he owned that gun for 11 days. He was charged for allegedly lying and saying he was not addicted to drugs. We have a couple of things we got from the court come our reporters and the court, judge Maryellen Erica ruled the Special Counsel cannot mention the tax case in los angeles. That has been pushed back until September 5th. She ruled a Special Counsel cannot mention the Child Support case in arkansas. Special counsel cannot discuss hunters navy discharge, Special Counsel cannot use hunters comments from the day he pleaded guilty here in this actual courthouse behind me last july 26th when that plea deal famously blew up in his face and they cannot use the phrase extravagant lifestyle but can include evidence he was spending a lot of money. Speaking of a lot of money, hollywood entertainment lawyer, sandra and john, kevin morris he spent millions to help his friend with legal issues including paying his tax bills, there are reports he is no longer helping hunter out financially as much. Now as i mentioned he is also facing this trial in california, just pushed back to September 5th if it even happens because of plea deals possible. Again, this begins behind me june 3rd week of june 3rd. Its always possible they may be a plea deal in store but at this point both seem to be moving forward to trial and you have to wonder for david why Special Counsel whats the incentive for him to do another plea deal after that plea deal blew up in his face he was criticized, he was called before congress and we will see what happens but it looks like all engines or go for june 3rd. Back to you. Sandra david, thank you, john . John All Systems Go lets bring in Andy Mccarthy former assistant u. S. Contributor and i thought this is very interesting here the david weiss says he wants to use the laptop in court to build the case against hunter biden. Here is what he wrote the defendants laptop is real. It will be introduced as a Trial Exhibit and it contains a significant evidence of the defendants guilt. The defendants laptop is real. Who knew . Yeah, john, actually the infuriating thing is the fbi knew and the Justice Department new and they knew for almost a year before it was misrepresented as potential Russian Disinformation in the runup to the 2020 election. They have had the laptop, by then they had it for months. They had forensic work on it they knew it was authentic. As a number of us noted at the time, neither hunter biden nor the Biden Campaign was coming forward with anything that would cast doubt on the emails and other items we were seeing from it. It certainly looked like it was authentic and they didnt come up with anything to suggest it wasnt by the government knew it was authentic. The reason why weiss wants to bring an end is because he says there is limited sans that laptop to prove hunter biden was on drugs when he signed this form. Lets put it up on the screen because we have a new copy of adeterminer. When he said he was not under the influence of drugs it says here the user use of marijuana with regardless if it has been legalized or to criminalize for medicinal or Recreational Purposes in the state where you reside and it says are you an unlawful you dont like or of or addicted to any depressants, stimulant, drug or any other controlled substance . And he wrote down no but it appears there is contradictory evidence on the laptop. I think theres a lot of contradictory evidence on the laptop and this has been a bugaboo of mine for a while, john. I think theres also evidence of a second gun on the laptop. You know, the gun that is in the indictment is a revolver. Thats the one they charge. The Salacious Pictures that were run in various Media Outlets that were drawn from the laptop show him handling a revolver, which is a different gun in the same time frame. So i would think that would also be relevant to weiss case. The defense has probably done i previously tried to give the laptop out saying they have numerous reasons to believe the data had been altered and compromise before investigators obtained the electronic material. They seemed to of left that go. Yeah, they have an opportunity, if they want to, to put an expert on who has examined it and can make those claims. I think if they can prove that in court they would. I wouldnt hold my breath. Speak of the defense wanted to keep a whole bunch of information from the jury including references to the childsupport proceedings an end the arkansas case, information led into hunters discharge for the navy, money allegedly spent on Adult Entertainment and escort services, unnecessary salacious details regarding his previous addiction, the judge has agreed to that. It really then does sharpen the contrast between the Hunter Biden Trial end of trump trial in new york where the judge just let Stormy Daniels spew all of that. It really is a remarkable contrast. Actually think im hunter biden case they may be saving the prosecutors from themselves because the evidence of guilt on the narrow specific charges, it looks like its overwhelming. I think that is why he wanted to dispose of everything and that Plea Agreement that blew up that you mentioned earlier. The prosecutor should not need all of that stuff, and they can only get themselves in trouble when they put in a bunch of extraneous evidence i think they should stick to what they have which looks strong. John will it go to court or plead out . Im surprise he has not played out already so i continue my spectacular streak of being absolutely wrong on that kind of call in every one of these cases. John we still love you, andy. Andy, enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend. Let some those who sacrificed for week can be free. Andy, john, thank you democrats are up in arms over yet another flag at one of the Supreme Court justices homes. This one Justice Alitos will he be forced to recuse himself from some crucial cases . Shannon bream will react next plus this. I believe we can win new york state, we have levels do we have levels of support that no one has seen before. I mean, look at this. John forma President Trumps really drawing a massive crowd in the bronx. Can the native new yorker flip one of the big apples bluest counties . Ed nutrition for strength and energy. