Bad memory. Will testify publicly first time now and double down on that assessment. We have some clips of that, advance preview. We have a little idea what he will say. Im bill hemmer live in new york city. Back with my partner here. Dana great to have you back. Bill it is very, very good to be back. We went to the Top Of The World with the u. S. Navy and well air our story later this week. It was something else. Every moment of every day was something that weve never done before in our life. Dana amazing. Im dana perino. This is americas newsroom. Breaking moments ago fox news obtained the transcript of hurs interview with the president. He led the interview of the handling of classified documents and willfully retained them in his garage and office but cited the president s mental state. Bill he explains his decision in a 400 page report. He would present himself to an elderly man with a poor memory. That about a month ago didnt sit well with the president. President biden im wellmeaning and elderly man and know what the hell im doing. Im president and put the country back on his feet. I dont need his recommendation. Can you continue as president . My memory is so bad i let you speak. Dana the transcript of the Interview Backing you have the Special Counsels assessment and contradict the president s version of event at times. Lets go to david spunt on capitol hill for an update. Hi, david. Hi. Big day on capitol hill. Robert hur will open up his statement to members of congress here and defend himself and defend his work. He has a 345 page report that has come under heavy scrutiny. The ultimate decision is he declined to charge president bidden. He will testify for everyone to see. While he declined to charge President Biden criminally he was critical of the way he stored classified documents in his garage. The hur report showed pictures of classified documents kept in torn and tattered boxes in his delaware garage. Sensitive documents relating to afghanistan and his time as Vice President part of the overall pile. Ultimately, though, hur decided biden would be sympathetic to a jury because of his age and demeanor and part of the report more controversial he he wrote he did not remember even within several years when his son, beau, died and hazy with the afghanistan debate. He will tell the committee my assessment of the report about the relevance of the president s memory was necessary and accurate and fair. Most importantly, what i wrote is what i believe the evidence shows. What i expect jurors would perceive and believe. I did not sanitize my explanation nor did i disparage the president unfairly. A source close to the personal counsel said it was not hur that brought up beau bidens death but the president himself. What happened during the interview is in that transcript. We have that transcript released. Were continuing to go through it. Robert hur expected to be on capitol hill for several hours today and well see all of it unfold in public. Dana and bill. Dana less than an hour away. Thank you. Bill as david described the transcript is now in our hands and going through it. It is long. Be patient with us. Interesting detail. Trey gowdy is with us now. Good morning. You served on this committee. What are you listening for today . A couple of things. Im hearing two different descriptions. Im hearing there was an insufficiency of evidence and then im hearing rob hur said he would present himself sympatheticly to a jury. Two separate things. I want to know was there an evidentiary basis to prosecute the president . At one point you say there is insufficient evidence. And then the next paragraph you say but a jury would find him sympathetic. Those are two entirely Different Things. What i also look for is the republican ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Right now the public thinks that rob hur was right. Old man who cant remember anything. Every one of these democrats bill and dana will say you say this case is different from donald trumps, tell us how. This will turn into a mini trial about donald trump and not joe biden. Dana here is how ohio congressman jim jordan, the chairman of the committee, talked about it on fox friends. I think Special Counsel hur had one fundamental question to address. Did joe biden keep and share Classified Information . The answer to that question is a resounding yes. As you pointed out that because the president would be sympathetic hurs words, sympathetic to a jury with an elderly old man who cant remember things he decided not to bring charges. Dana what do you think of the democrats who will today no doubt say what they said when the report first came out. It is not incumbent upon hur to describe the president s mental state at all. Decided not to press charges and that should have been the end of it. It depends on which of those two options hur takes. If he says look, there was an element of the offense missing. He is incapable of forming criminal intent. Look, i had lots of defendants that were just not competent to stand trial. A bad memory might be one of the reasons. But if he says no, i didnt mean he was incompetent to stand trial. I meant i thought he would present himself sympatheticly to a jury. I hate to sound like were allinlaw School