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World. Welcome to hannity. N a message, we begi. From your Vice President , Kamala Harris. We have to knowsometi that sometimesme people will opn the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they wont leave. And then you need to kicke tt that door down. E is and shes just one bad fall away from the oval office. Whilll awae joe biden is one fal away from not being in the oval office anyway. Al off ic much more from your always eloquent and totally competent giggling Vice President straight ahead. Plus, a new scandal. Anot another person in joe bidens orbit. Yep,n jo jen psaki is going to r to circle back after she was caught in what is an egregious lie in her new bidens formerok press secretary. She actually tried to rewrite historbideny, claiming that her former boss never looked down at his watch. Not onceooke during the Dignifid Transfer of the u. S. Service members were murdered because of joes disastrous withdrawal from. Afghanistan. Well, two Gold Star Dadsd St who were at that dignified transfer. They will join us. They will respond. Thatsin us. Straight ahead. And also, i wonder i f the media mob mob will treat her the way they did. Governor kristi noem on the issue of, oh did you meet kim jong un or not . I tend to doubt it. Also tonight, donald trump inbls The Blue State of new jersey. Wojerseyw. Oo all i have to say. Take a look. As you can see today, wereexpad the electoral map because weinue are going to officially play in the state of new jersey. Were going to win the state of new jersey. Get a great group of peopleni with us. Estimatety s more than 80,000nu people turned out in a state that has not voted for a republican a president more than three decades. There is hugdee momentum fort jt donald trump. And its not just empirical bombshell poll. New york times showing donald trump leading in all but one swing state, including a massive 12 point lead in nevada. And this is a state he previously lost twice. Trump is also up seven inona, t arizona, ten in georgia, ahead in pennsylvaniena, aheadld has in michigan. And yet, donald has barely been able to be out barele on the cn trail aside from that rally in new jersey. Aside t he hasnt been able to barnstorm the country. Hes been stuck in a New York City courtroom for nearly a month because of a political show trial becau. Thanks to phantom charges cooked up by the democratic d. A. Of manhattan. Guy by the name album brag. , the guy that ran on a oh, Letp N Me Get Trump and thee Tr Trump Organizationum on the trup family platform. This case, in Realitthis Cy is nothing more than a Misdemeanor Document Labeling allegation from nearly a decade ago whose statute of limitations have long since passed up charge to some. Wellsome i dont know. Felony because of a nebulous, still unexplained federalderal election crime that was never prosecuted ot r even charged,jud nor would they have the jurisdiction to charge. Icto chargbut they never did it on the federal level. Democrats are obviously usindeag the system of justice as a political weapon, and the polls now reflect that this strategy is backfiring. Firing boomeranging big time. Every day that donald trump sits, this kangaroopole court, his poll numbers go up and for good reason. Uthis is a clown show thatdo donald trump is now forced to Endurnald Trcede because he. Trump. Ev. Fake news fake news. Cnn admitted the obvious. Take a look. The republicans seem to be uniting behind trump. M towhatever opposition he face in the primaries has largely melted awalaawayy and the trials against him keep him in thein spotlight, infuriate his base,ho who sees him as a martyr, and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathyl wh among people in general who believe that his prosecutore s politically motivated. This happens to be true, in my opinionsn. I i doubt the new york indictment would have been brought against a defendant Whosndn Broughe wast donald trump. A majority of americans are skeptical that trumpo ge will be able to get a fair trial, according to a cnn pollfi. Wow. Now, this is Beyond A Judicial Circus Featuring Plenty of clowns. Weve already heard testimony fromf crowy hear the star thate hates donald trump, wants him in jail. T him of them, what, 500,000 plus dollars . Last week, she testified that she sees dead people and told jurors many graphic stories and jokes. Completely irrelevant, all of to immaterial to the case. And today, wow, is the day fory this star witnesfos, cohen, the fixer in court. Hes a disbarred lawyer. Trump hater released from a m prison in 2020 after a multiyear sentence for tax evasioulen, bank fraud, a variet of other crimes. He was alsy of otho convicted og to congress after lying under oath. And by the way, right now,legatn he is facing even more allegations of lying to congress. T those allegations were recently referred to joe bideno s weaps for months, cohen has beenicit there appearing to solicit donations or what they call gifts on tiktokdonation. Often, while wearing a shirt depicting donald trump behind Barsg Tld Trump and even fake n, they have their cnn experts expr there perplexed that the prosecution would as arek a jura to believe anything