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York. Israels military is starting to evacuate Palestinian Civilians from gazas crowded rafah city, signaling a Ground Invasion could be imminent right now. Idf troops are calling on People Living in the eastern neighborhoods closest to israels border to move towards expanded humanitarian zones and muos israel says its army has expanded assistance into the area, including Field Hospitals, tents, food and water. The idf says its using fliers, maps, Text Messages and phone calls to instruct gazans on where to go. Israel is describing this as a, quote, limited scope operation and says it is not a large scale evacuation. About 100,000 residents are being urged to temporarily evacuate as of now. Israel also saying it will put, not put a time frame on these evacuations. The decision comes after a deadly Rocket Attack killed three Israeli Soldiers and hurt several others yesterday. Hamas is claiming responsibility for the attack, which happened at a main crossing point for aid near rafah. It also comes as the latest round of Cease Fire Talks between israel and hamas are nearing collapse. One of the main sticking points hamas, demand that any agreement must include an israeli troop withdrawal and a full end to the war in gaza. Israel is refusing to accept that term, saying hamas isnt serious about reaching a deal. The latest proposal called for the release of some israeli hostages in exchange for a temporary cease fire. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been vowing to invade the war torn enclave for weeks. He says the invasion will happen with or without a cease fire deal. Israel claims rafah is hamass last stronghold in gaza. The us has been putting pressure on israel to avoid this type of invasion, with the white house saying it wont Support A Rafah Offensive without a credible plan to protect the civilians seeking refuge there. Right now, its not clear when an Israeli Ground offensive might start. But israeli and egyptian officials recently told the Wall Street Journal the first few weeks will consist of evacuations. More than a Million People are estimated to be taking refuge in the entirety of rafah. The report goes on to say fighting in rafah is expected to last for at least six weeks. Again, if you are just now joining us, israels military has started evacuating Palestinian Civilians from gazas crowded rafah city. This is ahead of a planned ground offensive, but its still not clear when or if that invasion will happen. The evacuations, though, are a significant first step for that to happen. And of course, we will bring you any new developments as we learn them. New developments as we learned them. For now, Ashley Strohmier and we will send you to regular programming already in progress. Trade commit is great to be with you. Lu teabsolutely right, this is abot the rule of law basic order in the United States of america whether the occupied movement or blm folks in the summer of 2020e or what we see today, you havew. To enforce the law. It goes broader and deeper about that. What are they protesting . I would add sometimes i wouldn say occupation but as you know, you have occupied gaza sincea 2006. So this is about progressive woke movement. Veme if we dont defend the basic rule of law and protect Ourr Southern Border Humming sure if you steal something at walgreens, no matter the valuees at walgreens, youvalu will be prosecuted for that. Tha if we dont understand there is not black and white, rule of law, the risk of breakdown for the republic continues to increase and frankly, the next generation of young people wont understand the basic foundations upon the founders understoodt liberty, life and pursuit of all things great, happiness and all things great in america. Trey mr. Secretary, given the former service to our f country, ciaor director house intel and youve seen thingsst that most of us have never seen lland wont. I wonder if seeing the raw footage from hamas attack last october would impact any of these students. I really wonder if actually seeing the barbarism would matter to them. Trey come i think these students are ignorant, not dumb, ignorant, uninformed, to your point. It would make sure that every one of them get a chance to see not what the israelis put out that the hamas barbarians actually filmed themselves. I think that might cause them t take a step back, but frankly, that is not what this is about your but this is about their fundamental marxist idea about america, groupthink and racism. That is who these people are ata their core. Frankly, i hope they will all see this. I hope in the same way it w impacted me when i saw it, i pray it would impact them as well you are to but i figure there are bigger a dent though mike agendas that go far beyondu that simply say, you know, thaw justified because someplace else they care deeply about. I like simple bright linei rules and i like to condemn lawlessness whether january 6, late april, why do you think some of these schools havm been so slow to respond . Okay come i think there is deeply embedded in the faculties that most americans lead