Angeles and this is americas late news, fox news at night breaking tonight, a toxic Work Environment that is the newest claim being made about the whitehouse p. Or came the liberal media is reporting that thanks are especially bad on president bidens advanced team. The very same president who said that Staff Members who disrespect each other would be fired on the spot. He is now dealing with accusations of bullying and sexual harassment. The accusations are pointed at the top aide to the first lady. s Senior National correspondent kevin cork is live without the white houses handling these reports of turmoil inside the tent. Three words, its a mess. According to more than a dozen individuals who spoke with the outlet politico, the advance office which is responsible for preparing and coordinating the president s public appearances is a toxic health scape. In fact accorded to the site, its Associate Director resigned back on March The 1st following i monthlong investigation by the white House Counsels office. Into complaints of verbal harassment. According to the report, they told employees who made mistakes that he would ruin their lives and often called Junior Stoppers worthless pieces of blank. Meanwhile three more. Also recently resigned after multiple correspondent assigned to cover the white house complained about the repeated failure to accommodate the press and even to communicate travel plans. That according to sources talking to politico. Six current and former biden stoppers lamed the toxic Work Environment on ryan montoya, the director of scheduling. Hes also been accused of being verbally abusive to stoppers and aids according to them. Apparently he is still working at the white house which lies in the face of what the president said he would do to those who were abusive to fellow stoppers. Even first Lady Jill Bidens socalled work husband as according to allegations, repeatedly speculated in the workplace about the size of male body parts of colleagues. That according to three sources with firsthand knowledge. Evoking complaints of a possible me to situation. In response to the current allegations, an aide tells fox news tonight the president is deeply proud of his advanced staff. Also ask about allegations involving him, they say he is sorry and after three amazing years the white house he simply wants to start a new chapter. Gotta go. Trace lets bring in. Thank you both for coming onto. Dan littman was on the show last night. He wrote the piece on this turmoil. Heres what he said about the president s advanced team, watch he was braiding Junior Stoppers regularly, calling them pieces of expletive, calling them worthless, saying they would ruin their life. He denied some of that stuff. But he resigned on march 1st after a white House Counsel investigation where a bunch of people were interviewed. This is for you because youve had campaign teams. You know what its like inside and when youre talking about that kind of turmoil, there is disarray and it is a very bad side for your campaign. Of course. I cant imagine what its like inside of this campaign. Lets face it, there has to be a lot of pressure, especially on this advanced team. You are trying to set something up strings and mirrors to make sure this man can walk in there and attempt to read a teleprompter and then walk out. The pressure has got to be intense because this is not someone who is handling it on his own. I can imagine they are under a lot of pressure p. Or car not saying its okay, i also think that you added pressure in with some of the most sensitive people on the planet. These are radical Progressive Liberals who are out chanting at the white house lawn that they dont like the policies. The whole combination is a mass. Trace it really is. New york post was talking about jill biden, her work has been and how he has literally been, this is their reporting, sexually harassing and bullying people for more than a decade. Thats really disgusting behaviour. The buck stops with the president. He said if anybody is having this kind of behaviour, they are immediately fired. Lets or member theres plenty of reporting of joe biden losing his temper, screaming at staff, cursing at individuals, it being belligerent to work with. Its not completely shocking that that would be reflected Somewhere Else in the whitehouse apparatus. That is so unfortunate. The thing about advances, its a very tight knit Community Even across party lines. They keep their heads down generally. They dont make waves because the story is what they show you on camera. Thats whats important. The fact that this has gotten out there has actually rattled the larger advanced community on both sides and the white house needs to get it together. Trace we want to move onto the politics because this is a pole talking about the biden versus trump unfavourables. Look at this, 1834 yearolds, biden is unfavourable. Biden needs that number to go down and it appears that we are looking at maybe sacrificing israel to do it. What you think . You saw what Chuck Schumer said today which is shocking. You have the Senate Majority leader who is coming out and saying he wants a new election in israel. Hes going against our ally. These are things that are unheard of. You see joe biden doing this because of the state of michigan really. He has this large uncommitted boat. Lets not miss the optics of today. He came to michigan and he is trying to win those people back. He is a terrible favourability. She chose to be 150 miles away from him today and know, shes a campaign cochair, no pictures. Very good point. Michigan voters say this about the economy. 