Together but those are two entirely Different Things and if the president is legally incompetent to stand trial, thats a big deal. Because you shouldnt have the Nuclear Codes and you shouldnt be doing anything else. If on the other hand all you are reminding us of is that he is old, we already know that. So any time you call a witness, you have to balance what am i going to get from this witness versus what are the dangers . I think what republicans are going to get is what they have, which is pretty good language out of hurs report. Bill in that hur report, this is just one or two lines, okay . He writes there is evidence that when mr. Biden left office in 2017 he willfully retained his classified notebooks. He knew he kept Classified Information in notebooks stored in his house and knew he was not allowed to do so. How does hur defend that today . You put your finger on it, bill. What he just described is each element of the offense. So then he pivots and says but but d. O. J. Guidelines say you must weigh and balance mitigating factors. When i do that, i conclude that he is a sympathetic defendant that a jury probably would not convict. Thats very, very different from saying it is someone for whom evidence does not exist. Those are two entirely separate lines of inquiry. Rob hur better separate those two out or he will have a long morning and afternoon. Dana thank you so much. Appreciate it. Bill talk to you later. Thank you. Dana elections are taking place in four states today. Suspense is long gone. Now President Biden and donald trump could make it official and clinch enough delegates to secure their partys nominations tonight. Set up the first rematch in a president ial election since 1956. Bill melugin live in west palm beach, florida. Bill. Good morning. Good morning to you. Thats right. Both former President Trump and President Biden are looking to make things official tonight. Neither of them have enough delegates yet to officially lock up their partys respective nominations. That could change by late tonight. Take a look where we stand right now starting with President Biden. As i speak to you he has got 1,872 delegates and needs 1,968 to lock things up on the democratic side. For republicans, trump has 1,078 he needs 1,215. The question is where can they pick up the delegates today . Look at the map. Both parties are Holding Primaries in mississippi, georgia, and washington state. Hawaii is holding a republican president ial caucus as well. 235 delegates up for grabs on the democrat side and 161 up for the republicans. Now, for democrats, biden is expected to reach the threshold if he gets all of georgias delegates tonight. Some democrats in washington are urging voters to cast ballots for uncommitted delegates in protest of bidens handling of the israel war. That movement has seen significant traction in michigan and minnesota. Now, on the republican side, former President Trump could also cross the 1,215 number late tonight after washingtons ballots are counted. Trumps new team at the rnc isnt wasting time not waiting for the count to make big time changes at the rnc. Late monday around 60rnc staffers were slashed after new leadership came in including trumps daughterinlaw, lara trump elected cochair with michael whatley. We saw President Biden on the Campaign Trail in georgia and campaigning yesterday in New Hampshire. Donald trump was also on the Campaign Trail in georgia over the weekend. He didnt have any Campaign Events yesterday. As of right now he has no events today or tonight. Well see if it changes. Send it back to you. Dana you know it could. Thanks. Bill could be the big night. Going to go late. How we see it as bill was talking there. Trump needs 1,215 as bill mentioned to get that nomination. At the moment today he is at 1078, which if you do the math, is a difference of 137 delegates. He could do that today. It could be late into night but do it today and ill show you why on the map behind me and what President Biden is doing as well. What he has done so far this week. You will hear a ton about six or seven states between now and november. A boat load, okay . This is bidens week so far in the swing state on friday in p. A. , saturday georgia, yesterday New Hampshire, tomorrow is wisconsin. Thursday to michigan. Two of these wild card states not on that map, all right . He will get there and so will donald trump. That is over here in the American West and southwest. Nevada and arizona. So this is where we believe this election will be decided in these seven states. Is it 100,000 votes or 500,000 votes who separate them . Who knows . Thats the game were watching between now and november. Power rankings on the electoral map we revealed this two weeks ago. 270 to win. 46 still up in the air. We have biden today at 241 and trump at 251. At the moment on the electoral map he leads currently. Those six or seven states are battlegrounds with a capital b going into 2024. Dana you might add another one, i think. I think minnesota is going to be a possibility. Trump will try to go for it. Especially after biden got that 20 vote uncommitted in the primary. It doesnt mean biden cant win it. If trump wants to make it a 50 state race minnesota would be a place i would go. Well see, who knows . President biden innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. Well technically not supposed to be here. Undocumented person. I shouldnt have used illegal. It is undocumented. Dana taking out the eraser. White house playing cleanup for President Biden over his use of the word illegal and backtrack followed as the Laken Riley Act is stuck in limbo in the senate. Bill the president punting on Executive Action on the border. We talked about this for a couple of weeks. Handing the disaster over to members of congress. Dana you have to wonder why they leaked so much of it. We have heard his report and waiting to hear former Special Counsel robert hur live about his finding on President Bidens mishandling of classified documents and his mental state. And bowel incontinence. But that changed when my urologist told me about Axonics Therapy. A longlasting solution that has really changed my life. This is not another drug, and it works. Visit findrealrelief. 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Dana President Biden despite reports he was considering Executive Action on the border does not appear to be interested anymore. What happened . We dont know. Biden telling reporters yesterday that the fix to this crisis must come from congress. I know what happened . It must have been a focus group. Separately in his 2025 budget propose all asking for more Emergency Funding for Border Security. I want to be clear about something. The president absolutely did not apologize. No apology anywhere in that conversation. He did not apologize. He used a different word. I think it is unconscionable that there are some people who are playing politics with this young womans tragic murder and particularly at a time when lets not forget, House Republicans are standing in the way of a bipartisan Border Security agreement. Bill the white house out with another clarification. This after President Biden back tracked on calling that georgia murder suspect quote an illegal. Despite that fact the man accused of brutally murdering laken riley is a Venezuelan National who crossed into the u. S. Illegally. Dana its unclear if the senate will take up the Laken Riley Act. Mandates that migrants accused of theft or burglary be taken into federal custody. Good morning, dana. Dont expect the senate to move as fast as the house approving the Laken Riley Act, if at all. Senate democrats are resisting pressure from the house but people are still pushing for the vote. We should take it up. I think this has caught the imagination of the nation. This young lady laken riley brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant from venezuela, i think that we need to again set a stake and say we wont tolerate this at all. A vote on the bill in the senate could either help or hurt vulnerable democrats on the ballot this fall. A gallup poll shows that more than half of all americans see Border Security as a critical threat facing the nation. Democrat Henry Cuellar represents a border district. We certainly want to see the Senate Border deal passed. Republicans have been calling for securing the border, securing the border. Finally there is a Strong Border deal done and they dont want to bring it up for a vote itself. Democrats are forming a task force on Border Security. Tom sassy ran on Border Security in his special election last month. Ill support any bipartisan compromise that will actually get this issue addressed. The republicans refuse to actually move forward because President Trump has told them we dont want to give biden a victory. Expect questions today for Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer about the Laken Riley Act. The suspect in laken rileys murder was cited for shoplifting and child endangerment. Bill a stunning story. F. B. I. Director wray issuing an urgent warning about the threats on the border. Drug trafficking, Gang Violence and Human Smugglers with ties to isis. Garrett has more on the story. Good morning. Good morning to you, bill. Director wray also said the bigger concern for National Security is what we dont know about those who are coming across the border. The bad actors with fake i. D. S and documents. Especially the gotaways who avoid Law Enforcement all together. We have already had more than 1. 8 million Known Gotaways since the start of the 2021 fiscal year. 1. 8 Million People who are sneaking into the country because they would either be rejected or arrested if they were caught. Those are just the ones we know about. This past weekend alone there were nearly 2,000 Known Gotaways along the southern border. Here is video of one group that almost got away in Kinney County 50 miles north of us. Seven people made a break for it when deputies pulled over a suspected smuggler. They ranged from 20 to 35 years old from mexico. He is seeing an uptick in smuggling like this since the wires went up in eagle pass. Gotaways are what keep Border Patrol up at night. Director wray echoed that on capitol hill. The National Security ramifications of the issues of the border are reflected more what we dont know about the people who snuck in. Numbers dont tell the whole story. Only takes a few people who can be responsible for a whole lot of harm. Those concerns about what we dont know are amplified