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Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse Watters along withesse judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. , martha maccallum, and greg gutfeld. 5 00 in New York City, and this is the five. Hu Hunter Biden Bolting from the press after wrapping up a marathon day of testifying. The first son showing up on capitol hill for his sworn deposition by republican investigators, just days afterju his Pinky Promise to america that he will stop Smoking Crack to help save democracy. Hunters lawyer talking to the press and blasting republicans for daring to quiz the president s socansn on his shady business dealings. Re isit seems to me that the d toblican members wante spend more time talking about my clients addiction than they could ask any question that hadt anything to do with whatio they call as i said before, there is no evidence because there is no evidence, and today only confirmed that. But james comer and other republicans had to remind americans what this is really a. This was a great defi deposin dress. O improve several bits of our evidence we have been conducting throughout this investigation, but there are also some contradictory statements that i think need further review. So this Impeachment Inquiry will now go to the next phase, whiche will be a public hearing. Hunter biden is being defiant and also dishonest, and his testimony, some of it, is in d direct conflicirt with other witnesses. Hese didntses. Want answeree questions directly related to him to him. Jesse and lucky forth hunter, the democratic avengers were on hand to defend him. But we just witnessed over the last hour waovers i think ae deepsea fishing expedition. Xp if this Impeachment Inquy continues, then Chairman Comer and chairman jordan are working with russia. They are peddling russian lies basically the republicans have become synonymous for russians. We are talking about someone whs has an actual citizen, just a regular shmegular citizen. Republicans apparently hate parents and sons and families that talk to pho each other by e often. He was an expert on corporate governance. Hes a very smart and lucid guy who had a terrible struggle with addiction. Who jesse hes just a regulr shmegular citizen, greg. Greg that was a diverse collection of morons. They had from every group, and they were all bona fide 100 stupid. This. Is not a political exercis as much as it is a lesson in media bias. When they exact warfare on the people they hate, it is noble, it is heroic, it is patriotic. When its applied to them, then it becomes merely political. Its it is a show trial. Not im not crazy about this cot stuff, but who got the ballro rolling here . The marshaling of layers, untili agencyca, political operatives against trump. Trum hes being hunted and other republicans are finally learning how to use a rifle. Anyone trying to generate sympathy over hunter has toow remember how little sympathy they held for trumps family, who exists light years away fromsh hunters corrupt and sortedir shenanigans. They tried to ruin lives their s over nothing. By the way, this is just as deposition. You have to remember, hunter is a lawyer, so hes equipped. Eq hes at home in court as much as he is in a crack den. You know, with the media be ashi sympathetic if a trump kid had a Drug Addiction . Sk yourself theyd go after them if they werwere snorting afrin. I i hit the pingpongness of cot t i understand why this has to be done. There is concrete proof through emails that joe was using hunter biden to make it rain,wi but the media saysth theresther nothing to see here, its political. Thisst is from the mostly politically driven media inor history. Ththe e media accusing anybody a l being political is like the view calling you stupid. Jesse so not a longesse hearing, judge jeanine. I would have expected this thinn to probably go to 7 00 or 8 00. 7 they 0 rafted up around 4 00. Do you think they got enough ath this deposition . Judge jeanine i think they got as much as he wanted to give them, and thats why it wasobab probably short. The crazy part about all this,ve youve g got this whole crew of democrats, and a well represented crew, as greg says, but they are out there saying nothing happened, its just a poor guy who was drugaddicted, and the guy didnt even finish testifying. They dont even know whats going onuy d, and the bottom lis this. What did the bidens get 24 million for . Ey i what were they in the businesssi of . Stop kidding each other. This is influence peddling, thip is corruption, this is something that is proven not just by hunter biden by the way, thed fact that hes addicted to Crack Cocaine or whatever it is, thats not the issue. By the way, thats not a defense of any crime. Its not a defense to murder, grand larceny, influence peddling, or lobbying on behalf aof a foreign nation, which nobody thought to charge him with. But thats a whole other issue. Joe biden would not have gone to ukraine and leveraged A Billion Dollars of our money because he wanted to gewantt rid of a corrt prosecutor in ukraine. The guy has been dealing with d the highest level of crimeea we have seen in america for 30 years. T has he ever once said, i want to get rid of that prosecutor who is not prosecuting crime . This guy is corrupt. I will bring the power