47 percent say the same 28 percent. Those numbers together, that is a large part of the population who are just kind of hanging on and michigan. Your final thoughts. Thats right. We just saw the Inflation Numbers still going up. Its costing more every day in joe bidens economy to buy groceries, put gas in your car and to try to save money or get ahead. Unless democrats actually put forward Policy Proposals that lower the cost and not make america more expensive every day, you will continue to see swing states and voters say weve had enough of joe biden, we want a new path forward to. We see that all the time. Twentysix bucks at five guys for a burger, fries and a coke. Thank you. Chuck schumer facing plenty of blowback over his call for a new election in israel aimed at ousting Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Live with the very latest on this. Christina good evening. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer it the highestranking jewish elected official in the government is calling on israel to hold a new election. He also condemned hamas, criticized netanyahu and said the only real and sustainable solution to this conflict is at two state solution. People on all sides of this war are turning away from a two state solution. Including israels Prime Minister Prime Minister. I believe in his heart he has his highest priority as is the security of israel. However, i also believe Prime Minister netanyahu has lost his way. Reporter they are a flashpoint. As more democratic members of the Congress Express criticism over the rising death toll in gaza. However, the controversial comments got swept swift backlash from some of the colleagues on the other side of the aisle. Only israel citizens should have a say in who runs their government. This is the very definition of democracy and sovereignty. Im very upset. I dont think that leaders shimmer should be inserting his ideas and growing them at ash mike throwing them at israel while they are in the middle of a war. Reporter a member of the war cabinet also condemned the statements by riding in part any external interference on the matter is counterproductive and on accept the bowl. Trace thank you. Lets bring in a former member of israels Special Operations Counterterrorist Unit aaron cohen. A rabbi from here in los angeles and middle east analyst, you think you all for coming on. Rabbi to you first. I would get your response on what Chuck Schumer said today about netanyahus ouster. First and foremost, nobody things that all jews think alike but how dare you go and speak from america and put a threat on the jewish people in israel. You are a jew and you need nonjewish people from the other side to remind you . This is not what we do. At first and foremost Chuck Schumer, we know that you have a second god in your life and its called politics your standing with your party. You were going to get michigan. Is not going to be the best for america . Trace its interesting to me because you come at this from a different perspective. When you are talking about israel, talking about fighting a war, youve got americans that are trying to create a people in israel. You need unity to fight a war. Yes. The comments were very disconcerting from the counterterrorism perspective, from the military tactical side of this. What im seeing is what needs to happen with chuck is he needs to get out of israeli politics and go back to letting israel do what it does best which is leading its lien into its generals. Theres no time for politics in israel. Theres a Million People that we have to protect while rooting out the last remnants of hamas. If you wanted a two state solution, thats cool but the only way were going to get there from his experience. Is by eradicating the roadblock to peace which is hamas. You destroy hamas and then we can get to the table and talk peace. Security first. Its a very good point. Mitch mcconnell said this. Watch and i will get your comments. It is grotesque and hypocritical. For americans Who Hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of the democratic the democratically elected leader of israel. Hes absolutely right. Israel is ready to commence with a major offensive in rafah to defeat hamas wants and for all. Not to mention a major war looming in the north against hezbollah. This may be the most precarious time for israel since 1948, since the creation of the jewish state. We have the Majority Leader unprecedented taking to the senate floor, calling for a sovereign nation, and ally no less, to have a new government to disband its current government in a time of war. Its absolutely unprecedented and israel, the stakes have never been higher. We cannot show daylight. The u. S. , israel. Israel is only the little state. Its america thats a great state and we are showing daylight in the relationship, wrong message to our enemies which are shared enemies by the way. Trace weve been pointing fingers here but it comes on the heels of joe biden saying after the state of the Union Address that netanyahu needs to come to jesus. It feels like if youre on the other side. Where is our coalition here . I will tell you a line from an unbelievable book. Salvation will come if not from you because when you are in place, it will come from Somewhere Else. We arent going anywhere in america has to wake up and smell the coffee. Youre worried about a few people screaming in your streets, get the rest of the michigan people to vote for you and it dont worry about that 100,000. This is about Saving America and israel is doing your fight. Trace bread line, joe biden talked about in rafah. Theres a lot of people in israel. Netanyahu being one of them saying we will fight this the way we needs to fight this. He understands the Macro Problem which israel is fighting a western war. Hamas is just a piece. The iran is pulling the string against servicemembers who have died. Sailors were just killed in those transit routes. One hundred rockets