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Brian this is thursday, april 25th. This is fox friends. With you you are watching former President Donald Trump Construction Workers 6 30 eastern time as today he got a massive day for him legally but he already had a great start. Probably emotionally. Ainsley it was so smart of him to do this now everyone across the country is talking about it and will be throughout the day. Hopefully he will do Something Like this every day before he goes court. In just a few hours he will be back in that New York City courtroom for this is day seven, right, brian . Brian yeah. Of his criminal trial. Alexis mcadams is live. Wherever would you rather start your morning midtown manhattan, Construction Workers and Union Members got to catch a glimpse of former President Donald Trump had quite a throat say. He spent a lot of time shaking hands and trying to talk to Construction Workers. Many of these guys who say they were lifelong democrats now just fed up with how the country and where the country is heading right now he says he is focused on gaining ground here in New York City and believes he has what it takes to connect with these voters. Watch. [chanting we want trump] not a democrat in there built a lot of great buildings in this city with these people. And they have given me great support. They are really amazing. Do you know what . They are very, very talented people. They dont get the credit for it. They have very few people can do what they do. So the former president was joined by local Union Members about a dozen unions at least im told in new york. And its a deep blue state. Construction workers and lots of supporters got up early to talk about ongoing projects in New York City and quality issues for everyday americans. Thats who is out here. Every day americans. Every day new yorkers who want to see change in the big apple. The trump team telling me that Union Workers are paying the price for bidens failed economic policies, but says the focus was and remains on how trump cares about the average worker here in this state and across the country. They say President Biden is not out fighting for every day americans. But its important to point out, right . This comes just one day after President Joe Biden did secure another unions backing the head of north americas building trade union. The president has been working hard to court Union Workers but so has donald trump. Back out here live we can tell you we are expecting possible, right, more campaign stops. Because if he has to be in a New York City courtroom throughout the week, why not hit midtown, midatlantimidatlmanhattan. Probably didnt think he would be campaigning in harlem and on park avenue. But thats how things are going he thinks that he can turn parts of this Deep Blue Area baby bright red. We will have to see what happens. We will see what happens. Brian for the most part has the crowd dispersed . Yeah. Everybody kind of hit the road after the motorcade moved out of here. We know trump is usually right in court down there in downtown around 9 00 a. M. Or a little bit before that. Thats when we will see the next action with his motorcade. We do know he is back now at the trump tower probably preparing for another long day that courtroom, brian. Ainsley putting on long johns because its cold apparently in the courtroom. Alexis, did you talk to anyone who was there . What was their feeling after he left . Well, we talked to some people who got here early, ainsley, to try and set up a spot so they could camp out to see the former president and a few people afterward. They were just excited. They think whether People Democrats or republicans a former president coming down here. They want to talk to him and shake his hand and see what he has to say. People, one thing a lot of people we talked to when were out on the Campaign Trail we agree on they want change. Whether its for their pocketbook or whether things happening with immigration. Those are kind of the top two issues that voters out here, including the Construction Workers say they want to hear trump talk about and see what he would do in terms of changing things. Charlie when you say people were gathered there early. How early is early and how would they have heard about it. They heard about it through some of these people vetted and cleared from security. So in terms of who was out here probably people that kind of knew about it from the trump team so they could have some people out here who are supporters. I dont know if it was early as you guys got up for fox friends but they were here early enough to try and catch a glimpse of the president. And the president appreciated all of this support out here. You know, he said its a great day here in New York City. He built so much of New York City. So he is happy to talk to these Construction Workers and hopefully turn some of those lifelong democrats and these unions to republican. Brian right. You know, a alexis, even thougha ton of tourists and might have a big time tourist high this year. Its crime and lax of punishment. Knowing that is a big issue and then construction, when it documents commercial real estate, it is cratered. People have not come back to this city since the pandemic you got some empty Office Buildings and apartment rent as you know, ainsley, through the roof. So new york is in need the rent in this city is outrageous. Astronomical. What you are paying when you go to grab something at a Grocery Store or restaurant. Dish out two to three times more than people in pay in other cities. Let alone prices in other cities are up. People your own economics and your own