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Out, a group of protesters breaking windows and barricading themselves inside Hamilton Hall at the campus. Theyve pushed tables and chairs against the doors. This action comes after a couple of hours from Columbia University, the epicenter of nationwide propalestinian campus. Protests started suspending students. The Ivy League School had set a 2 p. M. Deadline monday for the protesters to leave their encampments at the campus. The university has been trying to avoid calling back the police, whose intervention on april 18th led to more than 100 student arrests. The protesters at columbia have inspired similar propalestine demonstrations on campuses all across the country. Arrests nationwide are now approaching 1000 as the final days of Class Wrap Up and Commencement Ceremonies are just days or weeks away. The protesters demand the universities cut financial ties with israel over the war in gaza, but many jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus once again. A group of propalestinian protesters taking over a Columbia University academic building. So far, there are no reports of the nypd moving in to arrest the protesters. But since columbia is a private school, they would have to make a request before police can act. So joining us once again is fahima deguia, a Columbia University graduate student of journalism. She is reporting on the protests as part of her classes. Fahima, i know i just spoke to you about 30 minutes ago, but my you know, my first question since we did speak, have you seen police at all in the last 30 minutes . No, no police. Okay. So what are you seeing right now . I know earlier you said there were people on a balcony. Perhaps and then there were people outside protesting. Yeah, people are still currently protesting. I would say its winding down a little, but people are still protesting for sure. And then, explain to us what you saw when you saw the protesters go into Hamilton Hall earlier tonight, so i would i would say that no windows were broken because i know you had mentioned that, but i did see people open. I i dont i wouldnt say i saw the door open. I was here for a majority of it. I dont actually dont know how they got in, but like, no one actually saw the door actually open. But i was pressed on the side and i wasnt close enough to probably see that. But yeah, people did get in. And currently people are on the balcony not sure how they got in because i actually dont see any windows broken. But i do see, like, i actually dont know. I wish i had the answers to how the door was. No thats okay. Yeah, yeah yeah thats okay. I just thought maybe you may have been close enough to see something, but thats thats fine, in covering this, you know, this being your campus and your school, has anything ever made you feel unsafe as far as these protests are concerned . No, so surprisingly, the protests have been pretty peaceful on the inside. I havent really felt unsafe, but i also am a journalist, so im sure that students who are protesting are not protesting might have different experiences. But as a journalist, just covering this as a press, like always, having the press badge with me definitely does gives me a gives me that extra guard of safety. No matter if im running a police or wherever i am. Of course. And then before i let you go, can you just explain One More Time to us that alert that was sent out about 30 minutes ago or so from the university, it was. Yeah, the alert was just explaining to students what is happening currently and whats going on on campus and the protests. Its like a basic alert, kind of just like a Breaking News Alert of whats going on. Faheem, actually, one more question for you, yeah. Can you tell if these protesters are are they all students . Are they . I know, because where you are right now, youre right. By a public road, anyone can join in on this protest if they wanted to, do you have any idea if theyre just students . Yeah. So as of now, what i see is just students, and it is winding down a lot, and theyre still just students. I dont see any faculty here. I just see students and student press. Okay all right. Fahima, thank you so much once again, for your time. Stay safe tonight, okay . Yes. Thank you. Have a great day. Youre welcome. You too. And if you are just now joining us, a group of protesters, they did, we have reports of them breaking in to the Hamilton Hall via window and barricading themselves inside. About 30 minutes ago, there were, as we heard fahima say, there were people on the balconies and you could hear them chanting, the protesters chanting behind her in that phone interview. But stay with Fox News Channel for more on this developing story. Were going to have more coming up on this On Fox And Friends First at the top of the fox friends with the top of the hour but we will send you to regular programming. A volatile situation whoever happens to be present in any given time can take us a radical direction