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Laura ingraham. Trump thompson, biden bump. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Gsh now, just for fun, i went back to read what some of the experts were saying in the weeks and months after the 2020 election. A politico headline blared the day that trump broke the g. O. P. Well, it predicted a reckoning over trumpism. And then trump is finally finished the New York Times declared triumphantly. Okay. Surely all those experienced beltway pundits got it right though. The demise of trump and there will be a demise, you got it from me here. The trial alone, even without a conviction, will be enough to end Donald Trumps political career. Moment he is very serious and with President Trump you always have to put asterisk on statements like that because he does change his mind. That doesnt mean he will still be here as serious in two years. Laura Last Night After trump won every Super Tuesday contest except in the socialist loving open primary state of vermont, they still couldnt get their minds wrapped around it all. It doesnt matter trumps party its a cult. Its almost like a cult like we are seeing. Should trouble us for the sake of our democracy. Laura sake of our democracy. What most of these people have never understood this really isnt about trump and he himself on says he is just a vessel for the hardworking americans who feel forgotten. And even tormented by the corrupt d. C. Uniparty. Every time the radical left democrats marxist, communists and fascists indict me i consider it a great, great badge of honor because im being indicted for you, the American People. They want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. And, in the end, they are not after me. Theyre after you. And im just standing in their way. Laura its not about a man. Its a movement. And the claims that maga is just a consultjustoccultive personal. Totally misses the mark. Wrm skeptical of building a border wall or decoupling from china or were doubting that we should stop fighting and funding so many unnecessary wars. But now, after three years of biden, and remembering how things were under trump, well, those views of his just seem more common sense to more people. One would think that the idea of putting America First, you think that would be fairly noncontroversial . You know, put your own oxygen mask on before you try to save others . But, no, most in the swamp just think thats selfish to put America First. But the truth is, trumps been right on the issues over and over again and its paying off politically. Also, his prediction about what would happen to america under biden, it was spot on. If biden wins, your borders are gone, which means your healthcare is gone, the middle class is gone. Your safety is gone. Your country is gone. Thats whats going to happen. Laura only In Washington would they consider a president s economic record a success when from january 2021 to December 2023 real wages declined 2 . Unbelievable. Now, as much as team biden tries to spin, this you cant spin it. His record is horrendous. The Cbsu Gov Poll came out tells the tale. 65 percent said the trump economy was good. Only 39 say the same about bidens economy. Bidens bumps along well he bumps along because the plutocrats are opening their wallets big time to fund his campaign. The last thing they want is trump who will get tougher on china and shut down their supply of cheap Migrant Labor flooding across the border. Rich people dont like that. Which brings me to whats next for bidens puppet tears. Because, as big as trumps wins were last night and as bad as bidens record is. Bidens people do have a plan to win. First, they are going to use their Money Advantage to drown trump in ads, in voter outreach, returning mailin ballots and ballot harvesting were legal. Second, they will hope for a conviction in one of those ridiculous criminal cases, thinking that thats going to turn off enough voters to hurt trump. Third, they are going to play endless loops of january 6th, the socalled Freedom Agenda and argue that trump will be the agent of antidemocratic chaos. And, fourth, they will play the race card as usual, including arguing that requiring voter i. D. Is somehow racist. Fifth, you can expect even more mailin ballots than the last election, part of the Overall Campaign and, sixth, they are going to have biden and the surrogates try to get under trumps skin with various insults and maybe draw a nasty foul that they hope turns off suburban moms. Seven, finally, there is always the unknown. The deep state. They know trump is determined to bring change to how the Intelligence Community operates. And they do not want that to happen. Now, asked about nikki haley today. She made herself irrelevant in my view. She dropped out about a month too late. And now she is getting closer and closer to liz cheney land. She is being praised all day long on cnn and msnbc by democrat strategists. She might have had a little bit of leverage shortly after iowa, but most of her voters, we know, were never trumpers or democrats or leftists who will never ever vote for trump. Is it likely that haley supporters out there could eventually wind up voting for biden . Absolutely. And, look, she has appealed to more moderate republicans and certainly the independent voters. She was appealing to the independent voters and democrats who might vote for joe biden. She appealed to them. So