pocketbook, they are sick and tired of it so i think at this time trump thinks is he connect with those people. Ainsley when you move to new york, everyone knows if you are in your 20s, you cant afford rent alone. You have to have roommates. And we know, alexis, all of us who live here. You will hire someone. Get a one bedroom and they put up a wall in the middle of the bedroom. Hopefully its large enough. She is on one side and she is on the other side. You split the rent equally. Taxes are so expensive here. Thats why you have seen at love republicans leave. Because they have gone to florida. Some democrats, too. But they cant afford it here or they want to save their money and they are facing retirement. Charlie when you let a million illegals into the country and federal government actually pays to house them in places like New York City, its surprise, surprise, living prices goes up. Thats what happens when you let a million illegals into the country or more. Brian check in with you again. Not easy to go up town. Downtown to cover the court case. Downtown and cover nyu unrest. Or the chaos in the little city inside columbia university. So alexis has a lot to do locally. Ainsley midtown here covering trump. Charlie about 8 00 last night she was doing the protests up there. Brian she is getting time and a half. Charlie there you go. Ainsley she needs it to pay her rent. Ainsley trump will be back in New York City courtroom for day seven of the criminal trial. Charlie former American Media ceo david pecker. Brian kind of interesting the president said david is doing great. Todd piro outside the new York Supreme Court he will be there today. Todd, you are going to be in the Overflow Room, right . Continuing direct. We will see if we get into crossexamination. As we know so far pecker has already testified to working with former trump Attorney Michael Cohen to bury negative stories about donald trump before the 2016 election. He testified about a catch and kill deal he made with a trump tower doorman. The prosecution, keep this in mind needing to prove that the former president was directly involved in these plans and the big take away that such action was somehow illegal. The former president also accused of Making Payments To Adult Film Store Stormy Daniels also expected to testify during this trial. Listen to this her former lawyer michael after actually slamming the case, watch. I disagree with President Trump on about 95 of the issues at a minimum. But one thing he and i agree on and that is that the politicization of these cases is uncalled for and its flat out wrong. Court is expected to resume at about 9 30 this morning behind me here. One major piece of information that we are awaiting is the judges decision in the gag order. We are expecting that, according to reports today, im heading inside right now into the Overflow Room. Well be keeping tabs on the trial. Trying to provide some context to exactly what were hearings from a legal perspective. What matters, what doesnt. Im going to bring that to the fox news viewers throughout the day. For now back to you all in the studio. Brian what i have heard by the way, todd, the Overflow Room is the best because can you see multiple angles. If you are in the courtroom can you just sta stare at the back f the president s head. In the Overflow Room you can see everything. That is how it is in so many courtrooms throughout the country. When you get in that courtroom you are in see. You cant move. The seat is uncomfortable. The seat was built in like the 1930s. You cant see anything. They are not focused on Major League Baseball sidelines they dont care. You sit in a sign. Its you have to hear. What i was a lawyer i would be a lot of times what did they just say . Cheat off the person next to me. Overflow room should be able to hear a lot. Headed in in a few seconds. Charlie hopefully warmer than the courtroom. Todd yes. And outside. Because its for somehow for april 25th, it is somehow ridiculously cold still in the new york metro area. Brian, janice and ainsley, charlie do something about that please. Brian talk to the weather people they are on the 12th floor. Ainsley take your puffer coat in there with you. Now to washington where david spunt is live outside of the Supreme Court ahead of the Oral Arguments on trumps president ial immunity case there hey, david these arguments will begin at 10 00 promptly this morning. The justices always claim they want to stay away from politics but today they are entering the nerve center of the 2020 president ial election whether they like it or not. Now, former President Donald Trump, he claimed that the allegations levies against him for trying to allegedly overturn the 2020 president ial election occurred during a time he was still president. Therefore he cannot be indicted. He spoke no president would able to properly function without complete and total immunity. Special counsel jack smith says trumps behavior continued after he left office. And he should be prosecuted full stop. This case was supposed to go to trial in early march. But it was delayed when the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. Now, arguing for the special counsel today, a man named michael dreefn, he previously worked on special counsel Robert Muellers team. He is screen left. Screen right is john sour. Former law clerk to the late justice antonin scalia. The justices they say that they are probably going to take this case for about two hours today though it could go longer given the stakes here. If they rule in trumps favor. His case in washington, d. C. Could essentially go away. If they rule against him, the motions, everything