by what we do know. More than 73,000 people with criminal records were caught trying to cross the border last year, 169 people were on the Terror Watch List. So far this year Border Agents have stopped at least 58 people on the Terror Watch List trying to come into the country. Bill thank you. Garrett tenney live in eagle pass, texas. Today Christopher Wray is back on capitol hill before a house committee. Well learn more. Lets play one clip. Senator rubio asking him who is coming across the border. There is a particular network that has some of the overseas facilitators of the Smuggling Network from isis ties that were very concerned about and that weve been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating exactly what that network is up to. Its something the subject of our current investigation. Bill the part you didnt hear. In open session there is only so much i want to go into and make public. Rubio asked him is there a Certain Network were concerned about that has facilitators involved with ties to isis and wray said correct. Dana yeah. Yesterday we talked to general jack keane how isis is Reestablishing A Stronghold in afghanistan. What does that matter here . If you have a safe haven to plot and plan atakes and people on the ground, thats what happened and what the September 10th Thinking is all about. Numbers there. 58 known people coming across this year on the Terror Watch List that does not include the ones that got away. Bill gotaways are the big concern. A lot of the Terror Watch List may be from South American countries or from middle Eastern Countries like isis. There hasnt been a fair break down what weve been given publicly. The gotaways are a big, big deal. Dana this news about boeing. A whistleblower who was in the process of testifying against that Company Found dead in a Hotel Parking garage. The concerns he raised about the companys quality control. And a few minutes from now former Special Counsel robert hur will publicly defend his decision to let President Biden off the hook for keeping classified documents in his garage. What lawmakers want to know. I think Special Counsel hur had one fundamental question to address. Did joe biden keep and share Classified Information . The answer to that question is a resounding yes, yes, he did. With the freestyle libre 3 system. Know your Glucose Levels no fingersticks needed. All with the worlds smallest and thinnest sensor. 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[street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, neds plaque psoriasis. Ned, ned, who are you wearing . He thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. Ned . Otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. With no routine blood tests required. Doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. Otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. With clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Bill were waiting this major hearing on hill. Special counsel robert hur five minutes away were told. Hearing gets underway in 29 minutes about to testify in his decision not to charge President Biden for keeping classified documents in his garage and his office and who knows where else. Fox news obtained the Interview Transcript at the heart of this investigation and there is a lot in it. Newt gingrich stands by. First to Hillary Vaughn for the reporting as we await there. Good morning to you, hillary. Good morning, bill. What weve obtained the full transcript of this interview between President Biden and social counsel robert hur. In that Interview Biden says at least 44 times i cant remember, i dont remember, or i dont know. Setting the stage for hurs takeaway that the president has a bad memory. Also in that Interview Biden told prosecutors he had no idea how classified documents ended up at his house or his office at the penn biden center. Biden says he was not that organized when prosecutors asked why he had classified document stuffed in different places saying he didnt know how a beatup box got in the garage. When asked how it got there he didnt ask anybody to take care of it. It just got done. I cant remember who. It was in this questioning of how these Cardboard Boxes ended up in his garage. He forgot when he was v. P. At least three times in this interview. He said i never knew where any of the documents or boxes were specifically coming from or who packed them. I get them delivered to me. Im at this stage in 2009 and am i still Vice President . Another time in the interview he says the day is 4 20, 09. Was i still Vice President . I was, wasnt i . If it was 2013, when did i stop being Vice President . His son beaus passing came up according to the a. P. It was biden himself who brought up beaus illness and death as he talked about a book he published later in 2017 about that painful time. What month did beau die, biden mused adding oh god, may 30. Was it 2015 he died . Biden asked again . Also from these transcripts were getting an inside look into the mood in the room. President biden was not antagonistic. Many times cracking jokes. He joked with prosecutors asking them if they happened to find any, quote, Risque Photos of his wife in a bathing suit saying because they had looked through all of his stuff