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white house where president joe biden is set to hold a press conference with volodymyr zelensky. eight republicans want aid for ukraine tied to border security. and more than 100 attacks on u.s. forces by iranian proxies. when that presser gets underway, we'll take you there. first to the crisis at the border and the battle over the border on capitol hill. talks are underway right now. john thune will be here in a moment. but for the latest, we go to aishah hasnie with the very latest. aishah? >> hey, good afternoon to you, charles. several senate republicans i can tell you right now are looking at the white house and they want the president, president biden, to get involved directly in these border talks. we'll see if his time is meeting will convince him of doing that. we know the white house is involved. big developments in the last hour. i can tell you that house -- that homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and white house aides are meeting with senate negotiators right know and aides for leader mcconnell and schumer. schumer wants to get in deal done before the new year's. listen to this. >> serious means not saying we're going to go home. when there's an emergency, they say it's an emergency, both the border and in ukraine. you don't go home for three weeks. i called speaker johnson last night and urged him to stay. i spoke to leader mcconnell after the zelensky meeting and urged him to stay. >> i can tell you, charles, it's not likely if the house will stay any longer past tomorrow -- through thursday. i will say that house speaker johnson is leaving these talks to the senate and the white house. his meeting with zelensky did not move him on ukraine aid. he's demanding clarity on the war strategy and the border reforms before he's comfortable signing off on anything. now the question is about timing. will the senate actually stay and continue working through the holiday. senator langford, the lead negotiator on the republican side, thinks that everybody might go how many and negotiators stay and continue working through the holiday. we'll keep a track on it for you. charles? >> the most obvious parts to this from the american public's point of view is the images that we see every day. the border is wide open. young military age, young men from around the world are just strolling in to the nation. it seems somewhat ironic that you have folks in d.c. fighting tooth and nail for hundreds of billions of dollars to protect another nation's border but will allow ours to go -- doesn't seem political. it's ill-logical. >> what is interesting, the past several days here and weeks, we've seen more and more democrats actually come to that realization and publicly say that yes, something has to be done on the border. they do want something to be done. they see -- republicans see president biden's request in his global aid package for border security. they see that as an opening for border negotiations. what is also interesting, president zelensky while he was here was asked multiple different times what he thought about this fight over the border. does he think it's fair that it's being attached, do you he understand that it's being attached to his nation's national security. interestingly enough here, he did not answer that question directly. he kept side stepping it and avoiding that question. he'll be on with bret baier on "special report." we'll see if he answers it then. >> one more question there. you are there and you understand what's going on. you mentioned strategy. a path to victory. again, you know, the american public was -- every one was on board at the beginning.ukraine has put up an amazing fight. there's a realization that they need more money. i think it's clear that people are wondering how do they get to victory? two weeks ago the economist magazine had a cover suggesting that russia would win this. first time i've seen anybody in the european media make such a suggestion. >> i think there was reporting today that the russians were basically watching this meeting, president zelensky's visit to the white house and a capitol hill and putting out messaging, doesn't matter how much money he comes back with, doesn't make a difference. all the money he's received so far, billions, hasn't matters. ukraine hasn't won the war. the president, we've been told, did talk about his strategy in trying to win this war against russia. that's a huge question for not just republicans, democrats as well. some republicans want and off ramp. they want to know what is the end game. how do we get out of this should there be a resolution of continuously funding ukraine. >> thanks, aishah. folks, a lot of things moving today. we've got the meeting with president biden and zelensky. of course, everything that hangs from that. all the dots that are connected back to our own southern border. we have other things that you can see right here. a live picture of the white house with the ukrainian flag, the american flag on that vehicle. the ties are close. the ties are rightly tight. as our nation slips into a economic slow down, possibly a recession where more and more americans have to goo to food pantries, the stakes are high. people want more answers. it's not enough to funnel unlimited amounts of money to fight a proxy war. that's what we're doing. it's been phenomenal to see the fight that ukraine has put up. ironic, too, that those that are saying let's give a blank check were the ones at the very beginning that told zelensky