Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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Bret alive look at the u. S. Capitol a beautiful evening in washington as we are Just Moments Away from President Biden and tonights state of the Union Address, good evening from washington i am bret baier. Martha i am Martha Maccallum in moments we will be on the house floor from the familiar call of the sergeant at arms will make his way down the aisle greeted by lawmakers along the way. Bret you can see mitt romney talking to joe mansion it seems like they are pretty engaged in some conversation that can happen on the sidelines as you have a lot of lawmakers waiting a long time in the chamber, a lot of folks expressing themselves, different ways, republican some of them wearing buttons about the border, others dressed in white on the democratic side in solidarity, we set the stage now with White House Correspondent with a preview of the president s speech good evening. Good evening officials at the white house think that most people who will watch it tonight have not been very politically active so far this cycle, they see it as a clean slate to tell what they described as an american comeback story where President Biden will talk of how many jobs have been created since 2021, you he will blame republican sport Border Problems and suggest his agent should not be an issue because donald trump is roughly the same age, the president also practicing dealing with hecklers when he talks about gaza potentially from progressives in his own a party. Bret we will wait from for President Biden to get into position, thank you, we have walked down and they have timed all of this out but we also have the walk out after the speech and we expect the speech to be about one hour, with these wings you never know, the state of the Union Address i do know who knows, around the block coanchor of americas newsroom and cohost of the five, former tennessee congressman john roberts not formally host of the five coanchor of America Reports and chief political analyst britt hume joins us remotely, we have covered so many of these what do you think about site . I think unlike a lot of these speeches where we are preoccupied with what the president will say about this issue are that issue or what programming they will announce or what steps they will announce they are taking to deal with for example the border, what the Big Focus Tonight is on really is on his demeanor, how does he seem, does he seem energetic and authoritative and will he be smooth and polished. We have seen so many stumbles and so many awkward moments falling down getting caught in the middle of sentences losing his train of thought, all of that, i would not discount the possibility at all that the president will come here tonight being a very well rehearsed and well prepared, very well rested and will deliver a speech with a lot of energy and clarity after which of course we can watch while the democrats and their allies in the media will ring down saying that that puts the age and acuity issue to rest, it doesnt but that is what i suspect we will here. Bret one of the things died is a contrast to the white house is saying between President Biden and his likely challenger former President Trump who is taking to truth social already saying that quote the president is very substantially late not a good start but lets give him the benefit of the doubt im sure he had very important thanks to do but now just getting into the car and will have to drive very quickly, you just dont want to be late to the state of the union, they need Mario Andretti to be at the wheel of the limo. I think it will be a playbyplay all night long on truth social. Martha we will wait for the commentary. One of the things we are watching for is that president bush used to remind us that every speech you have multiple audiences, one of the audiences for President Biden tonight is his own party the disaffected members of his own party those who voted not willing to commit or those who wanted to maybe see him do Something Else in israel although what more could he do in terms of bending over backwards for ten voters in michigan, and they still protest him tonight and want to disrupt his speech. But the speech might tell us if the concerns about the problems within his own party are a Minor Annoyance or a journeyman crisis. Bret it is always an interesting storyline, one of them is expelling gop congressman George Santos was on the floor, a privilege that former members have and he decided to take it, a bizarre thing that is happening, but your thoughts on the speech tonight. I think a bit of a minor story in this overall, i think tonight we will see an opening salvo in the main general election campaign. There is indications that the democrats will be fighting this around abortion very hard, we have a couple of gaps guests in the first lady spot, and ivf patient in alabama who is just about to go to her Embryo Transfer and had to delay because they shut down ivf, and there is kate cox who had a baby and could not get an abortion in texas, she had to go out of the state and in his speech, this is from an excerpt so we are okay talking about this, this is what the president will say that clearly there is bragging about overturning roe v. Wade and no clue about the power of women in america, this will be a fiveminute applause line, but they found out when reflective freedom was on the ballot and one in 2022, 2023, and they will find out in 2024. So while the republicans may be putting immigration front and center watch for the democrats to put roe v. Wade and the president pledged against the second term and again the Democratic Congress to instill federal protections for abortion. Martha an issue he does not like to talk about a whole lights lot, President Biden, but basically wedged into having to speak about this tonight, he doesnt flee usually use the word abortion when he talks about it he is catholic, all those issues around this but that is something that he needs to dig in on this issue. One of the contrast that you speak up between the two parties. I think overarching in all of this, people around the country people are frat fed up with the rancor and division, the most recently democrat elected and George Santos the dystrophy was elected to and shows all across the same people want to Work Together and i hope that President Biden tonight, we have said it all along, be cheerful not contentious, be optimistic and not ominous, the american, people want their president to talk about how they will get things done. And finally to those in the chamber someone who had the blessing the privilege to serve in that chamber, i hope that members of congress and chamber guests show the respect that the presidency deserves and show the respect that the country deserves thats not deal with the gimmicks and outbursts but let the speech play out and let katie britt give her speech and if President Trump wants to say some afterward he will do that as well. People do look to these speeches they are opportunities to lift up the country, what we see in these numbers is 70 percent of think the country is going the wrong direction, it is really astonishing how down people are, down about the economy, very down about what is going on at the border they feel like there is a loss of control in the country. And we talk about the low bar, just getting through the speech but there is an opportunity here, if he seizes it and is able to do it,. Interesting that you say that because the mood in the country is pretty dark and if you like in a way people kind of tuned out washington, they dont think it will help them, they dont see or hear from washington about how things will get better for them and the chaos that President Biden talks about from the trump years i think that when you see people say 72 percent of people say the country is going in the wrong direction they feel like their lives are chaotic now. We bring in former House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy who joins us, mr speaker you have been in this position and in that chair behind the president as he delivers speeches and you have to control your facial remarks and how you react to thanks. Your thoughts on this night, do you miss this moment . I miss any opportunity to be there, it is a unique moment because for members themselves it such a great privilege but very seldom do you get the house and senate and Cabinet Members and joint chiefs and the Supreme Court, it is a time to interact with one another but the part that the listeners and viewers really dont know is that whenever someone says in that Country Chamber you can hear but it doesnt necessarily get picked up on television if you sit behind the president is actually hard to hear him when he is speaking and it is a moment in time for whoever is president to really have a bully pulpit, to lay out and speak to the American Public. If i am going to talk to my former members of the Republican Congress i will say dont take the bait if he wants to Say Something negative to get you to react. Be polite, listen to him go through because it never plays well on television. What is interesting is before this night starts there will be a whole group of republicans and democrats who will go greet the president before hand from the chambers to the side and escort him in and then as the speech begins you will see whether he will lay out, and this is an Election Year so i know this is going to be an election speech with election guests and four republicans listen. Be respectful. Get through it. Bret you can see the Chief Justice is there and other see in the back round of all of this art legal cases, some of them at the Supreme Court including immunity which will be decided soon. I think we have the First Lady Jill Biden arriving. Martha arriving in the chamber she is joined as we pointed out before by two women who have had expenses with ivf and abortion, also a cancer nurse isnt joining her this evening, several guests, this tradition used to be maybe one or two people but now the list from the white house is about 20 people along there is Nancy Posey The former Speaker Of The House, it is hard to say how much of an impact these guests have but thats listen in. Mr speaker the president s cabinet. [ applause ] bret so the cabinet walks in, Speaker Mccarthy and Secretary Blinken behind Him Second A Austen the Defence Secretary and all of the controversy about not telling the president when he was in the hospital, this cabinet has been around the block here with a number of different controversies but also dealing with war in ukraine and israel, how much of the speech do you think will be aimed at the goals of the election and playing out a vision for the next term . I think it will be talking to his own bass, he wants to motivate them to get them behind him because that is a place that President Biden currently has a real problem, he wants to talk about success and it would be start smart of him to talk about where they can Work Together this is one chance to have a very big audience in america, control exactly what they will say without being asked a question and to lay out why you deserve to be reelected again. And the process, what