looking for Classified Information. Bill. Bill wow, a lot there, hillary. More to come, too, 350 some odd pages. That you for that Hillary Vaughn. Dana lets bring in newt gingrich. Great to have you, mr. Speaker. Listen to a portion of robert hurs testimony. My assessment in the report about the relevance. President s memory was necessary, accurate and fair. Most importantly, what i wrote is what i believe the evidence shows. What i expect jurors would perceive and believe. I did not sanitize my explanation nor did i disparage the president unfairly. Do you think he will be able to get those words out before republicans or democrats pounce . Well, i suspect republicans, at least, will be pretty patient because hur is making their case. The fact there is one key question for robert hur. Does he think that biden was faking it and is actually mentally better than he was in the interview or does he think biden is that mentally incompetent . Those of us who watch the State Of The Union ask to have how much ritalin he was on at the time of the State Of The Union. Not the person you will see in these interviews. So this really opens a very deep problem for the Biden Administration about whether or not this president literally is competent on a daily basis to become commanderinchief. Bill were going through the transcript and you heard some of hillarys reporting there. More, too, about the garage and corvette. The garage was getting crowded. Biden said boxes were moved to make room for the corvette. To complicate things, it was being worked on, the car, because he was getting ready for an interview with jay leno. There are other details in here, too. Well hear those play out. Dana love the name dropper. Bill why there was a ladder here and golf clubs there and it goes on and on. You mention the State Of The Union. Democrats said there was a man with energy and enthusiasm and vigor. Then you have this moment from New Hampshire yesterday. Roll this. President biden am i allowed to take any questions . Anybody have bill so then it goes to color bars and you hear the staff cut him off. He was trying to say anybody here a staff member . Think about this. You have a general campaign. I just showed on the map these battleground states. You have to be there. You cant be in your basement like 2travel. You have to do it a lot. How is this going to hold up, do you think . Well, as i said, ive had two doctors who are members of Congress Send me emails saying he clearly had a huge amount of ritalin the night of the State Of The Union. Thats very dangerous and side effects. There was a reason it was the first legally controlled drug under the united nations. And i think there is a real question here about a man based on that interview in New Hampshire, clearly cant function as commanderinchief. You have a war in ukraine, a war in israel, you have the threat of iran, the threat of china and north korea and you have a commanderinchief who clearly is out of it a good deal of the time and i think this is a staffdriven presidency. This hearing today is important because it goes at the heart of whether or not in that long period of testimony we saw a basically joe biden who is incapable of being commanderinchief but also raises one other question i want to point out. You take the total length of time he was Mishandling Secrets which goes all the way back to the time he was in the senate. You look at the number of places he had secrets that the degree to which they were out of control and you have to ask yourself tell me what they are trying donald trump for . If they didnt try biden for this many, many years of Mishandling Secrets and they didnt try Hillary Clinton for 32,000 erased emails, what is it exactly that trump did which was a much shorter period of time with all the documents under tight control . Really shows you how sick the system is. Bill we were watching robert hur enter there. Dana, weve done this a lot over the past couple of weeks with different individuals. Didnt seem like there was any sponsor any questions thrown his way during the wall walk. Dana so he is there a little bit early. Im sure he wants to get it done and over with. The doctors who are members of congress who said the president is on ritalin they dont know that for sure. Thats just suspicion on their part. I think the doctor, Karine Jeanpierre said after his physical the president proves every day how he operates, how he thinks, etc. Bottom line for them thursday night is that the democrats walked away from saying thank goodness he will be able to make it to the convention. Sure. That was true for one night for two hours. And then you have him in New Hampshire again becoming the normal joe biden. He is forgetful, i think very, very shaky, and often doesnt know what he is talking about. You had a briefly prepped up joe biden who im sure had slept extra long, had practiced his speech many times, and for two hours he was okay. Now if you think two hours out of a week is enough to be president , he proved it. But as you said, he immediately back slid to the joe biden hur is describing the joe biden in New Hampshire. Describing a person who cant remember anything and he is describing a person who has had a lifetime of Mishandling Secrets, which is why i think