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Hi guys bill, you look great now that i have inspire, im free from struggling with the mask and the hose. Inspire . Inspire is a Sleep Apnea Treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. Where are you going . Im going to get inspire. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com. Norman, bad news. I never graduated from med school. What . But the good news is. 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I think what he did was the wrong thing to do and it casts some doubt on impartiality. Justice alito is not paying attention to his responsibility to the court and the American People. He cant play Fast And Loose with these political symbols without just brutalizing his own integrity. Budge on the pine tree is also flying outside of speaker johnsons personal office right now. We shot out this morning and its been there since before he ever became speaker. That flag with the motto and appealed to have been written on it was first used by George Washington during the revolutionary war designed by his secretary in 1775. Its been flown over numerous State Capitals and is the official maritime flag today of massachusetts. This after an American Flag was flown upside down outside of alitos home you are called by his wife in response to attacks from neighbors according to the justice. Meanwhile republicans have simply have not, watch. This is an example of democrats attacking the Supreme Court. Remember when Chuck Schumer made a pretty blatant threats to the Supreme Court . This is just terrible and terrible to see these political motivated threats against Supreme Court. John senator tom cotton has put the prime tree up outside his office saying on x i stand with George Washington and alito over Pro Clenching lives at the New York Times and Democrats In Congress but, john it has not slowed this drumbeat of democrats calling for alito to recuse himself from all 2020 election interference cases. John the Pine Tree Flag to come a lot of people fly that. Why does it matter if alito flies it . Is that just because we had an upside down American Flag for a few hours outside of his house . Which, of course, is a universal sign for distress if you are out on a boat and new flyer flag upside out means come help me. A lot of critics say they are reaching for it its all political now. Speak or member of the nuttiness about the kid who had a flag on his backpack and the principal said thats associated with racism . People need educate themselves. Another of independence indeed. Think you have a good memorial day. Lets bring in Shannon Bream Fox News Sunday anchor and chief legal correspondent, shannon great to see you. Great to have you here in person in new york. You know what else feels compelled to weigh in on this question were former Vice President mike pence. He sent out a tweet saying the controversy over this flag is absurd and antihistorical. The flag was commissioned by George Washington in 7075 for use on six cruise ships intercepting british vessels at the end begin the maritime flag of massachusetts. The flag has lost its meaning from john locke and he provides an end to his tweet with this The Appeal To Heaven Flag is part of our proud heritage of faith and freedom in every american should be proud to fly it so why is this so controversial . You have to ask the question too about the timing because we have critical cases coming from the Supreme Court that they would january 6th, the deal President Trump. With the New York Times the upset on flag story launched it was a three plus year old pictures would had been around, people knew about it so it begs the question about the timing. Asked for this flag, i will tell you i did not know much about it. I didnt know it was controversial to some folks. Some will say its been collected from the all right and its a sign of something but again if you were trying to give away you are part of a White Nationalist group or Something Else im not sure you would fly the flag. What this flag meant and why they chose to fly it was a Justice Alito or a Martha Alito Decision i have not heard back from that particular flag but you have to remember there are also flags flown the American Flag and all kinds of other american historic imagery that was used on january 6th. Where do we draw the line and saying this is a symbol for a group that overflow the government versus these are parts of American History people may exploit. Interesting piece on this this morning in a flagging campaign against Justice Alito talking about the activists seeing this as potential bonus and she says joe bidens campaign does not have anything else and the fear tactic has worked in the past. To her point, it has. So they will see what sticks. This was noah rothman this morning he joined el and i on the set of newsroom to get alito to recuse