institution and understanding of oppression. They talk about it and it comes out in the language of dei and the like. When they see these students,thy they simply think, gosh, we dont want to push back against them because it might impact ouc endowment or because the students to leave. S frankly, they are perfectly willing to abandon jews progressive left. This is deeply embedded in the institutions and we saw these play out on the campuses. These people are not about theus rule of law. They think about this differently. This ilaw. S all politics all the time for them. And politicized, radicalized to permit things like this toradi happen at the expense of basic Law And Order. Trey mr. Secretary, thereic is reporting that turkey isis punishing israel via refusal to trade. Do you expect to see more of this . If you were running the show, and you may be one day, what would your response to turkey be . I think turkey has grabbed the wrong end of the stick here. There has been longstanding of a longstanding grievance between turkey and israel andd its gotten better time to time. It was better during the trump administration. Tr we convinced a shared set of interest they had. I hope the president air 11 m4 minister who i know, well capable of smart fellow i hope they willllow come to say this is not the right thing to do and not goode for the turkish people and bad for their neighborhood, The Middle East with syria on the border. He notes the Gulf Arab States and United States to be alongside him to make sure thesa basically borders and security are something that america is prepared to do alongside the needle partner, turkey. Trey Mike Pompeo One of the longest and distinguished resumes and current america. Thank you for your service to our country and thank you for joining us On Sunday Night. Bless you, trey, have a good rest of your sunday night. Trey yes, sir, you also superior investigating israel and Benjamin Netanyahu for Human Rights Violation , the same groupup the arrest of vladimir putin. Yes, nothing happened, nowhere to help their investigation into iran is proceeding. T but it is not just some toothless International Agency with Benjamin Netanyahu but the Biden Administration warning thw jewish invasion to not go forward against before. Mi welcome, mr. Prime minister. Your view as the current state. Of this war and will israel continue to pushan the offensivs so long as hamas old hostages . Yes, we will. Actually have no charges. Hamas is dedicated to destroying and violating israel. They say it explicitly and theyy will continue to kill jews as t long as they exist. And they are on our border so wl have no choice. Trey mr. Prime minister, Chuck Schumer, nancy pelosi called for Regime Change in israel, which is strange since i havent hope for Regime Change in russia, iran. Recently Benjamin Netanyahu the worst leader in 2100dler years. He was old, but i dont think h was around for all the jewish leaders. What you make of american politicians inserting themselvee into Israeli Government affairs . I think israel is a vibrant democracy. De domestically within israel, avoc voice or opposition, we voice our support and everybody voices whatever they want. Blic the israeli publics business to choose their leaders. Ra beat until mike israel is a democracy and obviously nobody wants to change that. But other places you mention such as iran or other locations are not necessarily democracies and it makes sense to change a regime there. Sp trey i cant speakea for israel but the folks i run around with in the United States dont care what very much what i Chuck Schumer or nancy pelosi or jerry nadler think about politics. But when the bidenas administration as reported threatens to withhold ammunition from israel, that does get our attention. So, have you heard anything to buttress this reporting that the Biden Administration Irds Activd Conditioning New Missions Undoing what the Biden Administration wants israel to do ion wraeln gaza . I hope its not true. I heard the rumor. I hope its not true. Because we are fighting not only israels war, we are at the forefront fighting the war against Radical Islam, or Radical Islam in of thatl is is attacking israeli, Radical Islam in and on campuses in the United States of america where explicitly saying that they want america to change to be sharia islamic laws. We have to push this whole wave back. We are the ones doing the e thfighting. We know that it is our task to do it. What we expect is that our friends have our back. Trey congress recently btook up a bill which put the hard right into the same camp with socalled squad. How do you define antisemitism . Well, antisemitism is the persecution of individual jews, but it is also denying the jews that collective rights of being a nation. And we are we have a jewish nation and the jewish country is the state of israel here or there is only one jewish stateon on earth and thats israel. There was 22 arab states. There was countless mission states, but only one jewish state on earth. Ian yet, some people want to deny that he would folks who want israel to disappear aree antisemitic. Trey what