of the government to make sure the American People are represented and aree safe and secure. Not once. D se but he cant wait to get to ukraine. Why . Becaussoe his son is on the boan oft burusma, they want to sit n wall street and cant if theres a problem in ukraine. Er so he flies out there after hunter contacts him and leverages A Billion Dollars in order for them to fire the prosecutor. We know inecut the end of that e was brought in abrout the end of every deal, whether it wasg go dinner, playing golf, a phone call. It is all there, folks. Im not going to bore you. But these are liars. Joe said he never knew or discussed his sons business, busithat he was never part of te business, that he never interacted with the associates of his sons not to mention he flew over to china on air force two to make sure they connected. And hunter never lied, either. He was just addicted when he gos a gun but he didnt knowt He Ws Addictedad and therefore shoulds be responsible. Hes guilty. Jesse some of the leaks o f coming out of this deposition harold, Hunter A Sesaid he went to the Burisma Board to fight Russian Gresaggression in ukraine. Harold its good to beold back with everybody. I would see a couple of things. L a lot of this isd embarrassing. I cant figure out for the life of me what theof crime is. Bu put that aside for one moment. Av whatever they think the crime is, you actually have to produce evidence to show that someone did something. Meth the judge has a very strong theory of the case. Your theory could be correct. Thus far, i have not heard or seen any evidence to suggest any of it is true. F it the one thing that mr. Comer jesse what about the bank records, the 24 million . Harold lets assume thats right. Jesse h what was the money for . Harold can i finish . M if someone is paid 24 million, who cares if its legal . Jesse who cares if its illegal . B3 no, no, listen. Who cares as long as it is legal is what im saying. At part of what t people said about hunter is that he is unqualified. Hes a yale educated lawyer that started a business. People hire consultants to do ultathings all the time, Peoplee Ceos All The Time who get fired. We dont say they arey unqualified, that they jusdit didnt do their job right. Number one. T. Number two, if Joe Biden Wasar part ot f this, lets say he was receiving money, if you are not in government, it wouldnt matter. Jesse so you can bribe aca politicians family, you areans saying . Harold listen to me. He was nongovernment. Jesse he got a diamond when he was in the whvice president s office. Harold he was Nodding Office in 2017. Your president was there ince 2017. Listen tgiveo me. I hear you. These are facts that i think are relevant to this. They said he was defiant. Defiant is not a crime nor is it grounds for impeachment. You could all be right and you could definitely be wrong. One thing we know, he has d efcomplied. Has gone and sat with themmpli and gone with the rules. He has sat in a closeddoorse hearing. Apparently he will sit in an open door hearing and we will get a chance to see it. The only thing i have heard Chairman Comer say is the stuff about two checks and millions oi dollars. I will just sally this, and i dont think anything is wrong with it. En when President Trump left office, he decided to do w businessit with the liv golf tournament. They have used some of his golf courses i understand hes being compensated for it. Thats not something i would do, but thats not illegal. Jesse hunter is not a real businessman. He doesnt have a website, he doesnt have a real job. Hes just a conduit for bribes. Harold jessie, theres a lot of leaves you are making, and i hear you. M yoaku cannot like him jesse wewev have to leap or to martha. Harold because Youou Canno T believe hes qualified, that doesnt mean e he just make ald quick point. A contract for using a golf course is a thing, and asse comt that the company has t someone is contracted where are the contracts that were written between the Biden Corporation and what the services were going to be . And i agree with you, it is quite clear when you watch qui r that, as much as all this h stinks to high heaven, 1t suspicious activity reports, iyo dont have that. N h asnobody has that here. All these shell companies, to hide where this money was going. But what it t smacks of more thn anything anhingd i think this something the American People will have to decide cometion election time. If you become a member of congress, at the age of 28 harold i was 26 years old. Martha after that, you been employed on wall street,ou you have a number of jobs you do. Joe biden has never had that in his life. Hunter biden said himself, i had to pay for the whole family. I had to give half of everything to pop. W he madeions about ho this money are enormous, dealing with china, dealing with ukraine. Sometimes he fell flat on his face, and maybe thats becauseu he was addicted. Some of these deals fell through and never happened. E ththe American People will deci ultimately. I dont think itll comedehi doo a criminal issue. Cr i think itll come down to what people want in terms of Theirms Oleadership at the ballot boxld come november, but all of this is airing that dirty laundry come in many cases, for people to decide on their own. Judge Jeanine Jesse we will have mythink n that one. Fox news