Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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World. And welcome to hannity. And tonight, the radical left, theyre heaping nothing buprse on jacked up joe bidens State Of The Union trdress, trying to deflect from just how strange, weird and Bizarre Reallyyi was now. P o jacked up joe. He spent most of the Night Screaming and shouting and spitting his way through a very uncomfortable addressver to put it well, charitably jacked up, joe looked like an Y Overcaffeinated old man. Like a now, the joe wn e saw last, not the joe that we see on a day to day basis. T the dealtake a look. Some of there are some men in response from a and theres been a response to many corporations raise prices to pad the profitsrporatio. S. Some of you have commented, i wish he died every presi da. The rosary he got every memorial day in the service. I hear the country is on the brink now. Her our economy is the envy of the world. On t15 million new jobs in justd three years. A recor 1d that, you know, initially the president mexico of mexico city did not want to ope cn any unemployment at 60 year lows. I burned. I started crushe is. Going to turn on. Or vot whats your message foerr voters on super tuesday said we are a message from wall street didnt go to america. Theyre not bad guys. They didnt believe though sident j the middle class built the country and unions built the middle class. Of course, the left and the leftwing Radical Media mob that wasted no l time unleashin, of course, their probiden spin about joes jacked up speech. Take a look. Joe this was a Feisty Speechy that at times felt more like a Rowdy Campaignt event thantae traditional state of the Union Address. I think he addressed this agf the issue with his aggressig feisty ad delivery. I think that helped him. Smokin joe biden wasas on on fe during the State Of The Union addresdus. He was lit. E thought that was a remarkabl ,fiery, powerful, vigorous guy. Guy what really, frankly, wellr were watching Last Night Wasan that the president. His command of the issues, his forcefulness and how he presented it all. I thought he just completelys by the way, the biden is too old issue. Last night it was his bestt p speech of his presidencyeech byr the strongest speech and most importantly for people that were thinking, oh, hes too oldies to this. Hes todes to that man. He like i said, he gave a lot than he got. Oh, keyword feisty joe. I hate to break this to the liberal elites and our friends in the media bres to mob, but th American Public isnt buying therr spinameric. Everybody knows that Joeverybo Biden is a fraildy and a weakgnv cognitive mess. And despite e their best efforta and probably a lot of red bull, while everyone can see that onsee on a a pretty much on a daily basis now, by the way, here are someea of jacked up joes lowlights fromy hee of night. Watch. The threat to democracy must be defended as two of my heroes. Y t like many of you, dr. King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, and their legacies inspired me to pursue a career and career service. But heres who has a hot me. Israel has a added burden. Its not about him its notd about me. Id be a winnerbe. Not really. I. Lincoln. Lincoln riley. Kill an innocent younedg woman who was killed by an illegal. Thats right. But how many of Thousandsen Kil of people being killed by legal army get in troubllee for saying you want to get in Air Force One and fly to toronto . Berlithis bn, moscow . Ronto i mean, shoot me. Or mos and it will end in moscow. Probablycow,ll eve joe. Her name. It was on the button. On l lincoln. Riley. Not lincolink eyn. Riley. Lincoln. Riley. Heu are holding her pin on the pen. Her name was written on it. R washow did you manage to stin get it wrong . The americag americann peopl. They were taking note, and rightly so. Now. Right now. Takiote anp. Joe biden is under water across the board. Most recenrwater across tht polw approval rating,a only 38 , ry a far cry from the 50 incumb threshold that incumbents typically need if they wanally e to win reelection. And perhaps even more alarming for all is a recent abc poll shows that, what, 86 of you, the American People, think e thand, to serve another term in the white house. And frankly,e an he is bleeding support from the Democratic Party base, africanamericans, hispanic americans, young people, suburbanericans,. These are key demographics that helped elect him in thereer place on every single important issue. Well important issue, joe is rey failing grades. Now, of course, the bidenng the campaign, they are taking their big Victory Lap Last Nighirt after what was a stranga and bizarre address. Unlikes any weve ever seen before. And, of course, they play the race ase card. S i told you this would happen. Thats their go to carn thatd to donald trump. Take a look at this new ad. Compar k ate trump to the kkk. Watch this. I know the american story again and again. Ive seen the contestes between competing forces in the battle for the soul of our nation sou between those who Wat To Pull America back to the past t w and those who want to r america into the future. Lets take trip down memory lane, shall we . Since joe is trying to