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Now in West Virginia and maryland and in nebraska. West virginia polls are closing this hour where more than a half dozen republicans are vying for manchins open senate seat. Results coming in at the bottom of the screen and we will bring you any major developments as they happen. But, first, disorder in the court. Tonights angle. First, lets take some quick takes on the atmosphere in the courtroom today where i was. To give you a sense of what the g. O. P. Frontrunner has been dealing with these past three weeks, the air is musty, the floors are old tan brownley no yum and the bench is hard oak with a stress on the word hard. All right. Im no Body Language Expert and i could be wrong. My novice reading is there are at least two jurors and perhaps as many as four who will not vote that donald trump is guilty. Will vote not guilty on the evidence that was presented. Now, its hard for all of us, including jurors who have been instructed to keep their emotions in check to do just that, right . Because you hear something and you react. And it seemed that a few of the male jurors that i was observing appeared ever so slightly annoyed and unimpressed when the state was putting on its case. How did cohen come off well rehearsed dunderhead. Explained away every unsavory action as motivated by his effort to, quote, protect trump. Again, a dutiful, if misguided friend, who just wanted to help his boss. And when he was asked direct questions, do you remember saying trump was a misogynist, a dictator . And so on on your podcast, instead of just answering a simple yes, it was could be or sounds like something i might say. You know, that sort of careful phrasing makes him sound like a guy who has been through too many prep sessions. And when asked on cross if he was obsessed with trump, cohen responded i dont know if i would describe it that way but, indeed. He had in fact used those words. Answers perfectly vague. Its obvious cohen hates trump now and he wants him in jail. Although he refused to answer that question directly as well. Overprepared witness. Now, during the trial, i treated that cohen comes across as kind of a guy maybe with a daddy council plex. I know im being psycho analyst. Stay with me here sought approval of donald trump and wanted at some level to be just like him. And then, when the you know what hit the fan, you can imagine someone like cohen saying how could you have abandoned me, mre buddies for life. You cant just cast me aside im going to show you. Convicting tax evaried. Resentful man who wanted to settle scores and recoup lost earnings. Reduced to selling trump hating holy spirit at to be skis onlin. Cashing in on trump once by just work for him and giving him lousy advice and now working against him. This is the upstanding guy that alvin bragg picked as star witness. Let me emphasize, this obviously troubled man is the guy hot state of new york has put his whole case on. The jury has to believe that his word on the stand is gold. Now, from afar, just from reading the transcripts, it was obvious that bragg treated the trump case like a piece of silly putty, the original charges in the indictment twisted and stretched into varying forms. Legal theories changed and approaches shifted as the narrative collapsed. Were still in a bit of gray area about even what the theory is to aggravate this to a felony. And i think thats going to be a challenge for the prosecution. Is it a federal election law crime . Is it a new york tax crime . It could be any of those and the prosecution really hasnt articulated with Crystal Clarity what they are going to use. Laura even second rate msnbc analysts see the problem thats inherent here. Now, believe it or not, even in new york you cant just throw someone in jail because they are a threat to the Democrat Party. You have to show that they violated a law you have to prove the elements of the crime specified to get to the guilty verdict. Trump was charged with 34 counts of violating penal code 175. 10 falsifying Business Records in the first degree. These charges require that he must have intended to falsify those entries, regarding the billing, with the additional intent of committing another crime or to aid or conceal that crime. Now, what was the Booster Crime that supposedly bumped a Bookkeeping Ledger entry into a felony . As you heard msnbc guest its unclear. Im not sure that the state of new york know what is that obvious question is there has generally been a vague assertion by the prosecution that trump and cohen and others somehow conspired together do violate state Campaign Finance laws. So the law in question in that case would have to be section 17152, which prohibits illegally conspiring to promote or prevent the election of any person to public office. But, as Andy Mccarthy has noted well, that makes no sense because it circles backs to the federal election law which bragg has no authority to enforce. Now, occasionally, even diehard trump haters had to acknowledge reality whats