this guy has to say. Take a loo takek. Heres what makes Michael Cohen so unusual. Unique. Ive never seen a witness with bigger Credibility Problems than Michael Cohen. N. Ive definitely seen witnesses. Ive definitely used witnesses whove donive seed e way worses than Michael Cohen. But ive never seen a witness who has lied to congressees , ws lying in court, whos lied to the irs, whos lied to the Southern District of, new york, who lied to his banker. You know, the entire prosecution Witnes Secutions Team has been lied to by Michael Cohen. Now, according to prosecutors, cohen is telling the truth. Ecutors time. All the other lies were just aberrations. Now, of course even if he was telling the truth, he didnt really seem to outline any. According to jonathan turley, hell join us in a few minutes. His testimony, quote, bombed. Cohen only confirmed that trumpa knew he was going to pay for the Nondisclosure Agreemente and that it would be buried before the election. None of thatth is unlawful, he continued. Cohen also admitted tapingwitho his client without his knowledge, a breathtakingtag Breach Of Trust and confidentiality. And in the end, no bnd seems to be able to explain the core tenet of the prosecutionst labelli allegations. You know why . Why is labeling a Paymen A Pt To lawyer a Legal Expense . Why is that a crime . Lity. Heres the reality. Its not a crime. Even Hillary Clinton a crime mit recall, skirted much more serious Allegationss Al and charges after she labeled and Ssia For Christopherle and the dirty russian disinformation dossier as a Legal Expense. Remember, she funnel money througleexpense. H, a law firm td an art Research Firm that hired christopher steele, who the fbi at the time swore was credible until he was it. Now, remember, hillarys himpaign was headquartered in New York City. No charges whatsoever. Hillary Rodham Clinton out of new york. Her last name is in trump and shes not a republican. Now, briggs case against trump. Time th for the election season is not about justice or the law. , its not about equal justice under the law. Not about equal application of our laws. Its about getting donald trump at all costs. Thats it. If thiats is lef t unchecked, this weaponization of justice from democratces, it is going to shrd our sacred constitution that will destroy our country. All our laws are based on that documental law. And the judge in this case, judge merchant, a biden donor, has the power to dismiss this. Se due to lack of evidencedi but that wont happen. And soon, trumps fate will ressoon tllt. In a jury from manhattan,d for what 90 voted for biden . Is that justice to you . Bit judoesnt look like it to te american people. Americ big time. Rmer here now with more formerlegal President Trumps legaspl spokesperson, elina hoppe is with us. Right. Youve been in the courtroom. Yo beey. En there toda by the way, is it common for lawyers to tape their clients like thi fors. I wa i dont know. I thought that was highly bu unel, but maybe thats me u and highly unethical on top of everything elseth. Lets get your take on what happened today. Us talkiyeah, go ahead. Yeah, sure. Last time i checked. Theres something called Attorney Client privilege. Obviously, you kno res som called w, i that doesnt stand if youre going against donald ifump because none of the ruleas stand. If youre going against donald trump in a political campaigout where hes winning and they have no other way to win but to take him dowheto tn with illegal and politically motivated lawfare. Politica, sean. Rse. Hillary clinton did something itr worse and the fec looked at it. Nd t they examined it. And what they do, they gave her a slap on the wrist. She paid, i thinhe hp on k, eight grand for hiding a dirty dossier. The russian hoax againstan trum. And nobody cared about anything. She wasnt dragged into Courare Neither was bill clinton in this case. Wasnt ds on and on and on. But if youre donald trump, youre going to be gaggeoud you unconstitutionally so that you cant even discuss testimony of peoplcanmonye are calling ya liar and you cant defend yourself. Ca youn i tell you, sean, i have never seen anything worse than what i saw today. Tog get into t the testimony of somebody under oath on the witness stand. But i Thinomebodr Oathk that ife the news, it speaks for itself. Akyou know, if you look at russia, russia, russia, that was three years old and i covered it on this program. We got everything right. We gthe the media, they got everything wrong. Then, of cours e, not one, but two impeachments. Then its january six. Then its charge him in new i york. Charge him in d. C. N. Hi charge him in fulton county, georgia. Charge him down in florida. More and were learning more and more that there are tainte tdevd evidence issues in two of thene cases, according to one report in the epic times today. And im just wondering. , the you know, are they not noticingg the american the people in pollr after poll are seeing through this p that they have done the impossible . How do you turn donald trump into a victim . How do you turn the americann ti people are so turned off by this that people maybe that didnt even liks,e donald t trump have had it. Theyre finished with this. They