play the race memorce in his latest c ad. Well, lets take this tripk ad. U you might remember it was joe biden, him in the seventiers when discussing desegregation policies. Remember, joe partnered with a real former klansman and a guy that he calls his mentor and, his friend against School Bussing and the integration of public schools. He was worried about those schools worrs and children growp in schools that quote his wordss were racial jungles. That was not donald trump. That that was joe biden. Biden eulogized and he heaped praise on the former leader and West Virginia wed, Notrobert Kkk Byr donald trump. During the 2020 campaign, it was joe biden that braggedoe about working with segregationists biden, not donald trump. This is just the tip of the iceber g for bidens checkered racial past. Even Kamala Harris called Himn T Out On It during the primary campaign. G theback 2020. Case you forgot. Let us remind you, shall wse yo madam president , we have predators on our streets. You cannot go to a 7eleven or Dunkin Donuts unless youre sliding in. Nexts yohave. What kind of a chance . With a Northeastern Liberalerall like joe biden Stand Inik Bih than anybody else . U you dont know my state. My state was a statknow me. The first sort of stream from america. Who is to embrace clean racism ,you guys . I mean, thats a story for you. Put you all back in chains. Poor kids are just c as brightht and just as tall as white kids. We got more questions. D talentyou got more . Ions b actually, glad to hear that he had a problem figuring out what he did foutell yor trump. If and you aint black, articulate, bright and clean. Thats that storybook, man. All right, spare us. Ean s the pearl clutching and fake and phony and pain Outrage Ovepr this ludicrous comparison. Joe biden is the one withe blatantly racist history, not donald blatant trump. Anyway, here with reaction, fox news contributors Joe Concha H Re and tammy bruce and project 21 chairman horace ch is with us. Tammy, we start with you tonight. But weve got to start with the obvious. We have chronicled since 20 joe as weak, frail and a cognitive mess. Now, when you have cognitive issues, they are degenerative. U havewe have watched Significat Cognitive Decline Overnificant e three plus years with joe biden. Last nigh past, we saw a very different joe biden. I say jacked up, joe. Im not sure exactly how many red bulls had or whatever else h he might have had. However, Screae Mighm Me And Shi and shoutingng and screaming for the entire speech. Speed reading througr e entih, n allowing the speaker as usually happens to even introduce him. Aw what was your reactionas to last nights jacked up . Joe . Well, weve seen it before. There have been dynamicsjust situations where hes been just like this. K philadelphia was one offron them in front of that Blood Red Building where there was pounding r and fists and accusations and smears. So we know they can get him to this point. We dont know how maybm e Hakeea Jeffries was correct. He was lit in some way. But itsec its unfortunate and frightening for the American People becausunighe have to have a president who is not there as a Showpiece Piece and who is where we can trust his state of mind. O the world is in quite a fit right, with wars and Everything Else. Our country clearl andy is in decline, is a Dumpster Fire at this point. And we thinke, we know why. Your clip of that ad y of his, its they took it from last nights State Of The Unioniteral address. So literally, it was writtenly to place i pla into an ad compag trump with the. A camp so this was not just a campaigni event, but using event that is i supposed to inform the American People aca s a Campaign Event instead with, you know, shouts of four more years. No one learned anything. Lea we know what their narrativernew is, what lies are. And the next thing is, he might have been good for last night,gu but the next gaffe will happent. The next fall will happen. The next blank stare happen. N an and that is what concernserns the American People. But this was a theater to reassurthe that 86 of voterk who think hes too old, he isld too old. And the fact that they used the State Of The Unionndthe facb to bring out angry, forgetful gugry forgy as some renewed mans you, sean,re that theyrere concerned about that. Theyre desperate and that america is being led, but not by this man. I and joe concha. That does bring up a great point. And i want to follow u s greai on that. I think joe biden had to accomplish two things last nigh thinkot. One is to somehow breakk th the obvious narrative, what the American People are seeing in larger and larger, that thiss man is a cognitive mess. So whatever he is goingever to scream his way through the speech his, the liberal moba say she could actually scream. Hes great at screaming, better than better than speaking. The second thing he had to do de is bleeding support. As i mentioned in my i fromom significant portions of the Democratic Party base. And i believe the reason Belio Radicalviciou and one sided and viciously partisansl was because he needse to desperately shore up his base if he wants any chance about winning in in 241 days from now, on november fifth. Precisely, sean. I mean, this