the underlying crime here. Election law conspiracy to promote election by unlawful means. How come we dont know that at this point . Judge stein glass said that earlier not in front of the jury. I dont know why it wasnt said in Opening Statements. Typically in an Opening Statement you tell them what the charges are and what you intend to prove. You dont say at the end surprise, this is it. Laura they didnt even talk about the statute today. Zero. No talk of the statute. Or yesterday. After spending the day in the courtroom as i did today, it was clearer than ever that the New York Justice system is not just badly broken, its perverted and its poisonous. How do you get to the point where you think Stormy Daniels and Jughead Cohen are more credible than donald j. Trump . They obviously changed their story out of revenge so why would the Government Trust them . Its obvious to everyone, even the press that this case was brought solely to help joe biden get reelected and that is shameful and thats the angle. All right, joining me now is judge jeanine pirro, cohost of the five. Last week one star witness, Stormy Daniels said she hated trump and the other star witness liar Michael Cohen admitted to calling trump a whole bunch of nasty names. This case is based in am must ad revenge do you see it any other way. Look, the truth is that Michael Cohen has actually said that donald trump belongs in a cage with animals. Michael cohen is probably one of the worst witnesses you could put on the witness stand. And for alvin bragg to make him the centerpiece of their case, when, in truth, no normal prosecutor would make him even a Collateral Part of the case tells you how phony this whole thing is when you talked about, you know, how do you open a case . How do you make an Opening Statement, defend a case if you dont know what the second crime is . If you dont know what boot straps that to a felony. Laura what does that tell you. Tells you that the judge is all in for biden and harris. In god we trust it should say biden and harris the seal behind the bench. Okay . And it tells me because i was on that same bench. You cannot possibly let someone try a case who doesnt tell you what the crime is in the indictment laura bush lawyer how is that american . Judge jeanine Bill Of Particulars in terms of making your Opening Statement. I would object, your honor. I dont know what im defending. Laura and the close today, when he closed, the prosecution, you know, stopped the questioning. I kept thinking okay, is he going to mention the statute now. The elements of the crime are coming, coming, coming. Sitting there going where is the crime . Judge jeanine who he is the last witness how do you end the case with this guy as your last witness. This guy Michael Cohen can try to make him a normal guy. Is he a guy who is so angry, hes got no future. He has got no law license. He has got no job. He hates donald trump. He wasnt invited into the white house it. Made him crazy now he is saying whatever he can to put donald trump in jail. When the table was set every witness came in said Michael Coson a bully. He yells at people is he is he arrogant and mean and donald trump is a great boss. Is he a fantastic guy. Is he a multi tasker. I loved working for him. Laura judge, the prosecution asked cohen today if he made false statements to congress in 2017 to which he said they dealt with the Trump Tower Moscow real estate projects. Specifically the number of times that i claimed to have spoken to mr. Trump about the project. I told him i had only is spoken to mr. Trump about this project three, three times. The prosecution asked and in truth how many times had you . Cohen responded 10 times. Judge, the prosecutions attempt to explain cohen lying to congress, again, loyalty to trump. Judge jeanine okay, you can lie and say im being loy loyal to trump. But, you cheated on your taxes, you lied to the bank. You also perjured yourself under oath. You violated Campaign Finance laws. You know, you literally audio taped your client. Thats a violation of all of the ethics. Laura we all well, we all know there is a Crime Fraud Exception to the attorneyclient privilege. Judge jeanine right. Laura everyone watching, your lawyer cant go tell the court what you told the lawyer. Thats the whole point of having an attorney. Supposed to be able to trust the attorney. Michael cohen the snake that he is taped donald trump clearly without his knowledge. Judge jeanine right. Laura entered on the Crime Fraud Exception. I ask again whats the crime . Judge jeanine they dont have a clue. Same thing with Stormy Daniels. Laura that tape should not have been allowed into court. Expwreen zoo Stormy Daniels should have said nothing but yes i got an nda. They went into the peripheral stuff that guarantees a reversal based on the weinstein case. Laura do you think what you are hearing and seeing in this case. Judge jeanine i was in the courtroom one day too. Laura i knew you were. Its hard to read a jury and faces im playing fake Body Language Expert. I saw