have you achieved . This election is different when he ran for the office it was open but now it is a report card on the job he has done, so he will try to check off and say i kept this promise and this promise and this promise and if you elect me again then this is a further i will be able to go. Martha pete booted judge entering the room, veterans affairs, a difficult week over the famous world war ii Kiss Photograph which some underling hoped to cancel from all of the va hospitals and get rid of that photo, there is mayorkas, obviously the man who is the head of the department of Homeland Security and here is the message from former President Donald Trump theres nothing he can say tonight that will solve him from letting 15 Million People into our country legally they will probably blame me but i have the safest border in the history of our country so that will not go very far he says. All kinds of different numbers over how many people have gotten into the country, that is a very high number. Bret one of the Cabinet Members always the designated survivor its not Kiefer Sutherland in the shallow. Martha its not . Bret is the Education Secretary Tonight who is not in the chamber in case the contini you need continuity of government sum place else. Well wait as the Cabinet Members come through and we will get the announcement from William Mcfarland the house sergeant at arms, harold your thoughts on this night as we sit at the table here, the former president is right, the president is behind schedule here usually these things are to the minute but this is a big moment for President Biden. President biden may be saying that everyone thinks i am old and i joked about how i go to bed early well i will show them and show up a bit late and speak a bit longer and ill stay in the chamber a bit longer than some do, i think that we have all framed it right he has a couple of thanks he can deal with you can talk about the issues or the things that he wants to do and the one thing that he cant do is reverse his age. He has to show strength tonight, he has to show he is in command tonight , and he also cannot be debated by some of the things that some in the chamber may say and how they may heckle him and i think you will be up to the task of the bar is a bit low for him or i should say lower then for most president s so i think you will exceed it and i think what Speaker Mccarthy was saying he has to not just reach out to the base but show that he is seeking answers not accurate money and has to seek a Little Common ground on some of the important issues. If he is able to express that he will be a big success tonight. Martha one area where Common Ground wood be helpful is on the border and we heard earlier today that we should not expect any Executive Order that he will pull the levers that are at his disposal as president of the United States to end catch and release, he is not going there. Standing by his proclamation that he has done all he can and there is nothing else that he can do, whereas anybody will tell you that President Trump got the lowest Immigration Numbers in recent history. Premuch totally through Executive Orders. And i think someone is watching because he mentioned a second ago that the democrats are going to fight this election on abortion and repelled dickens will fight it on immigration, donald trump to put out on truth social that there is nothing he can say to biden that would absolve him from letting 15 Million People into our country illegally, you will probably lay me but i had the safest border history. Bret if the former president wants to call and we are happy to put him in set of just reading truth social posts. He just might. Bret he might. But an indication that it will be immigration against abortion as the main issue. Bret a lot of it is how this is delivered, a lot of stories about his age and what things look like what about what harold talked about low expectations, lobar essentially he says. I think there has been a lobar set, we have all witnessed, i dont think it will be hard for the president to clear it, he will be greatly aided i think in terms of how the public reacts if Marjorie Taylor greene, who has already said i think today to us here at fox that she feels that a quorum is not an issue because the quorum was broken by what joe biden did about this or that or the other thing and she yelled at him last time he was in the chamber and she or someone else on the republican side may do that again i dont think that it will go down well with the audience if a republican or anyone does that it will probably be of help to him. Martha last time he felt that he carried quite well with Margaret Taylor green, she was bringing up basically accusing the harlequins of adding rid of Social Security or medicare and she called him a liar in that moment, here we go. Mr speaker the president of the United States. [ cheering and applause [ cheering and Applause Bret this could take a while Everybody Knows President Biden he likes to work in the room, in fact the last state of the Union Getting out of the chamber it took more than 20 minutes and usually they gave him ten minutes from speech to door and it took him a lot, being all these lawmakers they post up and try to get face time with President Biden or the president at hand, both parties try to get a word in and a moment, let see if we can listen for a second. [ applause ] [ cheering and applause [ applause ] [ cheering and Applause Bret behind him obvious you can see the leadership as Speaker Mccarthy was speaking about, Senator Schumer and mcconnell who recently announced that this is his last time representing kentucky, being the leader of the republicans in the senate. And you have Steve Scalise and the other leadership in the house escorting both parties. Martha rebellions and democrats welcoming him, there you have a glimpse of Marjorie Taylor greene she has a big red make America Great hat on she is ready to roll. Bret the shirt says a her name Lincoln Riley in georgia. Martha try to hand him a button, we will see if he pays any attention to her, i think thats the button about the Biden Border Crisis is what those buttons say, a number of of the rebellions are wearing them and hed i wont be surprised if he goes right buy. Bret he may hug the left side of the aisle during that part of the walk down. Martha you can see the shirt, there is an empty chair in the Chamber Tonight to represent Lincoln Riley, her family was invited by congressman michael collins, understand we they are not ready to attend anything at this point, they are deeply grieving and this president has not reached out to her family at all and she no doubt is becoming a symbol of the soul many individuals who have been violently attacked and in her case murdered by someone who is in the case country illegally this is an outrage issue for many people across the country the president s polling is dismal on this. Martha there is the new congressman the took George Santos seat in long island. Bret we have covered so many of these and usually, there she is, even as i called her name out. Martha right on cue. Bret there she is, we have seen her there many times. Its an amazing moment because you see these politicians without any hesitation just reaching over and leaning over, leaning in, touching the president and looking for a moment on National Television where they can be seen in proximity to the president , it may all look a bit craven or weak but look at them all, they all do this, this goes on for as long as i can remember. The president looks in good form tonight. Martha and thats why i say this is set up for the president to have success, the speech is written for you buy a team of professionals who have a chance to practice for several days and everyone is excited to see you so hes enjoying that moment on the one thing i do want to mention is that as you see the cabinet file and i dont know if this is the least cohesive cabinet that i have seen in the time that i have been covering these things, i think they only have may be then ten Cabinet Meetings during his admin a station, if you think about all the problems they have on the border or education or when it comes to natural disasters, why not call them together . They are readymade for the media and they are all there for them im sure they would take issue with what i am saying but you dont ever see them actually utilized in a big way and i remember win President Trump was in office he would often have those open events where all the members of the cabinet were sitting at the table taking questions he would take questions very freewheeling with the press in the room we havent seen that. Bret five minutes and see into the chamber so far usually the walk in is not the long time with the selfies and the conversation but this one is taking a little while, he has a speech that is going to be, we are told, roughly one hour but maybe with a pause, applause, you are talking about long time, now hes taking a picture and democrats office he will be cheering there will be other times where you will have a publicans react and democrats react, it is really quite something, it is drama in washington. Martha did not stop to talk to Joe Mansion A lot of people thought he was flirting with a thirdparty run in the last polling that we did 18 percent looking for another candidate and whether or not that will materialize rfk junior already in there as an independent and. Bret he chatted with him just a bit and sitting with mitt romney which is who obvious he revolve again and democrats sending a signal there, Speaker Mccarthy still with us you watched president s walk down this ill final thoughts before we get to the speech and what you think this is shaping up to be as he shakes the hands of the Supreme Court and the chairman of the joint chiefs there. One thing ive noticed from all president s is that President Biden takes more time walking down and out he little he just waits until everyone leaves, ive never seen anything quite like it. But he is going right around the Supreme Court he will go to the joint chiefs and then he will walk up to the stage there and he will hand his speech to the speaker and the Vice President and then he will turn around and he will have the teleprinters right there for a speech that he has practiced, there is an old story where one of the speeches that the state of the union that bill clinton was giving he had to turn back around and tell al gore that they had last years speech in the teleprompter he turned around and started giving it from memory. It is nerveracking, when you sit in that position and look out the room is very small even though it looks big on tv and it can get a bit nerveracking at that moment in time. But you do command a great deal of presence. Bret speaking of speeches rbc the moment when speaker nancy plus the ripped up President Drops trumps speech after that was obviously one moment that was remembered after a state of the union, you are seeing him there. That will never happen again. Bret that will never happen again, very sanders. I thought i got to keep the speech. But you dont. They take it back from you, they give you a very nice folder and i thought i would get to keep that for history get to keep the