would you say . To the extent any college kids listening tonight, what would you say to the College Students harassing jewish students . Nder and i wonder if seeing the raw footage from what hamas didwh would impact them . You know, i would hope it is not naivety of the colored students. In the few years when they grow up, some of them will actually realize how stupid it was what they are doing. Because they are fightingg against the only democracy,demo liberal democracy in The Middle East. We are the one s surrounded byy crazy, radical, islamic regimes that want to destroy the west, want to destroy america, want tr destroy israel beware america is called the big satan. Israel is called by them the smal tl satan. We a but we are the ones fighting. The last thing you want to do to a friend of yours fighting you o and themselves is to tie their hands or to fight them. F i can onlyig be sorry about it. T i am sure in the future they will realize how mistaken thishi approach was. Oach trey lets hope you are right appeared former Prime Minister naftali bennett, thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thank you very much. Trey coming up more g. O. P. House speaker drama. A member is threatening the speaker but the reaction is different this time. Eren i wonder why. The latest on capitol hill On Sunday Night in america business. Its not a ninetofive proposition. Its all day and into the night. Its all the things that keep this world turning. The gotos that keep us going. The places we cheer. And check in. They all choose the advanced Network Solutions and round the Clock Partnership from Comcast Business. See why Comcast Business powers more Small Businesses than anyone else. Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. Trey welcome back to sunday night in america. For n group that loves democracy, congress has a funny way of showing it. Can you allow a person to undo an election to the vastst majority . That is literally to the def Textbook Definition of antidemocratic which is why nop other group does appear in president s can be impeached butl not vacated. Supreme Court Justices can only be impeached. Members of congress cannot be vacated. Thsenae Senate Majority leader s not been vacated, but the speaker can be removed because a Single Member wants it. Ecau of course, it is not in the constitution because it doesnt make sense to hold macleans over the head of a leader on aya daily basis. Marjorie Taylor Greene is drawing up the current error of colleagues, but the scheme was hatched in january 2023 and ame handful of members wantembd Kevin Mccarthy to grovel, beg, disarm and cross delayed himself. They withheld support because they relish the idea of making the leader serve at the pleasure of the most unhinged member on any given day. Then it happened. A member under investigation by thmee Ethics Committee with Aby Tpersonal Grudge led the charg. With only seven other republicans join with every single democrat. A months worth of embarrassment and soon, but fundraising waseu good. What really changed . Different speaker but same results, so now there is this. We need leaders in the House Of Representatives that are going to get this done. Not working for Hakeem Jeffries are not working for joe biden. Now, we have Hakeem Jeffries and the democrats coming out and embracing mike johnson with joa warm hug and a big, wet, sloppy kiss. Next week, i will call this motion to vacate, absolutely calling it trey the difference this time is democrats will rescue mike johnson. Democrats let Kevin Mccarthy hang, but they will protectic mike johnson, which makes this whole exercise utterly meaningless. A single republican triggered the removal of a speaker forngle allegedly working with democrats only to then work with democrats to get a ocra new speaker amo oneuc democrats enjoy so much, they will save him. What di yd you get . Joining us is a National Political reporter from the hia hill, joey manchester. Welcome, joey. Democrats will join with most republicans in table this motiot to vacate, which makes i guess mike johnson more palatable forh democrats and the eight that remove Kevin Mccarthy come ist that the take away . I think that is the take away. I think we solve this deal mike johnson made with democrats where democrats looking to make that deal. They want to more funding to ukraine, more funding to israel. We saw a number of republicans who are also on board with that dealboar. I find it so ironic marjorie findTaylor Greene is sitting oue of the k smith make America Great agaih thn hat, the President Trump slogan saying they need a new speaker, et cetera. Havyou have mike johnson litery down in florida this weekendresi fundraising with President Trump, President Trump backed him in the wake of this endorsement. W en the speaker drama. So, you have essentiallyarjo everyone seemingly up against marjorie Taylor Greene. I think it has left a lot of republicans and democratsled puzzled, why would she do this . Especially the republicans in the house facing a very tough election year. Trey that was a history major so i enjoy going back in time. E luckily, we dont