the fact that those are the voters that may have come out for her, they could potentially go to biden. Laura okay. Thats absolutely false. This is the spin that the media is putting out there. She has no power over her supporters. She has no leverage to use those voters to try to pressure trump in One Direction or another on any issue. But thats the spin you heard all day long. Now, even mcconnell and thune, the ultimate g. O. P. Establishment figures in the senate, they had to wake up to reality and endorse trump. So where does that leave nikki haley in no mans land or no womans land . All you need to know is that haleys only victories again were in the socialistloving vermont and in the swamp. So, this is going to be fascinating. Trump, to see The Ultimate Come Back Kid Versus biden the octogenarian all up for grabs. Future of america, trump vs. Biden. By now we all know what that means, trump has nailed it on every major issue before us on the economy, immigration, Military Intervention and Reelecting Biden will mean no more borders, more debt, lower wages, and more racial division. Of course, more radicals telling us just to hate america and more prosecutions of christians and other social conservatives. Of course, yeah, you can bet more wars. For too long we have been governed by people who dont really care what we think and dont have our best interest at heart. We can and should change this in november. And thats the angle. Laura joining us now is ned ryun, founder and ceo of American Majority and davis founder and ceo of the federalist. Ned, lets start with you. I loved hearing this all day long and some last night nikki haley has this big, big group of supporters to offer donald trump. And they were catering to nikki all day long on cnn. Watch. Im told Going Forward she does plan to play a role, trying to shape this party. She does believe that this sort of, you know, isolationist view that is really emerged in the Republican Party is not good for the country. Nikki haley said its now up to trump to earn the votes and i hope he does that. Yeah. That was significant. Laura ned, the guy who pretty much had an historic series of returns is now the one who has to cater to nikki haley . What . Thats absurd and we all know it, laura. Any serious person knows thats not a serious comment to say that nikki haley can bring voters to the tactical because we know that most of them are democrats. Crossing over vote tore nikki. Those voters are not coming to vote for donald trump. What we saw last night definitive rebuke of the old republican establishment. The old bush neocon days in the Republican Party are over. Trumps triumph shows America First is resen dent and nikki haley and those have to accept that. This is trumps g. O. P. Moving forward. One of the other questions central part of this Campaign Going into the general election is are you better off now than you were four years ago . And the answer is definitively know. You are not better on your economy. You are not better on immigration. You are not better on trade. Everything has collapsed under biden. I think the real question moving forward is donald trump and Republican Party are they going to be able to wed those winning policies with winning politics to be able to win in november . Laura yeah. Cnn today, they were bothered by mcconnells endorsement of trump, sean, watch. You could almost see the imagery of him putting this to paper through gritted teeth. This is not just mcconnell falling in line. This is the Republican Party establishment. I think we have got going to have a united ticket going into the fall. I think President Trump is cleaning joe bidens clock. Theres a lot of drama there. Many, many subplots. Laura a lot of drama there, many, many twists and turns. Sean, these people, you know, the banner, all the experts get it wrong. These people predicted that donald trump could never unite the Republican Party again after january 6th. His obituary was written, his political obituary, all of them were wrong. They always fail upward and still on tv saying nonsense. They dont want right they want people to believe what they want them to believe. If you spend time talking to actual voters outside the swamp talk to them what theyre concerned with. It was obvious trump was always going to win this primary running away. Absolutely obvious. Thats why he is the odds on favorite to actually win the general election right now because somehow d. C. Is so out of touch it, took a relates star and Real Estate Tycoon from queens to actually demonstrate he was the one who cared about what the American People cared about, which is an end of the chaos and end to the crime, secure borders, strong economy, and no more wars. Thats what he is also a delivered on. Laura Last Night Msnbc was really annoyed. One of their anchors in particular, because msnbc decided to actually cover a breaking news event. Watch. Its a balance between knowing that thats irresponsible to broadcast and, also, knowing that as the de facto, soontobe de facto nominee of the Republican Party, this is not only the man who is likely to be the republican candidate for president , but this is the way he is running. Laura ned, they want him silenced as the g. O. P. Presumptive nominee, period. Right. No, no. I mean, if they had their way, of course, there would be a media blackout. Donald trump would not have any coverage moving into the summer and through