very quickly. Ient laura then there is the inconvenient trend among hispanic voters and political t sounding thehi alarm and joe bin will keep telling them things that are great and trump is dangerous. As if the economy losing ground with the Fastest Growing Demographic Group was not bad enough, the bradley propalestine protest on College Campuses are hurting biden also. Entitled brats Feeling Justifiev and Running College for everyone else. This announcement is a minor convenience compared to the shaping events taking place in gaza. We demand the vestment and we will not be moved unless byours force. Laura of course you can count on the washington Compost To Lynn Biden A hand and framing the story during this panic. Todays headline g. O. P. Seizes on campus protest to depict chaos under biden. Look, you dont need to depict chaos, the payoff Speakshe Forsh itself whether at the universities were at the border, it is the opposite of calm and orderly. U but sunday panelist on nbc seem to understand that they are onpl shaky ground here. Maybe the never trumper republicans and the squad maybe they areural arent really in nl coalition after all. Ee biden has a challenge really in trying to keep together this broad, desperate coalition of voters. I aoct is a precarious coali. From aoc to the family. They dont have a lot in commont they cant keep the votes away. From a third party or stay homed altogether. There goes wisconsin and the presidency. Laura ther e goes Press Objectivity and potential sinkhole for joe biden. What if putting all of their eggs in the abortion basket, okay, that is unfortunate word, was a stupid move. What worked and the midterms may not work in the general. Wo rk donald trump into this monh ahead and every swing state, anj you see joe biden starting to narrow some of those marginsahea into sweet states, although donald trump had it in the vast majority of them. Our people being sleepy don,ng et cetera . Only the high information voters are paying attention. Laura translation dumbsm people, according to her, will vote for trump, and smart people at abc will vote for biden. Cbs Executive Director Ofthey Elections also implied that a voters should be thinking differently if they are really smart about trump and covid. O we asked them, okay, look back to the economy during the trump years. How do you remember it . The majority say they rememberi. It as being good. Because they forget about the pandemic. They seem to be skipping over the pandemic that tells you what is in their memory of this. Laura this is just goofy. G i the journal elites are now just inventing fictional narratives on the spot. Trum biden kept covid restrictions it place far longer than they had to and trump rushed the government into action to help the people and prepandemic, the economy was rocking and set up to rock again january 2021 and then came biden. Smart literacy it is biden, notd trump who blew it and you bet they are mad. Here is a dose of reality for the Press Callingr for years now, youth have failei to cover the real failures ostfa the administration. You gas lift us how Well Thewa Economy was doing, then you Pretenwasnd Ukraine was when it wasnt. Then you claim things were returning to normal when instead the hard left is becoming increasingly antisemitic andte antiamerican. We tried tado warn you come up that wouldnt listen. T americans want a Government Thah will help them come and one that despises them. Y ha come november, they have a pretty good chance of getting what they want and that is the ankle. Joining me Mollie Hemingway Fox News Contributor and ned ryun, American Majority founder and ceo. Mollie you see the Panic Button Hit in several ways, but what does the media stand to gainm here from just indulging in thi fantasy that the people just t understand how good it isse under biden. Welcome ifromn recent years e have seen the media go from mere bias which we saw was very problematic for decades into outright propaganda. They p manufacture stories, suppress stories and they put their hand on one side of the ledger for every single issue that affects elections to read what do they stand to gain . They gain power by advocatingid for their preferred political party. Just as yo paru said, laura, soy bad things are happening and partly happening because then media are not covering the true story of what happens when one administration and other democrats prosecutors tried Tota Imprison and bankrupt their political opposition. That is actually horrific, andto yet, you dont hear the Media Covering that honestly they also dont cover any other issue honestly whether border, crime, foreign policy, or Anythin Youge We Areal Dealing with. Laura now, you know theat democrats, ned, are lashing out at nbcth. Co rd donald trump has the worst record of job losse of any president. So we have tt o make sure people know. That was a global pandemic. We had the worst record of any president. We had other concerns in our country and an apologist for donald