alert, the Supreme Court decided it wills take up trumps Immunity Case ar thile end of april. The decision is expected in june. This will put jack smith januarr now. Shannon bream is in d. C. With more. This is a significant delay, jesse, to let jack smith had hope we d would be march 4th. Thats clearly not happening. We are not. Sure whether the Supreme Court would get involved or not, because the d. C. Circuit, that appellatee level justle before the Supreme Court, had a very lengthy detailed decision saying the Immunity Case would not be e winner for President Trump. Trumthey gave him a big loss. They went to the Supreme Courtrt and asked for a stay. The court went beyond that. They not only stayed the case but said they were actually going to hear iting. We are told the briefing would happen the next few weeks. They will likely hear this case the week of april 22nd. Oi ntthat means, from that point oe we w wait. Normally these Big Decisions come at the end of june. This has been expedited, so it may come ahead of that. T. Until then, that lower court is on hold. Jack smith cannot proceed at alr with any of this january 6the ag case against the former president. So we will wait to see how the argument scale. Remember, was the Supreme Court makes its decision is uln this t unpauses, where the judges hadre the entire thing on pause. I woule trd imagine for a trumpm will argue on that point, if he loses on the immediate issue, they need several weeks ored s f couple of months before they ca begin to thinkbe about starting the case, which throws it probably to late summer, early fall, and all of this of course is right in the middle of the election. Jesse . F he doeshehannon, i get a disk favorable ruling by the Supreme Court at the endt at of june, and he does get a dela, is that really conceivable that they would have a January 6th Federal Trial after the second debate . Cond i mean, it is possible. Of course theres always so much that you do, andof they have ben arguing there are millions of pages of discovery, what is the rush, we have all this time, lets go through this as wehr would anouy other federal trial. Special counsel has argued all along, its a matter of national importance. We think that people should know whether theres going to be a Conviction I Hen Thisth case before this mans name appears on the ballot if hena indeed is the g. O. P. Nominee as it looks like he will be. Be but even if we get this decision the last wee tk of june, if ita biggie we get at the end of then term, again, i think the trumpre team will argue we have Pretrial Motions, discovery that puts us through july, august, maybe september before we even are ready to arguebefo this case. S early fall is very conceivable for this. Jesse he couldse also get Ag Favorable Ruling B by the high court. Judge jeanine . Judge jeanine we are beginning fromg square one, assuming the Supreme Court says there is no immunity here in the trial goes forward. There have been no pretrial at all in the d. C. Case . There have been things going on, theydi spend discovery. If you remember, a couple of months ago, Thgovee Governmentlt actually tried to produce some entsof the documents to the trup team while this was supposed to be pause paied normally theyd want those documents but they said no, this whole thing is on pause, you cant be giving documents and we cant do any oc the normal pretrial stuff. So all of that, as you know andh can very well explainedex everyone, thatpl takes time. Once you have a decision from the Supreme Court, if this case go back, you have all that Pretrial Motion since i could really slow things down. Judge jeanine do you attribute anything to the Supreme Court agreeing to take this on an expedited basis . Th they made clear to say in this order without expressing a view on the merits. So they are saying, we are not taking any position, theres no Vote Breakdown in here, so we k dont know how anybody voted or whatno happened here. The former president had asked for a stay to put this on hold foldr a bit. That would have taken five votes. What they did was say we basically converted this stay into that means you formerly to mike formally requested an appeal. That only takes four votes. So now wnoe are left to play parlor games, guessing who voted how, because theres no breakdown in this order. Jesse shannon, thank you so much. Greg im confused. Could somebody remind me what were talking about command what is he being charged with again . Jesse whether or not you can be charged as a president , for actions you took greg i know, i want to know what hes being charged with. Judge jeanine not insurrection. That we know. Martha obstruction of justice. Greg im trying to figure out what i t is, what started this whole thing. Judge jeanine the underlying crime i s obstruction. Martha wouldnt this als applied to the documents case, as well . Judge jeanine it judge jeanine it does. Eani judge jeanine you thinkt does . Harold the Former T Presidenhat said he could not be charged with anything because of actions he took as president. Nsso if jack smith it is theo documents and d judge jeanine they are both federal cases. The question is whether or not argue thatont would after he is president separates it from having immunity from the time he was president. Ity. Martha so they couldco divide those things