were fired the other day from lebanon. Iran is the master of puppeteer. What we are seeing is iran sitting back laughing at Chuck Schumer going hes doing the work for us, we appreciate it. Trace its a very good point here. This poll says these in the middle east. Who do you sympathize with among democrats. It comes down to biden needs those votes back and what is he going to do to get them. I got 30 seconds for you. Its all about michigan. I was just in israel a few weeks ago. I can tell you No Matter What which way the winds are blowing, the people of israel right now are unified and resilient like ive never seen before. There in it to win it when it comes to hamas, hezbollah and beyond. Trace thank you all. Were still waiting for the decision from a georgia judge on whether to remove. Meantime jim jordan is now threatening the District Attorney with contempt of congress. Jordan says the compliance with a subpoena concerning her offices use of federal funds to date is deficient. Both trump and special counsel jack smith were both back in a florida courtroom today for arguments about the trump legal teams motion to dismiss the classified documents case. Late today, the judge denied the motion saying the prosecution will proceed. Of warning, new Video Evidence of americas rising epidemic of the youth of youth violence. Video that shows a fifthgrade girl mercilessly beating a firstgrade boy at a Michigan School bus. Live with more on the disturbing details of this. Actually, good evening. Its hard to watch the video of a Fight On A School Bus has gone viral. Not for good reason. The incident shows a fifthgrade girl beating on a 7yearold boy as other students laughed in the background. Come going to warn you, the quality of the video which we received is not great but it is no less disturbing. Take a listen for yourself. Absolutely disgusting. Parents in the School District are horrified including the boys father who spoke at a Press Conference after watching the video himself. I was horrified by what i saw. The district told me there were two adults on the bus, a driver and a monitor. Nothing was done to stop the attack on my child. Other parents complain that bullying has been an issue for years. The superintendent told a local news outlet that a Code Of Conduct meeting was being scheduled to determine the students futures and made clear the district takes all Bullying Cases seriously. The students involved in the incident have reportedly been removed from school for the time being. We did reach out to the Community Schools and the Police Department to see what if any further action has been taken. We have not yet heard back. Trace if you do we will get back to you. Thank you. Lets bring in retired nypd detective and former fbi special agent nicole parker. Welcome both of you. Two adults on that bus and the beating went on and on. Heres a parent at a protest talking about the bus beating. I fear every day that i put my son on the bus, i cant wait to get him off and hug him. I feel the same way if i was putting a kid on that bus because theres no consequences for these types of actions or so it seems. You wonder how this goes on and on across the country on a daily basis. Bullying right now is at an alltime high. It is detrimental to an adolescence physical wellbeing as well as their mental wellbeing. It cannot be tolerated. Inc. Lee, children that are bullying others at school, the parents of those children need to step in and get involved and teach their children that will not be tolerated. I personally believe that it starts in the home and that they need to be held accountable at home. But also the school needs to hold them accountable as well. They need to be individuals on the bus to make sure that this make sure that this doesnt happen again. Its despicable. Trace it is. There is even more stuff out there because we move onto this, theres a fight in st. Louis were young girl had her head slammed against the ground repeatedly. She remains fighting for her life tonight. Senator josh holley said the following. The video isnt credibly hard to watch. I jerry needs to see that. We have to send a message. This isnt fun and games. Its not some little dispute on a sports field. This was an allout assault and we cannot allow that to happen. They filmed it, they didnt stop it. Youre thoughts rob. Absolutely. The callousness of those who stood by and filmed this was convulsing after it was done. Its despicable. I looked up a poll from 20 to any three and it said in 2000, 65 percent of adults wanted to hold juvenile violent offenders accountable as adults. That went down to 46 percent in 2023. More lenient in juvenile court, they wanted 24 percent. This is an attempted murder. Theres no doubt. If you look at the way she violently struck her head on the concrete to cause this girl to go into a coma and convulse its attempted murder. It really is. On what to get both of you in hear now. Both of the Michigan High School shooter. You have covered these shootings. You know them. They were both convicted now as being accomplices in this high school shooting. What do you think . Im always one thats going to believe in Law And Order and anyone that had involvement should be held accountable. Going to my original speaking point, win the parent is involved and lending themselves to assist a child to commit such an evil crime, i believe there should be accountability. Trace Orange County in california, the Attorney General District Attorney said the following here, watch this. Crime doesnt pay in Orange County. If you steal, we will prosecute. Its that simple. Trace tough to prosecute win the state law says that in essence, is stealing is not a legal. Words are just that, words. Its a good start but they need to show the true action. We need to stop Making