will start moving again the train will start moving for trial. Several months away. We may see a trial late summer, early falls, who knows if that could be delayed further, perhaps, past the election. Back to you. Brian big Media Presence there already . Big Media Presence barely anybody from the public. Little surprised more people from the public wouldnt be here definitely a Media Presence. Brian at the very least your supporters. You think they would have shown up. They are sleeping. In we expect them to arrive a little bit later. They will come later, exactly. Brian david spunt, report for duty. Ainsley bring in fox news legal editor kerri kupec urbahn. Good morning, kerri. You have been in the courtroom every single day. You are going back today. You said it is better to be in the Overflow Room because you can see the faces. What will they be doing today and who will argue for each side . So we have michael Degree Vin Arguing for the Department Of Justice he was on special counsel bob muellers team. I want to remind selfselecting he selected himself to be the. Now selected himself to be on jack smiths team to Gover A Trump now. Keeping that in mind. And then we have trumps lawyer and john morrow who clerked for antonin scalia, michael luttig. Solicitor general for missouri. Represented the state before all appellate matters, state and federal. So, yeah starts at 10 today stakes are going to be high. Not an answer until june and thats expedited. We dont know when. The normally very last day of june. First week of july sometimes. Given the stakes. Given how they have been expediting this all along. I would say a few weeks or a month which would be fast for the Supreme Court. But the stakes are incredibly high, into the just President Trump future of the presidency. Should a president ing be prosecuted for acts in office . Thats very significant question. Because official acts or acts can be pretty subjective, depending on who is on the other side of prosecuting. So if the supremes kick it back down to the Appellate Court and say, you know, to try to split the baby how long did l. It take before they does it kick it past the election . Willed only way that jack smiths case goes on at this Point January 6th election case against donald trump is if the Supreme Court just union lat terminally affirms what the lower court has been saying. If they split the baby in any way, we go back to square one. They have to figure that out with the courts and whats thats going to look like. Charlie take months, at least . Yes. Of course if they were to rule in favor of the former president , just cart blanche then the january uth case goes away. Charlie it kills it. Brian lets talk about what has been accomplished so far. Tuesday you may remember, wednesday they had off. David pecker back on the stand. What is the prosecution approach then and what are they going to start with today. They certainly pulled back the curtain on the underbelly of the Tabloid World in New York City, which may be seedy, but is not illegal. They did not reveal anything that was criminal in nature or that directly related to Donald Trumps payments to Michael Cohen who paid Stormy Daniels. Again, unclear what this underlying crime is that donald trump is alleged to have concealed. And so, that was really the extent of it. We learned that david pecker, the former publisher of the national inquirer, he and donald trump had a mutually beneficial relationship. I thought that was interesting. Donald trump apparently sold him the most magazines. It was in his benefit to put him on. When he heard donald trump was running for president , he saw an opportunity to help him but also help himself. So he said he would be his eyes and ears on the ground and if bad stories came his way, he would let trump know. And then he ended up at least with respect to karen macdougall, he bought the rights to that story, which is a Playboy Playmate that said she had an affair with donald trump. Bought the rights to and it squashed the story. Which again is a common practice. They may not like it or think its think. It is not illegal. We are in a court of law. There needs to be elements proved to support that. Sounds like incestuous relationship between the Washington Post and the biden white house. Ainsley exactly. I was sitting there thinking it sounds like an article in national inquirer. Ainsley there was a story that was suppressed and the New York Post was the only one reporting it and suppressed by other Media Outlets right before the election about joe biden. Brian the laptop. Ainsley exactly. When you are sitting in that courtroom, do you think any of the jurors are saying oh, now because of that, he is guilty. I think they just might be confused of why are we hearing all of these testimony from david pecker about this relationship with donald trump. Now, the prosecution would say welling, we are trying to paint this picture that donald trump did this this was like unlawful somehow that he was collaborating with the inquirer on his political campaign. But its not unlawful. Its just the way things go sometimes, when run is running for office. They may not like it. They may think its unethical. I think they learned a lot, like i said, about seedy Tabloid Practices but not much about crime. Brian do we know yet what he has been fully charged with . Has it been unmasked . It seems like they are surfing. It seems like they are criminal surfing. You know, lets find something in here. Looks kind of bad. We dont know exactly what we are going for. Conspiracy to throw an election. Really . Okay. Because, marco rubio, there was a negative story about marco