get out of there as soon as you can. this will last 24 to 72 hours. obviously it has not but we're at a critical moment right know. want to get more with the south carolina republican, john thune. thanks so much for coming on the show. trying to set the stage here for what is an extraordinary moment. maybe a moment that republicans have hoped for with the sense that something serious could be done for border security under this administration. >> that's the plan, charles. you know, i think we do have an opportunity here, the democrats clearly and the president want desperately to get a supplemental bill passed that helps fund the efforts in ukraine, israel and the indopacific. what we have argued all along, we have a national security crisis at the southern border. national security starts at home. we cannot move a national security bill that doesn't address that crisis. there's not a day goes by that we won't get more and more signals that people are on the terrorist watch list that are trying to get here illegally through the southern border. some getting caught. a ton of got-aways. who knows how many there are, perhaps on the terrorist watch list and have malign designs on the united states. one way or another, we know there's going to be an incident here and that will get traced back to somebody that came across the border. the terrorists have figured it out and the cartels have figured it out. it's time to get serious about shutting it down. >> back in march, the white house released a fact sheet. the president provided resources to enforce immigration laws. the piece went on to say that the president has done more than all the presidents before with 23,000 agents. are the republicans making sure that we don't just have agents down there but allowed to do their jobs? agents at big gapping holes watching them come in and salute them is not what we called security. >> no. that's a critical distinction. yes, there may be people down there, but if you are not being allowed to enforce the law. clearly this administration could be doing this on their own. all they have to do is enforce the laws on the books today. they have chosen not to. what we have said, we're going to require this administration to start paying attention to the laws already on the books and to give them more authorities to do what they should have been doing anyway. you look at the numbers we saw last week, which were 10,000 to 12,000 every day, you annualize that, that's over four million a year. remember back in the obama administration. secretary jay johnson said 1,000 a day would overwhelm our system. we saw tuesday last week over 12,000 coming across the border illegally. the magnets are there. the big green light is there. all the signals are saying come. we got to change that. it's now no longer just a humanitarian issue. this is a national security crisis. a lot of bad people coming across our southern border. >> now you have democratic mayors and governors that are echoing sort of the same thing. they won't acknowledge necessarily the security threat, but the financial strain, which had been really unfortunately the smaller towns and border towns had to absorb the big brunt of that. on the other side, the funds for ukraine, what do republicans want to see? we're hearing either a path to victory or a strategy towards victory. we thought maybe that this winter that the last -- there would have been more progress. obviously a lot of that is hope. some of it was sort of a promise. it hasn't really materialized yet. >> right. so the opportunity we heard from president zelensky this morning and i had the opportunity to ask him a question, i raised three issues with him. obvious through one of the problems is dealing with our national security crisis at our southern border. the other two things he does. that is to make sure that they're clearly identified objectives, near term and long-term. and what are the capabilities that he needs to achieve those objectives so when we provide additional support we know how it's going to be used. i think there's a lot of support for giving what they need in terms of military aid, lethal aid. we want to see progress in that conflict. secondly, make sure that the dollars that are being sent are spend wisely and well. he addressed that issue. i think it's important that the american taxpayer know that if we're going to help a system and we should try to help them stop putin's advance and his attacks on what could be other places in europe, clearly that starts in ukraine. but we need to make sure that our tax dollars are used wisely and well. we got some of his responses when he was here. >> were you happy with those responses or leave some uncertainty? >> well, i think largely generally speaking happy. the one thing i will say and one of the things that came out in my view is -- we've been saying this all along. if they had gotten the military assets earlier, we might be in a different place today. unfortunately they have delayed in many cases getting them the things that they need to succeed on the battlefield. that is something that also i think has hurt the effort. >> that's a deterrence that we know is always the first thing that you want in these situations. maybe we wouldn't have this conversation. israel was speaking at the u.n. some would say there was this ugly push at the u.n. not just calling for a cease fire but obviously casting israel in a negative light. what part of this negotiation is israel and israeli aid play? >> for sure we're going to support our ally