history the speech but its all taken back. Bret they probably didnt take back the ripped up speech the coverages through thataway. That maybe in the archives. Bret making his way to the podium there he will hand the speech to Speaker Johnson a new relationship hear between the two, and two Vice President harris [ cheering and Applause Bret lets listen in. [ cheering and applause [ cheering and applause [ cheering and applause President Joe Biden thank you. [ cheering and applause President Joe Biden good evening, good evening, if i were smart i would go home now. [ cheering and applause President Joe Biden mr speaker, madame Vice President , members of congress, my fellow americans, in january 1941 Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation, he said i address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the union, hitler was on the march, war was raging in europe , President Roosevelt Purpose was to wake up congress and alert the American People that this was no ordinary time. Freedom and democracy were under assault in the world, tonight i come to this same chamber to address the nation, now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the union. And yes, my purpose tonight is to wake up congress and alert the American People that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since president lincoln and The Civil War Have Freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today. What makes our moment where is the freedom and democracy under attack both at home and overseas. The very same time. Overseas Vladimir Putin and russia are on the march, invading ukraine back sowing chaos throughout europe and beyond, if anyone in this room thinks that putin stops back ukraine i can assure you that he will not. [ applause ] President Joe Biden but ukraine can stop putin, ukraine can stop putin if we stand with ukraine and provide the weapons that it needs to defend itself. [ applause ] President Joe Biden that is all, that is all that ukraine is asking, they are not asking for american soldiers, in fact there are no american soldiers at war in ukraine and i am determined to keep it that way. But now the assistance to ukraine is being blocked by those who want to walk away from our world leadership. It was not long ago when republican president named Ronald Reagan hundred mr gorbachev tear down this wall. Now my predecessor, a former republican president , tells Vladimir Putin he can do whatever the hell he wants, that is a quote, a former president actually said that. Bowing down to a russian leader, i think it is outrageous and dangerous and on acceptable. [ applause ] on acceptable President Joe Biden america is a Founding Member of nato, and alliance of democratic nations created after world war ii to prevent war and keep the peace, and today we have made nato stronger than ever, we welcome finland to the Alliance Last year. And just this morning sweden officially joined and their minister is here tonight. Stand up. Welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome. They know how to fight. Mr Prime Minister welcome to nato the Strongest Military alliance that the world has ever scene. And i say this to congress, we have to stand up to putin. Send me a bipartisan National Secure to bill, history is literally watching, history is watching, the United States walks away it will put ukraine at risk europe is at risk. The free world will be at risk, in bolding others to do as they wish, to do harm. My message to President Putin who i have known for a long time is it simple, will not walk away. [ applause ] President Joe Biden we will not bow down. I will not bow down. In a literal sense history is watching, history is watching. Just like history watched three years ago on january 6th when insurrection stormed this very capital and placed a dagger at the throat of american democracy. Many of you were here on that darkest of days, we all saw with our own eyes the insurrectionists were not patriots, they came to stop the peaceful transfer of power, to overturn the will of the people, january 6 lies about the 2020 election and the plot to steal the election pose a great threat to u. S. Democracy, the greatest since the civil war. But they failed. Was back. President Joe Biden America stood. America stood strong and democracy prevailed. We must be honest, the threat to democracy must be defended, my predecessor, and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6, i will not do that, this is a moment to speak the truth, buried the lies, here is a simple truth, you cannot love your country only when you win. [ applause ] [ cheering and applause President Joe Biden as i have done ever since being elected to office i ask all of you without regard to party to join together to defend democracy, remember your oath of office it to defend against all threats both foreign and domestic. Respect free and fare elections. Restore trust in our institutions, make clear that Political Violence has absolutely no place, no place in america, zero place. Again it is not hyperbole to suggest that history is watching. They are watching. Your children, your grandchildren will read about these days and what we do. History is watching another assault on freedom, joining us tonight is a social worker from birmingham alabama, 14 months ago, 14 months ago she and her husband welcomed a baby girl thanks to the miracle of ivf, she scheduled treatment to have a second child, the alabama Supreme Court shut down ivf across the state, unleashed by a Supreme Court decision overturning roe v. Wade she was told that her dream would have to wait but her family got through what should have never happened, unless Congress Acts it will happen again tonight so tonight lets stand up with families like hers dont keep this woman waiting any longer. Guaranteed the right to ivf, guarantee it nationwide. [ applause ] President Joe Biden like most americans i believe that roe v. Wade got it right , i think Vice President harris for being an incredible leader in defending Reproductive Freedom, and so much more. [ cheering and applause President Joe Biden thank you. My predecessor is the reason it is overturned and he brags about it, look at the chaos that has resulted. Join us tonight is kate cox the wife and mother from dallas, she has become pregnant again and had a fetus with a fatal condition, the doctor told kate that her own life and her ability to have children in the future was at risk if she did not act. Because texas law band her ability to act kate and her husband had to lead the state to get what she needed. But her family got through, it should have never happened as well but it is happening to too many others. State laws banning the freedom to choose, criminalizing doctors, forcing survivors of rape and incest to leave their state to get the treatment they need. Many of you in this chamber, and my predecessor, are promising to pass a national ban on Reproductive Freedom, my god, what other freedom will he take away . The decision to overturn roe v. Wade, with all due respect justice is women are not without electoral power. Excuse me electoral or clinical power. And you are about to realize just how much. [ cheering and applause President Joe Biden clearly those bragging about overturning roe v. Wade had no clue about the power of women, but they found out when Reproductive Freedom was on the ballot we won in 2022 and 2020 and will win again in 2024. [ applause ] President Joe Biden if you, the American People, send me to congress to enforce the right to choose i promise i will Restore Roby Wade as the Law Of The Land again. America cannot go back. I am here tonight to show what i believe is the way forward, i know how far we have come, four years ago next week , before i came to office, of the country was hit by the worst pandemic and the worst economic crisis in a century, remember the fear . Record losses . Number the spikes in crime and murder rate . The raging virus, it took more than 1 million american lives and loved ones, millions left behind. A Mental Health crisis of isolation and loneliness. My predecessor failed the most basic president ial duty that he owed to the American People, the duty to care. I think that is unforgivable. I came to office determined to get us through one of the toughest periods in the nations history . We have. In a thousand cities and towns america is writing the greatest comeback story never told. [ applause ] President Joe Biden lets tell the story here, tell it here and now, americas comeback is building a future of american possibility, building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up not the top down, investing in all of america and all americans to make sure that everyone has a fare shot and we leave no one behind. The pandemic no longer controls our lives, the vaccine has saved us from covid and is now being used to beat cancer, Turning Setbacks into comebacks, that is what america does. That is what america does. [ applause ] President Joe Biden folks i am here the economy was on the brink but now its the in the of the world, 15 million jobs in three years a record, a record. Unemployment at 50 year lows, a record 16 million americans are starting Small Businesses, each one a literal act of hope. Historic job growth and Small Business growth for growth for black and hispanic and asian americans, new manufacturing Jobs In America and still counting. Where is it written that we cant be the manufacturing capital of the world . We are, we will. More people have insurance today, more people have Health Insurance today than ever before, the racial wealth gap is as small as it has been in 20 years, wages keep going up and inflation keeps coming down, inflation has dropped from 9 percent to 3 percent, the lowest in the world and trending lower. [ applause ] President Joe Biden of the landing is and will be soft. Now instead of importing foreign products and exporting American Jobs we are exporting American Products and creating American Jobs, right here in america where they belong. [ applause ] President Joe Biden it takes time but the American People are beginning to feel it, consumer studies show that Consumer Confidence is soaring. By american has been the Law Of The Land since 1930s, past administer rations, including my predecessor, including some democrats as well in the past have failed to buy american, not anymore on my watch federal products projects will help Fund American bridges and roads and highways will be made with American Products and built buy american workers. [ applause ] President Joe Biden paid by good paying American Jobs. And thanks to our chips and science act of the United States investing more in research and development than ever before. During the pandemic, a shortage of semiconductors and chips which drove up the prices of everything from cell phones to automobiles, and we invented those chips right here in america by the way. But instead of having to import them, instead companies are now investing billions of dollars to build new Chip Factories here in america, creating Tens Of Thousands of jobs, many of those jobs paying 100,000 per year and dont require a college degree. [ applause ] President Joe Biden in fact my policies have attracted 650 billion in