rubio. Ted cruzs dad tried to assassinate jfk. Some of these crazy stories came out of there they say donald trump had a role in. Does it matter. Seems to be honing in on New York State election law people conspire to influence election unlawfully, thats a crime. Actually just a misdemeanor by the way but a crime. And so the question there is two parts to this. One, what does it mean town lawfully influence an election because influencing an election is certainly not a crime. Thats called running for offers. Right . So enthis the question becomes, okay, whats the unlawful part . Unlawful is not enters into an nda, its not. Sorp to disappoint everyone. Its not. And catch and kill schemes are not illegal, either. And so, again, were left with okay, and then falsifying allegedly false filing those Business Records he classified those payments to cohen Legal Expenses when it was compensation nda at least in part would understandably be looked at as a legal expense. Its, again, to your point, they are really trying to find something here. But it seems like they are looking for it in real time. Which is a problem. Brian 2017 effecting the election. Charlie underlying crime is that basically assumes that the 2016 election was thrown, which basically makes them election deniers. Correct . Well, thats one way of looking at it. And certainly the former president has been saying all of this is election interference. I understand his point because where are a where were all of these cases several years ago. The only thing that changed in the last year is donald trump became the presumptive nominee and suddenly getting hit with all of these cases. To me, it just shows an absolute determination by these prosecutors to use the system of law to remove him from the choice before the American People in november. Brian we already heard him three weeks. Charlie being brought now. Right. Ainsley how many weeks do you think this will take. This trial could last 6 to 8 weeks. We are in week one, two, if you count the slur selection, two. We could see this wrapping up maybe around memorial day weekend. Maybe a little before or after. Ainsley thank you so much. Are you heading back to court this morning . Umhuh. Ainsley okay. Thank you. We have a Fox News Alert to tell you about. Antiisrael protest rage at top schools all across the country as protests spread to more College Campuses now across the country. I was reading there is even a high school in new jersey that had to cancel a rally. Late last night Los Angeles Police arresting nearly 100 protesters at the university of southern california. After they refused to leave the campus. Charlie and on the east coast more protesters are being arrested this morning at Emerson College in boston. Police say at least four Police Officers were reportedly hurt. One is in serious condition. Brian chaos at the university of texas at austin, handled much differently. State troopers on horseback, yep, swooping in to monitor the situation. Dont put up a tent here. Dozens of protesters are bind wars this morning after students hosted a walkout. So thats one way to handle it. But there were hundreds to do. And meanwhile President Biden is bypassing the campus chaos as he hits the Campaign Trail. He never brings it up. Ainsley is he heading to syracuse, new york today to tout a new 6 billion deal with a semiconductor manufacturer. Charlie peter doocy is live at the white house. Peter . And President Biden is now running for president for the second time on a promise not to raise taxes on anybody making less than 400,000 a year. The problem is, at least with this campaign, its not true. According to the Tax Foundation that finds if President Biden lets the tax cut and jobs act expire at the end of next year, which he says he is going to do Somebody Making 75,000 a more is going to pay about 1700 more every year in taxes. That is despite President Bidens repeated claims that the trump tax cuts only benefited the wealthy. We all know people like trump who look down on us. Dont we . We all know somebody we grew up with like that. Well, folks, where i come from it matters. When i look at the economy, i dont see it through the eyes of maralago. I see it through the eyes of scranton, the working people like all of you and my family. Peter in a few hours President Biden is going to head to upstate new york. Is he going to talk up a 6. 1 billion Taxpayer Commitment that he wants to make to micron to Build Semiconductors at new plants in clay, new york and boise idaho. Syracuse, where is he going to speak one of the big College Towns in america and later on we do expect him to wind up in New York City but we expect him to fully bypass any talk about any of this Campus Craziness that we have been seeing over the last couple of weeks. Back to you. Brian of course, he famously went to syracuse full ride an finished at the top of his class. Oops, correction, didnt get any scholarship, didnt finish at the top of the list. Peter when i go inside i will ask to see the deans list. Brian appreciate it. Ainsley ask you to pause. Brian lets pause for a second, triangle, triangle, triangle. Ainsley exclamation point. Exclamation point. Lawrence is in pennsylvania. Lets talk with some folks. 71 members of americans living paycheck to paycheck. How do you feel about this economy under joe biden. I believe its the worse its ever been. We need to get somebody like trump back in offers. He really cares about the middle class people. Biden doesnt seem to care. Lawrence thank you, sir. What about you, sir, how do you feel about this economy under joe biden. Terrible. Terrible. I didnt think retirement was going to be as difficult as it is right now. Gas prices are through the roof. Food prices, terrible. Lawrence People Living paycheck to paycheck. Yeah. We need a change. Lawrence thank you so much. A big show still coming from pennsylvania. More fox friends coming up in just a few minutes. Hi, im david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. 