not guilty. Thats what im seeing. Judge jeanine i saw a lot of people who didnt look strong to me. Did i this for 30 years, trying cases and sitting on benches, they are not homage news. Laura people afraid to say not guilty . Judge jeanine i think they may be. Laura dont be afraid. Your country is on the line. Judge jeanine No Camaraderie there. Nothing i was used to seeing as a judge. That many weeks you are going like this. Smiling to the person next to you. Laura isnt that america though today . In america everyone is afraid to say everything. I dont care what office building. Tunnel vision. They ever afraid. Everyone is afraid. Thats what he want this us to be, afraid. Judge jeanine thats what this indictment is about is making people afraid. The truth is in the end there was no falsification of Business Records by someone that we have heard from. No one put a finger on donald trump. We dont know what the crime is we also dont know who proved the manner in which these checks were going to be written. They havent proven the underlying elements of the trial in the case that we know of. Laura why is it fuels find to say in response to an invoice where Michael Cohen, esquire, says Legal Services rendered to say Legal Services in the memo of the check . I dont understand why thats a crime . Judge jeanine because you are believing the reason to be legal expenses. Laura because you are low level person just writing the checks lawyer. Judge jeanine my fear is this case is going to come down to Jury Instructions if the jurors say what is considered a legal expense, judge then we are danger. Laura i read the Jury Instructions for cases like this before. Its going to be tough for the judge. I think is he in difficult ground there we will see. Judge jeanine this is a judge who gags the defendant and not the guy trashing him every night on tiktok. Laura i want weissman. We want weissman over at msnbc. What was he saying today . Lets play it . One of the things i was struck by is how strong the case is how much should should really matter. Put the criminal part away what david pecker testified to about a Media Organization aligning itself with a political candidate. Isnt that something we should care about . I mean it seems so much like the patriot from autocracy. Thats apparent lay crime now. Thats a statute. A page ripped from autocracy. Judge jeanine let me tell you why this works against the prosecution. Because these ndas and catch and kill were long before donald trump ran for president. Laura all of hollywood and most of politics. Judge jeanine whwithout a doubt. Somebody said the other day on msnbc that Michael Cohen is really a tough guy. Is he not a tough guy. I have met him. Have you met him . Laura of course. Judge jeanine we have all met him. Look, this is a guy trying to save himself. There is nothing to save here. Is he not going to deep six donald trump because he is not credible. Laura i want to say, judge, the future of the country, they believe, should be on the line on that guy and Stormy Daniels. That tells you everything you need to know about this Democrat Party today. The whole future of the country on those two . Judge jeanine im so disappointed. Laura lets see how that works for you. Judge jeanine its not going to work. Judge jeanine jean. Laura i love have you Old Fashioned book you write on instead of these stupid phones. Trying to get everyone to go back to that ju judge jeanine le seeing you. Love seeing you too. Laura couple familiar faces in the courtroom today and they all have something in common. Im going to explain it, next. Hello, im franklin graham. As we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. We see it on our college campuses. We see it across the world. Where did this come from . You see, hate is coming from the human heart. God made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and its come into each and every heart. And the only one who can fix the heart is god. And god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. He died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. Thats right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart . If you havent done it, do it right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry. Forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus name. If you prayed that prayer call that number right now thats on the screen. God bless you shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. We cannot have a country where you get to prosecute your political opponents instead of persuading voters. The American People have already acquitted donald trump because the things that they are concerned about inflation, crime, the border, the economy, all of these things President Trump is leading lie by huge double digits. This is a sham. This is not the United States of america. This is third rate banana republic. Laura what do all of those guys have in common other than being in the trump courtroom. They are all on trumps vp short list we are told. Byron york, chief Political