was all to portray this president as fiery. We saw that Word Multipleis f times across multiple majorgania News Organizations as if a memo went out. You know, is itit the code red was sent out by colonel jessup. And A Few Good Men use fiery coi and democratic lawmakers did the same thing it was to make agenlook like a Malawmaker Thind of his thoughts and his agenda. But i think what we witnessed last night, you made the point r and its a word i keep seeing as well, but its an accurati ke one. It was patently loud. It was decisive, decidedly as decisive. D it wasisho dishonest on a grand scale. This was to show that thdestamin president has the energy and the standing for the job. But a big tell happened today,a sean and tammy broached this earlier when the president was asked Todatammoached Ty if he we donald trump. He responded, and i quote, it dependdebate ds on behavior, un. What a copout. Any president who is truly his competent in his arguments and his faculties would say yes on the spos t. Of course, president s nominees debate each other every time during every four years. He should have said, ill debate donald trump tomorrow w. Make s but the president s handlers are going to make sure that he goes nowhere near that stageureo now and all the way to election day, because you know why on a debate stage there is no are teleprompter, there is no script, there are no notes, there is no cheering section. And hes going to actually have to answer questions he and his record completely unscripted and extemporaneousllh. This is something he simply cannot do at this poinhe simpl t. Reat p oi i think that is a great point and a great observation. Horace, lets get your take on all of this. Well, i saw an angry old Man Threatening america to get off his lawn. Say he looked dew like he was jacked up on mountain dew. What i heard . What i watched was a litanwhy of overthetop expensive Government Programs that are never going to happen. But when we look back time when that approach was tried, what see is it doesnt work. In fact, i have my most recent book is entitled pluto back in chains. Its about how joe bidensr Back Policies have harmed black americans in the same wayh that its hurt the rest of theat countr hury. He should have focused on what it wasd fo that he plans to do to improve the lot of america. He is caught. He is caught. Whoever the people are that help manipulate and push himou realize that he is caught. He is s not able to ask sta the Federal Reserve to start cutting rates today. Hes not able to announcet he that hes issuing an Executive Order that is going to get our border under control. Black in particular, who are considered a Corame Constituencu of his party. Theyre Losingenrty Ar Homes Bee Interest Rates are too high. Theyre Foreclosin Tg when they compete in the marketplaceg. Theyre being undercut by millions of people who arione in this country illegally. When you go to the grocery store, its like youre going to have to fill out a Credit Applicatio N just so you can pay for whats in your shopping cart. Nothinr s ing that he said is da actually dealing with thatli. Many black americans, like others, feel like, if y their priorities. If youre working class, if youre middle clasou areclass, t the back of the biden political bus. All right. Horace cooper, thank you, tammy. Thank you,s. Joe concha,u also as always. Thank you, too. Now, last night, alabama senator katie britt delivered a rebuttal to joe bidens State Of The Union. And she joinand s us now with mh more. Senator, good to see you. U welc welcome to the programom. Med i hope you dont read social media because whenever you do beca big like you did last welce night, it can be brutal. Welcome to my dail my world. Thats right. My advice is never read it and never read it. You know, sean, last night i called people to get into a the arena. And when you get in the arena, you get arrows. They getreen you i at you. And. But its worth it when youre fighting for wou are ncan people, whe you were fighting to make sure that hardworking families, just like you sait to md in, your lat segment, that they are seeing, that they have a voice of the things theyre concerned about, that theyre worried about, that were actually talkinr y ag them things that we talk about around our kitchen table. Joe bide aboutunn seems to be da from reality and somebody needs to bring him back quick. You know, i agree with that. i mean i a first of all, we were shocked as i was stylistically. Wai call them jacked up joe ande and him shouting and screaming whole night. Absolutely. Y hes angry at best seemed a bit incoherent with hiswith h messaging and then wasnt truthful with the american peopliste. Look and, you know, when im looking at the things he said, when he finallyhen he said lincoln, Lincoln Rileys name finally, finally said i t. He then kind of stumbledhe and didnt actually taket he responsibility for what he has done. We know that his policiesresult his decisions, the result of them is what were seeing all acrossf tht we the country s everything from fentanyl overdoses, Poisonings To Brutald murders. And americansoning people desere better. And thats all on him. Sean . Yeah. You know, not only did he get Lincoln Rileys