have to go back to four, just october when republicans joined Armed Withvey every single democrat and several conservative commentators to get rid of Kevin Mccarthy. My questio n is, how have things changed . How are they different under Speaker Mike Johnson . Lp democrats still have to passpass rules. Still suspension votes, the Freedom Caucus is just as mad as they used to be, ukraine was funded, fisa was reauthorized. What did the eight republicansla get other than fundraising . Undr will, it is also importas note Kevin Mccarthy was a good fundraiser when he was speaker. In terms of what has changed, look, i think Foreign Policy namely has changed. We have seen ever since october, china has become an even bigger threat than it was in the specific fear of the war in ukraine is facing a Turninge Wa Point with ukrainians releasingy saying they need the aid appeard arguably most importantly, you had just before this vote, iran launching you 2 to strikes intot Israel Scenting strikes into israel. The Foreign Policy calculus of this change ups the ante for republicans and democrats tos co come together on this. Tr trey here is one thing i will be watching, matt gaetz went after him after ethics ed probe and it was personal. If nothing has changed and then what you, Foreign Policy, with the new speaker and lots of things have not changed, how do you expect Congressman Gaetz to vote . If he votes to keep johnson for the same thing mccarthy did, it does look personal at this point. It does, it does. You have President Trump and wee know President Trump and formerd Speaker Mccarthy definitely had an interesting relationship with mccarthy going down to get the 16 packings and they work together. But thworke difference here is t we are in elections year and republicans have a very, very narrow majorit y in the house. You have President Trump very vocally backing mike johnson and backing the republican establishment in the house here and im curious if someone like matt gaetz is looking to President Trump and saying im im going to fall in line here. The question is what is the end tape for Marjorie Greene taylor and obviously to get rid of mike johnson, but what else does she see coming out of this . Oak my hate to be cynical butt h the end game may beming fundraising. Thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thank you. Trey up next, Henry Cuellar indicted and former u. S. Brett tolman on the charges and what to make oat df m Merrick Garlands doj right after the break. A Fox News Alert come Ashley Strohmier live in new york. Israeli military to evacuate Palestinian Civilians in crowded Southern Gaza city of rafah. The evacuation started hours ago when idf ground temptations. Israel is urging 100,000 palestinians and Eastern Rafah to move towards expanded humanitarian area. That area has Field Hospitals and ready for increased amounts of food, water and the evacuate of rafah comes after deadly Rocket Attack killed three Israeli Soldiers and her others yesterday. Hamas is claiming responsibility for an attack with main crossing point near rafah. Israel countered with a strike stopping eight deliveries. Hamas and israel with last ditch effort to make the ceasefire. I am Ashley Strohmier, back to life, liberty, and leaven. Trey welcome back to sunday night in america. Henry cuellar and wife charged with bribery and conspiracy accused of accepting nearly 600,000 from a company and a bank in mexico. The indictment alleges they used a Shell Company to laundry the money. Heslat has influence legislatioo Pressure Bank regulators. Hes up for reelection and has no plans to drop out saying my wife and i are innocent of these allegations. Everything ive done i n congress is to serve the people of texas. Democrat senator Bob Hernandez and two Business Partners on the docket for Jury Selection in less than two weeks. They are charged with corruptiot and bribery in a case involving cash gold bars and b mercedesbenz. Joining us former u. S. Attorneyu brett tolman, Welcome To You mr. United states attorney. Everyone is presumed innocent including members of congress. Doj has had a tough time my tough luck with recent prosecutions from a hung jury with menendez and special counsel john durham swung andssd missed, doj was reversed in a case and congressman jeff fortenberry. Is it harder or easier to convict prominent people and political figures . Well, trey, thank you for having me on. Great to see you. As you know, it is difficult when you have prominent individuals, especiallypeci individuals who may have had the ability to hire exceptional lawyers or teams of lawyers. You also have investigators hired on the defense side that will put in a lot of effort. In this case in particular come i will tell you my was shocked to see the response of thete congressman in terms of him identifying that he has sought out Legal Counsel prior to these transactions. He even says he sought out an ethics opinion on the matter. Te so, this has all the makings ofa a pretty robust fight. Trey you know, Congressman Cuellar is a democrat for sure, but he is hardly a progressive. May be the last prolife democrat in