Correspondent for the the Washington Examiner and sean duffy the bottom line just got off the air. Both Fox News Contributors. Sean, you are also a lawyer. Is this turning into kind of Audition Ticket . I was sitting behind the four or three of them today. Sitting there with burgum and donalds and vivek. And it crossed my mind. Of course. Vivek was there when no one else was there he was in the primary. Everyone else is late to the game. Vivek was there first. This the apprentice. This is the replay of the apprentice on vp stakes. And trump wants winners. He wants to test them out and take them for a i had radio. Who can raise money. Who can message the best. Who can defend me the best. Donald trumps likes winners, he won apprentice, and Wanted America to win during his presidency. He said were going to win so much you are going to get sick of winning, american. Donald, mr. President , stop winning because we are going to win so much. You compare these vp stakes, which i think is what this is to your point. Remember when joe biden called Kamala Harris with that really boring phone call and asked her to be his Vice President ial running mate . This has. Laura we should go back to that that was so. This is how you get the best candidate. Laura we will talk to ken langone coming up a big nikki haley supporter. He is open and were going to have a good conversation with him. Very big donor to the g. O. P. But, i think the republicans right now are looking like does the president ial pick matter more because trump will be a one term president if is he elected and would it nullify some of those old establishment types not old but establishment types it does matter more. Another thing saying trump would be a lame duck the moment is he elected because he couldnt be reelected. As far as the points these candidates are potential candidates are making. You have to remember the idea that donald trump has been unfairly targeted by Law Enforcement is basically universally held in the republican base. They believe since the russia investigation began when trump was inaugurated. This is a very popular message they are sending. But i think as far as the Vice Presidency is concerned. Think what trump has to do to get elected. He has to win states that he won in 2020, probably can do that. Then the southern tier, georgia, arizona, and then he has, he has to win one of michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. Incredibly important pick the guy who can help do you that. Laura sean, as former President Trump has said, im going to pick one who i think can run the country. Sean thats right. Laura who has the Executive Experience to actually run something and a lot of people are great people but they have never run anything. Heres the thing though. I like doug burgum and i think he has a lot of experience he channels donald trump himself. You need someone who can help you win the election to byrons point. Laura that would be nikki haley. A lot of trump people are hearing and this going off the wall when i say that. Sean you want someone who is going to support your administration and your agenda. You dont want people to undermine you. Donald trump saw that in 2016. He wants supporters who believe in the mission and nikki haley, i think. Laura she made a mistake she should have endorsed him after iowa that was a huge mistake on her part. Byron there has been accusations that trump is using his surrogates to get around the gag order now. Watch. Did donald trump ask you to come out and criticize the judges daughter . No, not whatsoever. And im here completely as a volunteer. Im here because i care about the future of this country and where its going. But i think its fine if someone wants to be a democratic operative just recuse yourself if you are a judge who has got a Family Member thats Making Money Off of controversies like this. Laura byron . Well, the gag order applies specifically to donald trump and donald trump alone. I think improperly so but thats what it does i have been hearing you criticize Michael Cohen you are not covered by the gag order. Laura what do i do with poor judge merchan i know he loves us over here. And neither is anybody else here. Its kind of a kooky idea that a gag order should apply not only to the person it specifically applies to but everybody who agrees with that person. Not a good idea. Laura i get the sense, go ahead, sean. Cnn asking that question of doug burgum. Have they ever asked that question of Michael Cohen. Laura every website, axios, politico. Has the white house called and told you joe biden is actually catching up in the polls and he really has a lot of vin and vigor and spring in his step. Go. Sean we print that. Laura sean and byron, great to see both and great to be in studio with you sean duffy. Sean live and in person. Laura biden is a wellknown plagiarist and we reveal what he just stole from trump. Ken langone home depot founder weighs in next. This is our last chance to help Save Thousands of Holocaust Survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. The needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. Have you eaten this morning . I ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. And this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. Please pray for me the International Fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. We urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one Survival Food Box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. It breaks my heart to know that there are Holocaust Survivors who suffer to this very day. Its not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than 2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. I believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. Perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. I face hunger again. Please dont delay. Call, scan, or go online now to help rush one Survival Food Box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. This is what god wants from us. Just feed the hungry. If you hear gods voice, im asking you to act now. Do it when its on your heart. I pray that theyll know in their final months that theyre not alone. Introducing kardiamobile. With kardiamobile, the fdacleared smart device, you can take a medicalgrade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. Every morning i check, make sure im in good shape. And it makes me feel pretty good about my heart condition. Kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. And its fdacleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. I mean, you might as well be in a doctors office. Get kardiamobile today for just 79 at kardia. Com or amazon. Ego, the number one rated brand in cordless Outdoor Power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Ego exclusively at lowes, ace and ego authorized dealers. Laura polls closing moments ago in West Virginia where republicans are vying to pick up senator manchins senate seat. Results should start coming in soon at the bottom of your screen. Maryland and nebraska the polls are still open. He all three states have a major impact on the balance in power in congress. Stay with fox for all the latest results. Now for the second time in less than a week, biden lied about inflation. Inflation has gone slightly up. Its more than 9 when i came in and its now down around 3 . But the fact is that i think people are just uncertain. Thats why we got to be steady, stay the course, and continue to produce these incredible job and by the way, the pay for the jobs are outpacing the Inflation Rate they are paying. Were going to be able to, deal with this. Laura did he say outpatient. I dont think so he should say the word outpatient. Factcheck that was a total lie when biden came into office trump handed himmen Inflation Rate of 1. 4 . Now biden is right on one thing. Inflation did hit 9 . But it was a year and a half into his presidency. Joining me now ken langone knows a little bit about the economy. Billionaire, home depot cofounder, major g. O. P. Supporter. Ken, americans arent believing biden on the inflation issue. They shouldnt. The numbers speak for themselves. Why do you think is he doing that. Because he is a liar. Why do liars lie . Because they lie. Thats what you call look, think of all of the other things he said that have no basis in fact . None. Irony is American People American Media is he being given a pass. That is most absurd. It was 9 . Laura 1. 4 . When you think about what has happened in the country this beautiful and wonderful city of new york. Sad. Laura you were hire in its hay day. Been here all my life. Laura of course you were. Listen to that accent. You are not exactly from mississippi with that accent. You think about what is happening down at that trial in manhattan. Right. Laura and the jurors sitting there and they are hearing this case. You are watching this from the outside. You have seen a lot in your life. Whats your take . My take is that its a shame that the Jurisprudence System is being used for political purposes and people that make the remark. This is banana epublic behavior you are right thats what it is. Laura did you ever think you would see this in the United States of america . Well, i was subjected to it myself with my dear friend. Laura eliot spitzer. Not laughing but i remember. This is highest of high levels. Now its out of the closet. Now its they are blatant. Look, im no a defender of trump. What crime did he commit . Thats something i still cant understand, what crime did he commit that he is on trial in New York City today . Would you endorse donald trump tonight on this show . I know lots of people were nikki haley supporters. You were one of them. A lot of very, very wellconnected and wealthy people haley fans. What about now . Let me say this to you. I said on television a couple weeks ago that i was going to vote for my wife. Laura okay. Thats cute. That doesnt work on the ingraham angle. I know. I think the most important decision he is going to make is who his running mate is. Because his running mate has the next shot