israel. it's a big part of it. there's four components to this. aid for israel, aid for ukraine, aid in the indopacific to reinforce taiwan and obviously our southern border. with respect to israel, the one thing we want to make sure, any dollars that go over there are not ending up in the hands of hamas. and so those are -- we want clear conditions and restrictions placed on the assistance there to make sure that the israelis are controlling it. any money that is going in to gaza is not ending up in the hands of the terrorist group that has wreaked all of this havoc and created this horrific acts in that area of the world. >> senator, i have to go. before i do, the messaging part of this always seems to overshadow what should be logical negotiations and maybe faster resolutions. seems like there's a public relations effort now to penny sort of ukraine defeat on republicans. the gamesmanship, the lollygagging. how do you pup back against that? >> i just say it's up to the democrats. they have the majority here in the u.s. senate. they have the presidency. if the president wants assistance for ukraine, many of us are inclined to support that request. but it's got to come with some border security measures that defend america's borders first and foremost. they could do that tomorrow, charles. so obviously they're trying to win the messaging war here. but in our view, at least, if all they have to do is come to the table, work with us to reinforce our southern border, to try to deter the national security threats that we believe are very real down there and we can address these national security issues we're facing elsewhere around the world. >> senator john thune, thanks. appreciate it. >> thanks, charles. >> we'll see what questions the president fields at this joint news conference coming up. will he call for university presidents at harvard and mit to resign? it's not just republicans like elise stefanik that want to see that. meet the florida democrat that is demanding it next. my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. this is your season to smile with new dentures from aspen dental -- to raise a toast and gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental denture team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. don't miss enjoying a moment with fast repairs in our onsite labs and 20% off your custom dentures. plus, we have a denture money back guarantee so you can smile with confidence. aspen dental. book today. >> charles: welcome back. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. to chad pergram on capitol hill with the latest. chad? >> good afternoon. the house intends the vote tomorrow to formalize the impeachment investigation. this comes as hunter biden is scheduled to appear before the house oversight committee for a closed-door deposition. democrats are seizing on money transfers between president biden and his son. they say the president was doing what any father would do for their off spring. >> republicans are trying to turn this $4,140 worth of help during hunter's time of struggling with addiction into an impeachable offense? a parent's love is never without pain. the pain of watching your child struggle with addiction is something that too many americans know intimately. >> republicans have talked impeachment for months. house speaker mike johnson says it's not preordained that the probe triggers articles of impeachment for the president. >> people are getting restless. they want things to happen quickly. if you follow the constitution and do the right thing, you cannot rush it. you have to follow the facts. >> you don't think there's an expectation by the base that your side is going to impeach the president? that's what the they were elected in the majority. >> people have expectations on all sides. >> previously the gop never had the votes to approve the impeachment investigation. moderate republicans from swing districts are now willing to vote yes. the head of the democrat's political efforts for 2024 is watching. deeply cynical attempt to distract the public from the fact that they're doing nothing, nothing to make a difference in the lives of everyday families and their districts. it's a perfect example of how out of touch house republicans are. >> now republicans would not bring the impeachment resolution to the floor if they lack the votes and the house does not impeach the president, this could be the only time that the house votes on something related to impeachment. charles? >> charles: thanks, chad. folks, you're looking live at eisenhower executive office building where president biden is holding a joint press conference with volodymyr zelensky. the question will he weigh-in on calls for elite universities to kick their presidents out. first, the latest as harvard said that president claudine gay isn't going anywhere. first we go to bryan llenas. >> president claudine gay will remain in her position despite calls from donor, alumni and jewish students for her to step down. this is in a statement. they are confident that president gay is the right lead tore help our community legal and address the serious see so i tall issues that we're facing. this follows two months of complaints from jewish students that say that they feel unsafe on campus under gay's leadership. it follows her failure to condemn calls to extinguish jews. here's elise stefanik. >> this is a moral failure of harvard's leadership at the highest levels. the only thing that they made to their code of conduct where they failed to condemn calls