trump, that may be your role, but it aint mine. Laura nancy mad, ned, nancy mad. Coral msnbc come i dont care, water under the bridge for years. Sur pushing back with one comment. Pretty sure katie should never Bdonae A Accused O Apologist for donald trump forth the last eight years, but whatever. The thing as mollie said oprah propagandas and stenographers of the state want power, seek power and they will prop up this fool to see if they cant getthn him reelected up you are at about the thing we should understand about biden, the modern democratic property, the have been done withld Representative Democracy of and i would argue with ther administrative stateid. But their idea of democracy is onnde party rule, and they are i perpetual power. Really, when they talk about democracy, what i am seeing and hearing is committed as the wolt Sof Authoritarianism both in sheeps clothing. Ther that is what they are talking about and all working together to make sure they achieve w november 5th and continued to have perpetual power. That is what all the policies are ran and they want to stop this information. They want to have a broken border to import voters. That is their idea of democracy. Laura well, this mol idea, scaring voters is the key to defeating trump when most people are so miserable in their own et what the oy are trying to do. K i will get Youvor Comment on the other side. The point voters need torepl understand that if they think this is going to be a replay of the first Trump Presidency, which was chaotic enough, that would be a huge mistake. This is the cast proportion of 2024 is to actually try to very thoroughly imagine and describe what he presidency based onra vengeance and Retribution Reall looks like. Lauraople i mean, mollie, ta fact that they Pay Attention to that gasbag come i guess he hosts a radio show, but they kep doing the same thing and it literally is the definition offa insanity at this point to seeniy that type of face on an all dictionary for insanity. It absolutely is. The we all live through the Trump Presidency and we all know what the economy was like. Abra we know that peace was breaking out. W We Saw Historic Abraham accordance in moving toward securing our border. We were pushing back against the american Hating Ideology that threatens to destroy the entire republic. R they also lived under the Biden Administration and the idea people dont want to return to a nicer situation for themselves and their family is absurd. It is true that there was chaos but manufactured by the media and the cast was really about pushing back about washington, d. C. s, destruction of america. A lot of People Sapealy come i d inrather have personal success d chaos in d. C. Which everythingth is going great from d. C. sy. Perspective but wearable for the rest of the country. Laura mollie, ned, brilliant as always, thank you so much pure joe biden isnto going to like this one. I see my Family Members goour through apartments and everything is going up these past four years, struggling for young adults. Laura economic Reality Check for the presidenoment in moments. It is a cool musical laura oh, it is so sad, very sad if youre the bad news keeps piling up for Joe Biden Peered over the weekend, a newav cnn poll register voters blew apart that biden come back narrative we have been telling you about over the last few weeks. Trump is leading in this poll t 3943. As i mentioned on the angle, one of the top reasons why is the economy. Would you say fou you are ber off now or four years ago . Four years ago for sure. Inflation is terrible. Ible ever use of the military andxes. Other areas are horrible, and wa know we paid too much taxes and we say monday overseas. Im not better offwoul than foui years ago. It would save the economy is you definitely worse than it was. I think it is scary for adults entering the real world, how will we pay off Student Loans and eventually buo a house . E the state of the Skunk Countrypr is very scary. Ero. How would you rate it . I would say 1. 2. Probably 1. Igh . I was a 2. Laura We Did Run Into Somet Biden Supporters who gave him glowing reviews, but it really wasnt because of any policy. E on a scale of 1 to 10, how would your rates bidens policy . 6. Why would you say that . Well i think his ideas are righet and his thoughts are into right place. I think biden is doing the best he can so i would say 9. What do you think he is good on . I think hes kindhearted. Laura joining us now, byron york who has a kind heart. And a Fox News Contributor matt towery, also has a good heart, political analyst pollster, byron, historically come up badn poll numbers on the economyucce usually not a recipe for succesn election year, but they are doinelecg their darndest to tryo spin this and i guess send out the signal flare is that this could be an emergency situation. You know, you cant spin inflation. That is the big problem but you were this unique election where both Bee Candidates have been candidates of the united