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But they they unexpectedly unraveled their price lock guarantee. Which has made him, a bit. Unruly. You called yourself the uncarrier. You sing about price lock on those commercials. the price lock, the price lock. so, if you could change the price, change the name its not a lock, i know a lock. So how can we undo the damage . We could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. Their connection is unreal. And we could all unexperience this whole session. Okay, thats uncalled for. Were very close in new york i understand. We are leading in the country by a lot. A poll just came out a little while ago, as you saw yesterday, that were up in every swing state and up by a lot in every swing state. So, i think were going to do very well. And were going to make a play for new york. They said, i just heard there was a very good poll came out. Look, normally a democrat will win new york. Biden is the worst president in history. And we have some very bad people here, but we have the greatest people and theyre right behind me. And they all want us to run and were going to run very hard in new york we the see he is within 10. Blocked from his tower saying the state is in play for republicans. Could turn red even if union heads are voting for democrats. Bob parnell manager of steam locals 38 in long island. Lifelong democrat who says now he plans to vote for trump. Bob, first off, great to see you. What was it like out there today . Very exciting good morning to brian and the rest of the team. It was great to see the president coming and engages with the blue Collar Worker of New York City. We basically built new york. The Union Movement has made the middle class and we are very patriotic union. And we are proamerica. So, my members right now, i put out a poll in my union, President Trump is leading joe biden 3 to 1 on my president ial poll out of my 9,000 members right now. We are very tired of the situation with groceries. Inflation. Gas prices, illegal immigration. Crime. Were livings it every day in New York City. So, is there pressure from union heads to vote a certain way . Well, yeah. Im probably going to get a lot of phone calls after this interview like i told other people i dont work for my international union. I work for my members. I wish every politician that was elected to any office would remember they work for their constituents that vote for them. They dont work for themselves. Brian famously Ronald Reagan won new york twice with men and women from hard hats. I saw a lot of those hard hats in that audience today. Do you sense i know you are a little young for this. But does it feel like 1986 and 82 all over again . Brian im not that young, im 60 years old. Thanks if you think im younger. Yeah, i see a wave coming as a matter of fact. And, you know, nobody that i speak to likes whats going on in america right now. Our citizens. Brian does that change your opinion if the court case going downtown . Nothing changes my opinion because, i want to see whats done for america. I want whats right for america. I want whats right for the citizens my members want that also. They are very agitated. They are leaving weektoweek. Some of them are not affording their bills. I think things need to change. My members have basically told me, listen, we want to vote for this guy. So, when the time is right. And i have a bigger poll to be done, we will make that decision. But i will do whatever my members want me to do. Brian so interesting, because up town in columbia, you have students campaigning for sitting in for hamas and palestinians. Same thing at nyu. And then you have a court case right down there. And then you have a mayor and a governor who say i have an idea, lets do Congestion Prices so every man and woman who has to work in the city will now pay 15 in and 15 out. Are those the things that are bothering you . I dont think that would be as much bothering our members. Most of our members take the public transportation. But, what it does hurt is our contractors that do a lot of service or have to deliver material into the city. They have multiple trucks, each company. And its going to cost them money and they have to pass that along to the consumer. Just the same as all these other taxes like were going to be paying for student loan debt. Thats just going to get passed on to us, also. I can see that directly effects you, the president seems to try to win over the college kids, but what about the ones that are working for a living . Thanks so much, bob bar tells who worked for donald trump in 1986 voted democrat his whole life but changing his mind this time. Thank you very much, bob. Exciting morning. Have great day, thank you. Brian over to carley in a secure location. Carley we have headlines to get to starting with wild video out of los angeles. A car explodes and goes up in flames in the middle of the freeway. That caused a major traffic jam no word on what sparked that fire or whether anyone was hurt. But that video wild coming out of california overnight. Tiktok is vowing to challenge a newly signed law that forces it to divest are from its Chinese Parent Company bytedance or face a national ban in the u. S. The social media giants ceo now slamming that legislation. Make no mistake, this