the fall. But its goings to be a little hard to ignore donald trump. And, again, laura, its because his message resonates. Despite what some of these people are saying, it not only resonates obviously with the Republican Party and the base as we saw definitively last night in which a lot of these primaries were decided by 40 or 50 points but with independents. The fact of the matter is, despite what they say, he is leading joe biden with independents by 15 points in some of these polls. His message actually appeals to the independents who are realizing, again, our lives are not better under biden. They were better under trump. Life was better under trump. And i think a lot of people, including independents, have really firmly come to that conclusion. Laura sean, thats an example of Media Censorship of one candidate, one party, because, as ned said, they are actually afraid, africanamericans, latinos, who might catch clips, if theyre not watching television, everyone might catch a clip on youtube or on x or on instagram. They dont want those clips out there. The only question is whether, you know, tech world is going to join in and try to put their finger on the scale as well. Right. It shows that they actually know deep down how much trouble they are in and how unpopular the president is right now. And how bad things are. Because they know that if people hear the alternative message from someone like trump, theyre toast. Their only real solution right now, they cant prop up biden. They cant fix the economy. They decided they are not going to secure the border. All they can hope to do is shut up trump or throw him in prison. And they have said as much. Thats their campaign plan. Laura january 6th. Shut trump up and put him in prison. Thats basically the whole campaign. No change in policy. Ned, sean, great to see both of you. All right. Even more unhinged reaction from the press over trumps big wins. Its so hilarious we want to share it with all of you. Mike huckabee, sean duffy desecond it all, next. There are some things that work better together. Like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. Voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. So you can feel confident in your financial choices. Voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. 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They did it because we were americans and we were there to save europe from hitler. And now all of these years later, we have to get together as a country and save the country from the threat that donald trump proposes. Laura and just before the polls closed, some overeducated yale professor explained just how dangerous donald j. Trump really. You think this is going to be your strong man but he is not going to be your strong man. Is he going to be your own strong man. Once you choose the strong man there is no way back. Its done. Once you burn this bridge, you get this guy or whoever follows him forever. And since you voted not to vote anymore by voting for a strong man. You have to be aware that he has no reason anymore to Pay Attention to you. Laura this is almost as good as Election Night 2016. Joining me now mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and republican president ial candidate and also Sean Duffy Fox news contributor, cohost of fbn the bottom line. Governor huckabee, i really did enjoy last night because trump is either to them trump is either hitler, paul pots stalin. Is he antidemocracy but they are worried about people voting in november. Your take on just how crazy its all gone . These guys are like cartoons. I mean they really are they are caricatures of reality. Heres what amazing. They talk about hitler and totalitarianism. Donald trump, in his presidency, never used the department of justice, the fbi, the cia, the irs, to go after his political enemies. Joe biden has. Obama did. Remember lois lerner and the irs . Remember the tapped phones of james rosen and his parents and the Associated Press under obama . Look, these are people that just hate us. And when i say us, im talking about half of america who kind of likes freedom. Who enjoys being able to go to church and maybe go hunting and own firearms and eat wild game because its good and healthy and who just love america and believe in borders that are controlled. Welcome legal immigrants. But hate the idea that somebody would use government to stem on our necks and keep us from breathing. And tell us that we were safe if we went to a casino but we were going to die if we went to church. And a lot of us have had it up to here and we are saying thats it. We want donald trump because he will actually defend america as we love it, know it, and as its depicted in the constitution. What a novel idea. Laura john, joy reid was at it again. She got into the minds of the millions of voters who actually turned out for trump. Watch. Republican voters dont vote that way. They dont vote based on economics. They are voting on race. They are voting on this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border. The idea that they cant get whatever job they want a black person got it therefore drive all the blacks out of the colleges, get rid of dei. That is what theyre voting on. They are just voting specifically on racial animus. Laura she also said that bidens policies are benefiting republican voters. Okay. Sean, i must have missed that and all those economic polls or the border