name wrong seant in caller lincoln, even thoughgh he had a button with her name on ihad t right up there on the podium, which is incomprehensible to me. Not only did he get it wrong when he said when theres thousands legal people thatousad are killing innocent people. S egalthats not the point, sen, is it . No, no at all. Oo i mean, look at his policies. So he comes into office in his first 100 days in office, he executes 94 Executive Orders to undo President Trumps border policies. We had the most secure border ever. That thats what joe biden actually inherited. But he wanted to mak joee chang. He did that on day one when he said we are going to Haltat Construction Oe when of the borh wall. Were going to stop Deporting Illegaal L aliens. H and he said, you know what . Were going to give amnestymnes to milliontys. When he did that and he changed his policies, they became a magnett for more andto more people to come here. And when you look at the things that are happeningndwhen you, hs give up the tools that he is using that are abus ie ultim that hes abusing, that are ultimately hurting our nation, and its toolsat, parole. Tool i heard it mentioned earlier, but if parole you look back unh President Trump and president obamka, they paroled on average about 5600 people a year. Sean. Ye, President Biden actually just paroled 3000 less than 1 million. Thos 1 millie blanket paroles wt background checks, its completely and totally unacceptable and its putting the American People in harmts great job last night, senator. Thank you for being with us. We appreciatte it. All right. Coming up, were goingp to reveal how the word illegal e is more repulsive to the left than the actual crimesbein that are being committed by illegals against innocent americans. Judge Jeanine Pirro is straight ahead. Cops is back on fox nation. The only place to watch new episodes dont watch is defenders of justice now take down criminal masterminds. I come from a long family of messes. You are going to jail the day cops do episode on fox nation. Plus, future nation. Dont get go get it, please come over. Im going to jail. Over 60 more classic episodes availablim jo insurane now. Fox nation america is streaming. Im Jonathan Lawson here to tell you about Life Insurance through the colonial on am. If youre aged 50 to 85 and looking to buy Life Insurance, a fixed budget, remember the three ps . The three ps . What ar the three piece of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price. A price you can afford a pricey . That cant increase and a price that fits your budget. Im 54. 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Senate voting just hours ago to pass a major Government Funding Bill to keep a slew of agencies open through. The legislation now heads to President Bidens desk to be signed into law. Americans, though, cannot Breathe A Sigh of relief just yet. Congress still needs to pass six other bills to keep the government fully open. The deadline to do that is march 22nd. The remaining bills include contentious issues like how to fund the pentagon and department of homeland security. Out of this, a Helicopter Crash in texas killed two u. S. Soldiers and one u. S. Border patrol agent. Another soldier critically hurt. The crash happened friday near the usmexico border. Those on board were conducting aviation operations. The cause of the accident is still under investigation. Im Ashley Strohmier of back to hannity. For all of your headlines, log on to foxnews. Com. All right, so one of the biggest moments from last nights State Of The Union came when your president , joe, was confronted directly over the death of lincoln riley, l who he called lincoln. Take a look. Its not about him. E. S not about m id be a winner. Not really. I. Lincoln. Lincoln. Riley. An innocent young womanncoln who was killed by an illegalri. Thats right. But how many of thousands of people being killedto her by illegal to her parents . I say my heart goes out to you. S having lost children myself, i understandelf. Sbidens use of the word illegal. D no last night did not go over well with the left. Take a Loor Well Witk at this. And she hands him this. Button to try to play him on the border. But he goes off script and hasow his own moment, which i think a lot of people in the Progressivment Whie world may qn the language. He should have said undocumented, but its not a big thing. Okay. Whats the big thing about . G to well, i was i actually wasnt even going to ask about that. I was just going to as waskd ha about the moment. But you do think that he should have said undocumented . That wasnt my question. We usually say or document. I he said illegal. I dont think its a big deal. Its unfortunate that the president used that language. Uhat he believe that is the language that i believe that he believes in his hearint about immigrant people who find their way to this country to make a better t life for themselves. And you have other leftwing Democrats Radicals in congressan saying they were extremely disappointed i with joe bidens incendiary and wrong language. And today, biden was asked if he regretted using the worden illegal last night. Now, he couldnt give as old. Ght answer regular cognitive, struggling