Excuses for juvenile crime. Stop Making Excuses for crime in general. Thats why we are seeing it skyrocket. When kids commit adult crimes they need to be treated as such. You can tell them all they want, you need to show them, need to you need to show them when they turn 18 and they are crying. And say, hey, your member that tough guy or girl, this is them crying. Trace thank you both. Coming up, a South Carolina School District is accused of hiding what books they are showing students on critical race theory. They are trying to trick parents and students but its not working. We will talk to some Education Experts about what rights are being violated. Have you ever heard of mewing . It was meant to slim eared profile but teachers say the gesture which is going viral among students is a sign of disrespect. Planning to move . Join the 6 million families who discovered a smarter, more flexible way to move, with pods. And now save up to 20 off until march 18th. Whether youre moving across town or across the country. Save up to 20 at pods dot com today. Trace moms for liberty is accusing a School Library of restricting access to its online Card Catalogue to hide what the group calls vertical race theory books for parents. Details on that story, kevin. This is quite interesting. The anderson School District claims that a required all schools in the district to unlock their catalogs at the beginning of the school year. The moms for Liberty Leader in the state says at least one catalogue remained blocked as recently as the 12th of february. Instead of listing these books as available in the library, they are making a conscious decision to include them in curriculum. Reed aloud it, in class. So parents dont know. The chair of the group, she said in a statement to the daily signal. She also claims that other High School Libraries catalogue remained locked even now. They went on to say that they want to expose children to a social curriculum that they dont want parents to know anything about. Thats appalling. Pointing to documents obtained in a request that suggested even a School Librarian suggested a little intentional subterfuge by the district. Really questionable behaviour. A spokesperson tells the daily signal the district strives to be transparent with our students, parents and community members. Thats what they say. They may knot lot may not line up with what they do. I love that word transparent. Havent, thank you. Cabin trace she was very popular among young people, especially women and especially kids who watch the disney channel. During her concert in missouri, she decided to Handout Emergency Contraception pills, also known as morningafter pills. She has also publicized the fact that a portion of her Concert Tour Proceeds are donated to funding abortion. She even hands out cards that say funding abortion, its a good idea right . Common sense thinks not good. Not right. And not just because her fans are mostly between the ages of 12 and 20, but because those fans will sleep between the ages of 12 and 20 came to hear her sing, not to be handed abortion propaganda along with uninvited medication. Her act also includes an f. You to conservative purring Court Justices who shed quote hates. The singer believes she is leaving her fans into the Movement Toward reproductive freedom. Common sense things the singer gives herself too much credit. Shes not empowering, she is mitigating. Claims to promote choice but instead issues doctrine. Common sense wonders why the music is so soft and the preaching so very loud. Lets bring in the coauthor of stolen youth and. Thank you both for coming on. I dont know, you tell me. Passing out condoms. You look at the pictures loaded with kids that are eight or nine. 10yearold girls passing out condoms, emergency contraception. What do you think about this . I cant imagine this is a particularly fun concert to go to. You either have to be having unprotected sex in order to have any fun or you are just being preached at. This is not an environment i think any parent wants their kids in, however, they feel about abortion. You want to go to a concert and have a good time and listen to some music. And not be lectured at by anyone for anything, especially on abortion and all these things when there are little girls in the audience. Trace thats exactly right. The daily signal headlines the quote what are they hiding. Librarians admit they hid Card Catalogue from parents while pushing blm, lgbt q. Issues. It really is appalling that we have to keep all these secrets from parents to get what we want i would love to see District Spending less time playing games and keeping thanks from parents and may be more time trying to address the historic Learning Loss that they are facing. They have finite resources and time and this is how they want to do things. While this may just be one School District, this has echoing a fax. This is destroyed trust in the Public Education system across the board. Shame on the School District and hopefully they will see some common sense. When they talk to the librarian, the librarian says why did you do it. They said you have to open up a case. It is so bold and so brazen. Everybody knows whats going on and everybody acknowledges and thinks whats the big deal. This is not only troubling in itself but its also sending a really scary message to kids that adults can keep secrets from your parents about sex and that you have to participate in that secret keeping. That is such a red flag when it comes to keeping kids safe from sexual predators. The fact that librarians are promoting that messaging is really dangerous not just for those kids in that moment, but throughout the rest of their lives and their childhoods, keeping them safe from sexual predators. Trace fox news digital wrote the