polls. As that news flash to joy reid you have a huge significant increase in black voters who are voting for donald trump. By the way, joy reid who is talking about republicans, i dont think she has ever met a real republican, a republican in flyover country, a hunting republican, a prolife republican. She has never met them so to comment on why they vote, she is completely off base. But, what you are playing, laura is this screeching media. They are used to be in charge. They are used to picking our president s and deciding who we can and cannot vote for. In 2016 they realized that the American People for the first time made the decision for themselves and they are going to do it again. They cant stop it. They are besides themselves. Add on governor huckabees point the fact they would try to kick donald trump off the ballot. Republicans never did that they would try to impeach. They would try to do a coup from the Intelligence Community to shut down a president. Republicans would never do that or listen, we want democrats to speak. We think they are crazy. We want all americans to hear the nutty things they say. But they try to silence us on social media. So, when they talk about this radicalism or strong man, its unbelievable republicans are the exact opposite. We believe in democracy and Freedom Of Speech and individual rights. We believe if you want to take a vaccine that doesnt work thats not going to save your life good for you. But if you dont want to take it you shouldnt have to. Thats called freedom. Laura governor, do you know what is fascinating to me is that despite all of the polls on these subjects that matter, the issues that concern voters from the economy, the immigration, to even ukraine, there is not an inch of movement in that Senate Border bill is a complete, you know, joke. We knew that from the beginning. Still let in almost 2 Million People. That didnt count. That was a complete political play. So they wont move an inch toward where the people are so though say we are not going to put him on tv or put him in jail. Miss report what the American People think call them racist. They call trump a fanatic. They are the most fanatical globalists out there and they will not budge one inch toward the people. They wonder why people are mad . Well, think they honestly believe they are just better than the rest of us. Thats really what it comes down to, laura. Think are better than us, they are smarter than us. You know, theyre like the old character in Saturday Night Live that was played where he said by golly, im good looking, im smart, and im a good person. You know, i think thats that what they look in the mirror and say to themselves every day. The fact is we need to quit apologizing for who were. Boldly stand for what we stand for because i think a lot more americans stand for it than maybe they know. But they do control the media, they control social media. And so we are going to have to get our message out to the people every way possible. But one thing is clear after last night. Donald trump has revised this Republican Party as a working class party. Laura you bet. Fair to blacks, to browns, to every single american. I like this kind of Republican Party better than the stodgy old smoky room Corner Office elite snobs who looked down their noses while Nibbling Cheese and sipping wine and talk about how horrible Middle America was. Laura speaking of that, i think there was a moment last night you know is going to end up in a Donald Trump Campaign commercial about what west virginians, the people who vote for trump, what they care about. Watch. This i live in virginia. Immigration was the number one issue. I mean, again, these could change in virginia. Well, virginia does have a border with west virginia. [laughter] laura yeah, so, virginia voters are laughing at them for caring about immigration. Anyone who lives in Northern Virginia knows it is an epicenter of illegal Alien Activity in Northern Virginia. We have ms13, we have increased crime. Its a bad situation. But they laugh at it. They just say oh, it doesnt really matter. They laugh at it, laura, because illegal immigration, those illegals, those crimes arent coming into their gated communities. Arent coming into their neighborhoods. So they dont see that as a problem where the rest of us have to live with illegal immigration and the feces on the street and the Homeless Encampments or the government encampments, and the crime. And so, again, when you dont see it yourself, you dont see that others would think its a top priority. But do you know what . When you poll anyone, republicans, democrats, independents, its a top issue for all voters. By the way, i think you are not going to change joe bidens age. Hes not going to get any younger. If he actually changed course, if he was actually going to secure the border. If he was going to stop spending and work on bringing down inflation, actually i think he has a great shot at winning this election. Because is he not going to change course, theres no way he is going to beat donald trump. Donald trump is going to mop the floor with him because joe biden is committed to these radical loony ideas. They are laura unbelievable. Both of you, awesome to see you tonight. Thanks so much. Well, there is the sign of life in progressive america. This could be more bad news for biden in San Francisco . Yeah. Were going to explain it, next. Weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. Are you sure . Bring it on but with weathertechs heavy duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. The underside features an innovative solution. 