jc was back. Not jacked up, joe. D a lood upk. Do you regret using the word and to describe immigrants wor t night, sir . Well, not probably. I dont regret. T technically, youre not supposed to be herlly noe. Well, what about the jacked up, joe . He didnt scream or anythingp jo anyway. Maybe they ran out of red bull and red bull and Caffeinf Reande because he didnt scream his answer. Liket looks like the word seems to be more repulsive to the radicagal l left than all the crimes, including murder and , e committed against innocent americans. Here mmitted to help break this dow, the cohost of the hit show the five, our friend judge Jeanine Pirro, is with us. All right. First of all, this is bizarre. Coyou either enter the country legally. If you dont enter legally, youve entered Illegallyuntry Ie that has been the term that has been used. There seem uses to be more discussion and talk about the term Illegale Thaners there is about the death of lincoln. Rile deathy and its not lincol, judge. Its its like haley. And you know, or her mother, Lincoln Rileys mother, tweeted that ither,s mothers that joe o only doesnt know her name, but that he cant pronounce it. You know what, sean . What i want to do is i want get one thing straight. Illegal is a term usede by the United States supreme ste court in its latest pronouncement in this area n in the of immigration, in the case of Arizona Versus the United States in 2012, there was also an illegal Immigration Reform act of 1996, title 8 of the u. S. Of the United States code dealing with Citizenship Usce Ae Immigration says illegal Alien Unauthorized alien and uses illegal immigration. 93 times. So lets lets understand that this is what Kno Americans know and understand because its part of our law. Its Pard Becauset of our histoh now, why would the people o on the left be more concerned b about honoring the dignity of an illegal who is chargedgal with Massacring Anwh american citizen, a young woman who had a right to be in the anace where she was. And he didnt. And i goidt to telnl you, sean, i am sick and tired of this all. Theyre here on parole. Theyre not here the on parole. Just like the Guy Who Killedoopw The State Trooper two days ago. S he was arrested for domestic violence. He was arreste the masd drivinga suspended license, not showing , killingl separate a trooper. We call it parole. To dont know wherite they are. We cant find them. We cant get in touch with them. And for joe biden to minimize the death of this, the brutality that accompaniedcr her death and get married to his son, and its very sad. His son dieds d its his was mo double the age of this young woman. His son diedhan do in a very civ civilized place in a hospital in the United States. Died this young girl died alone in the woods with a brutal massacre where her face was literally distorted, able s unrecognizable. So im tired of the left. Im tired of theo om taking the side of people were killing. And it sounded to me like joe bideho are ktn, not only thi illegal is the term that we issuld be using and understand ,but that they are killinghous thousands of americans. And when Donalandsd Trump Wasprd president , they tried to collect those numbers. We have the angeenl moms. Mobs i i am tired of these people coming in. They are unvettehesed. We dont know who they are. They are released into the into the interiorsed of thesome f United States. Some are flown in from other countries. We pay forlo i. Hospita we educate them. D re we hospitalized them and we house them. Hous hhad it. We have got to stop this. And joe bidens Amped Up Speech Last Night is never going to remedngy the fact he doesnt know what hes doing. He created the problem that he now wants congress to fix. How how repulsive was itea earlier in the week was tuesday nigh tuet and it was super tuesn and the numberd its are coming. And these idiots over at the Conspiracy Theory Channecy Theol must theyre mocking and laughing at the ideale numbr that this is the number one issue. Well, i have a question. Will i havare you going to be gg in front of lincoln . Not lincoln. Lincoln. Leys rileys parents who probably will never Recoverpaably Wil Anr be the same again, or in the Commonwealth Of Virginia the 14 Year Old Girl that was brutally by an illegal immigrant. Are they going to giggle in front of the parents of thatt 14yearold girl or that girl herself . Ld girl fi dont know whats he particularly funny here because beg all across the country. The sad part of this, sean, is that i spen st 30 years years dealing and trying to help and heal these victims and their familiesd. S this is like a thunderbolt that comes Out Of Nowhere Foreheir lives of forever affected. And it affects their family and their friends and thr affets community. And this is all preventable. But fopreventar the that jose ia was in this country or all the other illegalshi. How many have we heard of just this week . An illegal sho th a two year old in the face literally killed a two year old. Wevled her olde to recognize w york city weve got a ten day iraq war. They juse a bot found a body. Probably its cover upa mess is probably ms13 1. Joe biden is responsible. But for Joe Bidenbide trump policies, none of this would be