states. They can compare the actual two time in office. E pethe cnn poll 55 of the peoe said Donald Trumps presidency was a success. In 61 of the people said joe bidens Presidency Soason far has been a failure. And the reason for that, the biggest, biggest reason is inflation because it has not gone away. I it is cumulative come inflation we suffered through in 2021202e and still with us and Gettingmot Bigger and the most recent report which we got about a month ago is that it was higher than we think, which killed in the hopes of federal, the fed cutting Interest Rates and peoples hopes of buying a house. No wonder they are worried about future. Laura democrat strategist jim carville, he had interesting words for young voters. Watch. I hear this a lot young voters are just not into this and you cant blame them for [bleep] you are you watching what is y happening in the Supreme Court . That iold. S all right, [bleep]gh 26yearold, you dont feel electione in part are addressing the issues that i care about. Laura matt, insulting theg young voters is something, you known ac, republicans have beent accused of before but i guess u just get over the fact that youi are unhappy and you dont think the governments addressinp your needs . Mebecause trump said that about that person . I have known james a while and i have te,o say he is a colorful guy, very smart, but he speaking his mind. They are losing Younger Voters and they appear to be losing a o larger degree of women than, anyone thought, hispanics, african americans. I have been dr. Know over onoing your show, republicans arentth doing this right, arent doing this right and the polls will be worked against thecase republicans and all of that is t,possible and still is the case in some instances, but man, this is aal major shift and validated by the Harvard Harris poll that came out that shows trump leadig significantly. If wre end up seeing these other names get on the ballots and this is the key thing to watch,e laura, in these major swing states like gil stein, rfk jr. , cornel west make it to the ballots come i dont see how biden can survive. Based on the numbers i see right now. Yo you never heard those words out of me in the last year and a half. Laura no, you have been very pessimistic. Im almost worried that you are optimistic. Slightly optimistic. All right, biden said he wouldsr debate comp last week on howard stern, but some of his howls are not so sure. The folks dont want him to debate or give trump that platform and exposing biden on national tv. I was thinking if i was in my old job from two years ago, youw dont want him to say no becaus no is weak, no its fear. W, so you have to say yes. They both have to say yes. If this happens, lots of things beneed to be a negotiated. Laura lots of things need to be negotiated, byron, whether this happens . Is what is the over under on this with the debate . Very, very unlikely, really unlikely. S biden just blurted this out on the howard stern show, by the way, i watch the entire hour and 15 minutes with biden your code you could not have had a more fawning, flattering, positive, y interview. And biden didnt get through i but the idea of getting through an actual debate, clearly, his team doesnt want that here they wouldnt even do a super bowl interview periods at this quick little biden statement on howard stern i dont think will. Be the position of the Campaignt Laura matt, do you agree . Oh, you agree. I just think this debate is never going to happen. Ha they will find it excuse they dont like thithiss where they t like that. Hat. Let me add to, President Trump i somehow convicted, and somebody whos been convicted and they will make up the rules all along. We have seen that over and over again. Laura not going to happenwo and i said this for two years, d not going to happen, matt and byron, thank you both. Donald trumps biggest rivals about to be his running mate . We will dive into it next. Laura a tragic scene in charlotte, north carolina, three u. S. Marshals shot and killed while doing their job serving a warrant. Fox news bill, tell us what happened . Their reports out of Charlotte Tonighgt unfortunately not looking good and syoo far as you mention, three u. S. Marshalt are dead and several localooto Police Officers are hurt as a result of a shoot out with multiple armed suspects. This is video Ofr Th The Scene F Charlotte earlier this afternoon. That is where Local Activiststt Heard Gunfire for hours as u. S. E marshals in Charlottemecklenburg Police Department trying to serve Fugitive Warrant for someone felon in possession of a firearm. The police as they approach th eom house to serve the warrant, the. Were shut out from inside the home. Kill the officer shot back and ended up killing the shooter on the front lawn. As they approach the house afterwards, officers were met. With more gunfire from inside ththate house. Ultimately, to people inside the home were detained but tragically, three u. S. Marshals were killed. For Cope