see this for what ifinisht on top of all the failures of the Biden Administration. Thisis p of boomeranging big time, in my view, 100 . What i saw today, d. A. Brag showed up agaiy,n the morning. Its something i saw myself somt with miss james,hi another one thats been bought by the dnc, paid for by many of the biggest democrat donors that are buying the same tents that were seeing in colleges right now and setting up all of this. I mean, this is political in and out in our schools, in our courts. And our country is at stake. E re and asi think the reason youre seeing all of these independents turn and were at the highest level right now of independents turnint e Highgs Republicans is because they are seeing the dual systembecaus jue. And as President Trump says, hes jusresidentt in the way thn turn to you. It could turn to me, it could turn to our children c and thats what theyre doing. Theyre indoctrinating, theyre corrupting and theyre throwing out The American Throw Constitution that our country was madeth. It is completely out the window. Its so sad to see sean. It has to stop. It has to stop. All right. Eliana harbor, thank you. G we appreciate you being with us. All right. Joining us now is fowi joining x news contributor jonathan turley. Professor, great to have you back on the program. You have a new column out, mr. W fix it, michael. Calm bombsolumn ou the stand ofb new evidence to convict trump. H but as you have been pointing out, rightly s pointino, thereo crime, nor do we even know what the real chargeves are here. I thought in this country you had to be confrontede confs with the charges. But yet heres where we find ourselves. Yeah, i was laboring under the same misconception that there had to be clarity as t nceptiono what youre charged w. You could prepare a defense. There is still a not just on the run on this network, but on some other networks where experts are sort of shrugging that theyre not quite sureexpeg that the crimee being alleged here is. It but on top that the prosecutors havent really explained why denoting this as a Legal Expense was wrong. So a expen we dont even have that explanation. I mean, what what what heardro from other witnesses is that payments that went to michae l cohen as the lawyer tended to be recorded as a Legal Expense. And this was a large overall payment, including his fees, ha his time, his costs. ,and so one of those costs was d the nda, and they listed them all togetherd th. Now, you might want different terms, but ive Neveter Seene Ts a case like this where you could claim that that denotation y is enough for a felony in against a defendant of this type. Yeah you know, maybe you can explain this to me, professor, becausn te i think this is realy important. How is it that you have a Misdemeano Ir Statute Of Limitations run out . A judge that donated to bidelitn all this discussion about the judges daughter may benefit the from the outcome of the case. Every indication is, according k, new york law. And again, he was selected instead of him being from how a jury pool. How convenient. In new yoronvenienk, explain toe how it is even possible that all of this can be in full unfolding in one case. You you dont even know the witnesses till the day before. If you even know, you dont know what the charge s are in this particular case. You have so many conflicts. You have a judgeu havey should have recused and its like, wow, a prosecutor that, you know, promised to go after this guy. Can it get any more corrupt than this . Because i cant think of anything comparable cpt t bev seen in my life. Well, nor can i. And you also have the thirdcomm in command at the Biden Justice department coming over right poinan bt giving up his jb so that he can bag trump in this case. The optics are horrendous, but so is the reality. Its not just optics. That is what were witnessing itt reallyur is infamous. And ive thought that as an coud attorney, i could see a system like yorks one of the most sophisticated legal bars in the world really debase itself in this way. Thisf inthis way judge should no have allowed this case to go forward. Now, hes going to havard. E big opportunity we discussed before. When the prosecution closeportus his case and brag says he handed over to the defense, they will ask for a directed verdict. Ve motion should give motion should give grant that motion because there is Aninsuff Insufficiency of evidence here. No crime has been shown. I don evit know what the theor. Is anymore. But whats fascinating is you goeonet someone like cohen who e only one skill set hes willing to say most anything for a sponsor. But even cohen cant check boxes. He cant say that trumpha intentionally committed fraud to hide some crime. It ipartially the reason cant do it is because hes been interviewed and hes testifies d. Subnet so if he has a sudden epiphany that that basically laid out a conspiracy to him, hell helracy to l be eaten alive, ay say. Well, you just youve been interviewed on this. Youve theyay youv testified on thisea repeatedly, and this is the first time youve said it. Sond the hes to find a way to h brad just enough to get to the jury and brag. Hopes that are motivated juryju and a motivated judge is all he