happening. Cies notand joe biden wants to criticize donald trump. You know, i used to show on. The i used to look forward to the State Of The Union. Love im an american. I love politics. I used to Stand Up And Cheer because i felt great to be an american. Whether you were a democramericr if i didnt care. This man is the most divisiveiv president we have ever had. And that Amped Up Performance Last Night was really a pathetic, divisive battleh speech. It and it was inappropriate for where we are in this country g right now from the guy who was supposed to be the healer in chief. Judge. We always love having you. Thank you for being with us. All right. Upe always nextr be next, a father was accused of drugging his daughters friendshe at a sleepover. Plus, remember the armor for . At movie well, that armor was justvicted convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter. What does that now mean for neec baldwin, who apparently now is up next. Pam bondi, mark geragos, straight ahead. This 2 bill features President Trumps mug shot. Donald j. Trump makes history once again by becoming the first former president of the United States to ever be criminally indicted. The powers that be have made good on their threats to get him by indicting him four times. On thursday, august 24th, 2023, trump was formally arraigned in fulton county, georgia, and this moment in history created the first mug shot of a United States. 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Well, lets bring in former floridwella attorney general pam bondi, defense attorney mark geragos. Pam, they convicted her in 3 hours. That was pretty quick. I was kind amazed by it. But there definitely is culpability here. Ther bute was a lot of talkn th about it in the lead up to this event, that a lot of discussion about how things were not safe on the Ses Weret Not Beingt with. And wasnt that alec baldwins responsibility. Ns re yes, shawn, it was because he was the executive producer. There had been complaints to himre about that. You know, it wasnt in the script for him to pull the trigger on the gun or to point the gun. Yet, he says the Cinem Pulla Tolde said him to do that. And witnesses going to say otherwise. He says he didnt pull the trigger yet. Forensic are going to say otherwise. You know, he gave a really bad interview, in my opinion, with george stephanopoulos. Y i think the prosecutors are going to play that hand. You know, when he wa s interrogated, that Interrogation Video showed zero lack of empathy for the victim or the victims family. All he cared about was himself. And hes not chargedt no with murder, only reckless disregard for human life, whicdh is Involuntary Manslaughter. I think theyve got a great case against himi thina. You know, mark, youre a great defense attorney. T defenc in how you mightw yo represent alec, a view of Thet Attorney Orepresf record here, whoever let him do this interview with on abc, i thinkwh dis insane, because thats wheon said it. He did not pult pulll the trigg i happen to have been a Pistol E Marksman since im about 11 or 12. And firearms do not fire themselves. It takes a certain amount of effort for that to happen. And i will tell you, ive been on the Receiving End of clients who have done the abc interview in the past and just shake my head before i represented them. E i im sure that his lawyer wish that he could have tackled him beforeshedd. E he he did that interview because youre absolutely right. And pam becauses right. Is go thats going to be frontin and center. Ive sat there, ive watchedfrot in these trials where you have to get around that and deal with it. You get aroundw you also have te last time we talked, we mentioned fact. Previ theyve got a preview of whats coming. And i will tell you,ew i he was he wasnt sitting at the Counsel Table in this triag atld but boy, they his name was mentioned. He was invoked. Hhe they they laid all their blame at him. K. K yodid not wor and i think hes going to have to really thino k. Thin i dont think theres any wak y he cannot take the stand. I and i say that with great reluctance because generallyay l wait until the case gets to the point where you have to make that decision. S toi think he has to Takee Ha The Stand here and i think he has to deal with the that het never meant to do this and that his statvee of mind was notitsa reckless. So its a tough time thats going to be hard tough. Left. Nd is i wonder in the mind of jurors how many people arect . Going to be thinking, is he acting . Hes an actor . That certainly will be brought up. All right. Meanwhile, in the state of oregon, a dad, by the way,ad is now facing several charges after Allegedlg Severay now whie serving his 12 year old daughters friendgs drug laced smoothies during a sleepover. One of the Girls Reporting that the dad was doing, quote, tests to sure that the girls were asleep. Boy, you know, i have many,have many friends. And i was very reluctant. Pa friendsm, as a dad, neverever particularly liked the idea of sleepovers unless i reallyw knew the parents very well. And i had a i had a numberd of occasions whereppointed i disappointed children because dad was being too hard. Ari dont i this is scary. Its so scary. And this guy is a