the house. Dorej refused to prosecute rachl rollins, but they went after fortenberry and now they are going after Henry Cuellar so my question t youo you as former ue attorney, we know who reviews the charge, a judge and a jury but who reviews decisions not t. Charge someone . Is there any entity to go backba and question doj for not charging someone to mark wel, there really isnt. We have given so much authority to the Department Of Justice in many ways, they act as a Fourth Branch of the government because there is very little accountability and very little transparency. When you have the power to prosecute and it is exclusively within their authority, and the. You have virtually complete immunity from some of those decisions, ie t is strange to me though, trey my will tell you,ti how do you come out fighting and investigate and prosecute this case while at the same c time, know not investigating some of igatthe allegations that are beg uncovered in the house regarding the biden transaction with hunter biden and the business as potentially president . I dont understand the inconsistency except it may be politics encroaching more and more on Thene Prosecutorial decisionmaking. Trey you mention something, brett, it may be more than inconsistency but let out schizophrenia. Indi the a democrat senator, he did not change rob her report on joe biden which was damaging fo joe biden politically. But the deal with Hunter Bidenh that was initially offered wasr too good for a judge and saidth doesnt mean the judge had to stop it but the fentanyl and classified case and trumps smaller by the day. What in general do you make of Merrick Garland because the left angad right seem disappointed . Well, you agree. You highlighted i think what the American People are seeing. It is no longer a presumption that the Department Of Justice is tryinumptg to make good deci goand willing to prosecute republican or democrat equally. H that is not the case. Ca what we see isse Merrick Garland in chargharge of Department Of Justice refusing to prosecute political cases on one side and aggressively prosecuting, investigating conservatives and investigating those. They they do very little to go afterr the left whether, you know, Antifa Ontifr individuals that e picketing and rioting on the left. But boy, they sure are very quick to go after anybody and everybody that, you know im on the right. Rig that is why the American People are looking at it saying, hey,ts its not the same anymore. I i dont have confidence in thept justice department. And that is a refrain we are hearing more and more across ths country. Trey mr. U. S. Attorneyo come i have to have you on because as you know this case unfolds, as you know, members of congress have little powers particularly when you are in the minority. Ri will be curious what Theou Congressman was able ts o do wih lots of doj as a democrat and am minority in the house. Oc we will leave it here for nowwew because i cannot afford any more of your hourly rate. Thank you, mr. U. S. Attorney,. Sfor joining us On A Sunday Night. Think you. Trey Up Neck State Ofrs new york versus donald j. Trump continues. Thusrumpe prosecutor witness diw do well on the cross but having been sanctioned for violating ah gag order. Well start right after the break. Will scharf right after the break. Norman, bad news. I never graduated from med school. What . But the good news is. Xfinity mobile just got even better now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. Plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. I gotta get this deal. Thats like 20 a month per unlimited line. I dont want to miss that. Thats amazing doc. Mobile savings are calling. Visit xfinitymobile. Com to learn more. Doc . [indistinct] the gag order stops me from talking about people in responding with things about mee we have people saying things about me and im not allowed to response. This judge has taken away my constitutional right. Welcome back to sunday night in america. Holding in Contempt Foror violating the gag order. R. Trump was fined 9,000 but reminding for jail time as a future option. More witnesses tooesk the stand exposing the underside and tantamount to legal extortion, threatening to expose unflattering information in exchange for money here and here to help process last week and look ahead to court this week is trump attorney, ag candidate will scharf. Welcome, will, great to see you again. Great to be here. Im sure Michael Cohen can keepo talking about donald trump but donald trump cant respond. Ld tu what is the rationale for Thee O Judges gag order . Ju what is the rationale for the judge holding the president e seemingly to a different standard than a dozen other witnesses and potential witnesses . Trey,witn that is the most outrageous thing about this gag order thatst it is a unilateral gag order to President Trump and the team but does not restrict the Prosecution Team or as youts indicated the witnesses. We have a situation where peoplg ulare regularly attacking President Trump publicly at the height of a president ial campaign. Because of this gag order, President Trump lacks the