Criminal trial wraps up for the day in New York City. Former Communications Director Hope Hicks Faking Business Recoo cover up a payment to porn star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. He says he did nothing wrong and should be on the Campaign Trail not on trial. Courthouse in georgia where courthouse instead of being anyone back i would say 10 states where i would like to be right now. You have 10 states. We are already marked down months ago. Marked down to be in georgia today. Trace judge Janine Pierrot Standing by but first mate for is live outside the courthouse in the manhattan. Afternoon. Good afternoon. Former trump advisor hope hicks is still on the stand answering questions, mainly so far about her time as Press Secretary during former president Donald Trumps 2016 campaign. Really notable moment within the past 20 minutes or so. Hope hicks testified when an article came out exposing that American Media had purchased but never published the story of an alleged affair with Karen Mcdougal that trump denies that trump was concerned about his wife melania seeing the story and he asked hicks to make sure newspapers were not delivered to their home. He testified trump told her the affair never happen. She provided a statement for the article provided by Michael Cohen denying any knowledge of a coordinated effort to suppress the story. Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo asked if trump directed her to provide that statement. She said she couldnt recall but did remember trump denying the affair. Also asked her about meeting former American Media ceo david pecker. Hicks for members seeing packer at trump tower but she did not remember participating in the meeting where packer agreed to help the Trump Campaign. Trump is disputing evidence presented by the das office showing a recording with he and michael ko in discussing the payment for Stormy Daniels deal. Trump posted on true social this was just as the afternoon session began, the tape played yesterday and discussed today while good for my case was cut off at the end in the early stages of something very positive that i was in the midst of saying. What was it or why was it cut off . The digital expert who extracted data from Michael Cohens cell phone said today that some level of trust in cohen will be needed for certain information from his cell phone. Trump steen says cohen is a proven liar and an unreliable witness cackles 1 more thing regarding the Gag Order Trump Steen plans to challenge the Gag Order Saying that it is unconstitutional. Will send it back to you. Talk with that with the judge nate for live for us outside the courthouse. Thank you. Lets bring in judge janine. Cohost of the 5 judge. Its great to have you on. Going to pick up the point he was making about hope hicks saying listen the former president was very concerned about melania here which kind of undercuts the prosecutions case which is this was all about influencing the 2016 election. It doesnt just undercut the prosecutions case. It demolishes it. Because clearly we know that nondisclosures have been done for many years as part of the civil settlements between 2 parties to keep things quiet. But hear what you have is 1 of the closest people to the president who first told the president about some of the tapes that were coming out or the access Hollywood Tape in particular. She then is telling him about the mcdougall situation and the Stormy Daniels situation and trump doesnt want the newspapers delivered. He doesnt want melania to see them. Trump doesnt say my gosh, whats discounted into my president ial campaign . Ill never be president. What trump says is keep the newspapers away from my house. I dont want melania to see this. Basically im in marital trouble here. And thats why this whole case is should not have been prosecuted in the first place. Its clear that businessmen do this for their families. They do it for their brand and what the feds are trying to prove is he just did this this time for the campaign. No it wasnt. The amazing part is all of these misdemeanours are beyond the statute of limitations. They are no way prosecutable now but for a felony about which we know nothing that theyve attached 2. So the whole thing is a Kangaroo Court and the gag order in particular is ridiculous. Like ive issued gag orders just like judge marchand took as a da my office has been gagged. I get it. But you cannot gag 1 party and not the other party. Especially when 1 party is running for president of the United States and is being prosecuted by his opponent essentially and shown today by colangelo during the crossexamination of hope hicks. Calendula was from the justice department. Joe bidens justice department. It doesnt get worse than this spee judge Michael Cohen is getting rich off this. Michael cohen is on every day on tiktok. Hes on his podcast. Spee can talk about every aspect of this making a bunch of money. Nobody is telling Michael Cohen the chief witness to hashem. It is funny but its also sad we have a man whos running for president whose Civil Liberty is at stake if he is convicted of this felony, and the truth is youve got Michael Cohen trashing him. The president is prevented from even responding. To allow a witness to go out there on tiktok, make money and trash the president and then sanction the president the former president if he says anything like in response, what did you think of david pecker, the president said hes a nice guy. They find him, they sanction him and the judge threatens what he calls and incarcerate touring measure. Hes threatening him with jail on these gag orders. This is i guarantee you this close to the court of appeals and it will be reversed because you cannot do this in