Charlotte Policee officers killed and one critically. We believe there are two shooters involved. Are again, we have two people oft interest at the Police Station that are being questioned right now. We have confirmed that the individual that was set up that we were serving the warrant ons was the individual who bears thd initial shots and deceased in the front yard at the end of all of this. I it was like bam, bam, bam, hr here it and then again. Once i got here, again, bam, bam, bam. Speak with the fraternal orderur of police said Police Officers all across the country shot inng the last three days alone. The reaction to this shooting they tweeted out on x, there is a War On America and that is stain on society. Laura im sure it is, bill, thank you. What qut qualities are your looking for in your Vice President ial pick . Always the first quality has to be somebody who is a good president. I want people with good common ilsense. L laura is vp and stillfo ongoing and Sunday Morning meeting people b between former President Trump and his rifle as tongues wagging. Didnt they hate each otherr. Minutes ago . A posting on true social, and very happy to have full and enthusiastic support of Ron Desantis Import appeared mostly concerned how they willgr work closely together to make America Great again. Meanwhile, another pick chances may be euthanized. 20 to help unpack at all, charlie hurt, Opinion Editor of Fox News Contributor. Charlie, trump called governor of w florida, sanctimonious and ripped him for wearing boots, and desantis hit back too, watch. L donald trump is a lot. Different guy than he was in 2016. We said republicans would get tired of winning. What we saw last night, im sicn of republicans losing laura even recently on a, call with donors a few weeks back, desantis was expressing his reservations about the trum . Candidate c. How do you put Humpty Dumpty back together again . The there is some confusion about t whether the Vice President and president can be of the sameball state. They shall meet in respective nt states for two persons which shall not be an inhabitant with the samember state but themselv. Remember, that is the constitution. Charlie, what is going on here . So, first of all come in terms of desantis and trump, you know, politics is adversarial and that is why wei love it. That is why we have been following it as long as we have because it is a lot of fun. There is some fists that get thrown, and that is okay. Nt about whenis you look at the success of ron desantis has had in florida, you cannot denym what an extraordinary recordasod he has amassed, and he wouldnt have that record if it were nott for donald trump. As donald trump goes forward and he looks at the next four yearsd as president , my biggest hope ie he considers his legacy and he considers the degree to which he needs toa find a strong, smart fighter who can carry the America First agenda, not just for the next four years but for eight year anys after that. I cant think of anybody who would be better at that thanst, ron desantis. Obviously, hes not the greatest, most backslapping, baby hugging canada in the world. Ring we sell that up close during the primary, but he is a young, smart guy. He is very young. Laura charlie, it would h say to you on may he much everything, okay, maybe on the charisma factor people criticize him for that, but i mean by the whole miracle of Florida Andntis Trump endorsed him for sure, obviously, that really helped, desantis when he was in a tight race. Othethan but the actual running of the state of florida other than Governor Abbott in texas, hands down, he is the best governor i the united states, not even close. Just on merit he is the best. Yeah, and the fights hes gotten into one immigration. Laura fantastic. His ability yeah, absolutely fantastic. Icul he is kind of a nerd and nerds dont particularly do well in politics, but they do great at governing. Donald trump, who is not a ne nerd, about laura they could be powerful together. Know when we have ever met has federal political instincts then donald trump. That duo, the two of them a nerd and the genius together, that in rough. Laura what about the constitutional provision, article two, section 2 regardinm the elect doors people from the same state . I feel like the c student in your common law class and ther professor isis asking me to question that she knows better than i do. But of course, that does not prohibit trump from picking somebody sim from his own state. It simply complicates things to holdover back when the Electoral College picked separate Vice President andp in president. But you know, obviously, it could wind up a Funny Situationd post race where trump would win him because florida electors des cant vote for both of them, desantis would lose her with win we wouldnt have a Vice President. But then it gets kicked to congress. If democrats want to preventld ron Desantis Laura good point. Of course, he would want that. How great would that be laura charlie, we