in their decision. Judge jeanine they might. Harold heres the issue, and also. I dont disagree with Th Weul Atspeculation of what we are talking about here, and greg raises a Central Point that we should get the answer to hear. I think there are probably twooh cases. This was the core of President Trumps charge or beim that he should not charged at all. Judge jeanine defense. Harold this is the core of his predefense strategy, to the judges point. If the Supreme Court says the president does have immunity, which he has asserted he hasha unconventional immunity, all of this will go wil away. Not only will it clear the way folyr no trial, we would have no trial, period. Ifwi he loses on this before the court, this opens the door, i believe, for a quicker trial. One of the things i wanted to ask shannon i dont know the answer to this is how many Pretrial Motions. How many Pretrial Motions have they been so far, and to be have a sense of how many mr. Trumpsi team have said they wanted toeyw present . Maybe theyll come up with other ones. Without this Immunity Defense i didnt mean to cut you off, judge this would be an incredible blow to President Trumps defense to nou have a trial period of not think hesav guilte y couple to matt,t i think it would go forward sooner. Judge jeanine for him to say he doesnt havevi immunity obviously. Harold iously. Think it goes more quickly. I think it will happen in the summer. I dont think they will pushn this back until after the election. Judge jeanine it depends upon the pretria. L motionha calendar. What shannon was saying that the president was saying not so fast, weve got this immunitywe issue, i got the sense they were holding off on discovery and on those motions until they got a decision on the fundamental aspect i of whether or not this man has immunity as president. Martha they are Lookingy Arfor ways to delay, delay, dela i want to correct myself, i believe it is obstruction of a federal proceeding. Ll greg in its like pulling a d fire alarm. He said protest peacefully, which is always left out the media coverage. Thats why this is a bunch of b. S. Fr jesseom from what i understand, hes going to be arguing that hes not immunee from everything. He cant just go out and committ random a felonies willynilly. Harold while hes president. Jesse its a narrower scope. While performing official duties as commander in chief. He is not arguing he can go outc and murder people. Harold he did. Unconditional immunity. Jesse that will not be the case and they will not rule on that. Judge jeanine are you saying with the law is what then president was saying . Thats a garbage argumentt. If it was made, its a garbage argument, and the Supreme Court. Will likely rule he does noty have blanket immunity. But, while exercising his official duties as president , he should have immunity, whetherhae thats prosecuting war, fighting for election integrity, or anything else harold the Supreme Court is going t o decide. O de greg have you ever been injured in an Automobile Accident . Call 1800Jesse Watters for all your lawsuit needs. Jesse and i say that without having gone to law school. And that makes me know the lot better wright, judge . Judge jeanine thats two of us right here but i like your confidence, jesse. Jesse false bravado will get you everywhere. We are monitoring this Breaking News and we will bring you updates. Coming up, uncommitted voters in michigan giving sleepy joe a big wakeup call in november. When moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis takes you off course. Put it in check with rinvoq, a oncedaily pill. When i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid Symptom Relief and helped Leave Bathroom urgency behind. Check. When uc tried to slow me down. 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Judge jeanine jill biden might need an extra scoop of p of ice cream to soothe his bruised ego after 100,000 uncommitted voters spoiled his big victory in the Michigan Democratic primary. The far left group of democrats totaling 13 of the primaryar vote, as a w way to bully joe io backing a ceasefire in israel, sure to send a shocked on the spine of democrats who thought november was going to be awa cakewalk. Keep this in mind, democrats lost michigain mn in 2016 by ony 11,000 votes. Right on cue, the media is melting down over it. When we get to chicago, at chicthe convention, and this thg is still going on, i dont wanta to think about whats going happen there. Big time in 2020. This is key to his chances of defeating donald trump in michigan. Michigan is going to be tougher because he is a badge of constituents that we need that right now are grumpy, to say thg least. Rump i understand youre frustrated, but you got to realize, if you let this others one in, we are all screwed. Judge jeanine the Otherg Big Concern Democratic voters have aboutco the president is oa his advanced age. Jill biden just had his annual physical, and it says the president is a healthy, active, althrobust 81yearold male who remains fit to successfully execute th se duties of theth presidency. The white house Pre Goes On To M that bidens doctors dont think he needs a cognitive test. But how about a pushup contestt ill bet you anything that jill biden could beat the daylights out of trump in at pushup contest, for example. And trump knows