of gen site of the jewish people, the only update to the code of conduct is to allow a plagiarist as the president of harvard. >> harvard admitted that they became aware of plagiarism allegations in late october. a there were some inadequate citations but no research misconduct. dr. carroll swain claims that gay plagiarized from her book, "black faces, black interests" on two occasions. >> if she was a white male or female, she would be gone right now. we all know what plagiarism is. she violated that and needs to be held accountable. >> 39 students have been forbesed to withdraw from harvard the last two academic years for violating harvard's honor code, which bans cheating, falsifying data and yes, plagiarism. charles? >> charles: before i let you go, the resignation of the university of pennsylvania president elizabeth mcgill, did that -- does that sort of establish at least a precedence of sorts because if -- some of these ivy leagues have seen the light. others are to your point digging in. >> look, we've had three examples. three presidents at the congressional testimony. so far only one has resigned. the other two have clearly dug in. precedence? of all three, if they all resigned, that would set a precedence. right now upenn is an outlieder. >> charles: thanks, bryan llenas. my next guest is joining elise stefanik and demanding that harvard and mit presidents be fired. jared moskowitz is here. welcome to the show. explain your side of this and just how outrageous is it to you that it's come to this? >> well, it's completely outrageous. representative stefanik didn't ask a trick question. this was a softball question to leaders of three top universities in this country, which was the calling for the genocide of jews, is that harassment. does that violate your code of conduct. the answer was it depends on the context. the context of what? the type of the genocide? one of the other answers was it might violate the code of conduct if it becomes the code -- the student code of conduct if harassment then comes in to conduct. stefanik said the act of genocide, it was such a low moment for these universities. quite frankly the jewish community is thinking to themselves, if you take out jews and you sub in any other persecuted minority group, there's no way these professors and these folks running universities would have answered that way. they would have said absolutely. for some reason when it came to jews, these universities have struggled. i was happy to see the president of upenn resign. i think the others should follow suit. >> charles: you say for some reason. everybody is grappling with that. that's the question. you know, why. why draw this line in the sand when it comes to jews, particularly at ivy league schools where they make big chunks of the alumni, they have huge donors. it's hard to understand how it has come to this. >> yeah, no, the jewish community has those questions. i mean, obviously we've seen protests in the street calling for the elimination of jews, gas the jews, cleanse the jews. we've seen people ripping posters up. they can't see pictures of jews that have been taken hostage on a light pole. then we see this stuff after universities. it's all connected. it's all part of a dramatic rise on anti-semitism. these universities have not done a good job with addressing it. only because they were embarrassed in congress are they now saying, okay, we're going to address it. meanwhile, we've seen no changes proposed to the code of conduct at harvard. so they say they're keeping their president and she's dedicated to working on the issue. where are the proposals? what are the changes they'll make? they need to be transparent about that. otherwise, it's not believable. >> charles: representative moskowitz, congratulations for standing up. hopefully we can talk soon. thanks very much. >> thanks. >> charles: let's go to peter doocy where this joint press conference is about to get underway. peter? >> charles, president biden has been told by republicans in the house that he needs to give them some more specifics about how he would spend a fresh $61 billion for ukraine. those specifics kind of hard to come by in the oval office earlier. the president said that congress needs to pass a supplemental funding for ukraine before they break for holiday recess. otherwise, the greatest christmas gift that putin could receive. u.s. funding so far has led to a stalemate, but zelensky does say that he thinks ukrainian forces with the help of u.s. funding have been starting to chip away recently at the russian military. >> they prove every day that ukraine can win. our forces are advancing. we have successfully defeated russia and the black sea and russia is hiding the remnants of their naval fleet in a remote base. >> not a ton to work with there. the two of them will walk across the driveway to the executive office buildings and have the two mics set up. we expect questions and answers any minute, charles. >> charles: we'll be there. back to the border crisis. more scenes showing the extent of this problem. why the head of the homeland security council is sending a warning. first, president biden is under pressure as u.s. forces continue to come under attack from iran proxies. is it time we put iran on the run? 