is a ban. A ban on tiktok and a ban on you and your voice. Freedom of expression on tiktok reflects the same American Values that make the United States a beacon of freedom that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. Carley bytedance has nine months now to sell the company before a potential ban is issued. And President Biden getting roasted on social media for reading scripted instructions in his latest teleprompter gaffe. Folks, imagine what we could do next. Four more years. Pause. [chanting four more years] carley that moment happened in the middle of a speech with Union Members yesterday. Those are your headlines. Brian. I dont think he was supposed to say pause. Brian i dont know i want to go back. I think it really worked well when he says pause. Rather than just pauses. Carley those pesky Script Instructions will get you. Brian Attention Biden Team Put something in aitalics so there is a little difference. Carley i totally agree. Brian out in 434 30. Propalestinian protests taking over College Campuses. Should we really be surprised when this is the message social media is feeding them . I need to you stop what youre doing and go read a letter to america. This letter, like makes some good points. America and the Israeli Government are terrorist organizations. Thanks so much, tiktok. Pete hegseth on the gen zst insanity a. The second best . Stay healthy enough to enjoy it. So i started preparing physically and financially. 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Charlie so tiktok says they are taking this extreme content down as quickly as creators are posting it. Is it still fueling the group think. Fox Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth joins us now. Hey, pete. Pete hi, charlie. Charlie amazing watching the split screen watching Congress Ban Tiktok and watch all these ignorant protests on College Campuses. You start to wonder who is winning the war here educators or tiktok . Pete great point. They are both winning, unfortunately, because they are both fruit poison fruit from a poison tree that has existed now for decades and over 100 years, frankly, charlie. When i look at this. The first thing that hits me because it is so overwhelming is, first of all, this is a religion for these students. Because real religion faith in jesus christ or something in something higher has been absent for their lives a long time. They were never introduced to that so the idea of humility or the limits of human nature or grace, they dont exist. Its existential political battle based on whatever ideology they have and it happens on these campuses. So you go from what do you believe in to where do you study . Right, school. And in this case i read a book called battle for the American Mind about the k through 12 takeover the reason why you are hear students protesting against the cops and for the palestinians is they are both on different places of the oppress or oppressed matrix. Since the poll world is who is more oppressed and who is less oppressed easy to slide in the good guy, bad guy marxist formulation. And reinforced in these universities. Then you get to social media where i dont believe tiktok is taking things down as fast as they can. Taking down for chinese kids back home he who might be a threat to their own regime. They are happy to poison the waters. A large with media sights as well. A cesspool. Guard the hearts of your kids prepare them for a dangerous world. If you dont they will encounter a lot of this and be attracted to it. Charlie limiting their intake whether you have a kids spending one hour and 53 minutes on average a day on tiktok. Its terrifying. Tiktok put out this statement though trying to fight back. We have brought together a new antihate and Discrimination Task force to further crack down on hateful behavior response in response to the recent rise like millions in our community we are appalled by the reported rise in islamophobia and antisemitism globally. Hateful ideology does not have and never have been allowed on our platform. Do you believe them . Oh, so, yeah. I want tiktok deciding whats hateful speech. They could be the gate keepers of the first amendment. And why do they always say antiislam speech or antisemitic speech as if its right now thats what we are dealing with. They wont say how about no antisemitism. They got to make it look like its a both sidessism on every speck trusm and equal amounts of hate which reveals their perspective as well. Charlie as if you are not working hard enough as it is, you have a new book coming out . Pete yes, one thing when our universities go woke, charlie. How about our military . This book is called the war on warriors. What idealogues and generals have done to our war fighters. I tell a lot of my own personal stories, charlie. Its very we name a lot of names. Unlike universities we only have one pentagon. Only 101st airborne. If we lose those to radicals then we will lose the ability to defend ourselves. I want americas best and brightest patriots to be joining the military. Not this one. I tell the story of why i left. Its because after 20 years of service, i was dubbed and extremist. Read this book. And you will get inside glimpse. Charlie you are always on the front lines and we appreciate it. Thank you, pete. Pete thank you, charlie. Charlie now, lawrence is on the last leg of his Battleground State Diner Tour talking to pennsylvania voters. Try Dietary Supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. Can neuriva support your brain health . Mary, janet, hey thinking eddie, no frasier, frank. Frank . fred how are you . fred. Fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. Join the Neuriva Brain Health challenge. We put our heart into celebrating moms. We are local farmers, bakers, florists and makers who grow and create with a passion. 