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She was in the line of fire when alec baldwin. He fired. She died. Battalion win also charged in the case. He will face a Trial By Jury in july. Im kevin corke In Washington. Now back to the ingraham angle. Signs tonight urban america after years of living under far left policies may be slowly waking up. In washington, d. C. , the city Council Passed a sweeping anticrime bill after, of course, homicides and carjackings there have been skyrocketing. In oregon, the Great Liberal Experiment with the decriminalization of hard core drugs is coming to an end. Lawmakers just voted to recriminallize Drug Possession after Fentanyl Deaths have soared 1500 percent since 2019. A total nightmare there. Then, down the coast in San Francisco, voters approved prop f. Tying Welfare Payments smartly to drug testing. And then proposition e, that also passed, that pandz police powers. The democrats supported defund the police era was obviously an unmitigated disaster. But not all the news is rosy. In Harris County, texas, a soros backed former prosecutor sean tier unseated a term incumbent d. A. Tammaro ogbueze. Ogg opposed to ending cash bail. In other words, she wasnt procriminal enough. I kid you not. In travis county, texas, the home of austin, of course, another Progressive One jose garza he clinched his primary. Thats not all George Gascon, i cant believe im reading this who survived two recall attempts leads the crowded field there and headed for a runoff. Is he leading in that overall field. My question is how much are the people of l. A. Willing to suffer with high crime . I guess we will see. Joining us now jason rantz, seattle radio host, author of whats killing america inside the radical lefts destruction of our cities. Jason, this is right when your wheelhouse. San Francisco Chronicle writing today in the after mouth of those Ballot Measures in San Francisco they said for now, at least, San Francisco can no longer be be called a progressive city. Jason . Your reaction . I love that. Thats great news. Because, if you are now defining photographickism the way that all of us have seen it, then that can only bode well for conservatives or even just moderates who want to take politics out of a lot of these decisions and simply focus on what makes sense like going after criminals, cleaning up Homeless Encampments, telling the people who are using sidewalks as toilets or smoking fentanyl in front of a business, that maybe we dont want to preach the that in any sort of way. We dont want to push that. We dont want to see that anymore. We dont want kids to see that anymore. So go after it. I love it. Lets start calling what you just did progressive. Laura yeah. And there are some moderate democrats that were elected to the democrat committee, a very important body that will go offer endorsements for years to come. Thats also somewhat good news in San Francisco. But, l. A. Is apparently just, you know, its absolutely stamping its feet. They are not going to give up on George Gascon. How bad does it have to get in l. A. . Friends of mines cars got lit on fire in a nice neighborhood. Police dont show up. Fire department doesnt show up unless its a real, real ongoing emergency, lots of complaints, but doesnt look like any action there. Lets see. Because what is actually kind of interesting here, gascon ran against 11 other candidates. If you look at the 2, 3, and 4 as their vote tallies, these were all candidates who ran against George Gascon in a significant way pointing out the soft on crime policies. Saying pretty clearly this is the wrong direction. They garnered a nice bit of support, right . At the end of the day we will see when all the ballots are in, what that percentage is, he are hovering around 21, 22, 23 . Thats obviously not great incumbent have a lot of money behind you. Have a lot of the base behind you who are doing the organizing on your behalf. But the problem that we have in a generally seen in a lot of these cities which is why it takes so long for change, local media, god bless them, some people who are upstanding. A lot who are really bad. Not connecting the dots. They are not connecting the dots to say this policy is responsible. Laura yeah. What we are seeing in Harris County and travis county, texas. They better watch whats happened to these other localities and not let texas go down the tubes like california started to see themselves go down the tubes. Hope that doesnt happen. In new york, jason, governor kathy hochul under huge pressure because of the crime and filth there made an announcement today. Watch. To rid our subways of people who commit crimes and protect all new yorkers. Im redeploying nearly 1,000 members of the new york state police, mta police, and mta National Guard to conduct bag checks in the citys busiest transit stations. Laura jason, we have to not forget that the bag check announcement, notwithstanding, these are the people who favored defunding the police, who demonized the police, and who welcomed illegal aliens to the city. Sanctuary locations. Its also the folks who told us crime crisis . What crime crisis. Fox news is making it up. Conservatives are lying. Laura good point. They said that this week. We