at being the best president because he is finished after this term. And i think im just going to keep my powder dry and watch and see what he laura you would consider sitting out the elections and not supporting trump if he picks someone that you didnt think was qualified . First of all, i live in new york state. My vote doesnt count. Laura no, but your money counts. They need your money. Believe me, elaine and i are supporting john kennedy in my office yesterday. By the way, they dont come for my wisdom. Laura you on the speed dial. They come for my wallet. People shouldnt be confused to think that i have this influence. The minute my wallet is shut laura its a Binary Choice, ken. You and i have known each other a long time. I incorrectly stated that you had supported biden when you were just saying you hoped he was going to be a successful president. In his inaugural speech im going to bring america together. Laura you from the bronx originally . No, long island. Laura i dont get my boroughs right. You are beyond smart and brilliant its a Binary Choice. We cant dictate who he is going to pick. Im sure its going to be someone who supports him and his policies Binary Choice biden and lose america and trump who he picks. How is that a hard choice. I always act like im losing when im winning. I think thats the safest approach to take in life . Laura work hard. Well, because you dont take anything for granted. The polls look good now. If i was trump. Laura new york is not a borough. Im being told. If i were trump who could add to the assurance that i will win to the the next election who could add . Laura do you have any suggestions . Yeah, nikki haley. That will never happen. But, look. Laura did she play that right after iowa . Who knows. Laura you think she should be the Vice President. What do you mean who knows . Look, Election Night New Hampshire he had a chance to go out and say i won and my goal is to bring the American People together. Laura back to the dress . Okay. What does he do . Laura they both did it. But he goes out and mocks her for laura but the party hasnt been this united i dont think i may be wrong but i dont think its been this united behind trump, behind anyone since maybe 2004. I agree with that. Laura 4 . Because you know why . We have no choice. Laura you are making my point, ken langone is endorsing donald trump by implication with that comment. Let me say this to you. Theres no doubt about it. At the end of the day, i might hold my nose as i vote, but, what choice do i have . I havent made a decision yet. Laura i mean, im sorry im betting a dead horse here. Do you know what im worried about most of all . Laura what . Im worried about losing the country thats what im worried about. I am, too. And let me give you a for instance. One of the finest men i know is John Kelly Con kelly was the secretary was his chief of staff. Another fine man, a good friend of mine rex tillerson, these are fine American People when jack welch fired somebody, i have more than one kid tell me when i walked in and jack fired me i swear to god when i walked out of my office i thought i got a promotion. Laura yeah. Why do you have to beat up on a guy. Laura trump doesnt have the right tone for you i get it and for some people thats the case. These are accomplished men. John kelly, my god, four star general in the marine corps. His whole life given to this country. Rex tillerson, poor kid. Laura that was a bad choice for secretary of state. It was a bad choice. He was bad choice. I would submit he wasnt a good secretary. We cant debate that. That shouldnt give trump license to say not nice things. Laura you are nitpicking we have a country to save. You are talking about rex. No one even knows who he is. We have got to save the country. An open border and country that is cratering. Im sorry. Laura we have got to go she is saying. Human behavior matters, and i think how we treat each other civilly with respect matters. Laura and how long i have known you, 25 years at least . A long time. We used to sit at those dinners in washington, d. C. Before you had this gig what were you doing then . Laura i was a lawyer probably back then. You were joe pflum was one of my original investors in home depot. Laura oh my gosh the circle is complete. And ed mccainist. Laura im not that old. People are dropping things in the studio. You are going to endorse trump. You just are this is the longest tease of an endorsement. Im not teasing. Laura i know you are not. You are going to endorse him. You are italian you have a Binary Choice here. What the hell does italian have to do with Binary Choice. Laura i love the italian people and they are smart and they will vote for. Im out of here. You look wonderful. Laura thank you for joining us. Leave that daughter of yours alone she is going to be fine. Laura oh, gosh. Will democrats be forced to go with a plan b over biden . Ken is running out of the studio, bad polls for him . Yeah, coming up. Come knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable. Tracker, the