private sector investment, the clean Energy Advanced Manufacturing creating Tens Of Thousands of jobs here in america. [ applause ] President Joe Biden and thanks to our bipartisan infrastructure law, 46,000 new projects have been announced all across your communities, and by the way i noticed that some of you have strongly voted against me but are cheering on that money coming in. [ applause ] i am with you. If any of you do not want that money in your district just let me know. Modernizing bridges and roads and airports in Public Transit systems, removing poisonous led pipes so that every child can drink clean water without risk of brain damage. Providing affordable highspeed internet for every american, no matter where you live, urban, suburban, rural communities, red states, blue states, Record Investments in tribal communities because of my investment in family farms. Investments in the family farms led by my second day of agriculture who knows more about this then anyone i know we are better able to keep those family farms with chilled and and grandchildren so they dont have to leave home to make a living. Great Comeback Stories in illinois, home to an auto plant for nearly 60 years, before i came to office that plant was on its way to shutting down , of thousands of workers feared for their livelihood, hope was fading, i was elected to office and we dealt with Auto Companies repeatedly knowing the Automaker Unions would make all the difference, they work like hell to get these jobs back and together we succeeded, instead of Auto Factories shutting down Auto Factories reopened and a new stateoftheart battery factory is being built to power those cars. [ applause ] President Joe Biden to those folks i say instead of your town being left behind your community is moving forward again, because instead of watching auto jobs of The Future Go Overseas 4000 Union jobs with higher wages are building the future right here in america. [ applause ] President Joe Biden here tonight the uaw president shawn fain a great friend and labor , where are you . Stand up. [ applause ] President Joe Biden and don sam, a Third Generation worker, uaw worker, shawn i was out to be the first president to stand on the picket line and today don has a good job providing to billy for her family and pride and dignity as well, showing once again that wall street did not build america, they are not bad guys but they didnt build it, the middle class built the country and unions built the middle class. [ applause ] President Joe Biden i say to the American People when america gets knocked down we get back up. , we keep going, that is america. That is you, the American People, it is because of you that america is coming back, it is because of you that our future is brighter and because of you that tonight we can proudly say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. President joe biden tonight, tonight i want to talk about the future of possibilities that we can build together, a future where the days of it trickle down economics are over and the wealthy and biggest corporations no longer get all the tax breaks and i understand that corporations, more have invested i am not and i corporation, but i grew up in a home where it trickle down economics did not put much on my dads Kitchen Table. That is why i am determined to turn things around it so the middle class does well, when they do well the wealthy still do very well, we all do well. And theres more to do to make sure that you feel the benefits of all we are doing. Americans pay more for Prescription Drugs than anywhere in the world, it is wrong and i am ending it. With a law that i have proposed and signed that not one of you republican buddies voted for but we finally beat Big Pharmacare and instead of paying 400 per month or thereabouts for insulin it now only and it only costs ten dollars to make they only make 35 now and its still a healthy profit. I want to the cost of insulin for 35 per month for every american that needs it, everyone. For years people have talked about it but finally we got it done and gave it medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for Prescription Drugs just like the va is able to do for veterans. That is not just saving Seniors Money its saving taxpayers money, we are cutting the federal deficit by 160 billion. Because medicare will no longer have to pay exorbitant prices to Big Pharmacare, this year medicare is negotiating lower prices for some of the most costly drugs on the market, in treating every thing from Heart Disease to arthritis, it is time to go further and give it medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for 500 different drugs over the next decade. [ applause ] President Joe Biden they are making a lot of money guys and they will still be extremely profitable, not only saving lives but saving taxpayers and another 200 billion. Starting next year the same law caps per sketch and drug cost for seniors on medicare at 2000 per year, even for expensive cancer drugs that cause ten or 12 or 15,000, i want to cap Prescription Drug costs at 2000 per year for everyone. Folks i am going to get in trouble for saying it but anybody want to get in Air Force One and fly to toronto, or even moscow probably and bring your prescription with you and i can promise i can get it for you at 40 percent of the cost you are saying it now, the same company same drug comes from the same place. The Affordable Care act, obama care, its still a very big deal. [ applause ] President Joe Biden over 100 million of you can no longer be denied Health Insurance because of preexisting conditions, my predecessor and many in this chamber want to take those Prescription Drugs away by repealing Affordable Care act, i will not let that happen [ applause ] President Joe Biden we have stopped you 50 times before and we will stop you again, in fact i am not only protecting it i am expanding it. We are enacting tax credits of 800 per person per year reducing Healthcare Costs for millions of working families, that tax credit expires next year , i want to make that savings permanent. [ applause ] President Joe Biden to state the obvious, women are more than half the population but research into Womens Health is always underfunded, that is why we are launching the first ever White House Initiative on Womens Health research, led by jill doing an incredible job as first lady. [ applause ] President Joe Biden pass my plan for 12 landowners of Womens Health Care Research benefiting millions of lives all across america i know the cost of housing is important and inflation keeps coming down, Mortgage Rates will come down as well and the fed acknowledges that, but i am not waiting. I want to provide an annual tax credit that will give americans 400 per month for the next two years as Mortgage Rates come down to put toward their mortgages when they buy their first home, or trade up for more space. , two years. [ applause ] President Joe Biden my admins version is also eliminating Title Insurance on federally backed mortgages, when you refinance your home you can save 1000 or more as a consequence, for millions of renters we are cracking down on big landlords that use antitrust break Antitrust Laws by pricefixing and driving up rent. We have cut red tape so that builders can get federally financing which is already helping to build a record 1. 7 million new Housing Units nationwide. Now pass and build and renovate Affordable Homes to bring those rents down. [ applause ] President Joe Biden to remain the strongest economy in the world we need to have the best Education System in the world. And i, like i suspect all of you, want to give a child, every child, a good start by providing access to preschool for three and four years old i think i pointed out last year, i think i pointed out last year that children coming from broken homes where there are no books, they are not read to or spoken to very often they start school, kindergarten, first grade having heard 1 million fewer words spoken. Studies show that children who go to preschool are 50 percent more likely to finish high school and go on to win a two or four year degree no matter what their background is. [ applause ] President Joe Biden i the year and a half ago i met with leaders at a Business Roundtable who were mad and angry, well they were discussing why i wanted to spend money on education and i pointed out to them that as Vice President i met with i think it was 182 of those folks, dont hold me to number, but i asked them what do they need most, those ceos, and youve had the same experience on both sides of the aisle but they say a better educated workforce. I looked at them and i said i come from delaware, dupont used to be the eighth Largest Corporation in the world and every New Enterprise they bought the educated the workforce to that enterprise but none of you do that anymore. Why are you angry with me for providing you opportunity for the best educated workforce in the world . And they looked at me and said we think you are right. I want to expand highquality tutoring and a Summer Learning to see that every child learns to read by third grade. [ applause ] President Joe Biden im also connecting local businesses and high schools so that students get handson experience in the path to good paying jobs whether or not they go to college. I want to make sure that college is more affordable, lets continue increasing pell grants to working and middleclass families and increase Record Investments in minority serving institutions and hispanic institutions. I was told i could not universally just told change the way in which we deal with student loans, i fixed to Student Loan Programs that are you existed and reduce the burden of student debt for nearly 4 million americans, including nurses, firefighters, and others in public service. Like public educators in minnesota, here with us tonight, where are you . Thank you, he has educated hundreds of students so they can go to college, now he is able to help after Debt Forgiveness to get his own daughter to college. [ applause ] President Joe Biden and look relief is good for the economy because of its are now able to buy a home, start a business, start a family, and while we are at it i want to give Public School teachers a raise. [ applause ] President Joe Biden and we cut the deficit the first couple years, and now let me speak to the issue a fundament of fairness for all americans, i have been delivering real results in fiscally was possible ways, we have already cut the federal deficit overwinter in dollars, i assigned the bipartisan bill to cut another trillion dollars over the next decade. It is my goal to cut the federal deficit another tree free trillions by making Big Corporations who are very wealthy finally pay their fair share. President joe biden i am a capitalist if you want to make a million or hundred Million Dollars thats great but pay your fair share in taxes. Affair tax code is how we invest to make this country great, healthcare, education, defense, so much more, here is the deal, the last administration enacted a 2 trilliondollar tax cut overwhelmingly benefiting the top 1 percent, the very wealthy and the biggest corporations. Exploding the federal deficit. They added more to the National Debt than any president ial term in american history. Check the numbers. Folks at home, does anyone think that the tax code is it fair . Do you really think that the wealthy and Big Corporations need another 2 trilliondollar tax break . I sure dont. I will keep fighting like hell to make it fair and under my plan no one earning less than 400,000 per year will pay an additional penny in federal taxes, no one, not one penny. And they havent yet. In fact, the Child Tax Credit that i passed during the pandemic cut taxes for millions of working families, cut Child Poverty in half. Restore that time Child Tax Credit, no child should go hungry in this country. The way to make the tax code fare is to make Big Corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share. Remember in 2020 . Fiftyfive of the Biggest Companies in america made 40 billion and paid zero in federal income tax, zero, not anymore. Thanks to the law i wrote and we signed Big Companies have to pay a minimum of 15 percent, but that is still less then working pay people pay in federal taxes, its time to raise corporate minimum tax to at least 21 percent. So every Big Corporation finally begins to pair pay their fair share. I also want to end tax breaks for Big Pharmacare, big oil, mass executive pay, deduct a million, you can pay 20 million but deduct a million, in did now, there are 1000 billionaires in america do you know what the average federal tax is for those billionaires . They are making great sacrifices, 8. 