heard that from eric adams this week that crime is actually going down. Its so remarkable that they will say that without understanding that its gotten so bad that new yorkers have personally experienced it. Or they know someone who has personally experienced a crime. And at that point, you can only get away with gaslighting for so long. Its precisely why the issue of the border is number one right now. At some point when you say theres not a crisis and everyone sees the video and everyone understands what is going on then they are like now you are just flat out lying to us. Kudos to kathy hochul. Shreve made the right decision here. Its very late. And there should be a political price to pay for democrats there. Laura i dont know what a bag check is going i mean, this is my problem is the inconvenience everyone in the subways because they welcome criminals into the city and are soft on crime in general. Then there is a Revolving Door back onto the street. Then everyone who rides the subways, hundreds of thousands of people they have to be inconvenienced . I dont know, jason you are so great on all these issues, you predicted all of this, thank you so much. Get ready for State Of The Union spin or as they are calling it the hate of the union. Biden speech coming up. What should we expect . Senator eric schmitt will join us. Municipal bonds dont usually get the Media Coverage the stock market does. In fact, most people dont find them all that exciting. But, if youre looking for the potential for consistent income thats federally taxfree. 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Doesnt sound like the white house has much to brag about but if bidens past speeches are any indication it will include some maga bashing. Donald trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. Trump and his maga supporters not only embrace Political Violence but they laugh about it. Extreme of america maga republicans led by a defeated president is trying to steal history now. Laura biden doesnt want to face up to what the American People feel about the State Of The Union. According to our fox news polling only 25 of americans think that bidens policies are helping their families. 57 of americans say they have less money in their pockets this year compared to last year. 58 of americans think that bidens policies are making the country weaker. Joining me now eric schmitt, missouri senator, member of the Armed Services committee. Senator, whats your reaction to this biden attempt to turn his Reelection Campaign into a defense of democracy and portray himself as the layer is of shrinkflation and junk fees . Well, the first thing is i think for the State Of The Union turn it into a drinking game. Every time joe biden says extreme or maga republicans, i think washington, d. C. Will be drunk in the first five minutes. Hes the most divisive president we have ever had. And im tired of Hearing Lectures about threats to democracy when this is the guy thats literally trying to throw his political opponent in prisoner for the rest of his life, take him off the ballot and, by the way, started the largest Censorship Enterprise we have ever seen in the history of the country. The real threat to democracy is joe biden. But he is going to try again to cast a lot of blame for the problems that we see as a country that are of his own making, take immigration and him undoing all the success under President Trump and try to shift that blame. That will be the purpose of the speech tomorrow but i think, laura, when the dust settles and those whoppers are told the American People are going to be left with the reality which is they are much worse off now than they were when President Trump was in office. Laura thats just the classic, you know, barometer of how people usually vote are you better off now than you were four years ago . And as we said in the angle, senator, americas real wages declined from late, you know, 2020 to this past December 2023. I mean, going down. Not going up. And obviously inflation factored into all of that. Thats right. And, you know, i think for right now, this is to me its a new era, especially for the Republican Party. Our anchor, core support are working people. Thats how i grew up in a blue collar neighborhood. Three issues on the top of the list. The economy. The American Family right now they are having to pay about 10,000 more every year for the same stuff than just a few years ago. They are paying they are working harder to pay for benefits for illegal immigration. 9 Million People come here from somewhere else. Laura at least. You look at war on dismesk energy production. No country in the rest of the world has declared war on natural resources. Shipping those jobs to china and hallowed out the middle class and everything is more expensive because of it. Laura the race for the new senate g. O. P. Leader is on. Mcconnell comes out and Endorses Trump today. Thune has already induced trump. Cornyn has already endorsed trump. Do any of them, obviously mcconnell is out. But do thune or cornyn, do they represent that works Class Sensibility that you say and i believe is now at the heart of the Republican Party . Are we going to be back to the establishment vs. The people again in the senate . We hope majority . Well, thats the perspective that im reading, right . A state like missouri. I came here not to just go along, get along. To shake things up on behalf of American