its as important to go after the length of time that biden has mishandled secrets. The number of places they were. You can argue that trump shouldnt have had them in maralago Under Lock And Key but he knew what he was doing. In case of biden he said i didnt know they were there. I didnt understand that. Dana isnt that the issue of intent . We dont know what his intent is. Im not sure he is mentally competent enough to have an intent. Thats the whole point. You are dealing with a guy who is so lax, so out of touch with reality and so easily makes up things that you have no idea what his intent was and neither does he. If he cant remember when he was Vice President , he probably cant remember what his intent was. Bill newt gingrich, thank you for your time. Robert hur will be in the room. Dana were watching it live on the House Judiciary Committee. Brit hume is this weeks guest on perino on politics. Stream it wherever you listen to podcasts. He was fabulous. Bill President Biden taking israel to task over its planned offensive in rafah. Biden mentioned a red line for israel. What is the the red line and what does netanyahu do then and what about hamas . Where is their leader in the tunnels below . Looking at that and seeing political division. Israels number one ally is beginning to separate from it. Thats playing into hamass hand. A Sleep Apnea Treatment that works inside my body. I feel refreshed because im not struggling with cpap anymore. 100 bucks she got work done. Great sleep, at the click of a button. Did she get implants . Yeah, i got an implant, sheila relax, its inspire. Inspire. Sleep apnea innovation. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com its time. Yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. 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Bill growing fears over irans push to make a nuclear bomb. This story hasnt ended but might be getting hotter. Alex hogan has the new warning from a u. N. Watchdog. What are they saying . The International Atomic Energy Agency says there is not enough insight and oversight into Irans Nuclear capabilities. The u. N. Top watchdog says iran is not the allowing its inspectors into its facilities to monitor its nuclear program. All of this comes as they are also highlighting worries about the growing amount of uranium in iran and what it is stockpiling. Particularly the amount that close to Weapons Grade. They say iran has uranium at 60 purity away from the Weapons Grade level of 90 . Experts say according to the iaa numbers iran has enough to make several atomic weapons in theory. The United States called on iran to dilute all of the uranium it has enriched up to 60 . Iran says it has the right to enrich uranium and denies the claim it is trying to make nuclear weapons. The u. S. And allies have stopped short of demanding a censure against iran at this point. Because of the growing tensions in the middle east and some of the actions performed by iranianbacked groups this is only highlighting the growing concerns in that part of the world. Bill it is. Thank you, alex, stay on it. Alex hogan thank you for that in london. We cant leave a quarter of Hamas Terror Army in place. They are there in rafah. This would be equivalent to saying after the allies fought back got through normandy, went through germany and said well leave a quarter of the nazi army if place and wont go into berlin, the last stronghold. It is either israel or hamas, no middle way. Dana Benjamin Netanyahu defending his nations right to defeat an enemy sworn to its destruction. Israels planned Offensive On Rafah is raising tensions between President Biden and israeli leader. Benjamin hall wrote saved, a war reporters mission to make it home. Available today in paper back and run to the store and get it. Order it. It is a fabulous book. Benjamin joins us live in studio now. What a pleasure to have you here. You are following whats happening in gaza very closely. As we follow the domestic politics here and in the back and forth between biden and netanyahu, how is it playing there on the ground . I think one of the concerns right now is that the u. S. May be pulling back in a sense. I was in israel a few weeks ago and oats concern for many people. They understand that everyone i spoke to understands the reason the idf are inside gaza is to get rid of hamas. Many acknowledge to do that you have to go to rafah. The message from President Biden a few days ago a red line for him if they did is concerning for many of them. You have to be careful drawing red lines. President obama did it inside syria and that backfired on him. People are concerned right now about the continuing u. S. Support. They all acknowledge if you get rid of hamas you have to go into rafah. Bill we need to play this out. Two and one. This is the president the other day about this red line that may or may not be there. President biden im never going to leave israel. The defense of israel is still critical. There is no red line. You cannot have 30,000 more palestinians dead as a consequence of going after. There are other ways to deal, to get to, to deal with the with the trauma caused by hamas. Bill that was over the weekend. This was yesterday cleanup in aisle four apparently or something. Again, i dont