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>> charles: wow. jennifer griffin, thanks very much. overwhelmingly a cease fire in gaza. the 153 in favor of the report. general spalding, welcome. this is one of the most vital areas in the world economically. geo politically. that's a pretty powerful statement that i don't think has come across at least to the average american. i don't think we understand what is building up there. >> we don't. we have these new versions of war that is going on in the middle east. let be clear. we're at war with iran. they're just trying to make it looks like we're not at war. so i think -- you can go back to reagan and his attack that he levelled against libya when qaddafi was doing something very similar in the med. i think we need to go back and bring back some of those play books. you know, the trump administration did the same thing against general soleimani. iran is conducting this through proxies and we need to respond to stop. >> charles: meantime, we're just ignoring this. almost 100 attacks. feels like the more we are reluctant to act, the more emboldened they'll become. >> absolutely. it's not about that. it about the lives and men and women overseas. they're at risk. we shouldn't look the other way when that is an issue, that we should be directly facing. the only way to get them to stop is put the regime at risk. they understand that type of attack. i think we have done it before and needs to happen again. >> charles: what is holding us back? is it the nuclear program? we know that jcpoa was just high on the obama agenda. they did a whole lot to get it through, a lot of things that involved a lot of cash, a lot of decisions that americans to this day regret. is it just as high for the biden administration to the point that it's detrimental dangerous to american troops in that area? >> you know, i wish i knew. oftentimes when you have some kind of crisis, you know, there's a lot of debate that goes on. a lot of hemming and hawing about the risks involved. i don't think we accurately understand how people receive it. how other regimes perceive the situation. we tend to mirror image of the way we think other than the way they feel and what they react to. if we did a better job understanding them, we can send a message that they actually would get. >> charles: so that projection, it makes a lot of sense. if i'm reading what you're saying correctly, they will only respect a real serious sign of strength. not what we think is diplomatic because they probably perceive that as weakness. >> absolutely. this happens in cultural differences around the world. oftentimes in small things, very personal situations. but also works at the nation state level. they have the same mentality. they need to understand that if they continue then it will bring a threat to the regime. we haven't put them on notice. therefore it's just going to continue to escalate. >> charles: well, these numbers are climbing and we're noticing it. we appreciate your expertise. thanks, general. >> thank you. >> charles: folks, as we away president biden, scenes like this have republicans calling for more funds and more curt. we'll be talking to mark green in just a moment. first to griff jenkins in eagle pass, texas with the very latest. griff? >> hey, charles. good afternoon. they're absolutely getting hammered in both of those places you showed, lukeville, arizona and here in eagle pass, texas. 1,000 miles separate us bus it's the same storm ohio migrants surges. we can show you another group of migrants literally has walked up and will soon be processed. they are nearing 2,000 migrants for the day here. we started before the sun was up. it was 37 degrees freezing cold. they had multiple groups of well over 100 in four different places at the same time throughout the morning, just hammering these agents, stretching the resources, pulling the manpower across this sector. most of the migrants are from venezuela, nicaragua and columbia in this area. we did confirm with sources that they've had eight russians come across today along with one iranian. let's go out to lukeville, arizona before the sun was up. they got more than 600 in one group walking along that tall wall in the remote area in arizona. they've been processing people all day. many migrants are from places like senegal, egypt, bangladesh and other places. the migrants getting processed in that spot. here in eagle pass, it important to point out that while the senate works on a border bill we hear isn't going to come this week, the local communities, the local governments have been stretched to a breaking point. we spoke to the mayor here in eagle pass. he says he feels essentially that washington has forgotten them. listen here e. >> we do our best with what we have. it's unacceptable. we feel 100% ignored by the federal government, by the administration. they don't bother to give us a call. nobody bothers to tell us what the plan of action is. >> just a final note as we watch group after group coming in both of these epicenters of the migrant crisis. i've been asking fishes off camera, what do you want in this border bill if washington can deliver one? the funding is great. ultimately we don't need more money to process more migrants. we need policies to change. we need things like raising the threshold for credible fear, we need more deportation flights to send a message south of the border that the migrants won't come and be released in the u.s., which is why they're coming in large numbers right now. charles? >> charles: thanks, griff. before i let you go, the negotiations going on in washington right now, a big part of it is the security part at the southern border. what is the the latest on the got-aways? it's amazing those folks are in the country. we have to assume they're