worlds 1 one best selling fishing and Pontoon Boats powered by mercury. Proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at Bass Pro Shops and select dealers. For as little as 5 dollars a day. You can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. Bass pro shops. Voted americas best outdoor retailer. Save even more and support conservation when you join the club. Three Little Birds by Bob Marley The Wailers discover our newest Resort Sandals Saint Vincent and the grenadines, now open. Visit sandals. Com or call 1 800 sandals. Shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Laura several members of the gilbert goons, the Criminal Street Gang thats terrorizing a phoenix suburb are getting plea deals Senior National correspondent kevin corke is here with all the details. Kevin . Good evening, laura. Three plea deals accepted by those teen suspects in connection with the socalled bgym better goons Street Gang Gilbert as in the town in phoenix, arizona three all pleading guilty to aggravated Assault Charges pennington, arrested for his involvement in fact in multiple assaults. Bradshaw and haines also facing multiple charges, among them assault, aggravated assault and robbery. The three along with another man by the name of William Hines and at least three others all mentioned in connection with a gang which was thought to be responsible for the Num Murder F Preston lord in 2023 helped to bring the socalled goons into the national spotlight. For Months Police in various east valley cities have been investigating acts of Teen Violence with one of those resulting in the death of another teen. But the outrage doesnt stop there, laura, because while the three men i mentioned at the very outset did take plea deals. One of them has already been granted supervised release, laura. Laura unreal. Kevin, thank you so much. Polling data has been wrong all along. How many you guys do a poll at cnn. How many folks do you have to call to get one response . Laura dont you love how any time biden or his team are confronted with bad poll numbers they never say well, maybe we should rethink at least one of our lousy policies that are hurting americans every day. They just say youre stupid. And the polls are wrong. Why do you think americans are so down on President Biden right now . What do you mean . Like the five of six win states that he is losing right now to somebody who is a criminal defendant doesnt seem like anything you guys are doing is making him more popular. I cant speak to the polls. We understand what the American People is feeling. A lot of the policies that the president is pushing forward are incredibly popular. Laura well now the team team biden is gaslighting and its starting to worry the left. Axios is writing biden doesnt believe his bad poll numbers and neither do many of his closest advisers according to people familiar with the matter. Some democrats think that biden, team biden is in denial and Sleep Walking into defeat. Joining me now charlie hurt Washington Times Opinion Editor and Fox News Contributor and Monica Crowley former trump assistant treasury secretary. Charlie how does trump capitalize on this biden denial of reality regarding his policies . I think for him to keep talking about the issues, as you point out delusion is not a political strategy. Its not working for the administration. And the administration and joe biden does not appear to be able to learn from any mistakes. They keep doubling down on terrible policies. And i think that the more President Trump just focuses on his agenda, talking about border security, talking about lowering inflation. Talking about bringing stability to the world, by making america more energy independent, which also lowers gas prices, if he focuses on those key issues, i think that its an undeetable that is unbeatable message today. Laura now the media are holding out that hope that this conviction in one of the trump trials might save biden. Watch this. To the extent changing in terms of views of either of the two candidates. I think on the polling of it it hasnt impacted people yet. We know from polling we have seen that if he is convicted that the polling has showed that it could impact people and how they view him. Laura monica, thats it. Thats the strategy. She kind of implicitly admits it . I hope it remains the strategy because its clearly not working for them and in fact, all these people say well, its not moving the needle at all. All of this a lawfare against President Trump, it actually is moving the needle toward President Trump. And poll after poll shows that most of the American People say even if there is a conviction here, out of this new york jury, its going to make them more likely to vote for donald trump because this massive pileon has actually rallied people to his cause. They turned him into a sympathetic figure. They turned him into a martyr and more and more people want to rally on his behalf. They cant wait to vote for him. Laura they dont like what they see. A little bit of a Rescue