2 percent. That is far less than the vast majority of americans pay. No billionaire should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher or Sanitation Worker or nurse. [ applause ] President Joe Biden i propose a minimum tax for billionaires of 25 percent, just 25 percent, do you know what that would raise . That would raise 500 billion over the next ten years, imagine what that could do for america. Imagine a future with affordable childcare, millions of families can get what they need to go to work to help grow the economy, imagine a future with paid leave it because no one should have to choose between working and taking care of a family member. Imagine a future of home care and eldercare and People Living with disabilities so they can stay in their homes and Family Caregivers can finally get the pay they deserve. Tonight, lets all agree once again to stand up for seniors, many of my Friends On The Other Side of the aisle want to put Social Security on the chopping block. If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or medicare or raise the Retirement Age i will stop you. [ applause ] President Joe Biden working people, the working people who built this country pay more into Social Security then it millionaires and billionaires do, it is not fair. We have two ways to go, republicans can cut Social Security and give more tax breaks to the wealthy, thats the proposal, you dont want another 2 trillion tax cut . I kind of thought thats what the plan was. But thats good to hear. Youre not going to cut another 2 trillion for the super wealthy . Thats good to hear. I will protect and strengthen Social Security and make the wealthy pay their fair share. [ applause ] President Joe Biden to many corporations raise prices to pad their profits, charging more and more for less and less, that is why we are cracking down on corporations engaging in Price Gouging and deceptive pricing on food and health care and housing and in fact snack Companies Think that you wont notice if they change the size of the bag and put a hell of a lot fewer, same size bag put fewer chips and it, im not joking. Its called shrink laois and, pass bobby caseys bill and stop this. I really mean it. You probably all saw the commercial on snickers bars, you get charged the same amount and you get about 10 percent fewer snickers and it. I am also getting rid of it junk fees, hidden fees at the end of your bill that are there without your knowledge. My administration announced we are cutting credit card late fees from 32 to Eight Dollars, banks and Credit Card Companies are allowed to charge what it costs them to instigate the collection and that is a hell of a lot more like Eight Dollars than 30. They dont like it. Credit Card Companies dont like it. But i am saving American Families 20 billion per year from junk fees we are illuminating. Eliminating. Folks at home thats what the banks are matt 20 billion in profits, but im not stopping there, my administration will propose rules to make cable, travel, utilities, Online Ticket sellers tell you the total price upfront so there are no surprises. It matters, it matters. And so does this, in november my team began serious negotiations with a Bipartisan Group of senators the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of Border Security reforms we have ever scene. You dont think so . How you dont like that bill . That conservatives got together and said was a good bill . Well ill be darned, that is amazing. That bipartisan bill would hire thousands of more Security Agents and officers, 100 more in the grecian judges to help tackle the back load of 2 million cases, 400,000 more Asylum Officers and new policies so they can resolve right cases in it six months instead of six years. [ applause ] President Joe Biden what are you against . One hundred more hightech drug detection machines to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop vehicles smuggling fentanyl into america, which is Killing Thousands of children. This bill would save lives, and protect the, it would also give the ability to shut down border win is overwhelming, the Border Patrol union has endorsed this bill, the federal Chamber Of Commerce has endorsed his bill, are you saying no . Will look at the facts. I know you know how to read. I believe that given the opportunity for a majority in the house and senate the bill would be endorsed right now, but unfortunately politics has derailed this bill so far and i am told that my predecessor called members of congress and senate to demand they blocked the bill, he feels that he would be a political win for me and a loss for him is not about him or me. [ inaudible ] President Joe Biden an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, thats right, and how many thousands of people being killed by legal . To her parents i save my heart goes out to you having lost children myself, i understand, the look, if we change the dynamic of the border people pay these smugglers 8000 to get across the border, because they know if they get by, if they can get by and let into the country it is six to eight years before they have a hearing. And its worth taking the chance for a thousand dollars. But if it is only six months or six weeks the idea is that it is hardly highly unlikely that people would pay that money and come all that way knowing they will be kicked out quickly. Folks, i respectfully suggest that my republican friends oh it to the American People to get this bill done. We need to act now. President joe biden if my predecessor is watching, instead of Playing Politics and pressuring members of congress to block the bill, join me in telling congress to pass it, we can do this together, but apparently thats what he will not do, i will not demonize immigrants and say that they are poisoning the blood of our country. I will not separate families. I will not ban people because of their faith, unlike my predecessor on my first day in office i introduced a comprehensive bill to reform our Immigration System take a look at it, it has all these and more, secure the border border provide a path to citizenship for dreamers, and more, unlike my predecessor i know who we are as americans. We are the only nation in the world with a Heart And Soul that draws from old and new, home to Native Americans who have been here for thousands of years, home to people of every place on earth who came freely , some came in chains, same some came during famine like my family from island, some lead persecution, chasing dreams that arent possible anywhere but here in america. That is america. We all come from somewhere. But we are all americans. Look folks we have a simple choice, we can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it. I am ready to fix it. Send me the border bill now. [ chanting ] President Joe Biden a transformational moment in history happened 58 or 59 years ago today in selma alabama, hundreds of foot soldiers for justice marched across the bridge named after the grand dragon of the ku klux klan, claiming their fund middle right to vote, they were beaten, they were bloody they were left for dead our late friend and former colleague john lewis was on that march. We miss him. Joining us tonight are other marchers both in the gallery and on the floor, including bay that he may known as the voice of selma, the daughter of Gospel Singers and preachers, she sang songs of prayer and protest on that Bloody Sunday to help shake the nations conscience, five months later the Voting Rights act passed and was signed into law. [ applause ] President Joe Biden thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Fiftynine years later we are being taken back in time, voter suppression, election subversion, unlimited dark money, extreme gerrymandering, john lewis was a great friend to many of us here, and if you truly want to honor him and all of the heroes that marched with him it is time to do more than talk. Pass the freedom to vote act. The john lewis Voting Rights act. Stop denying another core value of america, our diversity. Banning books is wrong, and spitting instead of erasing history lets make history. I want to respect fund middle rights, past the equality act. Into transgender americans, i have your back. Pass the proactive for workers rights. Raise the federal minimum wage. Every worker has the right to a decent living at more than Seven Dollars per hour. We are also making history by confronting the Climate Crisis not denying it. I dont think any of you think there is no longer a Climate Crisis, at least i hope that you dont. I am taking the most significant action ever on climate in history of the world. I am cutting Carbon Emissions in half by 2030, creating Tens Of Thousands of Clean Energy Jobs like the workers building and installing 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. Conserving 30 percent of americans land and water by 2030. Taking action on Environmental Justice communities smothered by the legacy of pollution, and patterned after the peace corps and american core were launching the Claimant Court to put 20,000 young people to work in the forefront of our clean energy future. I will triple that number in a decade. To state the obvious, all americans deserve the freedom to be safe and america is safer today then when i took office. Before i took Office Murder rates went up 30 percent, 30 percent they went up. [ inaudible ] President Joe Biden the biggest increase in history, it was then, threw my American Rescue plan which every american we made the largest investment in safety ever, last Summer Murder Rates on the sharpest decrease in history, Violent Crime fell to one of the lowest levels in 50 years. We have more to do. To help cities invest in more Community Police offices, more Mental