predator and his picture should be plastered i all over this country. Those little girls were so bravr thlittle ge. Ents and, you know, the parents conceded. They said, hey, we didnt know this guy. Conceded at knowt know this family well, yet we let them go over and spend the night with his s daughter. Its horrific. And these little girls are so lucky to be alive. But at least the parents did the right thing when the little girls cals ditl Calling Repeatp to reach the parents got them out of theea house. This guy needs to be locked up u in prison. Its horrible what he did to these little girls. A message to parents, dont lett your children do sleepovers unless you know the families very youw very well. If they call them like sleep wonders. Now, i think where the kids go over, theyll have a pizza party and the other parents will bnde there, and then pyj they end up in their pajamas going home. Markgoing ark i th, think i gett personally, i it viscerally if you hurt a child to me, i think thats the worstyoure a thing y can do. You know, it just showso an you how how times have changed, how Frightening Thingss are. Well, you know, i have a good a friend, adam corolla, the comedian who lives in the neighborhood. We are from, joked around whenud we were raising our kids. And while he is are still in high school, he used to say, you know, you have to wonderbout about either the father, the mother that reallyithe to he a bunch of kids go either on a sleepover or go away out on onee of these trips or things like that. E trips ori mean, i, i would bei comfortable with the guy who gets dragged along who, Something Like that, as opposed to somebody who eagerly jumps into kind of a situation. This is a parents worst wo of ways. N a lot i mean, you youre outsourcing your parental responsibility to somebody that you dont know or dont have an dony kind of a track record with. And i think im with you. It scarerecord wins and you woum it to happen to your kids, let alone your grandkids. Kids alone g. Hes got to hes got a real another person whos got a heavy lift here. Yeah. And you were both right. All right, mark, good to seese you. Pam, always great to see you. Appreciate both of youo se. When we come back, the one, the only jimmy failla has a lot to say about bidens performance last night. Ouand he has an announcement about me. You dont want to miss it. Straight ahead. Empire today is the best place to get new flooring. Of course, we have copycats, but they cant beat us on quality service, speed or price. So they advertised low quality products like this, which we wont carry. Empire today offer shop at Home Convenience professional installation and great pricing with no negotiation. But will promise the lowest prices because anyone who does is selling you this. So schedule a free inhome estimate. Now i say the today. Do you have too much body fat . It tends to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs. Are you struggling to lose weight . 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. I can feel the winds of change. All right. Critics, theyre calling out bidens state of the Union Address fooue ofr being an angry campaign speech. We call them jacked up joe full bizarre shouting. Lets take a look at someti of bidens Littlnge Outburstsoo from last night. Take a look. No billionaire should paytax ra a lower federal tax rate than a teacher, a Sanitation Worker or a nurse. Oration about fixing the border or we can fix it. Fight im ready to fix it. Send me the border bill. Now. Stop denying the core value of america. Our diversity. Book across america line banning books. Sing its wrong. Instead of addressing makey. Ue, lets make histor les all right. Here with reaction, the host of the Hit Show Fox News saturday night, the oneand on and only jimmy fallon is here. And all right, before wely [ geo joey, how do we get to joey . You might be putting your inncen jeopardy, you know, with this announcement. I figuret. D id give you e honors. Lets be very clear. Okay. If anyones putting their career in jeopardy, t its you. The host of the Longest Running Show in cable news historyt of,t who has agreed to stoop down and come on my and show, the net show student down. Sean, let me just tell. Well, let me just tell you what youre getting yourself into. Weru are going into episoden to eight this weekend, which is five episodes longer than any of us thought this show would lasr thant. We act okay. We actually lost a lot of money co itgas by makinguay lost to episode eight. But if youre coming on board, i can see us hitting double digitsarcoul. I might have to put in another bet. Oh, man. All right. Ive been actually thinking about. I knowabou what your reactions l to be. I call them jacked up, joe. Weik have joe biden that, you know, mumbles, bumbling stumbles, doesnen that t Whetha To Exit Stage Left or right. But man, how many red , jimmy . Tell me, what wa bullss that lat night . The screaming of every hour of every word in the speech. He screamed. I figured it out, sean,e yo because you know how he was. An was so angry and, aggressive. I thingressivek he accidentallym eight one of commanders dog treatsanders, you know, the dog that keep fighting every day. He Secret Service