it, too. Although it was a cheeseburger eating contest it might turn out differently. Judge jeanine okay. T i will start with you, martha. This uncommitted group they were looking for 10,000 votes, the end up getting over 100,000 votes of uncommitted voters against biden. They feel emboldened by this, they think they are going to go to chicago and they are going to be able to make a difference in the platform. What do you think . Martha i think its interesting we have seen over the last severalk . Stin weeks the number of highprofile democrats questioning whether or notrofi joe biden should be the candidate. Be ate. This gives them another arrow in their quiver if they want to continue to poke at this and say hes going to have big problems. James carville said its a lot deeper than progressivepe advocates or young people. I hoi hope the president can get some kind of ceasefire and take us off the front burner. So they see this as a very difficult issue for him. On the other hand, he cant run the risk of upsetting jewishjewi voters in the democrat base either, because they are already aligning with Conservatives Andb President Trump in bigger ways. G so they are in a very tight spot here. Ti just wonder if they are going to use this difficulty they sig michigan last night against joe biden and try to encourage him to push they dont haveen an alternative, of course. One thing i want to mention about michigan, there was 30 more republican votes cast. Um beits a big number. 320,000 votes. What does that show . Does it show that Republicanst H turned out more for the primary, or does it show something significant for november . Thats asign big number in terms turnou ot for republicans last night. Judge jeanine we know that biden is not doing well with the youth vote, although two biden everybody is younger. But there is talk about [laughs] theres talk about whether or thnot he is competing with young voters going out to vote. Jesse you are the Youth Jes Vote judge jeanine dont go there, jesse and jeai lost my train of thouo thw e issue is whether these yog people will staythe home on the couch. If they are not fired up about e him to begin with. Jesse not only did he lose a lot of arrows to the uncommitted, he lost ann arbor and east lansing, University Of Michigan and michigan state. Go blue. So you are seeing the College T Shstudents also not show up te uncommitted. The question is, if trump is on the ballot in november, and joe biden, are they going to come around to go home with joe . They are not voting for trump. So they are going to either do thirdparty or they are not going to vote at all. Or go down ballot. If i were biden, id be scared, because wayne county, 25 of that vote is uncommitted. Thats a lot. So he has to bank on peace inn the middle east, judge, to brind back the uncommitteds. He hasring to make a peace dealn between israel and the palestinians in order to consolidate his base. That is a tall order. Der. And we dont know if rfk jr. Hes even going to make the ballot. If he does, thats an even bigger problemthat for joe bide. They gave the president toblem n bill of health. That must mean he can standd trial for the documents case. Judge jeanine im going to go to you next, harold. I think it was Karine Jeanpierre who said President Biden doesnt need a cognitive test, and they gave us his Current Health issues that hes being treated for. Apnea, reflux, bunch of other stuff. Are you comfortable with this president . Harold i really feel useful wheu thn i talk about President Biden. I think a couple things. Fi first, theres a history of Protest Votes in michigan. Obama in 2012 reelection, he lost 20,000. Ople 20,000 people voted uncommitted, now its 101,000 this goround. Im not naive, nor my trying to downplay the fact my Oldt My Friend James Carville had it largely right. E find ourselves going to chicago as democrats, theseto issues p continue to percolate d continue to be high on voters minds. Its going hig to be a challengi two things, i think martha raise i said sandra because sandra was there yesterday. Judge jeanine we all look alike harold you do, but sandra was sitting there yesterday its a joke. In martha raise the point that i would be slightly more concerne. I think the enthusiasm is higher than what you attributed. Almost 3540 more republicans showed up. Some will argue because you had nikki haley in the race, and the two parties going at one ano another, its a plausible. Xhalation but if youre serious about politics you have to look at that seriously and Bthate Mindff that. Finally, twothirds of the country, more than twothirds of the country do not want aes rematch between joe biden and donald trump. Is aid part of it . Maybe. E i havent seen all the polling data but there might be fatigue around other issues, as well. If im President Biden, you hav to figure out ways in which we bring about peace and security, even if we have to have the o r threat of force to secure it. I hope that the white house has not back down, in our support for releasing the hostages. I hope we dont back down in our Support Assuring that we try to weaken hamas every which way that we can. We ought to say that in a way to unite our party and unite people who believe peace and security in the middle east is the future. But it cant be if we allow hamas to be a central and