america. You cannot do this Kangaroo Type Justice in america. It seems to me and we pointed this out that the goal here is make this all as sleazy and salacious as possible. Even though they cannot point to the crime, even though they cannot point to what is a legal in this, if they can make it dirty enough for the jury, the jury will be just astonished and theyll convict. Theres no question that the prosecution is throwing everything they can hoping something will stick. This whole idea of the tape from 2005 has absolutely no connection to this case. Any mention of it should be reversible error. They should have made motions in advance to prevent any discussion of this from coming out. But you do have a corrupt judge. I have to tell you im very reticent to say this because i was a judge and i get it. This is a judge who should have recused himself who should not be in this case. He doesnt know the law or hes forgotten everything he learned about it and they are railroading donald trump. Its not because i support trump. This is legally an insufficient case thats beyond the statute of limitations, that is full of arkansas president ial and nonprobative evidence. Down to our final minute our circle back to what we were at the top talk about hope hicks testimony. Seems like her entire testimony is in the wake of the access Hollywood Tape here in the Trump Campaign was trying to scramble to find get rid of anything that might be damaging on top of the. Clearly and part of that obviously is melania. And in fact apparently from what i heard today, and i was not in the courthouse, that the president said it doesnt sound like something i would say. So apparently he was shocked by it as well, and right then and there in a marriage where he wanted to prevent clearly according to hope hicks his wife from hearing about any of this stuff. A judge great to have you on as always. Thank you for your time. Meantime breaking coverage continues with Trump Attorney leo terrel and tommy learn. Life, diabetes, theres no slowing down. Each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. Thats why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. Uniquely designed with carbsteady. Glucerna. Bring on the day. Every day, more dog people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. Restaurant Noise [announcer] introducing allisons plaque psoriasis. She thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. Otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. 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Get started for 49. 99 a month plus ask how to get up to an 800 prepaid card. Dont wait call today. Trace the department of allegations of hostile antipalestinian and islamophobic environment in the wake of October Seventh that university atlanta. Emery students for justice in palestine is making the accusations. They say quoting here, we are here to learn and we should be able to do so in peace without being threatened harassed and docs simile for being Palestinian Muslim arab or a supporter of palestinian rights. Emery is 1 of many campuses this week where antiisrael protests have taken place. Meantime after dozens of arrests in New York University and the new school in manhattan nypd officials sharing chilling information about flyers they say are posted on the nyu campus. Disrupt reclaim destroy. Zionist business interests everywhere. Provision of through state death to america and school, long live lessons on how to take over and school at nyu. Tony sund is not writing for the students. What street would do Something Like this . Somebody is behind this. With that lets bring in a panel leo terrel Civil Rights Attorney who earned his law degree at ucla. Chaos broke up this week. Host of tommy learn is fearless on out. Both are fox news contributors and david kerley to former democratic new york state senator. Thank you all for coming on. Leo to you first. I want to bring the flyers back up because people didnt really get a chance to look closely at them. These things are found on nypd, nyu property, and saying things like enough with deescalation trainings. Where the escalation trainings. You will not find a truce from us and death to america. I mean theres clearly this movement afoot to increase aggression. What do you think . Thanks for having me. Ive been a civil rights lawyer for 35 years. Im embarrassed about ucla. Joe biden has abandoned his legal obligations to protect jewishamerican students. The federal government has the power to do so immediately. They can cut off all the funds to department of education. Where the federal charges . Wheres the fbi . Wheres the hate crime charges. Its trespass. Wheres the federal government involvement. Remember back in the sixties black kids could go to school. You had federal marshals. Where the federal marshals to protect jewishamerican students does not exist. Why . Very simple. Michigan. I find it offensive to talk about an Antisemitic Task force we have laws on the books to stop this but because of politics jewishamerican snapping protected. Those are the facts. Insertable first amendments. This is outright criminal conduct on the part of these prohamas rallies in these College President s should be investigated by the fbi today. David kerley to makes a great point because we have been asking for the past week or so. We just lost. For spring and tommy lance. Its a good point because weve been talking with this over the past week. Where is the department of justice cactus Civil Rights Division . These are antisemitic cases. We can detail them down to the anton these things. Receipt everything today. And the doj Civil Rights Division has been silent. Right. Lets also keep in mind they were really concerned about keeping tabs