Health workers, more community volunteering. Get communitys to crack down on gun crime, retail crime, carjacking, Building Trust as i have been doing by taking Executive Action on Police Reform and enforcing the Law Of The Land. Directing my cabinet to review the classification of marijuana and expunge and convictions for mere possession because nobody should be jailed for simply using or have that on the record. Taking on crimes of domestic violence, i am ramping up the federal enforcement of violence against womens act that i enforced as a senator. So we can finally end the scourge against women in america. [ applause ] President Joe Biden there are other kinds of violence that i want to stop. With us tonight is jasmine whose 9yearold sister jackie was murdered with 21 classmates and teachers in a school in youve all the taxes, soon after that happened we went to the town for a couple of days and spent hours and hours with each of the families. We heard their message so everyone in this room and chamber can hear the same message. The constant refrain they said do something. Do something. Well i did do something by establishing the First Ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the white house with the vise president leading the charge, thank you for that. Meanwhile. [ applause ] President Joe Biden meanwhile my predecessor told the nra that he is proud he did nothing on guns when he was president. After another shooting in iowa recently he said , when asked what to do about it, he said just get over it. That was his quote, just get over it. I say stop it. Stop it, stop it, stop it. I am proud we beat the nra when i signed Gun Safety Laws in the past 30 years in this congress, we beat the nra again, i undemanding a ban on Assault Weapons and highcapacity magazines. , past universal background checks. None of this, none of this, none of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners. As we manage these challenges at home we also are managing crises abroad and in The Middle East, i know the past five months have been gutwrenching for some any people with israeli people and faustian people and so many here in america. This crisis began on october 7th with the massacre by a terrorist group called hamas, as you know, 1200 innocent people, women, girls, men, boys, slaughtered. After enduring sexual violence. The deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. 250 hostages taken. Here in this Chamber Tonight our families whose loved ones are still being held by hamas. I pledge to all of the families we will not rest until we bring everyone of your loved ones home. [ applause ] President Joe Biden we will also work around the clock to bring home evan and paul, americans being unjustly detained by russians and others around the world. He zero has the right to go after hamas, hamas can in todays conflict by releasing hostages or laying down arms, they get into it by releasing hostages and laying down arms and surrendering those responsible for october 7th. Israel has the added burden because hamas hides and operates among the civilian population like cowards, underneath hospitals, underneath Refugee Centers and the like. There is also a fundamental responsibility though to protect innocent civilians in gaza. [ applause ] President Joe Biden this war has taken a greater toll on innocent civilians then all previous wars in gaza combined, more than 30,000 palestinians have been killed, most of whom are not hamas, thousands and thousands of innocent women and children and girls and boys orphaned. 2 million palestinians under bombardment are displaced, homes destroyed, neighbors in rubble, cities in the ruin, families without food or water or medicine, it is heartbreaking. I have been working nonstop to establish an immediate ceasefire that would last for six weeks to get all of the prisoners released, all of the hostages released, to get hostages home. And to ease the intolerable humanitarian crisis to build toward a enduring, something more enduring. We have been leading a manager in efforts to get assistance to gaza, tonight i am directing the u. S. Military to lead an Emergency Mission to establish a temporary or in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food and water and medicine and temperate shelters. No u. S. Boots will be on the ground a temporary or will allow a massive increase in the amount of he met terry and assistance going to gaza every day. [ applause ] President Joe Biden israel must do its part, israel must allow more aid into gaza, ensuring humanitarian workers are not caught in the crossfire. They are announcing they will have a crossing in northern gaza to the leadership of israel i say this, humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip. Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be the priority. As we look to the future the only real solution to this situation is a two state solution overtime. And i say this, as a lifelong supporter of israel my entire career no one has a stronger relationship then i do, i challenge any of you here, i am the only american president to visit israel in wartime. But there is no other path that guarantees security and democracy. There is no other path that guarantees palestinians can live in peace and dignity. There is no other path that guarantees peace between israel and all of its neighbors, including saudi arabia with whom i meant talking. Creating stability in The Middle East also means containing the threat posed by iran. That is why i am building a coalition of more than a dozen countries to defend International Shipping and freedom of navigation in the red sea. I have ordered strikes to degrade Houthi Capability and defend u. S. Forces in the region, as commander and commanderinchief i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and military personnel. [ applause ] President Joe Biden for years i have heard many of my republican and democratic friends say that china is on the rise and america is falling behind. They have it backwards. I have been saying this for more than four years even before i was president , america is rising. We have the best economy in the world and since i have come to Office Our Trade Deficit with china is down to the lowest point in over a decade. We are standing up against chinas unfair economic practices. We are standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait , i have revitalized our partnerships and alliances in the pacific , india, australia, japan, south korea, pacific islands. I have made sure that the most advanced American Technology cant be used in china, not allowing them to be traded there. Frankly for all of the tough talk on china it never occurred to my predecessor to do any of that. I want competition with china, not a conflict. We are in a stronger position then anyone else for that matter than any other time as well. Here at home i have signed over 400 bipartisan bills, and there are more in my unity agenda, strengthening penalties on fentanyl trafficking, do not want to do that . Passing bipartisan ledge station to protect our chilled and online. Children online. Banning ai Voice Impersonations and more. Keep our truly sacred obligations to train and equip those that we cent into harms way and to care for them and their families when they come home and when they dont. That is why with the support of dennis at the va i signed the pact act, one of the most significant laws ever, helping millions of veterans exposed to toxins who are now battling or than 100 different cases, many of them dont come home but we owe them and their families support, we owe it to our selves to keep supporting our new Health Research agency. Remind us, remind us that we can do big things like and cancer as we know it, and we will. President joe biden let me close with this, i know you dont want to hear anymore lindsay but i have to say a few more things. I know it may not look like it but i have been around a while. When you become my agent certain things become clearer then ever, i know the american story, again and again i have seen the contests between competing forces , the battle for the soul of our nation. Between those who want to pull america to the past and of those who want to move america into the future. My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy, a future based on core values that defined america, honesty, decency, dignity, equality, inspecting everyone giving everyone a fare shot to give hate no safe harbor. Other people my age see it differently. The american story of resentment and revenge and retribution, that is not me. I was born amid world war ii when America Stood with the freedom of the world, i grew up in Scranton Pennsylvania and delaware among working people who built this country. I watched in horror as two of my horrors, as many of you did, dr Martin Luther king and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, pursuing a career in service i left a law firm to become a public defender because my city of wilmington was the only city in america occupied by the National Guard after dr king was assassinated because of the riots. I became a county councilman, most by accident, i got elected to the United States senate when i had no intention of running at age 29. Then i became Vice President to our first black president and now i am president to the female Vice President. [ applause ] President Joe Biden in my career i have been told i was too young, they wouldnt let me on the senate elevators for votes sometimes, thats not a joke. I have been told i am too old, whether young or old i have always been known, i have always known what endures, i have known our northstar. The very idea of america is that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives, we have never fully lived up to that idea, but we have never walked away from it either. And i wont walk away from it now. I am optimistic, i really am, i am optimistic nancy. [ chanting ] President Joe Biden my Family Fellow americans, the issues facing our nation is not how old we are, it is how old are our ideas, h. , anger, retribution those are the oldest ideas but you cant lead America With Ancient ancient ideas, they only take us back. America is the land of possibilities and you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done. Tonight you have heard mine, i see a future where defending democracy doesnt diminish it. I see a future wear restoring the right to choose and storing our freedoms, not taking them away. I see a future for the middle class finally with a fair shot and the wealthy paying their fair share in taxes. I see a future where we save the planet from the Climate Crisis and our country from gun violence. Above all, i see a future for all americans , i see a country for all americans and i will always be president for all americans because i believe in america, I Believe In You the American People. You are the reason we have never been optimistic about our future then i am now. So lets build the future together, lets were member who we are, we are the United States of america. There is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we act together. God bless you all and may god protect our troops, thank you, thank you. President joe biden delivering the state