needs and he doesnt nee hdthatp the evidence after that point. You know, you pointed out in your column, and i didnt know this, i must have missed it because i read the New York Post must i cover to cover, but thatr they revealed before cohen tooke the stand that hed been peddling a reality show called the fixepeddlir and workingwith with people to create you know, the guy who helped create joe exotic tigers and covers. Ups and came in with a pitch in a cheesy promo, i am your fixer. Its if it wasnt so serious,ny it would be funny. Its its its insane. All right. Jonathan turley, thank you. All right. Joining us now with more is fox news legal analyst gregg wit jarrett harvard law professor alan dershowitz. Professor, lets get your take c where we are in this case, thisn whial and what you thought happened in the courtroom today. Wheres the crime and what is the crime . Can you please i tell me,nt kn professor, because i dont knoo0. Ive been doing this 60 years and i cant find the crime here. What . I can yearsi cat find thet is d today in the Courtroomk Th by Michael Cohen. He looked the jury in the eye and he lied. They asked i him why he taped, recorded his client, and insteaayind of saying, well, maybe i was afraid i neededid in some protection. D and he made up this whole storyd about why he did it for for pecker. And nobody is going to believe that. Packerand think this raises sers ethical problems for the prosecutorls in six years of doing this, i have never puti a witness like Michael Cohen on the stand because i have ethics b and lawyers dont putd people on the stand who they know are going kno lie either on direct. And he lied, i believe on direcrectt or on cross. And were going to see lie after lie after lid wee on cross and so we see ethical violations occurring right in front of us and lies occurring right in front of usan. We dont even have to get into the issue that he lied before t he went to jail. He lied right to this jury. And jui hope at least the lawyee on the jury will see through it and understand that hes tryingl to sell this jury a bill of goods. But if you listen to cnn or if m you read the new york times, this was the most compelling testimon w y youve ever seenhy in your life. And thats why these trials should these be television, so we can decide for ourselves whos the truth instead of having to understand this evidence through the prism of biased reporting. by you know, and by the way, Michael Cohen, i would argue grea i woult, based on the referral by jim jordan and James Colmerl ,about six other lies that they believe theyve that he told congress he has a real, i guess, sort personal impacts and whether or not donald trump becomes president or not, because those referrals would likely go and be taken seriously if theres a new attorney. Correct or no. Oh, yeah. At a half a dozen other that any fair and objective Department Justice would already have arrested him and started the prosecution of him. But i will say that cohe n today failed to connect trump to any crimes. And i know that prosecutorsth know that. So tomorrow theyre going to try to changeat. T things sean cohen will probably do what he always best. Hell lie. Hell say, oh, yes, trump ordered me to falsely record these expenses, his Legal Expenses. The trouble is thats going to be a tough sell because today he recounted all the legae l actions He Tookonstit that constituted Legal Expenseui. Im not sure he understood it because hes not a bright guy. The real test it t for michaeln cohen, sean, will be crossexamination. The defensee crossexaminat d a full day confronting himco with his innumerable lies, and then theyll askble lies the question one by one, were you lying then or are you lying no youn w . Once these jurors, sean, see some of the seething, Unhingedts Lunatic Rants by Cohen On Tickon tock tikto, theyre going to hae him. But the question is, do they hate donald trump more . Will they acquit because theres no evidence of crimewils or convict for purelyreas political reasonons . Counti thats what alvin bragg is counting on, because sean he has no case. Id like to know to hoi wow muco time that he spent with the prosecution, maybe mock questioningch Prep Sessions with them as Stormy Daniels admitted. All right, here is my exit question. And i dont have a lot a of timd what are the odds of either an or a hung jury . Professor . I think the odds of a hung al jury are fairly high. S toyou need three jurors to be hung if you have one. Av generally, they get talked out of it. Soerally the think theres a goe of a hung jury. Look, this is some chanchung ju acquittal if these jurors take their obligation seriously. But thisif is new york. And as a cnn commentator said, this jury is representative of new york. Thats the problem. Y is rk. Its like a white juryry and mississippi being representative of white mi in the south. Yeah, look great, jarrett, well give you the last word. Acquittal. Odds are hung jury odds. Alvin bragg got political judge who allowed this trial to run amok. The jury is likely predisposed against donald trump. Ry i case scenario, a hung jury. All yoall you need is one id le to believe youre both right. S knowing new york as i do, i dont have confidenc