ability to respond. On it is wildly unconstitutional. It is unprecedented in American History purely challenge the gag order with new York Appellate Division and we will continue to challenge in the days and weeks ahead appeared the situation we are dealing with is absolutely outrageous. It doesnt make sense at all and goes to show how irregular thise Guentire Trail has been from its inception. We see that play out in courtt l day by day. Trey speaking of i court, soon to be witness michael cowan. Lets listen to him and then i will ask you a question on the t other side. Michael cohen here with another Michael Cohen reacts. When i was testifying before the House Oversight committee, i tturned to around and said that donald trump has shown acts of generosity, but hes not a generous person. Trey t i was on a committee in congress and i question Michael Cohen but that was back before he likee d trump. Does the prosecutions case Rise And Fall on Michael Cohen or can the jury conclude that he is untrustworthy but still convict . Trey im somewhat limited what i can say because of this gag order but i will make twoause points. First of all all of the h testimony that weve heard sor far doesnt speak todo the chard offenses. We havent seen anything so far tended to support the g soprosecution Business Records fraud in this case. T we office wetr believe President Trump did nothing wrong. That is why there is no evidenc here appeared in terms of Michael Cohen when repeatedly in court pleadings, this is a man found liable for perjury by numerous previous courts. M we think that is something the jury will have to weigh. T we will see that play out in court probably this week i would guess. As the clips indicated the, Michael Cohen has been viciously attacking President Trump and he doesnt have the ability tos respond publicly. Ha itel is absolutely an insane situation. Trey let me asesidenk you ab legal question because i was a a Mediocre Prosecution attorney but i dont know about federalde election law except the former congressman mightve picked up. Are they arguing donald trump should have used Campaign Moneyh to use or more particularly how they listed them . There is an argument hes not allowed to use Campaign Funds for personal expenditures. Topers that is a part of the case i dont get because if he had used different monies coming would be investigated by a differenton group. v that is exactly right. An Election Law Specialist have said exactly that, that the prosecutions case is based on this flawed premise that the underlying expenses, Electronice Expenses To Federal Law is the contrary. The Biden Department of justice has looked at this. All of them declined to take any action in this case. N th it is only the radical leftist District Attorney in new york, alvin bragg, who decided to press ahead and attempt to try President Trump. I believe this is election interference plain and simple. I dont think the case has Anyny Legal Basis whatsoever appeared for that reason and numerous other reasons, it is an outragee the court and systems of Law And Order weaponized forte political purposes. Trey before we go, running for president is hard and being a defendant is hard but doingfed the same at the same time is about impossible. If Youf T Werime a judge, woulu impose a gag order at all . Orde if so, what would that work or look like . We dont believe a gag order waelies warranted appeared we he challenge the gag order the same weight we challenged previous gr order imposed washington, d. C. , federal prosecution. At the very core of the f edfirst amendments political speech, political election hearing. Firsec h,the idea of the judge would impose a very, very broad priora restraint on the leading dipresident ial candidates, political speech at the height of an election season is totally unconstitutional. As i said before, unprecedented in American History for any political candidate to be gagged in this way. Eric we dont see any reason to be aa gag order at all in this case, but certainly the scope of thes. Gag order and the fact it is unilateral and shows so much speech beyond its plain terms, this is an absolute outrage. One of any number of outrages wa have seen play out in new york t courts from inception of this case. Trey will scharf, thank you for taking time from the courtroom and Campaign Trail to join us On A Sunday Night yuriko we will see you soon. Greatnigh to be with you, tr, thank you. U. Trey biden hits the Campaign Trail. It is it helping . Biden pp minus one contender, dr. Lauren wright ahead On Sunday Night in america. Trey welcome back to sunday night in america. Donald trump defending himself in court while also running for a secondld t term. Biden defending his first term, seeking a second one. It will come down to a few counties and a handful of states. Can a Vice President ial candidate make a difference . Ally we know who is running with biden, but trump is looking for a new running mate. There is a line from yellowstone where the character said i would rather shoot up thousands and kill a horse. Im not advocating for homicide, but that line captures how many