guy. The house. Yeah. Yeah, i we got to check the stat. Im talking about the Secret Service guys got bit last nigh t. Honestly, that probably is as good a theor honesy as any righ. I think people buy this. No, no, no, no, no. N sean when he started shouting at the republicans about fix the border, hes like, signd the border bill. Okay . Ther bils, bill fixe the border. The way o. J. Fixes a marriage. Okayat o. Its not a good solution. The problem isnt going to go away. And thats the issue. Its that he was so screamy and selfrighteous, but he wasnt correct wasnt. Guy and i have to tell you, this is a guy who performs for a living and goes on stage livi so much of your act has to dos with where you position your material. With all due respect, none of us support with Vladimir Putin is doingrespec in russia. But if youre opening the state of our Unionrussia B at time whe of the people think youre going in the wrong direction as a countryeopl i dontne think ukraine is the opening bit, you dig. Its like we have a driver whos driving the wrong way down the Highwayngwn T and now u the hiccups. That doesnt make us feel any betters feel. All right. This might be my favorite story of the week and that new study e that shows that Electric Cars emite more particulate pollutin than gas powered cars. Now, i guess these particulars come from Tire Weard El and Electric Cars are far, ad which leads to faster wear and tear. Ohr, so they were wrong the whole time. And the American People y in large numbers and people want an even fine. O e go get one, but dont shove it down americas throat if they dontn amer want it. B but that was interesting. Yeaht was. I love that so much. And theres another form of pollution that you forget about, which is the fact that everybodyther for Who Ownsn Electric Car has to work it into the first sentence of every conversation. Its like veganism on wheels, you know what im saying . So youve got the Air Pollution to ge tho with. E but i just want to behe clear with the American People. I was Skippingameric Purchase On Electric Car for the Old Fashioned reasons, which was the price oldfae tag. Okay. As a former new york city cab driver, the only way onm getting a Teslnew Yorkthlyaf i steal one. At but unfortunately, in new york, theyre harder to steal thanelyn they are to buy because the people stealing them already. Ng theright. And theres so much heavier and by the way, you have to pillageo mu mother earth to t the magnesium and the cobalt and the mineralsth build. The thing weighs a loteigh more wear and tear on the on the asphalt, and they cost a lot more. Im not against them. And, you know, i believe in choice. Fine. I have a friend of mine has a tesla. Loves it. Andyeah, its great. But you know whos hurt the most by this findings is china. Because they make the most money off all the rare e Earth Minerals and Everything Else weve got to do to make these vehicles. We ho to person right nowt be might not be our president. Well, it is kind of ourt xi j president xi jinping. Hes probably the most devastatedin. He probably is. All right. You sure you want to do this . You still have tim e to back tomor out . Not that tomorrow, but next saturday. Row bui, i dont know. Hear you higher show. I dont know who you have set up a saturda[ simulty night foru are. You know, you got this assignment. I this this is a big deal, sean. You had a good run. You had a good run. All right, jimmy fallon, well be watching saturday night. N we willk you. When we come back, a gold stardr father arrested at bidens State Of The Union last night. Now those charges need to be dropped. And we have a big announcement right after this. Topangas is tough to kill and it can spread. Its time to start using funny name, maximum strength bungee. Now, if powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. Plus it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health, say goodbye to toe fungus fungi. Now youre probably wondering who we are. Im Patrick Chase and this is our next giveaway. Were giving away this three bedroom, two and a half baths in the heart of the ozark forest. You can win this cabin or 1,000,000 cash. Go to one second today, sauna, today, sauna or something. So today or tomorrow . No. You want to set up right now we have high standards. Its in gilberts. You guys must be the scholarships. 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He was arrested last night for heckling biden durin g a state of the Union Address. Take a look here before it took off his murder, rates went up 30 , 30 . Up in the biggest increase in history. Ite was then through no through my American Rescue plan, they arrested this father a morning father gold star. Father, can we please let him go . I mean, seriously, hell join us an exclusive interview on monday. We hope youll joir ann us. S as well, unfortunately, that is all the time we have left thistu eveninnately g. Thank you for being with us. Us please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss dvr an episode of hannity. In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. Greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. Have a great weekendis sta weekd

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