de either. I can say 100 overturned on appeal. Don, theres no way this will this can stand if were going to have a system of justice based culture. Thatll be after the thatll be after the election. Thats problem. Thats too late. Very well said , professor when, we come back, President Trump, a massive rally where, new jersey, this weekend as biden continues to flounder in the pollsey this biden. G well give you an update on what what those polls say and what they mean Eveu Ane Onna The Media mob cannot hide how bad things are for the bideob n campaign. We get reaction. Newt gingrich straight ahead. This program has been brought to you by the south dakota Governors Office of economic development. Lets get some help in here, staff. Weve got close 20,000 open jobs in south dakota, including for nurses. So im helping out. And so we fill them. South dakota is the freest state in the nation. We work hard, but we dont pay any State Income Tax. So you get to keep more of your own money. That should get your heart racing south dakota Freedom Works here. Think i took a wrong turn . I tried to put my arm around athy. T that i can absolutele at new day, usa. Thats what were doing. We put our arm around the veterans. The veterans. When i thinkal solutfamilies. There, he needs to refi his home. 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More power, more versatility, more fun for a limited time. Get up to 25 off, plus Free Shipping. Visit participating retailers or greenworks tools. Kcom now thats life powered by greenworks. What a lovely place. Who the kids werent joking. This place is something else. Straight from the history. It is now to find that fudge we heard so much about. That didnt take long. You can take junior ducks new icy hot for a Massaging Bone. Easy to grip and massage and the power of two max strength pain relievers. Ice works fast. Heat makes it less new icy heat makes it less new icy hot pro Massaging Bone shell renewable race fuel. Reducing emissions by 60 . Were moving forward with indycar. Because were moving forward with everybody. Shell. Powering progress. Absolutely free. Thats been 82 215215. All right. This weekend, former President Donald Trump heleld, a massive rally where wildwood, new jersey, a deep blue state, even in new jersey. Well, youre never going to seee joe biden draw a crowd like this. I dont think you can draw a crowd like this everd like anywhere. Take a look. Wer thie going to win new jers. Were going to win. Now, if we win new jersey, weg win the whole thing. I thini think you know, i thinke going to win some others also actually could be al. L of this guy is so bad. N it could be all of them. Whether youre aall of t republ, conservative, independent, or even a registerea Republd Democa im asking for your help i in saving america. Our countrym i in trouble. But i just had a hot dog and ito was very good. So the price of hotdogs up 22 . Chickens up 32 . Hamburgers up 37 . Thats why i had the hotdog. It went up the least. All right. If it was a brad and it had all the case again and ill take it. Little mustard, sauerkraut. Perfect. Anyway. Good news fottle mustard, sauer. His poll numbers reflectt the enthusiasm on the ground. New batctheh of polls from the m york times and Siena College showing Donaldes Trump Withy he a very healthy lead in five oute of the six key swing, including a whopping 12 point lead in nevada. Now, thingd s become so dire for biden that the democrats, the Media Mothatb are absolutely freaking out. Take a look. Trump is now leading in almostst all the swing states,esut trt behind those numbers lie even more troubling detailous as someone worried about the prospects of a second trump term. Someo wori think its best to t about reality. But trenhonest ad lines are notg in bidens favor. He needs to do something bold and dramatic to seize the initiative in trumps s more head than hes ever been. Its going the wrong way. Its not working. Everything that were throwing a is spaghetti at a wall and none of it is sticking. Look, these sunbelt battleground state, frankly,aign for the joe Biden Campaign, these numbers are an absolute disaster absol. 13 in nevada. My goodness gracious. My god that is a huge lead. T no democrat has lost that state since john kerry lost it back in 2004. Yeah, i mean, its a it should be a wake up call. Young people are upset. It and its not just the situationt in gazuaa. Pro the economic prospects for young people are Miserable Youn by the way. Its young people. Its africanamericans, its hispanic americans. Its pretty clear. Biden knows hes in troubled and thats why he is taking desperate measures. For exampl e e, asking his celebrity friends juat George Clooney julia roberts, barack obama, hillary and bill for help. By the way, all reaffirming algrything ive been sayin this radical new democratic, socialist, new green climateigis alarmists, religious cult part y is the party of Coastal Hollywood elites. The Republican Party is now by far the party of Hard Workining Men And Women In Thisu Country that do make this country great. The forgotten and women in this country suffering under bidens horrific policy is, according a to a new report. Congressional democrat newsgoin are