1800 flowers. For mom, with love. Were hitting the road, talking to people about their hearts. Putting the mobile in kardiamobile. Hows your heart . Doing good. Is it . I think so. How do you know, right . How do i know. I dont actually know. You dont actually know. With kardiamobile card, you can take a medicalgrade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. Kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. 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It is known as the pink moon. You see it right there. And it is pink. The Farmer Almanac says it got its name from a pink plant that blooms in the eastern u. S. And is seen as the sign of spring. How cool is that, janice . Janice that is very cool. It doesnt feel like spring. Carley not at all. Janice like i should be wearing pants. Okay. Yes. It means its cold outside. Lets take a look at the maps. I will show you here in new york. Its 43. But, in the next couple of days, the temperatures are going to be on the rise. On the wind chill we are still talking about this into the 20s across the great lakes and upstate new york. By the way next week we will hit eight degrees so spring is on the way. Now, Severe Weather, we do have Severe Weather threat for the central u. S. Look at this, today, friday, saturday, sunday. All of these areas could get hit with large hail, damaging winds, tornadoes and very heavy rainfall that could cause flash flooding. Here is your Flash Flood Threat with these storms. Know where you are going to get your watches and warnings. Of course, fox weather. Com we will keep you posted. Look at some of these winds, not only the Severe Threat but also fire danger because of those winds. We are going to talk about that through the southwest and parts of the u. S. Fox weather. Com has all of your latest details. You will see the temperatures go up to 80 degrees next week, ainsley, over to you. Ainsley so nice. Thank you so much, janice. Janice you got it. Ainsley pennsylvania is home to more than two dozen snack companies. As americans feel the economic pinch under joe biden, some have been resort to shrinkflation. Cooperation of Potato Growers lawrence. Lawrence hey, my friend. I got nathan with me, just to set the record. It is about 50 Million Pounds of potatoes yall grow a year . Thats correct. We ship 50 Million Pounds of potatoes a year through pennsylvania cooperative Potato Growers we are located in hatersburg, paye. Tell me how has business been impacted these past four years. Its definitely a challenge for our growers in the state of pennsylvania and on the east coast. They are all dealing with inflation. The cost of the raw potato supply to the Chip Manufacturers has gone up by 36 to 40 over the past two growing years. And they are struggling with inflation like the rest of us. Lawrence explain to our audience we use potatoes for a lot of different type of products. So its hitting every industry, right . Its hitting every industry. Its definitely hitting the snack Food Industry. I have to defend our snack food partners. They are amazing partners here in paye that support our pennsylvania growers. They are not only paying more for raw products. They are paying more for cardboard, the film that the chip goes. In seasons, the take to the potatoes to the plant. Lawrence when you hear joe biden blame the people that produce those products. What goes through your head . Its unjust blame. The Snack Food Companies need to keep up with inflation. Their costs are more just like our farmers costs are more. The wages are more. They need to pay their employees more to work in the plants. And pennsylvania is the leads the nation. Second in employing snack Food Industry workers. Lawrence do you think donald trump can turn it around . Hopefully. We are hoping he can it was better three years ago. Thats for sure. Lets go talk with some of the folks. Lawrence lawrence do we have time . Lets talk to. They lets go. How are you . Lawrence tell me how have you been impacted by the economy. Really bad. Really bad. We were from new york and moved down here for the last six years. I travel back and forth. Everything is just hard. Everything is just too much expense. Too much to go eat. Lawrence its hitting everybody the same way, brother. I appreciate you. Sorry, i got to go. We are up against a hard break. More fox friends coming up. Its tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. But trelegy has shown me that theres still beauty and breath to be had. Because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flareups. And with one dose a day, trelegy improves Lung Function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing,. Ng, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. What a Wonderful World ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. The tempurpedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. And comfortable. So, no more sweating all night. Or blasting the air conditioning. Because the tempurbreeze pulls heat away from your body. So the mattress feels up to 10 cooler, all night long. reporters over here. Kev kev reporter 1 any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about . kev we talkin about moving . Not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin. No thank you. reporter 2 you could use opendoor. Sell your house directly to them, its easy. kev . I guess were movin. We love trump we love trump i think these may b

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