didntuld even get to christine own but that would be barking up therigh wrong tree perhaps. Ou anyway, that story is obvious, charlie, great to see you. Jewish ucla said they attacked him while walking on campus tod. He is here to tell his story next. Norman, bad news. I never graduated from med school. What . But the good news is. Xfinity mobile just got even better now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. Plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. I gotta get this deal. Thats like 20 a month per unlimited line. I dont want to miss that. Thats amazing doc. Mobile savings are calling. Visit xfinitymobile. Com to learn more. Doc . Iple laura after extending their deadline multiple times, columbia universal he finally said, get out or getve suspended. Fox news nationawhl corresponde, joins us live with honorary. Student at this point with the latest from alexis adams. Hey, laura, you should not roll in a time but 7 45 and counting, the students weresoli supposed to be out the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at 2 00 be step out of the way and you can se e what is going on behind us. The tent os in the middle of the campus Columbia University where the camp says they are not backing down, watch. Te at the has conducted itself with arrogance refusing to be flexible on some of the most basic points. With that said, we were engagind in a Good Relationship until the administration cut that off with suspension. So still tonight with that p encampment behind us, Thestud University has now said, they are in the process of suspending students when tried to ask how many student suspended and how many will not be allowed on the campus in class or graduation, we did not get anths answer just yet. So looking around, here is what is happening Hourstt Afterho embattled president said she would suspend the students who didnt clear out. But taking some time here. Also, look above, laura, dozens of tents set up at columbia, 20 are gone and there was 100 last week. The school said students who didnt leave or sign a form saying they would abide bys or policy, or not allowed to attend class or graduate. So for one arrest outside thmpue campus gates. Watch. [shouting] and its not just here at columbia, but protests continue at nyu new york, the University Set a deadline to clear out the area where the protesters are sleeping every night. Now the school for says they wi move forward with disciplinary action there. Back to live at columbia, laura, take a quick look outside of tht gates where the action has been tonight as the students havet kind of cleared out of Theg Fr Encampment appear in many people who live around here chanting from the river to the sea, palee must be free and callingasn on the university to protect outside of the gates. Nypd has not moved in just yetg, but they are ready and waiting for the call, laura. Laura alexis, thank you as always. A jewish doctor and professorn said he was assaulted by a protester on his own campus. This happened as he was getting ready to appear on americahi reports. Just insane. They have lost all control of this entire campus. I have been a professor here for 22 years assaulted walking to my interview. H ha i will keep doing my interviewor because the truth has to come out here they literally, physically assaulted me on the way over here. Laura dr. Nir hoftman, what happened . Are you okay . Good evening and thank youor for asking. It waswalk basically walking toe main area to give the interview, and other interviews for other news stations, and basically two or three thugs tried to block my approach to the open area. First, i didnt even notice them and i ignored them. This one of them stood in front of mt and said, you cant walk this z way, but i was staring at my t phone because i was getting ai i zoom interview. All. All of a sudden, a guy tackled me from the side. Flew i didnt see him coming. My earbud flew out, and then the security people that were there were kind of watching and really not doing anything. This guy took my ear pad and ran. I know where he is now because t find my ear pad to come i know exactly where he has but the police dont want to go get him. Its me when you went to the ucla Campus Police facility to file a report and this is whatle happened. Watch. Is there anyone in this building . Im trying to file a police report. This is a Police Station. Is this is just insane. Thisinsa is insane. Therdee is nobody this is defund the police. Ra there is no police. Laura professor, where they are at breakfast . Now, where were they . I have no idea. I eventually went home. He i was totally dispirited, and i called 911. They transferred me to they told me to come back. Just before this interview, itin went back there and spoke to the senior station officer, who basically told me when he thinks this is disgusting. If he thinks this is bad, there were security people assaulted during the peaceful rally. Ped one of them was literally kidnapped inout. The