going to try what blame republicans for bidens Border Yearis after claiming for three years the border is closed and the Border Securbe ,but trump isnt. By the way, bidens only competition. Robert f. Kennedy jr. Ag ional profile is growin and so by the way, to theai threats against him, kennedy, n the other liberal candidate in the race, is asking his supporters to sign rac aet a petition demanding he gets Secret Service protectioectionn by the way, i would gladly sign that petition if joe doesnt. By the way, robert kennedy, hise another intruder, broke into his home. Let me be clear. Rvice kennedy deserves Secret Service protection. Biden better step up if he doesnt. And something happens to rfk junior or his family. Thisrfk Ju Administration will e to blame. This mans father and his uncle were assassinated. What part of that joe bideni dia forgetting . I disagree with most of rfgritka his policies. This family has been targeted enough. S beenenoughit was reaction to e former speaker of the house, Fox News Contributor, gingrich. All right. It is chaos everywhere. You have the historical professor. You are you are the historical professor. And you have that perspectiv have thae. And my question to you is, all right, what do you makel oft of all of thishi . You well, look, lets start with what you just said about said ah robert f. Kennedy jr. It tells you how viciousow and how cruel joe biden is behind that mask of this beig being a daughter and grandfather. Here he is daughte putting somey whose father and uncle were assassinated uncle who clearly s the requirements for Secret Service work. And what is the justification for joe biden deliberately leaving robert f. Kennedy jr risk . And i just tells you and just as Hiss Hi Treatment of israel where he is cutting ofs f weapos at a time when israel is involved in a life and death struggle, every time you turn around, you realize that underneath that pleasant grandfather mask is a vicious calculating and highly high who doesnt h mind who he hurts or who he runs over. Nos or whow well, the problem that carville has and the problem that every democratt analyst has is simple. You cannotanalys raise enough my to offset reality. The reality is that inflation is terrible and getting worse. And every american knows it. E, every time they go to the grocery store. The reality is that millions of Illegal Immigrants have poured into this country as a deliberate policy, and thats led to her renders crimes that individually get publicized in a way that bounces back against. B the realitidy is over 100,000 americans a year more than diedh in the entire vietnam war war are being killed by drug overdoseeings, largely drivenrgl by the chinese communist. Its a fory drm of thats real. A and this administration has no t cluehi. So every time you turn around, you realize that Everythinglls P they would like to convince us of falls apart becausare in fact, the Biden Administration is profoundlytios wrong about the nature of reality and profoundly wrong about policies that will work. Thats why, as van joness be pointed out, young people are e they canthe get a job. They cant buy a housen. Their life doesnt look like its got a big future. Theyd like a president whoe. S optimistic, positive dynamic. Well, thats donald trump andbi. Joe biden. What do you make when m add the case in new york, polll numbers that we see poll after poll, these demographics you talked pomographig, but its also africanamericans, hispanic americans, and then the clear and present danger. You mentioned china. We and then have joe biden, 10 miln plus unvetted, illegal. Plus tens and tens of thousands fromu china, from russia, from egypt, afghanistan, iran, syria, yemen. Out of all in the country. I mean, i mean, it is a clear and present danger. Its not if in my mind, it its one and i pray to god im wrong. Win. T think i am look, first of all, joe is the most dangerous american president sincemomerics President Buchanan allowed America To Drift into a civil wa r, which could have been avoided if we had a strong, courageous competent president in 1859 1860. 185so strong with that. Hes a really Dangerousy Dang president whos doing really dangerous things. Thats part one, parert two. Abt this is more than about trump versus biden. Thisp versus is about a sick leg establishment that can no longer get the job done. And the whole rest o f the and the whole rest of the country has figured out their only champion is donald j. Trump. Onal and so what youre saying and you saw this in new jersey and you and i talked about it earlier today on your radio show. I mean, other than, you know, somebody like taylor. Virtually nobody can get 85 to 100,000 people in new jersey except donald j. Trump. T and thats because they are rallying to their champion. Hes not a candidate. R hes the leader of aof national movement, probabl y springsteen, probably bon jovi. Have to add those two. And thenpr add donald trump and taylor swift. Me cou mentionedd u. All right, speaker gingrich, thank you. When we come back, circle. E is jen psaki forced to editto her book after being called out fo r her blatant dishonesty. Im going to tell you what she did. Thats straight ahear blbble te there are certain eras in American History that define us as this country move west. A new age began take shape. One way. Fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends they were born. This was an age of outlaws and lawmen broker. 