l animportant part of it. Judge jeanine i guess they are recommendingge j a twostate solution. Ng greg, wrap it up. Jesse if thireg s uncommittd voting thing is about israel and hamas, i dont think thats good for americans in general when you have a large segment of at a responseooks from one country to a horrific attack of rape and dismemberment as somehow worse than the attacn itself. Ns that kind of frightens me. Its not a democratrepublican thing. I would prefer a different outcome that would be favorable to biden come even if it helps trump i get that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but biden is not my enemy, hamas is, so i dont think thes. E folks that are doie this protest vote are suddenly going to embrace make America Great again over joe biden. Rashida tlaib what is your first name . It hename dont know if it is michelle. Greg Rashida Tlaib voted against condemning hamas as a terrorist group. That is the herogroup, in this. Thats not good. S. I think the problem with the dems as they cultivated identity separatism, and other chickens have come home to roost. Ty they have one large Identity Section who see themselves as a certain nationality before they see themselves as americans. I dont like that outcome. Judge jeanine i dont, either. Good analysis, greg. Greg thank you. Judge jeanine youre welcome. Coming up, and explosive moment over thean murder of laken riley by an illegal immigrant. E mayor of the century city getting raked over the coals. Watch this. Liar liar we are here to listen. Greg liar judge jeanine more on that next. Greg [laughs] j. P. Morgan Wealth Management knows its easy to get lost in investment research. Get help with j. P morgan personal advisors. Hey, david ready to get started . 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Yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. When im riding, im not even thinking about my painful cavity. Well, you shouldnt ignore that. And every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. Oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. You dont have to worry about anything when youre protected by americas numberone motorcycle insurer. Well, you definitely do. Those things arent related, so. Ah, yee oh, that is a vibrating pain. Martha willie nelson. Some democrats in the media tryr to portray theat horrific murder of the Young Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant as just one instance that republicans are seizing on. But is not true. There are many terrifying cases that are adding up across the country. In maryland, a 25yearold illegal salvadoran migrant was arrested in connection with the shooting and killing of a 2yearold child. In Virginia A Venezuelan Migrani charged with sexually assaulting a 14yearold girl. Gi inrl louisiana, a Honduran Migrh was arrested for allegedlylege raping a 14yearold and stabbing a man during a Robberya Americans are taking notice and today there was a stunning moment in athens, georgia, where laken riley was murdered. Now the towns democratic mayor is getting shouted down byous residents who are furious over the Sanctuary City policy there. Watch this. Who voted to make athenshe Clarke County a Sanctuary City, sir . Ci who . What is their name . You are a liar you are guilty on youve got blood on your hands you need to go, sir we dont want toto hear from you no more ng you are not defending us you are not upholding your oathh of office, sir you are lawless martha he then asked for that man to be taken out of the room. Jesse, i watched this this morning and i thought to myself, he came out, he talked about how much money they were spending on Safety Initiatives now in athens in order to make people feel better about thie s problem, looking into therobl future, and then he went through a bunch of statistics saying,of s we nuke k t at college towns, we are safeo than other college towns. I dont know how this makes anybody feelan better about what happened to laken riley. Shortly after that, you heard people basically lose their minds inr th that room. Jesse the country is sick and tired of being lied to. Esse they tell us theres no inflation, no crime wave, no Rimeevidence Biden is corrupt. They are sick of it, and theyth are going toey just start yellis at politicians. Its the only way you can get their attention. One the reasons he stated there is no correlation between illegal immigratio n and crime is because all of the cities in the country are Sanctuary Cities so they dont repor t any of they illegal aliedon crime to the fb. At the end of the year, theyen dont have the statistics. Not only that, most of the time they label all of these illegal aliens as white. So it still doesnt show up in any of the data. T sh this guy is a liar. Two years ago he was on tving talking about i. C. E. Is bad, and trump is Demonizing Aliensie because of his commentnss at charlottesville, and we are going to protect the illegal immigrant population of this town. I looked up his little law ones Sanctuary Cities. It is riddled with loopholes. This is a Sanctuary City county, they popped a guy for shoplifting, didn dt tell i. C. Same with new york. Pp edpopped in for the legal endangerment of a child, didnt tell i. C. E. They caught and released him at the border, georgia, and new york. This is destroying the democratic party. Martha