nefarious and the numbers have mounted. >> officials constantly talk to me about this. we know in 2023, last fiscal year, there were more than 673,000 known got-aways. that's the population of el paso. we know up to today since october 1 began, there's been roughly 70,000 known got-aways. that's more in the entire stadium at the army navy game. we don't know why they're here. that's the heart of concerns and that's why officials are on high alert from a national security standpoint. they have seen what happened in israel. they worry a similar thing could happen. congressman tony gonzalez voiced that concern out loud and that's why he's hoping whatever congress puts together and hopefully puts together and delivers it soon, it will focus on national security even more so than funding and other aspects. charles? >> charles: thanks, griff. great stuff. house homeland security committee chairman mark green joins me know. chairman, thanks for taking the time. certainly you can feel the air of anxiety here. this might be the moment where finally republicans get something to protect our nation from what has become a completely open southern border with images of young men walking, strolling across, men that could be working some wore or in the military somewhere else. >> yeah, the cartels bringing groups, huge groups. it funnels billions to the cartels. and while they're being overwhelmed at those crossing sites, who knows what is coming across the border itself. we have video images of mules bringing in backpacks full of fentanyl. this administration continues to violate the laws passed by this continue, lawlessly allowing this to happen and putting americans at risk. every american is know at risk. not only to the fentanyl, but look, you mentioned it. it's two million known got-aways. that doesn't count the unknown got-aways, the folks that come across that they don't see. the known got-aways, they're overwhelmed and they see the person going around them. that is a counted number. i think it was border chief ortiz that said it's another 20%, his guess, that are unknowns. we're talking eight million people. this is insane. no nation can sustain itself doing this. >> charles: i spoke with senator thune about the negotiations on trying to get concessions from the biden administration and taking really care of not getting played for lack of a better word. the press release that they put out in march bragged about the 23,000 border agents. what good is a border agent if they're not allowed to do their job? i hope republicans are making sure that whatever concessions are received on this negotiations that it leads to authentic security, not just more of the lip service. >> yeah, i'm not voting for another dollar if there's not policy changes from this administration. the budget was the same at the end of the trump administration. it's more now. so more money is not going to solve the problem. we do need to get help to those agents out there. the suicide rates are up, the divorce rates are up. they're stretched to the max. the truth of the matter is, this migration crisis is caused by the policies of this administration violating the laws of this congress. i mean, this is a travesty, charles. again, every single american is at risk because of this. >> charles: to that point, now we're hearing from many, many democratic majors, governors whose states can't take it. you know, the small border town mayors have been pleading for years, pleading that they just have been strained, their budgets have been busted. then you have the richest cities in our countries and places like martha's vineyard that can't last 24 hours with these folks. i thought that would be a tipping point that heys come together and find a way. it a security issue, it a economic issue. yet, it still not moving. the needle hasn't moved. >> that's a great point. eric adams is upset he's getting 100 a day. el paso gets 1,000 a day. new york city is a city of 11 million people with a lot of tax base. el pal so has 600,000. it's insane that they throw the flag up and say hey, it's destroying our city. those border cities are getting crushed and have been for years. the entire time that this biden administration. >> charles: chairman green, you also heard from homeland security officials. home depot executives, the national federation of realtors on the rising cost of retail theft. what did you learn in today's hearings? >> it's interesting. if you go to the blue cities and the blue states, they're getting hammered. the average in washington state of shoplifted basically retail theft is 350 per person in that state. the rest of the country, it's $170. so it's all about the local policies that respond to criminals. releasing criminals for violent criminals and theft and all of that stuff. they're streeting the criminals. they want to defund the law enforcement and they have done that in washington state particularly seattle and now they're paying the price for it. it's just once again a reflection on liberal policies that are failing the people they're supposed to be serving. >> charles: i saw where the national federation of realtors tweaked their messaging a little bit. i felt like it was under political pressure. i watch the stock market every day. the first time i'm hearing mayor companies call out localities. they have not called out specific cities. they're saying we're going to lose billions -- they're projecting the loss of billions of dollars and jobs and the removal of a drugstore that you need in your neighborhood. instead