himself, listen. The remedy to the suppose it just incidents since here is always recusal is always to denude the power of the conservatives on the court to erode the separation of powers. The idea is to establish the trend to backup and justify the original report which did not have the effect that they wanted it to have. You are not familiar with it or there was controversy over the flag, you wonder what the timing of that was. When did it become controversial . They just decided this the activists . I dont know maybe the folks that spotted this at january 6th that forevermore will be associated with this and thats where we are taking notice. We have to remember there are also cases come one very familiar with folks, Ninth Circuit Judge who was willing on a samesex marriage case eventually that went to the Supreme Court. His wife was the director of a group that signed on two briefs in that case. When he was pushed on that he said her views or her own and i dont do anything based on what she is advocating for what she does. If that explanation is okay with people considered left leaning, they all considered to be okay for someone to write leaning . With Ruth Bader Ginsburg who made negative comments about President Trump after he had become president with how he had not released his tax returns then ruling on cases and subpoenas involving his tax returns all kinds of cases to be had. I think americans want to see it fairly applied. Its hard to believe its gotten to this point. We are heading in all day we can, you have a big show Fox News Sunday coming up, great guests you have lined up ahead of what is going to be a very crucial week watching the trump trial. It is paid we have congressman Byron Donalds and jerry mosk was. Progress and both from florida so both sides of the aisle represented on tough issues and Congressman Donalds also allegedly on the vp shortlist so we will talk about that. Legal eagles here to break down the end of the trump trial. Sandra great stuff all over the place, have a great weekend as well will be wat watching. I know you and i have talked a lot about the flag story and beyond, its a headscratcher at times, but we will see where this goes next. John here is the thing because on January The 6th people were flying a lot of flags including old glory and i swear i saw one on the flagpole above the white house. May be should look into that. Also the gadsden flag was being flown on January The 6th and i think 12 states you can get that flag under license plate. May be all those folks should be looked into. Where do you draw the line here . Where do you draw the line . Sandra is interesting for sure. Im sure there will be a lot of opinion written about this over the weekend, john. John im sure there will be. Former President Trump drawing a crowd of thousands of people in the bronx as he weighs in on a form arrival giving her support. Our Political Panel Chris Bedford and jonathan got here to weigh in on that. Sandra and a very special guest coming up Country Music legend dolly parton will be joining us live to talk about her latest album. A new dollywood attraction, cannot wait for this. She will be joining us on that and a whole lot more, dont miss it. 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Its the years biggest selection of kubota tractors, zeroturn mowers and utility vehicles, including the 1 selling compact tractor in the usa. Plus, the years best deals, like 0 apr for 84 months, or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Orange goes all day; sales ending soon. Visit your local dealer today. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com donald trump already told me he understands our problems. Can understand what the country needs. Has the park to do it. The cost of living has spiraled out of control. I dont see biden doing anything about it and there is an influx at the border that needs to be dealt with and i think trump is the man to do it. Former President Trump drawing a crowd of thousands making his pitch to black and hispanic voters in the deep blue bronx. It comes as his former rival nikki haley endorses him. Can trump build on the inroads he made with minority voters in 2020 and expand the electoral map . Lets ask former Communications Director for democratic director joe madden and Chris Bedford. Jonathan lets start with you. Donald trump playing in the heart of democratic territory i think a hundred years or something since bronx county voted anything other than democrat. How freaked out is the Democratic Party at this moment about this . Is a native new yorker we are not freaked out at all about donald trump winning the bronx or any other bureau. Donald trump wouldnt know his way around a bodega in the bronx so we are not that concerned. Do you think joe biden would . I dont know if he can pronounce it. I think joe biden may know what to order but it wouldnt be a ham and cheese on a roll like j. Lo famously said. The bidens would probably get a Cheese Sandwich but i think the biggest question is is he making inroads with black and hispanic voters and pulling says he is but i think over time the Biden Campaign has been focused, he saw a huge speech from the president at morehouse college. Yes, im sorry, no that was the naacp speech that occurred nine times. He is talking directly to these voters and making the case as to why he thinks he should be given four more years and continue policies he has put in place. John but this Morehouse Speech was contrasted by jason riley in the Wall Street Journal who contrasted it with