harold, Har You Lookt a lot of cities across the country, run mostly bysi democrats, who basically told i. C. E. They had no agency in the cities. They werent able to deport people, and now mayor adams is saying we have to go back to the way it was. Because if it was that way in new york, when this individual, suspected of killing this youngl woman, endanger the life of aoud child, he could have been deported immediately. Your thoughts on that . Harold i couldnt agree with youwith more. I think what mayor adams istr trying to do, he should bebe supported on. Im not a big believer that you go to Town Meetings and just yell at people, yell at politicians. I understand that you want to get them to listen, but the Waya You Eat Yell at politicians is unyou like them. Thats beside the point. I think what youre saying is right. If i were in congress and the majority i would probably doing something a lot different than ess,what people are doing now ad the congress. If they don Be Dot Want To Paso Bipartisan Agreement thats been reached in the senate, why not pass a law and send to the senate sayinsendg any city that adopts sanctuary law posture, we will deny you federal funds for Law Enforcement and other things you dont do. I feel strongly about it. I am passionate about it. The stories i hear in h New York City, from friends,eas. Both parties, party is not really the issue at all. The fistfight, the knife fights. I have a friend who told me about an eyesight as she was going to work on the subway yesterday, early in the morning, between two people whom she believed were migrants. O no one should be subjected to that. I believe yelling is great, that we have an opportunity to bring about some answers here. The white house could sign a reinstatement of some of the Trump Border Policies that werec executive orders, and the Congress Shoulressd Pass Laws to have more cops and Law Enforcement and change the Assignment Process at th e p border. We do that, well get closer to no wilt allowing more of these l human beings into our country. Ar martha janine,ol harold is acknowledging whats happening in cities. If president came out today and did not acknowledge it. N the room with the whole room of Police Chiefs from around the country and talked about how much Better Things are. Now, that the homicide rates are down, didnt mention laken riley. Ctv gas lights us again. Jea he said today, and i wrote it down, he said Violent Crime is down. That we should be happy basically, and feel good that they are bringing all ofll tthese Police Chiefs together, and Violent Crimpolie is down, d police are able to confront specimens of hogwash, okay . It i bunf s more lying to the an people. We are in a very dangerous intersection right now in this country. The intersection of crime andat immigration. In all ofe seeingio those cases that you identifiedr venezuela, honduras, el salvador, and what was the other one . Honduras, venezuela, el salvador. The one guy from el salvador, and ms13 gang member. I used to prosecute these. People. I know them well. He had a red alert on him. The red alert is whensu el salvador issues a National International alert saying anyone who finds him, hold him, we will come and get him. Thats el salvador saying that. Where is he . Hes in the United States committing crimes. E un we deport them and they come back. This one guy came back fourcase times in one of the cases you talkedt th about. We deport them even if we get to the point where we can come and then we let them right back. We are a bunch of wimps whweo dont know how to run the country. E id the idea of saids denying federal funding, there was talk of this during the trump years. The problem with that is, any grant that i got when i was d. A. , you cant deny funding and say you are a Sanctuary City, because that also involves protection for children, citing. Car theft, child abuse, violence against women, all kinds of things. T martha it forces that cityyk to say we are not a Sanctuary City, thats the point. Judge jeanine the problem is some of these cities are Sanctuary Citys not because of the federal government, not because of the governor. New york city is a Sanctuary City. You know why . Because koch said it was, and Bill De Blasio said they wouldeo make it even more loose. Mayor adams, i dont buy i think dohe says. Hek comes out and says we cant help it, we are a sanctuary. Anryd someone says, what are you t it . To do abou he says, i dont know, can we . He said he didnt know, now hes allowed against it. Put it on the City Council Calendar and get rid ofyo New York City as a Sanctuary City. Allow Them Trkas A Sano Come in. The American People have a right to fight this and they have a right to be angry. Martha and i think thats why theyarth are emotional at tm meeting, standing up and saying so. Greg, what do you think . Gre greg im just curious how the ap will report these other i crimes. An illegal rapes a girl, are they going to talk about the risks of reaching puberty . It sounds gross but thats the mentality, that is on yo fu for n life. Liur ow whenever you listen tost libera, they always begin each conversation with one sentence. We need to have ati conversation. Its time for a conversation. Then when yoyou have theersa conversation they accuse you Ofz Pouncing Oinr seizing. But if you dont