on parents at School Board Meetings speaking out against covid protocol and the like. But i think right here we need to be really cognizant of who is funding this. We can clean out these encampments and a couple weeks from out might be in flavour of the week protest but we need to know whos funding this. Because the students are absolutely being radicalized. Actually spoke with a columbia student today on my out, show and they told me listen, a lot of these young people just want to be a part of something. They go to these encampments and get free food. They get to hang out with her friends. This is bigger than just the antisemitism correct antiamerican and antiisrael. This is our young people reaching out for something and unfortunately the radicalization of antisemitism and islamic propaganda is right there within their grasp. And thats meant to be a lasting problem. Trace we are back with david. The Student Editors at columbia reviewed the law review write the following. We urge the law school to cancel exams. The violence we witnessed last night talking a couple of nights ago about police cleaning the campus, the vilest we witness last night has irrevocably shaken many of us. The events of last night left us and many of our peers unable to focus and highly emotional during this tumultuous time. They are not so shaken that they can protest and spew this hateful rhetoric but they are too shaken to study is the theme. David your thoughts . And we dont have david again so lets go to leo terrel. Thats the point here is that you have the students making these demands across the country at ucla they want lotion with no sunscreen and they wanted food that was glutenfree and vegan and now you have columbia students saying can we cancel the exams because were just so emotionally wrought. Let me tell you while. You Toker Ucla The School that im embarrassed about. Why . We have government wheres he bin. We have a mayor where she bin. To macro 3 hours jewishamerican students on campus of ucla were terrorized and theres no action. Whats happening in new york . We have a governor whose new york. And i want to be clear about this. Mayor adam is upset they took down the flag. Me to. But why dont mayor adams called out bragg talk about arresting and keeping these protesters in jail . Its all smoke and mirrors. It all goes back to the federal government, joe biden and the democrat strategy. We are not going to do anything because of michigan. Thats insulting to Jewish Americans who are being treated like secondclass citizens. Again i want people to go back in time in the fifties and sixties when black kids couldnt go to school on this at federal marshals. Thats what jewishamerican students should have. Trace on that very point i want to play the soundbite from Bernie Sanders because he said something very bold kind of harking back to the 1960s. This may be joe biden. Or Lyndon Johnson in many respects was a very good president. Chose not to run and 68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam. And i were you very much the President Biden is putting himself in a position where hes alienated not just young people but a lot of the Democratic Base in terms of his views on israel and this war. And yet the president who spoke for 3 minutes total on this seems to be playing both sides all the time. Always trying to placate everybody. There shouldnt be any space for that, because youve got people openly saying death to america death to israel next thing they want him. This is not a tough choice. That should be joe biden coming out definitively saying im not on the side of this, and the authorities are going to clear these out and this will not be tolerated by him plain both sides of the fence. Hes just exacerbating the problem. But i think its really interesting senator Bernie Sanders has openly acknowledged this is the democrat base. If this is the democrat base may be donald trump is exactly right. Is not a lot of problems on the right. All this is being caused by the farleft which is apparently the new base of the Democrat Party. So if youre an average democrat , a moderate democrat i guess maybe are not part of the Democrat Party anymore. Trace i guess youre not. Tommy, Everett Carlucci was with us in spirit. We thank you for coming on. We are awaiting possible rumours from former President Trump as court prepares to wrap for the week on his criminal trial. Trump attorney will ship standing by ava i was just feeling sick. And it was the worst day. Mom was crying. I was sad. Colton i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. Brett once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just dont want to get up out of bed. Joe theres always that saying, well, youve got to look on the bright side of things. Tell me what the bright side of Childhood Cancer is. Lakesha its a long road. Its hard. But saint jude has gotten us through it. Narrator Saint Jude Childrens Research Hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other lifethreatening diseases. Thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. 