obamas speech which was optimistic and all about opportunity. And getting out there. You know, making your way in the world. Bidens speech to morehouse the world is against you, dont expect anything. It was dark and pushed forward a Victim Process and played off racial grievances. Something joe biden has done for a long time. Remember, if our shot from donald trump when he said paul ryan and mitt romney were going to put you all back and change just an insane racial grievance thing but there is an interesting thing going on with the selection which is as opposed to the assignment and making the case is all do voters know what it was like under donald trump and joe biden they can make a call there. New york is an interesting place. In the 60s republicans got close to making some inroads. Bill buckley handed the present well in the not Young Americans for freedom held a rally, pack the place now its livability issues. Now the people feeling effects of democratic with crime and immigration like now. John one republican president won in 1984 so its possible heres what kathy hochul said about the term rally listen here. I will tell you it wont make a difference at all, jake, thats were donald trump to be the ringleader and invite all of his clowns to a place like the bronx. New york will never ever support donald trump for president. John bring all his clowns will place like the bronx did she not get the deplorables memo . Should probably didnt. That is a poor choice of words for any voters or any american should not be disparaged that way. Donald trump probably had a lot of people who were not from the bronx based off what the crowd looked like, but they are still americans supporting the person they want for president. I think that is the wrong way to go about it and the wrong way to persuade voters that your policies and your party are the ones that are actually reaching out. John i thought it was interesting the former city council, Council Member ruben deas who has been a democrat all his life in support of trump said im going to endorse you and then he said this about judge mershon, listen here. Im here for a valuable reason but i want to tell you first that as a puerto rican, as a hispanic, i want to apologize to you for the conduct of judge juan merchan. Then you have a lifelong democrat in new york city saying i dont agree with judge merchan im apologizing to you on behalf of him. I mean i think its weirdly going to be open to appeal based on that but its not really going to matter that much if they get a conviction before the election it will take some time. John is an interesting way to see people perceive it. You know it blew my mind . When we were covering the 2016 election in new york all these reporters trying to find trump supports in the crowd and they couldnt find them running past Police Officers and fighter stomach firefighters and if you ask any of those guys do support donald trump they would all nod. But they cant talk about it. John big piece of news, 12 bronx interviews when donald trump asked about nikki haley and whether there was a place for him in t the and Administration Even on the ticket trump said i think shell be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, same thoughts. I appreciated what she said when she said she was going to vote for him. You know we had a nasty cam plane, it was pretty nasty, but shes a pretty capable person and i am sure she is going to be on our team in some form. The idea of her as a running mate must send chills down the back of bidens campaign. Not really will be a Great Campaign ads because i think we would just run ads pointing out all of the awful things donald trump said about nikki haley. He called her a bird brain and blamed her for january 6th. John w what about when Kamala Harris intimated that joe biden with the races in 2020 . Forgot about that pretty quickly. Those clips were used by the Trump Campaign but look, nikki haley has said some of the most extreme things about donald trump even from democrats she called him authoritarian, dictator, somebody that she does not believe has a military family. John now but despite all that she says im voting for him because i believe biden would be a disaster. Beco that was probably the weakest im going to book for somebody endorsement ive seen in a while but he does need her support. You are seeing sometimes 25 of Republican Voters not voting for him. So he needs a way to go back end. I dont think veep would be a good idea because of your donald trump you wouldnt seat want to be second in line at that majority of republican congressmen and senators would prefer to donald trump. He is not wellliked, the base loves him, nikki haley would fit perfectly into that george w. Bush model. This summer to get impeached or have other issues, i think a lot of the d. C. Swap would want to see her in charge. She is a capable person, but its really nice of donald trump to save their ideas are aligned but they are not. John where is she fit Secretary Of State . I think thats way too powerful of a position for her. I think of nations would be interesting. To cast disparaged on. In a team of rivals she may be too rivalry. John rivaly. A q. Sandra great discussion there and for so many of you out there who may be hitting the road and grabbing some fast food on the way this Holiday Weekend watch out for fast food inflation. Its a very real thing the impact of these rising prices on you and your wallet. John and of the queen of nashville is here. Country music legend dolly parton on a new Attraction Opening at dollywood this weekend. The unofficial kickoff to summer and her message to our troops. This Memorial Day Weekend stay with us. I came in like a Wrecking Ball i never hit so hard in love all i wanted was to break your walls my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. 