encampment barely got that personnel. But they have no authority to go in there and clear of this. No lawlessness, the wild west. Laura ucla campus, soful. Beautiful and look at you. This is outrageous that this is happening. We asked ucla professor for a statement on your situation, ana they didnt get back to us. Ts yesterday they said ucla a long history of being peaceful protest and we are heartbroken about the violence that broke out on campus. Kly, that is what they said, professor. Quickly, your response. Well, you know like i told you earlier, 9 11 is heartbreaking. This is not heartbreaking because the violence yesterday, when those protesters basically tried to kick us out of Ourad Protest by our protest had a permit. We had auppoto space, where We O Peacefully protest and they camn in and assaulted elderly people and tried to push us off of our protest. That is what they are referring toiole as the Heartbreaking D violence. Laura you dont deserveonly free speech, only you they do,oe get it straight. Thank you for telling yourcorres story. How did white house then or become a rally . And kamala harris, Raymond Arroyo has it all in seen and unseen. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. 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Laura laura it is time for seen and unseen where we refill the stories behind the headlines. , we turned to Fox News Contributor Raymond Arroyo. Biden was treated like a conquering hero at thedinn white house Correspondents Dinner the other night here even as he was granted and has granted less access, lesson reviews, less Press Conference than any of his predecessors, biden used the lovefest to ridicule Thea Lo Press and told the angle what they had to do this political season. To all my friends in the pres as and fox news [laughter] some of you complained that i dont take enough of your questions. No comment. I am sincerely not asking you to take sides. Im asking you to rise up to ths seriousness of the moment. Knowing what is at stake. Every single one of us know what is at play. Re making sure democracy endures, american democracy. I note in my role and with allso due respect, so do you. But it gives the impression,h laura, they are all playing the same role, and this should bebe adversarial and it isnt. It makes it look like part oft one washington organism. I thought this was disgraceful and it should have been boycotted quite frankly. They should have boycott of the president being here. Laura this was kind of fun in the early years, raymond pjut read about it has gotten i dont know, i dont mean to be a spoiled sport, but hes never doing real interview so how do you get up there and host presit biden giving you the stiff armi so i dont get that. Joking about it and sittingue there laughing and remarkably pure do so that performance, laura, cnn listening to him you would have thought he was at the Correspondents Dinner, fiance, watch. You know, i love joe biden. This guy has real charisma. There is a reason keeps exceeding expectations. What did he watch . E joe biden could barely eat his salad, laura. Atte it took repeated attempts. Cha if this is charisma come i hate to see what decay looks like. Laura charisma maybe 40 years ago, he had some goofy charm, but charisma . Dont think so. Fnl, i dont even know how to say it, tried to keep the jokes evenhanded at least until the eni d come i understand. There were funny moments, laura, but ended with a story about his Grandfather Cast Hist Last Vote for joe biden and cnn ran with it. That was finishing and that endorsement of president biden. N. His grandfather voted for donald trump, excuse me, president biden, because of decency. Politics aside, it was a poignant plea. Laura that is why he said it. It is not poignant but partisanship, laura. Comics exist to hold the truth up into rampant a powerful pure journalists are to hold them to account and both failed at this dinner. Im sorry, they should not be praise for doing that. S it is a disservice to the public. Laura Kamala Harriens Two Circuit and landed i andn the lr again of Drew Barrymore. Apparently, some people love to talk about the way i laugh. Ah oh, yes, i love your left. [laughter] because we all need a mom. I have been thinking we need aw, tremendous hug right now but in our country, we need you to be mom to the country. Laura, somebody needs a therapist. Laura what is she telling us . A li a little Support Group and leave politics alone here laura did she actually jumped into her lap at that poit or what happened . O closean enough, Anything Coud Have Hav happened, laura. We went when i think offo Drew Barrymore, raymond, i thin that pigtail little girl and18 et. She was i mean, that is it for me. T i will not even talk about Drew Barrymore and i sound like joe biden, after et because that Warfecs Perfection for her. All right, raymond, thank you. Go home here that is it for ust tonight. Follow me ons s [chanting]

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