pounce or seize, you never have the conversation. In terms of crime rates, if you never talk about crime until its is immigration, that is a bit odd. I would call that political. But republicans talk about crime alblicl the time, consistently, whether itcons is citizens, illl aliens, mass theft, looting, arson. It it is our wheelhouse. We scream it every day, and the media doesnt listen. It is not pouncing or political passionate about both illegal and legal crime. Who is not passionate . Biden. Hes going to the border tomorrow, not because of bad , but because of bad polling. Thats the only reason hes goin g there. Its disgusting that we haveito come to this, and that, because you care, people question your mindset. Go f yourself. Judge jeanine im with you. Harold but he should still go, right . The president. Martha but dont go to brownsville, go to somewhere yoo can actually see whats going on. Harold theres no need to yell at me martha straight ahead comeuu a ridiculous willy wonka scam had children in tears and parents calling the cops. Cops why choose a sleep number smart bed . Can i make my side softer . I like my side firmer. Sleep number does that. The queen sleep number c4 smart bed is only 1,599, save 300. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com voices of people with cidp cidp disrupts. Cidp derails. Lets be honest. All cidp sucks voices of people with cidp but living with cidp doesnt have to. When you sign up at shiningthroughcidp. Com, youll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. Cidp can be tough. But finding hope just got a little easier. Sign up at shiningthroughcidp. Com. All be heard. Be hopeful. Be you. Harold parents calling the cops over a nightmareve willy wonka experience have left children in tears. Expe moms and dads getting lured online by a phony ai generated image, but instead of a lush technicolor wonderland, folks got a sparsely decorated venue in a creepy warehouse. Organizers have apologized and claimed they are going to issue refunds. Interesting story, exclamationve point, do you have a strongth opinion about this . Greg they screwed up. They should have just change thh movie. Its not aboutd willy wonka. If you look at it you can say it is really about soylent green, or the matrix. Change the movie to fit thege atmosphere. This reminds me of the local me fair sideshows. They say the worlds tiniest man, just a short guy in a diaper, where the lizard lady is some chick with a skin condition. In the worlds fattest man, they show you a picture brian stelter. Dont be first, be skeptical. Martha this is like the Fyre Festival for kids. They were hyped, they thoughtto they wer se going to something really fun. My message for parents, dont sign up for these things. Kids are very easily entertained. Take the m outside, go to the playground, go to the library,he have a little fun. You need to spend 45 on this kind of garbage. Har harold what would you do . Jesse i would pretend its phenomenal. We are going to the circus on saturday, ringling brothers, no relation. If i came to the circus and it was a Squirrel Running on a two by four, i be like, look at that squirrel i have a drink, please. Actually two. Make it fun. Harold when you said no relation, what did you mean . Jesse bailey jea. Wh judge jeanine i cook for my grandson, he sits there in his little chair, he cant move, hes very happy. I give him ice cream and then more ice cream and then more ice cream. Martha you are making good memories. Greg will be right back. Harold one more thing is up next. Hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. Youre tellin me you can get directv The Good Stuff and you dont need a Satellite Dish . Oh, i used to love doin my business on those things youre one sick pigeon. Them dishes kept the rain off our beaks we just have different priorities is all. Satellitefree directv. Never thought id see the day. Well, our lifespans are quite short. Stream directv without a Satellite Dish. Im going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. 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All right, all right. What . Guess how many nuts . Nine. 11. Say seven. Cant find a winner. All mm hmm. Well, i think thats a big mouth race. I think i know that seven is going to be it. He could take it to nuts. Oh, go. Seven. Oh, here you go. Happy eight. Nine. Every time you. Yeah. You cant go on it. Right . Yeah. Are you upright. That. Okay, so heres something you dont see every day. A bunch of goats were brought in to clear the underbrush to help prevent fires. Well, apparently they got out of to a texas neighborhood, but dozens of goats managed to escape. They went for a straw. Police helped bring them back in there. But can you imagine that coming across your front lawn . Hmm . Were in a rush to come on board. Say something funny. Thats the goat. Theyre the greatest of all time. All right, you guys want to see a Jet Suit Race . Finally, we have some high tech sports. Look at these two guys in dubai, obviously zipping around 1500 horsepower, 80 miles an hour. Why cant we have these in america . Well, come on, joe biden, you say it for us tonight. Theyre probably illegals. Probably illegals. Thats probably on the cross. Have a great nightt. Welcome to Jesse Watters, prime ti

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