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Listen, get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm. Any time anywhere fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. All right. Circle back. Jourpsaki, who claims to be a journalist is being forced to edit her new book after falsely claiming that biden never checked his watch repeatedly. Rememberhis watc during the digd transfer for the soldiers that were killed in the abbey gate attack in afghanistan. By the way, something that never should have happened. A shameless lie, especiall, aytd considering the numerous firsthand accounts, Photos A Lie The One right there on your screen, clearly showing that, in fact, he did. But if youre expecting the mob and the media, you know, the same people that were unrelenting against governor kristi noemf and whether she met kim jong un or not, i think theyre going to calml out thiso disgraceful dishonesty. Dont hold your breath. Calout thhas been complete rade by her pals in the mob. Anyway, tonight these gold star families, they are pushing. Highlighting the Contempt Members of the Biden Administration have shown for their children who lost their lives. Congressman darrelho losl issa s us along with two of those Gold Star Fathers Steve Nikko and darren hoover. Thank you both for being with us. I want to say to both of you, i know you both lost to ot sonsm and mr. Jacquie, you were on this program. You were also look like loo you were facing chargesn the on the 11th Of March when you were on this programm. Eight days later. Thankfully, those charges were dropped. They should have never been those chart. S later you. Youre a grieving father, and you have everya right, frankly, to say whatever you want. But what is your reaction to this. I mean, just an outright lie. Yeah. Thanks for having us, shawn. I really appreciate it. Its devastating, but its not really from this administration and from the people that have worked in itn an t. They continue to lie, to manipulate facts and change, you know, their narratives to support narratives and to try to change the history Regardlessrdless O of what theyt mishaps theyve done. And for them to do it at the expense of us. You know, gold star parents at a moment that were grieving the most for our children as theyre passing the caskets. I mean, i couldnt even concentrate on that. Ei was so focused and sour infuriated with our president and the conduct that he was portraying at thattn dignified transfer that i missed my son being passed into the van. Yeah. Your son, kareem, was 20 years old. Unbelievable. Mr. Hoover was lost your son, yu taylor, 31 years old, died in this attack. Whats your reaction . All this . And agai n alln to both of you,s an our prayers and deepest sympathy. Thanks for having us, shawn. Fromknow, from talking about it on your radio show today, circle back, jen psaki back. Psaki is just a vile and shameless human being. Humantheyre trying to make mons off of our kids bags and rewrite history and establish those lies formina fae Biden Administration on failures, their catastrophic failurestastroph and, what happd to our kids in afghanistan . I mean hap, its its been nothing but lies all alonge until, you know, weve been able to speak with the congressman. Congressman issa was the was the Head Cheerleader for us andh brought us to washington. And then congressman waltz, mccaul representatives mills in my past also did listen to us. And now its coming forwardt that theyre fighting for us to get the troops out there Becaus Becaue the most transparo administration in the history of our country, i cant evenl rh tell that right from wrong. Ie i mean, theyre theyre nothing but lies. Its sad. I mean, and i think youre right about the money Partthine Righ and she claims te a journalist. Darrell issa, ive known you for a long time. Ou thank you for what youre doing for these gold star families. Goldi really appreciate it. It youre youre so committed to it. And i know that is sincere. Tream you know, you look at Theen Treatment of kristi noem kristi noem. Okay. She made a mistakeshe ma a mis,y about the issue of kim jong un. Wasnt even sure if she e madeiu a mistake. She had met a lot of foreign leaders. They excoriated her. She admittede admitted she shotg that had been killing and attacking people. Okay, commander joe bidens dog bites 24 Secret Service agents. Nobody blinks an eye. Jen psaki writes this lie about the watcitesh and not a p out of the media. Its so corrupd not. This is why i said in oh seven, oh eight, journalism is dead. This is a great example. Your reaction . Well, journalism y is dead. Its alive on this show, even though you dont want to call yourself a journalis alt because youre giving Truth Tellers an opportunity to say what they saanl yourw and to gel truth out there. Oi will say one thing, sean, it is so interesting that jen psaki, to try to make a little money, sell a book and try to be part of the Biden Campaign team has reminded b o people