of the Union Address lasting just about an hour and eight minutes, it started off a bit differently, protocol says the Speaker Of The House introduces the president with the words it is my haunter high honor and praise high honor and privilege, the speaker was ready but the president dove right into the speech straight away, he started with freedom and democracy under Assault Pointing to russia on the march in ukraine and calling for funding and weapons for ukraine right off the bat. He called out his predecessor former President Trump for Quote Bowing Down to a russian leader. From there he went to the January 6th Capital right calling it the greatest threat to our republic since the civil war and he said that threat remains. That was the first 12 paragraphs of the speech in what Many Political watchers are calling one of the most, if not the most partisan and rancorous state of the Union Address that they can remember. It took about 40 minutes to get to the issue of immigration, and really the exchange that he wanted the democrats wanted energy tonight, they wanted fight and it was delivered in a fast and forceful and it sometimes yelling away. At the end reaching the dismount that he said the idea of america is why he is optimistic about the future. Got into some comments about his agent basically leaning on the wisdom that it has brought him. I think you are going to hear a lot of different takes on the delivery of this speech, as you mentioned, there were yelling at moments, shouting moments, angry moments, he was cantankerous at times. He talked a lot about his predecessor and felt very much like a campaign and Battle Speech he talked over and over without really referring to him as former President Trump but just as his predecessor and when he talked about immigration which is the number 1 issue on the minds of americans right now in many states across the country. He said i came into office with a comprehensive bill to fix it. But at the same time he overturned everything that was working in terms of the numbers by the prior of menstruation and he says that in november we came forward with this idea legislatively to fix all of this, well that is three years and two is administered in, he talked about Fentanyl Problems and other issues but really has not been addressed be enforced until very recently when they start showing up and pulling as being very proper medic. Is interesting, i think, he did not mention any Executive Orders that he could do on that issue with regard to remaining in mexico are catching release but he did say that he would use Executive Orders in a couple of other aspects no talk about taking on cartels against Police Reform that is where he said you would use Executive Orders when it came to police forms did mention Lincoln Riley exchanging backandforth with Marjorie Taylor greene who was wearing a tshirt that said say her name and he did mention her name set condolences to her family and then on hamas and israel which we can get into here basically he said you supports israels right to fight but that it is time for a sixweek ceasefire he mentioned bringing home evan and paul members of his family were in the house tonight his mom and dad did not say where they are being held or if that was by putin or russia so with that issue obviously they have heated up a lot minnesota and michigan places where he hasnt lost vote to uncommitted there was a big message for those places in terms of the way he was addressing the palestinian issues. Lets listen to some of this conversation. You were On Fire Tonight [ inaudible ] im working very hard [ inaudible ] you fired us all up. You did great. A couple of of the congressmen saying you were On Fire Tonight, someone said fire in the hole, he was forceful lets bring in fox news cheaply to go analyst hume, your thoughts. I thought it was a good chance he would bring a smoothly delivered mistake free no blunders or stumbling speech tonight, he was, the theme of it of course was that the country is on a great comeback for a speech about comeback he didnt seem very happy about it did he . He seemed angry there was plenty of stumbling and slurring her words and all of the rest of it that we have come to associate with him and taken as a sign as of senility and is advancing age and the effect that it has on a person so i dont think that he got under from that of all and i am not sure that the person sitting around that i looking at the guy would think that he is anything other than an a real man and if you are a partisan democrat and you love the all the programmatic, stuff he, talked about thats fine, i guess if you, the democrats worried about him there glad, see him up there showing some energy but im not sure that it was the kind of energy that the public want to see a time like this in this country worry about so many things. You can see him exchanging with senator from vermont the former senator there did you think you hit the points that he needed to hit tonight talking about how it was delivered but did he hit there wasnt a lot of unity there was a lot of backandforth obvious he democrats it all up. The state of the Union Address is often criticized for being too much of a laundry list of compliments and particularly a laundry list of programs and moves that you will make and so on he hit about every thing you could hit when he went on and on and on and on and i recognize that an hour and eight minutes it doesnt come anywhere near to being the longest speech ever but it may have just seems that way it was very programmatic throughout most of it and i am sure that if you look at different Interest Groups everyone will find out some way or another that the issue was discussed so i dont i am not i think that was not the main thing tonight the main thing tonight was how he personally came across a time when people are worried about a whole range of issues and worried specifically and particularly about him and whether he is ready to go for another term when they have seen him seen him seen him so halting and stumbling and indeed so very elderly that so many of them see you is not ready to go another four years if indeed he is ready to go now it all. 72 percent recent polls to old another term lets talk about immigration and war and whether or not this speech met the moment of the way that people are feeling in this country about the urgency and the crisis of this issue we are joined by Brandon Judd The President of the national Border Patrol council no doubt you were listening to all of this as brett said it took 40 minutes or so to get to the Immigration Issue what did you think of what you heard tonight. I first think that he slapped every american in the face not addressing what he could do all he did was blame it on President Trump and look i have the opportunity to speak with President Trump i know the reason he didnt support that bill has nothing to do with politics it is every thing to do with the president understanding from day one he can step into office to do a lot more than what that bill does he also understands that if a bill were to be passed today there would be no appetite to pass a better bill when he is in office so he looks at this and says i can do a lot more than this i can do i can hurt the country if i support this bill that is why he does it it has nothing to do with politics when you look at the reason that we support the bill as we the President Biden has put us in this situation he has put us in the situation that we have never thought that we would ever be in we are apprehending seven seven times more people than what we normally apprehend we have more than ten times the god of ways then we have ever seen we have more printable coming into this country then we have ever seen we have more dangerous criminals coming into this country then we have ever seen before we have more terrorists on the Terrorist Watch List that are coming into the country he did not address any of that so he has put us in the position that we are going to accept anything that is better than the status quo that bill is better than the status quo but the president disagrees with it because he understands that he can do more than what that bill would do so it is completely disingenuous that he is talking about a border bill and putting it on congress when he has the Executive Authority right now to do more than that Border Bill Wood ever do but he is not going to do it because if you did Something Like that he would be admitting that over the past years it has been his fault that we have this crisis at the border he did not announce anything today that is actually going to help us secure the border so that was a slap in the face of allamerica. When he says in this beach the bill would save lives bring order to the border it would also give me as president new Emergency Authority to temporarily shut down the border when the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming key then points to your union endorsing the bill, what is yours saying is that is not the whole story. Of course, it is not the whole story but he never gives us behold story there are certain points the reason we support the bill is because it is better than the status quo what we want to see is we want to see it go to the floor to be debated and have amendments put in there to make that bill much better it is not the perfect bill we have never said it was the perfect bill but it is better than the status quo but we have to look at what can a president do right now does he have the authority to shut down the border right now when he does he does have the authority he doesnt need legislation does he have the authority to search Asylum Officers of the border he does the authority does he send Immigration Judges do the Immigration Border Today he has that authority he can do that all yesterday was work with the doj to make that happen there is a lot of thanks that he can do that he refuses to do because again he would be admitting that he is at fault for the last three years. We appreciate your perspective on a big issue tonight thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Meanwhile bringing in the panel once again lets start and get your reflections on what we heard tonight we will go to harold ford junior harold your reaction to the president s speech. A couple of thanks if you think about it from the way that the democrats and others thought that what he had to do he had to reset his campaign i think you was successful in that regard theres were those that wouldnt and i thought the issue i thought he would be careful not contentious the jury still out on that when i think you brought a lot of Vinegar Error and energy and he started with Foreign Policy which i thought was very interesting and thought it was an attempt if they because it was unusual to start in the way to not to stock to start a weight the state the union a tip of the haley voters who have been strong on foreignpolicy many of them said they could not support President Trump he went in and exhaustive an extensive list talking about the need for manufacturing Semiconductor Chips lowering the cost of potato chips fixing broken borders and School Systems standing up to putin a whole list of things i think you felt like he needed to do that to