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It may be due to a buildup of Amyloid Plaques in the brain. Visit morethannormalaging. Com trace a congressman and his wife charged with bribery. The feds say they took about 600,000 from companies in azerbaijan and mexico and the Texas Democrat used his office to help the businesses. They also learned i done other charges including Money Laundering and wire fraud. They are facing decades in prison. The congressman saying quote both my wife and i are innocent of these allegations. The actions i took and congress were consistent with the actions of many of my colleagues. And in the interest of the american people. Meantime we are expecting to hear from former President Trump minutes from now on his criminal trial wraps up for the day. Right now defence crossexamining former Communications Director hope hicks and the former president say he plans to follow lawsuit challenging the gag order. As we wait for the judge to rule on whether he violated it again. Lets bring in will sharpe lawyer for the former president who is not involved in the case. Is also running for Missouri Attorney general as a republican its great to have you on. I want to know your take on this because weve had so much focus this morning during testimony on this access Hollywood Tape. The tape is from 2005 and has nothing to do with the 2016 election and yet they cannot show it but they can talk about it 15 times a court session. This is exactly the sort of evidence that in any normal trial would be excluded because its president ial value so heavily outweighs any Probative Value that might have. Thats a routine motion filed in cases. Weve made numerous motions to exclude evidence like this in this case. In any normal cases is not the sort of thing that would end up in front of the jury. But as we have seen in so many ways including the gag order that you just referenced this is not a normal trial. Its not a normal trial and we are waiting for carrier bond to come out to give us an update of exactly whats happening before they go to break. Attawandaron if you think the strategy here is just to bring out the most salacious stuff. You bring out the sleazy stuff and try to convince the jury this was just a dirty different escapade and forget the stuff thats not illegal because none of the stuff is illegal say dont talk about any crimes. You just talk about dirty stuff and hope the jury is convinced. Its a smoke and mirrors strategy. We are weeks into trial and we have yet to hear a single piece of evidence that tends to show President Trump committed any crime much less the crimes that hes been charged with your. Its absolutely Abstraction Strategy by the prosecution. But what we have seen day in and day out is President Trumps team effectively dismantling large aspects of the case the prosecution attempts to be putting before the jury. We saw crossexamination yesterday of keith davidson. At the end make of that i think there was more evidence on the record that criminal expansion may have occurred when President Trump is the victims and there was President Trump himself has committed any crime which we dont believe he did here. So i think day by day that defence is putting up points. The prosecution really isnt. Hauntley that continues in the weeks ahead. Trace you talk about the defence putting up points. I hate the word bombshell but there was a significant piece of information by hope hicks today where she said this in, the concern about this whole thing was to keep it away from melania the prosecutions push is this was all just to influence the election and hope hicks is saying this was because the former president was concerned about his wife finding out. Yeah, that something President Trump has sent for a very long time. If true that would be devastating to the prosecutions theory of this case, the way they to stack Collection Violations with Business Records violations. So i think we are going to continue having revelations like that as witness after witness comes to the stand. But again i look at the trial record here and you do not see a single statement, a single piece of evidence since been introduced into the record that the jury has seen that tends to show President Trump is committed any crime. We believe thats the case because he hasnt committed any crime and therefore theres no evidence of that but thats what we are seeing play out court and its really important to cut through all the smoke and mirrors and all the salacious gossip we are being fed on a daily basis and just focus on the facts which is that President Trump did nothing wrong. What do you make of the strategy where the prosecution brings out the former number 3 at the doj to actually question hope hicks here. She said she was nervous going into the trial. She got up in the stands and told the jury she was nervous and she was but you have this kind of intimidation aspect from prosecution in this. What you think of the strategy . Because of the unconstitutional gag order im not allowed to speak about members of the Prosecution Team other than deviant Da Alvin Bragg which goes to show how wildly overbroad and unconstitutional the gag order really is. We are obviously taking the gag order up on appeal. Weve challenged and are going to continue to challenge it. I wish i could answer your question but because of how broad and unconstitutional the gag order is im just not allowed to. Im going to play sound very quickly a former president talking today about the gag order. The gag order is not for testifying. The gag order stops me from talking about people in responding when they say things about me. We have people saying things about me and im allowed to respond. So this judge has taken away my constitutional right. And as a republican candidate and somebody thats leading joe biden bylaw should be able to respond. Trace you are not the first lawyer to say this gag order seems very onesided. Very unilateral. Thats right. Its unilateral and doesnt apply to the witnesses. Doesnt apply to the prosecutions team. It is overbroad in many ways. Ill also note we believe this is the first time in American History when a candidate for Public Office has been subjected to a gag order of this kind of this scope. Its totally unprecedented. President trump is obviously not just any candidate. Hes the leading candidate for president of the United States of america. And