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From that to this another disturbing allegation against Sean Diddy Combs a new lawsuit claiming the musician sexually assaulted a woman four times while a College Student in new york. To be caught in his life she has more on this for us, wanted the latest accuser and the wrapper meet . Hi, center, new lawsuit April Lambert process she is a College Student in the 90s studying fashion in new york city. When she met sean denny combs. She claims the wrapper promised Industry Access and instead she says she was sexually assaulted worker times. Lamb process says after the pair first met he threw invites to the Recording Studio and various parties and said he Loved Bond Hurt with gifts and flowers but the Court Documents say the friendship quickly manifested into a coercive aggressive and abusive relationship based on. She says combs pressured her to drink alcohol at a bar before raping heard a hotel. He says combs border back in and from a set sex act on him with a parking attendant watching. Then said that she have ecstasy and demanded she have Sexual Intercourse with Kim Porter One of combs former girlfriend who he has three children with. She died in 2018. Combs allegedly recorded them having sex and showed it to others. We repeatedly reach out to combs for comment and have not heard back. This gives them a filing deadline of 2025 to bring forth civil claims against abusers. Even after the statute of limitations has expired. Back to you. Sandra cb a cotton on that, thank you, john . John center Illegal Immigrants waiting around for the Border Patrol and then turning themselves in ordering a ride on the left and zipping away without being processed. Why its getting easier and easier for absolutely anyone from anywhere in the world to sneak across our southern border. 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Caplyta can cause serious side effects. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. Antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Caplyta is not approved for dementiarelated psychosis. Report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled Muscle Movements which may be permanent. Common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. These arent all the side effects. In the darkness of bipolar i ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. Ask your doctor about caplyta. Find savings and support at caplyta. Com. John Border Patrol agent said the nations busiest sector so overwhelmed by the latest search that some Illegal Migrants are crossing into the United States, they wait around for hours and then they order a lyft ride to driveaway. Former acting Homeland Security secretary chad wilke joins us in just a moment but first bill melugin is live and how, in california and bill, how many countries are represented in the Illegal Migrants that Border Patrol has encountered where you are . John, 67 countries in the last week alone here in the san diego sector. That is according to Border Patrol and they are spread thin out here. We will show you what happens as a result take a look at this video right here in cow, you drive around this is what you will see. Illegal immigrants wandering around on the local roads out here after theyve crossed over. They are looking for Border Patrol wanting to turn themselves in but there are no agents are around because those agents are busy elsewhere processing other groups that have come across. So they just wander around. This group youre looking at it somewhere if they have been branded. This is my Border Patrol is busy looking as other video, on the other side of Town A Big Group Border Patrol is trying to process more than 100 people from All Around The World that crossed illegally here, chinese, indians, pakistanis, people from zimbabwe, cameroon, georgia, many others. We talked to one guy from The Middle East who says he wants to go to new york city and he is not here for asylum, take a listen. Where are you from . Because pakistan. Pakistan how did you get here . Across the board. I know you cross the border where did you fly into . How did you get here question work i came from brazil. Okay why did you come to the u. S. . For a job. For work. You want to work . You know its illegal to come here across the border like this, right . Yes. Not a big deal . No. Take a look at this or markable video out of santa teresa new mexico courtesy of a texas dps helicopter. What youre looking at our Border Patrol agents responding to smugglers and Illegal Immigrants trying to climb over the border wall they are using a hook and ladder system. The agents are trying to apprehend people while guys on the ground are throwing rocks and dirt at them through the wall. Guys, on top of the wall are throwing bottles and rocks at them. They eventually get into a tugofwar with the smugglers. That is what agents are having to deal with date and end today out. Back out here live, john yoo mentioned off the top some of the migrants have been getting impatient waiting for Border Patrol. Take a look at this picture i snapped yesterday. A group of colombian men they did not want to wait for Border Patrol any longer so they called themselves a lyft driver. That driver pulled up here, they got into the car and they