once again d of the deliberately botched afghanistan withdrawal by trying to claim that something didnt happen because you cant see something that didnt happen Wheen Becauan people saw what did happen. And so for the gold star. Families, they vote trump, biden and for jen psaki, she shes reminded us of one of the greatest failures o militarily and diplomatically of all time. And were still trying to get some of our lives ivs out of afghanis. Still dan were still trying to get justice for the gold star familiese goldstar. T thre all of that three and a half adars into this administration. Well, thank you for all your efforts, mr. Coueystrationu for. Hoover, just please know this, that this audience cares. Tten and we havent forgotten what happened to your sons. D t and we know the truth about joe biden and what he did that day. And our prayerays and ourh thoughts are with both of you. I cant imagine, as a father witi canh all the painvy you live with every day. Thank you all. G to we come back. U want to tell you why Kamala Harris dropped an fbombarri ba earlier today. Straight aheadwigreat sa, i look back with poeat satisfaction on my 32 years on active duty. I understand the veteran i understand the veteran mentalit these are people who have served. Theyve been in leadership theyve been in Leadership Positionth theyre willing to put their life on the line if necessary. Necessary. And they come to ueyre no s andy say, i need some financial help at this point in time. At this point in time. Theyre no to do a handout. Theyre looking for our little hand up. My team at new day, usven gets n is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteranew gets that loan. 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Of Tomi Lahren Is Fearless On Outkick tomi lahren, along with Fox News Contributor ari fleischer. Your reactio n . Last week it was fallopian tubes. Now, here we are dropping up fallw hes and giggling again. Bm tommy, listen, im not going to clutch my pearls over the fact that she said the f word. That doesnt necessarily bothe round made. Com doesnt sound great coming out of the mouth of the Vice President. Of thbut beyond that, i thinki what really rubs me the wrong way is how disingenuously shat. Dropped that fbomb. To me, this is her attempt to be cool m. This is her attempt to be hip. We know that the Biden Administration is tanking with young people. So for me, this was her attempt to sound cool, to sound hip, sound like she wasto one ofhe the young people dropping an fbomb. Young l. Edgy and coo it reminds me of when Hillary Clinton went on the Breakfast Club and talked about having hot sauce in her purse. She hony, so fake. Then she cracks up at herself. I mean, if this is to be ourbe next president , we are really in trouble. My friendsext. You know, im with tommy. Im not offended. T of the fbomb. I dont really care. It doesnt offend me. Att woke. Bom and i just dont get easily offended. If you dont like what shes saying, dont listen. Fortunately, i have to report the news. I ha tyour reaction to all of i . I dont get easily offended t either, sean, but this bothers me because i am old school when it comes to hobotherw People Hih Office should set themselves up as examples. And that applies. Democrats. Republicans to donald trump has dropped many squaresd repu in hs rally. And i just have to tell you, sean, Im Old School enoughto that i tel i th think you should be ablehie to tell your children that person is the president of the united states. You should listen to whatever it is they have to saylist and disagreeen, Teach People Toe oppose them on policy. But i do think theresm h a certain decorum that comes with high office and she violated it. I think with donald trump at it srallies violates that. It still offends me becauseus Im Old School. How scared. Exit question what how scary is the idea of her becoming president . Do you think, tommydent do ys to the american people, what percentage of americans be presi want her to be Vice President . Real quick, none. None, sean. On and thats why, as you know,e se im goinanngg to say it again. Om thats why gavin newsom is going to jump ove tr her. She is not going to be the replacement nominee. Shes not even in the question b. They will pick the straight white guy from california, a failed stateaighy from c, joht joe biden. All right. Arhii, word. Yeah, that would offend me if she became the president wouldui really offend. Shes dangerous as a defender. Dangerous chick. Its likely if dont have joe bidens elected between 82 and 86 years old, shell be the president. Wow. Or. 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A lawman the mos pisode ot most watched show on fox nation project. D so that was fun. I learned so much in the process. H the second episode, the series drops this wednesday, but only see it on Fox Nation Episodet H of wildwing the roug bill hickok and wyatt earp. All right, thats all the time we have left this evening. Please dvr. Never, ever miss an episod dvre of hannity. In the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. Greg gutfeld let nort will put a smilell on your face next. Have a great night a

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