the idea that the sort of Campaign Interference correct the use of gag orders to interfere with his ability to speak out publicly on matters of public importance strikes to the heart of our system of elections. Its Election Interference pure and simple and is just outrageous. I got to go but i want to know if you look at this case enough have you identified, he specify the actual felony that is bootstrapped all of these misdemeanours . Its complicated and the Prosecution Syria has shifted over time. We obviously moved for a bill of particulars or for dismissal before the trial. Of the greater going to continue seeing them try to build their case cat kind of build the airplane as they fly it. That seems to be there strategy here. But thats just not the way these kinds of cases are supposed to proceed. Its baffling. Will scharf appreciate your time. Thank you. Meantime legal editor Carrie Yvonne is inside the courtroom and will join us as we are rate remarks from the former president. Court about to wrap up. They say no longer than 12 minutes from now. So we should hear that very soon started disrupting my day. Td felt embarrassing. I felt like disconnecting. I asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. 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It seemed it was related to the direct examination from the state. She was very close with the trump family so its possible it became too too much and she got emotional. We had to take a break. We just resumed and the defence began crossexamining her. There were a couple of interesting points that came out during her testimony. The first 1 being that the former president s was very concerned about melanias opinion and what it would be about Stormy Daniels story. At custom great stress. She said personal stress when the story was percolating. She said that he wanted his family to be proud of him. The reason that matters is because the states theory of their case is that donald trump paid off Stormy Daniels just to influence his campaign. In other words was some kind of Campaign Contribution to himself. So hicks testifying that, in fact, he was very stressed about the impact it would have on his wife and his family undercuts their theory of the case to some extent on that 1. The other thing she testified about that was interesting was how Michael Cohen was known to go rogue and she would call him a fixer and mr fixit because he would have to fix what he would break, his own mistakes. Those are the 2 most notable things that came out of her testimony. Otherwise we did not learn much new. Trace i wonder you talk with that were hope hicks said he was very concerned about melania and he pointed to the prosecutions case its all about this was to influence 2016 election. I wonder if the defence if thats the Goal Character the emphasize to hit again and again the fact hope hicks said this was more about him being concerned about his family and how they were going to take this she also said he was concerned about how it was playing in the news. But heres the thing. Both things can be true at once. He can be concerned about how it impacts his wife and be concerned about how it would impact the campaign. Neither our legal and the fact that the state has brought this case, that they are willing to imprison a former president of the United States over how in the Legal Expense was classified and they want to say it was just for his campaign when in fact its probably true he was worried about his wife. Its pretty remarkable. It is. And i wonder because i was reading all the emails today and the access Hollywood Tape just kept coming up. It was 2005 when the tate kam mcleod, and you wonder why it keeps coming up in court. It came up a lot. They cant show it because we talked about earlier they cant show the tape but it comes up every 15 seconds. Reporter the prosecution really wants to air the audio of that tape and the judge has repeatedly denied them from doing so saying it would be very prejudicial to donald trump and thats judge speak for it would be unfair. That is the reason they want to play it. The name of their game seems to have been thus far obscure obscure obscure. Theyre trying to equate in the jurys mind sleazy with the legal but its not. Just because something is dirty doesnt make it a crime. I wonder if you look at the totality of the week, look at whats happening and were still waiting for the former president to come out and speak because the child has ended for the day. Attended for the week and im wondering as you look back at the week if you think this was a good week for the prosecution, for the defence. Would you think came out on top . Theres former president right here so hes coming out so lets see if he comes to the microphone. [ Inaudible Question by the media ] so im not allowed to comment on any of that as you know. Come under a gag order which is very unprecedented but i will say this, that the government Doj Et Cetera and in particular this office of da which is letting Violent Crime run rampant all over our city, what theyve done to people in my company theyve been after asked for years. Take a look at whats happened here for years the democrats and radical left theyve been after asked for years and they have been screwing peoples eyes. They hire lawyers, been with lawyers for years, been sucked dry and its a shame what theyve done to this country and its a shame what theyve done to a lot of great people that have been absolutely ruined and destroyed not only here. These are vicious vicious radical left lunatics. The da, they should be wasting time with this. Liquidated to so many people. There are lawyers up. Thats all they do is lawyer up. In the meantime you can do anything in the country. The