drove away. That driver may have committed a federal crime by doing so because they wear Illegal Immigrants all over the area here. Hard to believe that driver did not know she was picking up somebody in the country illegally. That is the situation here, we will send it back to you. John quick question the fellow they interviewed from pakistan and others like him who came here for work, clearly not claiming asylum, so are they immediately put in a Removal Proceedings . They should become thats u. S. Law. If you dont qualify for relief under our asylum roles and you just heard him say on camera hes not even here for asylum come under our laws are supposed to be put in quick Removal Seedings and eventually deported. Will that happen . Under this administration, we dont know. John its a good thing to follow. Bill we know you will do it for us, appreciate you. Sandra . Sandra always good reporting, for more we have acting Homeland Security matt wolf. Visits struck me in the White House Press Briefing Room this week with our own Jacqui Heinrich in exchange and president bidens press secretary kj p and exchange on wednesday about why isnt biden taking unilateral action at the border . Listen. The president has the authority to do something about this unilaterally. Congress is in a divided government right now. Lies in biden doing anything . Why does he have to do it unilaterally . Why cant we do it in the legislative way . You are right he took many exec of actions but to deal with a broken Immigration System you need law. Sandra chat i hear you shaking your head as you are listening to that, what are you thinking . The press secretary is just out to lunch, she is absolute no idea what she is talking about. It is clear the Biden Administration took executive actions later on in the administration. They have the ability to take more executive actions to reduce Stomach Reverse that and address the crisis at the border so when she says why should he have to do it alone, thats his job as president. To actually solve problems and use his Authority Given him by the congress over a number of years. But he is not doing that, obviously, and we continue because of the images you have shown that bill is showing at the border and others we continue to have a Border Patrol crisis that they are having a difficult period responding to. Sandra it was not acknowledged as a crisis for quite some time as migrants continue to pour over the border and so are. Jackys question was irrelevant when. Hears interview bill melugin had with a turkish migrant at the border. Believe it or not, the migrant expressing Security Concerns about no protections at the border. Listen. The American People is completely true. Who comes in this how it will if not good like killer or psycho . No security check. No background check. Sandra thats a turkish migrant explaining how easy it is to get in. This is the world in which we live in. We have migrants crossing illegally saying what is going on and how is it so easy to cross . Why are there background checks and who is crossing with me . These are all things the Biden Administration knows. We know most people are crossing because they have a better job or a better life. Will probably file asylum claims although the one individual said he is here for work. Once he is put in expedited removal he will file a claim, he wont qualify for it but he will be released into the country and this is why the Biden Administration has designed over the course of the last three and a half years. They see these images and these numbers and they wont take any action. I think the American People are tired of it. Sandra finally this is former Secretary Of State mike pompeo. This was just last week on this program, tried. On the threat the border poses to this country after the news of the quantico breach, listen. The risk from these people crossing on our Terror Watch List that we know are bad actors but we allow into our country. Those folks not only had no connection to quantico but to the United States of america. Its no longer hondurans, watermelons, and people traversing up for mexico. These are people from all across sandra quite a warning i will get a final thought on that. Its quite a warning and he is right, over the last few years we saw how that manifests itself with record numbers of known or suspected Terror Terrorists or watch list individuals. I was there last week at 2 00 a. M. We saw a group cross embedded in a group of about 60 folks was four or five nationals and syrian nationals with bolivians, mexicans, and others. These ideas our border is wide open and we allow every anyone and everyone to come in and releasing them into the country this is not how the immigration and Border Security works it doesnt work this way anywhere else in the world and i dont know why we continue to go down this route to year after year after year for the last three and a half. Sandra chad thank you for joining us today good heavy on the program. John . John center we are excited about this, Country Music realty comes to America Reports legendary singer dolly parton will join us in just moments. Dont you go anywhere. Sandra cant wait to ask about the new immersive experience at her Tennessee Theme Park and a whole lot more coming up top of the hour stay tuned. To see and things to do. Thats why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. Uniquely designed with carbsteady. Glucerna. Bring on the day. When you see what its really like when our skin touches wool. 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