of the messaging war, i wish we would get to a point that hey, this is self-deinstruction and ironically it's in blue cities and blue states. >> that's right. it law and order. we need to be a country of law and order. until these liberal mayors and liberal county commissions and city commissioners want to enforce the laws, this will continue. you look here in d.c. cvs stores in washington d.c., they don't even put toilet paper out anymore. many of them you have to go and turn a cart in and have someone from staff help you get your toilet paper. it's insane. >> charles: you better not be in a rush when you go to a store these days. thanks, senator green. >> thanks, charles. >> charles: we're still waiting on the joint press conference. when it starts, we'll take you to it. plus, new signs no matter what happens with inflation numbers, the majority of americans are worried about their own numbers. we'll explain. lowe's knows same-day delivery means getting what you need, right when you need it. holiday shopping got easier on affordable décor and more. you know you can get these all at once, right dad? 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i hate this thing when these articles come out, these specious articles, inflation is down from a year ago. prices are up, they are through the roof, they have been through the roof a long time and people are hurting and it just kind of bothers me that no one seems to be listening. >> i think the administration is forgetting it. i think the administration is not going to the supermarket. i think the administration is not paying attention to what people pay for rent and mortgages and insurance. taylor swift tickets are off the charts, my friend. so look, people vote and think with their wallets, and all i can tell you is the rate of inflation is down, but prices are still way, way up. the good news for us and the good news for the president and the last two months, oil prices have definitely come down, but they are still up from two to three years ago. you would think the poll numbers would be much, much better with 3.7% unemployment, but even on that, 70% of that is just jobs coming back from covid. he's got a lot of work to do on the messaging, but also on the prices front. >> charles: i listen, work is fine, but a majority of those jobs that have been coming, particularly lately, our leisure and hospitality. we know those are the lowest paying jobs. we know inflation ate up paychecks 26 months in a row. recently checks a little higher year-over-year than inflation but just fractionally. the compounded, you know, damage, it is hard to undo. it is hard to undo. what do you think should happen here? we know tomorrow is a big day. federal reserve will probably not do anything but they will give a wink and a nod to what they may do in the future but i a lot of pressure on jay powell comes from an administration that won't stop spending. >> yeah, and let's not forget, we have $2 trillion deficit this year, which is really come in my mind, unimaginable, and by the way, that is potentially inflationary can turn things back up again. jay powell is going to be playing catch-up now. the good news is the 10-year yield is down to 4.2% from 5%. of the bad news is it is 4.2% up from like three tenths of a percent at the lows, which agais the cost of mortgages and the cost of loans. a lot of work is going to be done. you said it best. if the jobs aren't paying enough to pay for what people have to buy -- and we are talking necessities -- they are not going to think too good of who is running the show. and that is what you are seeing in these poll numbers, which for me are quite amazing how low they are considering, as i said, 3.7%, it tells you a lot more about trust. it tells you about -- they marketed themselves of getting rid of all of the chaos, but we deal every way with russia ukraine, now israel, the border, local they just had a few minutes ago, and when people put everything together, there is a worry going forward that is going to affect as we head into an election year. >> charles: we should point out, there was a grand experiment tried. aoc, she was extraordinarily popular, talked about monetary theory, without getting too wonky, essentially free money. never let aiden a opportunity go to waste. covid crisis. it was fun and it was great. people got stimulus checks and much of the stores but it created this thing we thought was gone, this high inflation, 40 year high inflation. that is lingering. i think people are considering that still because these prices, they go up slower, but they are up. >> a look, all i can tell you is, when government gets involved in such a way, whether it is printing money or handing out money, it creates distortions in the economy. what distortions? who the heck knows. we ended up with 9% and 10% inflation, which is down, but still way up. and look, i do the shopping for my household here. i cannot believe the price for paper goods and food, things like that. me being average joe, all of the average joes out there know and see it. that is why these numbers -- you would think unemployment was at 8% in right now with some of these poll numbers. they've got a lot of work to do. >> charles: a lot of work to do and it should start with stop telling people how we feel. we know how we feel and it does not feel good. folks, remember, this presser is going to start at any moment. we'll keep it right here. we will go to a live but for n now, here is "the five." ♪ ♪

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