People. The conversations In Washington are so different, laura, than the ones you have in real america. We have got to bring that to leadership here. So, as we go through this monthlong leadership race, those two have indicated i dont know if the field is set, but i personally am going to be asking a lot of questions about how our agenda can actually lead to more prosperous america for more americans, right . And the Foreign Policy reflects where our people are at now as oppose to the elites In Washington. Laura they are interviewing thune today. And this is nothing personal. I like all these guys. But he looks so unhappy today after Super Tuesday. I mean, republicans should be thrilled that we have our candidate and were moving forward. But everybody looks miserable up in senate leadership. I dont get it. Senator i do get it. Thank you so much. Bernie sanders tries to bail out the big guy, no, not jimmy failla. But he does join us next. So stay there. This is our last chance to help Save Thousands of Holocaust Survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. The needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. Have you eaten this morning . I ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. And this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. Please pray for me the International Fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. We urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one Survival Food Box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. 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It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Ego exclusively at lowes, ace and ego authorized dealers. [ ] [ ] jesse now its time for wtf, joining me now, jimmy faila. The big embarrassment of the night for biden other than 18 percent of minnesota democrats voting for uncommitted. Was losing to a guy that no one ever heard of. My phone started blowing up and when your phone is, you know, 20 Text Messages coming in at once, you immediately look at your phone or the tv and i saw on the tv set in the hotel that we had won American Samoa which was very surprising. [ laughter ] laura so i know who were on the edge of your seat about American Samoas turnout but look at him. Hes a cleancut guy, he seems to have a lot of energy and hes not 81. And he spent a lot less money than Michael Bloomberg did to win American Samoa. If you remember back to that disaster. But the most disturbing part of last nights when biden heard samoa he thought they were Ordering Goals girl scout cookies. He had no idea. Ninetyone people showed up to vote in that primary they had more carjackings In Washington, dc last night than they had primary voters in American Samoa. Laura biden, when he tweets by the way, dont you love when people say well biden tweeted. [ laughter ] laura like you note trump is actually writing most of his own posts, he doesnt really tweak, but on truth social hes writing most of that stuff. You can tell, it sounds like him. But the idea that bidens writing anything, give me a break. If someone typed the way biden talked, it would look like a cat walked across your keyboard. [ laughter ] i dont know how you type that word he uses frequently to be honest. Laura the white house is claiming that it wants to let biden off his leash for the general election. Like commander i guess, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Whats your message for voters. Laura he will get in trouble . Like a dog that goes to the bathroom . Hes going to get in trouble . Listen, some of these Dog Comparisons are apt because he does sniff people a lot randomly. Theres that. But heres the thing, when he says im going to get in trouble, what i want to know is, by who . If you are the leader of the free world, by definition you are supposed to be the most powerful man in the world. Do you think theres any world where any other leader is like oh i dont want to get in trouble . But in his case, he might get in trouble. They are like hey, you want your Ice Cream Cone or what, old man . And hes like fine, i wont take questions, but thats what we are watching here. Embarrassing. Laura could you imagine, i cant answer these questions or i will get in trouble . Trump gets legally order to stop talking and keeps talking. He doesnt care, hes a leader, hes his own guy. Laura very good point. Okay, biden is getting some Hell Swatting away voters concerns about his age from a fellow octogenarian. Recent poll says 73 percent of registered voters thank biden is too old to be president. You are one year older than him. Are you worried about his age . Im worried about a lot of things. But i think the media has fixated a little too much on age. Laura thats convincing. I dont know that they have, bernie. Ages and the concern, its condition okay . This is a guy who routinely makes the sign Language Interpreter shrugged. Weve seen him shake hands with invisible people, wed seen him quit talking in the middle of a sentence because hes done, okay, the point is not age, its condition. If you saw the carfax on joe biden you would not purchase this vehicle. Laura okay mr carfax. [ laughter ] laura thats really good. Great to see you as always. Dont forget to check out jimmy on the road in florida this week. Thats it for us tonight, jesse waters takes it from here. Jesse welcome to jesse waters prime time. Tonigh

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