country is going to hell. They have no time. They have no anything left because they are only always under siege. Its a terrible terrible thing happening in our country. And Hopefully November 5th the most important day in the history of our country in my opinion, election day. Hopefully its going to change because these people are destroying our country. Whether at the border or the horrible reports that came up today of jobs numbers, whether inflation which is destroying us , lousy economy, afghanistan, allowing russia to attack ukraine. Wouldve never happened. Then you take october 7th of israel that would have never happened. A leasings happening and all they do is go after people. They destroy people and its a shame. So i just want to wish anybody a very good weekend. I was very interested in what took place today. But i just have to say, we have a country to build. We have to rebuild it. Our country has gone to hell. We are a nation in decline. We cannot let that happen to the usa. Thank you very much. Trace you have the president speaking about 2 and a half minutes. Back to kerri urbahn. The gag order has been in the news and the president you can see him navigating around it where he takes a quick swipe at alvin bragg but then mostly it becomes kind of a chance for him to campaign a little and hes not in violation of the gag order. Is this gag order going to be a constant think in this trial . With donald trump probably so. But again if the judge wanted to undercut the criticism of the lack of fairness in this situation he could so easily impose a gag order against Michael Cohen who continues to talk publicly about donald trump. I dont understand why he hasnt done this. Just in some ways cohen tolerance trump to respond. He does. Hes in violation of the gag order and also running for president which means everything he says between now and november could be construed as political speech. Everything using matters about everything. So i think the present has a reasonable argument when he talked about being unconstitutional restraint on his speech. Trace when you look at Michael Cohen and see the amount of money hes making, the tiktok it all he sings. Of a little like hes running the trial in his own little world, own online world and making money off of it and nobody can respond. Its true. I dont know that kohner have a livelihood if not for donald trump. Asking earlier before we cut to the former president s remarks about whether this was a good week for trump and i would say it was. The witnesses the state presented helped trump more than they did their case. Keith davidson yesterday the lawyer for Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal declining to call Hush Money Payments Hush Money Payments. He said it was consideration. Its a legal term. As we know trumps bookkeeper classify this payments as a Legal Expense. That was i thought pretty interesting. Secondly you have Hope Hicks Testifying That Trump was very concerned about the impact the story would have on his wife so it wasnt just about the campaign. So well see comes next week but i would say on balance the witnesses helped trump more than her. Trace i guess very quickly it really comes down to any talk of the balance hope hicks, it comes down to Michael Cohen. Is Michael Cohens testimony this case really relies on. Thats right. Not 1 witnesses had a good thing to say about him thus far which is pretty remarkable and number of witnesses have said good things about donald trump. Comes down to cohen versus trump we see with the jury has to say about that. Trace we will. Kerri urbahn thank you. Lets bring in john you former Deputy Assistant Attorney General uc berkeley law professor who says hes friends with hope hicks but can objectively comment on her testimony. Great to have you on as always. Its interesting because carrie was pointing out hope hicks came out and she said this the concern the former president had about all of this stuff with Stormy Daniels thing was the affected was going to have on his family, not on the 2016 election. Thats damaging for the prosecution. This shows how shoddy this whole prosecution has been. These are the Prosecution Process Witnesses that we are hearing from now. Trump hasnt had a chance to call his witnesses and every time we hear the prosecution as is like my friend hope hicks, theyve actually undermined the case of the prosecution. Hopes testimony here shows the case, the legal case the charges that the prosecution has doesnt work. Thats what we always say in the wall. If you dont have the law on your side pound the facts. Thats all the prosecution Doing Try To Drag Donald Trump through the mob. But hopes testimony shows President Trump wasnt thinking about the campaign and all this. Is time to predict his reputation and protect his family. That shows theres no legal crime thats been committed and even if there was it would be a federal crime which the da is unconstitutionally trying to enforce here. I have to ask you because you look at this from a 30,000 viewpoint. The prosecutions case was not strong. These were their best witnesses save for Michael Cohen and they didnt do well so its the next strategy Going Forward . If you are breaking away you dont care about the legal charges anymore. You just want to try to besmirch Donald Trumps character. This is what the American Eagle system is not for but would brag a stranger do is just convict donald trump because people that like him in New York City because hes a bad character. But the Justice System is there to prosecute people for filing the law for the acts not there character. Jonny gray to have you as always. Good insight. Thank you. You know her as a jian in the hit series the sopranos. Adriana Special Agent white harris fbi. I believe you have already met. Dont make a scene. You dont want to attract attention. Tammy awardwinning actress is giving her candid take on the state of the country and how hollywood really feels about President Biden. Shes up next with us otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. Otezla can help you get clearer skin. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Mom genes. She passed them down to you. But who passed them to her . Ancestrydna can show her who and where her genes came from. Best of all, its on sale for mothers day. Get it now, before she has to remind you. This week on chewy, shop all your pets favorites and get a 30 egift card. 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Ask your Eczema Specialist about dupixent. There just licence plates. I swear to god. They wanted me to wear a wire but i wouldnt do it. Emmywinning star of the sopranos making some headlines for saying the farleft owns hollywood. And celebrities who oppose President Bidens policies are scared to speak up. Shes also the cofounder of the ultra Free Clothing line and she joins me now. Its great to have you on the show. You say hollywood has been hijacked. What do you mean specifically by that . Its pretty funny clips to introduce me. Im so worried im going to be running through the woods 1 more time Life Imitating Art just for speaking out. To the feds or whatever. But im sure it was hijacked a long time ago. She is new to me the last 3 years not being able to have a voice. Not that i tried to. I accident they fell into this big mouth that i have now and man the farleft is going to own me soon. Trace excuse me. Its about Censorship Freedom Of Speech all about Constitutional Rights which slowly feel as though theyve been stripped away day by day. So i guess in the elections are over may be Clothing Line will be a regular streetwear line but for now uniting america is the most important thing because i dont think, i think they are looking at all of these labels right and left black white. Forget about all this. We need to come together and fight against it. Its interesting to me because you just talked about this running through the woods where the fbi informant looking at you and you look at your Clothing Line and your Clothing Line is very outspoken tickets very, weve had these pictures up on the thing. Its very outspoken do you worry because of this Clothing Line thats advocating for freespeech, that you might be undercut, that you might be pushed out of hollywood . Harry pulled myself out a while ago. I see those guns and crosses that have been called every name under the sun. White nationalists. Crazy things. But we forget about guns n roses, the pistols, velvet revolver. Madonna were crosses on everything. I dont know why the words freedom and god are reasons for this termination now. These are 4 letter words somehow. And i dont know how we got here. Us too much. System balance. The whole line is about getting back to the middle and having a balance. We need the left and the right to create, he pathology accountable both sides. Its interesting because the flag has become a symbol of hate in many peoples eyes and you wonder whats going on. Do think the Biden Administration is trying to divide people . Are they effort and to divide people and have they succeeded in dividing people . I feel like the Biden Administration was used to divide people. Yeah, i do. I think the division in america is beyond and i dont think we know really where its coming from. I doubt its just an old man who is reading have the time. I dont think hes making Executive Decisions on social issues. I think the social issues or a distraction. I dont think they are the main order. This whole line was out of the who treaty and being afraid we wouldnt and people that know about that at home i think everybody should learn more about it. They are trying to iron it out a little bit more but taking away american sovereignty. Thats not okay and thats on elected officials. We no longer have a voice and it seems like we have a voice but we dont. Trace thank you for coming on. The lien is called ultra free, and well see you again ride through the woods waiting for the fbi. Thank you for your time. We appreciated as always. Meantime look at this fraternity. These are Fraternity Brothers at university of North Carolina defending the American Flag after protesters replaced with the palestinian flag. The Crowd Yelling and throwing Water Bottles that the brothers. 1 of them talked to laura ingram on the ingram angle. Ive seen a lot about us being here a or unbelievable people. Its none of that. We see a country that we love and believe in and we stand for its values being desecrated and we did not want to sit by and just let it happen. Trace yeah, and lots of people do think that Fraternity Brothers are heroes. A Gofundme Page has raised more than a half Million Dollars to quote throw them a ranger. And well see how big a rage or that is but the money keeps growing. Its for a good cause. Those young people took this to heart. That was probably the picture or scene of the week. Before we go take a look at this. A giant American Flag Unfurled Over Building George Washington university. Still there. A defaced statue of our countrys first president jarred George Washington Draped In Palestinian Flag and keffiyeh scarf. Both symbols of antiprotest at us colleges campuses. Thats the story of friday may 4th, 2024. The story goes on. We will have former education secretary bill bennett on all these protests. Meantime your world with neil cavuto starts now. Have a good weekend. [ ] neil some big doings in the big apple. Donald trump from a

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