demonstrate to a crosssection of americans that he is able and ready and not able are his cognitive ability strong but he understands the kind of thanks that we need to do to make the nation stronger there will be criticism of the speech and i think some of that is fair and some of that is warranted but i will tell you this the border he couldve said a bit something about more about Executive Orders but i thought he was particularly effective tonight saying to congress that if we Work Together we can make this safer even when you had him on he said Congress Needs to act on this asylum issue so i thought this was a good speech i thought it was a good reset for him. As we watch him exit we should point out last time it took him about 22 minutes to leave we are going to hit a republican response on time coming up katie brit from alabama i do want to play this is the backandforth with Marjorie Taylor greene she is wearing the shirt that says her name, say Lincoln Riley this is very closely he says Lincoln Riley and he happens to be the usc football head coach take a listen to this exchange. President joe biden it is not about him, it is not about me, i would be a winner not [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ] President Joe Biden link and riley innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal that is right, how many thousands of people being killed by legals . To her parents i say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand. Your thoughts on that. One he was prepared for that moment he knew it was coming he got the name of it wrong but the line i thought was a bit strange was when he said but how many people are being killed by legals in legals. Legals. Again that not on prompter but there was a couple times that the republicans took the debate on thanks one on trump tax cuts talking about tax cuts saying i thought you wanted those tax cuts right i thought that was a bit skillful one of the moments where i can say i thought that was pretty good and also on immigration but i do think that this was a polarizing and divisive speech and it was meant to be, starting the night by saying that i will watch to see if they think that the problem that they have within the Democratic Party is a Minor Annoyance or a major crisis i think very much a base speech for the far left all the way the Bernie Sanders fair share wealthy paying taxes things like that i think this is an everyone to their corner type of night and i think katie brit maybe more unifying then President Biden was but he probably needed what he needed to do for the democrats to not replace them at the convention. The contrast is going to be big the oldest president that we have ever had to the youngest female senator that we have ever had she will be speaking alabama from the Kitchen Table john your thoughts. I think that one of the most brilliant people i know particularly when it comes to put a call observation and this was it was it was the ellie it was a rancorous, it probably turned a lot of people off if they are rightleaning independents or republicans but i am just going to predict that when the review comes in on this places like the New York Times and the Washington Post and the National Review and msnbc and other leftleaning outlets are going to say that this was the most brilliant state of the union that he has ever given because he needed a political resurrection tonight he went in to this with the lowest Approval Rating of his presidency and fox news paul he was underwater on every every major issue and underwater far enough that he needed to be at least reading night rocks if not he locks in order to survive you was not far underwater and lower Approval Rating then trump and obama and bush at this point in the term 72 percent as pointed out earlier people saying they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country and i think from that standpoint with the Democratic Party he probably erased a lot of concerns that people had that hes too old and so many people in the Democratic Party or saying that thought it was kind of unusual though when he went after the Supreme Courts i have not seen a president do that in the state of of the Union Address but for all tents and purposes this could have been a Campaign Speech out on the trail as opposed to. Obama the Supreme Court years ago had a bit of a backandforth with alito i think thats the only the time that we have seen Something Like this i do want to. [ simultaneous talking ] we bring in Kevin Mccarthy the former Speaker Of The House tell us your reflection on what we saw tonight look also to what we talk about when he said about foreignpolicy talking very tough on ukraine spoke out about hamas going in to israel but any of his critics will say that these things may not have happened if he had been a little stronger initially. I think foreignpolicy talking American Public the whole time there are three big issues that he had to answer his age the border and the economy i think you only did one on the economy i think when it came to ag try to show that this vigor and i think you came across angry and i think it put more doubt in peoples mind about his pronunciation and others going through when it came to a few analyse the speech at all the campaign really worried about their bays they were not speaking to the independence or to the nikki haley voters if they were they would have felt pretty secure about where they are going in this is really a Campaign Speech trying to get the Democratic Party there which i think you missed a big opportunity as well. Democrats piping up online some prominent democrats he came out swinging he is back and it to your point that is the message that the democrats are sending out tonight we will be back with the republic in response from alabama senator katie brit we will take a very short break here as the president exits the hall the state of the Union Address here on Fox News Channel this way of life for future generations. The president is still shaking hands. High guys were waiting for the gop response from senator katie bretz, a freshman from alabama shes going to checkmark all of the boxes for the gop she is the youngest female senator republican senator ever shes also a a mom from alabama at the centre of this issue. Shes going to talk about the border very hard pair. Some tough language ahead. As you watch President Biden make his way out of the chamber, you were going to say quickly herald that you thought this was the moment for the democrats. Harold no president has ever given a state of the union and has hit had his opponent known already. No time. The politics of the speech, i was it wish it wasnt as evident but we are living in a moment where politics unfortunately is gripping the moment. Speaking of the moment, we are going to take you to montgomery alabama. The contrast is big. This is always a tough thing to do because you dont have a hall or a House Chamber filled with lawmakers cheering. This is actually in a kitchen at a Kitchen Table where we will find senator katie brett said to give the republican response to the state of the union. The senator from alabama with the response. Good evening america. My name is katie brett and i had the honour of serving the people of the great state of alabama and the United States senate. However, thats not the job that matters most. I am a proud wife and mom of two schoolage kids. My daughter and my son are why i ran the senate. Im worried about their future and the future of children in every corner of our nation. And thats why i invited you into our home tonight. Like so many families across america, my husband wesley and i just watched President Bidens state of the Union Address for my living room and what we saw was a performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than i have been alive. One thing was clear. President biden just doesnt get it. He is out of touch. Under his administration, families are worse off and our communities are less safe and our country is less secure. I just wish he understood what real families are facing around Kitchen Tables just like this one. This is where our family has tough conversations. Its where we make hard decisions. Its where we share the good, the bad and the ugly of our days. Its where we laugh together and its where we hold each others hands and pray for gods guidance. Many nights to be honest, its where wesley and i worry. I know we are not alone. So tonight, the American Family needs to have a tough conversation. The truth is we are all worried about the future of our nation. The country we know and love seems to be slipping away and it feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities and less freedoms than we did. I worry my own children may not even get a shot at living there American Dreams. My American Dream allowed me, the daughter of two Small Business owners from rural enterprise alabama to be elected to the United States senate at the age of 40. Growing up, sweeping the floor at my dads Hardware Store and cleaning the bathroom and my moms dance studio, i never could have imagined what my story would entail. To think about what the American Dream can do across just one generation and just one lifetime. Its truly breathtaking. Right now, the American Dream is turned into a nightmare. For so many families. The true, unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this, our families are hurting. Our country can do better. And you dont have to look any further than the crisis at our southern border to see it. President biden inherited the most secure order of all time. But minutes after taking office, he suspended all deportations, he halted construction of the border wall, and he announced a plan to give amnesty to millions we know that President Biden didnt just create this order crisis, he invited it with 94 Executive Actions in his first 100 days. When i took office, i took a different approach. I travelled to the delrio sector of texas thats where i spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at the age of 12. She told me knot just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped. The cartels put her on a mattress in a shoebox of a room and they sent men through that door over and over again for hours and hours. We wouldnt be okay with this happening in a third world country. This is the United States of america back and it is passed time that we start acting like it. President bidens order policies are a disgrace. This crisis is despicable. The truth is it is almost entirely preventable. From fentanyl poisonings to horrific murders. There are empty chairs tonight at Kitchen Tables just like this one. Because of president widens senseless order policies. Just think about lakrn riley. In the neighbouring state of georgia, this beautiful 22yearold Nursing Student went out on the job one morning. Shed never got the opportunity to return home. She was brutally murdered by one of the millions of illegal Border Crossers President Biden chose to release into our homeland. As a mom, i cant quit thinking about this. This could have been my daughter. This could have been yours. Tonight, President Biden finally said her name. But he refused to take resp

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