think that its productive to assign a red line terminology to what is a very complex set of policies. I think youve heard him say and reiterate he thinks that there are other approaches which we have taken and are taking that are more effective. Bill i think the point is that israel whats a vote in this and netanyahu has shown no inclination to back away from the fight to destroy hamas in gaza. He said clearly there is a red line for him and that is to make sure october 7th never happens again. That was his red line. There was also some perhaps reports of President Biden considering reducing military aid and assistance to israel but he said not the iron dome something. Nothing that would endanger israel. The thoughts are what possibly could that be that they are talking to israel about . It just worries the israelis at the moment. Dana so you are here in america talking about the Paper Back Edition of your book. Wondering about how sacrifice and survival. Helped lead you to the podcast which i think is really great. Im a podcast enthusiast. Searching for heroes with benjamin hall. It seems seamless you wrote the book, an excellent book, now you get to talk about other heroes. One of the great things about book is so many people have been far more open and honest with me. For whatever reason they know you have gone through something difficult and want to share things theyve gone through with you. Thats where the podcast comes from. Ive sat down with incredible people who got through difficult things and got through and came out stronger. Thats what i want to understand. I spoke to doctors and people who work in the resilience sector. Why do some people come out of difficult situations feeling stronger and why do other people fall off . I speak to a lot of they lose identity and family bonds. What is the difference . I look at that in the podcast and in the book the sense of resilience. How you get through difficult things. Bill important stuff, too. Maybe sometime soon well talk about book number two. Dana you are looking very well and good to see you. Great to sigh, too. Bill a few moments from now robert hur will be in the chair and well be watching him defend his Bombshell Report calling President Biden a wellmeaning elderly man with a poor memory. There is a lot to go through here, folks. He will take questions from lawmakers, republicans, democrats and well watch it together coming up moments away. Veteran homeowners. If you need cash, the last thing you want to do is spend cash just to see if you qualify for a home loan. Yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars in upfront fees just to apply. They keep your money even if they turn you down. Call newday. Unlike other lenders, at newday theres no upfront appraisal fee, no upfront termite Inspection Fee and no upfront water test fee. Not 1 out of pocket. Give us a call. So. Were engaged were engaged congrats carol your youngest finally popped the question. But now, youre really going to have to get those new dentures. After all, you need a smile that matches the moment. So this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. Just for you and that comes with 0 down plus 0 interest if paid in full in 18 months. 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Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Dana welcome back. New york city nurse speaks to fox news about the moment a patient attacked her. He repeatedly punched her in the face trying to treat him. He was arrested and freed and now on the run. Were live outside the Medical Center where the attack happened. Hi, alexis. I had a chance to talk to the nurse who tells me she was left with a black eye after this vicious attack inside the hospital in the bronx and listen. This was not a suspects first attack. He was arrested for but he is on the run and there is now a warrant out for his arrest. Kind of failure from our government officials. Just allowing these people to roam the streets and our Taxpayer Dollars are being used to fund their security but then where is ours . It happened in january while working in the e. R. At the Medical Center in the bronx. She was punched in the face by this guy Edward Johnson while he was trying to help him. Johnson was arrested for assault but hours later back out on the streets. Police telling fox news johnson had already been busted for attacking a female doctor at another hospital twice. According post johnson is in the country illegally ten years ago and committed at least 46 crimes. Mentally the nurse is still in pain and angry because the bronx d. A. s office have asked her two times to less en the charges against johnson but she refuses. We want to present it to a grand jury for Felony Charges. The change, i think mayors, senators, governors need to come together and make stronger laws that will keep these people inside of the prisons. Do you think this guy should have been out on the street in the first place . No he shouldnt have any reason to be on the street. Now the bronx d. A. s office says they are looking for the Felony Charges and see what plays out in new york. He is still out in the street, johnson. Police are still looking for him. Well see if they can findim

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