following. This is Racial Equity officer for College Park Maryland who said the following. I cant wait for society to collapse so my ideology can rise from the ashes. Remember that we are at war against colonialism. I hate when white children stare at me and its literally terrifying so i stare back until they stop. At the police are the white supremacist. She is the Racial Equity officer for College Park Maryland. Nicole . This is another example of our tax dollars being weapon eyes against us. It shows that the de they want submission and they want retribution. This is why these programs should be pulled out. This is not the kind of thing that we need to be spending money on. Its unacceptable we have 15 seconds if you would like to take the last this is Montgomery County maryland. Welcome to it. This wire money for school board here. It is so pervasive in his county. What happens here is a blueprint for the rest of the country. This nonsense has taken root and when they tell you who they are, believe them. This is the root of it. This what they believe, listen. Thank you both. Coming up win the left says we are following the science, it means you can hush up because the argument is over. A message for the science followers. He is live with us on sat next. Still ahead, the fastest Passenger Jet ever took a little boat ride down the hudson river. And some on expected visitors stopped this tennis match. The days best viral videos or next. 8 34 here on the west coast. Alive look, bakersfield california. Thats the hometown of Kevin Mccarthy known as the oil capital of california. George bush actually struck oil there a long time ago. Next, adventureland opened in 1974. Finally alive look at bethlehem pennsylvania, known as the christmas city. If you cannot join his life, dont forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. We are coming right back. Following the science is really the wawoy to go. If youre happy and you know, then your face will surely show it. If youre happy and you know it, jump up high. And when you call or go online right now to donate 19 a month or more, well send you this adorable love to the Rescue Blanket as a thank you and a reminder of all the smiles youre bringing to kids faces every day. Will today be the day you send your love to the rescue . When you call the number on your screen right now and give as little as 19 a month, just 0. 63 a day, youll be making a life changing difference for a child just like sarah. Your monthly gift today could change a life forever. Because of you, were happy and i know it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please call or go online right now to give. If operators are busy, please wait patiently. Or go to loveshriners. Org right away. My name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. Our mission is to employ people with different abilities. Tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a daytoday basis, here at the bakery. This is a community of just complete and utter love. Its the people that lift you up when youre down. People on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and ive never found a Community Like that, ever. Trace first up into nights real news round up, the New York Times reporting that Migrant Children are now selling candy on the subway. Many asking on social media if the practice could be breaking child labour laws. These are kids between the ages of six and 17 that required to be in school and no one is allowed to sell anything on the subway apparently without a permit. Former Head Football Coach of the University Of Alabama nick sabin spoke with brett behr on the Special Report showed tonight clarifying his position on student athlete compensation. Who. They should share in some of the revenue. Thank it needs to be equal across the board so that a school that can afford more cant create an advantage for themselves just because they have more money to spend. Trace he announced his retirement earlier this year further explained he is not against image like image Likeness Deals but think they should be structured in a way thats beneficial to the student wellbeing. It reads in part pervasive environmental Fear Mongering has encouraged anxious protesters across the world wealthiest nations to proclaim that we Just Stopped Oil along with coal and gas. Its as ludicrous as trying to end Traffic Deaths by Setting Speed Limits near zero worldwide. Their demands would prevent some deaths but also destroy life as we know it and with that, lets bring in Board Certified medical doctor. To talk about this. I want to pick that up on more time. When politicians tell us we must follow the science toward extreme climate policies, there hashmak they are really trying to shut down the discussion of and normas unsustainable costs we should not let them. We talk about this with covid. They said follow the science and we had to shut up or we were killing people. Now its climate. Its going to go on and on. Youre thoughts. Trace whenever you hear someone say this is the science, follow the science. Thats when you have to worry is there Something Else going on here. There is now this whole concept among the people who do follow the science whether its a government or even an media that if you if youre disloyal to whatever the party line is now on whatever the science is based on whatever the emergency of the day is, you are somehow an evil person. You are right wing, trying to destroy civilization, selfish, killer. Thats exactly the opposite. True science as we all know happens with true debates with open dialogue and science also evolves over time with information. Trace its the only time where ive seen scientists told to shut up because they are not allowed in the debate. They were questioning the health and Human Services secretary