Fantasy here, too. Among the voters they want to get out there and rescue donald trump. Laura charlie, sitting in that courtroom today i kept saying to myself as a young attorney like in the 90s, in my wildest imagination i never would have thought i would be sitting a few blocks from the federal courthouse where i was clerking at a trial leading candidate for the Republican Party and a case where they dont specify the crime. As appalling as it is if you love politics and following politics this is historic. This is amazing time that we live. In we have never seen anything like it. I think you are right. I think monica is right. I think people see through it. I think they recognize this is not so much an attack on donald trump, though it is. This is an attack on our judicial system. On our most treasured guarantees of justice in this country because they are trying to turn even the judicial system into a political cudgel to stop an opponent that theyre terrified of facing. And if they saw nothing else this weekend with that massive rally in new jersey in the bluest of blue states, its that they cant go up against this guy. They cant beat this guy in a fair elections. So their only hope is to try to stop him in a courtroom including jailing him monica, they are yelling i have got to go. 50 State Strategy how powerful is that. Worth its weight in gold hes a Campaign Strategy as well. And the president is talking about putting a number of blue states into play. Laura 50 states. Its not 12 states its 50 states. Monica, i love that moment. You have been talking about that for years. Thank you. Billions in ukraine aid gets blinken some stage time . No. Jimmy gail failla has it and is next. Time for wtf. Joining me now, jimmy failla. Great to see it. Good to see you. Did a promo upstairs, ran a half mile to get here, you look good. Cnn has turned into drama club. Tonight we will take you inside the room, page through word for word the most tense, most revealing and most crippling testimony for the former president. Did he say anything to you at that time about how this might be viewed if it got out . Yes. What did he say in substance . He said to me, this is a disaster, total disaster, women are going to hate me because this is really aisaster. [ laughter ] wouldnt be better if they did a reenactment of the cnn production meeting. Alive reading of who green let that atrocity. They are this close to play with dolls. Trump said, is this legal, owen said. The bobble heads. Its so sad. If theres one thing to be thankful for, its that they did not reenact Stormy Daniels testimony, that could have been dicey. That are for ratings. Thats sad but they will keep doing this i guess. This is the best they have. At least higher real actors. Its so embarrassing. They talk about trump like a Middle School girl talks about her ex. Blinken played guitar hero during his trip to ukraine today. What this. The United States is with you so much of the world is with you. And they are fighting not just for ukraine but for the free world. Maybe we can try something. [ ] oh my god. [ laughter ] do you remember when the world took it seriously . Watching this going this guys gonna sit across the table from me, at even hold a note. This administration looks like they are auditioning for a reality show called americas got issues when they just put in hinged people out there. This is embarrassing. But its kind of he wants to be a cool kid and he never was and he still not. This is his moment. New york citys mayor has a solution for the citys migrant crisis. Let me take your imagination for a moment. How do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards . The only obstacle is that we wont give them the right to become a lifeguard. I get kind of what he was saying. File this under things that are obnoxiously racist if a republican said them but as the new yorker you have to give him because cathy hochul said black people dont know what computers are. If you listen to adams long enough, maybe she was right. But what a tone deaf idiot. Imagine the next thing he says is migrants should work for ups because they smuggle drugs, they can deliver things. But they will be happy unless we will say we were or going to have an unending flood of lowwage workers in the United States to keep wages low for everyone else. Thats their happiest moment. Thats the concern with adams as mayor. Migrants look around and think theyve already been deported. Wait a minute, this is in america. I want to not only say its great to see you but dont walk into the bike lanes because they are weapons of Mass Distraction and i will never forgive Michael Bloomberg for the bike lanes in new york. Great to see you as always. Dont forget, catch jimmy on the road, in boston, does he ever stop, this saturday and that is it for us tonight. Long day, fun in court kind of but thanks for watching. Its america now and forever, jesse and the gang taken next. Jesse welcome to Jesse Watters primetime. Tonigh

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