of us feel about our pets, which south dakota governor Christie Noam to kill a puppy and writeot about It Disqualifying in the eyes of many. Is It Disqualifying in the eyes latof the person actually doine picking . Joining us to discuss this Princeton University scholar dr. Lauren wright, welcome dr. Wright, President Trump suggested still a couple newtrun months away from picking a running mate. If he will be in court does itee make sense to pick someone who N Carry The Torch and since i like compound questions, can ais vp pick make a difference in the minds of voters . It can help balance trump out and that would be in his best interest, trey, his instincts to pick someone in his mold exactly like himself, he should pick someone as different as hipickms possible and more moderate on the issues that voters in the middle are really quite unsure about. Yi think the latter the better o be honest to tease this pick to make it a spectacle when he does. Whoever he picks coming will get heavily fed up from the momentoe he says their names. M better to get all of thatl of organized and take the time. Ke trey one of the cohost of o the view cannot stop talking about tim scott. Lets listen. Just a speaker of African American voters come if anyone thinks tim scott [laughter] okay . The audience is cracking up if anyone thinks tim scott will bring over a bunch of black menh they really need to get with it becausthe tim scott is only African American senator and th Republican Party for a reason. Trey i dont have any idea whether senator scott hoped when black mail folders are not. He helps with white suburban women because of the winsome way he carries himself and proves you can be conservative and nou. Mad about it. Maybe im wrong. Does it have to be a woman to appeal to undecided or reluctane female voters . No, it is a great point what is special about tim scott is his personality and how sort of lowkey and amicable he is in very High Pressure per situatio. Trump could absolutely use someone with tha at type of disposition. Frankly, trump is doing pretty well with black men already. H bl hes done better than the lastge few republican nominees. So, that group is already taking on the upswing and should be concern for democrats regardless of who the president and thereae are. Trey i dont know if the eve governor Christie Noam was under consideration for a big vp only and only the former president would know that, but it doesnt seem she will recover from like her own book, which is almost stunning to even say that. It was her own book that seems to have deepsixeded her shot at being the Vice President. Absolutely a huge miscalculation about the number of pet owners inatio this countv and hoerw they are heavily concentrated, dog and cat owners in both parties that really love their pets. Even lara trump, im sure youu n know for instance is a huge advocate for dogs and rescue dogs. Members of trumps own family im quite sure will give him ani earful about this. He knows he doesnt want someone who is going to cause more controversy than he is. It is a massive miscalculation on her part. Par it is very telling about her own political instincts. Sometimes, that is what Theess American Presidency processed as well. People are under scrutiny and ud make mistakes. Eopl people draw conclusions about t that. R it is very faiinr in this case. Trey to your point, i dont believe in reincarnation. But if im wrong, i dont want. To come back as my wifes i husband but as her dog. That is the thing she loves more than anything in the world appeared before i will let you go, arizona is a state thetate g. O. P. Lost last time around but they actually need to win at this time. It is kari lake helping or hurting their chances right now. I dont know if it is helping or hurting but kari lake wouldk be an example of someone very much i n trumps mall goal. T i dont know what the x factor would be with kari lake where she would balance out the ticke or get attention from other groups that wouldnt normally be so sure about supporting trump. I dont think that is theor strongest pick for him. There is not a ton of support. For her herself in arizona. So, i think he would be betterao off picking someone, like you said, who up or theyll make appealre ts more to the center. R trey i only gamble on the golf course so i wont answer h but if youad had to gamble and pick, who do you bet he will pick . I think tim scott will be a great choice. I dont know if het will pickic him. Tulsi gabbard would be an outlier that i would be very interested in. Maybe if you gave me odd sound that i would go for tulsi gabbard. Trey that would be weird for me to have the Cell Phone Number of the Vice President of thha cele United States. I never thought i would have that. Of course, they will probably block methat. Ac dr. Lauren wright, thank you for joining us On A Sunday Night. Thanks, trey. Trey or or on the trey gowdy podcast. Good night from south carolina. Online or on the podcast. Good night from south carolina. A Fox News Alert, evacuations underway in Eastern Rafah region of gaz

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