and they said this. Can you please explain why it is the responsibility of hardworking american taxpayers to foot the bill for all of this care for people 9 million now from all across the world who have flooded their way into the united states. I dont know of a particular case that you might want to mention. I know that we are prepared to be supportive of any facility where the authorities that you have given us allow us to appoint the support. Trace the health and Human Services secretary could not point to a certain case where hospitals are being overrun. Put this up on the screen, Denver Health in colorado overrun. Cook county health system. Mass. General, Brigham Health system Massachusetts Apple health in washington state, these are some of those Hospital Systems overrun including Eagle Pass Texas which is not a century state but was forced upon them and health and Human Services secretary said can you give me an example of whats happening across the country . Its astounding. This is a tip of the iceberg. This list is 11,000th of the truest hospitals. If you are a migrant who doesnt have Health Insurance and money, you know that you can get free medical care in the Emergency Room because due to the federal laws, you cannot turn anyone away. Because of that, people go and fill the Emergency Rooms and fill the hospital rooms. They come to the u. S. Full of chronic medical problems and they get them treated. Our system was already teetering on the brink even before we had a massive influx of millions of migrants. There were many areas that were very underserved with into and sufficient doctors and getting worse. You posted this. We have 24 percent increase in tuberculosis cases and now it has a 13 percent death rate. This is not an exaggeration. The increase along with illegal Migration Increase is there a correlation. The state has noted in its emergency release to doctors this week that this is associated with people coming into the u. S. When people come in legally, what happens . You get a blood test, a chest xray and a lot of other exams. When you come in without that, we stop screening people. And all of a sudden i think were going to start seeing cases homegrown here in the u. S. Trace thank he was always, appreciate it. A brave soul capture this video of a Tornado Ploughing across a field in northeast kansas. Severe weather spawned multiple twisters in that region. Meantime the worlds fastest commercial jet writing about down the hudson river to the Intrepid Museum in manhattan after undergoing restoration. The jet holds the world record speed for a Passenger Plane Clocking at over 1300 miles per hour. That is almost twice the speed of sound, not quite. A swarm of bees. The referee declared a be invasion shortly before getting stung himself. Athletes and officials alike fled to the locker rooms while the insects temporarily dominated the court. Coming up, students obsessed with the new viral trend mewing. This is what it looks like right . You mu. Its supposed to thin your job. Teachers say its disrespectful and kids are doing it all the time in class and now they want to quit. Is it rude or our students just trying to be funny . Are they trying to narrow their jawline . Do you know how to mu . What you think of it . Take this up next. Trace back with the nightcap crew. Tonights topic, hidden meanings. Mewing is the latest trend among the teens taking over the internet. Now its built into the classroom and teachers are frustrated. One went viral saying her mewing students might be the reason she equates. She is fed up. Do you think mewing to a teacher is disrespectful . We should probably make people knew before the answer the question. I love the whole thing. I see my daughters do it. Do you think its disrespectful . I never heard about this until tonight. I guess im behind on the trend. At the teacher asked you a question, you should answer. None of this. Trace the medical explanation for this is they are trying to slim their draw. There are doctors who inject botox into one of the muscles in your face in order to shrink it. A cost a lot of money. I guess this is very. There are a lot of worse things that kids can be doing in school. If they want to mew, i used to think it was, noises. Its fine, let them do it. Trace stolen youth author,. I cant imagine being so offended. And must be exhausting to be this offended all the time by the most inconsequential things. My day back in my day we just rolled her eyes at teachers. This is welcome to teachers, theres attitudes on teenagers. I wouldve been more offended if it wasnt what i thought it was originally which was just being misspelled for moving like a cow. Thats what i thought. Thats how i am on everything. Trace i hear you, kevin cork. I have five blotter there is. I still watch rick and morty. This is right up my alley. This is something i probably wouldve done to be honest. Trace is a disrespectful . Yes. Shushing someone and wagging your finger at them. He drove one teacher not imitating a pigeon. Scott says just a fad that will pass. Chris says absolutely they are cats. Thanks for watching americas late news. We will see you right back here for a friday night fox news at night. Thank you. Your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. Its the years biggest selection of kubota tractors, zeroturn mowers and utility vehicles, including the 1 selling compact tractor in the usa. Plus, the years best deals, like 0 apr for 84 months, or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Orange goes all day; sales ending soon. Visit your local dealer today. Find your nearest dealer at kubotaorangedays. Com that . He is pretty frank, some saucy language. We will talk to him tomorrow. Jesse hello, everybody. I

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